Positive Christian Motivation

Walking with God in Dark Times - Christian Motivation

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

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09 Jul 2024
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Platinum status is earned with 12 Philips over three months, 10-gallon minimum per fill-up of participating Shell locations. In our house, we had a basement and I was scared to death of that basement. In that basement was everything that was bad in the world. There was all kinds of things going on in my mind about what was going on in that basement down there. But one day, my dad realized he knew that I was just overwhelmed with fear and worry about what was going on down in that basement. So one day, he came to me and said, "Let's go down in the basement together." And so we walked down to the down the stairs and instead of hitting the light switch, he just kept it off and he said, "Hey, let's walk over here for a moment." And we walked across the basement, just cold and it was dark and he held my hand and we just sat there on a couch for what seemed to be an eternity to me. And he held my hand real tight. He didn't lecture me, didn't shame me, didn't make fun of me, didn't tease me. But we just sat there and we talked about my life as a little boy. Probably talked about baseball and sports. And as long as I sat there with him, I didn't need to worry, I didn't need to be afraid of what I thought was going on in that basement and I found out nothing was going on down there. Because my dad was with me, his presence brought me peace. Listen, the same is true with us and God. The God who not only brings peace to us, the Paul says is the God of peace. He holds our hand when we're worried and he says, "Come on, let's walk into this together." Okay? It may not take the problem away, it's still dark, but you know he's with you and he can handle it. And you're good, you have peace as long as you're partnered up to the God of peace. You can walk into your fears, you can walk into your doubts, you can walk into the things that overwhelm you that are going on with your kids right now that just where you out, you just hold on to dad's hand and you just walk into those things and you remind yourself of how big he is and how he's got it all under control. Just grab his hand and let him walk you into it. He's a good father and he loves you. The Bible says it this way in 1 John, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God." And that's what we are. We are sons and daughters of the living God. And because we are children of God, he's got our back. God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" How do you overcome fear? By remembering that God is with you and God will protect you. You are not in this alone. You do not have to do this in your own strength. Even if you feel all alone, you're not, I will be with you. Jesus is saying, "I'm here. I'm right here." What would happen in your life instead of looking at fear you just called to Jesus? Don't be afraid or discouraged. Listen to me, for the Lord my God is with you and he will not fail you or what forsake you. Isn't that incredible? Psalms 91 to. This I declare about. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit This message comes from I Heart Sponsor Teladoc Health. There are lots of reasons for wanting to be healthy. Work? Or maybe you just want to live a fuller life. Teladoc Health understands. Whether you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or just need to manage your weight, Teladoc Health can help. Visit's your why for more information? 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If the God who hung the universe, the stars, the moon, the sun, if the God who has no equal, if the God who Scripture tells us uses the earth as a footstool, if He loves you, what in the world are you worried about? What are you fearful of? I mean, if that's the God who wants to be in relationship with you and give you attention, if that's the love that He is sharing, what in the world are you scared of? You're loved. But Paul says, "Be careful, because fear wants you to forget that God's powerful, forget that you're loved." Well, we may not be able to see Him, but He's our ever-present help. God is with us, and just by remembering and dwelling on that fact that He's with us, it will help to calm our fears. What do we need that reminder sometimes? When you feel all alone in the midst of your worry and fear and anxiety, God is with you. God is with you. But I have, in my years, I have just noticed that people are scared about possibilities they can't see in the dark. Ones that might happen, they get scared of. Winston Churchill was asked how he made it through World War II with all of its fears. He said, "I act like I'm unafraid. I choose not to fear. I will not dread this. I will walk as though I am not. I'm going to trust God." Unhealthy fear keeps you from taking steps of faith. You fear the unknown, and you allow the what-ifs to stop you. What is my fear stopping me from doing? You will see time and time again that God is able to do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine. Your fear may be great, but God is greater. You don't have to be afraid because you serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and the Lord is faithful. Fear who is in control, life is kind of like a bumpy plane ride. It's full of ups and downs and smooth air and turbulence. If you put your life in the hands of someone that you don't trust, the result will always be fear. But if you put your hands in your life with someone you can trust, you will always have peace. 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