Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-04-24

James Golden a.k.a Bo Snerdley fills in for Dominic Carter and talks about America's birthday and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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04 Jul 2024
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James Golden a.k.a Bo Snerdley fills in for Dominic Carter and talks about America's birthday and more.

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If you would like to be on either of the programs this afternoon, all you have to do, 800-8489-222 is the number 800-8489-222. Of course, the political machinations continue to swirl in America since we last checked in yesterday plenty of movement. Joe Biden, President Joe Biden had a sit-down with some of the nation's governors. They declared him fit for duty. Odd, some of these governors themselves don't seem to be too fit for duty. If you look at what's going on in their state, among them were governor. Gazem, I cannot help it. Gavin, I have nicknamed him Gazem. Gazem Newsom was part of the crowd. New York's Kathy Hokele was another one. Tim Walts of Minnesota, also in the big sit-down with the governor, with the governor's meeting with Joe Biden. As well as some others, there's a governor out in, you may not have heard him, Westmore, the new governor of Maryland, who was supposedly the second coming of Obama. John Carney of Delaware, Maura Healy, the woman in charge of ruining Massachusetts. Massachusetts, by the way, the only state which has a total ban on fireworks in the United States of America. Dan McKee of Rhode Island, Andy Bouchard of Kentucky, all of them had a sit-down with the President of the United States. He's fine. That's what they're saying. Everything's okay. He's good to go. We'll get into all of that a little bit later. Oh, by the way, Joe Biden says he had a medical checkup. Everything's good. He cleared it with his doctors. He's good. Good to go. Before we embrace the politics of the day, let us take a look at our history. I am so pleased that we have joining us on Dominant Carter Show, James Golden, most nerdy filling in. A gentleman that has been doing amazing work for ages. If you don't get the daily signal, you should if you don't check them out, you should. Great source of news. And we have with us Tyler O'Neill of the daily signal, and he has a great article. It was published yesterday. Were the founders deist? Here's one of the surefire pieces of, here's one surefire piece of evidence against that idea. Tyler, what a treat. Welcome. How are you? Hey, so glad to be here. James, it's an honor, truly. Thank you. Fourth of July. Now, this argument has gone back, and I have listened to people throughout the entire time I was with Rush talk about the fact that some of the founders were deist and what that meant. I'm glad you took this on. First, we live in an age where people may not know what deists are. Can you give us an explanation you do in your article? Some of the founders were deist. Why is that important? Who were the deist? What did they believe? And how did this impact where we are now as a nation? Yeah, so one of the big arguments against calling America a Christian nation, or talking about the Judeo-Christian heritage of this proud country that we have, one of the biggest arguments is that the founders didn't really believe that God was really there. And the way they talked about, at the time, there was the influence of the French Revolution. And I mean, of course, the French Revolution came after, but the French Enlightenment that led up to the Revolution, it was pushing this idea that reason was king. And essentially, they weren't getting rid of the idea of God entirely, although ultimately the French Revolution did that. But they were saying that God, you know, deism is essentially the belief that God made the universe and then just kind of sat back and didn't do anything. And so you have founders like Thomas Jefferson, who, yes, he's the main author of the Declaration of Independence. But, you know, later in his, later in his life, he seems to have decreased his faith in God to the degree that he took the New Testament, and he famously cut out all of the sections that he thought were too miraculous to have really happened. And of course, the problem with that is, you know, you're dealing with a primary historical source. And, you know, even if you don't believe that every miracle happened the way it's written, you know, there's a difference between looking at it with a skeptical eye and then just cutting out entire passages. So, you know, what Thomas Jefferson did to the Bible was quite shocking. But that's a little bit more in the deist direction. Although even then, I think deism, specifically, is this almost Aristotelian idea that God has better things to do than to care about the world that we live in. And so he created things. He made everything at the beginning, but then he stepped back and he's no longer involved. And so we don't have to worry about it. It's like C.F. Lewis said a lot of moderns would prefer a grandfather in heaven who would be content at the end of the day to know that everybody just had a good time. And so deism is somewhat like that. Whereas if you actually look at the Declaration of Independence, it mentions God four different times. And each time, you know, it starts with a statement that's a little bit, like, maybe deists could believe that, maybe, and then you move further down and then it's like, no, there is no way a deist God is the God of the Declaration of Independence. Because at the end, they're talking about divine providence. And they're saying we're entrusting our cause to the supreme judge of the world. That's God, who is going to judge everything at the end of time. But then they say also with a firm reliance on divine providence. They believe that God is impacting our world today, is helping direct affairs. And they're trusting that he recognizes the justness of the Americans cause. And he is ultimately the one who will guarantee that everybody who signs that document on July 4th, 1776, doesn't end up at the end of a news by the end of the revolution, but actually ends up, you know, honored as they have been as the founders of a new country. This has been a fascinating argument over the decades. And I love the way that you frame this. And you list out the four times that the Declaration of Independence mentions God, one, the laws and nature and nature's God. And this is the very opening of the Declaration of Independence. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bans, which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare themselves, then they should declare the causes which impel them into the separation. By the way, are you as fascinated as I am with the level of literacy that the founders and the writing? When you look at the, yeah, yeah. The thing that's shocking to me is like, we have so much more that we can read today. But because the founders read the most important things, their minds were sharp and they're, they're wet. You know, when they wrote, it's writings for the ages. And it reminds me of Abraham Lincoln. You know, when you read, you read the second inaugural address, and you think, wow, the guy who read that, you know, all he essentially had was the King James Bible and Euclid geometry. Those are the main things that he read in his education, he was an auto-diadact. And, you know, this is a level of brilliance that if we could do in something like like the King James Bible, you know, how much more elevated would our discourse be today? Wow, yes, exactly. Now, the second reference that you cite is, of course, one that we all know. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That is just still, it just brings with such authority and such beauty. That is the second one. You mentioned the Supreme Judge of the World, which you've discussed, and also the protection of divine providence. So, as you look to these things, this argument is put to rest that, yes, there were deists among the founders, but definitely our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, took the position that there was a present God, and not only that time, but for all times, as long as America would exist, would that be a fair statement? Oh, yes, definitely. And they put their face in the, not only the existence, but the engagement of that present God, saying, you know, we know our causes just because our tradition shows us, you know, and we understand from the way that God created the world and God informed morality and wrote it into the hearts of man, that we can entrust his providence to carry our cause through and safeguard this new nation. Wow, Tyler, look, I would, I'd love it if you could just hang out with us through a commercial break, because I just want to catch up with you, if possible, with just your take on where we are today, news of the day, the political, where we find ourselves right now, the political landscape, not knowing, I guess we do know that Joe Biden is at least intending on sticking around. Do you have a few more minutes with us? Yeah, of course. James Golden, both never sitting in for Dominic Carter. Keep it right here on Dominic Carter show. If you'd like to be part of the conversation this afternoon, 800-848-9222, I will remind you that both nearly rush hour comes up right after this. So by all means, keep it right here. Be in touch. 800-848-9222. Don't go away. This is Dominic Carter. Janine Pirro here for Colonial Metal Screw. Colonial Metal Screw helps Americans protect their future with the most trusted store of wealth in human history, physical, gold and silver. If you're retiring or retired, go to for your free Janine Pirro Colonial Metal Screw Retirement Protection Kit or call 800-965-8004. 800-965-8004 now to receive a free home safe and up to $7,500 in free silver. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Dominic, I can join the 4th of July, as I hope many, many of you are as well. James Golden, both never, and I'm enjoying it too. I'm enjoying it sitting in for Dominic. With us, right now, is the head honcho of the daily signal. Talk to us about the daily signal for a minute, Tyler. Tyler O'Neill is with us. What do you guys do over at the daily signal for those that don't know and how can they find you and why should they find you? Yes. We like to feel the pulse. We like to say we're America's outpost in Washington. That's what the Heritage Foundation is. The daily signal is feeling the pulse of the news, especially what's happening on Capitol Hill, what's happening in the administrative state, and we give you the signal. We find the signal through the noise to tell you what's really going on. We have reporters constantly following the news on the Hill, constantly following what's happening in the conservative movement, and really shining a magnifying glass on the current Biden administration as long as it is a Biden administration. That seems to be in doubt. But we're making sure that when they trample on Americans' rights, we're there to give you the full story. It's been a blast. I've been there almost two years now, and really have a stellar team. We're just growing. We recently became independent from the Heritage Foundation, not because we have any disagreements with them, just so that we could have a little bit more daylight. I don't know if you heard our long-time White House correspondent Fred Lucas had his credentials revoked at the White House. We're trying to make sure that we can get accurate White House credentials for him again, because the press needs to be able to know what the administration is doing. Press, if you would have them, if you would take them at the word, the White House press corps, had no idea that Joe Biden was in the shape he was in. We have never seen anything like this that is going on in America. I will say there are two things going on, two huge stories. One of course is the chaos that has engulfed the Democrat Party right now in this election year season. We've never seen anything like this. The closest was when Eagleton had to step down. He was Vice President, and that was shockwave, but that wasn't the head of the ticket. So you've got that going on. Then you have the Supreme Court decisions, which the Supreme Court, with this Chevron decision and some of the other decisions that they made, you mentioned talking about the daily signal as well, that you are keenly following the administrative state. People do not follow that as much, but folks, this is where your freedom has been at risk, where it's been taking through these endless regulations that pour through not just Washington, but then all levels of government. And the Supreme Court has done just a masterful job in taking out the Chevron decision, which has been used over 70 times just by in Supreme Court cases, but has filtered through every aspect of life. We have to give deference to the regulators. No more. How important are both of these stories that are happening at the same time, the administrative state, and what's happening with the Democrat Party? Oh, they're monumental. So that low for bright ruling that overruled Chevron deference, that is on the level of overturning Roe. I mean, this is going to have reverberation for years, for decades. And rightly so, it's peeling back some of the power that these unelected bureaucrats have. And unfortunately, you know, the Supreme Court can't, they can't just come out and say, look, Congress, do your job, stop outsourcing your job to the administrative agencies. But things like this will help ship away some of that abuse. And, you know, fundamentally, we're gonna have to run there. We got a hard break coming up. I'm gonna invite you back on emotionally. We'll continue our discussion later. Thank you so much. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And it's James Golden, a K.A. Boseley, sitting in for Dominic Carter today on this the 4th of July. Happy 4th of July. However, you are celebrating wherever you are celebrating some body. I don't know who caught up with Joy Reid. And it wasn't in the PMS NBC studios. And they asked Joy Reid about, I guess, the current state of affairs with Joe Biden and the troubles that he is going through. Rather than me try to describe to you in excruciating detail, the thoughts, and I say thoughts in air quotes of Joy Reid, why not just we listen? By the way, if you want to give us a call at any point 808489222 is how you reach us. Let us check in with Joy Reid. This is this may be outside of her house or outside somebody's house in in the DC area. But anyway, this is it. Y'all just tell me who the nominee is going to be. Let me know when you guys are finished fighting amongst yourselves who I got to vote for in November to keep Hitler out the White House. That's all I want to know who I got to vote for to keep Hitler out the White House. Y'all do your thing, play in traffic. All you want in front of these Republicans acting a fool in front of these people instead of privately declaring your stuff. But don't text me no more because I'm not taking no more of these texts. Just let me know when you guys are finished figuring it out. Democrats, because I know y'all the freak out people go ahead and freak out, have your conversation, and then let me know who I got to vote for to keep Hitler out the White House. That's it. I'm done. Oh, and by the way, if it's Biden in a coma, I'm a vote for Biden in a coma. I don't even really particularly like the guy. A lot of his palsy. Don't like him. He's not Donald Trump, right? Yeah. Hitler White House. We keeping him out. Keeping Project 2025 out. That's all I care about. Up and down the ballot from the root of the tutor. School board all the way up to White House and everything in between governors, members of Congress. I'm just going to vote all the way down to keep these people out. The Project 2025 thing is the whole Republican Party. At this point, it's not about Biden. It is not about him. It's above me now. There's a best Western next door. It is about keeping Donald Trump and his Project 2025 friends out of power. That's it for me, y'all. Y'all let me know what you think. And another thing. I've always got another thing. You guys do know that in 2020, y'all Democrats had choices of young people. You had a young LGBTQ guy, Mayor Pete. You had a Latino, you had Carla Harris, you had Ms. Warren, you had all the choices that were all younger than Biden, pressure, and knew what happened. And you know who y'all picked to be, the president and the nominee? Joe Biden. He beat all the young people. So yes, we have a gerontocracy problem on the Democratic side. I'm not too many of these oldy-goldies that don't seem to want to sit down and retire. But when given the choice between the young and fresh, and Joe Biden, y'all picked Joe Biden. That was what you picked. So he's in there because Democrats actually picked him in the first place. So just keep that in mind that you've been given options in the past and that's what you picked. And nobody stepped up to choose to run against him in the primary. So once again, Democrats went out and voted and picked. If you try to undo that choice, like 57 million some odd Democrats voted in these primaries, so what are you going to do? You're going to just tell them F off, we're going to pick somebody different. Why not? That's not him or Carla Harris who was on that ticket to on those ballots. That's not democracy. This choice has been made. And so again, unless he decides to walk away, this is your choice. It's like when you go to a wedding, you got chicken or fish, you can eat chicken or fish or just be hungry. Or like when I was growing up in my house, it's what mom made for dinner or go to bed. Is he choices? You don't always get choices in your love. You get what mom made for dinner or take your ass to bed. And in this case, it's either what mom made for dinner or Hitler. I'm voting for whoever ain't Hitler. And it ain't him. And I'm going all the way down that ballot rooted to the Tudor school board up to the White House. This is about power and about picking not Hitler. That's it. That's it. That's me. Okay, now I'm really done. Bye. Wow. So much there to unpack from the rooted Tudor Tudor. And you see the fish or what else? Fish or what? I don't remember the rest of it. But anyway, that was joy read. I'm sure that there would be some commentary about that. Remember, we got a gerontocracy here. And y'all, you could have had Mayor Pete Buddha. Oh, goodness. Do you think on this, anyone honestly think that Pete Buddha jag would have won the White House against Trump? Does anybody honestly think that Kamala then in 2020 would have Elizabeth Warren? Yeah, that's right. Let's go socialist full board. At least she's more open about it than Joe Biden was. But does anybody think that Elizabeth Warren would have a chance? No, you could have had Kamala. You could have had Pete Buddha jag. But you had a gerontocracy in you. You Democrats picked Biden. He he he he. And so now each of dinner, go to bed. And what she's also signaling there is if you dare Democrats, if you dare, if you dare, get rid of the unlikable Kamala Harris, if you dare do it, there will be problems within the Democrat party from their media allies, like Joy Reid. This is delicious. This is like dessert served as the main course. And it just keeps coming. Van Jones, former Obama administration official, Van Jones, I said yesterday, the Democrats behind closed doors are discussing how to replace President Biden at the top of the ticket, not whether to replace him or not. He said Democrats who defend Joe Biden on TV have a completely different or having completely different conversations in private. I understand people want to, you know, defend him and protect him, give him space and the dignity to make his own choice. But there's a big conversation in happening right now about how this happens, not whether it happens. What do you mean the dignity to make his own choice? The dignity to make his own choice, as long as he as long as he agrees with us, that it's time to go. That's Democrat version of pro choice. It's called agree with us. That's your choice. Not that you have a choice. Jones would want to say behind the scenes, it is full scale panic. People are passing around legal legal memos, PDFs to flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out what are the options? How can you replace him? How do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected? As he should be respected. You might want to consult with Hillary Clinton about that. How do you get him to leave and feel respected? Or just how do you get him to leave? I'm not going to go further with that train of thought because it would delve into matters that I would rather not. Let me just put it like this. The other day, there was a New York post cover, a New York post splash page on the print edition of their newspaper and it had Joe Biden vehemently saying, "Over my dead body, am I going to get out of here?" I saw that headline and I said, "Buddy, you're dealing with Democrats here." That's the only thing I'm going to say about it. Meanwhile, while Van Jones is busy telling everybody the discussions going on behind the scenes are not if Joe Biden is going to get out, but how are they going to win? He doesn't have a choice. There's no "if" here. It's done. Meanwhile, he says Biden is a great candidate. We have someone who loves this country. We have someone who has given his all, has taken his all. I mean his all to the last drop, like a Maxwell House coffee commercial. Joe Biden has given it all to the last drop, last drop of what I don't want to know for this country, but he may not be able to get across the finish line and the mature party has to take that into account. Old Joe can't get across the finish line. He's given it all. He's given it to the last drop. And old Joe ain't got no more to give. The last drop, drop of what? Don't ask. We won't tell. James Golden bus nearly sitting in for a dominant carter. Keep it right here. Telephone number 800-84-89222. Keep it right here with us. Coming back right after these wads. This is dominant carter. And now, it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, final thoughts. And for our final thoughts today on the dominant carter program here, on, let me tell you what it is. We're going to Russia. We're going all the way overseas. Now, Vladimir Putin has our final thoughts. He doesn't speak English. He'll be in the background and his translator will be up first. So, for the final thoughts today and your phone calls are coming up, let's check in with Vladimir Putin. You know the fact that Mr. Trump, as a presidential candidate, says that he's ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take that very seriously. I haven't seen his ideas on how exactly he's going to do that. And that is the key question. But I have no doubt that he says that sincerely and we support that. Well, what about that? Vladimir Putin, the fact that Donald Trump says he's going to end the war? Why? We take that very seriously. They don't take anything that Joe Biden says seriously, ever. But I wonder how the liberals will react around the country to this one. Vladimir Putin, saying he supports Donald Trump's plan in order to do he want the details. But I support the idea that Donald Trump wants to end this war. Let us see how that reverberates through. Okay, let us grab some telephone calls really quickly. Let's start in New York City with Joseph. Joseph, welcome. You're on Dominic Carter show, both nerdy filming and how are you? Thank you for all the work that you do for us. We really appreciate it. Well, thank you. July 19th, American Freedom Month, July 4th, and make America great again. And what are you doing this July 4th to celebrate? Celebrate? I'm listening to post-nearly for two hours. Boom. Thank you for the call. Appreciate it so much. Let's move over to New Jersey. Andrew, how are you? Welcome. Hey, how's it going? Both Hitler and racism. No one has been more racist or did more damage to the black community in America than the Democrat party, the history of racism, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist wing. And we all know of the Democrat party. Terrorist, we all know. Yes, the Democrat party. And we all know what the Klan was, but I didn't know what a grand clickel was. But I know because Joe Biden spoke at his funeral and said he was a great man, the Robert KKK bird, the grand clickel of the Ku Klux Klan. He praised him and said he was his role model, just like Hillary Margaret Sanger, who wanted to kill the black race, exterminate the black race. And by the way, Margaret Sanger's plans to do so with Planned Parenthood have been conducted without stop ever since that group. And that group is still funded by the left very well. And that plan to eliminate as many black lives as they can, because to Planned Parenthood, black lives apparently don't matter at all, neither do any lives. But that plan has been executed as well. And you even have leaders across the board, across every race on the left that support it. So yes, the damage is there for all to see and has been you talk about you contrast the words that we heard earlier, life, liberty, beginning life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, words that we're celebrating today and you contrast that with what we get from the left in terms of their actions and their policies. They give us death. They don't give us an a culture of death is what the left is all about from the womb all the way to the tomb. Liberty? No, they're not for liberty, therefore them being in control. That is what is so important about this administrative state being dismantled finally by the Supreme Court, the beginnings of it. And it may take 30 40 years before the full impact of that decision that just came down from the court is felt. But I will tell you that liberals are panicked. I read through a lot of publications. One of them is called government exec. It's a newsletter for government employees and people in the government. It's one of their quote unquote trade publications. And you can just see the panic that now is inside the bureaucracy because the sevron decision came down the way it did. And this sevron decision, a princess die who ladies and gentlemen, those of you who listened to both under his rush hour, listen to our Saturday show, know very well who princess die is Diane and me. One of the things that she explained so artfully and beautifully is that it is not it is also the deference. This is what it is, the deference that had to be paid to unelected bureaucrats. That was a state, meaning there were so many cases that came up where even judges could not make a decision because the law said the sevron law that the experts in these government agencies had to be given deference. So there were times when judges clearly wanted to rule against a regulation, a regulator, but they could not. They built and they baked their power inside legality. There are so many thousands upon thousands of regulations that inhibit the growth of commerce in this country that inhibit people from living fully free lives to act as they should. Lawfully, we're not talking about people doing terrible things to other people, we're talking about people who want to live their lives without interference, but government regulators, unelected government regulators, were given the power to decide how you should live your life. And that is what this Supreme Court tackled. You heard our guest earlier say this decision is just as big as wrote and it is. This chevron decision that came down overturning 40 years of precedent is going to change the very fabric of what we have been living under for the last 40 years. These ever increasing the case that went up, people don't even realize the case that prompted all of this. You had a bunch of you had a fishermen and his wife, the federal government decided well, these people that are out there fishing for a living can't be trusted. So we have to assign a monitor a government monitor to be on board their fishing vessel while they are out fishing and they have to pay for it. Imagine that you're out busting your hump as a as a fisherman. It is not an easy job. You're out there and now you have to have a government employee watching everything that you do because there is a presumption of guilt. You must be guilty of something. You can't be trusted to actually obey the fishery regulation. So we're going to put somebody on your boat and you, you have to pay for it. That was this case that finally was the breakthrough case in getting rid of the Chevron. It needed to go. It has needed to go for as many years as it had been enacted, 40 years. And now it's gone. We are witnessing monumental things that are happening, not just with the Democrat party, but what the Supreme Court has done this term and last term because we have a conservative majority on the court now is going to bring more freedom, more liberty to more people than ever. Remember, all it takes is $11 a month to support tunnel to towers donate $11 a month to tunnel to towers foundation at Stay tuned for both nerdy's rush hour. James Golden aka Snarely, our number duo with me coming up. Don't go away. Janine Pirro here for colonial metal screw. Colonial metal screw helps Americans protect their future with the most trusted store of wealth in human history, physical gold and silver. If you're retiring or retired, go to for your free Janine Pirro colonial metals group retirement protection kit or call 800-965-800-965-800-965-800-004 now to receive a free home safe and up to $7,500 in free silver.