Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-11-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses one of Biden's biggest supporters, George Clooney, calling for him to get out of the race. Clooney's call comes as many other democrats who formally backed Biden, are calling for him to not run again. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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11 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses one of Biden's biggest supporters, George Clooney, calling for him to get out of the race. Clooney's call comes as many other democrats who formally backed Biden, are calling for him to not run again.

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(upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And good morning, drip, drip, drip. The call from Democrats for President Biden to give up his reelection campaign, still very much so an ongoing situation as he does his major news conference today. It could amount to make or break. 800-848-9222. Dominic Carter here from you this hour, we are taking your telephone calls. So I've spent the last couple of hours thinking about George Clooney, the actor, his call for Biden to drop out of the race. And I really thought deep about it for a second. So after Clooney held that major fundraiser for Biden in LA, I don't know if Clooney is a way of this, but he is basically admitting Democrats lied at that fundraiser. I know you folks remember, when they said it was our eyes failing us, that Obama did not lead Biden off the stage in LA. But in the op-ed, George Clooney says it was at that fundraiser when he realized Biden was not the same man anymore. So which one is it? Were our eyes failing us? Or were you folks trying to cover up another instance with a president of the United States had exposed what was going on with him mentally? And so the drip continues for Biden and one of the latest folks to come out and indicate that this trouble in paradise happens to be Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, the latest Democrat in his words, deeply concerned about Biden winning in November. - I am deeply concerned about Joe Biden winning this November because it is an existential threat to the country of Donald Trump winning. So I think that we have to reach a conclusion as soon as possible. And I think Joe Biden has the Democratic nominee, has my support. - President Biden also plans to sit down for another television interview Monday, this time with Lester Holt of NBC News, as he continues his effort to quell doubts about his campaign. He will answer questions from Holt in Austin, Texas, where he plans to also give a speech marking the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library. NBC says it will air, just like ABC said, says it will air the entire interview, unedited, and in full Monday evening. Let's hope, let's hope that it's a lot better for Biden's sake than the Stephanopoulos one, and also for Lester Holt's sake as well. Now the events come as Republicans kick off their convention in Milwaukee, which we all know will be a coronation for former President Donald Trump. And we will be there every step of the way. This show broadcasting the entire week from Milwaukee. I'll be joining you folks from Milwaukee, starting this Sunday night. The only suspense on the Republican side for the RNC, of course, surrounds who will Trump pick to be his vice presidential candidate? And when will it be announced? The Biden White House on the other hand is furiously trying to stop the political bleeding after that shaky, and I'm being nice, a debate with Trump late last month. And so President Biden sat down for a 22 minute interview with George Stephanopoulos, but he got mixed reviews and even Stephanopoulos admitting that he does not think Biden can serve another full four year term. So he's also trying to showcase his ability to lead the nation. It's not working by hosting a NATO summit, which is ongoing and holding that news conference, which is coming up. So back to George Clooney, his op ed in the New York Times, devastating. This is what Obama advisor David Axelrod had to say about that. - The thing about the peace, Dan, and that I thought was particularly impactful was Clooney, who just the fundraiser, a major fundraiser for the president a few weeks ago, and Cal said, you can't win the battle against him. None of us can, it's devastating to say, but Joe Biden, I was with three weeks ago, the fundraiser was not the Joe Biden of 2010. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. That is devastating. That's devastating. - And let's begin this morning with your telephone calls. Susan in New York, good morning, Susan. What's on your mind? - Well, I mean, George Clooney and all these Hollywood people, they live in a complete bubble. And if they're throwing tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars, now Joe Biden, his campaign already has a quarter of a billion dollars that will only go to him and Kamala. And I still do believe that he will not go because he has, the Chinese Communist Party has him between a rock and a hard place. And he is not gonna go. And I don't know how unless on the second boat at the convention, those delegates go against him. But this is a whole legal, you know, cadundrum. And we've never seen this, but I don't think he will go. They will have to take him out in a straight jacket. And how is it gonna happen, Dom? - Well, in my opinion, if you listen to Biden, he's going to accept his party's nomination, but they're gonna keep working him behind the scenes. And eventually some major Democrats will sit him down and say, Joe, you can't finish this. And if you insist on finishing it, this is what will happen. And at that point, it may Susan come into full public view, but I just don't see him finishing this race. I just don't see it at all. But you feel the opposite. - No, because he has more pressure that he is in bed with the Chinese Communist Party. And they will put more pressure than ever. And I just don't see it. I don't know how it's gonna happen. What the Democrats can do to him compared to his arrangement. You remember he said he spent more time with Xi Jinping than anyone else? Oh, yeah, all those hours. And they already have to, they have to receive. Everyone is family. They have the bank record. They've all gotten money from them. Do you think they just hand out that money without a quid pro quo? No, the Chinese wanna print a lot of ballot. They're already here. And they wanna keep Joe in there. He's a great toady for them. Because he does everything that empowers them. So they can buy off all these politicians so that they can defeat us without having to go to war. But they are in control. They're buying our farm land right next to our military. They wanna control our food, control our energy. And they, we are in such a danger. And Joe Biden has been their pathway. They wanna keep them there. - Well, another person perhaps that should want to keep them there, my contention. And thank you, Susan, for the call. But another person that should want to keep them there is President Trump, landslide. If Biden is the Democratic nominee, landslide in Trump's favor, my contention, no matter who you put, Mr. Trump is going to win and win big. Linda, Long Island, good morning. What's on your mind? - Good morning, just recently. I was surprised about it. You know, back to it's Clooney. But recently they were talking about his wife. I assume you heard about it. George Clooney's wife about her being anti-Semitic bigot and things about her. And then all of a sudden, somebody said, you know, that I don't know about him. I mean, obviously she's big influence on him. So all this is coming out now and nobody was talking about this. So I'm thinking they also have something on him and his wife. - I don't see the connection there, Linda. But I think, well, it explained it to me because I don't see the connection. All I see is that everybody loves a winner and they now realize that Biden cannot win. Period. And they're trying their best, go ahead, go ahead. - Well, the problem is that's what they thought first. But then it changed because they don't have another winner. They certainly don't have Harris. - I don't think they realize until recently that Biden-- - Right, exactly. Exactly. They just realized they looked around and they didn't see anyone. There's no one there who's gonna, you know, right? With his name in California, they don't have anybody that would be Trump. - They don't, they don't. And I laugh every time that I hear that Democrats have a deep bench. A deep bench for what? Because it's not for presidential candidates. Kamala Harris, with all due respect for the vice president position, is a joke. Gavin Newsom is a complete joke. I don't see anybody that can step in, no matter who the Democratic nominee is. Trump is-- - Trump, you-- - Go ahead. - Go ahead, but it's gotta be quick, it's gotta be quick. - Yeah, when you just said she's a joke, this is why she's always lapping. She knows she's a joke, so she's always lapping at herself. That's our way of diffusing the situation. Well, Linda, thank you, thank you for the wonderful call. Folks, we are going to take a break when we come back more of your telephone calls. Stay with us. - This is Dominick Carter. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominick Carter. - And we are back. actor George Clooney calls on Biden to drop out of the race Connecticut Senator, Richard Blumenthal, among the latest of Democrats, to say that he's deeply concerned about Biden's chances of defeating former President Donald Trump. Dominick Carter here with you taking your telephone calls. Let's go to Pamela in New Jersey. Good morning, Pamela, what's on your mind? - Good morning, I'm so sick of these slash celebrity Democrats. All of a sudden, they see the light, they're Clooney, a two-bit actor, related to Rosemary Clooney, a good singer who I like, and Nepo baby, and Blumenthal, who lied about his Vietnam service. And all of a sudden, they see the light. Yeah, right, you've been lying for three and a half years. Where have you been, people? - Well, wait a minute now, Pamela. Clooney, first of all, he's not a minor actor. He's a major actor, and it's my contention that what he did with that op-ed, causes Biden enormous damage. This is not just a regular person, but he is entitled to support whoever he wants to, right? - Celebrities are running our country. I'm tired of it. I'm really tired of it. Barbara Strais and lives in her Malibu mansion with, she can't be without air conditioning, I hear. And she has, what, two sonos in this and that. And she was bitching and moaning this week about Trump and how he's a threat and fossil fuels. Honey, I think you've used more than your fair share of fossil fuels in your lifetime. (laughing) - Pamela, thank you for the call. Joaquin and Pennsylvania, good morning. What's on your mind? - Hey, good day, Dominic, Mr. Carter. You should nickname him as "Cackling Pamela." That makes a lot of sense. And as to what that lady, your last call was said, this lie about climate change is one of these communist Nazi fascist tactics to try and destroy Western civilization if they take down a petroleum industry. And you know something? And this guy Teddy, and you got Stan and Russ, these guys are all communist Nazi fascist apparatus because they don't want to see the destruction of the policies of the Democrat party. We cannot have any Democrats in power anymore because they're taking the country down a road of destruction, they're opening the borders, they're going to flood the country with illegal aliens and it's going to tax our health care system or our social security. - But that's not realistic to say we can't have Democrats in power anymore. That's not going to happen. - But you see, they're not Democrats anymore. They've become globalist, communist Marxists is what they've become. They're not Democrats anymore. - Fair enough. - That's very few. I think there were only four or five Democrats that voted for the verification of voting that you have to show up that you're a citizen in the United States. This last bullet they were trying to put to only five, four or five Democrats voted for that. - Well, interesting call, Joaquin, as always. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Chris up and the Catskills. Chris, good morning. What's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. Congressman Pat Ryan, District 18, Hudson Valley, announced this morning that he was calling for Biden to drop out of the race as did Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado, who was a former three-term Congressman in the Hudson Valley and Catskills. So it looks like it's mounting. Now Pat Ryan is in a close race with Alison Esposito. I think he's going to be safe because Pat is a veteran who did tours of duty in the Middle East and he knows how to raise money. And Alison Esposito is not a strong candidate. And her website, I looked at it as a joke. There's no platform on there, but the polls have become much tighter than people expected. So there could be a down ballot effect if people just don't want to show up that there's a lot of Democrats I know, in my part in New York, you're more moderate to conservative Democrats. Some of them only show up to vote once every four years for president. And if there's nobody that interests them to vote for president, to stay home and then people like Pat Ryan don't get their votes. - I hear you, Chris, thank you for the call. And there will be a down ballot impact in many of the states that can hear me right now, not just New York, from Georgia to Virginia to Tennessee, all the different states that we're airing in right now. This is not just about President Biden, it's about the down ballot races as well. And that's why Democrats are scared to death. Time for a break. More of your calls when we come back. (upbeat music) Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And we are back this morning, Dominic Carter here with you, 808489222. So one of the reasons why Democrats are so deeply concerned in states that are deep blue, Trump has made them competitive. You folks may recall when he came to the South Bronx in New York and Trump said he was going to make New York competitive. Democrats laughed at him. Well, guess what? Biden has a new problem this morning, a competitive race in deep blue New York. Elected officials, union leaders, political consultants are literally panicking over polling showing a steady erosion of Biden's support and a state he won by 23 points four years ago. 23 points just four years ago. They are so worried they've been trying to convince the Biden team to pour resources into New York. That's a victory for Trump. That means there's resources that can't be spent in another state, but they've been trying to convince the Biden team to put resources into New York to shore up his campaign and boost Democrats running in a half dozen swing districts that could determine control of the house in Washington. So Biden's aides have not focused on New York. They have not committed any significant resources to the state where they expect the president to easily win all 28 electoral college votes in November. But at this point, the warning signs, and that's if Biden is the nominee, the warning signs are impossible to ignore and have been building over the past year. So to give you an idea of how bad things are, the Manhattan Borough president, a Democrat says, quote, we're still acting like this is a one party state, which for pretty much the last 20, 25 years, it has been. But Borough President Mark Levine says, I truly believe we are a battleground state now. That's New York, folks. Mario in Brooklyn, New York. Good morning, Mario. What's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. Thank you for taking my call. What's on my mind is that under this administration, the Democratic administration, it's become a real snake pit. You know, a bunch of lies and thieves. And, you know, in all the respect, you know, Congress has become a nurse in home with, you know, a geriatric pampers, wearing politicians. You know, I mean, there should definitely be term limits. And, you know, the younger generation and the Democratic Party as socialists, they would do better to go to Cuba and run for office there. They're not doing anything. - Right, right, but they're phonies. They're phonies. They want the benefits of being here in America. And they want to denounce and hate everything that is about America. Mario, thank you for the call. Let's stay in Brooklyn. Let's say good morning to Jacqueline. Jacqueline, what's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. You know, that interview that is supposed to be with Lester Holt. Unless Joe Biden provides Lester Holt with the question that he's already memorized the answers to, or the answers are going to be written down on his script or on a teleprompter, it's just going to be a repeat of what happened with Stephanopoulos. That's my opinion. But, you know, something, I, along with a couple of other people that listen to your program and call in, have been very stressed out over this. You know, waiting to see what the Democrats are going to do. So if I can interject a little bit of levity here. Last night, one of your callers, Teddy, from Yonkers. I'm very happy to hear that he's going to be voting for Joseph Kennedy. And until yesterday, I didn't think Teddy was aware that a Kennedy was even running. I still don't think that he's aware that RFK Jr. is running. And I know he mentioned he's going to be doing a speech, speaking to his former students. I hope that he's going to include in his speech that he will be voting for Joe Kennedy. And tell his students who Joe Kennedy was. And they too should consider voting for Joe Kennedy. Despite the fact that if he were alive today, he would be the oldest president that this country has ever had, 136 years old. And if he, if Mr. Teddy, the intelligent mathematics professor would realize that at the end of Joe Kennedy's first term, he'd be 140. And if he should be fortunate enough to be granted a second term as his legacy would be a youthful 144. - Well, I think that Teddy, I'll let you finish it though. And I think that Teddy means, well, he just, I think at times he's high strong and he just gets very, very emotional. Because he wants everybody to see Trump as someone with no morals. And I think he gets upset when I don't agree with him. But go ahead, Jack. - I think he's a perfect example of many voters that are uninformed. As I said, I never heard him once mention RFK Jr's name. And quite honestly, I don't think he's aware that RFK Jr was even running. Where he pulled Joe Kennedy from, I have no idea. But Joe Kennedy, like President Reagan, could say to President Trump, "I will not make age an issue of this campaign." And I'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents' youth and inexperience. But lastly, Dominic, at least I can say, for Steve from Manhattan, that he's a supporter of someone who's still alive, which is more than I can say for Teddy from Yonkers. - Well, please don't get Teddy worked up this morning, Jacqueline, because he will call up and give me an earful. Thank you for the call. Let's go from Brooklyn to Maine. Good morning, Frank. What's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. Always a pleasure. I actually really quick, I'm in Yellowknife, which is in the UConn province way up here. So I'm two hours behind you. Dominic, I think everybody who has said that President Biden is competent, and he's sane, and he's got his mental faculties. And all of a sudden, doing a 180 you're saying, oh no, should be investigated from Joe Scarborough all the way up the ladder. I think they should all start, I think the FBI should actually start investigating these people. I think if they can-- - Wait a minute now, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, let's use Joe Scarborough for an example. The FBI, investigate him for what? - Well, well, you know, I may be wrong on this, but when he was a congress person, did someone die in his presence or around his presence, a young woman? - Yes, but he was cleared, to my knowledge, he was cleared, he wasn't charged with any wrongdoing, and referring to Scarborough with that situation. - Yes, absolutely. But you know what, I say it again. I say it again, if they can lie, if they can actually say things about President Biden that are untrue, what else are they hiding? That's my main concern. What else are they hiding? What else are they covering up? And it really tends to, it really makes me believe that they are covering up a lot of things about President Biden, and all of a sudden they're turning tail because they know he's not a winner. So you're absolutely right, he's not a winner, but in the same token, how they can turn that quickly and say this man is incompetent, really makes me believe that something else is up, something else is going on. - Fair enough, fair enough, Frank and Maine, thank you so much for the call this morning. Let's go to Stephen in Manhattan. Good morning, Stephen, what's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic, and once again, this is the reason why President Biden's gonna win. He's running against a person that was convicted. - Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, do me a favor. Do me a favor. Is there anything else you can say, except for calling up every other night, stating that Trump's been convicted of a felony of 34 accounts. Are you just trying to reassure people? What, I mean, restate the point, why do you keep calling up, stating the exact same thing every single time? - Because that's the way we should start off, because he is a 34 account felling, I'm not finished, also 40 people from having-- - Right, but Stephen, but Stephen, but I cannot let you keep coming on the air, saying the exact same thing night after night. There is no value to you doing this. - Well, I just want to-- - You're using the program. - No, no, no, no, I'm talking right now. I'm talking right now. You're using the program as a platform to spread your propaganda, and I cannot allow that to happen. You call up-- - I think he's doing this. - You call up-- - You call up, Stephen, Stephen, please. I'm gonna let you speak, but you can't talk over me. You call up every night with, you say, the exact same thing every night, every time. There's nothing ever new. You say the exact same thing. What's the value in me taking that call? - The value is that you have many listeners to inform them what's going on. You have to give both sides. - Right, but Stephen, Stephen, I don't mind Stephen. - Stephen, you're not Stephen, no, you're not the whole, don't get this twisted. You're not the host of the show. As a matter of fact, I'm done with you for the night, simply because of what you just said. So Stephen's call is gone. And if you call up the next time, and you don't have something different, you're not gonna get on the air. Every, I don't, do you think I care whether or not you like Trump or hate Trump or love Biden or hate Biden? I don't care. I just want everybody to be involved in the political process. But you call up here and you're not gonna use me for propaganda. You call up here every night, denouncing Trump, you're lazy with your approach. You don't even try and sugarcoat it and hide it. You state the same exact thing every time. And I'm gonna tell you what you say. You say Trump has been convicted felon and more than 40 members of his cabinet left his cabinet. I think you say 40, that's the, and that's the same thing. You don't say anything else, that's it every night. So until you can call with something different, you will not be on this show. So I will take your call again, and I don't care if you denounce Trump, that's fine. But come on, man, you've got to have something else to say here, besides the same thing night after night, Phil and the Bronx, good morning, what's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. I hope you're well, the family, everybody's okay. - Yes, yes, go right ahead, please. - Okay, here's the deal, with all this negativity being promulgated by these high-flying types about Biden, what do you perceive as the impact on people who may be Biden voters or potential Biden voters? What do you see as the absolute impact? I was here. - I think that there's a certain, and I do apologize, Phil, because I'm short on time. I'm gonna try and answer your question, but I have to wrap up the call. And that's why I get annoyed at Stephen, because you're calling with something legitimate, and I can't spend time to answer it, because I use the valuable airtime dealing with his nonsense. But the impact on voters, I think that there's a certain percentage, as Anthony Wiener says, if Trump was running against the table, would vote for the table, that's how much they hate Trump. But I think that it's going to have an impact, at least with the margins. And if it has a minor impact, and assuming that Trump, excuse me, that Biden remains a nominee, this is why I'm saying, no matter what, no matter what, Mr. Trump is headed back to the White House. That is the bottom line. So I wasted time with Stephen's call. I will not do that again, with him stating the exact same thing. So change your point up a little bit, or you'll be calling another show, and not this one. I'll be right back. - This is Dominic Carter. (dramatic music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And I'm going to try and get to as many of your calls with the time we have remaining, Mary and New Jersey. Good morning, Mary, what's on your mind? - Hi, Dominic. Not that I'm drawing any comparisons at all, but just to put things in perspective, Christ died on the cross as a convicted felon of the state. And so did almost all of his apostles and all the Christian martyrs. And many American patriots were convicted felons by the British Empire. So just keep it in perspective. - Okay, I hear you, Mary, but the reason why I don't buy into it, because anybody with, and I'm not trying to offend anyone, anyone with half a brain, knows what happened at that trial, and knows that it will be overturned by the appellate court. So it's just a talking point for the time being to try and hem Trump up and say convicted felon, convicted felon. And again, and thank you for the call, Mary. I don't mind if you folks back Trump. I don't mind if you back Biden, but when you call up, you have to have something to say. You can't just say over and over the same thing. And here's some advice to any show that you're calling on the radio. If you start yelling over the host, there's a good chance you're not gonna be on that show again, because the engineers control the audio. And if you cross that line, they will simply lower your mic the same way they did at the presidential debate. And that is that. Let's go to Roger in Bayon, New Jersey. Good morning, Roger, what's on your mind? Hey, Dominic, this is the first time caller. I was watching himself about the 64 elections where Johnson was gonna run for the presidency as a Democrat, obviously, 'cause he took over for Kennedy. We all know the story Kennedy was killed, assassinated. So him and Robert Kennedy didn't get along. The Democratic Party wanted him to pick him as he's running me. And Johnson would have no parties at all. So he ended up picking, I think, comfy. But anyway, the point is that at the Democratic Convention in Atlantic City, they had plans of renouncing him saying, "No, we don't want this guy to run for the presidency." And at the end of the day, Johnson, it was a landslide, the biggest margin ever. And I don't believe that actually goes numbers, but that's actually what happened. So the correlation is, so maybe you're seeing something formed here where Biden may say, "No, we don't want him to run "at the convention." And some people, I've heard say, "Oh, that'll never happen." But look what's going on now in our government. But this happened in 1964, and Johnson did win the election. They claimed he was a good president from what I've read, not in my eyes. It was a-- - I hear you, Roger, and listen, I hope this is not the last sign that we hear from you. I love hearing from first-time callers. If that type of scenario might exist, I don't see it getting to that point, either they're going to reason with Biden, golden parachute, and then he'll announce that he's not running for reelection. Part of the deal will include pardoning his son. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he'll be out. Other than that, I don't know exactly how this is going to play out. Thank you for the call, Roger. Please don't make it the only time we hear from you. I just got to move on because I have a lot of calls. Silas, Staten Island, good morning. What's on your mind? - Yeah, one is I want anybody. I think we'll take New York. I'm doing my best to tell everyone I can to vote for Trump. And Dave, could you imagine yourself thinking someone falsely accusing you and you sitting in a cell knowing you're innocent? This is what they tried to do to the entire Trump family. How would I have any sympathy for people like that? Fugs who take money from China, try to destroy our country all for their own gain, as well as their worse than the thugs, and the people they're supporting, as far as the people in Gaza and all who slaughtered people, you can't reason with sub-human people. I remember when you were saying, well, I call them animals. I've remembered that they're sub-human people. You could not reason with anyone who could take a child and kill it, period. So I don't have no sympathy for the-- - But I wouldn't call the other side on this issue, meaning Democrats. One of the things that bothers me, Silas, is how polarized our country is. And I don't think it's good for the country. - You have a decision for their own gain. - But they say the other side is doing, each side could say the same thing. Silas, I wish you had cold earlier, where we would have time to flush this out. I'm just completely out of time right now. And to all of you on hold, I do apologize that we did not get to your calls. Folks, keep in mind, I will be back again tomorrow, and then starting Sunday. Sunday's broadcasting to Monday. I will be at the RNC in Milwaukee.