Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-16-24

Today Dominic Carter started his show talking to Marsha Blackburn, senior United States senator from Tennessee, live from the Republican National Convention. At the bottom of the hour he talked to Alina Habba, a legal spokesperson for former U.S. president Donald Trump. Dominic discussed the assassination attempt, the first public appearance Donald Trump made at the RNC yesterday and many more topics with callers.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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16 Jul 2024
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Today Dominic Carter started his show talking to Marsha Blackburn, senior United States senator from Tennessee, live from the Republican National Convention. At the bottom of the hour he talked to Alina Habba, a legal spokesperson for former U.S. president Donald Trump. Dominic discussed the assassination attempt, the first public appearance Donald Trump made at the RNC yesterday and many more topics with callers. 

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The great senator, one of the senators of Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn is joining us and Senator, thank you so much for joining us. I am delighted to join you, always appreciate being on with you all. Well, thank you very much. So now you are the chair, Senator, of the platform committee. You had a major speech last night, a couple of minutes, well, you're in the prime time slot, so everything is wonderful. How is the convention going thus far, Senator Blackburn? Dominic, I think that yesterday was the perfect opening day for the Republican Party. They didn't hit a glitch all day long, things kind of changed as the day went on. Lee Greenwood, our good friend who's running around out here somewhere, came on stage to seeing God bless the USA right after my speech, and then God bless the USA is the music they brought President Trump in. He walked in during Lee's song, which was awesome. It was a, it truly a historic, iconic moment. I think that we will see that walk on many, many times in years to come. Agreed, Senator, I have to tell you up front that I am a big fan of yours. I've followed your days since you were in Congress, and I like the fact that you speak your mind, Senator, and you don't back down. So let's deal with the big issue, the assassination attempt. One, how did you find out about it, and 48 hours later, Mr. Trump to a rousing applause walked in here. Talk about that, Senator. Yes, and I think like many Americans, you're watching a rally, and then all of a sudden you hear the pop, pop, pop, and he goes, his hand goes up, he goes down, and you realize there has been a shooting, and then you realize this is an assassination attempt, and you watch the chaos that ensues, and then the questions come. How in the world could the Secret Service have allowed this to happen? They have one job, and if they need to make certain that the protectee is protected at all times, and to allow someone to be within 130 yards with the firearm, with people in the crowd that are pointing out to law enforcement, hey, there's this guy crawling up on that roof, and he's got a gun, and he's got a backpack. And for the guy not to be taken out, it was astounding to me, and last night with the President coming in the arena with him being able to take that command, I think that it has set the tone, it has given Republicans that not only a desire, but a responsibility to push for unity in the country, and I think JD Vance as a running mate, who is someone who will help us build a bigger tent, our simplified, concise platform that is dedicated to the forgotten men and women of America that has 20 promises that we as Republicans make to the American people. I think that we are, you know, the big mo is with us. We've got to make certain that we work like crazy to keep the U.S. House, take the U.S. in it, and send President Trump to the White House. No doubt about, by all indications, President Trump is headed back to the White House. But Senator Blackburn, and we're talking to Senator Marshall, Blackburn of Tennessee, we only have about two or three minutes left, does President Biden bear any responsibility for what happened in Pennsylvania, the assassination attempt? There has been unfortunate rhetoric, and when you look at how the left has demonized Donald Trump, saying he is a threat to democracy, comparing him to Hitler, doing it every single day. They have been beating up on this guy, and of course, that has an impact, and of course, it is a reminder that words have meaning, and we need to do our best to build toward unity. I think we're going to see President Trump focus on that. We do think that our platform that focuses on what the American people are talking about is a great way to help them talk to their friends and neighbors about issues of importance. Senator, we appreciate the time. I close with this, and we're chatting with Senator Marshall, Blackburn of the great state of Tennessee. So the theme tonight is make America safe again. We all know the problem, the enormous problem at the border, the problem as it relates to migrants. I want you, Senator, in closing this interview to assess this general election race. One, do you think it's going to be Biden as the nominee, but assuming that it's Biden or Kamala Harris, because it's the same policy, Senator, how do you assess the general election race? The general election race, the American people are tired of being broke. They are tired of a wide open border. They're tired of the crime and the drugs and the human trafficking, the gangs that are coming over that border. They want to make certain that we protect our kids and our communities. They want to get boys out of girls sports. These are all 80% issues. The American people agree with Republicans on the issues. I hope that your audience will go to, keep up with me, with my race, get a copy of the platform, it's there on our website. They can read it and see what we're all about. Senator, one of the reasons why I'm a big fan and we're out of time, what you just mentioned, getting boys out of girls sports. It is absolutely ridiculous. Senator Marsha Blackburn of the great state of Tennessee, thank you so much for joining us. Let's go ahead and open up the phone lines right now, 808489222, 808489222, standing by to join us at the bottom of the hour. We have Trump senior advisor, Alina Haba, she will join us coming up. You want to stay with us for that. But as I mentioned just minutes ago before Senator Blackburn joined us, Senator Bob Menendez faces decades in prison, guilty of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for using his powerful post, his position to enrich and protect the re-businessmen and the Egyptian and Qatari government. Senator Bob Menendez, the last time there was a hung jury, not this time he is convicted, facing many, many years in prison. Dominic Carter here with you live in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention and we are taking your telephone calls. Let's begin with Danny on Long Island, line one, Danny, good afternoon, welcome to Milwaukee. It's on your mind, Danny, are you with me? Okay, let's go to Andrew and Stan Hope, New Jersey, Andrew, what's on your mind? The Lester Holt interview was one of the most propaganda pieces for Biden I ever saw in my life, Biden told lie after lie and hope never questioned him on a single point. Biden said Trump, what about all the lies Trump told in the bait? If you were doing the interview, you would have said what lies, name some of the lies. He said there were swastikas in Charlottesville that he never condemned the Charlottesville people. He said there were good people on both sides. Not one time did Lester Holt challenge him on a single lie that he told. He said he gave tax cuts only to the rich, that's a lie. Not once did he challenge it, it was like the WWE, like the referee is in on it. Well, I hear you, Andrew, let me just say this, that every official has to be held accountable by the media, including the president of the United States of America, but it's very hard in a situation in which it's considered live because it's not being edited to do exactly what you want, that what you're calling for. And so President Biden put the onus, if you will, unless the whole, to name the lies. But I hear you, and I thank you for your call, 808489222, Dominic Carter here with you, and Milwaukee, Frank in New Jersey. Good afternoon, Frank. What's on your mind? Hey, great job. Listen, you know, I'm very upset about everything that's going on. I don't understand how come there wasn't a perimeter security set up, whatever, with all the technology, the technology that we have, okay, with all the funds that we have, why weren't they drones? You know, one stupid troll. That's all we needed. Okay, but I hear you, Frank, but I don't believe, I don't know if the Secret Service has used drones before. I don't know. But please continue. Well, when you're securing someone of that importance, I'm pretty sure that they have something where you can look at from overhead, whether satellite, whatever the case may be. And needless to say, anybody that's less than 200, 250 yards away on a roof, and someone alerted the police department allegedly, okay, and nothing was done. They went up to actually secure that perimeter. That's no excuse for that. I just agree. It boggles me to, you know, why something like this happened. Agreed. Agreed. Frank, thank you for the call. Let's go to Richard in Florida, good afternoon, Richard, and welcome to the RNC live here in Milwaukee. What's on your mind? Good afternoon, Dominic, great show. I would just want to reflect on yesterday seeing Trump walk through that all way after his attempted assassination. Amazing. And emotional. It was, it was very emotional. It was more emotional for me because I love the man and what happens Saturday. I have my daughter who never seen the Trump rally she was sitting next to me, and I had to tell her to go to the room because they want her to witness massacre. You know, we're just motionless that really bothered me, but I should not be happening in this country. The United States of America, you know, that's what I want to say, man, we're just, it's just kind of. I feel you, man, and I, you know, I'm, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Richard, that you're getting emotional, but, but sometimes it's best. It took me a long time to learn this. Sometimes it's best to get it out and let it out. And so I want to thank you, Richard, for the call. And you know, it was, it was quite emotional for many in America of what happened to Mr. Trump. Thank you for the call, Richard. We are now going to take a break when we come back more of your telephone calls sitting here with me, standing by to go in the air in about 10 minutes, Elena, Haba, senior Trump adviser, more of your calls and Miss Haba, when we come back, this is Dominic Carter. Every day we rise, challenging ourselves to work for what we believe in. At U.S. Border Patrol, protecting our borders is more than a job. It's a calling. Let's answer the call, working together to keep our country and communities safe. If you're ready for a new mission, join U.S. Border Patrol and go beyond. Learn more at What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter, live from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here's Dominic Carter. And we are back coming up in just a few minutes. She's sitting here right now with me, Lena Haba, senior advisor to President Trump. We'll talk to her in just a few minutes. But right now, the time belongs to you. We are taking your telephone calls. Tom, Queens, New York, good afternoon, Tom. Welcome here to Milwaukee, the RNC. What's on your mind? Dominic, great talking to you. I'm just reading about -- as the feds have intelligence on the uranium plot to kill Trump. And the verdict is owned. Right. The CNN information, yes, that the Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intelligence of an Iranian plot to assassinate Mr. Trump. No known association to the shooting, but please continue, Tom. Well, I'm just concerned about the border with bureaucracy and in charge. He failed that, and he failed, I believe, with the Secret Service, with this assassination attempt. I'm very concerned about it. I think we all are. I really think we all are, Tom. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Nick on Long Island, good afternoon, Nick. Welcome here live to Milwaukee. What's on your mind? Dominic, thank you. 60 seconds. I'm going to make my points. I'm going to hang up. I'm going to listen. I'm absolutely furious, Dominic. We could have lost this man on Saturday, and then here, and it's there, and you're telling me 130 yards away, the Secret Service dropped the ball. Don June, you said last night, a 130-yard shot with an AR-15, is the equivalent of a two-foot punt on the golf course, I want her out, Dominic, I want her fired, I want her out. We should have lost this man. It could have been a civil war, I'm not done, Dominic, I'm hired. Well, I tell you what, Nick, Elena Haba is sitting here right now. She's hearing your comments. I will ask her about the DEI stuff and whether or not the female director of the Secret Service whether or not she should lose her job, I promise I'm going to bring that up in just minutes. Let's go, let's go to Andrew in New Jersey, Andrew, what's on your mind? How are you doing, Dominic? I was looking at this from the historical point of view. If you think of history as a coin on one side, thank God the president survived. But if you look at the other side of the coin, if God forbid he was taken out, our entire history would have changed as a nation, and it would have put the Republican conference in total disarray had even taken out. So this whole thing is amazing if you look at it from an historical point, we're on one side of the coin instead of the other side of the coin, a history. Fair enough, and you are correct, Andrew, a quarter of an inch either way, and I don't even know in all likelihood, this convention would have been canceled. It would have been in total chaos. Thank you for the call. Dave Long Island, line four, good afternoon, Dave. What's on your mind? You only have about 15 seconds here. Yep, Dominic. Thanks. I love Milwaukee. Love your show. My point is, if a sniper for the Secret Service is higher than this guy in a roof, how did he miss this guy for all the time he was up there over half hour? That's my point. Fair enough, fair enough, a lot of second guessing going on. Standing by here with me is Alina Haba, senior Trump advisor. When we come back, we will chat with her. Stay with us, folks, and warm your calls. Thank you. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter, live from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, here's Dominic Carter. And we are taking your telephone calls in just a moment, 808489222. But first, we're joined by a great guest, Alina Haba, who was a senior advisor to the Trump campaign. Good afternoon. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you so much for having me. So how would you assess the campaign and the convention thus far? Obviously, you're going to put a positive spin, but I was impressed last night at the outreach to expand the party, having the model on a stage. In the team, how would you assess things going thus far? I actually find it incredibly exciting. This is my first RNC. And I can say that I was, I just think the diversity, I think, is what you're pointing out and the diversity of the individuals that are speaking in support of President Trump speak a lot about where our nation is today and how we are going to unite and get behind him. So I'm excited. I think that Amber did a beautiful job. I think the gentleman from the Teamsters, the union, was very epic and on and on and on, frankly, and I was captivated the entire night, truly captivated. And I'm looking forward to tonight as well. So we'll see. It was captivating, as you just said last night. So what do you make of what happened over the weekend? There are calls that the head of the Secret Service should be fired. How do you feel about that entire awful, awful ordeal? I think that having somebody who was the head of Pepsi, the head of the Secret Service is concerning for me. I think they're ideals and they're skewed perspective. I hope would never permeate the safety of a president, any president. I have concerns about what happened. I think a lot of Americans, frankly, do the amount of time, the fact that people were screaming that there was a sniper. I can say that's very different, though, and I want to make this distinction than the Secret Service team that is part of the Donald Trump detail, the DTD team, and they're people I know and love. And they fight the fight there with him all the time. They support us and him. But I can tell you that whatever happened that day, something went terribly wrong. And we have to have a very transparent investigation of that and make sure that people are held accountable. What's interesting, you're a woman, I'm a man of color. And I think that we agree that this DEI thing just doesn't work. It's enough already and that's coming from a woman and from an African American man. There are reports that the first lady, Jill Biden, is the one that pushed for the hiring of the Secret Service director. What do you make of all this? That's not surprising. If you look at Jill Biden and what she's doing to her husband, she's a disgrace, in my opinion. She should be ashamed of herself. I think that the fact that she came out with a cover of a magazine after her husband completely got demolished in a debate, couldn't walk, he's clearly ill. I think that, I think she's a disgrace. And I think that she should be in no position. And frankly, last time I checked, the American people did not vote her into a position to have any say about who is in place for the Secret Service, let alone what lunch should be served in the White House. And it's disturbing to me. And frankly, I think that also needs to be looked at. We need to see who's actually running the show over there in the Oval Office because I'm pretty sure it's not Joe Biden. One last question, but folks, we're about to go to your telephone calls, 80848 9222. Assess the campaign for me. One, do you believe that it will be Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket? Do you think that Biden will finish this race as he says? If it's Kamala Harris, it's a complete joke. If it's Biden, it's still over. Trump has headed back to the White House. I'm not making that statement as a partisan. It's objective. All you have to do is look at the handwriting on the wall. How do you assess the race? I think that Joe Biden has a tremendous amount of people he owes. It sounds like money, too. It sounds like his son is in the Oval pushing him to stay for obvious selfish reasons. And I think that this narcissistic behavior is putting America last and it's a problem. I don't care if it's Kamala. I don't care if it's Joe. I know that we're going to win strong in November. That's very clear. Look at the polls, not what I'm saying as somebody who's part of the campaign now. I think that no matter what they've done, America, a disservice. And I think that's why we're seeing a lot of Democrats flip. And I think that's why we're seeing a lot of people that normally would not be public. A lot of public figures come out in support of President Trump. The rhetoric that they've done, that they say that we've done is only in response to the hatred that they've spewed in America. And our country never used to be like that. So I frankly don't care who they put the damage that they've done, speaks for itself. And at the end of the day, the American people will vote in November. They've got to get out and vote and we can fix this country under Trump. I know that. Alina Haba, senior advisor for President Trump, the Trump campaign. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Thank you for having me. 808489222. We'll get to your calls in just a second. But one, I want to go back to President Biden's interview Monday night. Last night with Lester Holt of NBC, and which Mr. Biden became combative, combative, asking what's with you guys referring to members of the fourth estate, here's a bit of how that sounded. Lester, look, why don't you guys ever talk about the 18 that 28 lies he told? Where are you from this? Why didn't the press ever talk about that? 28 times, it's confirmed he lied in that debate. Seriously, you won't answer the question, but why didn't the press talk about all lies he told? I don't know anything about that. We have reported many of the issues that came about that debate. No, you haven't. No, you haven't. Well, if you go back and listen to those things, the JD man said about Trump. Well, he said something about you, yeah. Well, he said something about me, but see what he said about Trump. What's with you guys? Come on, man. Come on, man. The president of the United States, so much for the civility, I guess, of the last couple of days. The campaign is back full underway. One other thing I want you to say here, before we go right back to the calls, during the midnight show that I do, midnight to 1 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, I had a call from a regular listener, her name, Mora, she lives in Illinois, and Mora broke down in tears, just like a caller about 20 minutes ago on this program in which she served our country, served in the military. And she says that because she supports, because she supports Mr. Trump as a presidential candidate, she's lost friends of some 40 years that she happened to serve in the military with. I want you to listen to what Mora told me again. This is from the midnight to 1 a.m. show, Eastern Standard Time. Here is what she said. One thing that I have noticed is that in the midst of since the assassination attempt, and even beforehand, people like you and I, people who support Donald Trump, are being tagged as Hitlerites, as Nazis, as stooges, as deceived, it is disgusting. I am not welcome at my usual table with friends of 40 years. Wow. It will come to that point of 40 years on this, and yet, and yet all I can hope is that somehow something will get through to all of us, so we can all be civilized, have cordial relationships, and not needlessly turn our backs on people that we love, and that we can lose more people. So Mora, friends of 40 years have turned their backs on you because you're a Trump supporter. I served with them, Dominic. Yes. Diego. And then you serve as a veteran, you served with them in the military, and they no longer friends with you because you support Trump. No, because he's the obstacle to his stable republic, and also anyone who supports a convicted felon and someone who fomented a coup, or attempted a coup. I know what a coup is, and so did they. And they're trying to get me to repent, Dominic. These are actually very intelligent people, and they don't understand it. And they're trying to get me to explain the steps that got me to this place. That is so offensive. Again, it was said in a way that was not meant to be offensive at all. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mora, and I apologize. I apologize for them because they just don't know, and they don't know what they're talking about. And they are the ones that's falling for the okey-doke, if you will. And I'm so sorry. I know. We all love our country. We all love our country, Dominic, breaking news. And unfortunately, we are just getting information into us here at the RNC that police just shot a potential shooter around the security perimeter here at the RNC. There's footage that is online that shows a heavy police presence. People are running around me in terms of other reporters that are here trying to get the information. A large, large law enforcement presence, local, state, national. But again, if you are just joining us, folks, we are receiving information, breaking news that police just shot a potential shooter around the security perimeter here at the RNC. We are monitoring this story. We are staying on top of it. Dominic Carter here with you. In Milwaukee, let's go to Lewis in New Jersey. Good afternoon, Lewis. What's on your mind? Good afternoon, Dominic. I want to just reflect a little bit about on Saturday's situation with the attempted Trump assassination. First of all, if you take a look at the Secret Service issue, if they are going to abdicate responsibility outside of the perimeter to local law enforcement, that's a standard practice. Understand that, but the point of the matter is they have to make sure that they train them properly. That's not their responsibility, that's on local law enforcement. That's something I've been around for 40 years, and that's something that the Secret Service has done for 40 years. They work with local law enforcement. They do not handle the outside perimeter. That's just the way it is. Okay. So my question is, how many Parklands are we going to have, and how many of all these are we going to have, because the police that are responsible for taking out the shooter before he kills more people, and again, this was such a near miss that the fact that they didn't do their job when that police officer had seen that there was a sniper on the roof almost caused the former president his life. I understand, but I don't know how fair that criticism is. That officer came face to face with the shooter and could have lost his life right then and there. I'm not one. Thank you for the call, Lewis. I'm not one to Monday morning quarterback. The local police chief is defending the officer said he would have done the same thing and turned around. But again, to our breaking news, what we have that's going on right now is that independent sources here are confirming that a police officer from Columbus, Ohio has shot a person near 14th and field in hearing me walkie this afternoon. The location this location is a little more than a mile from the RNC security perimeter. And so what that means in order for us to get here to where the the actual RNC location, or actual broadcast location, we have to walk generally, I will tell you about a mile to get into the perimeter enormous enormous security with heavy armed law enforcement again, mostly federal, but state and local. So the information is filtering in right now of what happened and that is a the officer from Ohio shot a man near the RNC venue here. Security is extremely tight. It doesn't appear to be a tense situation. But clearly, this is something that we are following live at this very moment from here in Milwaukee. We are going to take a break again. A man has been shot a believe shooter outside the perimeter of the RNC this afternoon. We are going to take a break when we come back more of your telephone calls live from Milwaukee. This is Dominic Carter. And now it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation final thoughts live from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here's Dominic Carter breaking news and T time to the towers does excellent work. The details are sketchy details are sketchy and we still don't have the full information, the police have reportedly shot and killed a person near 14th Street here in Milwaukee about 1.2 miles from the main RNC venue. The reason and is a large police presence at the area, including the Secret Service at the scene. The reason why this is important is because in order to get here to the convention site, a mile each way a mile each way is about a mile all the way around the venue is where it's set up the Secret Service to to get in. So what I'm trying to say is this is not far from an entrance to get in here for the convention. And so we're waiting a word from police in the meantime and we'll have updates here throughout the afternoon in terms of what's going on. Let's continue right now with your telephone calls your telephone calls Vito and Queens Vito. What's on your mind? Hey Carter, how are you? Good, good. Go right ahead please. Yeah, I just wanted to highlight a correlation I see, you know, it's that a stretch of the imagination to say that this was a organized hit when you say when you say this was, what are you referring to? Are you talking about the Trump attempt? I don't know what your point of reference here Trump, the Trump assassination. So I'm not I'm not big on conspiracies. I have to tell you Vito, but go ahead. You says you say an organized hit. Go ahead. Right. I'm not big on that either, but you know, at the same time, you know, they're demonizing the weapon they're used, the person who did it and the fact that he's a Republican, you know, it's very, very neatly and they can turn around and say, well, look, you know, it's a Republican using an AR it's a white guy. And so that's supposed to mean that it's a conspiracy. I'm not saying that it's a conspiracy. I'm just saying that it's very neatly into the into their agenda. Okay. All right. I can see I can see where you're coming from on that. Thank you Vito for the call. Let's go to Lisa in New Jersey. Good afternoon Lisa. What's on your mind? Hi, Dom, you know, that fall call with Moira is absolutely heartbreaking and I hope she's listening now to let her know that there's a bunch of us that do support her and that she needs to understand it's easy to be a bad guy. And it's not so easy to be a good guy and she's one of the good guys. So we're praying for her that she stays strong and she doesn't give into this lunacy. But my original point with the attempted assassination for Saturday night was, you know, a lot of the supporters were there they alerted some of the police that there was a shooter on the roof. How do we even know all of these cops were real cops? Nobody knows. There's no answers and everybody, like you said, is a Monday morning quarterback. Let them do what they need to do and sooner or later, and I do believe this, somebody will come out and say something that will shed light on this. Well, Lisa, I have to be honest with you to speculate whether they were real cops. I mean, the real police would recognize someone that was not within their unit, within their department. I understand we all have serious questions about this, but I'm just not, I'm not big on conspiracies and that never have been. We'll see how this all plays out. Thank you. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Anthony, Anthony on Long Island, line three, Good afternoon, Anthony. Welcome to Milwaukee. Thank you, Mr. Carter, and I would just like to, to praise you for keeping authorities honest and for keeping the media, the mainstream media honest. I feel as though we have a state run media now at this point ever since you've all been Texas, we saw a lot of malevolence on the leadership whereby they're not telling us the truth. And a great many of these narratives are not necessarily what's actually occurring. You know, I just have little face. And remember, Nina Jankowitz, AKA Mary Poppins of disinformation from my orchestra's office. I mean, we, we, the other night, you know, when Donald Trump was the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, they were reporting on the news that they were found suspicious packages of Trump towers in Manhattan. And you know, it's just like a sweet in the story, you know, and I have little faith in our government at this point, they're, they're what they call it, wagging the dog. Thank you, Mr. Carter for keeping them honest. And I really do appreciate W. A. B. C. 77. Thank you. Well, thank you. Thank you for the call. So again, folks, if you're just joining us, police have fatally shot a man on the perimeter of the RNC. The man was apparently holding a knife details are still sketchy. We will have this a bit later on on this station, folks, tunnel the towers donate $11 a month to the tunnel, the towers foundation, go to T to T dot org.