Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-03-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic talks about Judge Merchan pushing Trump's sentencing back to September as well as a democratic congressman pushing for Biden to step down. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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03 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic talks about Judge Merchan pushing Trump's sentencing back to September as well as a democratic congressman pushing for Biden to step down.

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>> Listen to your favorite shows live in on demand 24/7. Download the 77 WAVC mobile app now. [MUSIC] >> Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And good morning, good morning, good morning, everyone. Everything is coming up, roses, well, everything is coming up. Trump, the judge delays the Trump hush money sentencing. In the wake of the Supreme Court immunity decision. Dominic Carter here with you and Donald Trump's sentencing. For this alleged hush money case, which Stormy Daniels. It has been pushed back to September following an indication. Trump's lawyers will seek to set aside the former president's conviction and light of Monday's stunning US Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. The sentencing, which was scheduled, are for July 11th. Scheduled for only eight days from now, will be delayed until it released. September 18th, according to Judge Marchant as he wrote Tuesday, potentially pushing it to just weeks before the election in November. Marchant, the judge is set to rule on Trump's motion to set aside the verdict. September 6th, the judge wrote, listen to the language. The sentencing, if such is still necessary. Key word, the judge wrote the sentencing. If such is still necessary is expected to happen around two weeks later after September 6. But again, the key words, Judge Marchant writing, if the sentencing is still necessary. 808489222808489222. The sentencing, and you may recall folks, I said stay calm. Let's see what happens. Everything is coming up Trump. And the reason why it's coming up Trump is because the system never should have had him in his position to begin with. It was partisan petty politics. The sentencing was expected to be the only time the former president would face criminal accountability before the election. There has been significant delays in Trump's other cases, as you know, and his trial in Washington, DC, where he is charged with illegally attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election, another nonsense charge. And that's expected to be further delayed because of the Supreme Court decision. More excuses from the Biden administration. President Biden says he nearly fell asleep at the debate blames foreign travel, despite a week off to rest. President Biden claimed Tuesday, foreign travel left him so tired, so tired that he nearly quote fell asleep during the debate disaster performance last week, even though he had 13 days to recover from his most recent trip abroad, including a full week at Camp David with afternoon naps. You can't make this up. So Trump is also demanding that the feds drop the criminal cases after what he calls, what he sent out via social media, the Supreme Court, quote, spanking Trump demanding that all criminal cases against him be dropped after the Supreme Court delivered what he refers to what Trump refers to as a high level spanking of special counsel, Jack Smith. And now get ahold of this. And I want you to listen to this folks, folks, the first Democrat in Congress, the first Democrat in Congress is calling on Biden to resign from the 2020 for election after that debate. And Lloyd Daggett, who represents a blue district in based in Austin, Texas, says that the stakes are too high and that Biden staying in the race after the debate risk a Trump victory. Listen to what the Congressman, the longtime Democrat from Texas had to say on MSNBC. I was so moved by that evening that the next morning, I was out to talk on the floor of Congress with our leadership and with as many of my colleagues as I could find to express the view that it was time for a replacement and for President Biden to step aside. Coming home to Texas this weekend, I would say that the input from my constituents has been 10 to one in favor of replacing President Biden on the ticket. You heard that, folks, and now a Congressman from Maine, another Democrat, says that he's known for some time that it's been obvious that Trump was going to win the election for the Biden campaign. It amounts to almost a death of a thousand cuts. We are about to begin with your calls 80848 9222 listen as well to what Congressman Lloyd Daggett again, who represents a blue district in Austin, Texas, what he had to say and continuing his call for President Biden to step aside. Take a listen. You are at least at the moment now, Congressman, as you well know, out on to a degree a limb by yourself, the only Democratic lawmaker who has now put your name behind this call for President Biden to step aside. Have you heard from any other colleagues who feel the same way? Yes, I have, and I understood it was a limb. When I crawled out on it, I've been in Congress. You can tell I'm not the most youthful member there, and I'm not the most endangered member, and I thought it was time for me to speak up not for any self-gain, but because I think the risk to our country is so great and we need to have the strongest candidate possible in order to assure that the values that we hold for our democracy are not traded for an authoritarian, strong man, Beno revenge against his opponents. Do you expect any of the other colleagues that you've heard from to follow your lead? I'm hopeful that some of them will. Maybe more importantly, is that they express their views privately to the White House. It's over, folks. No matter how you look at this, I've been telling you for months that Trump is headed back to the White House. That is exactly what is going to happen. No matter how much the establishment tried to stop him, it's inevitable what's about to happen. Your telephone calls, "Sandra" in New Jersey. Good morning, Sandra. What's on your mind? Oh, good morning, Dominic. Well, I think I agree with you that Donald Trump will be going back to the White House. But I have to say, what they put this man through is an outrage. Many willows, that's crumbling, Jack Smith, that's crumbling, and now, more stands. Those last words that you said, if such is still necessary, he's already saying he's going to probably dismiss this too. And in the end, all the stress they put this man through for nothing is an outrage. That's how I feel. You know what, Sandra? You're correct about that. You know, God forbid, if Mr. Trump grabbed his chest and collapsed based on all the pressure that they put it through. And this has been so political that everyone could see through this. It was just not necessary, but yet, it went on. And now, even Judge Mershant, the judge in New York, his hands are tied, talking about again, in terms of sentencing Trump, quote, if such is still necessary, major, major words from this judge, because basically the Supreme Court has said, listen, let's stop the political games. You don't have the ultimate authority, judge in New York, we do. And even to the liberal members of the court, six, three ruling. And I think Americans can live with that, because you could see through exactly what they were trying to do to Trump. Every move has completely backfired. Sandra, thank you for the call. Let's stay in New Jersey. Let's say good morning to Lauren, line four. Good morning, Lauren. What's on your mind? Hello, well, it's such a critically, hideously serious topic, but I would like to just suggest that the next time Biden has a freeze like that, a brain freeze, they can just say that he ate his ice cream too quickly. In the middle of a debate, huh? Yeah, well, right before he, oh, he just, he ate his ice cream too quickly. But yeah, it's just such a horrible, horrible subject that we as a country are facing. It's very hard to keep a sense of humor. But it is. It is. And so, so, Lauren, when the president says he nearly fell asleep at the debate blaming foreign travel, despite a week off to rest, what does that say to you? Oh, well, it is said to me, it says to me, and it says to a lot of us that we've known for a long time, he's totally, he's totally horrible with everything. And you know, during that debate, Dominic, when I thought it was just so disgusting how he said none of our service people died under his watch. Ridiculous, despicable, despicable, just despicable. So, I mean, it's all just hideous what, what he has done to this country and the world, really the world. And the media, the media, right, they can't just let Trump have a good day based on his debate performance. The media says, yes, Biden blew it, but Trump lied repeatedly. And to your point, Lauren, to state that service members have not died on his watch, we have 13 bodies in Afghanistan, and we all know what happened. The entire world knows what happened. What happened? And yet, and yet, you're going to call Trump out as a liar, but you're not going to say that that Biden lied and that these bodies, these soldiers have families that are still mourning their death when none of this had to, had to happen in Afghanistan. Lauren, thank you for the call, folks, we are taking your calls this morning at 808489222. We are going to take a break when we come back more of your telephone calls. Stay with us. This is Dominic Carter. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And continuing his victory lap, if you will, after the Supreme Court gave him a big victory former President Donald Trump calling on attorney general Garland to order an end to the prosecutions against him. Any reasonable person looking at this would agree with that perspective that this should come to an end, because even these judges like in New York City that appear to be on a clear mission, now even their hands are tied and they can't carry out the marching orders against Trump. Let's go to Joe, Rhode Island. Good morning, Joe. What's on your mind? Dominic. With all respect, I think you're misreading the last clause in the merchant's order. Any judge would have to say if sentence is necessary, because that's the issue that he has to decide whether there will be a sentencing or not. Otherwise, if he just said sentencing will occur on that date, it suggests that he's going to deny the motion that he hasn't heard. That's number one. The second point is, and the media doesn't touch on this at all, Hunter Biden, by all rights, should have no input into his father's decision. Why? He will benefit most directly from his father's continuation in office in that he could have a sentence commuted or pardoned, and no way in the media is focusing on that. But I thank you for giving me this opportunity. Wait a second, Joe. So you don't think that Mershan, the judge in New York, doesn't see over his left shoulder the Supreme Court is watching closely? Yes, but that's different. I can tell you, I used to do that work, and I know that you have to put that clause in there, that if this is necessary, because you have to decide that very question. But there's nothing unusual about that, and any good judge would put that in there. I don't know what Mershan's thinking. I can't speak to that. But I don't think the clause there suggests that he's going to do one thing or the other. Well, we respectfully disagree, because I've covered courts a long time. I just heard what you say that you worked in this business, but I just respectfully disagree with you. The judge's hands are tied, and that he's trying to find a way out. Maybe this is a little premature, he's trying to find a way out. But one thing I definitely agree with you on Joe is that Hunter Biden, I mean, the White House doesn't even hide that he's advising the president. How do you in a debate refer to Trump as a convicted felon when the same scenario just played out for your son? Joe, explain that one to me. I'm not just beating that. Okay, well, no, I'm just saying I'm asking you in terms of how does one say, look, Trump is a convicted felon when the same thing just happened to the president's son? Yeah, of course, one flow from the other, but I don't think Biden is saying that his son is not a convicted felon. Right. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much for your call. Let's go to Simon in Brooklyn, New York, line five. Good morning, Simon. What's on your mind? Good morning. How are you doing? Great. Well, getting good. Good news. Thank God. I think even, you know, the day Trump did the debate that day he was busy with one of the, there was a funeral of undergrowth or rape and guilt and you could see he took it very seriously, put a lot of time in it. It's the 12 year old girl in Houston. And by the way, the mother was so honored that minutes before the debate that aired live on CNN, Trump called her on the telephone just minutes before the debate. And she's talked about it, but go ahead. And that shows his, and they're trying to bash him. He's this animal. He's a very, very special man. He made that call to show he's, and he really means it, he's not, you know, he has a great heart. And he took the call and he felt their pain, and he said, that's going to give me strength. Your loss of your daughter will give me strength to change this whole situation in America. And we lost four or five girls who were raped by these, by these animals who came in through the border. And they should, all these people who let the border open, they're like, imagine go to a zoo, and you say all the lines go, go and go, go loose. So the people who are letting these people go loose, they'll be charged for murder. Absolutely. And it's, it's, it's simon, it's horrible what's happening at the border. And more and more migrants are coming in. And the Biden administration thought that the courts would deal with Trump and eliminate him, but it's appearing to be just the opposite, we'll be right back. Now, now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter, and folks, things are not looking good for the Biden administration. A long time democratic donor is criticizing President Biden for quote, deceiving voters demanding he quit the 2024 race immediately. Whitney Tilson, longtime Wall Street investor, democratic donor, has accused President Biden of deceiving the American people about his mental fitness for office and demanding he stepped down immediately. The first Democrat in Congress on Tuesday called on Biden to also withdraw from the race. Congressman Lloyd Daggett, who represents Austin, Texas, says the stakes are too high and that Biden should not be in the race. He appeared, he appeared on MSNBC. I did call yesterday afternoon, courtesy call to let them know of my concern in my, and that I wanted to speak directly to the president about the, the need for him to step aside. So I recognize that's as challenging a decision for him as, as was true in other circumstances for President Lyndon B. Johnson, whose district I have the heart of now to represent. >> So to be clear then, Congressman, you did not speak directly to the president? >> I have not. >> Is there anything that you could hear from him or see from him that would get you to change your mind? >> Well, there's plenty I could see from him and you referred to some of it just a few minutes ago, you would think after the kind of performance that we saw there, he would be out engaging, not with a teleprompter, but with one reporter after another to answer the hard questions that are out there. I think that's more important to me than a cognitive test or anything else is to demonstrate that last Thursday was an aberration and that he's ready to actively engage and answer all the hard questions again and again. That's the kind of engagement we need to have if he chooses to stay in the race. I hope that he will put country first. >> Put country first and that's something it really happens in terms of presidential candidates, but that is something that should happen in this case. Let's return to your telephone calls 800-84-8922 Teddy Yonkers, New York. Good morning, Teddy. What's on your mind this morning? Good morning, Dominic, once again, I agree with the Democrat from Texas who said Biden should withdraw from the nomination, okay? I do not feel that he is physically or mentally capable of being president. I have criticized many Democrats and you know I have, and I love you, but I haven't heard you at all, and I'll stand corrected and I'll do a meacompa if I'm wrong. I haven't heard you criticize Lauren Bobart, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gates, how he carried on. >> Well, then, well, I have criticized Matt Gates, I haven't -- let me finish, please. I haven't criticized the others in recent memory, my recent memory, because frankly, they're not on my radar screen, so you want me to criticize them for what? Just like I really don't criticize members of the squad, because I think that they're all clowns. I have recently done a turn. >> And Marjorie Taylor Greene is not a clown? >> And I think she does a good job advocating for the voters of her district. >> Oh, but, no, no, no, I will not accept that. No, Dominic, I will not accept that. She said that Jews came with blazers from outer space. Come on, Dominic, Lauren Bobart. >> Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, did she actually say that on tape? >> She said that, man. >> No, no, no, no. You didn't answer my question, did she actually say that on tape, or is that attributed to her? >> Oh, no, it's on tape. It's on tape. >> I haven't heard it. I haven't heard it. Okay? >> Well, Dominic, you, as a journalist, as a top journalist, like you told me, okay, you would do the research to verify that. >> Okay, but Teddy, what you're doing is you're cherry picking for members of Congress that you want me to criticize. There are so many members, why should I just be focusing on one of two that one or two that Teddy wants me to focus on? >> Dominic, then I could say the same thing about what the Democrats, I focused on the squad, mainly the squad. That's it, okay? And you focus on the whole Democratic Party, Dominic? >> Right, because the party as a whole, I don't, I, Teddy, I don't have enough airtime to focus on each member of Congress. And frankly, that would be boring radio. The members that you mentioned, they're just not on my radar screen, unless they do something, go ahead. >> Go ahead. >> I'm not, okay, Dominic, I love you. I'm not going to criticize the whole Democratic Party. I can't do that. And I won't, I won't, and I'm not going to criticize the whole Republican Party. But there's many in the Republican Party that I don't care for, what they stand for. But there are many good ones. >> Teddy, Teddy, wait, wait, I want to make sure I got this right. So I have admiration for you. So your point is you are taking exception with me, because you want me to specifically criticize Marjorie Taylor Greene. And you think that's fair? >> I want you to criticize some of the Republicans, okay, you got to be able to look in the mirror and say, if I can criticize the Democrats, then I have to be able to criticize the Democrats. And listen, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, I have no problem criticizing Republicans. And I have done so in the past, right? But right now, right now, the story is the Democratic Party coming apart. So you want me to ignore, at the top of the ticket, the whole party is imploding, if you will, and you want me to focus on something else and ignore the story. All right, we're in bear shape, or we're in bear shape. I'd tell what's her name from Rockland County, I'm a math teacher. She doesn't know anything about marginal tax bracket, okay? I know exactly, okay? I had taxes about $22,000 that I should have been taken off before the Trump tax laws. Now it's only $10,000, and when you do the difference, I have lost $6,000. So she doesn't know a damn thing about math. You hear me from whatever their name was from Rockland County, okay? Gracie from Rockland County, right. Okay, well, Teddy, Teddy, thank you for the call. Thank you. Let's go to Susan, line three. Good morning, Susan. What's on your mind? Wow. Dominic, so much has happened since we last spoke Monday when the Supreme Court came out with the ruling about the presidential immunity and how that is going to be very influential in the so-called medications, but especially the New York case, so-called tush money case with our friend, Marshawn, and how he did take the sentencing from July 11th to September or later because of the debate, but because of the ruling from the Supreme Court about- Right. Right. I know Susan, but I don't need you to restate what I already said at the top of the show. I didn't hear you. We all know that. Go ahead. Oh, sorry. I was- I guess I missed that, but that, you know, the whole case is crumbling and that now we're going to have a whole different, you know, come to Jesus moment with these cases that should have never even been heard. Now that I love, I'll come to Jesus moment. I love what you just said there, Susan. That is accurate because it is time for I'll come to Jesus moment. They thought they were going to take Trump out, all they did was make him bigger. That's all they did. Susan, thank you for the call. Let's go to Audrey and Brooklyn, New York. Good morning, Audrey. What's on your mind? No, I'm looking. I got my phone fixed, so you'll hear me. Okay. I can't give up on what Alzheimer's is because people are talking as if they know. I've lived with people, family members that had Alzheimer's. My mother, thank God she didn't have it, 93, but it's a process. They go through mentally. Biden does not have Alzheimer's or dementia, but- So what does he have? So what does he have? And we're not doctors. We're not doctors, but what does he have there? No, I'm not a doctor either, but I cannot just finish because I hear- No, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, you look at Audrey, Audrey, you like to make these long statements? No, I don't. No, I don't. Audrey, please, not based in reality, and then you say to me, "Let me finish." So clearly something, Audrey, I'm going to, Audrey, I'm going to give you your say, but please let me just finish. So you said it's not dementia, it's not along that realm. So then what's the problem? So you're telling me what he don't have, the president doesn't have, but you're not answering what it may be. Okay, I'm going to answer you. I don't know what it is. I know that folks are saying just repeating what they hear, but bottom line, it's not about mental stuff, it's about the direction of the country, that's what I was going to say. Right, so what you're doing is giving me a democratic talking point. You're giving me a democratic talking point, that's all you're doing. I'm doing the candidate, that's disrespectful, Dominic. No, it's not, it's not. Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, I like you, but you don't like when you get checked on, frankly, the nonsense, but all you just did was give me the democratic spin and say that he doesn't have dementia. Even if you had a loved one to dealt with this, and many of us have had loved ones to dealt with it, you wouldn't know, I wouldn't know. I wouldn't even know, but you can't make a definitive blanket statement that he doesn't have that because we don't know. And when you say it's more about the record, you sound like Pelosi, you sound like a vice president, Kamala Harris, that was clearly a democratic talking point after the debate. There were two talking points, and I'll have you let you have your final say. One was Trump lied, and the other one was bad debate, but great president, you have the final word. Go ahead. Okay, first of all, I'm an independent, neither Democrat or Republican, and I just said something that I felt, and I would always beat that way. I don't know. I know it's up to the country to decide what direction by voting in this election. That's all it's about to me. Fair enough, Audrey, thank you for the call. Let's stay in Brooklyn, New York. Good morning, Vincent. What's on your mind? I'm responding to Teddy's call about there. They put the $10,000 cap on the property tax that you go right off. So productions. Yeah. I have Dominic. I own the apartment building and have been in real estate for 50 years, and the reason why the Trump administration put that cap on is that you have people, Wall Street types of people are making a lot of bread. They live in these mainly blue cities. They paid these high property taxes, and if they held their county officials, especially in New York City, responsible for why you keep raising my taxes every year on the Giuliani Dominic, my property taxes, if they went an extra $50 a year, it was a lot. This is the truth, Dom. In 2023, I paid 100% more in property taxes than I paid in 2022. And I just paid my property taxes at the beginning of this week for the 24-25 tax year. They wanted an additional $2,200. Now when folks here, at the other day, they passed a budget of $127 billion, when the Blasio took office with $77 billion, where's this money coming from? It's got to come from taxes, from cameras on the road catching you if you go 26 miles an hour rather than 25. Where are you going to get this money? That's why the cap was put on there so that we as a people could start to rein in. These crazy ideas of these politicians, and most of them are in blue cities. They are giveaways. I didn't mind having the cap on that. I voted for Trump and tend to vote for Trump again, but where does this money come from? These politicians, and Dom, is the deal. You know better than anybody. The streets are filthy, they're on face, the subway fares are going up, the service takes. I mean, what are we getting for this? They're teaching kids how to put condoms on cute combs rather than teaching them their math and everything. We're not... Agree. Hey, Vincent. Vincent, I thank you for the wonderful call. I just have to step in because I do have to take a break. When we come back, we'll have your calls from New Jersey, Long Island, Pennsylvania, Queens, all over the country. We will be right back. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. President Trump's sentencing in New York has been pushed back from July 11th to September following the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. This has more excuses from the Biden administration. President Biden stating he nearly fell asleep at the debate, blaming foreign travel. Foreign travel, despite a week off to rest. Back to your telephone calls up until the top of the hour, Marianne, line five. Good morning, Marianne. What's on your mind? Good morning. I'm going to say something that I believe that we've been expected to happen so rapidly. But... I did. Let's go ahead. Go ahead. This is why I kept warning everybody to just, I should shake caution, everybody, to just relax and let's wait and see what happens. But go ahead. Yes. New York. Well, my favorite congresswoman is Manjorie Taylor Greene. Why? Because she is the only one that confronts the communist socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that seems she became a member of Congress, underscored. They have said this country of fire. I have never seen so much division like these women do, and this is why I love Manjorie Taylor. It's a patriot. Well, fair enough. But if you were just listening a minute ago, Teddy wants me to lash out at her and attack her. Well, you know, Teddy has his own ideas, but you know what, as a woman, I prefer her. She is option. I wish that she, someday, she become by special and not something like that. You know, while Marianne, I don't know about that, but I will say this, that she may not be my cup of tea, but, but, but, she's effective for the constituents of her district. And that's the bottom line. That's what we all hope for. And we can also state that AOC is certainly not effective for the voters of her district. Marianne, thank you for the call, and you have a lovely morning. Let's go to Brian in New Jersey. Good morning, Brian. What's on your mind? Hey, Dominica, I was just going to suggest maybe a change of strategy in covering the Biden stuff because I think I don't think anybody in most of this audience here really needs to be convinced anymore that, you know, he's a bumbling, stumbling, optic nightmare. I think that's pretty much the consensus of everyone. But, you know, I think more, it's better to defeat the ideas. Like we know where the Democratic platform stands and where it stands in stark contrast to, you know, what Trump stands for. And that's always the harder argument, the harder work to win that argument, then the low-hanging fruit of, you know, Biden's an old man, and he can't get through a sentence or a debate without looking, you know, foolish, you know, like I said, I mean, I can tune in at any hour on any AM radio station and 90% of the time, that's what you hear. So it's like, I-- Okay. So wait till Brian. So tell me exactly-- so you're saying ignore the horse race for the battle of the presidency of the United States to focus on ideas? Well, I'm just saying that this is blatantly obvious, it's just like stating the obvious over and over and over again. I know it's not a talking point, it's a fair point, but it's like, I think everybody gets it. And, you know, the thing that's going to win more idea, what hearts and minds is going to be more like the idea that what does he actually stand for, you know, regardless of his stumbling and crap like that, you know, what does he actually stand for? And that's the thing that we should be, you know, either advocating this fight. I understand your point, but Brian, there is no way that any news organization or talk radio station can ignore the horse race. This is a race that's going to be remembered for-- thank you for the call for many, many years. And I hear you, you want to hear the ideas and what Biden stands for, but the horse race must be paid close attention to. Let's go to Stu in Brooklyn, line three, good morning, Stu. You have about 20 seconds here. Go right ahead. Good morning, Dominic. Dominic, if we know that the Biden's having a ball of compass, bring a fair list about the country. And Dr. Bill and Hunter know that when Joe's got a horse, it's the opposite, he's paid down a lot more. Hey, Stu, it's very hard to hear what you're saying, so maybe you can give me a call tomorrow night. Folks, Dominic Carter here with you. They will continue to cover the horse race. We will see how this all plays out with President Biden and, of course, how it plays out with former President Trump, who is on his way back to the White House. I'll see you tomorrow.