Positive Christian Motivation

BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS: God Is with You - Inspirational & Motivational

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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Hey there, entrepreneurs. What's the easiest choice you can make? Outsourcing tasks you hate. What about selling with Shopify? Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business. From the launcher online shop stage to the first real-life store stage, all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage, Shopify is there to help you grow. Whether you're selling scented soap or outdoor outfits, Shopify helps you sell everywhere. With their all-in-one e-commerce platform and in-person POS system, Shopify's got you covered. Shopify helps turn browsers into buyers with the Internet's best converting checkout, 36% better on average. Plus, you can sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify Magic, your AI-powered all-star. I love how Shopify gives you everything you need to take control and take your business to the next level. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at all lowercase. Go to now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. That's It is Ryan Seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment. But a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumbakocino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free. It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at Sponsored by Chumbakocino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What would you do tomorrow if you were absolutely certain that the Lord was with you? Like what courage might that give you to sort of step out from what's comfortable? To know for certain that the Lord is with you? What what is he calling you to do that you might step into fully if you were sure that he was with you? Look we love courage don't we? We love stories of courage we love people who are courageous we celebrate them we want to be like them but if we're honest with ourselves most of us are anything but courageous aren't we? We are timid we're faint-hearted and we're fearful a lot of us are afraid that we are not enough that we don't have what it takes. So so what kind of fortitude what kind of grit might arise from a certainty a confidence that God was with us? None of us in this room none of us under the sound of my voice want to be known as a coward. God doesn't want you to be a coward God wants you to be strong and courageous. Webster defines cowardice this way it's one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity in the face of danger and difficulty. No one wants to be that person that man that woman who's a coward who shrinks back in fear when the difficulty comes. We want to be people who are strong and courageous we want to be brave and we want to be valiant but the question is how? Joshua 1 9 God says have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go here is Joshua taking over from Moses he didn't feel qualified he didn't feel strong within himself but here is God trying to give him a pep talk because he has to read lead these millions into the promised land and God tells him have I not commanded you you know how many times God told Joshua to be strong and courageous seven times you know why that God God had to tell him that because he was fearful and God had to encourage him to go forth God expects us to be courageous why he says it because I'm with you you can operate encourage why because I am with you and if God be with us who or what can stand against us he tells you today I want to say this to someone I'm speaking to someone in here God is saying to you have I not commanded you have I not told you be strong and courageous because the Lord goes with you the Lord goes with you God has promised to us his enduring presence that's what he has promised now he said to Joshua no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life just as I have been with Moses I will be with you I will not fail you or forsake you so be strong and courageous because I'm with you I'm with you now God's presence makes all the difference in the world and God has promised when we put our faith and trust in Jesus he's promised to come in and he says I'll give you my Holy Spirit and he will be with you and he will be in you and he will be with you forever he won't leave you you know David said in that great song even though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil why because you are with me God being with you makes all the difference and when God is with you as as the scripture says if God is for us who can be against us so Joshua's going up he's going to have to fight giants he's going to have to go up against warriors he's going to have to go up against some vicious ruthless people he can't do that in and of himself but he can do that if the Lord is with him the Lord said to Joshua I will be with you and no one will be able to stand before you because I am with you and the Lord says that same thing to you and to me today don't be afraid you look to me I will be with you have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be dismayed for the Lord your God goes with you wherever you go God is saying you can have courage because my presence is with you my presence will go with you you're not alone the creator of the universe who sits enthroned in the heavens is with you he not only sends you but then he goes around turns around and goes with you 8 Romans 831 says what then shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spear his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him freely give us all things no matter how big the giant is no matter how great the lion is no matter how great the the grave or the situation is we serve a God whose greater still and that God dwells on the inside of every believer David said when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil it doesn't say that I won't walk through the valley it says when I do walk through the valley I shall fear no evil for thou art with me when I walk through the valley of my health I will fear no evil when I walk through the valley of my family situation I will fear no evil when I walk through the valley of them talking about me and disliking me and shunning me I will fear no evil when I walk through the valley of the job that they know they were trying to push me out I will fear no evil for thou art with me when we get in over our heads there is a reminder that he is there you know the most frequent command in all the bible the two part it goes do not fear for I am with you that command do not fear for I'm with you at least 366 variations of that in the bible why because we need a constant reminder that God is present with us because we get fearful and we get scared and we start to feel like we're alone and God says no no no I'm right here with you keep going I'm right here with you we need that constant reminder of of of God's presence with us the basis of which I have courage is not in my own strength is in the strength of the Lord it says fear not for I am with you Isaiah 41 10 be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my listen look at what God is saying I am with you I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you none on according to this verse none of those bases was on us everyone was what God was providing to us pretty much almost everywhere in the bible where it says not to fear it only gives one reason not to fear and that is for I am with you pretty simple isn't it fear not for I am with you he doesn't tell us what he's going to do or when he's going to do it or how he's going to do it he just simply says fear not for I am with you and I love the scripture that says that he will guide us even unto death God is never going to leave us nor forsake us and something I practice once in a while don't do this every day but at different times God puts it on my heart and I'll just stop sometimes throughout the day and say God you're here he's with us he will never leave us he will never forsake us strength and courage my my brothers sisters are not found within you they are found in knowing that God is with you well what I do tomorrow if I was certain God was with me what's that thing that's just sitting in your gut right now that you know you need to do but you're hesitant that if you knew you were certain that God was with you do and maybe it's not tomorrow maybe it's like right now maybe it's right after the service maybe it's today what would I do today what would I do now what would I do immediately if I was absolutely certain 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