Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-02-24

Today James Flippin filled in for Dominic Carter during the 3pm show, where he started by stating that Donald Trump is the best choice based on the bulk of the United States of America. James emphasized on the fact that a significant number of democrats, believe that current president Joe Biden is sharper than ever, despite all of the right wing propaganda. Finally James suggested that Gretchen Whitmer is a good option to replace Joe Biden as presidential candidate in the upcoming election.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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03 Jul 2024
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Today James Flippin filled in for Dominic Carter during the 3pm show, where he started by stating that Donald Trump is the best choice based on the bulk of the United States of America. James emphasized on the fact that a significant number of democrats, believe that current president Joe Biden is sharper than ever, despite all of the right wing propaganda. Finally James suggested that Gretchen Whitmer is a good option to replace Joe Biden as presidential candidate in the upcoming election. 

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They had all kinds of metal jewelry. The guy had purple hair. She had pink hair. And you know, you're hanging on the bar on the subway. You're kind of just standing there. I wasn't eavesdropping, but you hear these people talk and they were talking about the debate. And I heard the one guy say, "Is this the best that we can do? Is this the best we have in the United States of America?" Well, let me tell you something. As Republicans, we've said that in the past about Mitt Romney, about John McCain, and guess what happened? They got smoked. Because is Donald Trump perfect? No. Nobody is. But you know what we don't say about Trump on our side? That. It's not the best we have, but we're confident that he's the guy for the job. And yeah, I'm sure in Philadelphia, in San Francisco, in Chicago, in Boston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, there's plenty of people saying, "Is this the best we can do?" But not in the bulk of America. In the bulk of America, there's plenty of people who think, "Yeah, Trump is the best we can do." And actually, that's a good thing. So my listening people, the Dominic Dominion, if I will, I knew we were going to have some fun today when President Biden came out on his podium last night talking about the Supreme Court decision. And he was orange. I said to myself, "Yeah, we're going to have some fun here." And Biden predictably blabbered on about the Supreme Court. This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each of us is equal before the law. No one is above the law, not even the President of the United States. But today's Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. All right, so let's set the record straight here. What happened yesterday when the Supreme Court issued its decision concerning so-called presidential immunity? Well, the Supreme Court handed the matter back down to a lower court. And in essence, the nation's highest court and a 6-3 decision said, "Look, you're allowed to do certain things as President, provided you're operating within the official capacity as President." So the decision more or less was, "Tell us," lower court, "as prosecutors, define for us the crime that President, former President Trump, committed. Tell us what was outside of his official capacity." And you know what's so great about this? Democrats are reacting as though basically, you know, this decision was made that presidents can do whatever they want. But no, in essence, it was no. Define yourselves, tell us what was done that was wrong. And, you know, Democrats, they're not that good at law fair. They just keep losing at it. But in terms of like a cavalier violation of laws, right, like this concept that a President or any official can just do whatever they want, operate outside the legal capacity. In terms of that kind of thing, and conveniently for Biden, I might add, let's not focus on pay-for-play schemes or hunter-biden's various criminal activities. Let's just kind of leave those aside for a second. No, let's focus on some of the other stuff. Crooked Joe has done. For all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits or the President can do. Yeah, right, no limits on what a President can do. So how about the 50 executive orders in the first 100 days of Biden's presidency? Undoing border security, completely wrecking the situation at the southern border. Doing so, by the way, without any congressional authority or any law to do so. How about President Biden unilaterally undoing student loan debt contracts? Private contracts. No legal authority. Above the law. I need some votes. The midterm elections are coming up. Student loans canceled. Oh, how about this? How about forcing people to get an experimental vaccine? Or else they lose their job? Let's see, was there any law about that? Any law? No. Oh, how about this? The criminalized prosecution of Trump himself? And the completely biased criminalized, really disgusting legal system that we have here in New York City? Above the law? And let's not forget this. Jack Smith, the so-called special prosecutor, he's either weaponized prosecution or illegal. There is no in between. Because special prosecutors are either, in this case, you know, Jack Smith serving the president and the DOJ directly or that individual was approved by the Senate. In other words, you're either an agent of the DOJ or you're an extra authority. You're outside the operation of the DOJ. Well, Jack Smith was not approved by the Senate as a special counsel. So yeah, he's an agent of the DOJ and he's prosecuting the leading candidate on the Republican side for office, not accepting the rule of law, right? That's what we always hear from Democrats. Oh, the Republicans, they refuse to accept the rule of law. I mean, come on. It's not like Democrats have hinged their entire lives on getting this guy for eight years. Right? Of course not. But look, if you've watched any of the news coverage from the national media propagandists and you know, they're struggling to basically tell us, oh, don't believe what you saw. You didn't see anything at that debate last week. You know, you, you, you hear these videos about Biden wandering off at various events and stuff like that. Not true. We're actually being told that the president is very sharp. Well, I've got a pretty interesting observation from that debate. Not so much interesting as much as just something that I couldn't unhere once I'd heard it. In many ways, it's continuing to ring in my ears here almost a week later. And we're going to take your calls here this afternoon, 1-888-848-9222, 1-888-848-9222, James Flippen filling in for Dominic Carter. So what is the Democratic party going to do here? They're going to replace President Biden, stands for reason, who are they going to pick? Well, later this show, I'll tell you who I think the Democrats are going to pick. We'll talk about that. We've got observations from the debate. And then we're also going to talk about Jill Biden, first lady, Jill Biden, not the candidate for president. You would be forgiven for thinking otherwise, given that she's so prominent. And so front and center, in terms of this campaign season, you know, Jill Biden does a Vogue magazine shoot, something that's like completely, completely out of touch. I mean, Vogue magazine, what are we talking about here? Vogue magazine, who even reads magazines anymore? And yet this photo shoot in which Jill Biden says, we're not going to let 90 minutes define Joe's presidency. Well, let me tell you something, Jill, your husband's done a pretty darn good job of defining his presidency in well beyond 90 minutes. The truth is that the American public to the extent that they don't really pay attention to this kind of thing is when you work in news, when you work in radio, TV, whatever, you can't help but see it all the time, unless you work for the fake news. For people who didn't know any better, last week was pretty shocking to see the president of the United States standing there, mouth agape, unable to put words together, stunning stuff, shocking stuff, if you haven't been paying attention. But when we come back, we're going to talk about an observation from the debate that really, I mean, it had me standing up out of my seat, I couldn't take it sitting down. I couldn't listen to it without physically reacting to it. James Flippen filling in for Dominic Carter here today, take your phone calls 1-888-848-9222. So when we get back, what is the big idea with this debate anyway? From New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. James flipping in for Dominic Carter this afternoon, 1-800-849-222, 1-800-849-222. So if you watched any news coverage as the national media propagandists have been struggling, scrambling, kicking and screaming, in terms of trying to figure out how to respond to President Biden being so obviously completely shot, well, they've got their marching orders. And actually, they tell us he's very sharp. He is sharp, intensely probing, probing, detail oriented. Oh, he's so sharp. This is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game, who knows what's going on. He's smart. He's on his game. He's on his game. His gender acuity is great. Oh, thank you, Sharp. This is a very sharp president. Sharp. And the people that I've talked to say he's a sharp attack. Sharp is attacked. Sharp is attacked. They say he's sharp. There's not a problem. He was sharp. He was sharper than anyone I've spoken to. The president is sharp, and he is tireless. He is sharp. It's tireless. However, and he's fine, all this right-wing propaganda that he's mental acuity is defined is wrong. He's fine. He's still great. Oh, it's great. It's good. I believe the people who say that behind closed doors, Joe Biden remains sharp. In meetings, Joe Biden is sharp. He's sharp. He's fit. There is nothing to these challenges, these suggestions that somehow he's not sharp. He's sharp as a tack. Oh, he's sharp as a tack, folks. And you know, stirring Biden's comments last night in response to the Supreme Court we heard, you know, Biden talking about what he considers to be sort of the defining moment of the last moments of the Trump presidency, talking about January 6th. Because here's the thing, if President Biden, and we've seen it ourselves now, is nothing more but a husk of a human being? If he literally has nothing going on behind those eyes and that's more or less what seems to be going on, and if there is a unnamed group of bureaucrats that are more or less running the show, then what's the big idea with President Biden? Like in other words, why are we supporting him? Why are we supporting Biden? Well, beyond the fact that you heard that he's so sharp, they need to draw the juxtaposition and they can't just make it about Trump and his policies and, you know, things they used to focus on, like, oh, his border policy is racist because people actually want the border secured. So what are they going to fall back on the Democrats here? If they're going to try to convince us that Biden is sharp and that Trump's a bad guy, well, again, how are they going to do that? Well, what did they do last night? Biden was making those comments about the Supreme Court and he invoked that old chestnut, that old crusty play that we've seen on defense time and time again. We've seen this play before January 6th, January 6th, and I'm well within my rights talking about January 6th. Frankly, you could do the whole show about January 6th and have 100% more legitimacy, more grievance and more of a good point than more than half of anybody who ever said free Palestine because of the way in which people's rights have just been trampled on because they participated in a protest on January 6th. But just listen to the desperation now. If you listen to the Democrats and the way they're falling back on this January 6th thing, it's really, it's kind of sad in a way that this is the best they can do. Only four years ago, my predecessor sent a violent mob to the U.S. Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. We all saw with our own eyes, we sat there and watched it happen that day, attack on the police, the ransacking of the Capitol, a mob literally hunting down the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gallows erected to hang the vice president of Mike Pence. I think it's fair to say it's one of the darkest days in the history of America and dark Brandon telling us that. So yeah, I mean, as far as Nancy Pelosi, by the way, talking about like going after the Speaker of the House, you may or may not know, President Biden, that old Nancy refused to have the National Guard sent to the Capitol that day. But you know, these Democrats are so desperate and so flailing and they've got such a bad wounded candidate on their house, they've got nothing else. January 6th, remember the violent mob, the peaceful transition of power will actually Biden Democrats, you may miss the memo, but there is a Democrat in the White House. There was a transition of power. All right. And the American people deserve to have an answer in the courts before the upcoming election, a public has a right to know the answer about what happened on January 6th before they asked to vote again this year. Yeah. And what Biden really means is, well, he's not the one that wrote any of that. So the handlers, the ones that are trying to get this message out there, they're saying the American people are too stupid to know. You can't let them vote for this guy. You can't allow them to vote for Trump. We needed the court to totally stop that whole thing. And in essence, again, like I said at the top, the court told them these Democratic prosecutors show us what Trump did that was outside of his official office. Make the point. What was it that was done outside of his official office? Jacqueline is in Brooklyn and we talked to Jacqueline now. What's up, Jackie? Hi, James. You know, what you said was exactly the reason that the Democrats do not like the Supreme Court ruling. Joe Biden, with a stroke of a pen, wrote all of these executive orders to shove down all throats exactly what they want there to be in this country. They want to have total and absolute control over everything, which is why they didn't like it when Roe v. Wade was reversed, sending it back to the states to decide because they want to have their agenda uniform throughout the entire country. You're absolutely right, Jackie. I mean, look, this is a situation where with all the stuff that's gone on with the Supreme Court, the Chevron doctrine being gone, abortion rights going back to the Supreme Court, the Democrats are saying, oh, you're ruining our plans here. We got to pack the court. Maybe 15 justices, maybe 25, maybe 50. We'll do whatever we can to get our way, and it doesn't matter what the American people want. That's the Democratic way. That's democracy. Isn't that democracy? James Flippitt in for Dominic Carter. Coming right back. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. James Flippitt in filling in for Dominic Carter, 1-800-849-222, so the White House says that a cognitive test for President Biden is not warranted. Okay. Well, I'm going to take you back to last week and that debate to the extent that you can call it, that that aired on CNN. Just before I play this audio, I have to let you know, I went into this whole debate, basically cringing, puckered. So I was uncomfortable getting ready to watch this whole thing, because I do pay attention and I know what Biden's mental state is. So when I was hearing this trend play itself out while watching the debate, I had to stand. I couldn't sit. It kind of happens to me sometimes during certain things like sporting events. I find it hard to watch sitting down. The tension, the uncomfortable feeling, all right, let's just listen to the audio from the other side, the other side, the other side, the other side, and the other side, the other side. And I was saying this all throughout the debate, the idea, idea, it was a great idea. There we go. For said in Trump at the end for good measure. But yeah, I mean, I was saying it myself. And there's a phrase, there's an old timey phrase you may be familiar with. It makes me think of like cartoons growing up or other shows, Hey, what's the big idea? And I could just imagine Biden kind of saying that, you know, amongst his staff like, well, what's the big idea? I thought it pretty well during that debate, Jill said I answered all the questions. Let's see, Susan calling from upstate New York. She's got thoughts about how this presidential immunity thing may impact other matters. Hi, yes, James, it's great to hear you. I love your energy and passion, but yes, it's been quite a 24 hours with the Supreme Court rulings. And you mentioned that now they postponed the sentencing for President Trump for the so-called hush money case. So September, well, I was listening to some legal analysts and they said that it's very likely that they will become a mistrial because of the ruling on presidential immunity yesterday. I don't know that I can really well articulate it, but to the best I can, it's something to do with the president's right to have his thought process on matters, the private and not to be able to be used. Well, right. Exactly. The way it goes, Susan is basically and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has now said that he's open to the delaying of sentencing. I don't actually know if Judge Juan Mershan has, you know, commented on this, but DA Alvin Bragg says, all right, fine, we're willing to wait on sentencing until July 24th. It's not really up to him. It was supposed to be July 11th. The judge made that determination. But the reason why you're reading that it may end up being a mistrial is because there are evidentiary factors at play, right? Before the trial started, Trump's legal team submitted a brief and said, look, due to the concept of executive privilege, presidential immunity, there are certain things that ought not be included as evidence in this particular proceeding. Judge Juan Mershan dismissed that and said, no, we're not going to operate under that procedure. So we are going to allow that evidence in now. If you've ever watched any kind of criminal proceedings on television and movies, anything like that, you'll often hear them say things like, well, we're going to strike that from the record. The jurors will disregard what they just heard. I always thought that was kind of ridiculous because well, they did hear it. But at the very least, in this particular case with the falsified business records, there was evidence that was allowed in. And the defense team had said, well, that's not fair because of this whole concept of presidential immunity. Well, wouldn't you know it? On Monday, the Supreme Court said, yeah, that's true if it's within certain official acts as president. Now I was reading it before we went on the air today that the alleged payment made to Stormy Daniels dates back to 2016 in the run up to the election. So it would be really hard to say that anything that was done at that point was sort of like in Trump's official purview as president, but potentially there were other conversations, other things included as evidence that did pertain to his time in office. And I think that's where it'll be interesting to see if, in fact, the judge, in this case, Juan Mershan, who's been heavily biased against Trump, agrees, yeah, there were certain things included that should not have been if, in fact, that's what the doctrine is from the Supreme Court. Sandra calling from my home state, New Jersey, hey, Sandra, how are you? Oh, I just felt it, and I'm so happy to hear from you today. I wanted to say the following. I wouldn't count on Kamala Harris out of the picture. I think that I know she has that laugh that's annoying and she might have some other imperfections, but she does bring a lot to the table. Number one, she has a very strong stand on the abortion issue with the Democrats' love. She also is black, and she has a lot of black voters on her side. She goes to these special media things and all these events, you know, focusing on the voting rights and the economic stuff. And also, I wanted to say, she has experience and she has energy and she has a natural type of vitality that this administration is lacking right now. So I wouldn't rule her out, and I also think it would be pretty nasty to put someone in together her. That's my opinion. Yeah. Well, Sandra, you know what, I realize that the whole democratic apparatus right now, they're looking at it like they've got a difficult situation on their hands in terms of potentially replacing Biden because of the Kamala factor. And some people figure, you know, the only way that you could do that would be if maybe you were replacing, say, Biden with a woman of color or something like that. But yeah, I think that you make a good point in the sense that Kamala Harris, vice president, former district attorney, she's got all the bona fides, you know, and really more to the point, because I hear this people will say this all the time, Kamala Harris has done such a bad job as vice president, stuff like that, you know, most of the time vice presidents don't do anything. They're kind of just there, and most presidents kind of sideline them purposefully. It's like, all right, cool. You helped me with the election. Your name was on there. That's really all I needed, you know, get lost. But with regards to Kamala, you make a good points, Sandra, in this sense. When Biden ran in 2020, and he won while opposing Trump, well, at least, you know, one as for the file count, he basically was the non Trump candidate, the whole never Trump thing anybody but Trump. Well, that was Biden now, Biden is so gone, and so shot in terms of whatever he's dealing with medically or, you know, whatever, the onset of age that he's not even a viable anybody but Trump candidate. So you kind of figure that if it is Kamala, or really anybody with a pulse on the democratic side, then it sets up the whole, you know, debate we've been having, or the whole, you know, idea of there being an election between Trump and somebody else, anybody but because that's generally speaking, kind of what it comes down to. Russ in white planes, he's got a thought on the future of the democratic party. Hi, James. I have to agree with Alan Dersch, which said this squad is going to be the future of the democratic party because Trump is reforming the democratic party. People recognize that these octogenarians, this, this crust is going to have to be creamed off the top so we can move on with the democratic party to the real values and not have the unit party. And, you know, I just want to know, James, do you think when they spent $15 million to get rid of Bowman, $300 a vote practically, wasn't that more or less wasted because the other four or five squad members were still there? Yeah, well, I mean, you know, as far as the race with Bowman and Latimer and, you know, the 16th congressional district in New York, all the money that was spent there, a lot of it was spent by APAC. And that was directly in response to Bowman being, you know, so openly kind of over the top in his anti-Israel position, pro-Palestine position, stuff like that. So it's hard for me to really look at that whole Bowman thing and figure out if it's any kind of bellwether for future congressional politics because, yeah, Bowman, a member of the squad, but didn't he always kind of feel like the tertiary member of the squad? It's like, oh, yeah, that guy from New York, Jamal Bowman, like, you know, I think of the squad, it's AOC, Ilhan Omar, you know what I mean, like it's, it's the tertiary element for Bowman that makes me think, eh, yeah, the squad, look, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, no question. That's their future. That's kind of where they're pushing things. I think the whole split over Israel makes for an interesting debate and question as to what happens five, 10 years from now with the Democratic Party. But for sure, you can see where the things are moving further left on the one side and at least on the other side, things are moving further in that populist direction, America first. So good call, Russ. We'll check in with you, but look, I want to say there's a woman outside of the candidates for president. I don't want to talk about Michelle right now. I don't want to talk about Kamala Harris. I want to talk about first lady Jill Biden, who loathsome is this person. I mean, seriously, this woman, Jill Biden is a monster. She thinks that she is running for president here. And I don't know how much you know about this guy. She calls him her work husband. This is a Jill Biden's advisor, Anthony Bernal. And I guess Bernal is always kind of like, you know, whispering sweet, nothing's in Jill Biden's ear and telling her, oh, she's so popular suburban women love you, Jill Biden. They love you. I mean, this woman Jill Biden has no regard for her husband at all. It's sick. It's kind of crazy to watch in real time. It's twisted, but she's got no problem with the fact that Biden is just out there floundering, literally surviving, and she's like, you answered all the questions, Joe, great job. Because she gets to stand up there, enjoy all the spotlight, wear her special little dress with vote on it or whatever. And that's all that matters to her. You know, of course, don't feel too bad for Biden, right? He sold his influence for years, enabled his kids to be grifters and drug addicts and basically just bad people. He raced, smeared Clarence Thomas once upon a time. Let's not forget that called black people, super predators, while advancing one of the most sprawling crime bills in American history. And President Biden has refused to acknowledge his granddaughter, little Navy button. Not going to acknowledge her. Why? Well, I don't know, but I guess he's embarrassed. One eight hundred eight four eight nine two two two, one eight hundred eight four eight nine two two two. So who do I think, what do I think is going to be the candidate for the Democratic presidency? Will it be Michelle Obama? Could it be Kamala? What about Gavin Newsome? That's a name you hear bandied about. No, I'm not thinking those. I do have a thought in mind, James Flippin in for Dominic Carter. This is Dominic Carter. And now it's time for the tunnel to towers foundation, final thoughts. James Flippin filling in for Dominic Carter. Now it is time for the tunnel to towers, final thoughts, the tunnel to towers foundation as their final thoughts segment every day here on the Dominic Carter show. So representative Lloyd Doggett of Texas is the first house Democrat to publicly call for President Biden to drop out of the race. So it started here. And already there's been plenty of, you know, shatter speculation as to who that replacement could be for the Democrats. When you hear Michelle Obama, you're Gavin Newsome, you know, you'll hear maybe Kamala Harris, the vice president, but a name that I guess is kind of a dark horse. Somebody that I've been keeping my eye on this entire time is Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer. I know Diego on the other side of the glass was from Michigan would be excited by that, but Gretchen Whitmer, she's a woman. She obviously hopes to carry Michigan in a national race. And that's a major electoral concern right now for the Democrats. You know, not only is Michigan a battleground state in and of itself, but with the whole Israel Palestine thing popping off, if you don't know that much about the demographics of Michigan, there is a significant number of Muslim voters there who may feel a certain type of way about the Israel Palestine thing. So if you could get Gretchen Whitmer in there, and by the way, she kind of got like a test run during COVID in terms of like the national audience. They had that whole like fake FBI kidnapping plot thing where they totally, you know, baited and trapped several guys into pretending like they were going to go after Gretchen Whitmer. Anyway, to me, again, smart looking, a woman, big battleground state could do a lot worse. When you hear behind the scenes that Gretchen Whitmer is, in fact, actively pushing her name as a potential replacement, Ralph is in Manhattan. I wonder if Ralph likes the idea of Gretchen Whitmer running for president. You know, James, Joe is not going anywhere. I hate to burst your bubble, but the man is going, if he is going to go out, he's going out kicking and screaming, because this is his lifelong dream of having two terms at the top of the heap that he is not going anywhere. And you know, you mentioned about Jill, and it's very interesting, Dr. Jill Biden, that all that nonsense, she's doing what every other first lady has done, eons for eons, James. They love the power, they enjoy the status, they like the nice clothes, they like the nice get-togethers, the gatherings, they like what the first first lady brings to them. Why should they give it up so quickly? And I'll tell you one more thing if you have time. I think James at the end, when everything clears in November, you're going to get Joe Biden once again for a second term, and you're going to have to deal with a man who's cognitively very frightening, and I have to say that because my mother suffers from the same malady. And I know that what happened to her, I'm sorry, what happened to him was the event taking place, the debate taking place late in the day, James. Yeah, the sundowning, sundowning took place, and you could see that he's much better 12 o'clock in the afternoon as opposed to the evening. Yeah, well, look, I mean, Ralph, you're absolutely right. Here's the thing with Jill Biden, you know, why would she give it up? The trappings, the clothes, the gallows, the dinners, the travel, why would she give it up? I don't know to actually be a decent person, maybe, to like actually care about her supposed loving husband. I mean, look, I know nothing about what goes on behind closed doors with them, but I should think that a man you're married to raised children with decades together, you would say, you know what, we had our fun time to go. Let's let whoever else it is get their crack at it. Let's see. Mike in South Carolina, ongoing thoughts about this whole idea of Biden's going to step down. Mike, what's up? Hey, how's it going, man? Good show. I think, you know, Joe Biden, maybe he'll come to the realization that he doesn't have the mental acuity to do anything and maybe step down and he'll get somebody at the 11th hour. Who knows? And by the way, James, that quality you had from white planes, he doesn't like Italian, then he said it on the air. I'm Italian. So somebody might bitch lapping down the boulevard because he's a mama's boy. Either want to be how it's scurned and a bagel vendor in slander. I'll tell you that much right now. How about this? The New York Times, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, their editorial boards following that debate last week, they both came out and called for Biden to step down. Bizarrely, there was another newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, their editorial board, apparently much too dumb to know what's going on. And I guess that's what happens when you live on a diet of pretzels, cheesesteaks, roast pork, hogies, yingling beer. Actually, that all sounds pretty good right now. But the Philadelphia Inquirer's editorial board saw those pieces from the New York Times and from the Atlanta Journal Constitution and said, yeah, well, stupid head Trump should actually step down. And meanwhile, Democratic operatives are thinking you morons. We're trying to get Biden out here. I could just picture Obama being like, somebody get me the chief editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer online too. I'm not going to stand for this one. Tunnel to Towers Foundation final thoughts support America's military and first responder heroes donate $11 a month to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation at James Flippin, filling in for Dominic Carter here on the Dominic Carter show. So what's going to happen? President Biden? Is he going to run? I don't think so. Who's it going to be? We'll have to find out.