Classic Adventure Books - Daily

13 - The Island of Dr Moreau - H G Wells Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad-free! Step into a world of daily intrigue and timeless tales with our Classic Adventure Podcast Series! Each day, we bring to life a new chapter from a beloved classic, inviting you on an exhilarating journey through some of the greatest adventure stories ever written. Imagine unraveling the mysteries with Sherlock Holmes, exploring bizarre landscapes with Alice, or circumnavigating the globe in just eighty days. Why settle for mundane daily commutes or routine chores when you can escape into the thrilling escapades of "Treasure Island" or the eerie encounters in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"? Our podcast transforms your every day into a captivating adventure, perfect for both the literary enthusiast and the casual listener seeking an escape from the ordinary. Join us as we traverse the dark depths of "Heart of Darkness," soar through the imaginative realms of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," and survive the wilds with "Robinson Crusoe." Each episode is crafted to make the classics accessible and exciting, ensuring that whether you're reliving your favorite tales or discovering them for the first time, you're guaranteed a gripping experience. Subscribe to our Classic Adventure Podcast Series today and start your daily adventure! Let us awaken the explorer in you as we delve into these timeless narratives, chapter by chapter, transforming your daily routine into an extraordinary journey through the pages of history's most thrilling adventures. Don't just listen to stories—live them every day with us!

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29 Jun 2024
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I turned and stared, arms akimbo, at the thick green behind me, into which the steamy ravine cut like a smoking gash. But, as I say, I was too full of excitement and a true saying, though those who have never known danger may doubt it, too desperate to die. Then I came into my head that there was one chance before me yet. While Morel and Montgomery and their bestial rabble chased me through the island, might I not go round the beach until I came to their enclosure, make a flank march upon them, in fact, and then, with a rock lugged out of their loosely built wall, perhaps smash it in the lock of a smaller door and see what I could find, knife, pistol or whatnot, to fight them with when they returned. It was at any rate something to try. So I turned to the westward and walked along by the water's edge. The setting sun flashed his blinding heat into my eyes. The slight Pacific tide was running in with the gentle ripple. Presently the shore fell away southward, and the sun came round upon my right hand. Then suddenly far in front of me, I saw first one, and then several figures emerging from the bushes. Morel with his grey stag hound, then Montgomery and two others. At that I stopped. They saw me, and began gesticulating and advancing. I stood watching them approach. The two beastmen came running forward to cut me off from the undergrowth inland. Montgomery came, running also, but straight towards me. Morel followed slower with the dog. At last I roused myself from my inaction, and turning seaward walked straight into the water. The water was very shallow at first. I was thirty yards out before the waves reached to my waist. Dimly I could see the intertidal creatures darting away from my feet. "What are you doing, man?" cried Montgomery. I turned, standing waist deep, and stared at them. Montgomery stood panting at the margin of the water. His face was bright red with exertion, his long flax and hair blown about his head, and his dropping nether lip showed his irregular teeth. Morel was just coming up, his face pale and firm, and the dog at his hand barked at me. Both men had heavy whips. "Father up the beach," stared the beastmen. "What am I doing? I'm going to drown myself," said I. Montgomery and Morel looked at each other. "Why?" asked Morel. "Because that is better than being tortured by you." "I told you so," said Montgomery, and Morel said something in a low tone. "What makes you think I shall torture you?" asked Morel. "What I saw," I said, "and those, yonder." "Hush," said Morel, and held up his hand. "I will not," said I. "They were men. What are they now? I at least will not be like them." I looked past my interlocutors. Up the beach were himling, Montgomery's attendant, and one of the white swathed brutes from the boat. "Father up, in the shadow of the trees, I saw my little ape-man, and behind him some other dim figures." "Who are these creatures?" said I, pointing to them and raising my voice, more and more, that it might reach them. "They were men, men like yourselves. Whom you have infected with some best you'll taint. Men, whom you have enslaved, in whom you still fear." "You who listen?" I cried, pointing now to Morel, and shouting past him to the beastman. "You who listen? Do you not see these men still fear you? Go and dread of you. Why then do you fear them? You are many, for God's sake!" cried Montgomery. "Stop that, Prindic! Prindic!" cried Morel. They both shouted together, as if to drown my voice, and behind them lowered the staring faces of the beastman, wondering. The deformed hands hanging down their shoulders hunched up. They seemed, as I fancied, to be trying to understand me, to remember, I thought, something of their human past. I went on shouting. I scarcely remember what, that Morel and Montgomery could be killed, that they were not to be feared. That was the burden of what I put into the heads of the beast-people. I saw the green-eyed man in the dark rags who had met me on the evening of my arrival come out from among the trees, and others followed him, to hear me better. At last for want of breath I paused. "Listen to me for a moment," said the steady voice of Morel, "and then say what you will." "Well?" said I. He coughed. Thought, then shouted. "Latin, Prindic!" "Bad Latin, schoolboy Latin, but try and understand." "Hi, known Sunt homonez, Suntanamelya, Quinos, Habimis." "Vivisected, a humanizing process, I will explain, come ashore." "I laughed." "A pretty story," said I. "They talk, build houses, they were men. It's likely I'll come ashore." "The water just beyond you where you stand is deep, and full of sharks." "That's my way," said I. Short and sharp, presently." "Wait a minute." He took something out of his pocket that flashed back the sun, and dropped the object at his feet. "That's a loaded revolver," said he. "Mant gunnery here will do the same. Now we are going up the beach until you are satisfied the distance is safe, then come and take the revolvers." "Not I. You have a third one between you." "I want you to think over things, Prindic. In the first place I never asked you to come upon this island. If we vivisected men, we should import men, not beasts. In the next. We had you drugged last night. Had we wanted to work you any mischief?" "In the next. Now your first panic is over, and you can think a little. Is Montgomery here quite up to the character you give him?" "We have chased you for your good, because this island is full of the inimical phenomena. Besides, why should we want to shoot you when you have just offered to drown yourself?" "Why did you set your people on to me when I was in the hut?" "We felt sure of catching you and bringing you out of danger. Afterwards we drew away from the scent for your own good." "I'm used. It seemed possible." "Then I remembered something again. But I saw," said I, "in the enclosure. That was the Puma." "Look here, Prindig," said Montgomery. "Your thily-ath, come out of the water and take these revolvers and talk. We can't do anything more than we could do now." "I will confess that then, and indeed always, I distrusted and dreaded morrow. But Montgomery was a man I felt I understood." "Go up the beach," said I, after thinking, and added, "holding up your hands." "Can't do that," said Montgomery, with an explanatory nod over his shoulder. "Undignified." "Go up the trees then," said I, "as you please." "It's a damn thily-therimony," said Montgomery. Both turned and faced the six or seven grotesque creatures, who stood there in the sunlight, solid, casting shadows, moving, and yet so incredibly unreal. Montgomery cracked his whip at them, and forthwith the all-turned-and-flared helter-skelter into the trees. And when Montgomery and Morrow were at a distance I judged sufficient, I waited ashore, and picked up and examined the revolvers. To satisfy myself against the subtlest trickery I discharged one at a round lump of lava, and had the satisfaction of seeing the stone pulverized, and the beach splashed with lead. Still I hesitated for a moment. "I'll take the risk," said I, at last, and with a revolver in each hand I walked up the beach towards them. "That's better," said Morrow, without affection. "As it is you have wasted the better part of my day with your confounded imagination." And with a touch of contempt which humiliated me, he and Montgomery turned and went on in silence before me. The knot of the beastmen, still wandering, stood back among the trees. I passed them as serenely as possible. One started to follow me, but retreated again when Montgomery cracked his whip. The rest stood silent, watching. They may once have been animals, but I never before saw an animal trying to think. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Hey there, listeners. Are you ready to unlock a world of captivating stories, soothing sounds, and enlightening lectures? At Saul Good Media, we believe in the power of audio to enrich your life. And now we're offering you a chance to experience it all for free. For a limited time, you can get a one-month free trial to our premium, ad-free service. Imagine having unlimited access to over 500 audiobooks, meditative sounds, and exclusive shows, all at your fingertips. Just head over to and sign up to start your free trial today. No ads, no interruptions just pure, immersive audio content. Don't miss out. Transform your listening experience with Saul Good Media. Visit and start your free trial now. 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