Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-15-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Frank Morano fills in for the first hour and discusses the latest in the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. Dominic Carter takes over in the second hour, live from Milwaukee at the RNC as he discusses the impact of the assassination attempt on American sentiment and the country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 37m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Frank Morano fills in for the first hour and discusses the latest in the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. Dominic Carter takes over in the second hour, live from Milwaukee at the RNC as he discusses the impact of the assassination attempt on American sentiment and the country.

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Listen closely. That's not just paint rolling on a wall. It's artistry. A master painter carefully applying Benjamin Moore regal select eggshell with deftly executed strokes. The roller lightly cradled in his hands, applying just the right amount of paint. It's like hearing poetry and motion. Benjamin Moore, "See the Love." W-A-B-C- One Man has a talk show on 77 W-A-B-C, and that man's name is... It's Dominic Carter. I am him. And what there's now, Dominic Carter is to be with you, Dominic. It gets better. You need to talk to Dominic Carter. It's about to go down. This is Dominic Carter, everybody. On talk radio 77 W-A-B-C. Well, I guess it's another slow-news day. What will we talk about for the next hour? Obviously, I am just kidding. And obviously, I am not Dominic Carter. Dominic Carter is on his way to Milwaukee. And he has had some difficulties with his United Airlines flight out there. So we're hoping he's able to join us an hour from now to host the second hour of his program. But yours truly, Frank Moreno, will be here until he arrives. And in the meantime, boy, oh boy, is there a lot of news to cover. The one thing I want to keep in mind with this whole Trump shooting, and obviously, I have a lot of thoughts about it. I have a lot of emotions about it like many people do, is, and this is not totally dissimilar from what Nancy Sleewa was saying earlier on hour 92 of Sleewa Unplugged Radio. By the way, Curtis has done an incredible job filling in for everybody and just doing wall-to-wall coverage, as did Noam Lane, but Layden on Saturday. Really, a lot of people think when you have a big story like this, it must be easy to be on the radio. The truth is, it's really not because you're expected to do wall-to-wall coverage. And that's what people want to hear, but there's not new information coming out all the time. So you're filling an hour, two hours, three hours worth of time, when there's only a little bit of information coming out, and a lot of the information that's being thrown at you, and Curtis alluded to this, is inaccurate. So I thought Noam and Curtis did a very good job providing clear information, new information, vetted information, and not running off half-cocked, as a lot of other folks were in the world of social media. We'll get into that a little bit more. During my program, what role social media has played in the reaction to this shooting of President Trump? We're glad he's okay, obviously. And our heart goes out to the gentleman that was killed protecting his family. Only 50 years old seemed like a great guy from all accounts. But even if he wasn't a great guy, nobody should ever be killed because they're attending a political rally for a presidential candidate. They support, and that would be for a candidate that I loved or a candidate that I couldn't stand, same issue. So we're going to take your calls in a moment, 800-848-9222. That's 1-800-848-W-A-B-C. We will get into a lot of different aspects of this throughout the course of the next, what hour is it? Okay, it's 11.05 now. I'll be here for the next six hours, maybe with a one-hour break for Dominic. So we are going to get into every aspect of this. In fact, in about two hours, I'm going to be joined by Michael Reagan, the former first son, the son of President Ronald Reagan, because I'm curious what goes on in your mind. Obviously the situation when Reagan was shot back in 1981 isn't exactly the same as what's going on with President Trump. What goes on if you're an adult child of a president or a presidential candidate when this goes on? I think most of us know what it's like to lose a loved one. A lot of us probably know what it's like to have a family member that's in some sort of danger. I don't think any of us really relate to what it's like to have a parent who is shot on the world stage and the whole world knows about what's happening. And yet this is not some media personality or some famous figure to you, a political figure. That's your father. So I think Michael Reagan is one of the few people that can actually speak to the mind of what say Eric Trump was going through and Tiffany and Donald Jr. and so forth. And I'm eager to get his take in about two hours. The other thing though and Milwaukee, the Republican National Convention is going forward as planned. So in about 20 minutes, we're going to talk with Assemblyman Robert Off of New Jersey. He's going to join us live from Milwaukee to give us an idea of what the security protocols are. Because I have to think that if you're in Milwaukee right now, you're either not afraid at all because you think this has got to be the most secure place on earth because they've so increased security or you're terrified and I don't mean to laugh about that. But I have to think you're experiencing one of two emotions. So we're going to get into that with Robert Off. He's a Republican delegate that's attending the convention. And let's not forget there is a real convention going on this week. And given what's happened with President Trump over the last 24 to 46 hours. And given what happened in the previous two weeks with President Biden. People are forgetting this is actually probably the most consequential Republican National Convention since 1980. Why? Because I don't think there's been any convention since 1980 where the running mate wasn't known. And yet there's going to be a lot of drama. This convention is starting tomorrow. And we still don't know who President Trump is going to pick as his running mate. So we'll get an idea from Robert Off what the buzz is amongst the delegates there on that front. We will get to your calls at 80848-9222. Another area where I do have to agree with my colleague Curtis Lewa. Is how is it that Robert F Kennedy Jr. still doesn't have secret service protection? How is that? I mean, I was waiting in the three speeches that President Biden and I want to pick on President Biden because I think it's the last thing the country needs right now is, you know, people taking pot shots at political figures. I thought that in one of the three speeches that President Biden gave since this shooting, he was going to say, let's make sure all of the presidential candidates are completely protected by the secret service. I also think it's important to remember that back in April, there were nine Democratic members of Congress that signed on to a measure to strip secret service protection, at least some form of serious service protection from President Trump or any convicted felon. Now, the sponsors of that bill are saying that that wouldn't have applied to President Trump because there's different scenarios. I don't know, but I think the point is still the same. That's Congressman Bernie Thompson. He says his bill would have had no impact on Trump's protection in Pennsylvania. Oh, by the way, if you want to know the caliber of people that Congressman Bernie Thompson, a Democrat of Mississippi keeps on his staff. He has a field director by the name of Jacqueline Marsau. Do you know what Jacqueline Marsau posted on social media after the shooting? This is his this congressional staffer, the same Congressman that proposed stripping President Trump or any convicted felon president of secret service protection. What his staffer posted was quote, I don't condone violence, but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time. Oops, that wasn't me talking. That is a public employee that you are paying with your taxpayer dollars. Now, Jacqueline Marsau did remove that post under orders from Congressman Thompson's office, but her defense when she was asked about this by the local news station, WJTV was, I got overwhelmed in the moment. I am a diehard Democrat. Now, that's such a weird response. I can understand being overwhelmed in the moment. I can understand getting a little crazy. I said some things that, you know, I wish I could have worded differently, but that's your explanation. I got overwhelmed. I'm a partisan. I'm a diehard Democrat. What does that mean being a diehard Democrat? I mean, you happy with shots? Come on. 808489222. So yeah, I agree with Curtis's comments that not only should RFK get secret service protection, but Curtis said it should extend to Jill Stein of the Green Party, although I think Curtis actually referred to her as Jill Green of the Blue Party. But when you've been on the air for that many consecutive hours, I'm amazed that he knew his own name, let alone the current wife that he had, forgetting about any of these other presidential candidates. So yes, I agree. Every single presidential candidate should not have to be worried about security, though, although, and we're going to get into this in a big way a little later. While I think they should all have secret service protection, the secret service handled this whole situation abysmally. Again, it's easy for me not having any law enforcement experience, not having any experience protecting dignitaries to criticize, but you damn right, I'm criticizing. It looks like there's one roof in the vicinity of where President Trump was speaking. If you're the secret service, don't you check, double check, triple check that roof to make sure it's secured. Somebody can't throw a ladder up there and climb up there with an AR 15. I have to think this is a huge fail on the part of the secret service and of law enforcement. All right, this is Frank Moreno in for Dominic Carter, 800-848, 9222-800-848, 92-22. Let me begin with Robert in Brooklyn. Hi, Robert. Hi, thanks for taking my call. Well, you know, first of all, I just want to point out Donald Trump earlier this morning, he pointed out, quote, "It was God alone and prevented the unthinkable from happening," a long quote. It's surely as a miracle. I thank God so much for saving our wonderful Donald Trump. It was so close, that bullet went right by his if-through his ear. If he just didn't turn his head, who knows what would happen? Absolutely. That's a good miracle. That's number one. Number two, the Wall Street Journal panel is talking about the secret service. This is the most stunning failure in decades. This was totally, totally unacceptable, what took place. I can have somebody on a top of a roof, he's setting up a whole thing over there, so it's so long, it's just outrageous, like 150 yards away, a line of sight. This is outrageous. And people could, you talk about also the conspiracy theories, but the facts are the facts, how somebody can be out there, and then people are complaining to the law enforcement, and that they didn't know what was going on, they should have rushed Trump off the stage immediately, if they didn't have a few. Oh, Robert, how about Robert? Robert, absolutely. And Robert, and to your point, Robert, to your point, thanks for the call, to your point, if this was one bad thing that the secret service did, okay, you could say they had a bad day, right? This is the latest in a long line of failures or scandals for the secret service. We saw multiple incidents of White House fence jumpers, multiple incident incidents, where individuals scaled the White House fence, including one in 2014, where a man with a knife managed to enter the White House. We saw the prostitution scandal a few years ago, where several secret service agents were implicated in a scandal involving prostitutes in Colombia, ahead of President Obama's visit there. We saw incidents of agents being found drunk or behaving inappropriately while on duty or during official trips. We saw the intruder that managed to enter the White House grounds and wandered around for over 15 minutes before being apprehended. That was during the Trump administration. We saw a secret service agent's laptop containing all sorts of sensitive information stolen from a vehicle in Brooklyn. We saw the Yosemite incident, where agents were accused of misconduct while protecting the Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, including claims of again, drinking an inappropriate behavior. And I don't want to sound like I'm picking on the secret servant. Well, actually, yes, I do. Yes, I do. I mean, this is an agency. I don't know whether it's a cultural problem at this agency. I don't know whether it's a problem with leadership. I don't know if it's something else there. But whatever's been going on with the secret service in recent years, there's a big problem. I mean, is it me? I remember the secret service always being as an agency above reproach, an agency that you could always count on to do the right thing, to get it right, to be, at the very least, keep the president and the people that they're protecting safe. Now this is, and again, I don't want to beat up on them because there's a lot of good men and women in the secret service. There's something going on at this agency. I didn't even scratch the surface. There were all sorts of other allegations of misconduct, including agents soliciting prostitutes and mishandling sensitive information. And this is bipartisan because there was a man posing as a member of Congress who made it through security checkpoints at a congressional black caucus event that was attended by President Biden when he was vice president. So there have been breaches of protocol, there have been misconduct, there have been security lapses. And there's got to be, to me, this is the incident that should be what the iceberg was on the Titanic to future cruise ships. You take a cruise now, they have to make sure there's enough lifeboats for everybody, there's enough life preservers for everybody, everyone goes through a safety drill. And a big part of that is because of the disaster of what happened on the Titanic. My hope is that this incident, which is horrible that a gentleman died, but my hope is that this incident is the wake up call that this country needs to reform the secret service and improve the secret service. And I realize it may sound hypocritical of me to be advocating for secret service agents, a secret service protection for more presidential candidates. But while I'm criticizing the performance of the secret service, but that is exactly how I feel. 8084, 892, 2,800, 848, 92, 22, Anthony is in New York. Hi, Anthony. All right, thank you for taking my call. Trump has been doing so well in this campaign against Bismol Biden. And I was just wondering, as you know, when Reagan was shot in his first term, he went up 22% in the polls. So just wondering, what do you think the outcome will be as far as polls go, not to, you know, be insensitive to what happened, but what do you, what affected you? Yeah, well, and I'm going to, I'm going to get into this throughout the course of the program with Robert off and with Michael Reagan. I know it may sound like an overly simplistic view, but I think this, I think it's not insensitive to look at the political implications of this, because we are in the middle of an election, we're a couple of months away from a pretty important election. And people are going to look, historians are going to look at this and say, what were the political implications of this? So I don't think that's insensitive at all, right? I think, you know, what's insensitive is people in both parties insulting people that vote for another person or picking on one another, or, you know, some of the things that I've seen about Trump and Biden on social media have really been reprehensible. That's insensitive. I don't think your question's insensitive at all. My view is I don't see how this hurts Trump, right? I think this will help him, but it certainly doesn't hurt. I'll give you, Anthony, thank you for the call. I'll be honest with you, I am not planning on voting for President Trump, but I, when I saw him, raise his fist in solidarity and say, fight, fight, fight, I was so moved on a gut level and an emotional level, I thought to myself, that's exactly the kind of leadership that this country needs. And I think a lot of other people are seeing that same image and coming to the same conclusion. That's a level of toughness. Again, it's what is it? It's a gesture. Ultimately, it doesn't affect who he appoints to the Supreme Court, doesn't affect anything having to do with taxes, doesn't affect anything having to do with immigration policy or deporting people. But imagery is important. And I am going to get into this with Michael Reagan in two hours. The imagery of Ronald Reagan, the things that we heard about him in the aftermath of his shooting, I don't think they just helped him politically going into that 1984 election, which was three years later. I think they helped his legacy enormously as a place in history, because when you talk about Reagan, it's impossible to avoid discussing the things that he did in the aftermath of that shooting. And I think the same thing is going to be said of Donald Trump. I don't want to sound like a Trump groupie at all. But I thought his behavior at a time when I'm sure that he was pretty scared. He means Donald Trump, but he's only human. His behavior cannot hurt him. I think it only helps, honestly. I think President Biden, and again, I'm breaking my own rule of not wanting to criticize either of any of the presidential candidates. I think President Biden missed an opportunity to do something that was a grand, non-partisan or bipartisan gesture. He missed an opportunity to be statesman-like. I think, and I'm going to play you his remarks a little later, in case you didn't hear his full speech. I think he said a lot of the right things, but there was not one single moment in any of the three speeches that he gave where I felt he really rose to the occasion of getting the country to unify. There was no George W. Bush with the megaphone on the pile moment, or any sort of ask not what your country can do for you moment. There was no single moment where I said, wow, he really rose to this occasion. There was nothing like that. And again, some people just have it in them. Some people don't. 8084892, 8084892. Before we get to assemblyman Robert off, let me say hello to Larry in Brooklyn. Hello, Larry. Hi, Frank. Listen, I really feel that you're skirting the issue. You're not talking about the really relevant things in this shooting. First, I'm going to go right. Of course, I'm not. Yeah, I understand. I understand why. First of all, I'm not going to talk. I'm not going to go too heavily until you understand why. Go ahead. Go ahead. I don't want to interrupt. Okay. All right. First of all, I'm just going to say that even if this were not the work of a psycho, which I don't believe it was, I believe this, the guy was put up to it. Okay. The fact of the matter is, a few days before this happened, Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, okay, I know you're a big free speech guy, you know, so this is an issue of free speech. He said, quote, President Reagan, President Trump is an existential threat to this country. That's why I want Biden to get out of the race. Okay. An existential threat means that his existence is a threat to this country. Now, if that's not incitement, what is, okay, this man should be jailed as far as I'm concerned. All right. Well, Larry, I hear what you're saying. I do. I don't want to belittle your point because it is a good point. I don't think you can keep calling someone Hitler when everyone knows that if you had the opportunity to kill Hitler prior to the Holocaust, that's something that's a decision everybody would make to kill Hitler, right? So I don't want to, I don't want to belittle that. But I really think that, no, you might be right. It might turn out that you're that you're right. And I understand why you're saying that. And I felt that way, honestly. But I think at this point, where we don't know the motive of the shooter at all, I think it's premature to say that. For instance, you know, in the case of John Hinckley, John Hinckley didn't shoot Reagan because Hinckley was a partisan Democrat, or he didn't like Reagan's views on supply side economics. He shot Reagan because, pardon the term, he shot Reagan because he was a nutjob. And he thought that shooting Reagan would help endear him to Jody Foster. That's what nuts do. So this guy may turn out to be a Democratic partisan who was a little bit, was easily inflamed and easily incidable. Or this could be, because to me, he almost, and again, we don't know any information about him, so it's all speculative at this point. To me, he almost seems like a typical school shooter. And what I mean by that is he seems like a loner, someone with no friends, someone with probably some sort of mental illness, and someone that is craving some sort of relevance in his life. So, but you may turn out to be right. You may be right, but at this point, we don't know. So I think at this point, it's a little irresponsible of any of us. You, me, anybody to speculate as to what the deal is with him on this one, Larry. And what role, if any, any of the people that were kind of stoking the flames about how evil Donald Trump was on this, but I'm going to get into this quite a bit throughout the course of the next five hours. Thanks, Larry. Robert Roth is going to join us live from Milwaukee in a moment. If you want to continue to comment on our discussion, you're welcome to do so 80848-9222, 80848 W.A.B.C. Dominic Carter should be here at about 34 minutes. I am hoping he's going to be here in 34 minutes. We'll see. I know you're hoping to get rid of me in 34 minutes. We'll see. Robert Roth joins us straight ahead. Hurry in to Whole Foods Market for their best of season fruit. The sweet summer day sales event is on through July 30th with juicy savings on organic blueberries, organic strawberries, red cherries, and more like grill-ready no antibiotics ever meets and sustainable wild-caught seafood. Explore aisles of fruity finds you can't get anywhere else, including seasonal favorites like peach maryon berry pie in the bakery. Sweeten up your summer at Whole Foods Market. If you're an athlete, you know the greatest motivator of all is the fear of letting your teammates down. 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So the next time you're shopping for yourself or someone special, choose extraordinary items, handmade, handpicked, or designed by small businesses. Keep commerce human. Discover small businesses on Etsy. Now, here's Dominic Carter on talk radio 77 W.A.B.C. At 11 30, no, it is not Dominic Carter. It is actually Frank Morano sitting in for Dominic Carter. I'm going to be with you for the next half hour. And then I'll be back at 1 a.m. where my guest will be Michael Reagan. I'm looking forward to talking with him about the perspective that he had in being the son of a president who was shot. And what that might help us understand about the psyche of the the folks going through this now. All right, very, very pleased to be joined live from Milwaukee, where the site of the Republican National Convention by New Jersey Republican Assemblyman Robert Roth, who's a delegate to the convention. And if memory serves was the first elected official in New Jersey to endorse Donald Trump way back in 2016. Robert, it's great to talk with you. Give us a picture of the scene there. What's it like over there, especially as it relates to security. Frank, first of all, good evening. And thank you for that little memory check. It was it was great being right the first time. That's all. Dooley noted. Well, I will tell you what, we saw a high presence of police at this event. We went to red, white and brew. It was sponsored by several different sponsors. Actually Miller was there, and it was associated with the Milwaukee Brewers and all that. And so it was a big event. There was a lot of food. It was beer and everything there. And there was a huge crowd of people that showed up. And the interesting thing was the secret service people there. There was helicopter flying all the time as the people were waiting online to get through the security. And everybody well behaved, everybody, ebullient about what was going on. However, I thought the amount of security was much more than normal. I also have noticed that Republicans are a very interesting breed. They are reticent to let somebody who created this havoc and killed somebody in the audience almost killed the former president. They are refusing to let that person rule what happens at this convention. They will not bend in the, they will not buckle. They are staying firm and they're going about their business. And they are ready to undertake the obligation that they took is becoming a delegate. And they're going to nominate our candidate for president and then get them elected in November. That's what they're going to do. And they, they have not wavered from that particular mission. So Robert off joining us, New Jersey Republican Assemblyman, you've been to conventions in the past. And you would say the security for this one is far greater than what you've seen at past conventions. All right. We got it down. All right. And in terms of the tone, you mentioned the sort of, I guess what you would describe as the resilience of Republican delegates not wanting to making this in some ways even more determined. I noticed that after the news of the shooting, it was confirmed that Nikki Haley is going to be speaking at the convention as well. Nancy Mace was on a news nation. This is what she said. It was a tragic day for America, but I agree with you. The tone of the convention should change. We should have a unifying tone. I think that'll happen naturally, that will have a unifying message, not just for the Republican party, but for a nation who's going to be hurting and need time to heal in the weeks and months to come. So as far my question, I guess, Robert, is from what you're seeing from the people attending the delegates, is there any difference in tone on their part? Is there maybe a little less what I'll call vitriol than there otherwise might be a little less things like trash talking and bravado and a little bit more of a unifying tone, kind of what Nancy Mace was describing there? I say she was spot on. I saw a total absence. I've been out at different events throughout the day. I came in last night. I would say that there has been a vacuum when it comes to that type of vitriolic speech between even Republicans that feel comfortable to speak that way with one another. Although this one or that one is terrible. I haven't heard any of that. A lot of it has been a conversation about the family that has been devastated by the firefighter, Cory, this is what I think, flips me for a moment. But in his family, I was in the bus coming back and the conversation was, "Oh wow, they did a go fund me and it's really taken off. It's up to 3 million. We were all delighted with that." And one of the, oh, you know, Margaret Frontier, who was sitting behind me, she was mentioning some of the people who had made very substantial contributions. But then went on to say that most of it was coming in from $50 to $100. And we were all very, very pleased about that, figuring out, well, we've got to stop and pay attention and maybe send a few shekels in ourselves. So I don't see people in the conversations I've overheard, the conversations I've had with other legislators. I have not seen any negative. It's been very upbeat. I think people are really kind of excited now to see how the convention is going to change as a result of this. Many people anticipate President Trump may actually come to the convention early. Yes. And so there's a lot of, there's a lot of buzz going on trying to anticipate what might happen. You know, that's typical political people who always got the rumor mill going nonstop. But I'm very pleased with the way Republicans are comporting themselves. I think the nation as a whole, the ones that watch the convention are going to be presently surprised. And we're going to take more than the traditional bump that comes from one of these events. And I think it will be longer lasting than they normally are. Yeah. And just for the record, that was Corey, a comparator, the gentleman, the firefighter that that died, unfortunately, protecting his family. Robert off before we let you go. And I know you got a long night and few days ahead of you. So I appreciate you making some time for us. People just doing you were talking live from Milwaukee at the site of the Republican Convention with one of the delegates, Robert off from New Jersey State Assemblyman from New Jersey. I would have assumed that under normal circumstances going into today, we would have some sort of an announcement as to who the running mate was going to be for Donald Trump. Are you getting any sense of what the timing is for an announcement on the running mate? I would think at the latest that it could be would be Wednesday, but I would think that we would hear beforehand because of some procedural matters as a delegate. What are you hearing about the timing of a vice presidential announcement? Well, I heard that might be earlier, maybe tomorrow. I also heard, like you said, we need to know by Wednesday because traditionally the vice presidential candidate speaks on Wednesday. So we need to be prepared to some degree to understand who's going to be speaking in front of us. That would be my belief. And with regard to who it might be, I only can say I have a hunch that the ones who have been spoken about the least are the ones who are actually in the running. I think Mike Pompeo, I saw him again. You're kidding. I saw him again. I was watching him. I'm like, you know, there's something out here. I have it. He's been quiet and everything else. Glenn Yunkins, another one. I mean, everybody's talking about Marco Rubio. And they are thinking, well, he'll help pick up the Latin vote. I think the Latin voters are already with us. Yeah. And well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it in terms of talking. But I mean, I think, you know, one of the things that I think analysts, one of the mistakes that I think analysts make is referring to the Hispanic vote or the Latin vote, as if it's monolithic, you know, having a wife who's Latin, that there is a lot of a lot of room between someone who's Cuban and someone who's Mexican, someone who's Puerto Rican, and someone who's Dominican. There's a whole bunch of different, you know, cultural differences, political differences, even within those, the Hispanic community. I think Rubio could certainly help with with Cubans. But I think the state where that's most likely to make the difference is Florida. And to your point, I think Trump already wins Florida. So I would agree with you. I don't see what, but honestly, I don't think whoever the vice president is. I don't think it matters, honestly. I think people this year, more than any, are voting for the top of the ticket. I think you could put Elmer Fudd on as Trump's running mate. And maybe he'd lose a few votes among vegetarians, but I doubt it. I don't think it would make much of a difference. Hey, Robert off, I appreciate you taking some time to chat with us. Frank, it is absolutely a pleasure. We don't do it enough. Unfortunately, we both have been very busy, but as things kind of calm down between now and we start ratcheting up again for November, let's, let's keep it going and we'll share insights together in the most of the world. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Assemblyman Robert off. Appreciate it. Live from Milwaukee, 808 for 892 22 808 for 8 W ABC, your calls and the latest information that we have straight ahead. Why is it that was sparkling water? I'm always playing guessing games with what flavor I'm drinking. Is it citrus? Is it aluminum can flavored? Not sure. Sparkling ice though? They really mean flavor. Like in your face flavor, orange mango, black raspberry, don't even get me started on the strawberry lemonade. Keep these strawberries lid right into my taste buds DMS last night and let them know who's boss. No subtleties there and no sugar either. But it does have vitamins and antioxidants. Fine sparkling ice at a major grocery store or club retailer near you. Sparkling ice. Anything but subtle. Contacting customer service? For a lot of people, that's an easy way to ruin a good day. 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That's why I'm excited to tell you about the world's first 3-in-1 child shield by Energizer. It's the only coin lithium battery with three lines of defense for kids. It comes in secure packaging, has a bitter taste to help prevent swallowing, and an exclusive color alert technology that turns the mouth blue when it comes into contact with saliva as an instant alert to caregivers. To learn more, visit Talk Radio 77 WABC This is Dominic Carter, everybody. On Talk Radio 77 WABC. It is not Dominic Carter. It is Frank Moreno. In for Dominic Carter, Dominic is on his way to Milwaukee. He has been delayed, and I will be here until he gets to a microphone. See, it's funny, not Dominic, because honestly, I don't think he had much of a choice in the matter, but all of the other hosts at WABC, with the exception of Curtis Lewa and myself, they were all so eager to go out to Milwaukee. I don't think Dominic had a choice. I think they just told him you're going. They were all so eager to go there. I saw this coming, having been to a number of these conventions myself. I knew what a train wreck it would be under normal circumstances, just getting on the air. Here we have Dominic, who's had to now miss the first hour of his first show from Milwaukee, and maybe the whole first thing. I remember they asked me, "Hey, Frank, do you want to go to Milwaukee?" I said, "Why don't I stay here just in case this happens? In case there's anybody that can't get on the air, I'll be in a position." I mean, there's only 110 straight hours of Curtis that people can withstand. I'll be here ready to jump in in case something goes wrong. Because I have seen time and again with these conventions, something always goes wrong. It's like that pipe that Mr. Castorini was talking about in the movie Moonstruck. All right, 80848W, A, B, C. That was interesting what Robert Roth said about his speculation that it's Mike Pompeo as one of the arrangements. I should have bet him, and he's probably still listening, but I would be shocked if it was Mike Pompeo. Shocked. I think, and I have nothing to go by but the conventional reporting on this, I think it's one of the final four. I think it's either going to be JD Vance. I think it may be Doug Bergram. I think it may be Marco Rubio or Glenn Yunken. That's kind of the new dark horse that they're talking about. My pick out of those four. Now, I would love to see him pick Tulsi Gabbard, but she's apparently not on a shortlist anymore. I would love to see him pick Vivek Rama Swami. He was long gone on any shortlist. My favorite out of those final four, in terms of who I would potentially like politically, and then people may get upset with this, is JD Vance. I think JD Vance really embodies a lot of the things that I liked about Trump on trade issues, on infrastructure. But as a Senator, he, even though he rhetorically throws a lot of the right bombs, he has shown an incredible ability and willingness to work with Democrats for the benefit of the country. The disaster at East Palestine comes to mind most immediately that the chemical train disaster, where he sprung into action, was willing to work with Democrats. You know, Bergram, Rubio, they're both kind of just typical Republicans. They could easily be Mitt Romney or George W. Bush or John McCain, sort of the same thing. But if I was betting, I think he's going to pick Bergram. I really do, but we'll see. We'll see where it goes. And again, people may say it's it's unseemly to be talking about the vice presidential selection process a day after President Trump has been shot. I don't view it that way. Look, we're going into a political convention. And I think we're going to see, you know, politics in action. And I think this is the best way to make sure that any sort of domestic terrorist doesn't weigh lay the whole country. You know, it's funny. I asked a friend of mine, just a little while ago, what the what he would say if he was on the radio today. And he said, if America were a computer, now is the time for a reset. And he asked me what would an American reset look like? And it was such a great question because it caused me to pause and think about things. What would an American reset look like? I think for starters, one of the things I'd like to see it look like is people be nice to one another. You have even in the aftermath of this shooting, just on my Facebook page, and you could go see the comments that people are making with one another, sniping at one another, people who just have differing presidential candidates. The back and forth of insults that people are hurling with one at one another, people that don't even know one another. The only thing they know about one another that is that they are supporting different candidates, people attacking me, one guy, attacking my character because of some of the people that I've supported. I mean, easy guys, say what you want about presidential assassinations, and they're always horrible, but the one or assassinations of presidential candidates like Robert F Kennedy in 1968, or attempted assassinations of candidates like Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, they tend to bring the country together. And that's what I'd like to see, a moment of unity. In 1912, Wilson and Taft stopped campaigning out of respect to Theodore Roosevelt who'd been shot. I'm wearing a Theodore Roosevelt shirt right now from that 1912 campaign, the 1912 and the bullmose party. In 1881, when James Garfield was shot and killed, it really was the moment that unified north and south. Finally, with all the division, that's what unified the country. Not only did it unify north and south, it unified the two factions of the Republican party. They call them the half breeds and the stalwarts. And you had this remarkable moment where, if memory serves, it's been a while since I read this aspect of the history, but you had Garfield's children on a train to, I think, New Jersey, where it was known that the president was dead. And everybody on the train for miles and various states had to sort of keep this a secret from the Garfield children so that they could be informed by their mother, Lucretia, and not hear about it from some passerby. And I think you're seeing a lot of the right message from some public personalities, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush. I don't think I'm seeing it with the average rank and file American. I was in New York, obviously, in the aftermath of September 11th. And it really did seem like people stopped streaming it one another for a few days and stopped being ready to tear each other's heads off. I really haven't seen that pause. Now, maybe I'm not getting a picture of, you know, for instance, I know this was a joke. So I'm not going to judge my friend too harshly for this. But I was in touch with a friend of mine about some plans that we were hoping to make on Sunday. And I said, you know, I'm sorry, I can't do this today. My whole schedule has been turned turned into flux. I've got to do a lot of filling work. And the schedule is very unpredictable now because of what happened with President Trump. And this person wrote to me, and this is this is a good person who made a joke that I think is in poor taste. So I don't want to judge her too harshly. But this person said to me, yeah, it's too bad about Trump. Oh, well, they'll get him next time. Now, again, I recognize this person was making a joke and they wouldn't want this public. But the fact that that's even her first instinct to joke about this, and the same thing with that staffer for the one congressman that I talked about earlier, it tells me we've got a long way to go before there is any sort of the kind of unity that we had at the aftermath of JFK and other incidents. You know, we'll explore this for the next however many hours I'm with you 808489222 because I have a lot of other thoughts on this that I will share. Liz in Florida has been holding highlights. Hi, Frank. Thank you doing great. Thanks. Wow. That's Yeah. Listen, it's so much overheated rhetoric. Every presidential candidate to be able to discuss the flaws and issues of the other political candidates during an election. However, there should be a role that you should not be allowed to portray the other opponent out to be an evil monster to cause such hatred in our country. And to answer that question, you know, to reset our country, people need to take a course in kindness. I like it, Liz. I like it a lot. I agree with everything that you just said. And I I try to live that myself. Maybe I'm not always successful. Listen, thank you. But I agree. I agree. I listen to the radio. You don't have to listen to the radio. I stick my head out the window and listen to how people talk to one another and about folks that they don't agree with. And they're ready to tear one another's heads apart. Why? Because they have differing political views. See, in 1960, right, you had Nixon running against John F. Kennedy. And honestly, and political scientists have said this, not just me, the two parties in this country were pretty similar, right? The Democrats, especially coming out of the Eisenhower era. Democrats were a little different here. Republicans were a little bit different here. Maybe the Democrats were a little bit more pro labor. Republicans were a little bit more pro business. But in terms of the issues, if you look at the left, right spectrum, Nixon and Kennedy were pretty, pretty, pretty similar to one another. And over the last 60 years, we've seen a situation where if you look at the votes of members of Congress, there are very few people in the center. And there's a variety of reasons for this. But there's no more liberal Republicans. There's very few conservative Democrats left. And so what that's led to is those folks, the people who are in office or seek to be an office on the left and on the right, essentially telling their supporters that if the other guy wins, it's over. They almost act like if the opposing party wins, the world will end. I know Democrats that feel that way about Trump. I know Republicans that feel that way about Biden. And the reality of the of that is, no, it's not true. The country will continue. But that's what this sort of rhetoric leads to. Now, that may have had nothing at all to do with this particular shooting. We're ascribing a level of logic to someone who may just be a crazy person. Now, this person might have been a political crazy person, like the the pipe bomber. You remember that guy that was sending all the the pipe bombs out mailing those pipe bombs to all the Democratic politicians? So, but it could have just been a hinkly type. Could have been a hinkly type that was craving relevance or was hopped up on some sort of psychotropic drugs that that made his brain go haywire. And yet somehow he got his hands on an AR 15 point is we don't know. So, I think what we've seen a little bit, and again, I'm sure I've been guilty of this as well, what we've seen a little bit is people having their own idea of what happened and trying to pick bits and pieces that fit their narrative. So, I think the civic health really can be damaged by a proliferation of poor public reasoning. So, and by poor public reasoning, I mean, making statements, declarative statements, devoid of established fact, 80848 9222 80848 W A B C. Al is in Yonkers. Hi, Al. Hi, Frank. Just a couple things real quick. You just will refer and you meant the Unabomber test. No, no, I was talking about the guy that mailed the pipe bombs to all the Democratic politicians about five years ago. Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't want to get off track. Just a couple things quickly. You know, there was a security breach. I have the other most respect to the Secret Service. But these things aren't limited to the United States. We've seen it happen with Scotland Yard with the Royal Family. We saw Milda Marcos in the '60s, damn near, get killed from a guy within the Shetty. We've seen the Prime Minister of India in 1984 get shot by her own bodyguard in 1991. Her son, who was the Prime Minister, was killed by a person who had explosives and he was assassinated. So these things are going to occur. And again, Donald Trump does not have the level of security that the current president has. That's the way it works. Nor would Jimmy Carter have as much security as President Trump does today. So that's it. And I just wanted to touch to say quickly with Robert Kennedy, I agree he deserves security. But none of his siblings, most of his siblings are supporting President Biden. And they were even at the White House recently. Why don't they speak to the president and say, look, we want security for our brother. That is such a good point now. You're exactly right about that. And I appreciate the call. And I would just add the difference in what you're saying, comparing the secret service detail that say President Clinton or Jimmy Carter might get compared to President Trump. The reason it's different is because in addition to being a former president, he's also a leading presidential candidate. He's the presumptive Republican nominee. And even if he wasn't a former president, the presumptive major party nominees are entitled to enjoy secret service protection. So he gets it both for being a former president and for being a leading presidential candidate. All right, Dominic Carter has still not arrived in Milwaukee, at least not to wherever our microphone is. So I'm going to be sticking with you for a good deal longer. We'll see. Continue to take your calls at 1-800-848-WABC. Make your calls interesting, make your calls good, because this way I won't have to think of anything interesting to say. We'll continue straight ahead. Restore your vehicle's engine to run like new. With ValveLink Restore and Protect, now available at advanced auto parts. It's the first motor oil ever to remove up to 100% of engine killing deposits. That's right, 100%. 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With the greatest products from brands like Makeup by Mario, Kosis, Merit, and House Labs, you can feel confident you'll find the perfect match for your skin. Shop now at Sephora. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And good morning, good morning, good morning from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dominic Carter here with you, the site of the RNC, which officially gets underway and just a matter of few hours. The former president, it is a miracle, but the former president is here in Milwaukee and he says the show goes on as far as this convention. It has been a rough 48 hours for the country, for the former president of the United States. In fact, even for Mr. Biden addressing the country just a short time ago, again, a lot of charges, counter charges between supporters of each man, but here's what we know. It is a miracle. It is an absolute miracle that we're not talking about right now, a full assassination. 808489222. We are taking your calls from Milwaukee this morning about your concerns, we want this to be a conversation between you and I about how you feel regarding what happened Saturday night in Pennsylvania at that rally, rally that is. We all know and points that are being well made that if the president, the former president had turned his head just a little more, it would have been a fatal shot. Of course, we know one man lost his life, a number of people wounded. I want to first dissect how this could happen, how this could happen. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I do have great concerns about how this could happen. How is it with one of the best law enforcement agencies in the world, the Secret Service, that this deranged young man was able to get to that elevated point where he could fire the shot. There are calls for the head of the Secret Service to step down in light of what happened. And this is no slight. This is no slight on the agents that have been with Mr. Trump for many, many years. He even credits them. But looking back, and I want you to pay attention to this, this is one of the witnesses that told reporters that told law enforcement that they kept pointing to the rooftop, to the rooftop, where you could see this young man with the rifle. But it took law enforcement some time to get there. And it was only after he opened fire first that the Secret Service snipers fortunately took him out. Listen to this detailed version from a witness of what happened. We couldn't see him, but we could hear him. So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here, I have no idea, you know, but we noticed the guy crawling arm, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us 50, 50 feet away from us. So we're standing there, you know, we're pointing, we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. And he had a gun, right? He had a rifle. We could clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely. We're pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We're like, Hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. And the police were like, Huh, what? You know, like, like they didn't know what was going on. You know, we're like, Hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him. You know, he's he's crawling. And next thing you know, I'm like, I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, two, three minutes, secret services looking at us from the top of the barn. I'm pointing at that roof, just standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots ring out. So you're, you're certain that the shots came from that guy on the roof? 100%. 100%. And he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there for a month there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three, four minutes. And you were telling the police in the secret service? We were telling the police, we were pointing at him for the secret service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time. And we were standing by that tree. Good day for knock. They see probably not because the roof, the way the slope went, he was behind where they could see. But but why is there not secret service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place. Did you see? I mean, obviously, everyone, when the shooting started, everyone was very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all? Oh, yeah, they blew his head off. Okay, sorry. Secret service blew his head off. Okay, we'd just be careful because we don't know who's watching, but you're pretty sure they shot the guy. Absolutely. 100%. Yep. You saw that happen? Yep. Yep. Okay. Yep. And did you see them go up to him afterwards or? Yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed at him, make sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over. And now the country has to deal with this security here and Milwaukee for the RNC. President Biden addressed the country again tonight. Here's a bit of what he had to say. I can convince we'll start tomorrow. I've no doubt they'll criticize my record and offer their own vision for this country. I'll be traveling this week, making the case for our record and the vision of my vision of the country, our vision. I'll continue to speak out strongly for our democracy, stand up for our Constitution and the rule of law to call for action at the ballot box. No violence on our streets. That's how democracy should work. We debate and disagree. We compare and contrast the character of the candidates, the records, the issues, the agenda, the vision for America. But in America, we resolve our difference at the battle box. You know, that's how we do it at the battle box, not with bullets. But the problem is when you look at how the Biden campaign has been coming after Mr. Trump, with ads, with rhetoric, and even more, therein lies the problem. We are live right now in Milwaukee, 80848 9222, the impact on the entire crowd. Dr. Ronnie Jackson, who was the former White House physician for President Trump when he was in the White House, he was at the rally and he was there with his family and his nephew. And his nephew was grazed. Thank God the young man is okay. His nephew was grazed in the neck. Here is what Dr. Ronnie Jackson, Congressman of Texas, had to say to Hannity. And they were in their friends and family pin. And they heard the shots and everybody dropped to the ground. And I don't know if you guys have the picture or not, but he was grazed in the neck, a bullet crossed his neck, cut his neck, and he was bleeding. Congressman, this is your nephew. This is my nephew. They were there. I'd set them up. They went to the rally. They were in the friends and family pin, which was just to the president's right, down a little bit lower on the left on the screen, but to the president's right, in the line of fire. They heard shots coming in. Apparently, there was someone also, there were four or five rows behind them. There was critically injured whenever he was shot. They realized that a bullet had grazed his neck. My sister-in-law had encouraged him to go to the first aid tent, to the triage tent. They went to the triage tent. And when they got to the triage tent, while they were there, there was another member of the crowd. Unfortunately, there was in the triage tent that was on a gurney in the tent that had a devastating wound, had a critical wound to the head that was dead. I mean, just a horrific, horrific experience. Well, let's talk about what the president did say about his injury. And I ask you not as a congressman, but as a medical doctor. I was shot with a bullet. It pierced the upper part of my right ear. We have gone over that head turn that everybody's been focused on, Dr. Jackson. And you could see, had that turn not taken place from the angle that I see, that probably would have hit him right in the head. He probably would have been assassinated based on how close this got to him. We're talking about a millimeter or two. And this would be a discussion about an assassination, not an assassination attempt. He said he knew immediately something was wrong in that he heard a whizzing sound shots. And he immediately felt the bullet ripping through his skin, talked about much bleeding and realized immediately what was happening. He very quickly dropped to the ground. All these other guys jumped on him. And I'm sure that in and of itself was not exactly a comfortable moment for anybody. But God bless those men for putting their lives on the line and covering him and protecting him the way they did. When you talk about life is really, in this case, I don't even know if it's an inch. Is it a millimeter? You tell me. Sean, that is as close as you get to dying. That bullet, if he had turned just a little bit, would have entered his head. And if it had entered his head, it would have crossed through his brain and he would have been dead. This is the closest you get to dying. And I just want to tell you a couple things, Sean. First off, I know his detail and he has an unbelievable secret service detail. They are some of the most dedicated secret service agents I've ever been around. I've got some serious questions about secret service leadership tonight. But I don't have any questions about his detail. His detail is the best that they're the best that's out there. And I want to say I had never, Sean, ever been prouder of my president tonight. When he got up, he had blood on his head and he shook his fist. Unbelievable, unbelievable. And all of us are proud of how Mr. Trump responded to this situation. So that's the former White House doctor. The emergency room doctor is stating the same. Had Trump turned his head an inch, we would be having an entirely different conversation. Let's go to we're coming to you live from the RNC in Milwaukee. Let's go to Dan in Tennessee. Good morning, Dan. What's on your mind? How you doing, Mr. Carter? You're a great American. Thank you. Thank you, Dan. Right back at you. Thank you. What's on your mind? Well, thanks for taking my call. I get a little nervous on the live radio, but I'm an Army vet and it occurred to me. I called in to kind of touch off a nationwide campaign to convince the powers that be that Donald J. Trump has earned and deserves the Purple Heart Award. You know, if it was up to me, he certainly does. Because you know, he was wounded in the service of his country. No doubt about it. No doubt about it. And one last thing. Yes, I'm late for a break, but go right ahead. I wrote a tribute song to Donald J. Trump. I named the band when I posted it on streaming The Unknown Truckers, but it's a tribute to a great man. Donald J. Trump is a parody song to the tune of Johnny Be Good. Well, he is a great man. Dan, thank you for the call. And folks, the situation, the attempted assault, excuse me, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is being investigated now as potential domestic terrorism, according to the FBI. Attempted, but that is potential domestic terrorism. Time for a break. When we come back, we are live from Milwaukee with more of your telephone calls. Stay with us. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. We are back live at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a full week of activities. And it's going to be interesting to see what happens. The first time that this large gathering of delegates, when they see Trump's picture on that screen, they are a live picture, they are going to explode. In terms of positive thoughts, imagine what's going to happen here in Milwaukee, when Trump walks out on that stage, it is a miracle that he is alive, but is a testament to the man that he is to raise his fist, seeing his own blood being surrounded by secret service agents on top of him. And he, he chants fight, fight, fight. Let's continue with your calls. Let's go to Robert in Philadelphia. Good morning, Robert. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. Tough times, but it's good to talk to you. I'm not going to get into all the things that smell bad about this because it's still too early, but there's something that's really standing out in my mind that I'm not getting. I read on Fox that Biden came out of St. Edmund's Catholic Church in Mahobas five minutes after Trump was shot. And I'm thinking, do they have Catholic mass on Saturdays? And why do I feel like this is some kind of weird coincidence that he just be careful with the conspiracies, especially now. This is not the first time Biden has done this. It's somewhat of a regular occurrence for him, but go ahead. Okay. You know what? That answers my question. I did not know this. And please don't take my word for it. Look it up so so that you can feel rest assured, because I think it's part my job to separate fact from reality, especially at a time like this for the country. How did you find out what what had happened and what was your initial reaction? Well, I actually just happened to jump to the news app to see what was going on as I want to do, and I heard it, and then I saw the blood on his face, and I read what was available, and there was a lot of outrage, and I'm getting sick of this. But, and I wasn't going to be given into conspiracy theories, man, but there's just so much about this that doesn't smell right. But that story that I saw about him coming out of the church just struck me as odd. I did see the Godfather, a coolie owned in church while the family business is being taken care of, don't mean to make light of anything, you know, but it's just everything stinks with this administration. So, but you telling me that does give me peace of mind, because it explains it or it provides me with a reasonable explanation for that, you know what I mean? Well, please look it up yourself, but thank you. Look it up for yourself, Robert, because I want again, it's very important during this time that we separate separate fact from fiction. Thank you so much for thank you for the call. Amen as well. Let's go to Augustine in Levitt town. Good morning. What's on your mind? Hello, Dominic. What a pleasure to speak with you, sir. Thank you. I was in Vietnam. I was going, hey, wait, Augustine, you know what? I want you to do me a favor because I just happened, you know, I'm on location here in Milwaukee. I just happened to look at the clock. I want you to stay with me because I don't want to cheat you on time so that you can tell your story. Stay with me. We are going to take a break coming back live from Milwaukee in a moment. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the site of the RNC, which officially gets underway this morning. In a matter of few hours, I will be coming to you all week long, live from here in Milwaukee to those of you to listen to my three p.m. show from three to four p.m. Eastern standard time and this show right now nationally syndicated three p.m. is naturally syndicated as well. But from midnight to one a.m. Eastern standard time. So a lot of folks are pointing out what could have happened, how bad this could have, how much of a more serious situation this could have been. We could have lost Mr. Trump. And it would have been, in my opinion, a dire consequence for the country. Because if we're being honest, he's the president in waiting to become president of the United States again. This is what former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had to say as it relates to the shooting. And then we're going right back to your telephone calls. And it was a providential moment. If he had turned to look at that big screen and when he was turned, the bullet would have hit him here. When he turned back, it hit him here. That's how close he came to being killed. And I think we need to understand that. That this was providential and he reacted appropriately. But I also will tell you, he has been vilified by Joe Biden and the Democrats and the left wing more than any president since Abraham Lincoln. And this was a political act. It was a deliberate act. And as you know, because we've talked about it off air, I've said for four months, that when all the legal baloney fails, and when they begin to realize he is going to win, that violence is the next thing, because they're that desperate. Let's go back to the telephone calls, your live calls from around the country 808489222. I'm taking them live from here in Milwaukee, where it's raining. The weather is not the greatest. But the good news is that Mr. Trump has already arrived here in Milwaukee. And when he said the show goes forward, he was not joking around. Let's go to Joe and Lindbergh line three. Good morning, Joe. What's on your mind? I don't make I use price about this. I mean, the rhetoric that Democrats have said about the former president calling him here. Wait, wait, wait, Joe, I didn't hear the first part of what you said. Did you say that again? I said, are you surprised about what happened? Okay. Well, I finished with your thought. And then I'll tell you what I think. Well, the the left kept calling him Hitler. The white supremacist, he's a press democracy, this is about to happen. And didn't Biden just say put a bullseye something like that on Trump? Right. I believe he meant I understand and I am not an apologist for the Biden administration. I believe he meant by that we're going to target him to focus on his record and we're going to go negative. The problem with what the Biden administration, the Biden campaign has been doing is that they've been coming at Trump so hard. It only takes one or two nuts in the country to listen to that and believe that they should carry out, for example, what happened in Pennsylvania on on on Saturday. And so to answer your question, Joe, I'm, you know, I I'm surprised. But I'm not because of the rhetoric. And this is why to be honest with you, on this program, I tried to advise all of us to be all of us, myself, everyone. I'm going to call you off. What about like Joy Reeve, from MSNBC, and all those people? Of course. And the three heads from the field. They see it. Of course. And it's even I'm going to be honest with you. It's even worse in the case of the view. It's worse in the case of MSNBC. Because as I have said to you, they are being paid millions of dollars. I don't even know if they believe 40% of what comes out of their mouth. They're they're high at guns. They're almost actors. I don't mean to insult them that way. But that's what it comes down to. Maybe maybe they believe some of it. But they're actors. They basically have a script in terms of they know what the agenda is supposed to be. And bash Trump at all times and all costs. And they do it. Joe, thank you for the call. Let's go to Steven Manhattan. Good morning, Steve. What's on your mind? All right. The rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, was a massive breach of security. Not having secret surface snipers on those roofs is the major breach. Also, what about the dog sniffers? This guy also had explosives. I didn't like the way he was moved out of the area when the secret surface brought him to the SUV. His head was totally exposed. Now, I also know there's a problem with the staffing that there's been, I think they said there's been requests for more secret surface protection for Trump. But when Trump has the convention the next week, obviously part of his details, secret service has to go to Milwaukee. So now he's they have a shortage. I have a problem with that. No, no, no, no, no, no, they, Steve, they won. I'm just curious a couple of things. Why you're concerned with the way they brought the shooter out with his head exposed? I'm just curious as to why you're concerned about that. And two, it's not like the secret service is a small agency. If they assign more agents to Trump as President Biden has approved, I'm more concerned with why did it take to get to this where President Biden is now throwing more agents at Mr. Trump? This is something that should have been done period. And it should have had nothing to do with the President of the United States. So what I'm trying to say, Steve, and I'll give you the final say, is that they can increase the agents around Mr. Trump. And at the same time, protect this convention site. It's, you know, all of us that that are here, we don't know what is going to happen. But I do feel safe and secure in the secret service to keep Mr. Trump safe, all the delegates and the journalists and all of us. Steve, go ahead before I move on. Okay, it was a breach of security. No snipe is on the roof. I said Trump's head was exposed when they were moving Trump. Trump said Trump said, well, no, no, they'll try to cover it as best. Well, what would you have them do? That's this is not TV. It was a live situation. And those agents, they put, I want you to think about this, Steve, they got in, they got in front of live fire to put their bodies in front of Trump, all of those agents are heroes. I mean, I don't understand what what the NA and they put their hands up to block his head to block Trump's head. What, what would you want them to do? The agent? Well, I would, I would want snipe is on those rules. So it's with no, no, no, no, I get it. No, you keep switching back and forth. We're talking about two separate things right now. I'm right now I'm talking about the agents that rush to his aid. We can deal with snipers in a second. What more would you have the agents do? I would have had Trump put keep his head down and not raise his arms up because that's how Reagan got hit when he put his arm up. He got shot on the arm and it missed breaking. Steve, Steve, you do realize we're talking about a live situation. This is not Hollywood. What were you script this stuff? This is not Hollywood at all. The one thing to put the call Steve, the one thing, the one thing that I would say is I strongly believe the Secret Service, having been around this, assigned to the 88 presidential campaign, the Secret Service, they gives, they give specific instructions to the candidates. And I believe with all my being, having been around the Secret Service for a year that they told Mr. Trump that should there ever be gunfire, jump to the ground, go down to the ground immediately so that you're no longer an easy target. I was, I was, I was so proud. Now we leadership was a different thing at the Secret Service because obviously and normally it's not Secret Service snipers on every building. What happens is you have the Secret Service snipers on key buildings and then you have local law enforcement, their snipers on every building. So it was clearly a breach of security that that building where the shooter was able to get on top of was not covered. Everything within the perimeter is supposed to be covered. And I'm also giving credit to those agents that took the fatal shot. How fast they acted after, after it became clear, key word, after it became clear of what was going on. But think about this and I'm about to go to Norman and Brooklyn in a second. Think about this. Bullets are flying. The doctor described one man. He saw a brain matter, right? We know what that means. His brains was coming out. He died and being described as a hero and the agents put their bodies in front of Trump. They did exactly what we see or told that the Secret Service does that they will take the bullet. So if it was still an ongoing situation, they could have been shot and they did try to shield his head with their arms. Let's go to Norman and Brooklyn. Good morning, Norman. We are live here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic. Okay. Everybody's Monday morning quarterbacking. That's not helpful. I agree. After the shooting yesterday, I'm going to say this because I think a lot of the people out there are traumatized. I was traumatized by this guy. I'm still traumatized by this. I feel like he's not my father, but I can just say that I have invested since for less four years. I've invested a lot of my love for Donald Trump, whether it was going to rallies, whether it is contributing money, whether it's, I love the guy. To see him, a guy who's doing nothing but good for this country, getting hurt. But I was crying last night. I feel I'm not ashamed to say that. Today, I'm walking around. I'm depressed about this. I know this depression will be believed when I see him standing there at the convention. I hope he's in good health. But that's that's that. But also, I cannot help. I know this is conspiracy theory. I cannot help. I cannot get this out of my head that the present occupant of the White House and the former occupant of the White House, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are somehow behind this. I don't know how. I don't know if they push the button. I don't know if they know, but somehow they created an atmosphere to kill Donald Trump or try to kill Donald Trump. And I'm just and I'm angry. And I don't know, you know, and you know, and that's what's when I'm going through right now. But when you say they're behind it, do you mean they're rhetoric or do you mean that you believe they actually planned this? I don't know if they actually planned this, but I, you know, I look, I can just see my country going down the toilet. And, you know, and these people, I look at Joe Biden as an empty vessel. I don't think I don't think this man has any. I don't think he's got a moral bone in his body. And I look at the, you know, I look at Barack Obama, like he's some kind of a power hungry maniac who just who wants to, you know, whatever he wants to, you know, fundamentally change us. And I look, this is this may be irrational, but I do believe somehow they had something to do with this. They created an atmosphere or directly are behind it. Them and somehow Soros, Soros is behind this, you know, you know, I think that these guys are these guys have created an atmosphere to destroy Donald Trump. I hear you, Norman, the rhetoric surely coming from the Biden campaign is not is not in the best light for the country. Now, you know, and thank you for the call, Norman. They go back and forth to two candidates, but, but they're really going after Trump and, and it makes for a very dangerous situation. We are coming back from Milwaukee in a moment. Stay with us, folks. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. If you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, the leading presidential candidate, came that close to losing his life, just like that. End of story. Dominic Carter here with you live in Milwaukee at the RNC. Let's go to Sam in Las Vegas. Sam, what's on your mind? Hey, we have a local station that always has the Trump rallies in Saturday. We watched the rally and we knew something wasn't right. When we saw everything happen, we were all amazed. But then when we saw Donald Trump get up and started saying, we're going to fight and put his hand up where everybody was happening. You can hear the people on over there yelling and screaming. I said, we got to support Donald Trump, but the line in the sand has been drawn. It's us against them, good against evil. And that's what's going on right now in America. And we all have to stick together. And we all have to remember one thing, we have to vote. That's where it's going to come down to people showing up and electing Donald Trump again for president. Well, Sam, I believe there's no doubt. Excuse me, correction. I don't believe I know that's what's going to happen. He's going to return to the White House. Period. And what story? I hope you're right about it. I just said when I see people say they're going to do something that doesn't happen. But we're voting for them anyway. And I can't wait to put them back in the office. But I'll tell you what Saturday, I never watched so much TV in my life that they did Saturday watching all the stuff that was going on about it. And I think I heard Martha Radovich, she thinks she's made a mistake, but she called him President Donald Trump. I said, good, I'm glad somebody called him President Donald Trump on TV. Right. Right. Sam, thank you for the call. I didn't mean to cut you off, Sam. You had something else you were saying? No, I just said, I hope everything's going good for you out there. Well, it's raining right now. It's raining right now. When you said they have a lot of security out where Sam over here at Donald Trump's hotel, there's a lot of a lot of metro. Right. Everybody's out here making sure it's okay. And the same thing in New York City, the NYPD at big points around the city. Thank you for the call, Sam from Vegas. My team in Pennsylvania. Good morning. What's on your mind? Hey, Mr. Dominic Carter. Hey, you know what, Frank, did you crowd? Okay. But anyway, you know, I'm going to say, I know, I don't know if you remember this, but I predicted that this was going to happen. You know, everything is going against Trump because they don't want to just take out Donald Trump. He's the symbol of people who believe in magma make America great against the Republic, you know, constitutes the United States of America. However, this is what I'm going to say is I believe that this was deliberate and this is how if he was all exposed on an open roof on top like that, why did why did they not see this? Why didn't they have something in place to find? I mean, if you got a shooter inside, you know, a building, multiple stories, different windows, but this guy was exposed out on a roof. And I believe that they tried to take him out and and and the agency did nothing to stop it. And if they didn't kill him, this is a message sent. And if I was Donald Trump, I would hire my own security team. Not his secret service agents. I'm sure loyal to him, you know, and they're good men. And they did what they were supposed to do. Good men and women, good men and women. One of the agents that put that put her body in front of his in the middle of live fire happened to be a woman. And so I'm seeing all the negative comments online about her, but but it's just not fair. Thank thank you for the call. Let's go to Chris and Beth page. Chris, you have about 40 seconds here. Go right ahead. Hey, Dominic, my main point is this. It's amazing when January 6th happens, what's the big investigation about? They have a big investigation about how Trump led an insurrection. When this thing happened, they never talk about security and why people got into the capital. That should have been the investigation. But of course, with this, it's going to be about, oh, where was the security? Where was the protection? It's amazing how the the left spring focus. That's January. I hear you, Chris, let me go to Ernest and Pennsylvania real quick. Earnest, you got 15 seconds here. Go right ahead in Pennsylvania. I strongly blame the Democrats for all their fiery rhetoric. Even spewing for the last few months, but what they what they've been saying about, you know, target and threat democracy and so forth. I got it. I got it, Ernest. Thank you for the call. Folks, I will be live here in Milwaukee all weekend long. I'll see you again same time, same station. What's next at Moss Adams? That question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry focus insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance. Uncover opportunity and move upward at Moss Adams dot com.