Positive Christian Motivation

The Power of Daily Steps and Spiritual Resilience - Christian Motivation

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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American giant makes great clothing, t-shirts, jeans, and more right here in the U.S. Creating jobs in towns and cities across the country. Support America's workers and get 20% off your first order at with code staple20. So I'm going to ask you a question. Today, what are you tempted to give up on? What are you tempted to walk away from? And so many of God's people, oftentimes, they want to give up and quit. And I'm saying, do you don't give up and quit? We make the choice. We make the choice of how we live through the difficult times in life. I would plead with you. Don't walk away. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't throw in the towel, as people say. But just tell the Lord, Lord, I'm going to trust you to see me through this. I don't know how, but I'm going to trust you because you said you will never leave me nor forsake me. And God, I believe you always tell the truth. Everybody in your life will have a turn back moment, no matter who you are. You're going to have such a period in your life where it seems like it's not working. You're going to have doubts. You're going to have a lot of trials and tribulations and challenges. And everybody has what's called a turn back moment. You always have a moment in your life where the direction you're going, you will have to make a decision to keep going or you turn back. The sad thing is the average person turns back. But think about this, if you're going somewhere and you turn back, you could never get there. And I had really dark moments, man, while I thought I was going. I just didn't think I was going to make it. I didn't know why I am today. I didn't see it clearly at all. I had a lot of turn back moments. So what kept me from going was, what kept me going was, I created a made turning back, giving up never an option. Because you see, as a follower of Jesus Christ, giving up is not who we are. So rendering is not who we are. Throwing in the towel is when we say that's not who we are. And so when I think about giving up, that just doesn't fit who we are. And if you're in the process right now, giving up on your marriage, giving up on your job, giving up on your children, giving up on your financial situation, whatever the situation may be, before you give up, you stop and ask yourself the question, does this fit who I am as a follower of Jesus? Listen, it's all about keeping on, keeping on. And that is to have the courage to keep on keeping on. You don't have to give up and quit. It's going to be days where you're like, nah, I'm out. I need to time out from life, or maybe I just need to give up trying. What are we going to do in these difficult days? Are we just going to hope for the best, hope things just kind of improve? Are we going to be the circumstantial people who are just like, well, if my circumstances improve, then I won't give up. But what if your circumstances don't improve? How are you going to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving and keep going? Because here's what I know. The proof that you are still sucking oxygen on planet Earth is the evidence that all the evidence I need, that means God, this great, wonderful, amazing Heavenly Father, still has grand and great plans for your life. You wouldn't believe the thoughts and purposes and intentions that God has for your life. I know that whatever I'm facing as tough as it is, my God, because He's always, truthfully, He's going to turn it to my good. There are some things I cannot figure out how God turns for good, but He does. Listen, He never said, understand me. He said, trust me. Just trust me. And that is the key. And you know what we want to feel like? I don't think it's wrong. You just want to feel like you're doing good in life. You just want to feel like you're keeping a good pace. You're on a good path. You're making a difference. And every once in a while, you want to know that you're passing a few people. You know, I don't even know what that means, passing a few. But you just want to feel like, you know, I'm kind of around in the corner here, and I'm kind of on my way, making a difference. And then what happens? Life. Life. I've quoted Mike Tyson, and this one quote so many times, I quoted it yesterday. We were doing an interview with some friends, and I said, Mike Tyson always said, and he meant this about his fighting. I love this statement. He's like, everyone's like, Mike, what are you going to do? You know, so-and-so is going to fight you. Are you worried? He's like, everybody's got a plan. These dudes can plan, but the plan's out the window when they get punched in the face. Sounds like life, right? Everybody's got big plans. And all of a sudden we got punched by life. It's going to happen. And all of a sudden you're like, well, that big old punch in the face wasn't in the plan. What do I do now? And all of a sudden it's like, well, I think maybe all is lost, and I'll just go ahead and give up. Now, interesting, when going to Scripture and considering this journey of life, there's this little itty bitty scripture. We've talked about it before, and it's one of my favorite. Man makes big plans. The Lord directs people's steps. But if I could just get you to think about the next step, maybe you'll take it and keep going. What's your next step? What's your next step? What's your next step? Now, plans will change. So how will you please hear me take the next step? I would like to say that the secret to success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time. I've learned to show up every single day. The moment you realize the next step isn't going to kill you, and that next step is the first step to evolving, changing, growing, and learning, and becoming literally the best version of yourself, that's the most beautiful thing. It's not going to kill you. And putting yourself in the game, you're giving yourself an opportunity to achieve something that everybody else had was impossible. Oftentimes, people give up right before victory is about to break loose. Right before opportunity stares them in the face, they're willing to give up. Right before things can change, they want to give up. That's why it's dangerous to ever give up, because when we give up in a situation we're giving up on God. He says, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you." As long as you and I are walking in His will and His way, it doesn't make any difference how tough it gets. If we don't give up, we're going to be rewarded. No matter what you're going through, what you're facing, you have the strength of God within you because you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. That's what you and I should start every day with. The awareness that God is with us today and that we have the strength of God to face anything and everything and anybody and everybody, no matter what the situation is because, listen, it is an air strength. It's His strength. If they go on my strength or your strength, some days we wouldn't get up. But it's the strength of the Lord. Watch this. It's the divine energy of God. It's the power of Almighty God within us. And that doesn't mean you won't have difficult situations and circumstances, but He will enable us to live through it no matter what. So when people say, "Well, you know, if you just understood what I was going through," well, maybe I do. Maybe I don't. I know somebody who does and that's God. And God understood whatever you're going through before you ever started going through it. And listen, He's ready and willing to equip you so that you won't give up right before the best happens in your life. So I'm saying to you, because God is saying to you, "Whatever you are facing in life at this moment, no matter how difficult it is, how tough it is, how discouraging it is, and all the reasons and the evidence you have for walking away and all the proof that you have that things are wrong. Remember, there is a God in heaven. And if you're saved, He's living within you, and that God will take you through whatever you're facing in life, no matter what. [Music]