Positive Christian Motivation

Faith That Moves Mountains - Christian Motivation

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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What challenge are you facing today? What difficulty looms before you today? What obstacles are in your pathway today? What mountain is before you today? There is a God that's bigger than your mountain. There is a God that is greater than your obstacles. There is a God that's larger than the difficulties. You and I can go on to conquer every mountain. And in faith believe that through Jesus Christ, you are a conqueror. Maybe you're facing a challenge today that seems impossible to you. Maybe it's bigger than you can handle, but I want to remind you, we serve a big God. Nothing is too difficult for him. Maybe you've made God too small. He is bigger than your challenge. Greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think today. How big is your God? Well, the great DL Moody, the evangelist, was dying. And he turned to his children and it was reported that he said this and I quote, "If your partner is God, make your plans large." Our plans should be big. Sometimes we plan for small things and we forget that we're dealing with the God of the universe, the one that created the heavens and the earth. Chuck Swindall said this and I quote, "The more you know God, the bigger he becomes." Isn't that true? As you go from Genesis to Revelation and you're looking at all these different things that happened in the Bible, the people that God used, all the different events that happened, you're looking at a God who is mighty and big, right? And that is very helpful when you're going through a trial in your life. So here's the big question. This is really what it all comes down to. How big is your God? How big is your God? Can he do it or not? Whatever your issue is, whatever your problem is, whatever your concern is, whatever is threatening your life, whatever is threatening your home, your family, your marriage, your children, your livelihood, whatever you're facing is God big enough. God has some supernatural solutions he'd like to introduce you to. God has some other answers for you. If you and I would have the faith to trust him, to lay those things at his feet and say, "You know, Lord, I can't do this, but you can. I can't solve this, but you can. I can't make this better. I can't heal this. I can't restore this, but you can. And I'm going to put my trust in you." See, the how-to is none of your business. You keep getting in the way of the blessing because you all up in the how-to part of it. Show me the scripture where he tells you to figure out how to do anything. He don't ask you to how-to nothing. You just need the word. You need to know what it's saying applied to you. You know why? Because it's a promise of his. He ain't never lied. He always come through. The question is, what are you looking at? Are you focused on the problem or are you focused on the God that's bigger than the problem? If you focus on the problems, you are going to tremble in fear rather than move forward in faith. Fear exaggerates the problem. Faith sees beyond the problem to the God that wants to solve it. Fear sees the problem as bigger than God. Faith sees God bigger than the problem. The issue is never the size of your problem. It's always the size of your God. Because if you have a small God, there is no problem that won't be too big. And you will never ever ask God to do big things. It just won't happen. Because here's the thing, even when I say, do you have a small God? God doesn't get small. It's just our vision of him is small. Quit tying God's hands and take the limits off of it. Your situation is not too big for God. What you're dealing with, it's not like God haven't seen it before. He's done it before. He can do it again. There's no sickness that God haven't healed. There's not a soul that he can't deliver. There's not a marriage he can't put back together. But you've got to trust him and take the limits off of it. But we do put limits on God sometimes in our mind. We have a version of what God is capable of. We have a version of what God is like. We have a version of what Jesus is like. We've got to get rid of a small God. We've got to let go of a small Jesus. We've got to stop worshiping a small Savior. He is the conquering King. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is bigger than you ever imagined. He is greater than you ever imagined. We can believe him for big things because we know this. He's a big God, right? He created the universe. This is how big he is. So, who is like me? Who holds a candle to me? He says the holy. Look at the night skies. Who do you think made all this? Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name, so magnificent, so powerful, and never overlooks a single one. He numbers the stars and he calls them by name. He's not only big, he's good. I think that's so important. The Psalmist says in Psalm 119 and verse 68, you are good and you do good. He is good. He is good in ways you and I can't begin to imagine. He's big. He's good. But this is what's so amazing. He's personal. You know, our God big enough to speak galaxies into existence, personal enough to know exactly where we're at in our life. He's a personal God. How personal is he? He delights in every detail of our lives. You can trust him for big things because he's a personal God. Let me just remind you that no matter what you face, greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. Let me just remind you that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Let me remind you, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. Blessed in the city. Blessed in the field. Let me remind you that with God on your side, you will have the victory. [Music]