The Dr. J.A. Jones Podcast

Mind Matters: 88 Wealth PT 2

Broadcast on:
29 Dec 2024
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Dr. Jones and First Lady Cindy Jones continue to explore what wealth truly means and how God can increase your wealth.

J.A. Jones' service is to help others who are stuck in mental strongholds through encouragement, authenticity, and biblical wisdom. He will help you get better, be free, and live a joy-filled life.

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"The Power of the Tongue: 30 Days to Better Relationships by Dr. Jones

100 Insightful Ideas to Better Living

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Have you ever wondered why money seems to slip through your fingers no matter how hard to try? Or maybe you're struggling to figure out how to manage your finances without feeling guilty or enjoying what you have earned or deserved, right? - Welcome to Mind Matters with Dr. J. A. Jones. Dr. Jones is the head pastor of the Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park, Florida. Relationships, finances, our spiritual life, whatever it is, our problems start within our minds. Dr. Jones explores mental wellness through the application of God's word in our lives. It's just what the doctor ordered. Let's join him now and dig into Mind Matters because your mind matters to God. - Welcome back to Mind Matters. I'm Dr. Jones and thank you for tuning in to this particular message today on Mind Matters. I have a special guest with me, Cindy Jones. - Good day to everyone. Good to be here with you, Dr. Jones. - Absolutely. You know, Cindy, this is the last Sunday of 2024. - I think that's something. - Wow, what a year. - Yes. - It's so important for us to finish strong. Spiritually, I always got my five areas of leveling up or living spiritually, mentally, relationally, financially and physically because all of those aspects of our lives do matter. - Okay. - And that's so important. - Yes, it is. And this year has gone by very quickly. There was points where we thought it was going slow and want to hurry up and get that part over with, but we're at the last Sunday of the year. - You know, Ecclesiastic, it says, "There's a time and season for everything." So we're in the right space, we're in the right place. Thank you for tuning in again. We're gonna talk about something as relates to five purposes of wealth. Last, this is part two. You know, how not to abuse and mishandle your finances. It's so key. So here we go. Have you ever wondered why money seems to slip through your fingers no matter how hard to try? Or maybe you're struggling to figure out how to manage your finances without feeling guilty or enjoying what you have earned or deserved, right? What if I told you that understanding the purpose of wealth could completely change how you handle your money and bring peace to your financial decisions? - Mm-hmm. - I'm pretty sure you want to know, right? - Right. - Okay, let's get into it today. We talked about several things last week and one of the quotes that we mentioned, I think it's worth mentioning it again is from Dr. Miles Monroe. He said this, "When the purpose of something is not known, abuse is inevitable." - Yep. - So we talked about purpose number one, to give to the kingdom. To give to an organization that is making a difference, right? A church, a non-profit, we think about the kingdom, you know, the scripture says in Matthew 633, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." So when I think about the kingdom, I think about the ecclesia, the church, those that have been called out, right, to a specific purpose to make a difference in our world as an organization and as individuals. So we give to something worthy of its entity and what it does. So that's important as it relates to understanding the purpose of wealth. And we define what wealth is. It's not necessarily riches. It's not always tied to money only. But it's your gift, your calling. It's what you do, your value that you add to people or to organizations that's part of your wealth worthiness. The second thing we already talked about is to take care of our families. And that's one of the purposes of wealth. To take care of our families, we talked about that. The scripture says, "A person that doesn't provide for their own is worth than an infidel." Now let's talk about purpose number three, to carry out our calling. Wow, now that's very, very important. 'Cause the scripture says, "And due to running me chapter 15 verse 10, Cindy, the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hands to." Wow, that's so important. That Hebrews 13, it says this as well. Think as verse 20 and 21, "Now may the God of peace equip you with every good for doing his will." See God blesses some people with extra ordinary resources because their calling requires it. - Right. - Right. - As we say at our church, we are blessed to be a blessing. - We're definitely blessed to be a blessing. - Yes. - 100%. So because it's not necessarily favoritism, even though we have favor, but it's purpose. - Right. - Now let's talk about Joseph in the Bible. - Okay. - Joseph in the Bible was a great example of God's blessing because of his calling, right? God elevated Joseph to a position of extra ordinary wealth and power as the second in command in Egypt at that time. Now, because Joseph was favored for personal glory, but because his calling required it. - Yeah, his calling and his purpose and his brothers thought it was favoritism. - Okay. - From his father. - Right. - And so that's why they hated him. They thought that his father loved him more than he loved them. - Right. - And so they aided Joseph in a negative way. - Okay. - In getting to fulfill his purpose. - Okay. - Yeah. - Because Joseph position, you're right, enabled him to save so many lives during a devastating famine, right? - Mm-hmm. - And even his own family, you know, which he helped to preserve the lineage of Israel. - Right. - Because Joseph wealth and authority were resources that align with his purpose as you just stated. You know, he was a steward of God's plan. - Right. - He was a manager and one of the most powerful scriptures in the Bible, especially in the book of Genesis, that's just one of them. In Genesis chapter 50, verse 20, it says what you meant for evil, God intended for my good, right? But it meant it's talking about to accomplish what is now being done. And God, through Joseph, saved many lives. - Yes, and like you like to talk about the polarity, you know, and Paul said, "When I go to do good, evil is present." - Yes. - And so here it is, he was meant to save his family and his brothers hated him because they thought he was getting favoritism and really, and they, I'm trying to get rid of him, ended up pointing him in the direction that he was supposed to go, which was Egypt. They sold him to a Egyptian caravan. - Yeah, caravan of people, just coming along. - Yeah, they sold him. - So let's make some money from this. We don't need to kill him yet, let's. - Not knowing, they was playing right into the hands of God. - God's plan. - That a lot of times we get upset because of negative situations and circumstances coming to our lives, but it is pointing us towards where God wants us to go. - Wow, that's amazing. - And adverse experiences. - Sure, well, the Bible actually articulates in Romans 8, 24, we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God and are called according to his purpose. Joseph was a dreamer, obviously he had a purpose. Now, if you're tuning in, if you're listening and thank you for listening to Mind Matters, I want you to know that one of the purposes of wealth is to carry out your calling. Everybody has a different journey and a different path, but God will equip you, God will prepare you, don't allow what's bad now to think it's always gonna be bad, because it is a life of polarity. There's always two sides to a coin, two sides to a piece of paper, there's two sides to everything. There will always be, send it, send it, and there will always be good, and there will always be bad. - And that's why it's so important for us not to hold grudges and unforgiveness and so forth, because the blessings that we are going to receive on the other side of that adverse situation, you know, when God brings us out, is to be a blessing to someone else. It's not just for us. - Absolutely, I agree, 100%. Here's a quote by John Wesley. He said, "Gain all you can and save all you can." Then he said, "Give all you can." And I'll just quote by John Wesley. I think that's some relevant sync to that in what we're talking about today, because this third purpose is about wealth will come in our lives to carry out our calling. It may not come in the beginning, but eventually it will come to fruition, right? Because wealth, as we think about wealth, wealth should fuel our God-given assignments, whether it's missions, whether it's in business, whether it's in ministry, whatever that may be, wealth would do just that, 100%. - Okay, so do we need to remind everybody what wealth is, is not just finances. - Yeah, I mentioned it earlier, it's not just riches, but it's definitely, what do you think? What are your thoughts on that? - Yeah, well, well, as we're in, well, we just come out of the season of Christmas, and a lot of times everybody likes to watch that movie. It's a wonderful life. And remember, he said, "You a rich man "because he had a lot of friends." - Yeah, at the end of that movie, absolutely. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - And so, friends, family, you know, it could be money. Money is included, but it's not necessarily, a lot of times people tend to think that wealth just consists of having a lot of money and a lot of possessions and things like that, but it's more than that. - Right, no, it's, I call it value. What value you bring to life, right? Whether it's the connections with people, whether it's position-wise, what it is, influence, your position of influence in people's lives, a manager or a business owner, and who is working for you? Because in that movie, one of my favorite movies of the time of the year, it's a wonderful life. And his brother came from New York or somewhere. And at some point in that movie, he hated that he were born, right? Because he was going through a lot of adversity, and he was talking to God. And I wish I were never born. And then the world showed up as if he were not born or never existed, and now, at the end of the day, he said, I wish I take that back. He said, God, I take it back. I wanna live again, I wanna live again. So he didn't realize he saved his brother when he was eight years old, because his brother could have drowned in the lake. He saved a business owner at a pharmaceutical company because he was giving wrong drugs to a patient, and it was poisoned instead of the right drug. So his life was very valuable. - He was making a difference. - He was making a difference, and he was connected. So as somebody's listening to this today, I want you to know that be a person of value. - Yeah. - Be a person, it's not always about money initially, it's about your connection with people and life and situations, right? - You do matter. - Absolutely, we definitely do matter, right? - Yes. - As we move forward, number four is this. The fourth purpose, as we move forward, in this particular thought today, five purposes of well, part two, to help others. - Which goes along with part number three. - Yeah, absolutely. - You're calling, it's to help others. - Well, the scripture says in second Corinthians chapter nine, it says, you will be enriched in every way. So that you can become generous on every occasion. That's the NIV, and I think that's so important, right? And what scripture also said in Proverbs three and 27, do not withhold good from those who it is due. When it is in your power to act. - Yes. - As, go ahead. - That's very important. If you have it, do it. - Well, as we stated, and part of what we say all the time, we are blessed to be a blessing. - Right. - Because it's biblical, because in Genesis, the Bible said, I think it's Genesis one and 28, and God blessed them, right, Adam and Eve. Now, we should be helping others, and as we do that, we reflect God's heart and fulfill His command to love our neighbors. In Acts, in deeds, in everything that we do, because one of the best examples as we continue, purpose number four of understanding the purposes of wealth. And that's so important. I love the passage in Luke chapter 10, where it talks about the good Samaritan. And we'll talk about that. (upbeat music) - Dr. Jones is the pastor of Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park, reaching a hurting world with the love of Jesus. We thank you for listening to Mind Matters, and we encourage you to show support for the many community outreach ministries that Dr. Jones and Faith Community Church tend to. You can give at Faith Communities website,, or just text money sign and the amount you want to give to 833-435-8022. That's 833-435-8022. We are blessed to be a blessing. Now, let's get back to the program. - Now, it's so important. I love this passage in Luke chapter 10. We're not gonna read all of the verses for time's sake, but Luke chapter 10, I think it's starting at verse 25-37. It's dealing with the good Samaritan, how this Samaritan use his resources, time, effort, and money to help a man in desperate need. Somebody that fell among robbers and thieves and just stripped him from everything and his dignity and all of that. But after finding this particular injured man, the Samaritan took care of him. He cleaned his wounds. He put him on a donkey. We would say that and took him to an inn. We call it a current day hotel. And then he did what else? He paid for it. - Yeah. - Oh my goodness. He even promised to return and cover any additional costs. Now, that is amazing because this is a perfect example of blessed to be a blessing. - Right, right. 'Cause he, and what's not shown here - Okay. - Is that this Samaritan was a man of, I would say, integrity. - Okay. - He was known to people in the inn. - Right. - And so they knew that he was gonna come back and keep his word and take care of any expenses that he was, that was additionally incurred. - Absolutely. - You know. So he was known for that. - Right. - Otherwise they was like, "Man, you ain't gonna drop this dude off here "and on us, and leave him here? "You're gonna suck, take care of him." You know, that's how we think. Oh. - Right, right, right. And that's important. Again, just imagine him coming to this particularly inn wounded, bloody, maybe, still, discombobulated. And, but again, he, like you said, I'm pretty sure he was a person of integrity. - Yes. - But think about it, Samaritan. Samaritan back in the day was a half-breed. - Yeah. - Okay, Jews did not like, and there was no dealing. There was a culture clash. - Right. - There was a culturally clash between the Jews and the Samaritans, and the Samaritans were beneath the Jews with, so to speak, as you say. - Yeah. - Right. - So it goes beyond the culture and the race and all of that, it's character. - Absolutely. - Personal character, 'cause everybody's not gonna be that way and everybody's not gonna do it. But when you have made yourself known, your character has been shown in your person that's trustworthy and proven, then, you know, you can do what he did. - Right, right. - Yeah. - Right. We gotta love our neighbor as we love ourselves, right? - Right. - Love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. That's the great commandment, but it's also said, love your neighbor as you love yourself. And I love this part because the Samaritan did not judge the man, right? - Right. - This happened to you because maybe you were in sin. That's why the robbers beat you up and took everything. No? We can't judge people like that. - Right. - People because love never fails, the Bible says. And it's so important because if we don't, who will? - Yeah, as Kurt Song said, it could have been me. - Who said that? - Kurt Franklin. - Okay, he did. It could have been me. - He found that song. It could have been me. - Right. - There had no shoes and no food, you know. - Right. - Right. - It could have been me. And so the Samaritan, he didn't judge him, you know, 'cause it could have been him one time or it could be happening to him. As we say, paying it forward. - Absolutely. - Yes. - Have you ever been to Chick-fil-A, Cindy? - Yeah. - I don't know. This is not an announcement or advertising for Chick-fil-A, but I do go to Chick-fil-A, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, I think every time I go, that line is long. But, you know, they're so efficient at times, even through the drive through. You can kind of get in there and get out, right? - Right. - Whether you like Chick-fil-A, some people love it, some people don't, but just think about that. Truett Kathy from Chick-fil-A, you know, the philanthropist, you know, the founder of Chick-fil-A. Kathy used his wealth, not just for personal gain, but to build fun and scholarships. That's what it's been told. I've done some research on it, but foster homes, they've done, support ministries they do, you know? His actions were actually a testimony to being blessed to be a blessing, right? And that's what we're talking about, making a difference, a tangible difference, in people lives while still reflecting God's love. - Yes. - Right. - When they closed on Sundays. - And they closed on Sundays because there are people that say, no, you got to have a day to arrest a day to go to church, or a day off. - Of worship, yes. - And they have honored that over the years. Never. - And still doing well. - Absolutely. Now, this is what Billy Graham said. God has given us two hands. One, to receive wealth with, in other words, and the other to give with. God has given us two hands, one to receive with, and the other to give with. That's his quote. And I like that quote. Because helping others isn't just charity, it's stewardship. - Yes. - And that's important for everybody to know, right? Right. It's like the person who says, I'll help you, but I need these five 15 swethers. You know, the sweater I never wear. Well, I'm going to help you, but I got like 15 sweaters in the closet. I never wear it. Because generosity requires open hands. - Yeah. - And open hearts. - Right. - Now, the last thing is this. Purpose number five. Thank you for tuning in to Mind Matters. I'm so glad you're listening to Cindy and I to help our audience, and to help those that are listening, whatever platform you're listening, on thinking and to success, spiritual solution to real problems. Praise 107.9, YouTube. Whatever you're listening, I want you to know, sir, ma'am, you are blessed to be a blessing. - Correct. - You have what it takes as you trust God, God would take you where you need to be. One of my thoughts, Cindy, I used to say a lot when I went to the jails, and I still go jails and prisons for many years, and wherever it says, "A man that follows God will always get to their destination." - That is true. - Not just a man, but a woman as well. Not just gender-pacific as relates to that. Let's talk about purpose number five. To enjoy God's blessing. We have already addressed, the first one is to give to the kingdom. - Do we like this one? - The second one is to care for your family. The third one is to carry out your calling. God would give you wealth as you bring value, and he would provide because where there is a vision, God will always serve ma'am, make provision. The fourth one we already addressed was to help others, just like the Good Samaritan did in the Bible. And we do that. You do that, Cindy, and I do that. And we try to do it whenever we can, however we can, and however much we can. Amen. Sometimes we give waitresses or waiter an extra tip, right? We give them above sometimes 20%. And I think that's, you know, or somebody that is a need. We strive on doing it. So let's talk about the last one, to enjoy God's blessing. Here's the scripture, I believe in Ecclesiastes chapter five, verse 19. More over, when God gives someone wealth in possessions and the ability to enjoy them, this is a gift from God, or a gift of God. I like that, right? - Right. - And it's biblical. We're always, we're talking about biblical solutions to real situations. - Yeah, 'cause a lot of times you can get in the mode of obtaining, obtaining, working, working, working, getting more, getting more, getting more. And you don't take the time to enjoy what God has already blessed you with. - Absolutely. - We need to take breaks. - Absolutely. - So you can get creative. - Yes. - Your creativity can flow even more when you take the time to rest. - Absolutely. - Yes, just like I did when he made the world. Seven days he rested. - Absolutely. - And so we got to take time to enjoy the blessings of the Lord, or otherwise you're still constantly looking down the road, down the road, trying to get there, get there. - Absolutely. - Well, the scripture says it's in it. I mean, out with all of these are biblical things that we're following. And here's another scripture in first Timothy, chapter six, verse 17. Command those who are rich to put their hope in God. - Yeah. - Richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. - Yes. - That's first Timothy, chapter six, verse 17, because God doesn't just give wealth for working or giving. He also blesses us to enjoy what he provides. - Right. - Gratitude and joy. We got to honor the giver of life, you know, and he blesses us with every good and perfect gift. - Right. - Another example is Solomon's life. King Solomon, he was a great example because in Ecclesiastes chapter five, verse 18 to 20, it talks about Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote about the importance of enjoying life and the blessings God gives. I don't know if I have time. I'm gonna try to read this quickly, more over. This is Ecclesiastes chapter five. Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toll, this is a gift of God. They seldom reflect on the days of their life because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart. Now, that's Ecclesiastes chapter number five, verse 19 and 20, because despite of Solomon's or King Solomon's extra ordinary wealth, Solomon also understood that enjoying the fruits of one's labor with gratitude, that's key, with gratitude is a part of God's plan. - Yes. - Because he uses his wealth to build the magnificent, it was an incredible temple of God, as well as his own palace. But if we do so without gratitude and humility, we're getting the glory instead of God getting the glory. But it can be proven to be selfish. - Right, and you get into the mode of complaining about what the struggles or the difficulties or whatever is taking place to obtain it, you'll get focus on that instead of taking a break and being thankful and grateful for the blessings that God has given you, you'll lose your perspectives. - Oh, absolutely. - So to speak. - Now Dave Ramsey, I think his main office or his main business in Tennessee, and he does business around the world and we've used some of his programs and to help people get out of debt to help them to understand how to manage their money. And someone said Ramsey often shares that while his financial success is good and it comes from God and he does enjoy the blessings that God has given him, but he does it with purpose and the right perspective. He speaks about taking joy in experiences like family vacations and sharing meals and along those blessings are aligned with biblical stewardship. His example reminds us that gratitude and joy in God's provision brings glory to the giver. And that's so important, just like a farmer, it works so hard to provide for his family. And generously he actually gives to others. Now, here's a quote from C.S. Lewis, right? Here's another quote. "It is not wrong to desire our own good." Indeed, if we consider the unbellishing promises of reward, promise in the gospel, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. Now, joy for stewardship glorifies God as we balance generosity with gratitude. Thank you for tuning in to my matter, Cindy, anything before we close this particular broadcast today? - Oh, it's just good to know the purpose of wealth a lot of times, like the purpose number one is to give to the kingdom. And you talked about the Esqualecia which is the church. We are the church, it's not an organization. We are the church and the church is all over the world. And so we are blessed to be a blessing to whoever we come and contact with. And enjoy it. Enjoy your wealth, take time to rest and be grateful for the blessings of the Lord. - Thank you for being with me, Cindy, today. And I hope we understand the purpose of wealth. Hopefully everybody got it, to give to the kingdom, to take care of your family, to carry out your calling, to help others. Enjoy God's blessing. We'll see you next time. Thank you for being with us today. (upbeat music) - Thanks for tuning into another episode of Mind Matters with Dr. J. A. Jones. Be sure to tune in next Sunday at 5 p.m. right here on phrase 107.9. For more insightful discussion about how God's word can get our minds right. You can also hear Dr. Jones preach in person Sundays at 11 a.m. at Faith Community Church of God at 1268 Gano Avenue in Orange Park, Florida, 3, 2, 0, 7, 3. Thanks again for listening. Stay mindful and keep striving for improvement because your mind matters to God. (upbeat music)