Dominic Carter

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert | 07-17-24

Listen in to Dominic's great conversation with Congresswoman Lauren Boebert about the Trump assassination attempt and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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18 Jul 2024
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Listen in to Dominic's great conversation with Congresswoman Lauren Boebert about the Trump assassination attempt and more.

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But New York is such a beautiful state, wonderful state, obviously produced President Trump. And so it's great to be on with y'all. - Well, let's recap and dissect this convention here in Colorado. Day three, JD Vance, the night belongs to him. Do you know him? What can you tell me about the senator as he's now on the national ticket with Mr. Trump? - Yes, I love JD Vance, so I endorsed him when he was a candidate for Senate. And he is someone that I absolutely admire. He has a tremendous story, JD Vance, he served in our military as a Marine. He is someone who wants to end these forever wars and would come alongside President Trump with his foreign policies to create peace again throughout the world through the strength of their leadership. I think their combined leadership is going to be amazing. But JD Vance has just enough experience in the Senate to not be establishment, right? He hasn't been there too long. And I believe that he will be the John Adams of our generation, someone who will actually look at the constitution and follow those constitutional duties laid out by our founding fathers for the vice president and preside over the Senate. Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, y'all can make your calendar. I'm presiding over the Senate. This is where I work, this is what I do. And I believe that he has the constitutional know-how and integrity to accomplish that. - Well, Congresswoman, let's talk about the horrible news of this weekend. So here's the good news. Mr. Trump appeared the last two nights here at the convention and he touched everyone's heart who happened to be here in the building. But we know what could have happened Saturday night. What's your take on this? The Secret Service Director is speaking. She says she's not resigning. - Yes, first, glory to God. Glory to God, President Trump is alive today. There were not more casualties. My heart goes out to Corey, who lost his life, a husband, a father, a firefighter. - And by the way, Mr. Trump, it's just been announced he's going to attend the funeral. - Oh, President Trump does this time and time again. So selfless and so selfless. And he shows up for people. That is what's so special about him. And in fact, I was telling him, we were talking about the frustrations of folks getting endorsed by him and then not campaigning. You should work harder when you have that name behind you. And I said, Mr. President, even you don't run on your name alone. You go out and you do the work and you meet with the people. You have never forgotten those forgotten voters. And Saturday's assassination attempt, this is a huge, huge failure by Director Cheetel. And we'll see who else within the Secret Service and other agencies here. But Director Cheetel said the buck stops here. And then she goes and says, well, that rooftop wasn't secure because it was local law enforcement. And then she gives us another BS excuse that, oh, well, the slope, the grade was too steep on that roof. So we couldn't put a sniper up there because of their safety. But, excuse me, New York, I got a GED here. So my GED level geometry tells me that the rooftop the snipers were on had a greater grade slope than the one the sniper was on. So don't give us that. We're not stupid. The federal government, these bureaucrats, Democrats, think that they are smarter than the American people. And we prove time and time again that they are not. So Director Cheetel, she's coming before the Oversight Committee, which I serve on. We will be questioning her. We are having a briefing with the Department of Justice, Department of Injustice and Homeland Security today. This was supposed to be a briefing just with the FBI and Oversight Committee, and Secretary of Mayork has stepped in and wouldn't allow them to do that. But one more thing on Cheetel, I have legislation to defund her. We need to hit these bureaucrats where it counts, and that's their wallets. She should not receive taxpayer funding. When President Trump was millimeters away from losing his life, this is unacceptable, it is a failure, and there needs to be consequences. It's okay if you aren't ready for kids right now. It's okay if you don't want to be a mom, now or even ever. It's nobody's decision, but yours. But you know what's not okay? Not knowing how effective your birth control is. Talk to your doctor about effective birth control options so you can make an informed decision. - If you're an athlete, you know the greatest motivator of all is the fear of letting your teammates down. After all, a team is only as good as its weakest link, so you owe it to those wearing the same jersey as you to be your best every time you step on the field. That's why there's no vape in team. When you vape, you can expose your lungs to toxic chemicals that can damage your lungs. 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Do you believe that she got her job as the Secret Service Director because she's a woman? - Absolutely, this is the majority of the hires in the Biden administration. Even Biden had to say most of the women in my administration are women because we don't really know. They're wearing dresses, they're stealing luggage, they're, you know, they're getting heels and oh my goodness, like you have no idea, you know? But most of these hires and appointees are DEI. And my colleague, Congressman Cory Mills from Florida Seven said it best in a CNN interview. He said DEI is ultimately leading to DEI. We see this in our aviation industry, we see this in our military. Now we see it within even the Secret Service and the federal government, where President Trump nearly lost his life. And that is why we work so hard to have individual appropriations so we can go line by line through the funding of the federal government and eliminate those woke and weaponized programs and departments and those DEI programs and chief diversity officers. - I agree with you a thousand percent. I'm gonna close this way, people waiting to talk to you. Congresswoman, do me a favor and assess the convention. Thus far, we're going into day three tonight. You're a ton of energy, a positive energy. How do you see things going thus far? - This is amazing. I've never been to an in-person convention. I was on the South Lawn. - Wow. - Yes, I was at the South Lawn in the White House with President Trump in 2016. Or excuse me, in 2020. When was that? Yeah, 2020. And gosh, I'm sorry, I'm stuck on Joe Biden. And I can't even get in my dates right here. It's contagious. Better so I'm making fun of him. So, but I was there, but this is electrifying. I go to the amazing turning point USA events. I go to the CPAC events. I go to gatherings all throughout our nation to include patriots and energize them. And this has an element of energy and passion and love and determination like I have never experienced. And that is because President Trump, and I just wanna say one more thing. President Trump has said for years that they are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way. And Saturday showed us how right he was. Saturday, we saw how right he has been for years. They are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way. And they will do anything to take him out. They will lie about him. They will persecute him. They will convict him. They will indict him. They will try to financially ruin him. They will try to kill him. But he is not going anywhere. He is standing strong, standing in the gap for the American people. And I am honored not just to call him my president, the leader of the Republican Party, but my friend. - Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado, thank you so much for joining us. Boy, you have a ton of energy here. - You know, I think it's just the vibe of this convention. It's pretty great. Maybe it's because Laura Trump is the co-chair. I know, is that what this is? That's why it's so great. - Congresswoman, thank you again for joining us. are in secret again. All right, thank you so much.