Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-10-24

Dominic and Curtis talk about how its racist to be on time, plus George Clooney wants Biden out Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Dominic and Curtis talk about how its racist to be on time, plus George Clooney wants Biden out

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Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Well, I told you folks immediately following the debate. I didn't waver. I told you President Biden was not going to be able to continue his re-election campaign. Now comes the added pressure. Dominic Carter here with you folks, good afternoon, so one, Pelosi non-committal, Nancy Pelosi non-committal on Biden's 2024 big, stating time is short to find a replacement. George Clooney, I know you know by now, George Clooney, the Oscar winning actor is calling on and top Democrat is calling on Biden to drop out of the presidential race after co-hosting that fundraiser in a New York Times op ed. Clooney says he can not win that the 81 year old incumbent can not win. So the calls are growing for Biden to do the right thing and get out of the race. This is how CNN reported to George Clooney news when it broke today. Just in to CNN, big Democratic donor George Clooney, of course, the actor has just called for President Biden to step aside. CNN's ROI signed joins us now from the White House. Obviously, this is not going to be welcome news over there. What can you tell us? No, it won't be Jim. And this is a significant New York Times op ed from actor George Clooney. Now, to remind viewers, George Clooney was one of those celebrities that headlined a major Los Angeles fundraiser with President Biden back in June. And today, he is saying that he believes it is time for President Biden to step aside from this 2024 campaign. Now, George Clooney wrote extensively about President Biden saying, "We are not going to win in November with this president." He recounted being with Biden at that fundraiser, saying it's devastating to say it. But the Joe Biden, I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser, was not the Joe big effing deal Biden of 2010. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at that debate. He goes on to say our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn't see what we just saw. And so let's go ahead and open up the phone lines, 808489222, 808489222. Now, Nancy Pelosi, the former top Democrat, the speaker, she is non-committal. Listen to what she said also on CNN. It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. I think overwhelming support of the caucus, it's not for me to say, I'm not the head of the caucus anymore, but he's beloved. He is respected and people want him to make that decision. He has said he has made the decision. He has said firmly this week, he is going to run. Do you want him to run? I want him to do whatever he decides to do. Folks, you heard it there yourself. The countdown is underway, Biden cannot and will not continue this race. We understand that the White House is quite defiant, but it is over. Hollywood is backing away from him. The money is backing away from him, Democrats are backing away from him. And from day one, he could not be Trump. Let's say he had a decent debate showing. He still would be in trouble because he cannot defeat Trump. Trump is headed back to the White House. I told you folks that a long time ago as well. It's all interesting to see how this is turning out. And now another Hollywood type, Michael Douglas appeared on the view today, Michael Douglas, the actor and he's a long time, Biden supporter. And he's reacting to George Clooney's op ed. And even Michael Douglas is acknowledging that he too is concerned. Well, I think it's a valid point. I mean, I'm deeply, deeply concerned. I mean, especially it's difficult because the Democrats have a big bench. I mean, they've got a lot of heavy hitters. A lot of talents. A lot of ballads. But I don't know. People have to catch up. They only have a few months to talk. And I do worry with the debate, the difficulty with the debate. I mean, it was relatively simple. I mean, first of all, they should just hold the president stand up, put a little makeup on him, you know, for the debate, which didn't help him. And then where to look, and call the other guy that gets a fella call the other guy. And just don't deal with all your facts. Just you with his lies. Yeah. Say you're a liar. That's a lie. That's a lie. That's a lie. And why everybody says you're not doing that. You know, you can't win in this game. I really feel bad for him. Well, Biden, President Biden, I would not listen to anything they say on the view. That's what has you in the predicament that you're in right now, listening to those far left progressives that don't know, sorry, ladies, what they are talking about 808489222. Yes, they're multimillionaires for stating what they do on the view. But that's about it. Talking heads of the far left. And it has the Democratic Party, excuse me, it has all of us in trouble because the Democratic ideas that they have carried out have impacted mainstream America in a big way from the migrant issue on down 808489222. So Trump held that big rally, that big rally in the Miami, Florida area last night. And a couple of things that I found interesting one, it seems to have been a coming out party for his 18 year old son, Baron, a coming out party for the young man as he's set to go to college and Trump acknowledged his son and so did the crowd with a standing ovation. And a very young man, this is a young man he just turned 18, oh, look at this, a very young man who's now going to college, got into every college he wanted to and he made his choice and he's a very good guy, I'll tell you. You know, I'm not allowed to call them boy, but he is my boy, he's my boy, they're all my boys, right? When you have sons, they can be any age there, you're a boy, they're always going to be and he's a very special guy, Baron, Trump, this is the first time he's ever done with Baron. Nice to see the young man receive some positive applause as he is there at the rally supporting his dad. Let's begin with your telephone calls, Russ, line one, white planes, good afternoon, Russ, what's on your mind? Hey, rule number one, nobody puts Dominic in a corner, so I'm going to just say what I think you're not asking you, I'm a Trump voter, but I'm guaranteeing Biden's not quitting and Biden will win, you can look, we've got to build up to war, we've got this automatic registration for 18 year olds, we've got US advisors in Ukraine, the children's hospital blown up by US drones and they're saying Russ is hacking our elections, Biden's in a position to have a war start and it'll wag the tail thing and I just don't be upset when Biden gets reelected and then he'll pass the torch to a lovely black woman named Kamala Harris and he'll be a great civil rights guy, he'll bootstrap Kamala into office and I'm upset about that, don't get me wrong, I voted for him last time and I broke for him again, but he's not going to win, I feel very depressed about this, that's why, Teddy, I heard Teddy didn't even mention me, I felt bad, he mentioned all the other calls, but not me, I'm a Trump voter, but I'm upset because they're going to steal it from Trump again, so I appreciate me, you let me say that and I'll never put you in a corner again, Dominic. Well Russ, thank you for the call, you know, you said that Biden's going to win, run and win, one, he's not going to run, but okay, you believe he's going to run and you believe he's going to win, I don't see how you can come up with that scenario, but you said he's going to pass it on to a black woman, why, I'm just curious, why does it have to be about a black woman as opposed to a qualified vice president of the United States of America? Well, or qualified Supreme Court Justice and I think Justice Jackson is qualified, I think he just goes, go down in the hero, he looks good, it's all about him looking good, then he'll pardon the family and he'll go out riding out on a wave and he believe he knows and these other Democrats know that he's going to get reelected, they don't want the gravy train cut off, they know that he's going to pull this on us and you know, people are going to die, you ever hear of Democrat wars, Korea, World War I, World War II, I never believed it was a Democrat wars, but now I'm older and I see Democrats will kill people to stay in power and have the money, the money associated with Biden and the Democrats is unbelievable, but thanks Dominic. Thank you, thank you for the call Russ, President Biden is not going to be running, the countdown is underway, the White House is in denial until it becomes reality that it's no longer possible for him to continue his campaign, Hollywood's turning the corner on him, the money's turning the corner on him, Democrats are looking the other way, not all Democrats but enough to make it a major problem for the White House, let's go to Frank, Orange County I believe New York Frank, what's on your mind? How are you doing Dominic, I actually spoke to you four years ago when you were working at night about being optimistic about Biden, I just want to say that I feel like that Joe Biden was elected by the Democratic Party, they didn't allow anybody else to run and they're going to pull the corporate out from under him like this just so that another person can win because they hate Trump so much is you know, is that what you feel I'm not sure? Well, so one more time, Frank, so you feel that you're stated for me one more time? Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm getting gas right now, fill it up on. Hey Frank, you're in Marwa, yeah, I'm in Marwa, I got the Balaras station getting gas in New York. Hey, guess what? Guess where I get my gas from, Frank? Where? Marwa, New Jersey. Yeah, you got to save money where you can, it's on the tip of the state of New York, but just one more time with your point, please. I feel that Joe was elected by the Democrats and the Democratic Party, they pushed him and that's what they wanted and now what, because they didn't let media lie to us about how he was, the media, you guys were always telling the truth about him and you guys were the liars. And now this is what you're going to happen and I heard the other guys speak also, it will be disaster if they do not put Kamala Harrison. The black folk will be very upset. I don't mean to be right. It's worth to talk about race, but I think it's a true fact. Right. Well, they put, they put Kamala Harrison, it's over. She cannot win. She will do worse than Biden. Hey, Frank, do me a favor. Pay attention while you're pumping your gas. We don't want the gas spilling good luck with that. Thank you for the call. Look forward to chatting with you in the future. It's not making a four year wait the next time until we speak to each other. Dominic Carter here with you. We are going to take a break when we come back more of the news of the day. Plus we will be talking with Curtis Leewa, guardian angel Curtis Leewa, folks help me and pray for me because God only knows what Curtis Leewa may say. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Did anyone ever see the lovely movie Silence of the Lambs, did you see it? Did you ever hear of Hannibal Lecter, who's a lovely man? He would love to have you for dinner. He will take you. You had many people for dinner, well, we have a lot of people coming in. They always say, oh, that's terrible, the Trump would say, he is rambling about Hannibal Lecter. No, I'm not rambling. We are allowing people from insane asylum and mental institutions into our country by the tens of thousands and they're closing them down in other countries. You know the cost savings and all of the savings. President Trump from his rally last night in Florida, where his son Baron Trump received a standing ovation and a bit later, a bit later, will let you hear how Mr. Trump is challenging the current incumbent Joe Biden to a round of golf, a golf match in which Trump says he'll put up $1 million to Biden's favorite charity should Trump lose. Dominic Carter here, back with you. We are going back to your telephone calls, but first, but first, the pressure continuing on the Biden White House to get out as I've been telling you, folks, since the debate, not if, but when it does not matter what the White House says. It's a matter of not if, but when the moment that George Clooney wrote the op-ed and it is a scathing op-ed in the New York Times, it made worldwide news. Listen to how Sky News, how Sky News covered the Clooney op-ed just a few hours ago. I want to bring you some news that's coming to us from the United States and the act to George Clooney has come out saying that he thinks President Biden should leave the presidential race, Clooney, of course, is a high-profile Biden supporter and a fundraiser for the Democrat Party, but has said that he thinks it is time for President Biden to step aside and leave the presidential race and said so in an opinion column for the New York Times and Nancy Pelosi, big Democrat, all of a sudden, she's noncommittal on Biden. He has said he has made the decision. He has said firmly this week, he is going to run. Do you want him to run? I want him to do whatever he decides to do. Interesting, folks, let's go back to your telephone calls, Liz and Florida, Liz, good afternoon. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. So I believe Biden, he does not want to leave, Jill does not want to leave the White House, Hunter does not want his father to leave, so apparently Biden does not want to bail. What will it take for the Democratic or the money that's supposed to go to him? What will it take to get him out? Who can make that decision? Who can get him out if that's all the pressure and it's not working? And he's just refusing to bail. Great question, Liz, let's put our cards on the table. Mr. Biden controls much of the situation because he's the nominee, if you will, and the convention is right around the corner. So if he doesn't want to go, it's very hard. But what you do is the Hollywood types continue to speak out the major Democrats around him, the Schumers of the world that are standing with him, the, the, the policies of the world. And the person that might be able to connect with him, perhaps the most, the former president of the United States, Barack Obama in private. So the bottom line is there's nothing you nor I can do, Liz. It's a intra party battle, if you will. And it's almost like a death by a thousand cuts. If you had to make a prediction, Liz, what do you believe is going to happen? I don't think he's leaving unless Obama steps in. We have not heard from him. And like you said, speaks to him because Obama is calling the shot. I think he's the big guy that they're always, you know, he's always talking about there enough Liz. Thank you for the call. Time for a break. Don't forget, folks. Coming up a bit later, Curtis Sleewa, the guardian angel, he'll join me for his take of the news of the day. And I will be right back with more of your telephone call. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back on this very, very hot summer day. As I mentioned earlier, a lot is happening. George Clooney telling President Biden, it's time to call it quits for his reelection campaign. Michael Douglas not going that far, but stating that Clooney is right in his assessment. Nancy Pelosi, noncommittal on Biden, it's going from bad to worse, bad to worse. But no matter what happens, no matter who the Democratic nominee is, Trump is headed back to the White House. If Democrats put in, put in Kamala Harris, it'll be even worse than if Mr. Biden was the nominee. The New York Times, the New York Times has a report that Democrats have already picked out at least three Democrats who could serve as the VPs running mates. In other words, Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, give me a break, and three Democrats that could be her running mate. And so on top of the list, according to the New York Times, governors, Ray, excuse me, Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Andy Bashar of Kentucky and Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania with Cooper, the clear front runner, runner, according to the New York Times. We'll see how this all all plays out. Let's go to Joseph, line four, Fayette Field, Connecticut, good afternoon, Joseph, what's on your mind? Good afternoon, Dominic. Yes, I think we're living in really dangerous times right now, as long as Biden is there in control and in there to defend the American people. Now, what scholars have said about impeachment, and I think this is the only way to really resolve this because he's not going to get out. And even if we wait until November, that's four months, a lot of harm can be done. So as scholars have said, impeachment is a way to remove the president when the American people are in danger of something, immediately in danger. And that's the problem. That's the issue right now. That's what should be looked at. If he stays for another four months, we can still have some turmoil and problems that he can't handle. He cannot handle. So what I suggested, the order of impeachment, and maybe some senators, that's not, that's not, that's never going to happen. I don't even understand what, I mean, is that just wishful thinking, that there's never any possibility of him stepping down now, and impeachment, you don't have the votes. So how do you go to impeachment? Well, if the Democrat, if some Democratic senators say that the United States, the American people could be harmed by him being there because he's in control of the defense of the United States, maybe that's the only way to remove him because he's not going to get out on his own. And even if he says he won't run after November, he's still the president for another four months. There's nothing you can do about that, Joseph. We're all going to have to cross our hands and cross our fingers and hope for the best. There is nothing. There's not even a single eye order of trying to amongst Democrats or trying to remove him from office. That's not going to happen. So, so what's the only way I can see that he'll never give up his office. He's not going to resign. Right. And it's a situation that's ongoing. Joseph, thank you for the call. And so I'm looking now, folks, and you know, I do the segment with Anthony Wiener, the left versus the right on the weekends. And now his ex-wife, Huma Aberdeen, is now engaged according to page six of the New York Post to the son of George Soros, Alex Soros. And apparently Soros popped the question six weeks ago. And the couple was spotted recently celebrating the happy news for them in Italy. And so Mr. Wiener's ex is apparently engaged to be married to George Soros son. We are taking your telephone calls, let's go to Sandra in New Jersey. Sandra, what's on your mind? Oh, that's terrible news about Soros and, uh, and, uh, and, um, again, together, oh, my gosh. But what I wanted to say today, Dominic, if I may, I, I often say at the register way, wow, we need a new president, but now I'm saying we also need a new first lady. I heard of the other day, Melania Trump mentioned she received an award. And I heard Jill, the other night at a speech that she gave, she was very, very mean. And, and, and I'm wondering if at a desperation, he's changing. I don't ever remember her being the way she is now. I might be wrong. Maybe I never noticed. I don't know. But all I'm saying is I won from Melania Trump. I missed her. And I'd love to see her back in the White House. She brings so much class, professionalism, she's regal, she's lovely. Smart. And I missed her. That's all I wanted to say. Dominic. And so you feel that the current first lady does not bring those things? No, I do not think she brings those things. I think quite she's the opposite. I don't want to talk bad about her, but I, I don't think she's. I don't think she has any of the qualities that Melania has. I think I don't think so. I'm sorry to say that. Okay. Fair enough. Sandra. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Oceanside. I'm going to go to Jersey. And Mike. Mike. What's on your mind? Hold on. I do believe. Go right. Go ahead. Mike. All right. Thanks for taking my call. Number one, we don't want buying to step down because we want Trump to kick his ass during the election. That's number one. Number two, comma, Harris, what are her qualifications? Her father was born in Jamaica, her mother was born in India. That makes her first generation in the Constitution, it says you have to be second generation to run for the president or be present because your allegiance would be to this country and not England. She's first generation. And that's part about democracy because the left keeps talking about the democracy. Well, this is part of it. She doesn't have the qualifications. And number three, you got all these women, all the black women said they're going to both. She's not black. She's only half black. They don't know that. People have to know. Well, Mike, Mike, I'm not going to engage. I've never understood that argument of breaking down, oh, you're 10% black, you're 20% black, you're half black. She identifies as African American. And so it is what it is, Mike, but you don't see it that way. Oh, no, I don't. Well, you know what, she can do whatever she wants to identify. The fact is in the Constitution, it says you have to be second generation to be present or run for the presidency. She's not. She's first generation should that mean she's not qualified? It's in the Constitution. If they do that, then this country's falling apart, you know, fall in the Constitution that are for father's road. Well, thank you for the call, Mike. The country is falling apart. I hate to be the one to I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but just look at the Southern border. Just look at the treatment that the migrants are receiving. We are already in that situation. Casey Rockland County, New York, good afternoon, Gracie. What's on your mind? Hi. Good morning. Good morning here because we're still early. Listen, number one here is California. Here is California. Oh, yeah. I'm still here next week, God willing, I'll be in New York, New York, that hell of a town. Okay. Okay. I'm getting tired already. Oh, yeah. Let me comment for two quarters, the call of the two before me said something about impeachment. Take that out of your mind. You're dreaming because that's all the Republicans will need to do is bring up impeachment charges will really lose. That's number one. That's a good point. That's a good point. And number two, if we want to get rid of Biden, if the Democrats want to get rid of Biden, we got to off. They got to cross up the money, you know, show me the money, we get them a golden parachute and then he'll leave. Ah, so you believe Gracie, a golden parachute will fix the dilemma that what Biden is concerned about his legacy and that can't be fixed, Gracie. No, no, you want to know something? I don't think he even knows what legacy is anymore. It's a wife and the sun. You know, it's sweetheart, he's really bad. You know, I'm old. I see old people. You know, I have all my marbles. And on that, I'll say goodbye. I love you. Love you too, Gracie. Thank you very much for the call Dominic Carter here with you folks. Let's go to Rick and New Jersey. Good afternoon, Rick. What's on your mind? Good afternoon, Dominic, thanks for taking my call. Judge Joe Brown with interview, the interview is about five minutes long. It's on YouTube and he says, Kamala Harris is 0% African American. Her great grandmother, who she claimed was black, was actually Hindu. Okay, but I hear that I hear the argument. I've heard the clips of Judge Joe Brown. I honestly want to know what did Kamala Harris do to piss him off because he is pissed and he's doing it in a calm way. That he is, I mean, whoa, the interview that he gave is brutal, accusing her of sleeping her way to the top, not just once, not just twice, not just three times, but in many industries. It is the interview is brutal. The woman identifies as a black woman, Rick, I mean, how do we get around that? You know, how do we, I was going to say she went to a black college where she did white to go to black colleges as well. I don't understand why that's even relevant. To be honest with you, well, because they're saying, you know, Kamala Harris could get the black vote. But if she's not black at all, then she's lying to people saying that she's part black. Okay. So like that woman with the NAACP and Spokane, Washington, but it didn't work out well for her. She lost her job. She lost everything. She identified as black. She portrayed herself as black and her mother said she's not black. She's as white as the driven snow. So, so you, you think that this is a fraud committed by Kamala Harris. That's what it sounds like. You're saying. Absolutely. Fair enough. Fair enough. Thank you. Thank you for the call. Let's stay in New Jersey. Let's go to Phil. Phil, what's on your mind? This hot, hot afternoon. Yeah, it is hot. I'm out. Weeding garden, but love the show. A comment on the George Clooney report that they're missing a big thing a couple of weeks ago, Clooney had a dust up with Biden because his wife works for a Hamas oriented UN agency and they wanted to indict all the Israelis for war crimes and Biden's State Department said, no, that's that's BS. And so he was all upset about that. He insulted his wife again who's working for Hamas. And that's not part of the story. And nobody's reporting it. And I don't know why. So you really believe that it's payback and that has something to do with this, but not the fact that Mr. Biden, his disaster of a debate performance that we're all talking about. You believe that it's payback time? No, no, I don't. I just I'm just like courtesy always states the facts. All I'm saying is that the reporting leaves that important fact out whether it has anything to do. I don't know. But I know it's a fact that all the reporting is leaving out. And I don't understand why. Fair enough. Fair enough. Thank you for the call, Phil. You know, the fact of the matter is that this is already a worldwide story to George Clooney element. Mr. Biden is not going to be able to survive too many more of these types of stories. He can dig in his heels all he wants. The first lady can dig in her heels. Hunter Biden can dig in his the handwriting's on the wall. He has to go. Let's go to Carlotta, Rhode Island, Rhode Island. What's on your mind? I don't be so sure he has to go because they got away with it during the mall of Seoul. If you tuned in, that man was in the same shape as Biden. He never said a word and he was a hero and they're going to run Biden because they could run a piece of wood. There's no voter ID. They have millions of people voting that shouldn't be voting. They're counting on winning, not by not by virtue, but by winning just by having all these full photo IDs and all these pieces of wood, they got away with it with Mueller. If you look at Mueller's condition today, I assure you he'll be worse off than Biden because he was further down the road then and that's how they do it. I hear you and I don't want you to blow a gasket on me, but I do have to be honest with you. I believe that for the most part, we have a fair election and that train has left the station. So I don't want to revisit that issue because it's useless. Let's see what happens going forward. I do thank you for the call. Let's go to Yvonne in New Jersey. Good afternoon. What's on your mind? Hi, Dom. This might border on the dramatic, but I think if the Democrats really want Biden out of the way, they could do what the Russians did. They have medicine that they could shoot him with, make it look like a heart attack, not really, but just lay him out for a month and then he's got to drop. Yvonne, I hear you, but I mean, so you're saying do that to the President of the United States of America. Hey, they shot Kennedy. Okay. Well, Yvonne, thank you for that call on that note. On that note, some calls don't warrant a response. I respect Yvonne's opinion, but I just strongly disagree with what she said there. Time for a break. More of your calls when we come back, plus Curtis Sleewa of the Guardian Angels. He'll join me with his news of the day. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And they do excellent work, the tunnel to towers foundation worthy of our support. I'll have more on them in in just a few minutes. So I'm joined now by Curtis Sleewa. We see all of your calls coming in. Curtis Sleewa, who I understand is going to tee off on one of the topics that we discussed yesterday. Now, what would that happen to be, Mr. Sleewa? So briefly you discussed it so briefly because nobody around here wants to touch the third rail. Well, guess what? I know people are called the color brothers and sisters. They're going to accuse me. They'll say, oh, there's white fragility. You know, why is it so hard for white people to talk about race? Man, Curtis Sleewa talks about race all the time, right? Dominic, I talk about it when it isn't even pertinent to the conversation. So number one story, even more important than buying it because he'll be there tomorrow on the day after and the day after is Duke University School of Medicine. Don't ever go there for your medical needs because they have told all of their interns, all their doctors, all of their teachers, nurses, that expecting people to be on time as part of white supremacy culture. So if all of a sudden you need anesthesia and the anesthesia, all it just happens to be a person that called Tough Nookies white boy, you should die on that gurney because that person going to take his sweet old time getting in and checking in and putting on that white, you know, that white rule and doing his medical thing. This is crazy and the Duke backs it, excuse me, and the actual person who was backing this up is the Dean, the school's Dean. Now, you know, when you went to school, you went to Roosevelt High School, right down the road from the Mickey D said, I was night manager up and the Dean was always the one who had to deal with you if it was a discipline problem. I was like a D.I. trail sergeant, the Dean at the Duke University School of Medicine. Don't ever send your kids there, don't take a reverse mortgage or a payday loan, don't do it. Has said this is right. It's called dismantling racism and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in our school of medicine and medical science. And I'm just saying it's time we stop nitpicking people of color about being on time, dressing appropriately this speech, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? And their work style. So brother, you should be happy now. This is the Harvard of the South Duke University, right? Doesn't get any better than that in the South. Can you imagine if I say, uh, to the Katherine Matini's family? Well, I know my show starts at 3 p.m., but I feel I should be able to walk in at 315. Can you imagine how well that would go over? Yeah. And I can see John and Margaret saying take your time and then all of a sudden you walk in the studio, you see Curtis Sleeley, we're here eating up more time like a Pac-Man like I do to everybody else. I mean, this is the craziest thing I've ever yet yet. There are people who are going to continue to contribute to the endowment, which is extensive at the Duke University School of Medicine. This is a top flight school. And somebody got paid to write this. Oh, millions, millions. It's part of the curriculum. And remember, a white person, according to this, may be triggered to engage in a range of defensive actions, feelings and behaviors, such as anger, which Curtis Sleeley always has, anger management issues, fear or the ultimate way that you know you got over on a white person is quiet, they're so frightened, scared, they're like a little church boss. I don't want to say anything. I'm going to be upsetting to people. Yes. I am guilty, I am guilty, guilty, guilty, I'll say it a thousand times of white supremacy because America is rigged for my interests, for white people solely because we are Kakazoid Caucasians. What are you on today? What did you have today? No, I'm defending white people. Remember for a long time, W.A.B.C. represented always broadcasting Caucasian, always broadcast in Caucasian, and now people of color have broke through to the other line, so I got to set up the firewall here. Now you guys are going to be walking in, lolly gagging around, talking about, you know what I mean, you know, with your jeans down on your ass, you're never going to have to. Well, wait, according to this, that's okay. That's fine. And your name carved into your haircut? Damn right, on your fade, on your side, man, and you got to go to what do you know about fades? I've been in those black barbershops, man. They talk a lot of trash in those black barbershops. You walked into a black barbershop, of course, I walked into a black barbershop. My name is Curtis. Most people whose name is Curtis, are thought to be African-American. What is wrong with you? Nothing. You know, I have to do research. You know where most politics is done in the black community, in the black barbershops, and in the black church. Well, thank you, folks, on that note, all it takes is $11 a month. Only at $11 a month to the tunnel, to Towers Foundation at You [BLANK_AUDIO]