Positive Christian Motivation

God's Strength in Our Weakest Hours - Powerful Motivation

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

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02 Jul 2024
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You just want to quit. What do you want to quit on? Maybe a marriage, you're just ready to be done. You don't quit on your kids. You don't quit on God. Maybe just quit on yourself. I'm so thankful that Jesus didn't quit on us. And He loves you way too much to quit. God loves you so much. And I know it's hard to think about this right now, but someday He's going to make it all right. He's going to make it all right. And right now it's not all right. And there are people in this room that are going through just stuff they should never have to go for. And you're just going, "God, I'm following you, but it's hard down here." And He's, and your Father just wants you to know that He will never leave you. And I know you feel like running right now. And I know you feel like taking control. I'm telling you, your Heavenly Father has His hand on your shoulder. And He loves you so much. It's not always going to be like this. But in the meantime, let's just stay steady. Let's just keep taking the steps. We're not going to overreact. We're not going to jump to conclusions, jump to decisions. We're going to be who God has called us to be. Friend, you are loved. More than you could ever comprehend. There is a God who is so in love with you. And He is so invested in you, and He is so involved with you. The Scripture says, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, and the righteous run into it in their safe." I'm going into my strong tower. And this thing, it could crush me, but there's no way it's crushing Jesus. And I am hidden with Christ in God, and God is greater. And so many of God's people, oftentimes, they want to give up and quit. And I'm saying, do you don't give up and quit? We make the choice. We make the choice of how we live through the difficult times in life. I would plead with you. Don't walk away. Don't quit. Don't give up, but just tell the Lord, "Lord, I'm going to trust you to see me through this." I don't know how, but I'm going to trust you because you said, "You will never leave me nor forsake me." And God, I believe you always tell the truth. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world. You serve a God who is bigger than any problem, difficulty, obstacle, or struggle that you have faced, that you are facing, or you will face. People who come against you need to realize that they're not just coming against you. They're coming against the God who created you and loves you and stands with you and walks with you and will carry you through to the other side. James, chapter 1, verse 12, "Blessed is the man who perseveres unto trial because when he stood the task, he will receive the crown of life. God has promised to those who love him. One day, I want to stand beside you in heaven and together receive the crown of life because when difficult times came, we stayed faithful." If you're going through a struggle, it feels like everything's going wrong. If life is falling apart and you don't know why, remember this, you can trust him. He's been there. He sees you. You're not alone. Stay faithful because even when people lie about you, Jesus knows the truth. And because he's been there and because he sees you and because he knows the truth, you don't have to fear. God is going to reward your faithfulness. Listen to me. Look at me. You are going to make it through this. You're going to make it. And on the other side, you're going to receive the reward. God has promised you. I know it feels like you're losing. You feel defeated. But the day is coming when you'll be victorious and you will stand and declare the faithfulness of your God and you'll celebrate that he brought you. He says, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you." As long as you and I are walking in His will and His way, it doesn't make any difference how tough it gets. If we don't give up, we're going to be rewarded. No matter what you're going through, what you're facing, you have the strength of God within you because you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. That's what you and I should start every day with. The awareness that God is with us today and that we have the strength of God to face anything and everything and anybody and everybody, no matter what the situation is because. Listen, it is an air strength. It's His strength. If they go on my strength, your strength, some days, we wouldn't get up. But it's the strength of the Lord. Watch this. It's the divine energy of God. It's the power of Almighty God within us. And that doesn't mean you won't have difficult situations and circumstances, but He will enable us to live through it no matter what. When you're under attack, it's easy to think, "I can't go on to lie Satan once you believe this." It's not worth it. It's not worth it. You can't keep doing this. His lying voice says, "You can't keep going." It's too difficult. You can't do this. That lysm is most powerful when you're lonely and tired, when you can barely sum the strength to get up, let alone keep going. Have you ever been there? Maybe you're there now. Don't quit. Don't bind the lie that you can't make it. God knows what you're going through and He'll give you the strength to make it. If you quit, you'll never receive the reward. Satan wants you to quit before the harvest. Don't do it. Don't quit. Don't become weary and doing good for the proper time. And God's time, there will be a harvest if you don't give up. Don't quit. The Lord directs people's steps. But if I could just get you to think about the next step, maybe you'll take it and keep going. What's your next step? What's your next step? Now, plans will change. So how will you please hear me take the next step? The moment you realize the next step isn't going to kill you, and that next step is the first step to evolving, changing, growing, and learning and becoming literally the best version of yourself, that's the most beautiful thing. It's not going to kill you. And putting yourself in the game, you're giving yourself an opportunity to achieve something that everybody else had wasn't possible. Come on, you might be one step away from a breakthrough. This is not the time to quit. This is not the time to sit down and complain. This is not the time to blame everybody else. This is not the time to be offended at God. This is the time for you to look to the Lord for hope in a world full of despair. So when people say, well, you know, if you just understood what I was going through, well, maybe I do, maybe I don't. I know somebody who does, and that's God. And God understood whatever you're going through before you ever started going through it. And listen, he's ready and willing to equip you so that you won't give up right before the best happens in your life. So I'm saying to you, because God is saying to you, whatever you are facing in life at this moment, no matter how difficult it is, how tough it is, how discouraging it is, and all the reasons and the evidence you have for walking away and all the proof that you have that things are wrong. Remember, there is a God in heaven. And if you're saved, he's living within you. And that God will take you through whatever you're facing in life, no matter what. [MUSIC]