Dominic Carter

Marsha Blackburn | 07-16-24

Marsha Blackburn, senior United States senator from Tennessee, joined the Dominic Carter show live from the Republican National Convention. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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16 Jul 2024
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Marsha Blackburn, senior United States senator from Tennessee, joined the Dominic Carter show live from the Republican National Convention.

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The great senator, one of the senators of Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn is joining us and Senator, thank you so much for joining us. I am delighted to join you, always appreciate being on with you all. Well, thank you very much. So now, you are the chair, Senator, of the platform committee. You had a major speech last night, a couple of minutes into, well, you're in the prime time slot, so everything is wonderful. How is the convention going thus far, Senator Blackburn? Dominic, I think that yesterday was the perfect opening day for the Republican Party. They didn't hit a glitch all day long. As it kind of changed as the day went on, Lee Greenwood, our good friend who's running around out here somewhere, came on stage to seeing God bless the USA right after my speech. And then God bless the USA is the music they brought President Trump in. He walked in during Lee's song, which was awesome. It was a, it truly a historic, iconic moment, I think that we will see that walk on many, many times in years to come. Agreed, Senator, I have to tell you up front that I am a big fan of yours. I've followed your days since you were in Congress. And I like the fact that you speak your mind, Senator, and you don't back down. So let's deal with the big issue, the assassination attempt. One, how did you find out about it? And 48 hours later, Mr. Trump to a rousing applause walked in here. Talk about that, Senator. Yes. And I think like many Americans, you're watching a rally and then all of a sudden you hear the pop, pop, pop, and he goes, his hand goes up, he goes down and you realize there has been a shooting and then you realize this is an assassination attempt. And you watch the chaos that ensues and then the questions come. How in the world could the Secret Service have allowed this to happen? They have one job and if they need to make certain that the protectee is protected at all times and to allow someone to be within 130 yards with the firearm, with people in the crowd that are pointing out to law enforcement, hey, there's this guy crawling up on that roof and he's got a gun and he's got a backpack. And for the guy not to be taken out, it was astounding to me. And last night with the President coming in the arena with him being able to take that command, I think that it has set the tone. It has given Republicans that not only a desire but a responsibility to push for unity in the country. And I think JD Vance as a running mate, who is someone who will help us build a bigger tent, our simplified, concise platform that is dedicated to the forgotten men and women of America that has 20 promises that we as Republicans make to the American people, I think that we are, you know, the big mo is with us. We've got to make certain that we work like crazy to keep the US House, take the US in it and send President Trump to the White House. No doubt about by all indications, President Trump is headed back to the White House. But Senator Blackburn, and we're talking to Senator Marsha, Blackburn of Tennessee, does we only have about two or three minutes left, does President Biden bear any responsibility for what happened in Pennsylvania, the assassination attempt? There has been unfortunate rhetoric and when you look at how the left has demonized Donald Trump saying he is a threat to democracy, comparing him to Hitler, doing it every single day. Like this, every day since 2015, they've been beating up on this guy. And of course, that has an impact. And of course, it is a reminder that words have meaning and we need to do our best to build toward unity. I think we're going to see President Trump focus on that. We do think that our platform that focuses on what the American people are talking about is a great way to help them talk to their friends and neighbors about issues of importance. Senator, we appreciate the time. I close with this and we're chatting with Senator Marsha, Blackburn of the great state of Tennessee. So the theme tonight is make America safe again. We all know the problem, the enormous problem at the border, the problem as it relates to migrants. I want you, Senator, in closing this interview to assess this general election race. One, do you think it's going to be Biden as the nominee? But assuming that it's Biden or Kamala Harris, because it's the same policy, Senator, how do you assess the general election race? The general election race, the American people are tired of being broke. They are tired of a wide open border. They're tired of the crime and the drugs and the human trafficking, the gangs that are coming over that border. They want to make certain that we protect our kids and our communities. They want to get boys out of girls sports. These are all 80% issues. The American people agree with Republicans on the issues. I hope that your audience will go to, keep up with me, with my race, get a copy of the platform. It's there on our website. They can read it and see what we're all about. Senator, one of the reasons why I'm a big fan and we're out of time, what you just mentioned, getting boys out of girls sports. It is absolutely ridiculous. Senator, Marsha Blackburn of the great state of Tennessee, thank you so much for joining us. What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. 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