It Feels Right

It Feels Right #67 - A Pickleball Video Game? & San Clemente Recap

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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Think I'm more of a torso guy. I mean, I got stubby little legs. So I mean we're the opposite I got I got I got beautiful long legs, but I've got a I got a I got a tiny torso, man It's always tiny torso. It's always it's always gonna struggle. It's like man. Look at that thing. Why is it so short? Seriously, dude, I was like I look crazy naked I don't know if I'm happy or sad that I haven't seen that Because you know why why the feels right? It feels right Legendary This is the moment we waiting for everything you want is right here We gonna give them what they came for we're gonna take it up from last year. What's the game change? What's the game change? What's the game change? I Go down some rabbit holes with Turkmenistan It's easy to get lost down in that rabbit hole because like they'll be like these tic-tocks or Instagram reels where these guys are like I'm going to the, you know, whatever it is the hardest country to get into in the world other than North Korea and it's like a guy just filming Turkmenistan and how you have all these massive hotels that are just like zero people there and North Korea and Turkmenistan fascinating fascinating stuff to see kind of like behind the scenes of those places what a start What well the whole reason it came up was like, you know, it looks pretty dark where you're at and it reminded me of a Basement I was once in and Turkmenistan There you go Robert Robert you haven't played pickleball in a while and that's not true. Okay in the tournament that is true. That is true Okay, but I did play pickleball over this weekend over this past weekend Adam I was in Ann Arbor Michigan for the first time in my life Little little known fact there's a direct flight from Jacksonville, Florida to Flint, Michigan Okay, I don't I don't know how they make money on that route, but they did it Flint's so I don't know a whole lot about Michigan other than my sister little sister Laura She lived in Traverse City for a while But I have not Michigan to the state where I have not spent a lot of time but flew into Flint Went down to Ann Arbor and with my good friends at Wolverine pickleball Christian Leslie. I have never I have truly never seen a facility that is Booked from morning to evening like fully they have 12 courts and doors They have a beach tennis court outside some like a few volleyball courts full sand volleyball outside They have bocce outside cornhole. Obviously. They've got a poor my beer tap wall, you know the self-serve tap wall I do. I mean those are fun. They're not Dreamline. Yeah, so same same provider is Dreamland in terms of the self-serve. So I so I Know poor my beard pretty well I worked with them last year Josh the owner is a friend of mine from from past business life and Who are you like? Yeah? You're I've got a few lives. I've lived Adam. I know it feels that way So went up there. It did a little event for Wolverine pickleball and poor my beer We we use the self-serve tap wall plenty. We did like a mixer challenge court, which was a lot of fun We had mics going like this where My homie Willie Metro is his name. His name's William Metropolis very Greek He's 61, but looks 31. It's unbelievable this guy and he's just on the mic heckling the whole time I'm playing some pickleball I'm clinics a Mediterranean diet, man That's the one right there must be because he looks absolutely incredible Well, that's that sounds like a lovely little situation that you're in Robert. The only thing I know about Flint, Michigan. I know Didn't they have bad water from fracking? Sounds like it. Yeah, I feel like I saw some documentary about that and is it what what's the big? Is that where Michigan State is? No, that's a East Lansing. He's Lansing Ann Arbor's University of Michigan. Oh, okay. The big house, baby. The big house, baby. Gotcha. All right So so that was that I was so I was on court for like 14 hours over two days, which is absolutely unheard of I haven't been on court for that long ever. So that's actually an interesting thing. So what Say you are on the tourney grind, which you are and you get five weeks off do you like not play at all for some small stretch at the beginning or do you try to just kind of maybe take a day or two off or a couple days off and then kind of work back into drilling and playing and whatnot? Honestly, Adam, that's That's proprietary information. I'm not I'm not at liberty to share what my training schedule is. It's unique It's unique to me. It's I would say it It could try to be replicated, but but but It won't be successful for you because I'm a one I'm a one of one Adam one of my terms of my training regimen I wouldn't recommend it to anybody else that's trying to be a pro or that is a pro Just just don't do what I do and you'll be fine but my my court time is pretty limited at them and and I still go in pretty hot to these tournaments. I still go and feel good, baby Well, I mean if you're if it's like riding a bike and you're down he's soft. You know, that's what it is I mean, that's right. That's right some players need touches some players don't you know, that's that's how it goes Look, I need some good touches a couple days leading up. I need some good games But but other than that Adam Daddy's ready to rumble right you're yeah, so you wait when you're not getting that court time though You're aggressively in the gym lifting Interval training well deep cardio those kind of things, right? You know, I'm Those kinds of things let's let's go with those kinds of things. Yeah. Yeah, yeah Again proprietary information not willing to disclose on this podcast publicly what I do and do not do to get in tip-top pickleball shape, but let's just say I'm aggressively doing Or not doing stuff. Okay. Good. Okay. Good. This okay. Excellent. I have a little beef with you Robert. Okay I didn't notice that you were deep in the Twitter streets the last few days. What's going on? Are you okay? Yeah, yeah, like what's what's up, man? That you you were hot there for about seven to ten days Maybe longer and it kind of cooled off a little bit and on Twitter. What's what's up? I was on court for 14 hours over two days, and it's like it's it was more taxing than a tournament truly being on court a lot for me is tough because of the crones and like I if I'm on court and I'm actually like engaged and I was teaching I taught a couple clinics I was like mentally super super dialed in And then playing a lot as well in terms of like the challenge court and having fun and running around and doing Bert's and Bert's and You know, just just being silly out there. I Got yeah, I was just I was exhausted I was spending good time with with my homies at poor my beer and Wolverine So I was just I was being a real person in the real world And I wasn't able to to get too dialed on on the old X platform, but don't worry Adam. I'll be back I'll be back coming in hot. I know you will I know you will I did see some stuff about how how terrible the graphics are for For the PPA video game I haven't even seen the game I I've seen like I've seen people like I've just seen like little screenshots of it It looks looks cool, but I don't I haven't seen like apparently they must have shown dude. Look at that little hair They I think they must have shown like a video of it and people are like wow that like that would be fun Like who said it? I think Chris Callie. Sorry not sorry not sorry on on the old X I think said this would be good as like a arcade game But it'll be an utter That'll be kind it won't work so well as like as like a video game Are you okay? Okay, so I was checking to see if you were just Supporting your mic or actually holding it. It looks like it's the latter You look out look how odd my like hand looks, huh? Crazy look at that thing. Yeah, absolutely. It does it does matter Respect to you when you when you did that trip from the beach to home just to do the pod I I am on the west coast right now, and we usually record this baby at 8 30 Eastern It is which is 5 30. Obviously. I'm in San Diego right now, so What time is it right now? I'm playing a tournament this weekend. Oh, and I can't and going from Michigan I don't want to go to back to Florida and then come back, so I was just you know straight shot to San Diego I'm staying at my buddy Sean's house here Sean and Karen. They happen to I just I missed them They're actually in Charlotte and Greenville, South Carolina and Asheville doing the This is a buddy from college in Asheville. They're doing the rounds visiting friends So I'm at their place in San Diego I'll be here probably till Wednesday, and then I'll go up and you know get a couple of touches for Newport Yeah, I forgot a little Newport Beach man, and I'll tell you what if you're not going to be playing your pickleball inside Southern California is not a bad place because that's correct. San Clemente my goodness It was it was a vibe there with the 75 degrees and sunny every day ridiculous Little breeze there there was some breeze it was a pop-up breeze, so it wasn't consistent It would completely die down, and then it would kick up for whatever amount of time So there definitely was a bit of breeze, but other than that Christine conditions It's nestled in that little it's tucked away nestled in the little hill right? It's like a damn amphitheater style That location so so cool that has to be as a set for the SoCal Hard 8 that has to be your home facility You got to claim it just go go put up go put up signage. I think we're I think we're a hub. I think we're hub though Oh, that's a shame. Yeah, I mean great for the hub, but I mean that that facility It's a good hard eights all over it for me. Yeah, I mean the I mean it's it's I mean it's it's a spot man I mean yet the little like six cabanas up there you got the VIP section and then and then because it is down in The like amphitheater style you have like basically a whole standing row on the complete outside of the top So yeah, I was pretty impressed. I was lucky enough to Most of the time we're in the truck, but they had a little set up for us courtside So that was fun and you get some extra stuff when you're commentating when you're out on court and you can see what's happening So I was a pack too. Oh, yeah, that was a sick crowd. Oh, yeah, I mean just it was great It was great. You even the thoroughfares and walking in between courts and backed by grandstand and everything just packed everywhere It was it was a slow build and and it was it was getting go in like Thursday and Friday. It wasn't just Saturday and Sunday So, you know a lot of times you'll see on the streams is pretty barren on on Wednesday Thursdays and even some Fridays But pops off in the weekend this this was pretty consistent throughout dog you drop thoroughfare you drop barren and Don't forget about my god. You you just really did it in that little that little Working I'm working on the vocab cuz I have to say the exact same thing about the exact same people about the exact same Sport for 20 hours per week So I might as well mix up your words, right? Yeah, well out that's the sore is and just you know Just let me try to talk Let's just let it happen. Yeah, you you're you're jazzed up You're about nine out of ten right now. Maybe nine plus out of ten Rob I like when it's it's like the day. You're bringing you know what we got to do We got to bring enthusiasm so I was watching don't judge me, but I was watching owning Manhattan You know the show I do Ryan Ryan Sirhan on on that flicks and I liked one thing you said about sales It's uh, it's a transfer of enthusiasm from one person to the to the next basically, right? So that's what I'm trying to do for you Adam and For all of our all of our good friends listening. No, that's enthusiasm important. I'm an energy guy Whether I'm teaching or or on the mic, you know, so sometimes a lot. I'll say a lot of the time I'm not really saying anything, but I'm saying it with enthusiasm and excitement and I think that that translates it matters speaking of enthusiasm Over the weekend we did have a we did have a match as the IFR team Adam We had a IFR pickleball match versus Eddie and Webby, but we didn't obviously have you and we also didn't have Eddie Okay, but but we came out victorious. Just so I know we did win. I didn't let you down Ratings ratings are stable refine not dropping but it was fun we did it was me and There's a couple local guys Evan and Jake that hopped in with us and I played with Evan Webby played with Jake and they just got lit up They got lit up and Webby filled filmed everything he filmed the clinics So if you guys want to see this old guy in action teaching my god Just hop on the Eddie and Webby YouTube channel, so you would cue it up. I think it's gonna be on fire, baby Yeah, cue it up cue it up. Wow. I played I played a decent amount of pickleball this weekend, too, so I actually Rob I actually had a stretch of exercise and four out of seven days That's that's very good since that since the child has been born that is the best stretch of exercise that I've had Played back-to-back days. So we're getting this thing commentator ball going where where we play after the three to seven session myself Dave Fleming Dylan Seager Player liaison. I think he has a fancier title than player liaison, but we'll just call him that for now and then director of player personnel Let's go down good. Good. And then we get a Pro to come in and so the first night we had Travis Rhett and Meyer Or sorry first night we had James Ignatowich and then the second night we had Travis Rhett and Meyer and it's it's pretty fun And the first right or who plays with who? Oh, it's it's a rotation Yeah, it's a rotation but like the first time I played okay, but the second night was I was struggling a little bit and dude James Ignatowich hits the ball so hard It's it's ridiculous, you know, I understand. I'm a shell of my former former playing self. That's fine Whatever all good, but I mean, I'm just like tracking Dylan hit the ball and then when I like Square up to look across the net. I'm getting hit I gotta hit like five times I did catch Jimmy right in the gut once so I got him bad, but I I mean tattoos everywhere just calf shoulder gut all over the place Bpj big pop of Jimmy was letting it fly and rec play He's got to hit the ball harder. He's got to hit the ball hardest on the mint side, right? I think so it was something It was something to behold and he's not big on the Playing to his competition. It could be three fives. I've seen him playing rec with three fives. No, he's it's it's he's going ten out of ten every time Yeah, he's not your function. He's he's three-quarter arm slapping over heads then finishing the point the whole the whole nine yards So he does a lot of teaching and he does a lot of three of these and he needs to record all of them. I don't yeah Jimmy if you're listening. Yes, your boy Ryan to record all these guys I need every three of me because I did see some clicks clips of him in New York at the lifetime doing three of these and he's Burding he's hitting these ladies in the chest It's just dude. It's all time, but I think that is the way to do it I think and I I did that a little bit more like over the weekend of just like don't just get into unless they're like 80 years old. Yeah, don't get into like the Dean Crows with them. Just light them up. Just let them know Yeah, let them let them know what it feels like to be on court with the pro. Yeah, that's exactly right And a shout out to the rattlesnake. I'm a big fan of the rattlesnake dude. I like Travis We had a good time out there. He's a straight shooter. You kind of know where you stand with that guy And I enjoyed my time on court with him and hopefully we get some more action going in Kansas City Who usually who Travis was playing with one what will say who's playing with me one? No, no The set the second night might be some of the worst pickleball that I've that I played in my Since the first you gotta get to get that stuff out. Let's get that poison out of your body, you know, yeah Thank you. Now. It's out. It's out. It's out. I hope it doesn't come back again, but this is a good times Does this go into I know obviously that when when the MLP owners are doing this kind of stuff. There's a lot of there's a lot of Money being thrown around. Are you guys betting on these games? No, no betting. Just just exercising I feel like when I retire I will only play games for betting like I will only play for money Like that's like I have a I have a good body type to hustle. You do it. Yeah, you watch the local park I'm just show up at Crocs and five eight, you know Put on about 25 pounds since I stopped playing a little heavier You are now sure, you know, like wipe the sweat off my brow show off the gut, you know, like these kind of things I mean I can make some real money doing this to a little local park and I tell you what like Of course the old schoolers know who I am I've been around the scene for a while, but a lot of the a lot of the newbies have no idea So I mean they don't know who I am. They don't know that I used to play. Let's make some money, you know Yeah, they need to that that just means they're not watching the podcast and they should be and that's disappointing to hear But we just we need to shove this down their throat a little bit more. I guess Yeah, and you get man. I'll tell you what you get way more love When you're on site too as the commentator, of course, no one's coming to the truck. No one sees anything We were yeah, I mean, Dave and I were taking pictures and people were giving us shout outs and stuff all throughout it was it was an extremely fun vibe and Just in general not just talking about women, but the women and the men the people There's pretty people down in San Clemente. So everybody's just everybody just having a good time eating drinking Everybody dudes are all muscled up, you know, I mean everybody's just having a good time And it's it's a great place to be seven 70 and 75 When you're in that weather all the time you makes you want to be fit, right? Like if you're in cold weather It's you know, you're wearing big clothes. You're wrapped up. It's like, you know, and soak out at the weather's nice Everybody's fit everybody's out doing stuff. It's a little contagious. That's right green juice and rainstorms. That's all they do That's all they do down there green juice and rainstorms. That's all you need That's all you need in life Uh, but man, it was it was some good action too. There was there there was quite a few storylines Uh, you know, I don't know. I think I think the podcast is making a difference and what I just you know, I took a I took a peek at the at the old results and Everybody's playing the bronze match, baby Everybody's playing the bronze. Yeah, look at you. I think that's automatically directly related direct correlation, sir Yes, we are we are making a difference. We are doing the Lord's work and you're welcome fans Oh, yeah. Oh, I wanted to mention this too. Even though you were not deep in the twitter streets I did catch a couple of maggie reminzies tweez. Oh when she said I'm just I'm a little jealous of her one Like her baby started sleeping through the night at like a month to which is frustrating as someone whose baby does not do that Number two is she's basically retired at this point with with the being a full-time mother And I think she has a job too. But she just says whatever she wants. She's got like a real job Yeah, she just says whatever she wants to and you know, I love we need that to quite do that but uh something along the lines of must be frustrating uh Uh for Ben to to have these nice combinations in the nice digs just for calling johns to be standing straight up and miss a reset into Uh I wouldn't go that far Uh, but yeah, I mean, I wouldn't say it was his best performance either But it was like a noticeable shift and strategy for both of them Like holland was speeding up off of the bounce and a much higher clip than he previous did Which is usually never like a rare and Ben was going wild like full-on solo shake and bakes and what he was doing is he was he was looking to bag It's the first time that i've ever seen him like look to bag uh So I guess it's probably just a they're doing it to us Let's kind of use that strategy and do it to them So lots of high heart attacks. He wasn't even just Rolling the backhand up the line. He was like pulling it cross court trying to like Body up the the other left side player. So there was a variety of patterns and frequencies and and shots that We have not seen from the johns brothers in quite some time. So uh, it was fun. It was fun. It was fun. Question for you Yes, hypothetical. I know you like hypotheticals. I do um Ben and colin versus Ben and annaly who wins not Ben and colin easily I mean, I wouldn't say easily uh, but Give me a score line. I mean, what's the what's the line on that? Yeah, I I mean, I think it's very nice. It's definitely reasonably close. I mean, I would say like a Six and eight situation something like that. Okay. So like a 14 like a 13 five 13 five line. Yeah, something like that Uh, but I I would I think if they played that 20 times, I would be shocked if annaly in like a 19 100 once or twice. Yeah, more than that. That's her twice and you know, maybe Analy like I mean shoot analy analy's wild man. It's It's it's it's pretty wild how good she is and I mean, she's finally She's finally completely screwed down 10 four and mixed doubles to the johnson uh the johnson's and just does like Three turn her back whip through the zone attacks against jw and she even said it in the interview I just thought we were gonna lose. So I just I just lit up jw and it worked And they end up coming all the way back and winning one of the the best finishes. I've ever seen in pickleball. So Uh, yeah, she she's nuts But I would have to give the edge to cj invent definitely before we get into the episode We have to tell you about a must have for anyone in the pickleball world If you're an avid pickleball player and don't have this app downloaded on your phone You're missing out on so much meet the selkart tv app the first and only free streaming and on-demand app dedicated to Everything pickleball whether you're a player a fan or just curious about the sport selkart tv is your one-stop shop for all things pickleball get exclusive early access to content You won't find anywhere else like lessons courses Podcasts and much much more imagine improving your game with the pros or catching the latest pickleball buzz Before anyone else need more. How about a 24/7 live stream featuring new content daily? From gripping ppa tournament matches and live coverage of grandstand court to insightful player interviews selkart tv has it all you can dive into the action anytime anywhere If you're already watching this episode on the app, thank you. But if you aren't, what are you doing? Download the selkart tv app now. It's a must have for anyone who loves pickleball visit slash tv to get it Yeah, and that's like that's the one thing I just I have a hard time understanding how that works. It'll be like The ball will be completely behind her She'll take she'll take that like left foot back pivot back to hit a backhand like kind of turn her right shoulder So so it's like she's fully hiding it a little bit And then she'll just come through and rip a backhand and like we're talking You would never teach this you would never ever say this is like the right shot to hit But she's able to she's able to put so much on it and put it in the right spot to where It somehow works and I every time she does it. I don't get it. But no and and she really can go to all the spots She can go completely inside out middle or pull it line I think she her favorite one is to pull it line and that's the insane part I mean down 10 4 and game 3 she's playing the right She clearly has jw johnson right in front of her and she pulls it up his line three times And wins the point to jw johnson's backhand And that was you know that it was basically those three shots paired with A handful of georgia johnson's soft airs and then boom boom boom the the matches over like Four minutes later, uh just a wild ending in that particular match a wild ending and the john's brothers and the hayden patrick And pablo teh has matched. I mean super super fun stuff this past weekend uh really really Nice score lines because I mean you get quality matches and they could you know be 11 4 in the third or whatever We got 14 12s and 13 11s and crazy comebacks. That's what really gets everybody amped up No, and it was uh It was high quality stuff too like dude hayden patrick. Well, let's go pick h Yeah, I mean just I said just I said I mean one of my favorite players if not my favorite player just from what he brings to the table on court The the the flicks the swag the fact that he's a little guy. Of course. I love that I mean just the power in the spin that he creates Is his his hand speed is is insane too. So he's a really fun extended firefights Like 10 total balls five for each team and just guys and gals just teeing off on this stuff. It was it was good it's The thing with him and like he's not tall, but it feels like at the kitchen line I mean, I would say reach for like reach his reach Like the ratio of his height to his reach is easily the best and pickleball Like he makes the kitchen pretty small even though he's that he's not he's not a big guy But if you leave that thing up a little bit he's able to get it out of the air like his reach is really really good for his size Yeah, I mean, he must have a longer wingspan than height but and We need to start measuring that too, right? Yeah, we need to that's a that's like that's like a Thing that we should have like we should I mean, that's a very important part is wingspan Um, that's like I'd be really interesting to see for every player, right? Yeah, and I actually mentioned something about this for Vivian glossman Yeah, who who I mean she she like some of those reach ins whether it's you know kind of rolling that forehand dink out of the air or putting pressure on the forehand side and I and I was I made the reference to the Victor wind binaya guy from this from the San Antonio spares because he's like seven four, but he has like an eight two wingspan so uh, that is Absolutely a huge deal like a massive height actually let's let's think about that height actually doesn't matter Like we think about height because usually that comes with a longer wingspan But honestly heights a like it's not necessarily like you want to you want to be call it Six foot with like uh with like a you know, six five wingspan like you want the that you don't want it because the dinks if you're six four Yeah, definitely and like you there's even like I mean you can go even down more of a rabbit hole and like people with Like longer torso's and smaller lower bodies, you know, like there's a lot of different variation And that could be like a lower center of gravity situation So you could actually be more balanced when you're reaching in and I I think I'm more of a torso guy I mean, I got stubby little legs. So I mean we're the opposite I got I got I got beautiful long legs, but I've got a I got a I got a tiny torso man. It's always tiny torso. It's always I'm it's always been a struggle. It's like man. Look at that thing Why is it so short? Seriously, but like I look crazy naked but I mean I I don't know if I'm happy or sad that I haven't seen that Robert But I mean really though. I mean we're talking like Pro pickleball the parody is ridiculous. Everybody is good Do you think having three or four at more inches of wingspan isn't a big deal? You're insane. So Uh, maybe that is something that we eventually maybe when we have those crazy stats, you know Five years from now and everything's all all perfect With the percentages and everything. I think wingspan will be a big factor Agreed and those guys with big torsos Okay, okay back. We're we're going to go back to Uh I just want to talk a little bit more about the john's playing style and some of the matchups that happened So it really all started with eric radi and kasey diamond who played a very good match against them in the round of 32 There was some high and hard going on from radi and diamond Uh reaching in the kitchen not really trying to keep the ball in the court on a variety of situations There were some real frustrations from both Uh both john's eye And then uh round of 16 you have no a cliff who looked pretty good Just no one looks pretty go ahead. Go ahead. Just one note. Sorry to interrupt here. No Um But on the on the kasey diamond radi situation I did I wasn't on twitter I wasn't deep in the twitter series But I did see something pretty funny that I sent to greg dow last night a little screenshot And it was uh brooks jones on twitter saying Um, is kasey diamond a poor man's greg dow somebody answered me Or something like that or like uh like uh is kasey diamond a broke ass version of greg dow Basically like something And I was it's yes. Yes That the answer is yes. The answer is yes. That's all I have. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go Well, maybe maybe in a month from now, it'll be reversed Mm-hmm be greg dow will be a brook Kasey diamond possibly who's pretty big. He's like six three, but anyway Yeah, he's got some nice extension from the kitchen real ball was getting on the john's eye pretty quickly And then they played uh no way cliff and callin shick who Uh smooth game one but 12 10 in game two and that no way cliff's pretty good He's he's a smooth customer Super new from dallas about 25 years old, but this soft game is very competent very early Uh, which which always gets me a little more excited than then someone coming and just blasting away with with good power stuff. Yeah uh And then of course, uh in the quarterfinals against hayden patrick win and pablo teia is what i'm matched completely insane Uh pablo and hayden i believe got up 10 five in game three john's eye came all the way back and then Uh, just not quite enough as patrick win and teas and i just love the celebration from teas like Who knows nine probably losses pent up and he just let it all out. He played great. He was dropping dimes on the third shot Uh creating a little havoc running around the backhand of the kitchen line with that forehand uh probably over earning a couple too many times but uh Big h Exact same situation hands were on point winning exchanges Uh just just really fun entertaining points and uh, yeah, super super. It's super cool for uh pablo, you know had to be You know fetz's boy. They played they've played basically You know forever together and You know pablo to come in and get her and get a great result like that Is yeah, I mean you saw it come out right he he was so stoked and it was so it was just great to see and also You know, it's cool to see that fed and pablo are both having success Outside of each other because fed and you know pablo is supporting fed and fed was watching that match and you know, it's it's cool to see that They're still homies and Supporting each other even though they're not playing together and they're both getting great results outside of playing together So it you know it looks like it was probably the right move Uh, sometimes you just need to you need to break it up and get some new blood and get some new energy going and It seems to be working for both of them. So yeah, and it was early success for fed and of course, you know Everyone wants to overreact to that small sample size and no phenomenal great job fed fed played great in those tournaments But everyone was like oh pablo is the weak link and then just very next tournament pablo comes in and has and has a really good showing So I I agree completely with that and uh, uh good for him definitely so uh and fed did not have his best tournament and either mixed or uh men's doubles of course always running to the finals and singles it seems like but uh Matt right and fed went down pretty comfortably the jackman row and julian arnel Uh julian arnel that was actually playing controlled and and a solid game and uh, not not fed or matt's best day And you know, that's that's part of the deal when we're pickling But that was the thing like uh with with jack and julian. I was like, yeah, I mean They had a couple early results that surprised me. I think they beat taught they beat tod vote and eric pilot like three and oh Which uh, I mean that's those are two really really good players. That's exactly right. Oh and three. Yeah, crazy and um And it's zane zane and riley. I mean, that's I mean that's a good win That's a great run. Um and you always know that that With julian being aggressive like they're gonna be able to pull off some upsets like that and pull off some good wins But usually the issue is they'll pull out a good one and then you know that doesn't work in the next route Because you know aggression maintaining aggressive play is hard to maintain results. Um, but yeah great great run Uh jack munro. I think they got forth right they lost in the bronze match But also in the bronze math had matched to uh deckle and tyson who just continued to be very consistent Yeah, it's good. It's good to see they both were kind of it felt like both deckle and tyson have been Trying to find out like what what that like what should their partnership situation be with other players and they found each other And I think it's a good match. Um, the salt like just the consistency of of tyson and the weapons and decals uh I think they're always going to be in the mix, right? Yeah, no, it's the results have been very very solid Uh haven't quite fully broken through but I mean beating good teams running to the semi-finals and the bronze metal match a lot And uh, I believe a one or two Little championship sundaes that they popped off and I and I also also wanted to say this rob about this particular match Is wow julian played very controlled in that mat right federico stack shrewd match He got a little out of control in the haten pablo match. Yeah, and and julian was barking with haten and pablo a lot and I think he was doing it so much that it was Affecting his focus and it was also I mentioned this on the broadcast I was wondering how this was affecting jackman roe. Yeah, I mean he's been in the sporting world. He's played pickleball for a long time young guy Yeah young guy 20 years old and like julian anytime something good happened julian's Focus was across the net or to the crowd and I don't think that he came together with jack enough to kind of Have that you know intensity and that can possibly leak over to the point play so Uh, I think that's something to note as being a good partner. You sure you're gonna I mean if that's your style get locked into the opponents, whatever But you have to give some love to your partner partner to make eye contact Have a good exchange play a nice complimentary pickleball point and then have that connection as you're going back to the baseline I think it's very important Yeah, and I'll give a little I'll give a little behind the scenes here of of what this looks like in terms of Being a good partner and and how how that affects who you play with and who wants to play with you uh So obviously andre went to went to the ppa So he jumped over, you know Um, I was we had planned to play together early this year and then I got her and then you know He he bounced around a little bit with tardio and then tardio into the ppa and then he was going to play with jackman roe um So I was like, okay. Well, who who am I gonna? I want to have a consistent partner on this year. So who am I going to play with? and Um in new york when I was playing with richard liver knees. So young guy coming up next gen um excited to play with him And he actually came to tennessee to train a little bit the week before and we we felt pretty good Uh, but at that tournament Jack and linda his agent like came up and they're like, hey, you know If you want to play the rest of the year together we can do that for all the apps Uh, because andres going to the ppa and i was like, okay, let's give me the weekend And then we'll figure it out and then I play with the richard and we we beat kasey diamond and philip lokler. I think Um in his gearbox and like the first round and then we had uh, we had a we had a not so good loss to Um to a team and who was it? It doesn't matter, but we had not a great result and I would not say I was a great partner to richard I mean, he he's like He wouldn't say that but you know, I didn't feel like I was a good partner. I felt like I was frustrated at, you know It's interesting because like I I'll see on the court like in my head. I can visualize everything the right shots That should be happening Um, and we have a strategy and if that strategy is not being followed I do get visibly frustrated and that's something that I struggle with and I need to get better at um But jack was watching that match and then so so after so we lost and then after the fact You know, I'm having I'm having a conversation with jack and this kind of goes to your julian point Of jack's like look I need to have I need to make sure like that that's not going to happen if we play together like i i'm going to need you to be really solid and supportive and And and that whole thing right and it's like yeah, that's absolutely fair that makes sense and I need to be um so So yeah, I mean he was he was even considering like not playing because just because of that energy on court And how I wasn't being a great partner to richard Um, so that's that's absolutely something that players think about and talk about You know when you're looking at partnerships and who you're going to play with Um, but yeah, so i'm excited to play with jack, you know, i'm not playing with him this weekend. I'm playing with eric pilot um, I think jack's playing with Andre mik But i'll play with jack the rest of you're in the apps and looking forward to it And you know looking forward to being an adult and being a good partner adam Yeah, it's uh, but it's a big part of it. Yeah, it's tough out there I mean it is it's it's hard not to and also something that does happen Sure, you can be frustrated with the patterns in the situation or or you know, no I mean, you know when your partner is not playing his best But sometimes what would happen to me and I think probably the only time That I was maybe a questionable partner is when I was so Frustrated with myself. Yeah, and that can And I didn't relay that to my partner so it could look like I was frustrated with the point A point that we played or something that my partner did but I was so annoyed with how bad I was playing so Education is important. Yeah, you have to these are the the ebbs and flows and things that happen with tournament pickleball and You know being a being a quality partner has always been important But especially now that that everyone's so good physically you're not just gonna You know, you're not just gonna dominate teams like you were able to do Years ago. So uh, I agree completely. It's it will constantly it is We've talked about it before and it will constantly be something that we bring up because it is just so important And yeah, like you like you mentioned like the margins are small like the margins are shrinking every tournament So all of these little nuances matter so much Oh, okay, let's uh, let's move over Uh to women's singles, uh, an early waters dominated. Okay, let's move to women's let's move to women's doubles Just just insane crazy score lines and let's let's give a little shout out here to some veterans We got irina terra shanko making the semifinals with the least jones And not the only veteran jessie ervin having a semi-final run with tina piznik. So nice job Uh love it when the old schoolers, uh Have nice runs and it's been a couple tournaments or a few tournaments since that's happened Uh for them to burst out into the semi-finals and semi-finals of a ppa You're doing something so congrats to them uh And of course antaly waters and kathryn parento. It's Just control, baby And it's not even like I said, it's not just the wins It's the score lines and the way they're getting it done It is just insane when i'm calling these matches. I don't I don't have anything like I don't I don't know what the other team should do. I don't have anything else good to say about kathryn and analee because i've said it all uh, it's just It's over in 12 minutes and they're beating incredibly good players With this kind of consistency and with this kind of ease Uh just wild One thing that I respect with the analee like even even though they're dominating and like pretty much Going in knowing or expecting to win every game they play her and kathryn Analee will Will play the correct way meaning they got down i believe 4-2 in a game analee calls a timeout uh, they go back over And then regroup and then they come out and just and just absolutely crush um And you don't see like like ben he won't really call a timeout unless it's like a dire situation Analee's very strategic on like, you know, if there's two or three points that somebody runs off timeout And then it's always effective pretty much when she does it So I like the fact that she doesn't have kind of that that mindset of like, oh, I don't need to call a timeout Because timeouts are it's a key part of the game Yeah, no, I I agree completely I I I just think they current kathryn go out there and let it fly if they run into any form of adversity They just go talk to lea nathina and uh have just a little breeze and they just remind them how good they are Like guys, did you have you forgotten like you're yeah, you don't lose like you're gonna go win You're the best players in the world go back. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. Good boy And then uh, here's here's here's a pretty dang good three Matt stretch for tina piznik and jesse urban and tina piznik is man. She is So smooth just a cool customer has all the shots Hits it in the kitchen. Just uh, no wasted motion really impressive So they 12 10 and the third and the round of 30 around of 16 rather against georgia johnson and mari humberg Then then they take down the two seeds rora bocker and bright and it wasn't even that close 11 7 11 7 and then end up beating paris tod and uh, hurricane tyra black who I I thought played really well I know paris did not play her best at the end of that match But I thought I think that they've been playing great as a team together and tyra a couple holes that she's had I feel like she's cleaned up and uh, she played awesome and all the matches that I called but what uh, very nice three Three match run to to make it the championship sunday for urban and piznik even with that slice forehand drive It's like But what can you do with it? It's garbage. What can you do with it? I believe with the line so uh, and then paris tod and tyra black have a pretty comfortable When and bronze over irina and elise so are they playing? Um, are they playing together? Uh full time here tod are black they have they have been lately So I'm not sure if it's a if it's a rest of the year situation or not But I I think that they're gonna be on court together quite a bit did paris play singles No, I don't think so and tyra they like oh Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No paris did play singles. She took a loss to milli rain Milli milli sneaky good dude. She's sneaky good at singles So tyra has not been playing singles hardly at all. Yeah, just very few and far between for her uh, yeah, good for her and uh Well, I wanted to give one other shout out for uh For women's doubles. I forget who it is Oh, but we had brook buckner in zoe wong with a very comfortable win over Lucy and cali who were the three seed so uh, that was that was a nice win for them and these very nice round of 16 as a uh, a Challenger player and uh brook buckner Playing for the columbus sliders. That's that's a win against the three seed. Uh, you got to got to show some respect there it's a big one another big win in women's adam is Is the indiana fever taking down taking down the mr Taking down the mercury yesterday calon clark, you know, this game's been this game has been kind of built up for a while it was, you know, there's a quote from diana tarasi um with her talking to scott van pelt about about calon coming into the league and what it's going to be like and And tarasi famously said, you know realities come in Svp or something like that, you know, it's different playing against these 18-year-olds versus playing against grown women that have been playing professional basketball for however long and Caitlin comes into her house Yesterday and just was one rebound away from being the first rookie in history to get a triple double um Just and if she had teammates that were That could catch a basketball on these dimes that she's passing she would have had 30 assists in that game but God just she's so I mean She's just changing the game dude. It's so fun to watch and I see so many comments about People that don't watch and be they don't watch basketball But they watch every single fever game because they want to see calon park play I think I called this Adam on the podcast maybe a year ago and It's it's happening. It's happening So now so the question is In one year will all pickleball be inside because that's your other call uh, it won't be because those those empower Like to scramble and have reindelays and like to have just they like they they want the pain I guess Um, hey, robert. I hate I hate to stop you because I know those you're two favorite I'm glad you saw me because that was good In the mind. I was let's let's rock out these this last. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes because sam clementee recap because i'm tired of looking down My iPad here. Yes. Uh, let's go over two mixed doubles robert and of course, uh Been an anally one, but wild we talked about it earlier down 10 for the whole the whole shebang with the johnson's Uh, I hope that doesn't stick with georgia Jw had to play men's later that day and played fine Uh, dill and played great too, but uh, you know That's that's one of those l's that can leak over for a couple weeks Uh, especially against the team that you have lost to so many times and, uh, you have that that comfortable lead So that is that's a tough one. We'll just say that's a tough one that hurts And then uh, really nice run Uh from christian alshan and cp So, uh, they they were they were on the ropes earlier on in the tournament, right? Yeah, so they all they lost uh, they won 12 10 and the third against dill and in hurricane taira, which is clearly a very good team Yeah, they beat, uh, decal and tina piznik, which have very consistent results throughout the year And, uh, they take down, uh, hayden patrickin and vivian glausman and Uh, the first game was lopsided at 11 3 but a very fun 14 12 in game two And that sima final to move to championship sunday So, uh, basically steam rolling very good teams or or not steam rolling Beating very good teams were christian alshan and katherine prento and then they lose 33 to 11 and, uh, and championship sunday so Yeah And then The johnson's one in one over glausman and patrick when in the bronze medal match that's that's a proof Respect respect for playing it though. Everybody's playing the bronze That's right. Everybody's playing the bronze that it looks like it looked like hayden and vivian kind of threw in the towel I don't know how motivated, um, they were to grab that bronze but, um, I like I like The the contrast of hayden and glaus just like Just the size it's so funny. Oh, yeah, I mean, that's I mean this is my whole mixed doubles career too I played with callee and a couple other I was always shorter than my mixed partner But, uh, it is hilarious. I mean we're talking like four or five inches here. Yeah And we can do on the on the right so we got to give a shout out to glausman because, um, yeah She had a she had a oak. I would say an okay year last year She had fine results, but nothing to kind of nothing to kind of Think that she would be Consistently looking at medals for on the ppa and looking at championship sunday Whether it's bronze or whether it's uh playing in the gold match But and she took a big chunk off earlier this year trying to figure out what she was going to do Contract wise and she has come in and and done fantastic and I think exceeded most people's expectations certainly mine So big props to Vivian Um Yeah, she's playing fantastic agree completely Soft stuff let her down a little bit and the in the match with kathryn and analee when she was playing with shneemann But other than that playing I mean very consistent, right? I mean The size neutralizes a lot of those roll dinks that ladies like to hit she's taking it out of the air She has easy forehand power and really kind of her Scrapiness block ability and mid court Uh game that you would think would maybe be lacking with a taller competitor is just fine So I I think that she has to become very well rounded Uh where maybe in you know, 2023. She was just a hitter now. She's playing some pickle So I agree completely I expect her to continue to make some deep runs as long as she has quality partners by her side Yeah, she's got the size man to I mean six feet man. She's got the size to to really Change the game and women's doubles and you made a good point on taking those roll dinks out of the air because Most of the time women are stepping off the line and letting those bounce and then rolling it back But if you if you can hold the line, which you don't see a lot of women's doubles Actually, you don't see like women toe in the line and and looking to reach in um But she's able to do it just without length and yeah And she finds a couple a couple slippery or a little deceptive attacks on that forehand or a couple go-tos That she can create offense. That's going to be an issue for for some of these ladies and uh, agree I love her game. Uh, okay. Let's go last Uh last draw here is the men's singles and we had old uh Tom evans the australia guy coming over and and saying that uh People in the us uh play too much doubles They don't hit the ball hard enough and talking a little smack about the singles play on court And he ran through qualifying had a nice win over tyler loom Got uh got beat up by fed stacktrude, but that pretty much everyone gets beat up by fed stacktrude on the singles torts So, uh, you know nice nice little mini run for him and a quality run also for colin shick the doctor My boy from north carolina who has not had Uh, the results he was hoping for the last handful of tournaments and singles here. He gets a hey a 12 12 10 4 11 12 10 win over pablo teas and then plays a very close match Uh with fedarico stacktrude in the quarter final. So nice run for colin shick Uh tyce and mcguffin just continuing to win continuing to make it to semi-finals Uh, he got beat up by fed, but as I said everyone gets beat up by fed And rob i'm going to tell you this right now Chris hayworth is a stud and I mean clearly you beat you get said and been in a tournament you're a stud But I thought he was a stud before and this just reaffirms I think that it is very reasonable at the end He's not going to get there in points but at the end of 2024 that he is the best singles player and the most consistent singles player and all the land He he hits the absolute Um, and he he closes really well his two hander. I mean he's hitting he's hitting volleys from the kitchen line taking absolutely full swings and hitting it cleanly and Yeah, he's he's he's very good. How's like one thing I don't know I guess with him because I How's his cat and mouse or are you just not able to get into it really with him? It doesn't matter. Yeah, you're you don't he just Yeah, he he almost like doesn't allow it to happen with his game style Is is what I would say and of course like on on a third like are you not eight like you know The classic what Ben does is just like you know hit that kind of hit that roll drop to the backhand side to try to get into it Is I just not like how's he neutralizing that? His two-handed backhand is just too good. Yeah, it's like he and the thing is is he can He can release cross court or push it line almost seamlessly. So yeah, so the reason why I and one of the there's two main reasons why I Think where I made that statement that I made one is His two-handed backhand is significantly better than Ben's or feds. Yeah, uh, and he is longer So he sure he doesn't quite have the footwork But he makes up for it and reach and with his swinging volleys at the kitchen his two-handed Backhand from the anywhere on the court and us maybe we'll call it a good not great forehand like that is just a phenomenal skill set and and the reach paired with the two-handed backhand makes me think that he could be number one Yeah, I don't disagree at all. I think And he's hungry, dude. You could see it. You could see it when he's winning these points. He is hungry. He's fired up. He wants it Um, it seems more than anybody else right now. Um, yeah, I have a question like there's One thing that we saw a lot of and memes of pickleball uh, did a little did a little shtick on it was the john's looking and complaining about the ball the ball is the visibly visible frustration the verbal frustration of saying this ball sucks this um Is that to me like to me that is like you got you got basically the the face of your sport finable That's what i'm saying. You got the face of the sport like like verbally assaulting your ball That's like you're one of your probably you're one of your biggest sponsors in terms of You know playing with it like getting that ball to be the ball. That's the official ball of the ppa tour um And it's not been a one-time thing. It's been ongoing throughout the year and yeah, the ball takes crazy bounces But it's not just on it's not just on ben or on common like everybody's playing with the same ball And they're the only ones that are really Just losing their mind over it and it's yeah The ball is the same for everybody, right? It's like it's not So, but is that is that a finable offense? Well, I it's probably not the best look. Well, I'll definitely say that I don't Yeah, I'm not sure about about finable, but I think that there probably Needs to be something generalized or some conversation had or some email sent that You you have to be careful. I mean, we're on live stream as you said there's kind of a montage of it done by By memes applicable. So there's lots of material. So it's not just necessarily a one-off thing or a Extreme frustration because of this certain match in this certain moment and I blamed it on the ball It's fairly consistent. So I I do think that that is a little dicey Uh, and I don't know how it's gonna be a bench, right? Yeah, Vince So what what do you know? I don't want to butcher. It's like Signor really yeah, if you're if you're Vince right now and you paid a you paid a Boatload of money to be the official ball of the PPA tour and the PPA tours Best player is just absolutely destroying it You know telling not thrilled like it's it's it's it's probably not great for sales. Let's just say that. No. Yeah, not not thrilled Yeah, probably not thrilled. So uh, yeah, I mean, I think that's that's probably Yeah, I mean, that's probably the situation right there and it is It's it it seems to have a truer flight because there is gen two then the then the gen one But balls take funny bounces and it's not like a ball of holes like it's not like that Yeah, it's not like that wasn't happening With the dirt. I have no idea the frequency or how often whatever I have no idea But it's not like that wasn't happening with the franklin or the dura or whatever You just get a skitter or you get one that doesn't come up Uh, you know, and that's that's just how it goes but uh definitely probably uh That definitely uh not not the best look to have all the occurrences Uh, that means a pickleball was able to put together, uh, you know, probably not the best But you know what is the best robert? What's that genie bushard taking out the net? Have you seen this? Yeah That's uh dude. That's that's the first right that's I've never seen that happen Oh, it's so good. She just kind of like stubbed her toe, uh, like going for uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, A let cord off of the net. I mean and just took it out Stepped on it stomped on it rolled it over. I mean I I lost complete control in the booth I laughed for probably two or three minutes straight about that situation and I She handled it like a champ. She she made fun of herself. She laughed. Uh, she she didn't seem Uh, like she was embarrassed. It was it was the perfect situation and one of one of the better parts of the weekend I thought and The my favorite part of that clip was watching anor bright, uh, on the lower right part of your screen. She's just like Oh, it's so it was so good But like she knocked it over and then she lost her balance again and just kind of stomped on it Just just absolutely amazing. Uh, you can't you can't write that stuff. I would say so I did I did get a little bit in the twitter streets at him with, uh, I just I saw a jack Uh jack made a comment or made a post on twitter jack sock about You know, I see a lot of guys taking their hats off on their shake of hands. Oh, yeah Now yeah, and I said let's not make pickleball softer than it already is. Yeah, let's uh come on guys This isn't golf. This isn't like let's make pickle. Let's make pickle weird. Let's get let's let's get weird Let's yeah. I mean, we don't need to make this like a premon proper country club sport. Let's just You know, let's just do it. Let's do it What are your thoughts on it? Oh, uh, I I mean I could I could taking off of the hat Yeah, I I don't I mean guys are doing it now, but I don't know it literally means nothing to me I would say yeah, like I don't really have an opinion if they want to take their hat off Fantastic. I have no problem with that if they want to keep it on they want to tap paddles They don't want to tap paddles. I'm cool with all that rub. I like that. Yeah. Yeah, whatever you want to do Hey, hey bring that baby over here. Come on. Yeah, come on Bring it Bring that baby over here. Let's go J Hey, is that your friend robert? Oh Oh, dude. His hair is so white. He's so adorable. My god, dude. Hey, who is that guy? He looks like a real little person. Are you gonna smile at robert? Are you gonna smile at robert? He's like, I'm terrified. You're gonna smile at robert. This is my one time He's like, who is this monster on the screen with the crazy looking hands holding this mic? All right, you got five seconds to make a smile Hey, there we go. Oh, yeah, what an outfit. What an adorable little guy. Oh, yeah, he's got a giraffe Stitched on the side of his shirt. I mean, that's too good. What a boss. All right. I mean, Rob. We did it You made it happen. You got the kid to show off the pearly whites. He's only got eight of them But you got him to show him off. I think that is the perfect stopping point. I am I've got a I've got to see that little guy in person soon Oh, yeah, he's a champ. He's he's getting very vocal and man. I I leave for five days He's literally twice as fast walking. It's it's unreal. He's a handful I think we have to do uh, we have to do a maybe an in-person visit soon Maybe I come see you and we record some pods in person or something, but we need to we need to do this No, I like that. We I got a whole you got your whole room. You got your own bathroom. You got your whole floor I got my wing got the whole you got a whole wing in the house and come whenever you want to. Bubba Adam. I know I sent you a text about this, but um Hosting and it fills right podcast retreat and Bermuda. Um, I've got I've got basically I've got them on board. I've talked to a resort. They've got they've got pickleball courts. We've got um We I want to take a group of probably call it 16 people And it's all inclusive. It includes Breakfast and dinner. It'll include some excursions going out on like a sunset cruise doing some snorkeling It'll be Sick obviously instruction as much pickle as you want But got to figure out the dates. It'll be later this year. You're going to come We're going to make the dates work and then we're gonna all all anybody listening That's once good Bermuda with us and play a little picky. Yeah, so picky play picky Um, come join. It's going to be a blast Bermuda, bahama, come on pretty mama Let's make it happen. I like those things. I like all that stuff. It feels right. Maybe if it feels right, it feels right It feels right to do a retreat. It feels right. Let's go. Okay. Bye Bye [Music] [Music] [click] [click] [click]