Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-10-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses more democrats asking for Biden to get out of the race, George Stephanopoulos' leaked comments on Biden's capability and Trump's hilarious comments at his rally. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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10 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses more democrats asking for Biden to get out of the race, George Stephanopoulos' leaked comments on Biden's capability and Trump's hilarious comments at his rally.

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(upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And good morning, good morning, good morning, everyone. You know, sometimes when it rains, it pours, and it's raining this morning for the Biden campaign. Crisis, management, Dominic Carter here with you, fellow Senate Democrat, fellow Democrat, that is Senator Michael Bennett of Colorado revealing Tuesday the latest high profile Democrat, but listen to what Bennett says that he believes former President Donald Trump will beat President Biden by a landslide in November. That's from a fellow Democrat, George Stephanopoulos. Yes, that George, who interviewed Biden just Friday, recorded stating he doesn't think Biden can serve for more years. You know what that means, Kamala Harris. Stephanopoulos, TMZ did a piece on this, and he's in damage control mode here, stating earlier today, I responded to a question from a passerby, I shouldn't have. An ABC spokesperson telling TMZ, quote, George expressed his own point of view, and not the position of ABC News. But first, Trump held a big rally tonight in the Miami area with his son Barron receiving a standing ovation. And a very young man, this is a young man he just turned 18. (crowd cheering) Oh, look at this. (crowd cheering) A very young man who's now going to college, got into every college he wanted to, and he made his choice. And he's a very good guy, I'll tell you. You know, I'm not allowed to call them boy, but he is my boy, he's my boy. They're all my boys, right? When you have sons, they can be any age there, you're a boy, they're always gonna be, and he is a very special guy. Barron, Trump, this is the first time he's ever done this. Barron. (crowd cheering) Where is Barron? Stand up, look at him. (crowd cheering) A father, son, moment there. Mr. Biden, the current incumbent headed to Michigan on Friday. But again, Democratic Senator, Senator Democrat Michael Bennett of Colorado says Trump would be Biden by a landslide. He actually went on CNN, repeating his comment. - My colleague, Dana Bash, reported that you, Senator John Tester and Senator Sherrod Brown, all said during that lunch that you don't think President Biden can win in 2024? Is that true? - Well, it's true that I said that, and I did say that behind closed doors, and you guys and others asked whether I'd said it, and that is what I said. So I figured I should come here and say it publicly. - Why do you think you can't win in November? - I just think that this race is on a trajectory that is very worrisome, if you care about the future of this country. - 80848 9222, the number to reach the Dominic Carter Show 80848 9222. George Stephanopoulos, stating me obvious, but it's surprising that he permitted himself to be caught on Mike or recorded stating this. That quote, "I don't think Biden can serve for more years after the ABC interview. Stephanopoulos admitting Tuesday, he does not believe Biden can serve out a second term just days after conducting that closely watch interview with the commander-in-chief following the horrible debate performance against Trump last month. Stephanopoulos was recorded by TMZ answering a question from a passerby about Biden's political future in midtown Manhattan. And so the person asked, do you think Biden should step down? And that's the interrogator and the good morning America host and this week moderator, he said you've talked to him more than anybody else has lately. And that's when the soft spoken, soft spoken Stephanopoulos responds, "I don't think he can serve for more years." The interrogator says, "You don't think he can serve for more years?" Repeating what he just said, then adding, all right, that's an answer. It's a bit hard to hear, but here is the actual exchange with George Stephanopoulos stating, "He does not think Biden can serve for more years." Hey, here's the cake, how you doing? What do you think? Do you think Biden should step down? You talk to him more than anybody else have lately and you can be honest. You don't think he can serve for more years? All right. That's an answer. That is an answer for you folks. And I don't know how Stephanopoulos slipped like that, but he did and he answered the question from a total bystander on the street and it is making headlines. Also, Congress member, Congress member, that is Mikey Chirrell of New Jersey, the first house Democrat representing the New York Tri-State area to publicly call on Biden to give up his 2024 presidential bid. Here is a bit of what she has to say. - In the meantime, now there are seven, we're just learning that New Jersey Democratic Congress woman, Chirrell, Mikey Chirrell, I should say, is among those saying that the president has to step down saying I am asking that he declare he won't run for reelection and will help lead us through a process toward a new nominee. So at least seven Democrats have gone on record. We're told that there are others who simply haven't put it out there, but they're thinking about it. So yet another one says the president has got to go. - And that is an actual report from the Fox Business News on the Congresswoman declaring that she feels Biden needs to give up his reelection campaign 808489222. Let's begin with your telephone calls. Let's begin with Susan in New York. Good morning, Susan, what's on your mind? - Okay, well, I think it should be pretty obvious that the main reason that Biden will not resign under any circumstances is that Xi Jinping, his real boss, wants to run against him, not President Trump. And they are beholden. You know, the Joe Hunter Joe contingency there, they're going to hold down because they cannot, China will unload all their secrets, all the things, all the, you know, behind the scenes of money that they have been, that the violence have all been paid, all of them. So no, he's going to hold down. He's not there out of it. He still knows what time it is with Xi Jinping. - Fair enough, Susan. It's going to be interesting. I can think of a million other reasons as well. Thank you for the call. Why, either way, why Biden will stay in the race or why he may get out. But right now it's still not looking good. Let's go to Mark in New York. Good morning, Mark, and welcome to the Dominate Carter Show. - Yes, Dominic. Thank you. I'll quickly get to the point. I'm wondering if Joe Biden is stalling this, decision to get out long enough so that Kamala Harris does not have to debate Donald Trump because if she had to debate him and that was the first exposure of her, you know, nationwide on television, is there a possibility he's waiting where they can't really have a debate and she just gets like a shoot in there somewhere? - No, I don't see, thank you, Mark. I don't see that scenario at all. One, if Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee, there will have to be a debate against Trump. The public will demand it. So I don't see that playing out at all. If Mr. Trump, if Mr. Biden, that is, is stalling as you just indicated, it's because he does not want to let go at this point. He doesn't want to let go at all. Let's go to Teddy, Yonkers, New York. Teddy, good morning. What's on your mind? - Yes, Dominic, thank you for taking my call. In response to Susan, for two years, Susan, Comer has been talking about evidence, okay, against the Biden's, but our Joe and Hunter and his brother and nothing has come to prevail, okay? So you're just blowing up hot air, Susan. You hear me? Second thing, Dominic, I agree that Biden, I said it before and I'll say it again, Biden is not physically and mentally capable of running the country, but neither is a man with no moral character, let alone more character. He's got no moral character. And I stand by that, Dominic, and all of my former students, where I'm going to attend the 40th reunion of the 84th class, July 20th. And I'm the honored guest, and I'm gonna prepare a speech, and I'm going to write talk about Trump and what's going on in this country. And as a protest vote, Dominic, I'm not voting for Biden, and I'm not voting for Trump, I'm right for Joe Kennedy, Jr. - Well, Teddy, but why do you say Trump has no moral character? - Dominic, why do I have to explain this to you? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a goddamn duck, Dominic. That goes for Robert for Philadelphia and Susan and Sandra for New Jersey and Jacqueline for Portland, okay? What's wrong with the people? - Yeah, you know, I can't take the geometry question. I thought you can't even take solid geometry. Most of you know, of course, don't even know what solid geometry is about. - Okay, so, but Teddy, but Teddy, this is not a math class right now. I know that's what you taught. - I'll repeat the question. Why do you say the man has no moral character? - The man was not faithful in his orders. Marriage is okay. Are you gonna deny that? Or are you gonna say it's irrelevant? Are you gonna say it's irrelevant? - I'm going to say to you, Teddy, it's irrelevant. I'm not in the man's marriage. Even the most honorable public officials that you think are so squeaky clean, guess what? They're not Teddy, they're really not. - That doesn't make it right. - Okay. - Okay. - We're talking about the president of the United States, okay? The man cheated his workers and I know for a fact, okay? It's a fact, I know people who worked for him in construction, okay? And he didn't pay them what they should have been paid. I know that for a fact. - And that makes him a bad person. - The man is old, he's a thief, he's a liar. And he uses talking to derogatory pejorative about the president, he calls him bull, all of that crap, calls him a piece of crap. We're going to talk like that about a president. Even if he was no good, okay? Even if he was no good. I'd never said to you, even if I disagree with you, that you're a piece of it, you know what, okay? - Right, I don't do that. - I hear you, Teddy, I've got to take a break. Thank you so much for the call. That's a mouthful there, folks. We will be right back. - This is Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) (explosion) - When you need meal time inspiration, it's worth shopping king supers, where you'll find over 30,000 mouth watering choices that excite your inner foodie. And no matter what tasty choice you make, you'll enjoy our everyday low prices, plus extra ways to save, like digital coupons worth over $600 each week. You can also save up to $1 off per gallon at the pump with fuel points. More savings and more inspiring flavors make shopping king supers worth it every time. King supers, fresh for everyone, fuel restrictions apply. (upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - Did anyone ever see the lovely movie Silence of the Lambs? Did you see it? Did you ever hear of Hannibal Lecter? - He was a lovely man. He would love to have you for dinner. He will take you. You had many people for dinner. Well, we have a lot of people coming in. They always say, "Oh, that's terrible." The Trump would say, "He is rambling about Hannibal Lecter." No, I'm not rambling. That's who we are allowing people from insane asylums and mental institutions into our country by the tens of thousands, and they're closing them down in other countries. Do you know the cost savings and all of the savings? - President Trump, the former president of the United States at his rally in the Miami, Florida area this evening, also challenging President Biden to a golf match. We'll let you hear that a bit later. I'm looking at my Twitter at my X here, and let's see, Joe MAGA says, "Dominick, I would love to debate that Teddy." We just heard from Teddy, folks. He has a big mouth, but nothing really comes out of it that makes any sense. He's suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. Boy, would I love to debate him. Max says, "Teddy seems a bit worked up TDS much." Robert Fiore says, "Teddy is about to blow a gasket." PJ Martin says, "Teddy's off his meds tonight." And YRN says, "Dominick TV, you are the Steven A. Smith of the radio station, my man, the gym of the station. Keep entertaining, settling in tonight's show now." Well, thank you for that. R-Y-R-N, and why can't Steven Smith be me? But I'm only joking. (laughs) Let's go back to the telephone calls. Let's go to Kim in New York Line 4. Good morning, Kim, what's on your mind? - Good morning. Actually, a couple of things real quick. I just wanted to say, you know, Biden was sleeping with his wife when she was still legally married. So anyone wants to go after Trump. Need to remember, he did the same thing. My other thing is, is why everybody's saying how we can't get rid of Biden? - Wait, wait, wait, wait, Kim. The journalist in me finds the need to say that's speculation, that's not confirmed. But go ahead. - Her ex-husband's writing a book about it. - Right, and so we're supposed to believe the ex-husband, right? Because the ex-husband says it's so that makes it so. - I mean, I would believe him more. - Okay. - I am, but okay. - Okay, all right. - Can I get it? Okay, I'm more of, I am a big Trump fan. - Okay, nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with that. - Okay, my other question or wonder is, okay, everybody's saying, well, we have to keep Biden on the ballot because that's what the Democratic people picked. It was who they voted for, except that they were deceived by all of the people in close contact with the president by hiding his mind slowly going. I mean, even the news is we're hiding and saying, oh, we were crazy, we weren't seeing what we were seeing. - You are correct. - And I feel that, isn't it, would life end that considered treason? I mean, are they not putting our country at risk by what they did between him, his family, the vice president and everybody around him that covered for him? - Well, I hear you, Kim, but you know that the Senate, that the Democrats have the Senate and that would never fly. So it's a conversation that's never going to happen. But I hear you in terms of your sentiment, we have got to take a break. When we come back more on Trump's rally in Miami, Florida and more of your telephone calls. (dramatic music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Democratic, Democratic Senator Michael Bennett of Colorado says Trump would beat Biden by a landslide. And George Stephanopoulos recorded stating, he doesn't think Biden can serve for more years. ABC, stating that George was not speaking for ABC, trying to clean up. What he said, what we all know to be the truth. And so that means perhaps one of the reasons why the vice president laughs so much is because let's say for argument's sake, a Biden stays in the race. And let's say for argument's sake, Biden wins. He's not going to win. Trump has headed back to the White House, but play out the scenario with me for a second. That means that Biden gets reelected. He goes down in terms of his history, his legacy, that he got two terms. And then he steps down and guess who becomes the president of the United States of America, Kamala Harris. And the joke would be on all of us. Let's go to Maria in Pennsylvania. Good morning, Maria. What's on your mind? - Good morning. Can you hear me? - Loud and clear. - Okay. Well, I have to give you kudos for the way you handle yourself against some of these calls you have. The same restraint that President Trump had shown against the dimwit Biden at the debate. But anyway, that's not what I was calling about. I'm going to put this out. I know this is going to sound preposterous because I haven't heard this, but let me just put this out there. Have you considered the possibility that this show of him deteriorating so badly? We also have the ones who want to see, but this excessive deterioration is maybe a scam, another dupe in order to get the enthusiasm for him up and put President Trump in the shadows. That this is just the way I'm thinking because it's just preposterous. - Well, I have to be completely honest with you, Maria. So as a journalist, I go through every possible scenario. I may not talk about them, but publicly, but I go through them. So no, I don't think that this is a scam or a sham in terms of the nonstop gaffs from the president. But I did question how all of a sudden the Parkinson's disease thing came out. And I did wonder within myself if that was a sympathy play for the public. But if it was a sympathy play, Maria, I don't think it's wise because it's open to can of worms that they're not going to be able, there's going to be a million questions that come out of this. And ultimately the White House, if the president has Parkinson's disease is going to have to step up and own it and admit to that. But I do, Maria, I'll give you the final say before we listen to what Mr. Trump said down in Florida as it relates to the golf. But I do consider every scenario. So I don't think your scenario is that far fetched. You have the final word. - Thank you. My final word is everybody we gotta get out in about our country, our way of life, our economy. What we can afford is being destroyed by this dim way, vote Trump, everybody vote Trump. Thank you. - Maria, thank you for the call from Pennsylvania. And so the former president of the United States, the leading candidate in the polls was at a rally a few hours ago in the Miami, Florida area where at one point he challenged Mr. Biden to a golf match. - I'm also officially challenging Crooked Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. (crowd cheering) Underous, Blumonts are considered one of the greatest tournament golf courses anywhere in the world. One of the great courses of the world. It will be among the most watched sporting events in history, maybe bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters. And I will even give Joe Biden 10 strokes aside, 10 strokes, that's a lot. That means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. I will give him 10 strokes aside. And if he wins, I will give the charity of his choice. Any charity that he wants, $1 million. (crowd cheering) And I'll bet you he doesn't take the offer. - Wow. I, you know, I've been told years ago, Dominic, you gotta learn how to play golf. The deal is cut on the golf course. And so a 10-stroke lead, I don't really know what that means, but I get it. I understand the million dollars. I get that part in which Mr. Trump says that if a Biden beat him, he'll donate a million dollars to any charity of Biden's choosing. White House, the ball is in your court. Do you accept it? Actually at the White House, before we go back to your calls, the press secretary insisting that Biden will serve out a second full term. And reporters are starting to ask night questions and it's like, you're gonna hear this. What happens if a call comes in an emergency at 11 o'clock at night who's going to take it, assuming that it's not the president? The White House stating there is a team of people around the president exactly to handle that type of situation. Does President Biden commit to serving a full second term if reelected? Yes. Thank you. We know the president says that his health is fine, but it's just his brain. And that he's sharpest before. He's joking, by the way. I just wanna make sure that that's out there. And people, people, he was making a light-hearted joke. As he was speaking off, he was speaking off the cuff and he was making a joke. You know the president, he likes to joke a lot. He's the same guy who says, I know I look 40, right? So he likes to make jokes. It is a joke. Okay. I think people laugh when he says it. Well, he also says he's sharpest before 8 p.m. So say that the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke. It's 11 p.m. Who do you call the first lady? He has a team that lets him know of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people. He has someone, or that is decided obviously with his National Security Council on who gets to tell him that news. Well, we are going back to your telephone calls here on the Dominic Carter show. And what that question reminded me of was during the primary, I believe it was, a Democratic primary Hillary Clinton and Obama. And what do you do when that call comes in at three o'clock in the morning? Some of you will remember that commercial. And so now though, and see here's the bad news for the White House. The kid's gloves treatment is going to start to come off. They're going to start asking pounding questions on a daily basis. And it's going to be very interesting to see this week how this all plays out as the president has a news conference. Let's go to Dave, line one. Good morning, Dave. You're on the Dominic Carter show. - How you doing, Dom? Hope you're well. - I'm well, and I hope you and your family are well. What's on your mind? - I have a response for Teddy. Now, I think Teddy is probably a reasonably sane person. And I'm a veteran. I'm 73, you know, and a patriot. And how can Teddy be such a sheep? You know, because he believes all his crap, they're feeding him. And, you know, why does he let his intelligence overrule his prejudice against Donald Trump? - Well, that's a legitimate question. Teddy, one of the callers to the program, I've received about 10 tweets as he relates to Teddy online. You know, one minute he hates Donald Trump. The next minute he hates Donald Trump. The third minute he likes Donald Trump. Go ahead. - I think Teddy is an object to be pitied. He doesn't use his brains to overcome his prejudice. That's all I got to say. You have a great night. - Thank you, Dave. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Mary Ann and Queens. Good morning, Mary Ann. What's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. Yes, I had to answer to what Teddy says. Why? Because most of the employees that he has for his businesses. - When he says he, who's he, who's he? - Donald Trump. Donald Trump. That's the guy that is talking the nonsense he's saying. I was punished and he pays even higher than the minimum wage. He goes to all of these agencies where those human resources send the people to look for the employees. He doesn't hire the people. And most of them that work in the business of casinos when he has the casinos, the goals and construction. Most of them understand this. And he has to make sure that all of them are bad. And he has to pay the minimum wage. But many times he pays even more than that. Actually, one of these employees, he was under a great financial crisis. And this month took $1,000 from his pocket and gave it to her. Actually, this woman testified at the first election that Trump has. He went public. By the way, one time he divorced the first wife that he has. And what he publicized is that he got this enchanted against this woman because he didn't like the way she treated the employee. That even if she finds a drop of water in the letters in those veterans, he will go after them. And he said he didn't know like people have used in his employees. And that was public. If you look that in the news in those days when you develop a ban, you'll find that. Now, this guy Teddy, we have to be careful because if this guy is giving classes to your children, he's making people like both of us running in those colleges that they are driving and they don't know what cause are they running for. He is a very dangerous guy if you had your children coming, getting classes from that guy. He's crazy. - Well, everybody, everybody, everybody, Mary Ann, thank you for the call. Everybody's entitled to their opinion. You know, Teddy has his views and that's that. But thank you cause I have to get in. We have a lot of calls. I'm trying to get in as many as possible. Robert in Philadelphia. Good morning, Robert. What's on your mind? - Hi, Dominic. It's great to talk to you and I'll be quick. First, geometry isn't that advanced to the math. And I don't say that disparagingly. I love math. I think it's the most beautiful language managed ever written, okay? But Teddy, some of us are into calculus, trigonometry, physics, string theory. So don't mischaracterize people that you've never met. Number two, the evidence you say isn't there has been laid out by Comer showing up to $32 million of bribes just in the last eight years being trafficked to the Biden family through various banks. Disacted MSNBC does not tell you that does not mean it didn't happen. Third, I have no problem with Mr. Trump's morals from what I know and what I've seen, okay? But if I voted for a guy who took millions of dollars in bribes, lies repeatedly, plagiarizes, and uses his drug addicted son as a bag man for his schemes, high character, then I think that you're the one with the problem, Teddy, in that regard. Other than that, I have no other complaints about him. I like all the listeners that you have. And that's about all I had to say on that, Dominic. - Fair enough, Robert. Thank you for the call. Folks, you are listening to the Dominic Carter Show. We are taking your calls up until the top of the hour and the news is changing so drastically by the hour these days in terms of what's going to happen as it relates to the Biden re-election campaign. I call her Miss Personality. Let's go to Gracie, line four. Good morning, Gracie. What's on your mind? - Hi, good morning, Dominic. Listen, when Biden wins the golf tournament, the millionth dollars he could say, I wanted to go to the Biden family trust. You know, okay, I joke, joke, haha. But the corner before me was excellent. All right, Teddy said about he listed things for Biden did a Trump didn't business. I heard those things too. But those things, Teddy, are in the past. Let's look at the future. And what's better for the country? I know him in the $6,000, which I still don't, I can't fathom how he figured it out that I really can't actual 6,000. But we won't go into that 'cause I'll never finish with that. But the thing is let's worry about the future. Let's worry about this country. On every level, the three years Trump proved himself. I don't care. In business, I know it's a terrible thing to say, but everybody is, you know, they cut corners when it's in business, they do this, they do that. I heard it from other people too, with the workers and this and that. But Biden sold this country out. I don't know how all his family is so rich. He supposedly worked for the government for 50 years. How did he accumulate the house on the beach and this other house? That's all crooked stuff. So I've had the $5,000 of that coach he wore on Vogue magazine. I mean, come on, wake up people. I know I just got a crazy email from somebody to one of my dear friends. I lost two friends. I don't want to lose any more friends. But it's really over the top. And one last thing, quickly, quickly, Gracie, I'm a minute late for a break. Oh, okay, you know what? I went for that test at the Nathan Klein Institute to see if I had all my marbles. I really did it because I wanted to help them out. They needed more case studies. Believe me, Biden, it took three and a half hours. Believe me, Biden could not do it. It was very, very hard. Of course I came out and tried. - Thank you, thank you, thank you, Gracie. She passed the test. Gracie has all her marbles. On that note, time for a break. We will be right back. - This is Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And I am looking at my email and Liz Rosenblatt just sent me an email and Liz says, "Hi, Dominic, great show as usual, just my thought." If he would win ridiculous thought, Joe Biden would give his $1 million donation. Of course, Mr. Trump said tonight that he's challenging the current incumbent to a golf match and he would pay him $1 million a donation to any charity if Biden won. And Liz says Biden would give his $1 million donation to himself and the Democratic Party. By the way, I almost went to the rally. The rally in Florida this evening, but it was just too hot. Poor President Trump was soaking, yet he made more energy and stanema than anyone I know would have had in this heat. Liz, thank you for the email from Florida. Let's go to Chris line five. Good morning, Chris, what's on your mind? - Hey, Dominic, I'm a huge fan. I think I always find with you, I'm huge fan of us. People like Teddy and unfortunately the Anthony Wiener, I listen to it all the time when you guys obey their classic. It's unbelievable radio. But what happens, unfortunately, is we, those who that support Trump, have nothing but facts on our side. I mean, just pure facts. They talk in, you know, he cheats on his wife. He's an insurrectionist. You know, it's never these facts. By the way, I hate when Anthony says that. It's, he was never charged with insurrection. Look up the definition of insurrection, Mr. Wiener. It's when you have armed people trying to take over a government. That is what happened, okay? That's one thing, another fact. When Trump left office, he left Joe Biden with 1.4% inflation, 1.4%. Biden cuts off the spigots and within a year, it's up to 9%. Everything goes through the roof, okay? We know all our prices have gone through the roof. And by the way, the only reason Biden does well with the stock market, and I worked out on the exchange, so I know about these things, is because Trump cut the corporate tax from 35 to 21%. That means all the businesses now have only paid 21% in taxes. So they have more money. And as Larry Carlo will tell you, that's what keeps the stock market going. Thank you, Mr. Trump, is what you should tell Biden, you know, and Wiener, whenever he says, look at the stock market under Biden. That's all because of Trump. Trump initiated all the great economic policies that Biden has taken care of. And by the way, if Biden gets reelected, he wants to raise the tax and back up, which would kill the stock market. Hey, you know, so anyhow, we always have the facts, Dominic, and you're brilliant when you debate Mr. Wiener. And I can't wait to list Saturday, okay? - Thank you, thank you, love you too, Chris. Thank you for the call. Thank you for setting the record straight. I really appreciate your call from Beth Page, New York to New Jersey and Sandra. Good morning, Sandra, what's on your mind? - Well, first I want to say, thank you, Dominic. I want to say to Teddy, if I offended you anyway, I'm sorry. I mean, I don't know why he mentioned my name. All I do is call and speak for my heart about our country and Donald Trump, who I think is a very good man. I mean, I know stories about him where you have a flat fire and he's driving in Florida and he stops to help the person with the flat fire. - I hear you, Sandra, but you've got 10 seconds left, so please get to your point because the show is about to end. - Oh, my point is, I don't have time for my point today, but I wanted to say, all right, another day. - No, no, I was giving you the 10 seconds, but okay, Sandra, maybe I'll hear from you again very soon and then you can make your point. I do apologize that we are completely at a time. So the call that we did not get to folks, I'll see you again, same time, same station. Do me a great favor and have a beautiful day. (dramatic music)