Positive Christian Motivation

God’s Greater Plan - Powerful Christian Motivation

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

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03 Jul 2024
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Good sleep should come naturally, and with a new natural hybrid mattress, it can. A collaboration between Lisa and West Elm, the natural hybrid is expertly crafted from natural latex, natural wool, and certified safe foams to elevate your sleep sanctuary and support a greener tomorrow. Breatheable organic cotton and moisture-wicking joma wool consistently provide cool and comfortable slumber. Every purchase helps fuel Lisa's work with shelters and those in need. Visit to learn more, that's L E E S A dot com. Did you know a 2018 study showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of virtual. When I was four months pregnant, I couldn't find a prenatal I could trust, so I created my own. Ours is matraceable, third-party tested for heavy metals and recently earned the purity award from the Clean Label Project, but don't just take my word for it, get 25% off at Where are you fighting God for control in your life right now? If you're like me, if you're like most of us, there's an area or two at least where we're still fighting with God for control. It may be that God's calling you to let go of something, maybe it's something bad, maybe there's a sin in your life that God's calling you to let go. Maybe it's something good that you're holding on to and he says, I've got something better for you, but you're going to have to trust me. You're going to have to let me rule and we're fighting him for control. When we have those places in our lives where we're fighting God for control, we have to learn to let go and trust him. This is the paradox of the Christian faith that freedom comes through surrender. Victory comes through submission. It's all backwards. It's different than what the world tells you. DL Moody says this, "The world has yet to see what God will do with the man fully consecrated to him." Here of surrender will keep you from finding freedom in Jesus. There's a video on YouTube. I've watched it dozens of times, but it's how to catch a baboon. It takes place, like in the jungles of Africa, there on the plane, there's a baboon and there's a guy who wants to catch it. What he does is he goes to the termite mound. I didn't know this about termite mounds, but they're almost like made out of concrete. He's really, really hard. He goes and he drills a hole in the termite mound, and the baboon's just watching him. They're really curious animals, evidently. He takes this little silver trinket, like a little silver ball or bell or something, and he places it in the hole, and the baboon sees the whole thing go down. The man walks off, baboon climbs down the tree, walks up to the termite mound, puts his hand in, grabs it, but can't get his fist down. The man then walks up to the baboon, approaches the baboon. One begins to go crazy. He starts squealing and screeching and flipping. It's like he's going to rip his arm off. He can't get his fist out. All he has to do is let it go, and the man just slips the noose around his neck and takes him to captivity. And I wonder, like you don't think that Satan wants to take some of you or all of you to captivity, using the thing that you're afraid to let go? You think he doesn't want to keep you a slave to sin? It's time to give it up. All he has to do is let it go. Let go of the way you thought it was supposed to go. Let go, sometimes it is a letting go that feels like death, but it's really a blessing. The blessing of letting go, letting go. What is it that you're trying to control that God wants you to surrender? Our God can do way more through your surrender than you can ever do through your control. He can do way more. That which is on your heart is always better in his hand. You don't always have the power to control, but you do always have the power to surrender. I promise your God can do way more through your surrender than you can ever do through your control. Surrender means not my way, but God's way. I wonder what God would call you to surrender today. I wonder if God's already speaking to you and calling you to surrender something to him, and it's time to say to God, God, not my way, but your way, I surrender this to you. I'm going to be real and open and honest about this struggle and I'm going to get through it with you. I'm not going to try to do it on my own anymore. Will you let God be God? Will you let God be God? But we've got to learn. And sleep should come naturally, and with a new natural hybrid mattress, it can. A collaboration between Lisa and West Elm. The natural hybrid is expertly crafted from natural latex, natural wool, and certified safe foams to elevate your sleep sanctuary and support a greener tomorrow. Breathable organic cotton and moisture-wicking joma wool consistently provide cool and comfortable slumber. Every purchase helps fuel Lisa's work with shelters and those in need. Visit to learn more, that's L E E S A dot com. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. Our insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys? We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone and our call center is always waiting to take your call. 24/7, 365. Wow. Morgan from Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VQW Group, void rep prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. How to lose control. Honestly, I would much rather know that I've got a God who is awesome, who's mighty, who's powerful, who's great, who is indescribable, knowing that I have him be in control versus me having stuff in my hands and trying to control it. Because in my hands, I guarantee you I'm a mess it up. But in his hands, it's going to be all right. Just trust God and let be what's going to be. Then I can reflect on the fact that, hey, if God be for me, then who in the world can be against me. And even though things don't look like how I want them to look and even though I don't feel how I want to feel and even though I don't got the most money in the bank, here's what I am going to do, I'm going to still remain faithful and obedient. Because I know I can sit back, trust God, because if this is where he has me, then there must be something for me. One of the lessons that I learned was how to sit and trust, sit and trust. Because some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. People will let you down, companies will fail, the government won't keep its promises, but God will never let you down. God will never fail. No matter what you are going through or what you do go through, place your trust in Jesus. When you are in the middle of unimaginable circumstances and it feels like all hope is lost, trust in him. Think to his word, look at his track record, what he has done before he can do again. He was faithful then and he is faithful now. The Lord is faithful. He keeps his promises. You can trust him. We serve a promise-making, promise-keeping God who can do the impossible. You can trust him. And if I could hope for you to leave here this morning with one thing, it would be this. To start trusting God with things that you have been trusting yourself with. Proverbs 3.5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make your path straight." That word, trust in that verse basically comes from the meaning of putting your full weight on something. And I know this will help you, you should write this down, "Since God sees all, you can trust him with all of you." God sees your frustration and I just tell you, you can trust him with all of you. God sees your health condition, you can trust him with all of you. God sees your mental health, you can trust him with all of you. God sees the challenging home dynamics, you can trust him with all of you. God sees the tension between your friendships, you can trust him with all of you. Keep praying to God because He sees you. If you want to follow Jesus, if you're going to completely surrender to Him, it requires saying, "I'm going to give you everything, all of it. Jesus, I surrender my life to you, I give you all that I have and all I am. I trust you. I want you to think of that, your biggest problem. Your biggest problem right now. You know the thing that wakes you up in the middle of the night, the thing that you wake up stressed about in the morning, the thing that you're biting your nails for, that you're constantly anxious about, that big problem that you don't see a solution for. You've got that pictured in your mind right now. Okay, now what I want you to do is come into that position of surrender where you're raising your hands and you're closing your eyes, raise your hands like this, I surrender." And then I want you in your mind's eye to picture yourself walking up to the cross and laying that big problem down at the foot of the cross. Good sleep should come naturally and with a new natural hybrid mattress, it can. A collaboration between Lisa and West Elm, the natural hybrid is expertly crafted from natural latex, natural wool, and certified safe foams to elevate your sleep sanctuary and support a greener tomorrow. Breathable organic cotton and moisture-wicking Joma wool consistently provide cool and comfortable slumber. Every purchase helps fuel Lisa's work with shelters and those in need. Visit to learn more, that's Get lucky today at