Daf A Week
Nedarim 7B: R' Yosef Greenwald- הבנת הדין של שומע ש''ש לבטלה מנדין ואם לא הוא בעצמו יהיה בנדוי
We have the Sunni al-Abzainam evas in the context of one of the words that could be used to denote some type of state of assuring behind no-one. Inmanah has a back-and-forth, minudan il luchon. So inmanah brings up the concept of nidu. Nidu means where a person is in nidu'i is that he is separated. In English they call it excommunicated. He is bazundud, he is separated from other people. He is a shiel and around us he becomes also by knowing the santa concept where the round brings down that could be a regular nidu'i. It is not also to be nanum in the cross-off, but there is another level of nidu'i which is called the nidu'i of a bazna gogul that would completely separate him. Nobody is outside the pale of settlement, nobody is allowed to be nanum in the cross-off. But with a regular nidu'i, the round refers to him at the bottom of the bow of an olive because it is a hindrance of the bow of the bow of a bazna gogul. So there are different levels and different examples of this concept of nidu'i. The round bow of the bazna gogul that brings down a whole list of mihu'i of a nidu'i. The round bow of the bazna gogul that brings down a whole list of mihu'i of a nidu'i. And he has a list, the list is not taken from one place, it is certainly not taken from Al-Zugul, it is taken from a variety of sources. And the round bow of the whole list is half-doubt. The reason why the halocas of nidu'i are brought down in the whole list of mihu'i is because the primary offense for which a person was put in the haler, nidu'i was for bizu'i tami de khams, the whole list of mihu'i. But the truth of the matter is that there is nidu'i for coming in as Akhen that I mentioned over there. Aghav, regular various are not the global list. It is generally speaking, giving a touch now, even though this list comes from different places. And it is all sorts of avaries, some of the avaries are misecha skundik, the arididik, some are a caducia dik, they come from evanezer, some of them are arachaim dik, they have to do the hokus yumptiv, komene zakhen. But the underline if you really learn it be you in the list over there are zakhen which come from a certain lack of respect, a certain lack of caducia. So really it all has to do with halchus tama tari'i, and that is the concept of nidu'i. A certain lack of gidorem and a certain lack of respect, ayun shum. What's in the sant is in the context of bizoyo'in, as opposed to doing something wrong, there's a whole interesting discussion. First what we're going to say now is not my raid, it's a raid, we'll say it over now and we'll say, but it's a raid pakus yumptiv from the Seminole behind caducia by elay, from elay mao. So yes, raid over here will be misecha due to a little bit now or anything. So like we said, the Ramams in tama tari'i pek vaud, halochov dalid, and in the thirteenth example of nikuyove nidu'i, is where he brings algomor. The "Losh" is one of the examples where a person hears "Shim-Shim-Shim" at all. If it's what we're saying, the theme of lack of respect of "Bizui" and "Bizui" over here are not for "Tam-Chokum-Shim-Shim". "Tam-Chokum" and "Shim-Shim" is one of the same. "S-Shim-Chokum-Shim" is one of the same. "S-Shim-Chokum-Shim" is one of the same. They're definitely related, just different examples of the same idea. But "Ovihidikimura" adds a different idea. The one who hears it, "Chai-Luna-Dosey", "Chai-Luna-Dosey", "Vim-Luna-Dosey", "Wim-Luna-Dosey", "Wim-Luna-Dosey", who asks me, "You hate Benidouy?" Nope, he himself hears it and he doesn't respond, he's Benidouy. "Shikum-Chokum-Sha-Scars-Shim-Witsuyu-Shoma-Niesu-Witsuyu" is one of those two miracles. What's more than that is that the Ram-Bam, like we said, issued gimbal of the examples of the 24, Hamaski shimamam wa wa ta'ul al-Shua, sorry, yeah, Hamaski shimamam wa ta'ul al-Shua, wa dibriha ba'i, is only says the first example, the Hamaski is muhuivni, it doesn't say that the one who hears it and doesn't respond by being menadhe is himself muhuiv. The sadh, the sadh that the ramam doesn't bring it, the ramam brings in hulkashruppus, so thead this needs a husband, so he tells us before we start that these two halokas here, they're not the same halokas, when the ramam brings two things in two different places, they're two different dealies, so when you look at the ramam brings bershem tai sis in the rush, it sounds like something else, it sounds like the ramaski shua, kai is muhnadheise, whoever does not vary, if he's not something wrong, there's a kai is muhnadheise, let's have this over here, that the ramam brings a kai is muhnadheise, so the answer is that really the role, the ramam says they're all the same, and over here there's an imperative, now muhu kai is muhnadheise, but if you don't you don't, not everything in person does wrong, it's kai is muhnadheise, so if you relax and you weren't menadhe, somebody does something wrong, okay, but over here, since it's a near smitsuyo, so it's more urgent, so right over here, who asks muhuiv muhuiv, okay, in the ramam kashte mishtazai, the ramam saying that there's a bazunder halok over here, that's what it sounds like, so l'ukho ira, the way reblabes shtazarek, it's all two siddish maitre, is that, for starters like we said, the ramam has a halokho of hoav dalud specific, again he gets his different examples from different places in chas, and you look at some, they're showing him the ram certainly sounds that way, that at any time there's room doing, so there should be a response, no no no no, like we said, the ramam, it's a very deliberate, certain, very certain types, so that's for starters first of all, that the list over here is very bedafka, it's a sugen brokhastaf, you test, as you're shaami, you're made cotton, it's where it seems like the way the ramam got it from, so if the starters, the ramam is deliberate, and this that the gamara says that amaski, shaami amla vato'ala, as you may have crossed, the shaami kaveh takmana doi sai, is a place where the person who hears is muhuivla nadai sai, that itself was noushadish, and it's not just because this wrong doing is at this more urgent like the ramam said, but there's a bazundir halokho over here, there's something bazundir about these 24 examples, A, and B, the fact that a shaami over here is muhuiv, it's not a generic halokho, that anybody who sees anything wrong is muhuiv to respond, over here there's a bazundir halokho of hass shaami'a, this is not the regular wrong doing, the regular wrong doing, a little bit of losh on the ramam, is bazundir halokho is bazundir, muhuivla nadai sai, the ram, the way they have it, it's muhuivla, and the gamara over here, that anybody who sees wrong doing should respond, okay, bazundir may be a regular person should, over here there's something else, over here there's, the losh on the ramam is bazundir is minada, it's the losh on the gamara in brochus, cough down to form, bazundir minadun, so here on the bazund, look at the rivid, the rivid says the same thing, you know, he's cough dalid, bazund sirikun minadai sai, here there's a bazundir halokho in the shaami'a, it's like we said it's halokho in hilkushwus, what does that mean, what it means is, and this is why dalokho is in hilkushwus, is that it's not the response for those that are in charge, the hov dalid warum, so bazund sirikun minadai sai, it's the losh on the ramam, it all hov dalid, bazund, the shaami'a over here as an individual is not someone to roll a bazund, his job is not to keep, it's not to take care of, oh you say, avlo, not his job to police the lahilum, reblape says that over here vertoin eschaddish, then when a person here is the shaami'a minadallah has zhong, what he's doing is, if there's no response, that itself is the bizu shaami'a shaami, it's like, let's say, kanoi impoikimboi, the darg of kanoi impoikimboi, there is a lie doing my sutikha is because if it's an immediate response, the shaadi says it's not a my sutikha, it's a response to hil lah shaam, kanoi impoikimbo is dafkimboi yabim, shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a minadallah, the being able to unequivocally hear the shaami'a, it's not a didnna yana doing, it's a didnna in the hil lah shaam, if i can hear hil lah, the shaami'a am treated casually and it doesn't create an automatic response on my part, then that itself is shaami'a minadallah, so melon, that's why the ramah brings in hil lah shaam, because this is not the regular response system, it's not part of the regular hil lah shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a cover that area of the lande'a of the hool they were hool they, this is a halokha, it's another aspect of shaami'a minadallah, you look at the ramah in hil lah shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a, the ramah in the context of hil lah shwooz brings in all the halokha's of hil lah shaami'a minadallah, because every hascara shaami'a minadallah is Meisha shaiki'a shaiki'a shaami'a shaami'a shwoo, we'll even add a kiddish in that, according to the ramba, mentioning, making a broccal of hil lah, according to the ramba, is not, is not, according to taisu, taisu says in several places in the Chas, that saying a broccal of hil lah is, is, is, is, is, haska ashim shaami'a mawatol, the ramba has a bazundhi kiddish, now it's not the place for it, that a broccal, since it's a, a don vroccoshu with nayatsami, a broccal of a tolu, it's like a shwoo, l of a tolu, it's a ramba, it's a hil lah shwooz dikha halokha in the ramba, the same way it is a shwoo which shaami'a shaami'a shaami'a, and every isr shwoo, it's not an isr on the zak to do or not to do, but it's an isr as a violation of the shaami'a shaami'a, which is that shiitah, that the ram brings on bazim and alf, that every shwoo has a shaami'a shaami, if it doesn't, it bebats of does, and it's just not mentioned, and it's like yodos, every shwoo, the keft of a shwoo is the shaami'a shaami'a shaam, so the denim of shaami'a mawatol aren't hil shwooz, so one of the, a fanim, of shaami'a mawatol is to be a shaami'a without responding, that is the way rebalayb understands, it's a hait varam in the flowing, but it's mubur, the rebalayb is mawatim and kudu awesome, the komorah by us says that he has to be minadim miyat, the komorah says shmami'a, the komorah says shmami'a shmami'a shmami'a, the komorah brings the memory from the story of Rababha coming out, the Kameedir and Funa, Shoma lakhid, so daafka, shmami'a la dola, the shawla la altemapo, it was minadim miyat, has to be miyat, so that explains, is the kasha, is that the komorah says shmami'a, no daa shmami'a, shmami'a shmami'a, shmami'a, lamaatol has to be minadim, viv la vu has to be hibinidu, whiz, a was to be hibinidim, whiz say, the shmami'a lamaatolu, maybe this is a din in every single person who witnesses an offense that is mukud to be minadim, the answer is, is that since the vort was, la altar, there's not a lokha, that a person who does not vary, you have to be minadim right away, maybe you can think about it, take a clair, there's a response, maybe go ask a ron first, but in shmami'a la dola, this is not just a punishment or a response, this is the only response because otherwise hearing the shmami'a la dola, it's not just a punishment or a response, it has to be lah altar, that vice-dois, the rama lamaatolu, is shmami'a, you know that over here, there's a bazundere there, it's not just a din in responding to any ron doing, it's a response dafk over here, very very nice obgeitai, to where the blame says in the gamara, let's go a little bit back to the same idea, the rambam over there in shu is in parakud base, a lokha yud says that if he's masque, shim shmami'a levatolu, but shoy ging, so then you don't have to be minadheem, the rambam adds, it's also ossa to be minadheem, what's that he's suffering, what's though he's suffering that it's ossa to be minadheem, i mean if you don't have to, then it's wrong, you're walking around being minadheem people, if you don't have to, then it's wrong, well over here there's a dougish on the ossa, what is the rambam emphasizing, what's the point over here, so the way they explain it, based on this raid of rambam is, is that since the masqueer is not haivnidui, so he's not mukhui, he's a punishment for doing something wrong, he's not one of the hoth dalid shiminadheem, so okay, but it's not the shimair, the shimair's response has to be minadheem nicely, so how can he not, and i can have yander mention the shim shimami'a levatolu, so you don't have to give him a patch, you don't have to be minadheem, that's fine, but if i hear it, why don't i have to be minadheem, right, the way we're saying, look, this is a dougish on me, not alts is wrong doing, this is a dougish on me, alts my silence, so the answer to that is, since he's not mukhui, there's no dougish over here, that this is called the shim shimamami'a levatolu, so the way he emphasized that, is that to be minadhe over here is a wrong response, then that's not quite shimami, that's not the right response, if it's the wrong response, the rambam says it also, not just it's extraneous, it's ridiculous, doesn't make sense, it does make sense, but it's the wrong response to yander, so then that's not sticking up for christian man, that's why he says it, that's why he says it in the, in the nusacham also, we're wasting on this, this is your quiver agar, in yaridean, shim la medalds, la medzain, this is these halocas, he brings from the chubus rambamaw, we just said about a shoigig, what about what's called an halocan eimimuute, chubus rambamaw says over there, the bismana said, the reason why we're not knowing this, the whole halocas, is because we don't take the shim shimamami'a im nakman fun so seriously, the same way we don't make, by the way, going back to what we said before, the same way we don't make shruas bismana said, why, we don't, if there's a shrua, like a shruas, a shruas might direct us to any other shrua in bism, we don't make shruas, we'll miss pasture on the amount of money, that's what bismana does, we have a policy, we don't make shruas, why, because by us the shim shimamami'a is not the shrua, double hum, it's our problem, not the system's problem, it's our problem, we're on a very low madrega, so medmala says, there's like a lot of callus to mention shim shimamami'a, so medmala we're not menada on the hearing shim shimamami'a, so that's what's called an eimimimuute, eimimimuute means that somehow something became nasa like a heather, but nobody's been amazed to be over in a area, but it's also not a shraigig, we know what we're doing, we just don't realize that it's a double hum and that it's a double also, so because of that the shruas are more, but the end of kev eger has an interceptor response vis-a-vis-a-vis-a-locha, he says like this, the bismana says, since it's like an eimimuute, it's good to be menada and to be matter him iad, what's that about, so the being, assuring him and being matter him iad, that comes from this this maisa, so with his shurlala altebapar that he was menada, the shurlala altebapar, that's the response for eimimuute, ma kesher, so the heard the words is like this, eimimuute is not not in that area, the martial eimimuute by by goalus, by killing somebody, doesn't go to goalus, why? he's not a shraigig, that means the shraigig is a half god, it's not cool, he did that, the maisa vera willingly, that's why he did the avera vera, he didn't filter the maisa vera, eimimuute feltnished in the maisa vera, but the person who did it is not responsible, it's not amazing, since the santak dor, in the long distance the maisa is the same maisa, but as far as the gavar is concerned, he's not in Ganssen, he's not amazing, he's not doing a vera vera shot nephish, because of that, as far as he's concerned, you don't have to remain at them, else wrong doer, else evil doer, you don't have to remain at them, but else they didn't shaymea, you're hearing a shaymea in levatola, so you have to remain at them, because the gavar is not makhuyu, but the response to the shaymea has to remain at a very, very shayne, oyster work of this nekuda, but with the ramam inside, it's in perikut-based halochi-yunishwuz, but with ramamumu shahiyu and nishba azim, vera vera-clavatola maysid, a blamoyu shaygegig valloyoda shayseh, also, inha'dana dai seh, vaniyu, eimimu shah also ala dai seh, that's in the kuda we spoke about before, valloyu, oni sha kusim shaygegig, elomashiroyu, umasu baishulayakseh, third didn't give an inish to a shaygegig, the teriyu said, you have to take care of it, but the ramamu starts of within halochi-tess, a shaymea escaris a shaymee pikavela shaw, aishanishwuz, valloyu, one of the shaykegig, a shaybesh, broke shayneitsuika, again like we said before, halochis of brokeis, and shwuz is the same clappy shaymea-yunishwuz, valloyu, eimimu shaymea seh, shaymea shaw, kamehishwuz, bwamoyu shaymeaamu shaymeaamu hookis brokeis, hareza kailana dai seh, bwamoyu, eimimu shaymeaamu, watsumihebini de lindeigamar vitzulayata sehmea, kineshulayi, mikshulah hahareum, shayrei, any adeshnaadu, you have to remind him right away because he doesn't know that you're being manadim, he doesn't realize that he's bhai biniadu, he's going to be martial others, they're not going to know the halochis, it's really what the man says, but fear knows to be out, vivtoimah, what type of answers that you do, what do you mean, biminadim is mukwe biniadu, biminadim and tell him that he's biniadu, this way he should follow the halochis properly, nimsukala ala benidu isharei, lindeul ala shaymeaamu, mu uve is vishwuz, wuotamim, many people say things that are improper, they maskishim shaymeaamu, see and i've also some people nimsukala ala benidu, so the ramam starts with vukwehrei, he should be bimuhreibiniadu, but he don't want him to be a mikshul, bimadiyya, the answer is everybody, so what's really coming out, lefiyadwamanaal, lefiyadwamanaal, this is the way that we do tomorrow, first the ramam says, the dinner of hash shaymea, kaivala nadose, vuotamoy, if he's not, vuotamimahu uve, that dinner's been sat, the shaymea, that's not been sat, they didn't wrong doing, that's been sat, they didn't shaymea is mukweave to respond, on that, the etsim, we're not pass coming on a person, the shaymea is mukweave to respond, so okay, you did your response, you made your makkala ala benidu right away, one, now, the makkala, he himself is a wrongdoer, so bimuhreibiniadu, like any other koftal people, until they do chuva, etc, etc, until they come to ask mukhila, bimuhreibiniadwam, the answer to that is, there's too many people, rakmansa, that are doing this, to make it a viable mahaluk, so it's not a mahaluk, it's not bad, it's not a system, you can't bimuhreibiniadwamanaal, any better men shaymea, lefthaluk, there's only lemisa, you can't hear it and be silent, on that is a lock, that's the first part of the rabbam, you have to hear it, when you hear it, you have to respond right away, makkala, miyad, that's the way to read the rabbam, so this is all, this is all bazak, we'll just add one nukudah, the rahm is very different, you saw it, that's krash razak and the suga, the rahm brings, that is a nidui, vitsad ha'din, and is where he was manateh himself al tmidus kasidus, so the way that rahm brings in the bottom of the almond, tama kha kha kha manateh latsmim ufthalatsmai, is that when he's muhuheibiniadu ba etsm, if he's manateh himself, he can't take it off himself, somebody else has to accomplish matsmah, mata etsmid, so as soon, but where it's a self-imposed ninja, he's ba etsm not muhuheib, so there he can take it off himself, what's the chap, what's the beer I'd want, I saw a Shayna Haggadara with the tsu-stul to sue you before from a baba berman, so Shayna is actually over, the way he says is like this, when a person does an avaira, so ba etsmid's kaolinim that he deserves a punishment, deserves a responsive nidui, so the imitsad ha'din mentioned was already in him, that he's a minuda, Novos, it's not kaob befoil with the dean of nidui, with keeping away, and then not being in, and not talking to him, etc. etc. until it's actually placed befoil, but when it's being created, when the person is undergoing the nidui, it wasn't created the h-mai, it was created, it was nitras in the fact that the person is a minuda ba etsm, he's an oimidli, Novos, ba etsm, so the other case, a nidu midus kasidus, there's no den in the mench, that he's not nitras in nidui, he's doing something to himself to create a certain effect, but it's not ba etsm, so mimella, the whole nidui, when his minada himself out to meet the kasidus, is only self-inflicted, so he can be taken off, masha inkain, where he was minada himself because he deserved it, so then he can't undo the deserving kite, that he's bad, so it was kaolin, that he's an oimidli, he nothes, that can't go off, samil de nidu doesn't go off either, he may be theoretically be able to take off the nidui haloys, but not that it was hal in him that he's an oimidli, no deis, samil de nidu sticks, he stalls us to a shain and sushto, the gammar before yei shiad la payer, the gammar close yei shiad la payer, then the gammar says yei shiad la stalker, so you look at the rishanam over there, intim to loimmar, that payer has a yad, so then what about sedaka, what's intim tolima, why is payer more mistaba that has yados, when eating sedaka is more netedig, and the rishanam amazvim, because payer makhuyev, sedaka you're giving from your own volition, payer you're creating the payer that you're makhuyev, the shaad is when you're nidtas al khaloys bidibur in a zakh which in the field is there already, the field is makhuyevan payer, now the person is creating with his debur an effect of al khaloys which is nidtas in a condition that's near already, that's easier, masha ain't came by sedaka you're creating it yei shiad, he says the same thing over here also, the nidtai effect is step two, the step one is that the person is in imidlihinodos, that's harder to take off, the nidtai which is just the debur which makes him a manudu with the denim of nidtai but it's completely self-inflicted, he's not even in bad sum, that's easier to take off, shaad itsu shaad.