Apostolic Lighthouse
The Blessed Life - Bro Kaleb Sampson
I Can see that we're not gonna be bouncing off the pews and hanging from the well, whatever Maybe I would say the chandeliers. We don't have them. Maybe the speakers today whatever that might be but Man, I know this is When you you've had a dose of brother Norlock and you know, that's like filet mignon and you have to come back to hold this little I guess a big grits and and Beans and cornbread this morning can snap back to reality But we're going to hear from the word of the Lord today if you have your bibles and you want to turn to the book of Psalms We'll be going to the first chapter in the book of Psalms today Hallelujah, hallelujah Psalms chapter number one We're going to read the first well, we'll just read I guess it's all just the whole chapter six verses here today If you have it say amen We're still looking for it say oh me Hallelujah Psalms chapter number one. I'll give you a few moments to get there. I know you're standing We'll read it rather quickly and pray for me this old warm weather is trying to Catch up with me today Hallelujah Bless it is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly North standeth in the way of sinners North seteth in the seed of the scornful But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law that he meditate day and night and He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth fruit his fruit in his season and his leaf She'll also not wither and whatsoever he doeth She'll prosper The ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind driveeth away Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall Parrish hallelujah, if you're gonna help me preach or teach here today Why don't you be seated if you're not you can just keep standing hallelujah. I don't man. I'll get a bunch of help that way hallelujah Bless it is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly North standeth in the way of sinners north seteth in the seat of The scornful. I want to talk to us for a little while here this morning on the blessed life the blessed life The most famous sermon of Jesus in his time was the sermon on the Mount and there exist a Pretty strong argument within Bible scholars here that the sermon on the Mount come from Or originated from the first chapter of the book of Psalms and say well I don't know there's different wording in the book of Psalms that Jesus used as his time on earth it was David that said first my Lord my Lord or my God my God why has now forsaken me which would be the words that Jesus would utter when he was on the cross and They would put up a good strong argument that the sermon on the Mount which would be in the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 5 Would be the blessedness of that it's more blessed to give than to receive. It's blessed are the merciful So they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure and heart for they shall see God it's it's the of the blessedness and so they say it arrived from the book of Psalms in chapter 1 and both patches passages describe the attitude and the actions of a true child of God in both places we find a description of the ideal character of the person who would follow God one that was influenced by God one that had the conduct From God and one that had the destiny to see God the Sermon on the Mount closes with a description of The destiny of humans those who both hear and heed the word of the Lord Like the blessed man described in Psalms chapter 1 are likened into a wise man You can take from the book of Psalms chapter 1 and you can flip over into Matthew chapter 7 and you can read about a wise man that built his house upon a solid foundation He built his house upon a rock He built it upon some solid concrete and when the winds come and the storms blew and the hurricanes and the tornadoes and whatever it might be come through the land it stood firm because it was built upon a Solid foundation. He built it upon the word of God He built it upon the things that he heard and seen in the house of God But you can also read about an ungodly man a man that was foolish The Bible said a man who built his house upon the sand and in the time of testing in the time of storms He discovers that his foundation is not secure and everything that he built Everything that he put his time in everything that he consumed his time with it Begin to crumble and it began to fall and it began to be done away with why because the foolish man the Bible said Built his house upon the sand It's a foolish man, and I've done a little bit. I know enough to give me in trouble And that's why I I bug brother Aaron a lot. I call him other time, and I know no doubt when he sees my Hey, I think he does because he don't tend to answer me anymore He got to always call me back. I think he's treating me like I treated him maybe I don't know but or he just don't he's hard at Talking to me, but I know I know enough so I got to rely on the ones that That build and so I call and I ask certain questions and do and think but I want to know hey Am I gonna be okay is everything gonna be alright in my building or am I remodeling or whatever? I'm doing because I want it to last I want it to stand for the test of time I don't want to be a foolish man I don't want to be a man that just comes to church and he comes in and man He just goes through the motions and then he walks out them doors Not really really touched and not really really mood why because I know not only will it affect me But it's going to affect my family and it's gonna affect my children and I will I don't want to not only affect me And not only affect my children, but one day I don't want to affect my children's Children and so I come to the house of God and I try to train up the child in the way it should go So when I know it gets old it won't depart from it. What are you saying? Oh, I know sometimes they leave I know sometimes they got to go figure things out on their own, but there's that one thing always in their heart I know what it's like back at the father's house I know what my father has to offer and when they get sick and tired of what the world has to offer They'll find themselves and their sin and they're mocked muck and mire and they'll say okay God I'm going back to the father's house. I'm going back cuz I was trained I know better than the things that I'm doing here today Psalms chapter one presents the picture of two individuals the blessed man guards his direction is careful in how he spends his days is Selective about his company Furthermore, the blessed man loves the word of God and meditates on it day and Night the ungodly man by contrast is just the opposite he walks in the council of the ungodly he stands in the way of centers and he sits in the seat of The scornful instead of being secure. He is blown about by the winds of life He's unfruitful and he's unhappy and finally destroyed because he doesn't have a real relationship with God I Want to build just for a little bit here today? If you'll help me I'm gonna try to take it a little bit slower I want to build a foundation here today and paint us a picture of two Individuals and I want you to pick the individual How when you leave this place today who you want to be like or who you will serve? He said choose you this day whom you will serve This picture of a happy and successful man and the second picture is a man of whose life ends in Failure because none of us want to fail and all of us long to hear the words Well done down good and Faithful servant at the end of our lives We're going to focus this morning on the five things that the psalmist says are a foundational or foundational to the blessed man and the blessed life The psalmist describes the blessed man in the first two verses of psalm He his success is found in three things and he refused to do two positive Qualities in his life the first one is he refused to walk in the counsel of the ungodly The first thing that sticks out to the psalmist is in regards to a godly man is that in times of trouble and trial He doesn't turn to the ungodly for advice When he finds his life is on shaky ground When everything around him is complicated and uncertain he doesn't seek counsel from the ungodly the wise man Recognizes that to seek advice of those that know nothing about pleasing God is like the blind Leading the blind. I don't want to be led astray here today. How about you? I don't want to be led astray here as brother Norlock would say in the birthing pains of the rapture I've come too far. I know too much. Oh God I got a heritage that I got a whole to and and cling to and I I don't want to cling and hold and go to the ungodly in the day and hour that we live Deliberately the blessed person rejects the ideas and the philosophies of the ungodly He refuses to adapt the to the principles of those who have Eliminated God from their thinking he understands that his footsteps are ordered by The Word of God and not by the ungodly wisdom of this world The first stop on the road map to spiritual success is one that recognizes the spiritual wisdom of the individuals that will live In the blessings of God. I've got a boy. He's thinking about going to college and I told him Man, you're more than welcome to go. I want you to go. You ain't gonna stay on campus You're gonna stay at home and more and more and welcome to go if you want to hire education I'm not against higher education and as a matter of fact, I've encouraged him to go But I have been putting it in my boy. I'm gonna say I've been telling him. Hey, listen Them professors at that college and professors at them universities You don't take bit biblical wisdom from them if you need biblical wisdom and understanding You go to your pastor you go to some of them elders within the church or you call somebody that you know That's living right and walking right and talking right. I don't want you to get your wisdom some professor that don't know about the ways of God That's never stood in a service and felt the Holy Ghost move Through their soul and through their hearts and through their minds and spirits I as the hair stands up on the back of your neck and you get goosebumps all over because you feel the Function from the Holy Ghost. I don't want somebody talking to my kids I don't want my kids going to receive counsel from the ungodly I don't want my kids to draw counsel for some rapid bait that don't know this word or stand on this Scripture or stand on this apostolic doctrine because I still believe this apostolic doctrine is the only way That's gonna get us out of here. This apostolic message is the only message That's gonna get you out of here and in the glory realm They are blessed because they refuse the wisdom of this world Because they recognize that while we are in this world. We are not of this world We're just pilgrims passing through. We're just strangers in a foreign land We're on our way to heaven and the journey gets sweeter every day every day. I wake up It's getting sweeter. Why because it's getting closer to my mention. It's getting closer going on the other side It's getting closer to see my loved one. That's already been there and already waiting on me In confusing times and moments of uncertainty the blessed man recognizes that neither his help Nor his direction is going to come from this world All too often we turn to the sources Outside of the grace of God We seek advice and counsel concerning the right direction for our lives when we are making critical choices We go to the ungodly if we're not careful I'm here to tell you today that when you are making decisions That will impact the rest of your life The church is the place that you should turn to your pastor is the as the man that you should be turning to for counsel Say well brother Samson I'm smarter than my pastor. I'm smarter than these old gray hair They they grew up in the in the old days They don't know what it's like to live in this modern day in modern society My pastor's only God in eighth grade education and man. I I graduated high school Matter of fact got a year or two of college and man I know I'm gonna tell you something when you get that mindset You are on a road up to destruction. I don't care what kind of high school the Education or any higher education of learning. I do know one thing that he prays And he seeks God's face and he's crying continually Watchmen watchmen. What are the night? What do you see from a family watchmen? I'll tell you what I see and sometimes it's not what I want to hear But I'm gonna tell you it's godly counsel brother plapper It's godly instruction and even though it goes against the grain And even though it goes against the things maybe that I don't like in my flesh I got to take heed because the wise man. He seeks wise and godly counsel When you wrestle with the things of life and determine the paths that you will travel the only wise Council is the council that comes from the presence of God This is the truth that is recognized by the blessed man in Psalms chapter one It's the foundation of everything else that follows After verse number one the blessed man is bound and determined to put God Ungodliness far from him far from his life and far from his decisions Number two, he refuses to stand in the way of sinners seeking Not seeking after the way of sinners not seeking after the ways of this world I'm not going to stand in the way of sinners. I'm not going to go this way He refuses to associate with those who were an open rebellion against God He was careful about who he chose to be his friends. He was careful about who he spent his time with This doesn't mean that he didn't have friends within the world He just chose wait a minute when they have more pull on me than I have on them I need to start separating myself When they get you to missing more church and you got them coming to church It might be time to pull away from them When it's got them when it's got them wanting you and having you doing the things that you are not right And you shouldn't be doing and all of a sudden you need to slap yourself Shake yourself whatever it takes and wake yourself up and say hey wait a minute I cannot be standing in the way of the ungodly. I I can't be standing in the way of the sinner I can't go this way. Let me tell you something here today You've got to be wrapped up tied up and tangled up with Jesus. If you're gonna make it out of this walk of life He was careful To recognize the friendships that he cultivated That the friendships that would influence his life Causing him to drift away from God He actively avoided these relationships He understood that there is no fellowship between light and darkness He understood that there are a certain there are certain spirits and attitudes that have a negative impact On our spirituality and our walk with God He recognizes that the simple laws of friction indicate that if we spend an excessive amount of time In fellowship of those that are detrimental or detriment to this spiritual life Before too long it would cause him to start drifting away From God. I'm gonna tell you something if there's something that's got you if there's an association Or whether there is Maybe some certain Product or thing your phone or whatever it might be if it's causing you to drift away from God Let me tell you something you need to recognize it and you need to be truthful with yourself You'll lie to yourself when you won't lie to nobody else You probably would never tell a lie you would probably never look somebody in the face and lie to them But I'm gonna tell you something if we're not careful as humans will lie to ourselves How do you know that? Well, it's it's pretty obvious because a lot of times we'll say well, I'll do this and I'll be okay I'll go over here or I'll hang out with him and I'll be okay. I'll preach. I'm gonna tell you something Here I am and all these New Year resolutions Kicking off and we'll say to ourselves I'm gonna eat this and then I'm gonna go do some exercise and I'm gonna exercise it off And we eat that and we never do exercise you're lying to yourself It's real easy to lie to yourself, but I'm gonna tell you you got to be honest with yourself You got to look you got to get up in the morning time You got a stagger in there to that mirror you got to look yourself right in the face and you got to be honest with yourself and you got to look yourself and say okay These things are hurting me. These things are driving away. It's between me and God So-and-so ain't good for me. These things that are good, it's not good for me I got to separate myself because I got to be saved We're not careful though We'll go to the mirror and keep our head down the whole time because we don't want to look ourselves in the face The wise man he was careful he had friendships in this world, but not a friendship with the world This is an area where we must guard our hearts. There's nothing wrong with the friendships You can't win somebody if you don't be friend them, but you got to sit there and say okay I'm not gonna stand in the way of sinners. He might be my friend. He might be my best friend He might be a Unacquainted he might be family, but I cannot stand in the way of sinners blessed is the man That walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly bless it is the man that don't stand in the way of sinners Blessed is the man who refuses to sit in the seat of the scornful I have to slap a little bit of brother Norlock on you Translated from the Hebrew word and it relates to scoffers One that is a mockery or makes fun this Used in this context in this scripture is referring to those that make a mockery of the things of God That take place This this takes place in this verse of the blessing man first He refuses the counsel of the ungodly then he refuses the fellowship of the rebellious and now he's refusing the company of The one that mocks God He refuses to sit in the seat of the scornful He would not tolerate those things that and those people that delight in making fun Those ones all you're one of them. Holy Brothers Y'all like to jump around and run the aisles y'all y'all like to man. Y'all's prettier I don't know about all that I I think y'all to just stand there and man not clap your hands and not jump and shout and worship and oh man, and I was talking with oh Person that goes to this church and then they were sitting there in the house and at the time They was not living right they was not living this way and they were sitting in the house With some people and man it made me feel good and and and one of a of them got up And she put her hands on another one's head of the friends that was there and she began to shake like she was praying for him And and commanded it to come out and commanded them to be healed and they was all laughing in there And she stood up even though she wasn't right even though she wasn't living this way and she said well wait a minute Let me tell you you might make fun of them today, but I'm gonna tell you something I've been there and it's real I've been there and you can feel something supernatural You can feel something when you're in there and everybody's together in one mind and one of course I'm not gonna sit here. Why you make fun because I've been there. I've received the gift of the Holy Ghost I know what it's like to speak in tongues I know what it's like to live that way and I can't sit here. What was she saying? She might have not been right, but let me tell you something There was a righteous ending nation about her that she said I'm not gonna sit here Why you scoff and you make a mockery and you make fun? I can't do it. Why I gotta be of that blessed hope Say well preacher They just gonna make fun. I'm gonna tell you something. They made fun of him They nailed him to the cross and they said hey If you be a king If you be a king of the Jews, why don't you just come on down save yourself and as they made fun of him As he said they're dying on a tree for me and you and our sins And they laughed and they scoffed and they made fun and they spit upon him and they run a spear in a side And they took a crown of thorns because man They said he was a king and so out of scoff and out of mockery They slammed the crown of thorns on his head. You want to be a king here? We'll put a crown of thorns on you. I'm gonna tell you something They made fun of him and and no doubt they're gonna make fun of us But I'm gonna tell you something without fear without favor I don't care what you think about me, but I'm so thankful to be up with stalling today I'm so thankful that I received to get to the Holy Ghost today. It's what kept me. It's what kept my mind These are the three things that the blessed man refused to do He walked not in the counsel of the ungodly He stood not in the way of sinners and he didn't see it said in the seed of their scornful But there is two things That is this man the blessed man the next two verses His greatest delight was in knowing and doing the will of God There's some things that he wouldn't do but there's some things that he would do this this blessed man This man of hope he rejoiced in the precious promises of God He recognized the grace of God that stands behind the laws of God What he talking about but verse two is chapter one But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law Does he meditate day and night? He recognizes that the truth he delights in the laws of God so often That we strain against the restraints of the laws of God like a dog. That's in a fence That's trying to get out and seeks every way Possible to get out of there and really not understanding the whole time Especially if you live in town or especially if you're my boy's dog clash He'll run off ten miles and you got to go get him But you don't understand that this restraint is what's keeping you alive It's this restraint. That's what's keeping you and that's what's keeping your mind That's what's keeping your family Because well if you just let the restraint go and let humans do what they want to do The Bible said in me Apostle Paul said in me Dwelleth no good thing when I will do good evil was present with me This flesh is immity between God That's why somebody can pick up a knife or a gun and just go blowing people away Why because it's human this flesh There's something wicked within itself, and that's why we need the restraints from God That's why we need these boundaries from God that keeps our mind that keeps our heart Say preacher if I just didn't have all of these rules If you just didn't have all them rules in your church. Oh, then I could probably handle some of it Let me tell you something. It takes the rules and the boundaries. God knew it You can go all the way back when he said here. Here's the 10 commandments I shall not kill now shall not steal and now shall not commit adultery and now shall not covet and all of these things Why God was saying you need some boundaries because a man's imagination can run wild He'll kill he'll steal he'll destroy When you leave a man to himself, you gotta have some boundaries to guard yourself with I've said this a while back and I'll say it again. I Was reading and studying the word of the Lord and there was one Bible scholar that said Could it be that as much as the Jews have kept the Shamal? Could it be that the Shamal? Has what's kept the Jews? Could it be? These laws and rules and restraints of this apostolic doctrine. Could it be as much as we've kept them? It's what's kept us God's law and God's commandments We're designed to protect us everything that God has given you is Good for you and anything that God has withheld from you is bad for you The blessed man realizes this and instead of fighting against the laws of God He embraces them Why? Why because the blessed man Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly Blessed is the man that will Accept his laws and his guidelines and his boundaries Say oh brother Samson I've kept him. I ain't got all the money. I want to spend I'm gonna tell you something. It's more than about money It's more than about just the things of this world and being blessed with however many cars and trucks and houses and whatever else she donkeys and goats I'm gonna tell you something. It's just might be that here you are in the 60s and 70s and still being blessed if God God allowed you and he's blessed you. It's a blessed man that gets to live to see the gray hairs the Bible said the gray hairs Of your head is a testament of the blessings of God. I Wish you to let mine turn gray instead of turn loose But it's a testament There's more to life and just having all the money to spend Brother Plapper, it's coming in the house of God and having your wife beside you Having your daughters and friend and say well there's some of us that don't have all I'm gonna tell you something You start looking at all the blessings that God has given you and what he's allowed you to have what he's kept you from You could be in a jail cell. You could be in a grave Somewhere a cold dark grave when without the mercies of God you can be in that grave on your way to hell Oh with no Holy Ghost. No repentance. No water baptism in Jesus name and on your way to judgment with no chance of repentance no chance of getting right No chance of getting out the way of sinners. No chance of getting out the seat of the scorn for No chance of getting away from the mockery of God And you're here today. Why it's the blessing plan of God. It's the blessed man the blessed life But a man wakes up and says wait a minute. I I need you God. I need the church I need his will I need his way. I need his restraints in my life number two the blessed man he meditates on the law of the Lord day and night He meditates This means that he gave the truth of God his serious consideration He molded over in his mind throughout the day in order that its meaning might Start something within his being being he recognizes the importance of God's laws He recognizes the power of God's word He made it a major point of focus within his life to meditate upon him day and night What are you talking about? I couldn't tell you enough how important that it is that you seek the counsel of the Word of God in your life on a regular basis You need a regular habit of Reading and meditating on the Word of God Every day in your life somewhere through the course of the day Brother Aaron this word is got to be Most important thing and need to know if you're not quoting it. You're thinking about it So many times I go down the road held her motherly and I just start thinking God God. Thank you Thank you God for choosing me. Thank you God for the things you've allowed me to have thank you God For my family. Thank you. God. Why because I realized in my little fine Not mine if it had not been for the Lord who was all my side If it had not been for his goodness and it had not been for his grace I'd be probably in a jail cell or a grave, but it was this word of God It's this word that has sustained me. I die word. I'm my word in your heart That's why I know it's hard, but I want to push Bob a quizzing on these kids I want him to learn the word of God. I want to come at it I got man just seems like we're losing steam and I went to brother plap I said brother plapper. What else can we do to man that kid a little why because I understand it might just be a Few scriptures today it might just be a few scriptures and man It's really really hard today for them, but I'll tell you what it's gonna be church Let me tell you what it's gonna be mom and dad Somewhere sometime in that kid's life Mom and dad ain't gonna be around Grandma and grandpa ain't gonna be around Oh to put it in them and somewhere through the course of life They're gonna have to make a decision for themselves. I'm gonna go to church. I'm gonna love God I want to love this way. I don't mind the restraint I don't mind the boundaries and the restrictions. There's something about it. It's keeping me Is it and it's this word of God that's gonna be inside of them That's gonna start spring and forth in scriptures that that's gonna sustain them through the trials of life Dealing with people just in the last few days going through the trials of life And I'm sitting there and I'm looking at them in the eye and I have to tell them I don't know why you're going through what you're going through. I wish I knew Why you was facing the trials and the things that God is putting you? I don't know why I wish I had the answer for you, but all I can tell you is don't get bitter towards God Don't hold it and I had them look at me and say, oh, no, I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna quit the church. Oh God. What? Somewhere some time they got this word of God in their heart They got out of the council of the ungodly and they got in the council of the godly Job had no idea no reason no understanding why he had to go through What he was going through Oh And I wonder if some of us if we realized that because God allowed Satan to do that to Joe God took the hedge off the job and let the devil said just don't touch his life Do whatever else you want. I wonder if some of us if we understood that God was allowing us to go through what we're going through Oh what that how much of a difference that wouldn't make to us man We get unnerved and unsettled when it's just things of life That comes our way and we get up and we want to start blaming God and blaming the church and blaming everybody else Oh, when it's just parts of life, but I wonder what it would really be like if you knew that God let you go through it And God was the one saying okay, you've got to go through this trial Oh, how many would really get better? How many would really get hurt and get offended if they knew the Lord of glory was allowing you And he's the one that set you to go up as I set you up to go through this trial But not the blessed man, not the blessed lady. Why he meditates on the wall of the Lord day and night He meditates upon his word the road map to spiritual failure And as much as the psalmist gives us a road map to the spiritual success he also provides us a glimpse of the road map to spiritual failure while the psalmist does not describe and Specifically the road map to spiritual failure We can infin in institute and put in That the that this row from the spiritual aside from psalms the the godly man of the sight of psalms So all you got to look at it say okay, if you want to be ungodly And if you want to be a foolish man and build your house upon the sand This is what you got to do. You've just got to stay in the way of sinners You got to keep seeking counsel from the ungodly You can't meditate upon the Lord day and night just just a little bit here and there He would have rejected the law of God the guiding principle for his life What are you talking about? I'll preach I'll pray when I'm at church. I pray when I guess I'm gonna tell you something you're gonna have to pray more than Sunday morning Sunday night Monday night occasionally if you come and Wednesday night say well preacher you might not see me there But I'm praying at home. No, you're not if you're not praying at the church You're not praying at home. I'll stand and argue with you all day Why because somebody that loves to pray at home loves to pray at the church? They're delight their meditation is on the walls of God and on the things of God They're not getting up in the morning trying to figure out how they can we through the boundaries and the things And the laws and the orders of God, but they get up and they say, okay, God I'm thankful this morning that I'm still apostolic. I'm thankful this morning I'm still in my right mind. I'm thankful this morning. I still got to get to the Holy Ghost He directed His life on the basis of the counsel of the ungodly He constantly bases his decisions on a worldview That was contrary to God He did not hesitate to Terry in the way of sinners. He cultivated a friendship With the world a friendship that the scripture says is imitate or hatred against God He said in the seat of the scornful It's impossible that in addition to laughing with them that not only did he laugh with him But he joined his voice with theirs and he engaged in mocking the things of God What are you talking about two pictures here today? Two pictures, man, brother Chad Hancock back in the garage days preached a message And I'll never ever ever forget it one of the changing points sister plapper in my life He talked about the hospital and how in the hospital you have one In one room That's rejoicing because of life and life has come and a new child is born into the world and man a new father is in there brother plapper And you've seen it no doubt in your field and man they're rejoicing with the new child the new son the new daughter Man there's rejoicing because life has been into this earth and man They're getting everything ready and man They're waiting for the day to go home and they got the room ready But just a room or so away Just just write down the corridor There's somebody that's sitting there Tears flowing down their cheeks Crime because life has been taken from the old man and they are weeping Over a lost loved one and why one is rejoicing in life One is rejoicing in death Let me tell you something about the house of god Church is the same way Why one person is saying okay I'm going to give my heart to god this morning I'm tired of the way of the sinner I'm tired of the seat of the scornful I'm tired of being this way I'm going to get up And I'm going to make my way to an altar And as somebody comes up There's somebody maybe on the same pew That's saying okay I'm tired of this I don't want no part of this And they get up And they go out the door And in this house We're celebrating life But we're also celebrating death Somebody says I'm going to join my voice To the scoffers To the mockers But the godly man is pictured In the remainder of the book of Psalms As a tree planted by the rivers of water It is a picture of vitality and prosperity The blessed man is fruitful He does a wither in the time of trials And bad circumstances But his faith stands firm within that trial Everything he does prospers He's a permanent fixture planted Alongside a river A blessing The ungodly man Discoveres that instead of standing secure Like a tree planted By the rivers of water He's blown around and blown Like the chaff With the storms of life Blow him and blow him away He discovers that When the world caves in around him Instead of being alive He is dead He stands as long as there is no trial And testing But when the storms at adversity of life comes He discovers that his life Is empty Insecure He's helpless He's blown about by the storm And abused by life's troubles and concerns He has no fruit His life has no vitality There is no stability in his life And ultimately He and his life beends And utter In failure What are you talking about, preacher? I'm gonna tell you something Them two houses, brother Aaron They look so good Standing beside one another Man, you couldn't tell one from the other You couldn't tell that one was built by somebody else It looked grand And it looked awesome And it looked like everything was going okay And it looked good as long as there was no winds It looked good as long as there was no storm It looked good as long as there was no adversity in life Oh, it looked great But the moment trouble come The moment the wind picked up The moment the rain come All of a sudden Man, this thing It's leaking Man, this thing Then a structure just a few weeks ago Went and looked at a piece of property Man, the pitchers Brother Jordan, it was awesome Let's barn 152 by 150 I thought, man Oh, I can't, I'm gonna go see this place Big ole nice home I got in there As I begin to look On the front, it looked great It looked awesome But as I made my way Into the barn That big barn is a big arena Brother Tony His wife was in She was a big time roper Professional, man This was a pad But what had happened Was he had had some hay It's there stored in there On the backside And that hay caught fire One night And it was built out of It had wood piers For its stability It had beams And it had 80 foot Trusses in the middle With 36, I believe it was Or something like that Trusses on each side Wing trusses And in the middle These 80 foot was these big Wood columns Man, the men of night Men of nights had built it And man, it was beautiful Red, the old red Had the old white Crossed on doors And man Pulled up And looking at it Man, it looked awesome I remember the camera When I walked in All of a sudden I'm looking And half of it's down in the back And what had happened That fire began to move across Those sawdust-like stuff That's in them horse barns And it got around them Wood posts And it began to burn them At the bottom Couldn't even really tell They was on fire One day he walked out And the back side of his barn Had collapsed in And when I stepped in I looked to my right Brother DJ And these big old wood column beams They was literally bowed Like a U I meant just They literally come from the ground They bowed up And went up to the truss Brother Aaron and I I looked I looked And I just stepped Brother Nathan I just stepped right back out of the barn I said, sir, I'm not going in there That thing looks unsafe And he began to tell me the story But from the pictures Everything that he presented to me Brother Adam and it looked grand That was a barn My lord Brother Slaton You could have rode for a while There and roped a few calves in there It was the pad But I'm going to tell you something That old beams They had a lot of pressure on them I began to talk back and forth About money and this and that And I'm going to say, I said, man, listen All the money that you're giving And value for your barn It's going to take that plus To restore that thing It's going to take all of that money plus There's no value within your I don't want to be mean to you here today But we're just being honest with you There's no value within your barn I'm going to tell you something There's no value in your life If you don't have God There's no value in your life Without the lord There's no value in your life Without the church There's no value in your life Without repenting of sins There's no value Without the gift of the Holy Ghost To me, I'm baptized In the name of Jesus It might look good It might have the appearance It might make you drive An hour and a half Like brother Caleb One way to see this setup Brother Ensign Because it looked really good Man, I thought, man, I got a deal right here Man, we just I scored one I found the diamond in a rough Until I pulled in And I walked in I'm going to tell you something If God walked into your heart today If He walked in To the barn of your heart today What would He see? What would the pillars be like of your soul With the whole backside of your house Be destroyed, why? Because you Just very frivolously Said, okay I'm just going to cut a little corner here And cut a little corner there I got more and I'm done Come to the music I fell in the Holy Ghost to end it right here I'm going to tell you the story There was a man Very successful in business Big contractor Big builder Brother Winkler Jimmie He built houses House after house after house One of the biggest in that town If not that biggest Big city, big metropolitan area This man had been with him With the Tim Jones From the whole time Started when he It was just him And him and they're doing little Bathroom remodels And he started with him Working right beside him And this as it begins to grow And this man begins to get bigger He started buying more land And building bigger houses And driving fancier cars Something began to turn over in this man You know, I've been with him from the beginning I've been here when it was just me and him Where he had all that money Where he had all that fame and fortune And comes in And his buddy The owner of the company said Hey, I'm going to sell the company I've got a very lucrative offer And one, I can't turn down He said, but Before I leave, we've got one house One more house, we've got a build And he said, I want you You've been with me this whole time I want you to general this house Uncle Johnny McKinn, you'd understand So I want you to general this house And he said, okay And he said, I want you to cut no corners Matter of fact, this man has told me That we could pick our own plans I want you to go pick this plan I want to build the most I want to extract Don't cut spare no corners Everything the way he would do it This man So begin to mull and think about it Something begin to turn over in this man With a Ryan All the years of being faithful All the years of being set in there And dedicated And now he's just selling out All my faithfulness All of my dedication Is just gone But in the beginning Nobody remembers, nobody remembers Nobody remembers me And he started twisting a thought in his mind And instead of using number one lumber He started using number three And lower number Started looking for the deals Instead of looking for the heavy gauge wire for electrical He started using the order of the cheap stuff Instead of putting and getting the concrete And having the rebar and the concrete Brother DJ Like he was supposed to He cut corners He used to small rebars Put a father apart Instead of the footers being deep You know Like they need to be 30 foot from bottom At least 30 foot or so From bottom of foot or top of slab However they do it I mean he cut the corners on Kajani He shot him up a little bit Betterness was working in his soul And eating in his spirit Brother Madeline And he was taking it He would do it like he was doing the real stuff And he's taking the money And he just putting it away And spinning it started buying him a few things And as this thing went on He used the cheap contractors And he used the cheap The cheap plumbing And the cheap heating and air And the cheap lumber And man he got the cheapest dry wallers And everything He the trim And knowing that just within a few years A few days By the triplet this house Was going to start shifting This thing was going to start selling And cracks was going to start showing And the doors wasn't going to be shut And open and shut and ride And man this thing Was just going to be an utter failure But he would say he was done wrong And so he began to cut the corners And he built this house And when he got all set and done And it was a day to turn it over To the new owner They had the movie TV stations They had the radio stations They had everybody This is a true story y'all It's not something I pulled out of my figment My imagination And they had them all there And man He kept waiting for the owner To come around the corner Kept waiting for the owner Finally his old partner The guy that owned the construction company He comes around the corner He walks up In front of everybody And man there's everybody He takes the keys Brother Strada And he walks up to that man And he hands them the keys to that house He said This is your house My parting gift to you For being there From the very beginning Being with me Right beside my side I ain't look past your faith on this I ain't look beyond If you've been there from the very beginning And this is yours There's no payment That goes with it It's paid for And here's the keys To your new home That you built Like you wanted it You did everything that you wanted it This is for me To you Thank you For being with me this whole time And that man Having to look at him In the eye Brother Jones There was something on the inside That turned over in him As he looked at him Knowing that he had done How cheap his own house That he built for himself I'm going to ask you today How's your house today? How can keep going on? What have you been building? You've been cutting corners Huh? Because I'm going to tell you Something God of Glory Is going to walk up to you And give you the keys I'm going to tell you Is it going to be a mention in heaven? Or is it going to be a little glory Shacking hell When you could have had Everything that you ever wanted You could have led your family You could have come to the house of God Your kids could have been around you But you made the decision To cut the corners You wanted to set in the seat Of the ungodly You wanted to stand in the way of centers And take heed from The score for the mockery And God said I go to prepare a place for you That where I am There you may be also And you could be standing like a tree By the blessings of water But no, you're withered And every little wind of life Thing of life that comes along You're shaken And you're almost uprooted Why? Because you're cutting corners Quitting today I told my wife I said I don't know I just I don't know I think God's going to take over this morning You can call her right now She was asking me what I was going to preach Tell him she hated To miss my message I said but I just feel like God's going to take over And he has in this past today What kind of house are you building? You can build any house that you want You can use the best carpenters You can use the best wood You can use the best trim You can use the best plumbing The best electrical lines You can use the best of the best But why are you cutting corners here today? Why is your footers so shallow? Why is your concrete? Instead of four inches, three inches Why are you cutting the corners? You don't have to today I'm opening these altars this morning What about your life? What about your heart? What are you doing today? What are you building today? Oh, Brenda Daniel This needs five nails We always Brenda Daniel He loves to put them nails in there But he'll tell us Let me tell you something Brother Caleb, you won't never have to worry About these boards coming apart You won't never have to worry About these boards Ah, ripping apart Man, he'll put forth Nah, I've been there Even on this church He might have not been able to do it Brother Jones But he'll say Now I'll put a couple more in there Brother Caleb Put a couple more I think that needs two or three more Do you think I'll just sit there and laugh And say, oh no I'm going to tell you something I want to this place to stand Brother Jones Brother Madley I want to this place to stand And say, you know what I did? I took key to council I took key to godly council And I began to put a few more nails In there but not ten All the stories of life That you told me in the blood And now the chicken and the snake They wasn't just story It might have been just a story to some But it changed my life elder I hated the stories of a wise man That said take heed Of the wise council ♪ Jesus ♪ (upbeat music)