Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-05-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic talks about Biden falling hard in polling, his upcoming interview, protestors burning the American flag and much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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05 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic talks about Biden falling hard in polling, his upcoming interview, protestors burning the American flag and much more.

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>> Listen to your favorite shows live in on demand 24/7. Download the 77 WAVC mobile app now. [MUSIC] >> Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And good morning, good morning, good Friday morning. Dominic Carter here with you. I hope you had a great 4th of July. The bad news continues for President Joe Biden, the situation. So dire. His interview with ABC News George Stephanopoulos will now air as a prime time special tonight. Why this all matters? The shift from the previously announced Sunday morning time slot reflects the urgency of the situation. As Biden faces growing pressure from some Democrats to abandon his reelection bid. I am clearly on record, I've been stating this since the debate. In fact, I've been saying this is not much of a full general election campaign to begin with, because Trump has headed back to the White House. But since the debate, it's only a matter of when, not if, when, not if, when President Biden will be forced to give up his reelection bid. What is wrong with some people? You may already know the story, but America hating anti-Israel protesters burn a US flag on July 4th in New York City. A mob of about 100 anti-Israel protesters spent Independence Day. It's like spitting in our face, burning American flags, enchanting burn it down at Washington Square Park. These anti-Israel protesters are disgusting and it has to stop this video of this where one man actually tries to get them to get them to stop. And of course, they use profanity and he shouted down and they continue to burn the American flags. Change is coming in a big way, we're coming to back to Biden in just a second. Change is coming in a big way in the UK. The UK general election exit poll finds Keir Starmer, his labor party, will prevail in a landslide victory after 14 years of conservatives in power. And so, 61 year old Keir Starmer, a former public prosecutor and human rights lawyer who has led labor since the early 2020 will, I should say early 2020, will be the next prime minister in the UK after guiding the party to its first general election victory since 2005. So a labor landslide in the UK had been expected for months as pre-election opinion polls showed that British voters were fatigued with a conservative government that was, had been marred, if you will, by infighting and scandal. And a bad news, a bad news story coming out of New York City, it happens all around the country from time to time, these type of hideous crime stories. But an eight year old boy, an eight year old boy killed. His parents stabbed by a knife holding brother who police were forced to shoot in a New York City nightmare. The older brother was killed by the NYPD Thursday after he killed his eight year old brother and stabbed each parent in a queen's apartment. A bad situation and police were called to an extremely small unit inside 147-2594th Avenue in Jamaica, Queens just before 530 p.m. After the bleeding mother, it's a horrible situation, ran outside pleading for her life. Inside officers found the 20 year old young man holding his father in a headlock over the kitchen sink with a knife to his throat. And so police fatally shot the person that did the stabbing, the eight year old brother didn't make it, the parents are wounded, but they should survive. There was also an eight, eight month old baby in the apartment. It appears that the child was unharmed. So more is starting to trickle out following that gathering of nearly two dozen Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night in which President Biden apparently told them, "Literally folks you can't make this up, that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours and even avoid events held after 8 p.m. Despite previous reports that he can only fully handle the job between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. So this situation is a mess, it's not getting better and a round of radio interviews was released by the White House that President Biden did with a number of African American radio stations in which you're about to hear now, he's discussing his horrible debate performance. Take a listen. I had a bad night and a bad night and the fact of the matter is that, you know, it was I screwed up, I made a mistake, but I learned from my father, when you get knocked down just get back up. Get back up. The President's been saying that quite a bit, the last couple of days, it's a catchy phrase, but it's impossible in this situation. In fact, it doesn't even apply in this situation. Let's go ahead and open up the phone lines, 800-84-89222, 800-84-89222. Here is the reality, CNN's Van Jones, Van Jones, actually put it out there, what's going on behind the doors as it relates to Democrats that they are lining up for Mr. Biden has to go. And to this, folks. Look, I'm just going to be honest, I mean, everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff, but behind the scenes, it's full-scale panic. People are passing around legal memos, PDFs are flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out what are the options, how can you replace Biden, how do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected as he should be respected, who should Kamala Harris' Vice President be? The conversation on air and the conversation off air are completely different. That's why I'm telling you, folks, it's a wrap. No matter what the president says, no matter what the White House does, it's a wrap. His candidate, the question is when does he make the announcement? Of course, he's going to fight it with all his being, but it is over. There was never a real fall election campaign. Trump was going to trounce Biden no matter what. And when you came forward with these court cases, you only made Trump a martyr and motivated his base. That's all that you did. So the stakes are high for tonight, the debate, the debate with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. That Biden does what he doesn't do, but what's interesting. Also on CNN, I want you to listen to this, Axios media reporter, Sarah Fisher, says that this interview for tonight, the interview that airs on ABC is not enough to stop the panic to go listen, folks. Quick on his feet. Doesn't go together with the current occupant of the White House. Things are so bad. The architect of Bill Clinton success, James Carville, now urging Democratic donors not to give to politicians, to elected officials who still support Biden with Carville stating 70, 72% want something different, want something different. This is all going to be very interesting. Not if but when, not if but when, the president will be forced to step down. Let's begin this morning with Jacqueline in Brooklyn, New York. Good morning, Jacqueline. What's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic. You know, I can't understand how no one is talking about this in air quotes interview with Stephanopoulos, it's 900 seconds, half of which is probably going to be eaten up and taken up by Stephanopoulos asking the questions. It's a little bit more than six or seven television commercials. Well, I hear you, but it's the immediate test that is before the country, but specifically Mr. Biden right now. I don't anticipate anything terribly bad happening. It's going to be interesting, Jacqueline, you know, but again, like the media reporter for Axio, Sarah Fisher just said this interview was not enough to stop the panic. So let me try and flip this. What would stop the panic in your opinion? If he was able to do a real debate and hold his own and not between 11 and four. So what's a real debate? A real debate where he's not standing there with his mouth agape and clueless as to what he's even saying and what's going on. A real debate where they go back and forth. So you want, you want interaction between the candidates. Okay. It's not what I want. It's just never going to happen. I mean, it's impossible. He couldn't even handle that quote on quote debate. There's, there's not going to be another debate. There's not going to be anything. And again, I can't get over it. A nine hundred second interview. That's an interview. When in your career, Dominic, have you ever heard of a nine hundred second interview? Well, I, I, I, and thank you for the call, Jacqueline, I would not do this interview. I would tell my bosses and I do have to be honest with you. We can resist. But if the bosses say you're doing it, you are doing the interview. So I would say to my bosses that I don't want to do it. And I would say, um, can we do it live? And the White House would push back Stephanopoulos is in a, is in a bad situation. We'll see what happens. I'm, I'm not going to prejudge. Let's see what happens. Dominic Carter here with you. When we come back, more of your telephone calls, this is Dominic Carter, now from New York City to the world. This is Dominic Carter talking about last week's debate. The president admitted to the radio program, the source here at a bad night. Is there any reason for the American people to be concerned? No, I had a bad debate. Yeah. I had a bad debate, but 90 minute on stage is does not erase what I've done for three and a half years, probably record, and we just got to keep moving. Wow. The Democrats are sticking to the talking point and the talking point, they all repeat. A 90 minute debate does not replace three and a half years of great presidential service. That's the president, uh, speaking, uh, the White House released Thursday, July 4th yesterday, a round of interviews that the president did with, uh, African American radio stations. It's not going to do anything to, uh, get the controversy, go down. Let's continue with your telephone calls. Let's go to Rita in New Jersey. Good morning, Rita. What's on your mind? Good. Good morning, Dominic. I am so honored to finally speak with you. I've been wanting to for the longest time, but could never get through. Um, and thank you for the call, Rita. Yes. And I call you right, just D. But anyway. Okay. So, um, yeah, I wanted to speak about the, um, the protests that are going on for July 4 from, Yes. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. And I mean, these are party crashes on America's birthday. Yes. And it's, it's so awful. I mean, you know, it, and it's not just New York city. I mean, I have friends in other big cities that are telling me that it's going on there. I mean, I suppose on the positive side, you know, they're saving New York city a little bit of money by bringing their own fireworks. You know, they would like had torch, but not, but you know what, Rita, not really. Uh, I would bet you, uh, a cup of coffee that these loser protesters are either receiving welfare, food stamps, or some government service. And they have the nerve to do what they're doing on July 4th. Let's continue. Yes. So, um, I, I mean, it's, it's just awful. And I, you know, it seems as if nowadays we, we just can't win. We just can't win. And we meaning, you know, I suppose well-meaning people, um, not the people who aren't on the left, and I, you know, I, I don't, uh, I is as a, as like really a non-religious Jew, um, a Zionist Jew. I just, I, I find it absolutely impossible. Like I, we can't win. However, I don't think Joe Biden is going to be in office in, uh, in a, in a, in which that's, that's correct. You are correct. He won't be, um, he won't be in office come, uh, January 21. But I, I do believe Kamala will be, um, president for, for a short while. I don't think she's going to be president, but she will be for a short while. And it's all, um, part of a, um, it's, I don't want to say a plan, but it was kind of planned out that, uh, you know, that America will finally get its first female president, even if it's just for a few days or sometime before January 21. Well, America, and we, thank you for the call. I look forward to chatting with you in the future. Uh, you're, you're making common sense out of a bad situation. America needs to stop this game pretending that Kamala Harris is qualified to be the president of the United States. Are we, are we smoking something? Are we high? This woman is not even qualified to be a district attorney. Give me a break. I'll be right back. Now, now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. I'm looking at my Twitter at my ex and you can follow me at Dominic TV. You can send me a comment. I understand though, I may use it live during the program right now. So John Beckman, John Beckman says Dominic, nothing will stop their panic. Dom referring to the Democrats, my mom had dementia and Alzheimer's. It only gets worse. Biden and team are fighting a losing battle. And it now gel pretty, pretty good there, John, pretty, pretty good. And so the interview, here's the concern that I have. I'm not necessarily concerned about editing ABC would be too nervous that it would get out and someone would leak it on if they interviewed part of it, if they edited part of the interview out to make President Biden look good. But here's where I am concerned. So again, as I talked about last night, I've been in a few of these very high profile situations as a debate moderator. And here's how you know that ABC is in bed with the White House. Now to what degree I don't know. The fact of the matter is, and I'm going to give you the evidence right now. So the interview was originally scheduled to air Sunday on Sunday. How did it get moved up to Friday? How did it get moved up? I'll tell you how. The White House made a call to the powers that be at ABC because the White House knows they may not make it to Sunday. This campaign may not make it to Sunday. They are almost on life support right now. And so they meet the interview to air now, not Sunday, now, tonight. And so, ABC originally had a plan that aired on Sunday. Why would you change it, the air date to accommodate the White House? Now, yes, perhaps for more ratings and prime time, but you had an original schedule and now it changed. And don't run that garbage to me because I know better that, oh, we just decided that Friday would be, no, you didn't decide Friday would be better. The White House reached out to you and said, we need this to air Friday, not Sunday, because by Sunday, the campaign could very well be over. Let's continue with your telephone calls Gracie, our friend Gracie, Ms. Personality. I like to call her online for line four, that is. Good morning, Gracie. What's on your mind? Oh, good morning, you know, it's still 4th of July here, so happy for you. That's right. That's right in California. You are correct. Yeah. Yeah. You don't keep me up here. I can go to bed in a deep, I can go to bed at deep to an hour like five and I need my rest too. Okay. They're making such a good fusion and just his Alzheimer's or whatever he has is the most important thing. It's not the most important thing. The most important thing are his policies and we can't have anybody that is going to be a pro to Jay of his with his policies. We have to sweep it out if we hope to change anything. Today, I was in the supermarket, I had my USA shirt on and of course somebody said something. And of course, he was right of center like me. We had my age, you know, anybody, we're all upset. I don't understand how the 2025% Democrat or who are going to vote for Biden can think what's going on in the country economically, socially, internationally is working out. I mean, I go back to my team expression brain dead. It just doesn't seem possible. Now, as far as Kamala, she went to Hastings World School, which is now part of the University of California in San Francisco. And my husband's cousin is out here. Me and I say more, he works to the LA Times. So obviously, you know, he's left to center. Oh, she's very smart. I hear somebody in the background, I couldn't make out what they say, Gracie. But to say that Kamala Harris is smart is the biggest joke that I've heard in a very long time. Her claim to fame is Willie Brown, Willie Brown, who she allegedly the vice president of the United States before she was vice president, she was apparently his mistress while he was married. Let's call it for what it is. That's her claim to fame. He pulled her along politically. And then she really became famous when she was a local official in California, Obama was a president, and he said something along the lines of that's a good looking woman. And she catapulted into into into international stardom and and and then her political career took off. But I mean, I just think that I think it's dangerous and reckless for the country to play this game that Kamala Harris is going to be the next president of the United States. I'm sorry, Gracie. You know, I'm I'm all for, you know, the first woman coming into office. But to be honest with you, and I noticed may not sound popular with with some some some of our listeners, I prefer even Hillary Clinton, at least I know, I know some of her policies, but at least I know Hillary Clinton was a senator and in terms of some serious experience, Secretary of State may not agree with her policies. But Kamala Harris, Gracie, before I let you go, you tell me one thing that she's done. And one thing I can tell you, I remember many years ago, Gracie David Dinkins was running for mayor of New York City, and he went out to California for the weekend to raise money. And I got the assignment to go with him. And I had no idea who Willie Brown was until I got there. Every major player in California was kissing his ring. All he did was say how much he wanted them to donate to David Dinkins, and they wrote the check. That's how powerful this guy was. And and I recall when Republicans thought they finally had him, they had finally had enough votes to get rid of him as speaker, and he convinced a female Republican to vote for him as speaker. And he maintained his speakership. The guy was very, very powerful. And if there's any one reason why we have Kamala Harris, it is because of Willie Brown because she was reportedly his mistress. Thank you, Gracie, for that call. Let's go to Steve in Newark, New Jersey. Good morning, Steve. What's on your mind? Hey, Dominic. I wish I had Gracie's drink tonight, but at any point, there's a white guy that everybody talks about. My president put you all back and changed. That man's going to stay. I disagree 100% with you and Dominic, if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to tell you he's going to stay in office because he has to protect that criminal enterprise of his family. And it's and and they listen, they they put everybody, they put the fear of God and everybody. All these democratic students are going to take your they're going to take your rights. They're going to take your social security. I want you to finish, but who says he gets to make the decision that that's the only thing that's wrong with your argument who it the listen, if the whole party is going to go down because of him, he cannot stay, but Dominic, I'm going to tell you something. He's going to stay there for one reason. He's got to protect that enterprise because if they get Schumer and they get madler and they get Jeffrey's out of that and the Republicans take over the state Senate, he's done. They're going to indict that whole family. I mean, it's obvious it's playing view, the charges they have and the and the and the proof they have against his family and and real quick, Dominic, for the police officers tonight that went into that situation, America, open your eyes, a human being going to work every day. Steve, are you still with me? Yeah, so you said an American going to work every day? Those police officers tonight, what they had encountered, they, you couldn't even imagine your average citizen, what those guys and girls go through every day that protect us on the front lines. And in the state of New Jersey, Dominic, I don't know if you're aware of it, but they have them now licensed. The police officer has to reinstate his license every, I believe it's three years. And if you have something against you, or you're not part of their, their party, you ain't, they're going to fire you. You imagine if a state in New Jersey, what they do to these police officers, this is why they sit back. They only respond and they only react when it's in front of them, other than that, they just sit back and you can't, you can't blame them. If we're going to license anybody, we need to license these, some of these phony politicians that have put this country in the position that it's in. Yes, I'm referring to you, AOC and the rest of the squad and all you clown progressives that have made this country go downhill fast in terms of crime, in terms of issues, in terms of whatever topic we want to talk about, it has not been good. Hey, Steve, thank you for it, for the, for the telephone call. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the days ahead. Let's go to Kevin as it relates to President Biden, Kevin, line four. Good morning, Kevin. What's on your mind? Good morning, Dom. First, I'm calling you're a great guy and a great show you've got here. of a different view of the step on opulence interview uh... perhaps the entire reason that they're rushing things up in this interview is the purpose is to uh... for george step on opulence to deliver the coup de grot the by uh... so i would not like why why why why why why do you do that well because they want to get rid of them to uh... so they can start the rehabilitation of uh... uh... comala hair uh... step on opulence in the war room the nineteen ninety two documentary about the bill quinton uh... ninety two campaign uh... thredgens a woman who may have had that information about the quinton so he's really a kind of a nasty guy and if anyone the democrat party is going to be delivered the coup de grot to figuratively split the throat of bill of uh... joe biden perhaps it's stuff on opulence on that show tomorrow night with a big audience well okay but let's play into your argument for a second so why would the white house agreed to move the interview up to air tomorrow night because they're desperate they have no choice anyway and they don't know what he's got plans yeah i i i i hear you i hear you kevin i i i don't see it i i i as someone has been involved in these types of negotiations uh... the truth is and and maybe i shouldn't even be admitting this or talking about this publicly the government entity that is uh... controlling the candidate and if and every media outlet is trying to out do each other to get the interview so whoever will cave in the most often is the one that gets the interview and is has the white house fingerprints all over it maybe you're right about what we'll find out in what just a few few short hours yeah we will and and i'm thinking the fifty fifty chance that that's what's going to happen mean i don't think so i i'd almost bet my life against that but but uh... but kevin you know you never know what we'll see right we'll see thank you for the call very interesting thought it's intriguing kevin thank you john in brooklyn new york line five good morning john was on your mind dominant i understand that those protesters and washington square park who burnt the flag them went on a rampage to chill see that ended up near thirtieth street and they were they were busy blocking streets and and running through parks uh... i realize the n_y_p_d_ was probably busy managing traffic for the fireworks display but i wish there was some way to and stop them and the person who responsible for it they know who she is i'm actually surprised he hasn't been arrested yet right you've been saying is for months that the person's name but but but go ahead the in order to arrest someone john you just can't say i want that person arrested you've got to have the goods and a criminal court of law to nail them if you can't just lock them up because you don't like them and unfortunately she's smart enough to know how far to go and when the pullback your final word unfortunately i agree with you completely but still i i wish to with some way of try to interdict what she has been doing so fair enough fair enough john thank you for the call time for a break when we come back folks more of your telephone calls this is domini carter now from new york city to the world it's domini carter it's going to be honest i mean everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff but behind the scenes is full-scale panic uh... people are uh... passing around legal memos of p_d_s_ would fly back and forth on what's up trying to figure out what are the options how can you replace by the how do you get them to do it in a way where you feel respected as he should be respected who should comma heres is uh... vice president be the conversation on air in the conversation off air are completely different then jones on c_n_n_ the song uh... yes it's over call it a day it applies uh... to the situation the white house is fighting it but it doesn't look good uh... as of uh... this very minute and it doesn't look good for the days ahead here's why so addressing uh... in a uh... and a fourth of july speech for veterans just a few hours ago uh... the president of the united states almost seem to lose his listen to this and by the way you know i was in that war war one cemetery uh... in for france and uh... one that mike one of our call of the former president didn't want to go be up there which probably should even say any rate we got just remember who the hell we are with the united states of america and there's nothing nothing beyond and i mean it's in the bottom i heard there is nothing beyond our capacity nothing when we do it together not a single thing back to your telephone call steve line five steven line five good morning steven it says here it says that's a fellan biden's not the problem is that your sentiment absolutely absolutely thirty four count felling forty people resigned from the cabinet he had to pay a large sum for you jean carol ok you can go to trial and go to figure it out ok steven steven steven steven you and i with we we have this debate once a week right and i really would respect the fact if you just set up front Dominic i hate trump i'm a i'm a die-hard democrat just be honest with it man that's all i'm saying yes i'm honest with you i like a thirty four counseling okay so what are you going to say steven when a due to the supreme court of take the supreme court out of it are you already know that the sentencing has been pushed back it's not going to happen pretty soon you're not going to be able to throw that label at mister trump as a felon then what you're going to say well right right now he's no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no steven please if the conviction is overturned and less than a year what are you going to say then it's a return but the keyword it is but now he's a felon thirty four okay all right okay okay so that let let's play your game okay he's a felon and what so what does that mean and he can invoke himself okay okay but but wait a minute but wait a minute but wait a minute how do you know that the same fate is not ahead for mister biden oh silent is golden how do you know the same fate how do you know the same fate is not and then very near future for mister biden what will you say then well i would say the same thing if that happens to president biden but i don't think it will and now it says on my screen yet if you believe that you believe that biden is not the problem that the by your child steven you're telling me the president of the united states that have has access to the to the nuclear football and you're telling me that that individuals mental state that that's not an issue not a problem i'm not telling that but he's got people around him he's got a cabinet and everything so it'd be fun so you just want to make an excuse for buying so so so i'm not making excuses i'm not making excuses for biden i'm just saying i don't want to vote for 34 count telling 40 people resigned from his cabinet okay steven steven i love you man but but you got to expand the thought process you have to man for your own good for your own good think about this man think about what you're saying folks again i hope you had a great july fourth i will be back again my three p.m. show and i'll see you folks sunday night Have a great weekend.