Dominic Carter

RNC Spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko & Congressman Dan Meuser | 07-17-24

Listen in to Dominic's great conversation with RNC Spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko and Congressman Dan Meuser about the Trump assassination attempt and more Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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18 Jul 2024
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Listen in to Dominic's great conversation with RNC Spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko and Congressman Dan Meuser about the Trump assassination attempt and more

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I have the great honor of welcoming Elizabeth Pippko. She's an RNC spokesperson woman and a model. You worked on the 2016 campaign. And one of the things that caught my attention about you-- and I talk about this a lot on the radio-- and a quote that I saw from you where you said that you are fighting anti-Semitism every single day. Please tell me, Ms. Pippko, how bad the problem is. The problem is, out of this world, truly, I don't think I've ever faced something like this in my life. It's funny, no matter what industry I'm in, no matter what I'm attacked for, the threats, the comments, all the nasty things that come my way always focus back on the fact that I am a proud practicing Jew. My entire family fled the Soviet Union so that their future daughter, granddaughter, could be an open, proud Jew. I mean, they couldn't do back in Russia. And here I am facing the same anti-Semitism that they faced back in their homeland that they fled from. OK, but wait a minute. I don't mean to sound simplistic, but you're a model. And when you walk by, you stop a room. There's no doubt about that. And you're telling me that even you face anti-Semitism? I get swastika sent to me almost daily. Oh, my God. I'm telling you that. Yeah, a lot of comments, no matter what it is, if they don't like my political views, a photo or something else, it goes back to something Jew always. It's something that I have faced in every aspect of my life, not simply because I support Donald Trump, despite the fact that, of course, those attacks are horrible, too. But for some reason, it's so easy for people to just be anti-Semitic because they know that they can get away with it. And I think that's the biggest problem. I just can't believe that you face these comments. I mean, and you said you have these types of horrible swatch stickers emailed to you almost every day? Almost every day I get emails telling me the Holocaust didn't happen or that they wish it would have happened to my family. And I get swastika sent to me. People telling me how I should be brutally murdered or, God forbid, worse. I mean, I can't even tell you how bad it is. But do you think that's because you're Jewish or because you support Trump? Because the other night, in the middle of my live midnight show that we do, a caller from Illinois, her name Mora, called up, broke down in tears, served our country in the military. She says that her friends that she served with in the military, they have abandoned her because she's supporting Trump. So do you think it's because you're Jewish or do you think it's because of Trump? It's interesting, but I have faced worse attacks with the Jewish thing, even as a model, before people knew my political views, when someone wanted to hurt me or attack me or say something against me, they would go back to the Jewish thing and to anti-Semitism, even with the modeling, even before I was an open supporter of President Trump, before I worked for him, before I took this job, as a spokeswoman for the party, people were always saying something anti-Semitic. And again, it's because they get away with it either because it's permitted in the Democrat party or in the mainstream media, but apparently it is the only form of hatred that is okay. - And so this convention, the bottom line, it seems like it's smooth running and I'm trying to get the congressman in place as we are about to talk with him live, the convention's been smooth running thus far. It's been absolutely smooth running. How would you explain the way that it's going thus far? - I think smooth running is probably a good way to explain it, look, we are united. It's really hard for any party to experience what we experienced on Saturday and not be united. You mentioned that the congressman was there, my father-in-law was there at the same moment that I didn't know if Donald Trump was alive. I didn't know if my father-in-law was alive. He was also sitting right behind the president bullet apparently going over his head. It's a scary moment for all of us. - Wait a minute, if you want to listen to this. - So your father-in-law was there and the congressman is sitting right to your right. He was actually there as well. Congressman Dan Muzer will get to him in just a second. But your father-in-law was there. Were you watching this live on television? - I was, I was watching it live on television the minute we realized Donald Trump had gone down and what was probably happening, I called my father-in-law and around the same second that I saw President Trump stand up and knew he was okay. My father-in-law answered the phone and told me he was okay. As well, he told me what had happened. He knew immediately my father-in-law was a sheriff. So he knew instantly what had happened and I talked to him until he got out safely. But when you ask what is the mood here in the arena, we are more than united, we lost a life on Saturday and we cannot forget that. And at least in honor of that man who died a hero, by the way, we must put our country first and stand united, going to the selection. - Stay with me here alive for just a minute. Congressman Dan Muzer of the ninth congressional district in Pennsylvania, I'm told that you were there Saturday. Is that true? - Yes, Dominic, I was. - You were there just if I could get you a little closer to the microphone. So we were you and how would you describe security before all of this happened? Go ahead, Congressman. - Well, it started out as a typical rally. I was standing next to Senator candidate Dave McCormick and my colleague Mike Kelly is a representative from the western part of the state. Actually, he's from Butler where this occurred. And six to seven minutes in, the, all of a sudden we had gunfire. And after the first two shots, we realized what was going on. Initially, when we heard the crack of the cracking of the first two shots, we turned into the reaction. - Congressman, do me a favor. We just, we had major problems with your Mike. What you're saying is so important that I need you to repeat this again. And we got to focus guys right now. Congressman, one more time, make your point. - Well, so seven minutes or so into the President's remarks, we heard the gunfire. Initially, we didn't necessarily know that it was, that we were under attack, that the President was an attempt assassination on the former President and likely future President. Nevertheless, we quickly knew what was happening. We turned and looked at the President. It was just when he put his hand on the right side of his head. And he hit the deck. - Wow. - And there, people were very, very scared. A moment of pandemonium took place, yelling, screaming, crying. There was those there with their children that did their best to shield and guard them. But I will tell you what, when President Trump had the wherewithal, the resolve, the intestinal fortitude, whatever you want to call it, the strength of character to rise right then and lift up a fist. I mean, with blood on his face, I mean, it was like a moment out of Braveheart, but it was real. And he changed the emotions in that crowd. They went from crying in despair to USA, USA. It was amazing. And that's the kind of guy that the whole world got to see who President Trump is. That's why he's gonna be a great president. Strong leaders make people feel stronger and be stronger. And that's what he did in that moment. And I'll tell you what, that's what he did as President. His policies are to make America stronger. The man makes America stronger. And you know what, the world will be a safer and stronger, a more stable place. So that's what we saw right there. How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly, too. So put it down, it can wait. Don't drive distracted. Shifting is safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading, accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at And we are chatting live here at the RNC. The voice you just heard is Congressman Dan Muser of the 9th Congressional District in Pennsylvania, also with us live Elizabeth, PIPCO, an RNC spokeswoman and model. And it really troubles me on a personal level that Congressman, you were there, and that Elizabeth, your father-in-law was there and you're watching this on live television. And you know, Mr. Trump puts on a good face, but we all know what could have happened easily, easily. So Congressman, so everybody knew that was there. You can give us a view of that, very few people. So you're telling me you knew immediately what was happening? No, I won't say immediately, but within five, six seconds, and that's kind of a long time when you're looking around and hearing what sounds like gunfire, but it's almost unbelievable that that's actually what's taking place. And as you well know, as Elizabeth mentioned, we had the tragic loss of life. A wonderful Pennsylvanian by the name of Corey Compertory was guarding, shielding his daughter and his wife. I mean, the man died a hero, saving his children. Now it has been announced. Well, one, the Vice President Kamala Harris says that it was a hideous, horrible, and cowardly act, your reaction, both of you? Well, it was, and that's nice that they just recognized that on occasion. But I will tell you this, the day before that, or the Friday before you had President Biden referring to the President as a dictator, saying he said on day one, he's going to be addicted. That's not what he said. That's a lie, that's a farce, that's an untruth. He's saying it for divisive reasons, certainly not for uniting reasons. And as Elizabeth was just saying earlier, this convention is now about unity. We're looking at this a unifying moment. And you know what, not just for our party, but for America. What's best for America? Our national security strength, our economic strength, our freedom. And that's what this is about. And we challenge the other side to stop the personal attacks. Let's have a policy debate. Let's really inform the American people, the differences, the difference plans we have for a better future versus what their plans are. So, you know, if we can have that policy debate, we welcome it, and let's stop the generalization of personal attacks. Well, Congressman, I'm going to ask you to stand by for a couple of minutes, because I want you to join me for the later program that I do. So, Congressman Dan Muser, I thank you. I want you to join me for the later program. And I turn back to you now, Elizabeth. I mean, because Congressman, what you just said. I mean, it really saddens me, and the politics of all this. And so, Elizabeth, how is your father-in-law doing? How's he doing, your father-in-law? - He's perfectly fine. He's motivated, I think, by that moment. With President Trump, I think he is, I mean, terrified that he was literally in the line of gunfire, but more terrified, knowing that someone died again that day, and knowing that his president, he supports, but the former president, hopefully future president, was nearly assassinated right in front of him, and on live TV, no American wants to know that, wants to see that from either party. I would hope I certainly don't. So, I think that's what we're all kind of dealing with right now. - So, Congressman Muser, you're still here with me live. How do you think the convention is going thus far? - I'm getting inclusion, I'm getting motivation, I'm hearing a strong, strong message of fighting against crime. All those things accurate. - Absolutely, right, we started day one. Let's make America wealthy again. Then, yesterday was, let's make America safe again, and the speeches last night from DeSantis, and Nikki Haley, and mothers, and business owners, and union leaders, and all walks of life, just saying, "Hey, we're gonna come together," and again, not just the party, but as Americans. And today, we're about a stronger America, from a national security standpoint, and the world knows they need America to lead. I mean, let's face it, the world is, we've got a very unsettled, to say the least, world out there, we've got chaos, we've got wars, and we have a vacuum of leadership. And again, the other side is just denying and hiding the reality of President Biden's mental decline, as well as the failure of his policies. - So, Elizabeth, in Congressman, again, I want you to stand by with me for a second. Elizabeth, in wrapping this up, the Congressman just mentioned President Biden's mental decline. Do you think that's a major issue? And do you believe, Elizabeth, PIPCO, that Biden's going to be the nominee in this race? - I still do. I do believe he will be the nominee. I think they have too many issues when it comes to replacing him. They would have to do that constitutionally, obviously, which would mean him probably stepping down from his position as president, Kamala taking over and then her being the presumptive nominee. That's the best way to avoid a brokered convention, because they are not unified. Behind Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, they don't have really other hand that it's to run. And I think the bigger issue is that they're trying to prove that they are not a party overwhelmed with chaos, but they actually are. So for them, what's best is to go into November, at least pretending to be unified and ready for this fight. And that would mean keeping Joe Biden in. I'm not worried for whoever they run because, I mean, look at the polls. I think it's over for all of them, but I am excited to see what they come up with. I really am. - So Elizabeth PIPCO, R&C Spokeswoman and a model. And again, it's the quote that stopped me in my tracks and made me determined to have you on, is when you say you're fighting anti-Semitism every single day. And recap here, I only got about 45 seconds before the break. How bad is anti-Semitism a problem in America? - It is so bad that my parents who escaped the Soviet Union feel bad for me. And the messages that I have to get on a daily basis when people telling me the most atrocious things about myself, my family and my people. So it is horrible, it is on the rise. I can tell you I have faced it head on and I'm proud to do that. And I hope to inspire others, but those who are not Jewish, I promise you you are affected by this too. So when you see something or you hear something, I beg of you, say something and stop this hatred for the future of our country. - And even this behavior, a model does not escape this behavior. - No one escapes this behavior.