Positive Christian Motivation

Success Through Consistency - Powerful Christian Motivation

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

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06 Jul 2024
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And if you go to the gym the next day and you come back and you look in the mirror, you will see nothing. So clearly there's no results, can't be measured, it must not be effective. So we quit, right? Or if you fundamentally believe that this is the right course of action and you stick with it, you can meet yourself to the regime, the exercise. You can screw it up, you can eat chocolate cake one day, you can skip a day or two, you know, it allows for that. But if you stick with it consistently, I'm not exactly sure what day, but I know you'll start getting into shape, I know it. It's not about intensity, it's about consistency, right? You go to the dentist twice a year, your teeth will fall out. You have to brush your teeth every day for two minutes. What is brushing your day twice a day for two minutes do? Nothing unless you do it every day twice a day for two minutes, right? It's the consistency, going to the gym for nine hours does not get you into shape. Working out every day for 20 minutes gets you into shape. But it's the daily practice of all the monotonous little boring things like brushing your teeth that matter the most. If I were to be interviewed by somebody about my success, I think my answer would surprise them. The key to success in my life is consistency. I know that is a very boring word. Same thing, day in, day out, day in, day out, day in, day out. There's nothing jazzy about it, just do it all the time. Consistency. And how you need to prove is that you need to start very simple and you need to do it daily. Don't start on a grand scale. Don't make the mistake that people who start their garden for the first year make. And that is they plant way too many seeds and have way too big of a garden. And about a month later, they curse what they've done. Just start small. The law of consistency. The law of consistency says motivation gets you going. Discipline keeps you growing. Growth in life requires consistency. It's underrated. It's not celebrated. A lifestyle of consistency may not get Instagram popularity, but you best believe that consistency has an immense amount of power. Ask any professional. Ask any CEO. Ask anyone who has done anything with their life and with what God has given them. And they will say it wasn't just their gift. It was a lot of hard work. It was days they wanted to quit and they kept pressing through. It's the power of consistency. It can shape your career. It can shape your marriage. It can bring you into financial success and a place of flourishing. When people are really successful, at least in some area of their life, they're not just lucky, but they're consistent. They're consistent over time, and I tell our team all the time, that successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally. Let me say that again, in some area of life, there's consistency, there's persistence, there's patience, because successful people tend to do consistently what other people do occasionally. I just want to say, humbly, that the life that you want, whatever it is in your finances, in your friendships, in your ministry, with your children, with business, whatever it is, it's never the result of a few lucky decisions. But it's… Drive into summer with the Honda CRV and Accord, your fun to drive, weekend getaway vehicles. From Honda, the 2024 Kelly Blue Book's Best Value Brand. So hurry in to the Honda summer event. For a limited time, well-qualified buyers can get a 2.9% APR on a 2025 CRV or 2024 Accord. See dealer for financing details based on 2024 Consumer Choice Awards from Kelly Blue Book, visit for more information. It's always a result of countless, consistent, seemingly small decisions done over time. I always tell myself, it's the small things that no one sees that lead to the big results everyone wants. It's consistency and faithfulness in the small things over time. Because for one, look at the culture we are in, our society celebrates overnight success and not the process that it took. We don't celebrate the fact that it took someone 20 years to become an overnight success, but we celebrate the moment of wow, where did they come from? Look at that, they went viral and now we build our whole lives on going viral. That's not how it works. Consistency, there was consistent effort that you see consistency. The fruit of consistency is not immediate. It's not the moment you become consistent, it's like after seven days or seven months, you may not see results. It's not immediate and oftentimes we are pulling strength from results and it's normal, right? When you have results, you find yourself motivated. When you see the results of your hard work, you're like, "Oh God, this was awesome." Let's keep going. When you're in the stage where no one sees the work you're doing, it's almost like writing the script, we are excited about the movie when we watch it, but we don't understand what it took to actually put the script together. When we don't see results, we sometimes find ourselves losing courage. We find ourselves in this place of being discouraged. We've been plagued by this idea of overnight success, it's not real family. It takes hard work, it takes effort, it takes consistency. We have to get to the place that we are lovers of process and not moments, because moments come and moments go. You have to be a lover of process and not just waiting for a moment. And that is why the scripture tells us in Galatians, it says, "Indo season you would reap if you do not lose heart, because the end of faith is manifestation." And so get consistent family. It is the place of your power. It is the thing that will lead you to what you actually desire, but you need to start getting, you need to have accountability in your life. The problem, and you know this, at some level, you feel it, that when you do the small right things or don't do the small wrong things, a lot of times you don't see very fast results. You're trying, but you don't see a lot of immediate life change. So if you're like me or a lot of people, you tend to get frustrated, you get discouraged, you often feel like quitting, don't give up. And here is probably the most important thing we'll say all day, the big principle. If you don't like what you're reaping, change what you're sowing. If you don't like the harvest, change the seed. If you don't like what you're reaping, change what you're sowing, it's not what we do occasionally that makes the difference. It's what we do consistently. If you don't like what you're reaping, change what you're sowing, but you will reap a harvest. If you do not give up. I see so many people that quit and I don't look down on them, but they allowed discouragement to rule them instead of letting God rule them. Much, much, much, much blessing comes to people who simply refuse to quit. Oh, those people see blessing that other people don't see. And this is what God is saying to us. He wants us to be consistent. He wants us to experience the benefits of consistency, the benefits of diligence. Let's get the godly routines in our lives and then let's stick with them. There's a little thing that I like to say, just keep on keeping on. When you feel like you can't take one more step, just go ahead and take one more step and then one more step after that. And I can promise you that no matter what kind of a problem you have, if you will make that decision, I am never going to give up. Many people, they face a day or a bad season or a setback or they're not seeing things that they hope to see when they hope to see them. And so they give up and you began to be in, you didn't remain steadfast, remain consistent. But there's not a lot of things that grow on the hilltop, but there is a lot of things that grow in the valleys. And in your life, you might be in a valley tonight and I just want to encourage you to be consistent with your faith. Be a person that chooses in these moments to step back, pull back and see the big picture. You see that this is just one thing in a long journey. And when I stay steadfast over the long haul, I'm going to see God's goodness. I can trust Him to get me to my destiny at the right time. The Bible says the righteous fall seven times, but they what church? They get back up. Reaching your destiny is going to require you consistently getting back up. Getting back up from the critics, getting back up from gossip, getting back up from a setback, getting back up from a closed door, getting back up from striking out, getting back up from a whole lot of stuff. Get up. Belief. Trust God and watch Him take you places in this next chapter of your life. [Music]