Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-03-24

Today Dominic Carter wanted to make clear to his listeners, from the beginning of the show, that the presidential race for November is over. He said that the Democrats should start looking more aggressively for a replacement for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is not the best option to guaranteeĀ the women or black vote for them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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03 Jul 2024
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Today Dominic Carter wanted to make clear to his listeners, from the beginning of the show, that the presidential race for November is over. He said that the Democrats should start looking more aggressively for a replacement for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is not the best option to guaranteeĀ the women or black vote for them.

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>> Listen to your favorite shows live in on demand 24/7. Download the 77 WAVC mobile app now. [MUSIC] >> Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And folks, it is just a matter of time you don't recover from this from that debate performance. Dominic Carter here with you, President Biden, apparently admitting even though the White House is denying this, but admitting privately, he may have to drop out in days if post-debate events don't go well. Two published reports, The New York Times and CNN claimed Biden told an unnamed top ally he would consider pulling the plug on his campaign in coming days. If he believes he cannot convince the American public, he is fit to win against Trump. I'm sorry, White House, you were never going to beat Trump in this election cycle. I've been telling you folks this for months. Now, why do I say this? Why do I say this? And Dominic Carter here with you folks, let's go ahead and open up the phone lines, 808489222. You know it's a bad day. You know things are not going well. You know it's a death of a thousand cuts. When you're asked at the White House briefing, the question of whether the president of the United States naps every day, listen to this dodge. I have an afternoon nap every day. Let me be very clear about this. This is a president that wakes up every morning and puts the American people first. That's what he does. He does that every single day. That is his focus. I am not going to speak to sources out there, unnamed sources out there. That's not what I'm going to speak to. I'm going to speak to what I know, what this president does, and how he is committed to the work of the president, of the commander in chief. And his record clearly lays that out and speaks to it. And that's what he's going to continue to do. The American people first, the American people first, and delivering for them. Folks, it's over. The only question at this point is when the damage continues, 25 centrists, or I should say house Democrats, centrists. They are preparing to call on Biden to end his reelection effort. In other words, we have an incumbent president with no coattails. In other words, he's not the only one that can go down. These Democrats in the house can go down with him. They are in competitive districts around the country and the lawmakers most at risk of losing their seats in November. These centrist Democrats, and they are so alarmed by Biden's appearance last week at the showdown that they are considering writing a letter to Biden asking for him to step down in terms of his reelection campaign. A senator who voted with Biden, 96% of the time won't appear with him in her Wisconsin district. Senator Timmy Baldwin, one of Biden's Staunchest allies in Congress, apparently wants no part of the commander in chief as she is fighting in a reelection battle. And so tonight, the president is set to host some Democratic governors at the White House to discuss his political future, but it is just not looking good. And now we're reaching the comical stage of all of this. In terms of there are some, dare I say, that are suggesting that it's Kamala Harris time to replace Biden at the top of the ticket. I want you to listen to this, folks, and then we'll start with your telephone calls. Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio says Kamala Harris, yes, Kamala Harris should replace Biden at the top of the ticket. He appeared on MSNBC. So why do you think at this point, the president needs to get out of the race? Well, I watched the debate, Willie. I mean, we all saw it happening in real time, and it was so concerning to me that he's not up to the job. I mean, not just the campaign. You watched Donald Trump shapeshift, COVID, the economy, climate. He was able to string a story along that is completely untrue, as you just noted. But we have to have a candidate that couldn't push back and call BS on that stuff. There's too much at stake here, and you could poke holes in his arguments left and right. But the president was not able to do it. And again, I love him. But somebody I think like Kamala Harris, I think would be in that position. She would kick Trump's rear end in a debate. We've got the choice issue hanging out there. There's so much at stake in this election, for women especially. Laughable, absolutely laughable. Kamala Harris, there is no Democrat out there that can beat Donald Trump in 2024. It's not going to happen. He is headed back to the White House. His easiest opponent would be President Biden, but no matter who the Democrats might possibly come up with, it's not going to happen. More bad news for Biden. Nearly seven and ten voters say after the debate, Biden should step aside, should step aside and not seek reelection. An overwhelming majority of voters. This is the CBS News. UGOV survey shows a whopping 69% of registered voters think Biden should not still be running. After the debate performance, roughly the same percentage of males, 68%, females, 70%, whites, 74% and Hispanic voters, 66% say Biden Biden should not be on the Democratic ticket, should not be in this race. Let's begin with your telephone calls, Eric in New Jersey, good afternoon, Eric, what's on your mind? >> How you doing, Dominic? My last name is Carter also. >> Well, look at that, I believe that after looking at the debate, the other day, actually before the debate was even over, I agree with you that Biden should step down. But you should be, you should be worried about what you look this, look wish for, because I'm going to tell you the ticket that would wipe out Donald Trump and anybody else that he picked as a- >> Let's hear it, let's hear it. >> That would be Kamala Harris's president and her vice president pick would be Joaquin Castro. So an African-American woman and a Latino as a number two at the ticket. >> Yes, sir. >> Eric, I can tell you're a smart man, Kamala Harris, it's not going to happen. Kamala Harris, with all due respect to the vice president, is the biggest joke in America. How could you see her at the top of the ticket? >> Donna, you can dish out all of your which things that you feel, I'm a news junkie. And if that ticket comes to be, Donald Trump will not only lose the election, he'll end up in jail because the rest of his cases will end up being completed. >> No, you know, it'll be easy for you to remember my last name, so I'll call you back, Dominic. >> Okay, fair enough, Mr. Carter, thank you, thank you for the call. That's Eric Carter in New Jersey. I spoke to Teddy in my midnight program, and I want to hear what he has to say today. Teddy, line five, Yonkers, New York, Teddy, what's on your mind? >> Dominic, I still will take you out to Liebman's deli. You're a great guy. I love you. I respect you. >> Here's the setup. >> No, no, no, no, it's not a setup, Dominic, I just have to, I agree that he should retire. He does take naps, I take naps in the late afternoon, okay? >> Teddy, I take naps as well, I take, that doesn't mean that you're not up to the job. But when you look at Biden, I mean, it's clear, it's clear what's going on here, but go ahead, Teddy. >> He's to be the president, the highest office in the world, not the country in the world. You have to have a sharp mind. You have to be right on the money, acute. I give credit, even though I don't like Trump, and you know it, he speaks better. He's more clear, even though he lies a lot, but he's clear, and you understand what he's saying. >> Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, Teddy. You just said that Trump lies a lot, right? So the White House was asked about this just a short time ago. President Biden at the debate said that no American soldier has died on his watch. Now Teddy, you know that that's not true, correct? >> That's part of his mental, his mental impairment. So with Trump, it's lying, but with Biden, it's part of his mental age. So with Trump, it's devious, it's lying, Teddy, but with Biden, he's fipping because of his age. I want to make sure I got this right. >> Don't got it right, let's not go down that route, okay? Trump has been lying constantly. It's been documented by top journalists that he lied over 30 times in the debate, okay? Biden had a slip, yes, it wasn't the truth, but he wasn't lying on a repetitive basis like Trump does, and that's been documented, Dom, and I love you. >> Teddy, I love you too, but I'll ask you the same question I put to you all the time. Is your life better on the Trump compared to Biden? Real simple question. >> Well, Dom, I already told you I had to pay $6,000 more in taxes. If you had to say that, would you say that your life was better? >> Of course I would because you're not the only one that had to deal with this salt deduction situation, but you go to the gas station, thank you for the call, Teddy. You go to the gas station every day, you know what time it is, you go to the supermarket, you spend $100 to buy a pack of hamburger meat, and maybe some bread and a half a steak. Come on, Teddy, you know what time it is, Dominic Carter here with you, more of your telephone calls when we coming back, joining me in about 12 minutes, guardian angel Curtis Leewa, I'll be right back. >> Thank you. [MUSIC] >> Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. >> It's president Biden considering stepping down, absolutely not. >> And that just this short time ago from the White House published reports indicating that president Biden is privately acknowledging he may have to drop out in days if post-debate events don't go well, folks, it's over, it's over. The only question at this point is when does the president of the United States make this official and get out of this race? It was remarkable to watch the daily White House briefing, the type of questions that are coming from reporters. This is how you know that journalists can literally smell the blood in the water, if you will. One of the questions back and forth in terms of what does the president of the United States of America do outside the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? >> What does the president do outside the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM? >> Well, you heard him speak to supporters yesterday outside of 4 PM. You saw the president land in North Carolina in the middle of the night at 2 o'clock, what was he doing? He was reading supporters, hundreds of supporters that showed up to cheer him on after the debate. You saw him speaking at 9 o'clock or at night in New York in front of supporters. So he's been pretty much out there after the hours of 4 PM and before, before 10 AM for sure. And so that has been something he has consistently done over the past couple of days for sure, for certain. I don't even think she believes what came out of her mouth. And the best joke that I have heard all year long is Vice President Kamala Harris replacing Biden at the top of the ticket. Polling seems to indicate that as of right now, she would do better against Trump than what Biden is doing. But the key here is that no matter what, in either hypothetical, Trump still wins. Trump is headed back to the White House, no matter who the Democratic nominee. The court system being thrown at Trump didn't work, nothing is going to stop him. Angela, many old in New York, good afternoon, what's on your mind? How are you, I'm good, I just want to say that this is the real circus between Biden and Kamala. Trump has got this in a heartbeat, but I think that the Kamala will be a lousy president if she comes in. That's the understatement of the year, Angela, understatement of the year. Go right ahead. Continue. And I really think that all the Democrats are paranoid, they don't know where they go. This is like watching the three stooges. It's a joke. It's a joke. It really is a joke. So which one is Larry Mo and what, Curly, is that Larry Mo and Curly? Which one is who here? Well, okay, Larry would be Biden, Mo and Kamala, and Curly would be maybe his wife. I don't know. That's good Angela, off the top of your head you came up with an answer. Go ahead. It is really, it's really sad, but Trump's got it. And I love Trump because he's a Queens boy and I'm a Queens girl, and we don't take no baloney. We fight for what we've got and Trump's got it. And I hope one day I get a chance to hug President Trump and thank him for trying to save our nation. Fair enough, Angela. And I adore your show and I adore everybody. Go conservative Republican, Trump, Trump, Trump. Thank you, Angela, for the call. Technically, Steve and Manhattan, Steve, what's on your mind? All right, Dahmer, what's on my mind? We're a month shy of 50 years that Senator Barry Goldwater went to President Nixon. Steve, Steve, you know what, let's, let's do this. I'm going to save your call because you only had 15 seconds and you're, you're setting up a litany there. So I just don't have time for it right now. We are going to take a break. When we come back, Curtis Sleewa of the Guardian Angels and Steve, stay with me. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back with me right now, Cardi and Angel Curtis Sleewa. Hey, man, I'm back from Missouri. I missed you, man. I love you, man. I didn't miss you, gentlemen, I'm telling you, you went St. Louis, Missouri, where I set up a guardian angel chapter and I actually had a honeymoon in the one housing projects in North St. Louis. Oh, that's right. We won't say which wife. Let's leave that alone. Yeah, exactly. But man, that was like intense. What counts is that you have the real keeper now, Nancy. Exactly. But if you go down along the... Wait, wait, wait. Is Nancy ever in a bad mood? I've never seen her in a bad mood. Well, only when she's with me. Okay. Continue what you were saying. But anyway, you got the big three along the Mississippi River. You start with St. Louis and then you go to Memphis, New Orleans. I mean, we're talking high crime, homicides, gangs, murders, drugs. But I thought about you. So I was in Memphis, right? And I went to Elvis and I went to the Lorraine Hotel and I was in the Ozart area. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. But I thought about you in Memphis, Tennessee, to deal with these thugs and these out of control animals. You know what they do? It's like they borrowed a page from Curtis Sleever. At nighttime, you can't get to Beale Street unless you pay $5. That's everybody. Everything is roped off and blocked off and you have to show ID, they scan your ID, and you have to go through a mental detector. And I just think that's from the Curtis Sleever. Yes, because it's like Little Canal and Bourbon Street in New Orleans, they should start doing that there. They have intense problems in New Orleans. It's just a sign of the times that we won't let law enforcement get control of these areas. And these cities are dependent on tourism, no tourism, no economy, and nothing to support the vast social service system that exists in all three. So you warned me about crime in St. Louis, and I have to be honest with you, I was not feeling, I've been almost all over the country. I was not feeling St. Louis at all in terms of, you could tell, the crime, like baseball is big there, but it just wasn't feeling it. No, you could have gone out to Clayton and LaDoule, the very prosperous suburbs. You would have fit in there. Oh, yeah. Oh, what do you mean? I would have fit in there. What do you mean? Well, now that, hey, you're in Ramaphole, right, where even the lawn chockeys are white. Oh, God. Here we go. What are you working on today? Oh, here's another scam that comes with the illegal aliens in migrants. As you know, the mass majority of them are single able body young men and military age with nothing to do and no way to go. Many of them have late, particularly Venezuela and Ecuador, hardcore gang members. So now in the city of New York, which leads and the other cities follow, Eric Adams realizes can't put in big shelters in these neighborhoods. They're all battling back in all this protest. Curiously, we're going to come out here and get arrested and then getting everybody riled up. So now they figure, let's go to the faith-based community. I saw this about three months ago. They went into mass business, working class, blue collar area, and there was a synagogue that hasn't really functioned in a while because they can't even get a minion. So the rabbi was asked by the city, put in a pre-K program, we need space. They went to the community board, community boards, a good rabbi. He really need this and he was getting paid pretty decent money to house that pre-K program. Then another city agency, Department of Homeless Services, called him up and said, "We'll double your dollars. We'll double your dollars if you take in migrants instead." He goes, "Well, what do I do with the pre-K program? Cancel it." So he cancels the pre-K, you know, suspense, at least. And then he's getting $200 a night per head, 15 young men. They come in at seven at night, they leave at seven in the morning. That's $3,000 a night. That's $21,000 a week, that's $84,000 a month. That's $1 million a year. Are you serious? I am serious. And then the people came out and started protesting it, put the rabbi said, "Well, there's nothing I can do." But they said, "But you don't even have a synagogue any longer. You don't even have a congregation." So now they're going to Staten Island where Eric Adams has had no luck. He has stopped him every step of the way. And they found a Protestant church because, you know, there are a lot of online Protestant churches. Piscopalian's Methodist Presbyterian's Lutherans, they don't really have a congregation any longer. And they hope for them the same deal. And they're trying to put 15 adult males unchecked, unvetted, undocumented into this area of Port Richmond. And we turned out hundreds of people last night in a demonstration. I guess it was standing on the steps of the church defending their right to take in these 15 adult males unchecked, unvetted, undocumented. Three groups, Black Lives Matter and Tifa and MS-13, 12 guys dressed in gang garb throwing gang signs with gang tattoos. You know what they're going to do, they're the 15 males, they're going to approach them and say, "You either join us, become a gang banger, or we're going to give you a beat for them," and we're doing everything in the world to stop that from happening. There's all kinds of violations in the church, fire violations, electrical wiring not in place, not a proper place to sleep. They want to put in showers, they can't, they're not zoned to do that. So we're going to close that down too. But this is another way that they try to sneak these illegals in. Imagine a million dollars a year if these churches are synagogues or mosques just taking 15 males from seven at night to seven in the morning, what are they going to do during the day, Dominic? They're going to hang out in the neighborhood, going to get into double trouble. And this Eric Adams, he doesn't care, there's a lot of money to be made here, there's a lot of contracts and a hell of a lot of kickbacks. So you can wear your cross, you can wear your crescent, you can wear your various religious symbols. We're coming after you because you're not destroying our neighborhoods. Don't hide behind your religious saying, oh, what would Jesus do? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, we're kicking you out. You don't belong here. Go back to your country. This is America. And on our independence, Fourth of July birthday, they're trying to do this to the most patriotic of boroughs, Staten Island that has the Travis Fourth of July parade tomorrow. The longest running in the nation just a few blocks away. Wow. Wow. Curtis Lee. Thank you. Thank you very much. And, uh, and you know, I love you, man. No, I don't go that way. See, if you ever leave again, just let me know I'll take over your spot. Don't bother coming back. Curtis Lee, well, thank you. Thank you so much. Look forward to seeing you in the very near future. I still love you, man. So we are discussing the troubles of President Biden. It's over. The president cannot finish this race. You'll see folks. The only question is, when does he actually drop out the White House at the briefing today had a tough time and tough time. I want you to listen to this. One of the back and forth about the president, whether he sleeps during the day, what does he do after the hour of 4 p.m. Listen to this one exchange here that or response, I should say, should say it would happen at the White House just a short time ago. We didn't invite the president to come here and tell us directly. No, no, no, no, but he's awake. That's inappropriate. As you heard from your colleague, the president of the WHA, that's inappropriate. Thank you, Kelly. So one more time. I want you, I want you folks to hear this. So you have Kelly, I believe it was Kelly O'Donnell, very professional journalist asking the question. And she states, you know, it's a little dig at the press secretary. Well, the president is welcome to come here himself and answer the questions. And then you have another reporter from behind her. You may have heard it say, if he's awake, listen to this one more time. We would invite the president to come here and tell us directly. No, no, no, no, no, but he's awake. That's inappropriate. As you heard from your colleague, the president of the WHA, that's inappropriate. Thank you, Kelly. And so the White House press secretary says, thank you, Kelly, for stating that it's inappropriate. But reporters, it is such an onslaught at this point. Reporters are not even hiding it anymore. And by the way, the ex New York Times executive editor, New York Times executive editor is blasting White House reporters for their role and what she calls the Biden cover-up that it's simply astounding for my New York Times executive editor, Jill Abrahamson, Abrahamson, is blasting journalists in Washington for failing to hold power accountable and taking part in a massive cover-up to shield President Biden's decline, adding it is our duty to poke through White House smoke screens and find out the truth. She's right about that. This story, it didn't just happen at the debate. This has been an ongoing situation. But I'm looking up at a monitor at the Fox News channel, and it says, Harris, this in September, it says she's ready to serve if necessary. Well, we see she did a wonderful job at the border, and she's ready to serve if necessary. Steven Manhattan, Steve, you got to get to your point. It's got to be quick. I have a lot of calls. Steven Manhattan, Manhattan line one, Steve, what's on your mind? All right, Don, you and Curtis mentioned two famous streets. I like to mention Bagel Street from Avidic Estello, but I'm not going to get into the gold water thing. He told Nixon he had to vote. Steve, do me a favor. It's got to be quick. I have a lot of people waiting. Get to the point. I know, but a lot of people like the image out there. No, no, that's that's in your mind, Steve. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Steve in New Jersey, Steve, what's going on. I cannot believe Steven Manhattan just said a lot of people liked it. Steve, you're not a talk show host. We get along. I take your call, but stop thinking that there are some people who listen to this program and to the station that think that they're really a talk show host. You just heard what the man just said. I said, Steve, get to the point. He said, there are a lot of people who like to hear me. Anyway, Steve in New Jersey, Steve, what's on your mind? >> Hey, Dom, Dom, I'm just a couple of years older than you, but the last time I remembered this type of political chaos in Washington, just about 50 years ago this time, they were pushing Richard Nixon out the door. And another parallel here is he had put in a weak vice president as an insurance policy. How'd that work out for the US? We got stuck with Gerald Ford and the US, and then eventually Jimmy Carter. Please, folks. So I make, Kamala Harris will make a terrible president. >> Amen. >> Amen. >> Let's encourage, please get out to vote in November or before in masses. Too big to rig, all right, please. And then in the meantime, the media, the American media and the Democrats and even some Republicans who have covered this up for four years need to be held accountable in the court of public opinion, for putting the nation in this dire straits, what do you say, Dom? >> You're correct, Steve, and folks do need to be held accountable because this story didn't happen overnight, it's just unfolding publicly now, where you can't hide it anymore. Once that debate stage, it's live, and it's either you put up or you shut up. And for the Democrats, the president was not able to put up, Steve, thank you for the call. Let's go to Russ and White Plains, New York, line one, Russ, what's on your mind? >> All right, I'd like to know if you think we're in the middle of World War three, come election time. Do you think it would shift about 5% of the voters because nobody wants to change the horse and midstream? And of course, Trump is a Russia, Russia, Russia plant, do you think that Biden would pull something like that? >> To win an election, I'm stuck on what you said, Russia, Russia. >> As it relates to Trump, and what were you trying to say? Let's go back to that. >> Okay, well, what I really was saying was that I hope Biden stays in because a landslide for Trump will mean the Democrat Party will rethink its leadership and get rid of a lot of these, you know, the dead wood, so to speak. But I think on the other side, I'm a little worried that they just parked over another 5 billion to Ukraine for who knows what kind of weapon that can reach Moscow. And I believe that just like Clinton with the Serbian Monica, they wag the dog, the tail wags the dog, and Biden's seen it work before. And when he says, I'm in it till the bitter end, I worry about what the bitter end will be. >> Okay. >> So I think a lot of Democrats are leaving to become Republicans and independents. And that means we're going to have new reasonable leaders emerging and not the people who've enabled Biden, that's what I think. >> Well, thank you for the call Russ, all these progressives need to go. President Biden did the two step with them to get into office. As a matter of fact, that's how the country ended up with Kamala Harris. You know, basically he said, I don't like that woman, she called me a racist during a debate. And then somebody said, you know what, you know what Joe, we can win. Get that white or get that black woman out of California, get her, the one that Obama said is good looking. And we can win, we'll get all the black vote. And yes, that's exactly what happened. But look at you now and look at the country now. It's not looking too good, but hope is right around the corner and his name is Donald Trump. >> This is Dominic Carter. >> And now it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, final thoughts. >> The Tunnel to Towers Foundation, the folks over there, they do outstanding work helping Americans. Americans in need of help, veterans, first responders, simply outstanding. Dominic Carter here with you, programming note for the 4th of July. I am off tomorrow during the daytime show, this show at 3pm, but I will be back on Friday. And I will be here for the midnight show. So just a program note, I won't be with you folks tomorrow, but I'll be back on Friday. And the question is, will President Biden still be around as a Democratic candidate by then? And I'm being a bit sarcastic, he'll be around. But the question is for how much longer, because in all seriousness here, he's not going to make it. It's over for him. Let's go to Derek in Kentucky, good afternoon, Derek, what's on your mind? >> Hey, Dominic, first of all, let me guarantee you, I'm not a talk show host, there's nobody in your audience that wants to listen to me, I promise. In respect to the clip from Karine Jean-Pierre, she ratted off this list of all these times outside at 10am and 4pm that the president was out here, he was talking to supporters, he was here, he was talking to supporters, he was here, he was talking to supporters. What are we supposed to be proud of that? I don't care if he talks to supporters, I want the president to be able to talk to people who disagree with him. The centers, people that are going to challenge him, and I don't believe he can do that. How many times did we see when President Trump was on his way to the helicopter, on his way to Air Force One, he's up against the wall and he's got the reporters asking them all these questions. They didn't ask him, both asked him hard questions. >> Derek, you are so correct, they didn't just challenge him, Trump, they tried to rip his lungs out, and I know because I know how it's done. And reporters will sit around for hours working on that one question to find any possible loophole to make sure that Trump couldn't answer it. And he answered them all the time, so you are correct, Derek, you have the final say before I move on. >> Thank you very much, just letting you know I'm listening from Kentucky, I love a Lovelace and the WABC, have a great day. >> Fantastic, and thank you, that is so nice of you to say, Derek, look forward to chatting with you in the future. Let's go from Kentucky to New Jersey, Anthony, good afternoon, Anthony, what's on your mind? >> Dominic, you do a great job, my man, phenomenal. I have a question, all these people keep saying that Donald Trump lied, they say he lied 30 times, he lied, he lied, he lied, he lied, but they never list a single one. And you helped me with that, my friend. >> Well, you know, you raise an excellent question, Anthony, there are some things that as a host that I can respond to, some things I can't respond to, they can say whatever they want about Trump, they had to come up with something. The way the narrative works is, okay, we're trashing Biden with coverage. So we have to find something negative to say about Trump. So that was the talk that was the line. Go ahead, go ahead. >> I can't say list a lie, list one, give me something. >> Right, well, I'm with you, I haven't even paid it any attention because it's nonsense. It's nonsense. The fact that it matter is Trump did an outstanding job, and I'm stating this, I'm not being biased, trust me, Anthony, if I thought Trump did a horrible job at the debate, I would tell you on this program. He did not, he hit the ball, out the park, bases loaded, and he showed some class in terms of not going after Biden. Would Biden have done the same thing for him? I don't think so. Thank you so much for the call, Anthony in New Jersey. Let's go to Stu, Brooklyn, New York, line four, Stu, what's on your mind? >> I think I'm telling Joey, coming off with some, Tom, two things real quick. One, I think that the whole thing with the Biden is that they're holding out to the last score, so they're going to try and shake the Democrats down for 50 million bucks to get rid of them. The other thing is JFK, CV67, it's in Moore's Falls. We ought to buy it for a buck from the Navy, put it out of gear, and put 5 to 6,000 people on it. What do you think? >> In terms of the migrants, is that what you're, well, hey, anything that's going to get them out of here is something that I support. Thank you for the call. Sandra in New Jersey, Sandra, it has to be quick, we're short on time. Go right ahead. >> Okay, I just want to compliment Donald Trump on how he is acting pro debate. >> He hasn't heard from him, he's doing a low profile, I think his advisers love him, I think he trusts the people that are advising him, and he's not saying a word about anything, and he doesn't need to, because it's all telling the tale without him saying anything in his true his advantage. >> You are correct, Sandra, Trump is essentially stating, how do you like me now? Folks, it's been a great honor being with you. I want you to have a wonderful, wonderful, 4th of July, I will be back on Friday. Folks, all it takes is $11 a month, donate $11 a month to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation at, have a great day.