Daf A Week
Nedarim 7Ab: R' Yosef Greenwald- הבנת מח' הר''ן והרשב''א בספק איסור וממון של מתנת עניים
Let's discuss a little bit the Siyad Dishmaya, the Bhavustarade of the Rahn, arguing on the re-shonen, what to do in our Surya we have a Sophic, Sophic Payer, Sophic where the Adler Payer creates a Payer, Sophic Adlet Stokka, Hefger, Kedushin, whether it's Yodis or not, or nothing more blives like that, but it's not my career. So the Raman says, "linean a lo kubikidushin actin lo kubikididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididid actin lo kubikidushin. Okay, you have to go look home. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Sukhim of Rhesus and Pragasura Lakhayam, Khundaf Khundaf Khundaf, Khundaf Khundaf, a dollar, where he is matmiah on the rahm the rahm, on the rahm, on the rahm, on the rahm, on the rahm, on the rahm, without going at least for now into the Sukhim of Khundaf Khundaf, where his hooray is from, what about the Gufa Naisei? Let's try to understand it. "L'Gufo'ishal Dovar." How takken do we understand the ram? The ram says, "No, you have a Yashad, let's talk, let's say." You have a Sophic, he says, "Sophic Mommen, Sophic Mommen, I'm going to make a little rai, Frakshala. L'Maison is a mitzvah." L'Maison is a mitzvah. What's... Why don't you have to go look over? Why isn't it every Sophic, their rai? So the truth of the matter is that that kasha is a hershund start over here. Every time there's a Sophic mata schooner. First time I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed, I'm in a bed. He can't be established in the bed, he has to wait till it gets a mum, and then it's also a regisivar, okay? He can eat it, he can check it, but it's not the bible, so I'm going to make another rai, also you don't look over it. Petrahamori has to be mafrish, but then there's no issue on this set, and he's a lana keepin'. So hershte don't look over it, then when Sophic in the moment, bhiyak has two mata nois, we say that's a Sophic in the moment. How am I going to make another rai? I'm going to make another rai, I'm going to make another rai. So how do we understand the shita, on the one hand, in svaro, why taka, what happened to the mitzvah? And I couldn't understand the maknaf rai in Kyueger, Kyueger's in Dushal Diddish, the maknaf rai is in Sudoku, Simmin Bayes. Since we're talking about where a person made an Edel with stalker, so he has bhiyok, bhiyak. He has a poshita love of bhaltaka, also, he has a poshita love on not keeping the nether. So he has a love on not keeping the nether, so lukher's in no brain that's his. What's taka, the pshan, the rai. On the other hand, we're saying from Martin's school, the lukhershte, the fact that there's mitzvahs to be makayim, does not make it ois moment. It's a shadow of isane ownership, and the ownership we say about svaro, bhiyak. So both stalker and bhiyak are understand. So one no sukh in different faneim, this is in the carbon, the sandal, in the tumim, in the nissivis, nissivis. Whenever we're going to go to nissivis, it's in klalit wissen, krashimishman simma kafay. The karinuiro, the kasamsaif, etc. A gittrot in a mahalakhana karinim is to be makayyak. What type of mitzvah we're talking about? If we're talking about a mitzvah of nether, nether is your day. So whenever we have an Indian in your day, a pure your dayer, the fact that is also inherent in the suffix, a dinnim moment, and klape the moment samayt semikha wa wa varaya, will not be makayyadhi yaride ka Aspect. Ya'eride luhu, the dinnim moment is that, that has a haskas moment. How about semikha wa wa wa varaya? Luuma aza is the mitzvah of, let's say mat des kun, mat desanim, is a mitzvah of giving something. It's a mitzvah shabim moment. So that dinn moment, the mitzvah aspect as well, is hokrai damait semikha wa wa wa varaya. You'll have to say like this, which Naseemu speaks out, that this vahra is only legabe payer, with his alave, Siddhaka, with his balyakho and baltakha. Not when we're talking about the suffix of leketamisa oni, and this is in simis malak, toi miyash of the suge, and kulna of kuflamidal, that the round brings, that that suge is taka only a dinn moment, because the leketamisa oni, is a shadow simply who it belongs to. When it fell on the floor, it's a suffix, if it became leket, so it's a suffix who it belongs to. Nishman is vinegar. So even though there's a mitzvah aspect to it, but that laugh, that mitzvah, is a dinn of the moment shabai. So now that's hokrai damait semikha wa wa wa varaya. Mashankha in the period, pure periodaya, of Nader, of baltakha, that won't be hokrai. That's their mahalukh. So now, of course, you have to ask yourself, so what's taka namakha like is, what's the round hold? So look at the kundra sasvakis and klau alaf. Oistes. And he says like this, he says that there's a mokum to dan, that even the Nader, pure periodaya of baltakha and balyakho, could also be hokrai damait semikha wa wa wa varaya. Why? Because what's balyakho? Balyakho is the imperative. It's the makayev to be makayim, the dinn of the zakha line. What over here, let's say, many do it stock. What is the Nader doing? The Nader is making, that moment should go lanyam. So if there's a shayla, what's the passion of Naderim? The passion of Naderim is a chalois of debubing chal. It's matter of shame in the kafits. And the chalois makes it into mama na nim. That being said, so what's the etsim dinn of the zakha that should be mama lanyam? So it clap in mama na makha wa wa wa wa wa varaya. So that would be makayev to balyakho. Balyakho is not independent, did you do x, did you do y. The balyakho is to be makayev to be dinn of the kafits. The dinn of the kafits is mama na nim, aha. Mama na nim, we have a hakara, kha maita makayev to balya varaya. That would be the Tezefis Knach, iktrak nod zutzagavik, that maybe there's an adorim dick I suffer. We're talking raid of zwakits, of South ik mama na nim. Couldn't you say zwakits, the other mama kevits are all, and the citizens and trees are all mama na zwakim. It's been an adorim dick I suffer here. Maybe this is a coin to the run, that the run holds that the inka pashita don't like we send that base and we've repeated many times, is to make the halos in the kafits. So clapping the halos is what the kafits is, that defines the kiam ha neder, and the kiam ha neder is not more, can't be makay more, than the dinn of the kafits, and the dinn of the kafits is to be mama na nim, so that's where you have to go with. Maybe. And then you'll say maybe that the rajma, or the rajma, the rashma, the rasha, the lushita, say that it's not really going to work, because the inka kevit, on the run is the rama na nuk, you can be mafal puk. There's another nay city you can bring up as well. Hamaitzimikabela varaya, haskas mama na, it's called blushim kadmai na, haskas mama na, haskas mama na, haskas mama na is a ha harkarana sapphik. Well haskas mama na is a way of saying, the dinn best and has the paskin with is a dinn of Hamaitzimikabela varaya, but it's not a ha harkarana sapphik. So this shaala is really a shaala, you could say that maybe that's talking about Maybe that's talking about going to general. Then this is that the Kṣaṣṇa Sīvāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsāsā The analysis is that the Kastros and Sivis have the smechalax before the Kastros in various places "Shtels, Suhks, SKS, Mama, Kastoka". Well, the Sivis have a title that we are now going to the proton, putting together two Kastros against one title. They have a mick for it. They have a kastros. They have a dib and zap. And the Kastros should tell Suh what happens if there is a Kastros with a Kastros moment. Title that we are going to have a Freckness series. Two Kastros, Kastomam is not a regular Kastoka. It's called the Kastros moment. It's not the same thing. So the answer is "Makkul meroye ikonitno" or what's the Kastros. So it's a camera camera camera camera camera. So the Kastros, the Kastros, the Kastros moment is a Kastoka. The Sivis says it's a din, midin a moment, not to be motsi moment without a raiyuburu. So if it's a hakuro, so it's not only a din moment. It starts, it's a hakuro on the moment. But the hakuro of the moment then tells us the mitzis and that mitzis is makkul also. It's the seveta shumbai, the aeridea shumbai, the neta shumbai. Masha incane. If you hold it, it's not a hakuro. It's a din moment. Okay? That's what's going to get to din a moment. It's not going to be a good solving. That or the other is not. That's one way to go. Like we mentioned before, Kiva Eger and the Makhnaphraim say that the meduber over here is that the reason why the Rishanghal do have to go lukomra, even though Suffolk mom and lukula is because of the neta shumbai, which then would be Miyashiv, that kasha from the suge in Rundafkul flamadal because over there the reason why he can go lukula, which is around Stomor, is because over there is no neta. So Makhnaphraim likes to avoid. Kiva Eger says it also. That the suge over here is where he says Haudenos Dokka. So what he's doing is he's saying Haraiz Zedokka. There's no hoivas neta that's how on the person. He's saying of Rundafkul miyashiv the Rundafkul, what happened to the neta? There is no keta neta, why? Because what's the nice thing? The nice thing is that the parachute in the dorm over here would be mad to the shame in this moment to give it to the name. It either belongs to the name or it doesn't, but there's no keta, it's Kald, it's not a real lie. It's Haraiz Zed, so either it is a Zed or it's not a Zed. So now there's no shame in it. So what's the Makhnaphraim? It says the Makhnaphraim, you can say the Makhnaphraim. The Makhnaphraim over here is whether this amirocile glaive, a person that says Haraiz Zedokka, is that just that false of shame in passage in the dorm? Or that actually creates like an amirocile glaive. So you're also ahead of it like hegdish. Which is, anyways, a schmooze that resigned from having different places. Lemice was not kishmak about such a Makhnaphraim. Meen said, say the Makhnaphraim is gufa, in whether amirocile glaive, so you're also ahead of it works by Zedokka. So the Shilah is only a Shilah what the nature of this coin is, but there's no Haraiz or lie. Or you would say that whether there is no Haraiz Zedokka, there is no haqnol, it's Dokka. So then what you're left with is the giv to give it to Zedokka. So that's a Makhnaphraim. So how can you go lukula? How's the moment? How can you go lukula in the dorm? Maybe that's a Makhnaphraim to Shilah. What's not kishmakka about it is that Chufa's harassment in common places talks about somebody who's known their loss as Zedokka. And then he dies. The Yoshima Makhviv to give the money. If he set aside money. It means a nether of a Moorish is not Makhnaph Yoshima. Yoshima discusses Barry Hous. It's only if he set aside money that money already became Zedokka money. It belongs to Zedokka. They don't have a Hrevis nether. They have a heave to return money that belongs to somebody else. The money that's sitting in there safe belongs to Zedokka. So the Rajmesh state courts, if you want to say the Rajmesh doesn't hold that way that this is left as an outstanding nether doesn't stand. Good, this is a famous kashr. Shimmin has the kashr. In Sharias, in Sharias, in Sharias, in Sharias. Perkoth, Styplund, Siminteso over here. Bubbles to Ray. This is another way to go. A Vrevis, he has such a rate. Mishna Subaran. That, you know, we started with a kashr that a madness kumuna. We have a Moorish, they have this esophic. You don't have to give it. So what's the episode over here by madnessanim? Oh, shallow weather belongsanim. Hah! This is a, you have to go Lohomeron. How do you understand the Richard? What is it doing in the madness kumnes? What they want to find is like this. They want to find it by madness kumuna. The ikir of the hafrosha of it becoming madness kumuna is that as soon as it becomes madness kumuna, that's a hakno. Mommen hakiranim is a real concept. Belongs to the kahannim. Maybe you can give it to a kind of choice, but it's really moment. Simelo, Lohomerosha, when a person is mafish trumas amisuis. So when he's mafish trumma, it becomes moment of the kahannim. Thereafter, the only thing is the shallow weather is it belongs to. There's no shallow, you have to give it. There's no din to give it after it already belongs to the kahannim. So it's just to be picked up. The famous rambam. Rama says in saitha amisuis that there's no mitzvah of nessina's madness kumuna. Rama says why. Because that's a natural imperative. Once you're mafish madness kumuna, it's moment kahannim. And then there's nothing extra there. There's no other mitzvah to give it. Simelo, you take the same concept, and they tighten her. That by madness kumuna, the shyler's only who it belongs to. It's a shyler moment. So on a softer moment, you call the cooler. Now shankin' moment a neem, they want to tighten it. The moment a neem is not really belonging to that neem. This is a ray toast. Rama has this ray, this is a ray decarade. That even though moment has shavit legabe kahannim, it's real moment a kahannim. But when you steal, let's say somebody steals payer. So it's a gazel, but it's not really a gazel from the anem. The anem is not cooperative. If something is given to stalker, so it's a stalker money, it belongs to specific anem. But to say that madness anem is given to them, it's not. The ikim mitzvah is to leave it for them, to give it to them. So there's a nakuda of a mitzvah. It's not a shyler of ownership. It's a shyler of giving it to them. A shyler of a mitzvah is a shyler of a mitzvah. Then you have to go lukomra. To say, whenever there's a sauvigamata's kohuna, there's no mitzvah to give, it's just a fact that after your manfish, it belongs to the kahannim. So then there's a shyler of ownership. The shyler of ownership is hukrai dei haem atimakabel veray. The shyler by yari deya, the shyler by mantis anem, is a shyler of ownership. It's not really ownership. It is a basundir inion of giving it to that neem. That is a double amid bifneh atimamael. It's not hukrai dei haem atimakabel veray. You want to give me mitzvah. So I can write in my mitzvah. My mantis kohuna, the mama nakah kahannim, is what's called the tehra kelofa vedaskam, or post-compassion's karak. Kelofa vedaskam means it's wages. So soon as it's set aside for the kahannim, it's theirs. The same way wages, the kahannim says a babusta giddish, that the one can give mantis kohuna to a kahannim cotton. Even though the kahannim cotton can't be kahannim. But a kahannim who does work, if you have a kahannim who cleans up the shoe, when you pay him money, he doesn't need to be kahannim. The fact that it's his wage means sick of them, and it becomes kahannim. So kahannim is a kahannim cotton. You can give mantis kohuna without the fact that he's not really looking on him because it's his wages. As I look to tell you, so mantis kohuna is veer momon, for real. So it's veer momon for real. So veer momon for real, so veer la, all that's the chai lo over here is only a chai lo boner ship. And that's why I'm going to make a little variety. Luomas mantis ani. Now these kahannis, we said before when a person's mantis trumas amisus. It's nice when you talk about trumas, or when you talk about trumas misa. You're talking about misa shainim, misa shainim. You could also be a peousure chus of misa shainim. What's misa ani? Misa ani. Luomas has the same thing. So it's hard to believe that the mitzvah of haphrosh's trumas amisus is cholok trumma from misa shainim, which is levium, from misa ani, which is not veers. The dinner would be different. Luomas maka lokarayam. Akhishmak. Another question is by Sophic Pityanaben. We said before the Sophic Pityanaben. You don't have to give it. The person has a kia, a sauvic, whether a child that was nifthur kwanthun is a naifthun not. So you have to give Pityanaben to the Sophic, his potter. Even though it's before the nissina. That means by regular man's kuni, you can say, you already yurts, like we said, by haphrosh's trumas, you will mafish the trum, and now it belongs to the kang. Pityanaben, you didn't do anything. So lokarayam. The mitzvah now is not a shy lot of mominus, a shy lot of what are you going to do with something. But it's a makavarayam, paskanadam. It's a makavarayam, paskan. After haphrosh's, that doesn't belong to the kang, doesn't belong to the Suh, oh, a maitvam a makavarayam belongs to the Suh, but by Pityanaben, it's before anything. So it's a shy lot only of what he has to do something. And because of that, there's another mahaluk. By vusterade, we're, this is not going to bring this all bhiyakas to this rannan rajma. Where the tumim and the shariaishir, kyadu, I have a, I have a bink. It starts with a conch sasfakis. Agansa shaylo. Why don't we say by every sovic in mominus? You say about something called the raih? Why don't you say the guy has to pay because of sovic guzzle? So, I couldn't have their sprock, but the gist of it, in one nusakar, another has to be, that the isser of guzzle is an isser of momin. And the gondorum of isser of momin are sughed out to the denim of momin. The den of momin is to go bhasa moxu. How might you make a well for raih? You have to say that in one way or another. Slow martial, let's say. The fact that we're being mung did a certain mitzvai's momoniyois has an outlet in Brakhastafu test. It's a gomorro over there. The umorro says, what happens if somebody's walking through the shok and he's wearing a baguette of sharpness? So, could you rip it off him? It's an illific loido. The gomorro wants to make it sughed out of the zok and the illific loido. He's not going to pick up an illific. The gomorro says no. The den by momin is, you can't learn from this. So, you soon remember an illifianon. And Rashi says over there, the bshad is because momin is calte. There's a bigger mocum for the terry to be makele and denim on the isser. There is a suremomoy in Lesukolasarbein, now they will have more wiggle room, so to speak, than there is a ring shot. So, it's a shabamomoy. This Nakuda has mentioned bhiyakas to this, in the groin. Babusta groin, with a groin in Kreshe Myshbot in Sima Khufnon-Hace of Cotton-Kas, he's talking of the legabe esophica hokas in the zikin. Makhalikas will shine him, where if a person a case with is esophic, whether he's makhalik, he's makhalik, we are getting into the details. And the groin explains that makhalikas will shine what to do, but makhum taku is in makhalik, is in makhalik, is in that makhalik. groin says that that makhalikas is in makhalikas, he stills it too. He brings that makhalikas. Makhalikas is also what happens if something was found and it's esophic if it's in a ved. That means you can't even tell if somebody lost it. It's esophic if you know it or not, and the person picked it up, can he keep it? Do you say how maitzim echabela varayana, he's holding it so you can keep it? Or do we say it's esophic of an abedus, he has to put it back. She tells you that makhalikas and the makhalikas by us. Three makhalikas in one zinnak hokas in the zikin, one zim makh nasanim, and one is in esophic abedus. And the goyne tells you all of them zellosa. That says, elulade the raid of the goyne, it would be shire to hear that the makhalikas who shine, what we just mentioned, that there's such a thing as isure moment. There is sure that have different characteristics than all the, there is surem shal moment. It would be shire to hear that the noise over here is a makhalikas who shine specifically, the gamir makh nasanim. How do we define makh nasanim? They open up chubus oran, seminalv, discusses this noise. And the chubus oran over there says that the reason why there would be a mok and lordun, is he going back and forth in the shallot, esophic makhalikas. There would be a esophic, whether you could go bosa, mites makhal everan, mites makhal everan, is because there would be a mokum to say that this has not been odom lakha veru, losh naran. This has not been odom lakha veru. Because over here we're discussing yanku, who made a netted stock over the yan. This is the esophic weather he has to give the money to the stock over that. It's not been odom lakha veru, it's been odom lanyim. The Rana is talking about the Shilah of whether a yarish is equipped to give away the money that was given. So it's not been odom lakha veru, it's been yarish lanyim. And it says no, it says it's also been odom lakha veru. Nanyim are also, I also been odom lakha veru. That means the way he looks at it is, is that the definition of moment is that it's between two people and the dynamic of between two people, Dine momentus has different rules. And over there the halakhal al-o isam al-sama al-sama al-sama al-sama al-sama al-vari. And that halakhal, that cloud cannot be extrapolated to Isavahiter. But the Shilah is whether mātna sānim is takimin on lakha veru. It just tells us all the sabbas are isam. There's a rān that says something interesting, it's a rān actually a cool davtādik bauf. Where the rān says that if an Aikud would identify, something we don't have any mātna, Aikud identifies that this Aikud that was found belongs to the planet. So in Aikudnaman, why? Because since he's not been waiting a moment, the personal found is not a book, it's not claiming ownership, he's holding on to it for the real one, he has a mitzvah. So, mé lei rechannamis sur frecht rupkuege bongkasha. That the Gomorrah in baumetsir kovov, in Aikudmetsir says that if two people are claiming a naveda with samadim. Ruben has a simen, shimen has a simen. It comes along a rechannam, it says, "I know I can identify it by side belongs to Ruben." Yanyak, you don't believe that rechannam, state cloud that you don't believe in a rechannam. Now, if you're going to say that the reason why you don't believe in a rechannamis is because of its moment, even though there's no mochsik, so then the same thing should be true, without two people fighting. That's some kiwegas, kasha. Either you do need a mochsik to say that you don't believe in a mocha of the Alvaraya or no? Without a mocha, there is no mocha of the Alvaraya, and a rechannamis would be believed. Lechudnaman kuda has to be. It's like a not only in the mochsik, right? Moment means when there's a dean, a dean in the best in between two people. When there's a fight between two people, that's the enemomis, and the dynamic of dean enemomis kicks in. And the cloud of this is a mocha of the Alvaraya. So in the Gamora, the true kiwegas from these two people fighting. There's two claimants, so then it's the enemomis. It has not been believed. But we are one person. So many magus and avedo. There's no discussion between two people, one person, and Yanyak gets up and says, "I know it belongs to him." So why shouldn't he give it to him? That's not mominous. That means that the dynamic of mominous is a tevaer within it, for a turn in the nithar. So Melu would be a mochum, laden, maten, saneem. It's really similar to what we said before the khanum. That name don't own the kafits. Maybe he could use that lusabus or isn't. So Melu, the discussion by Tsudok is between two parties. It's not party. It's between him and figuring out what's the right thing to do. Yanchul made a neder with a lotion of Yodis with Tsudok. Does he have to give it an up? It's not between him and somebody else. So the round says his achron nodes between Yanchul and Anim. So how am I to make a Valverayah? And you'll say, "The Rajmin, the Rabban, and the Raj, they hold." It's between Yanchul and their benishons. It's not between Yanchul and another party. Well, it won't be a very gushmak way of explaining. Except that the going clearly looks at this as a global maklokus. Going to understand that every time the terra has a love, achiv, in the context of momentous, there's a maklok. How do you look at it? Could you be my kriyadar and is sir of moment? Could you be my kriyadar with a maklvalra or not? Gesel, obviously. Yes. Like the cache of that kriyad that we mentioned. Every sophic moment, you say sevagez the lukula. But if there's a zaitiger is sir sheba moment, do we say that? Oh, that's moment of a mama, it's a maklvalra or not. And the going to understand this maklokus is a three separate, disparate human. And then this is the rate of maklasaniim that comes out of the sugendav krumadav krumadav. That will evolve in a session. That's a whole schmooze. The dinnerts, the dinnerts. The extra reducion that in his bar in the sugendav nasaniim, over there, that will evolve in that session.