Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-01-24

Today Dominic Carter started his show talking about the immunity former president Donald Trump was granted from the Supreme Court of the United States of America. He called the SCOTUS decision a big win for Trump and then continued ripping on president Joe Biden and how he is unable to run the country for a second term. At the bottom of the hour Curtis Sliwa joined Dominic Carter and talked about the brawl that took place at Washington Square Park yesterday after the Pride festivities.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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01 Jul 2024
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Today Dominic Carter started his show talking about the immunity former president Donald Trump was granted from the Supreme Court of the United States of America. He called the SCOTUS decision a big win for Trump and then continued ripping on president Joe Biden and how he is unable to run the country for a second term. At the bottom of the hour Curtis Sliwa joined Dominic Carter and talked about the brawl that took place at Washington Square Park yesterday after the Pride festivities. 

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>> Listen to your favorite shows live in on-demand 24/7. Download the 77WABC mobile app now. [MUSIC] >> Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And good afternoon, a big win again for Trump. Dominic Carter here with you. And let's break it down in terms of what happened at the Supreme Court. It's the ruling that we were all waiting for. And the Supreme Court found ruled that former President Donald Trump enjoys absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts. That's the key word, official acts during his presidency without saying whether his alleged 2020 election subversion falls under that. So here's why it's a huge win. Any trial that's pushed back for Trump, the prosecutors have all tried to go full steam ahead. This mean in all likelihood it means this prosecution should it come to that, will not happen until election day. Trump is sworn in, that means it has to wait for years. The nation's top court instead left it to the lower courts to sort out what constitutes an official act by a sitting president. And whether that applies in the 2020 election subversion case. In a six, three decision authored by chief judge John Roberts, the panel stressed that the president is not above the law. And that not everything the president does is official. But folks believe me when I tell you this is a win, win for Trump. This means these federal trials probably will definitely not happen until after election day. Big, big win for Trump. We have a lot to talk about. Let's go ahead and open up the phone lines. 808489222, 808489222. I want you folks to listen how the Fox News Channel described the Supreme Court decision that came down just a few hours ago. Take a listen to this. It does find this under a constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of presidential power entitles a former president to absolute immunity for from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. He is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. That's the first blush we've got on this. It is it looks like a six to three split. We've got the descent by Justice Sotomayor Kagan and Jackson join that. There is a kind of split decision on some of these. Somebody joins in one part, not in another part, but that's the overall holding of the court. So what it means now we'll have to dig in the into this and see if they tell us now how do you decide an official act versus an unofficial act because that's going to be critical. Having now said the president does as an absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. You can't stop them. That's the bottom line. The prosecutors tried everything within their power to come at Trump now now now. The courts have said not now. It goes back to the lower courts and that will not happen before election day. Steve Bannon says he's proud a proud martyr as he reports for prison in Danbury, Connecticut to serve a four month sentence for contempt of Congress. And after he lost numerous appeals, guess who has a new TV commercial and the woman that's standing by her man, First Lady Jill Biden vows not to give her up on Joe after the disaster of a debate as she appears on the cover of Vogue magazine, but President Biden has a new commercial. It seems like the Democratic line these days is to just charge to try and get away from the disaster of the debate to just charge that Trump lied, Trump lied, Trump lied. You ask any reasonable person that watch the debate. They don't see that at all. They see that President Biden did not have a good night and that his campaign is basically on low fuel and I'm being nice because really it's on life support. And the question is when does he get out? But Biden, Biden has released a new commercial dealing yet again with his age. But of course it starts out. It starts out with calling Trump a liar. Take a listen to this, folks. He lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection in January 6th. We all saw with our own eyes. We're going to walk down to the Capitol and I'll be there with you. We saw a police being attacked, the Capitol being ransacked, he did not have a single thing to stop it. Nothing. Folks, I know I'm not a young man, but I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong, I know how to tell the truth. I know like millions of Americans know when you get knocked down, you get back up. I'm Joe Biden, and I have true of this message. But apparently, Mr. President, America is not approving of the message. This election, I've been stating this for months, folks, that it's over. It was never really an election to begin with. Trump was wise to avoid the debates during the Republican primary season, and now he's up against Biden and he's ready to go toe to toe, but it appears that the President of the United States is not up to the task, not up to the task, 8084-8922. I want you to listen to the day after last Thursday, the debate, the rally in terms of what Biden said in North Carolina, but what you're about to hear right now is First Lady Jill Biden, and this was the night of the debate. Apparently, she saw something that the rest of us, that the entire world, did not see as she stands by her man. Take a listen. Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question you knew all the time. Let me ask the crowd, what did Trump do? First lady, it's just not working. We're going to start with your telephone calls in just a second, but Democrats are in such a scramble. I want you to listen to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She says, I mean, you cannot make this up. You cannot make this up. She says, if anybody has dementia, and she appeared on CNN, and towards the end, she forgot her thoughts. So listen carefully, you're going to hear a pause. This is when she forgets her thoughts, but she says, if anybody has dementia, it's not Biden, which is laughable. She says, it's Trump. Listen to this. This is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina and the rest. And by the way, while the press, and for some reason they don't, there are healthcare professionals who think that Trump has dementia, that his connection, his thoughts have not go together. And while he may be saying, we're enablers, we see Joe Biden, of course, we know how attuned he is to the issues, how informed he is. I debate with him about legislation and not debate, but discuss it with him. He's right there. So in any case, it was a bad night. Let's not sugarcoat that. It was a bad night. It was a great presidency. Interesting. Let's start with your telephone calls, Dominic Carter here with you. Let's begin with Greg, line four in New Jersey. Greg, what's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. It's an old saying, you can fool some of the people all the time. You can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time that Democrats are falling apart, everything's coming down on, things are coming, things are getting exposed, and I'm glad it's finally happened. I'm sick of these people, they're worthless. Well, it does appear that everything came crashing down the illusion of what we've been told of what's going on in the White House, completely fell apart, Greg. You make a good point. Thank you for the call, Greg in New Jersey. Let's go to Foxy, Westchester County, line one, Foxy, what's on your mind? Hi, I'm just wondering, is it possible that the next day he was on some kind of drug and that he didn't take it the day that he did with Trump because he sees that they may force him to take a test to see if he was on drugs, so he didn't, but the next day he was on some kind of drugs, and that's why he sounds a little bit more aggressive. Well, Foxy, your thoughts are as good as any of ours. I don't know, I'm not a medical doctor, I do find it interesting at what the country, what the world saw Thursday at that debate from the moment he walked out, the president of the United States, to the comments that he was making, and Foxy, I will concede this much to you. The next day in North Carolina, Biden was on fire. He was on fire, it was almost like someone lit something under the president of the United States. I don't know if it's a matter of, he was finally told how bad that he did. I don't know what the timetable or what may have, may not happen medically, all I can tell you is at the debate, it was awful, and Democrats are in an absolute scramble, and no matter how much the White House spends and spends and spends Foxy, they're not going to be able to spend their way out of this Ralph line five, good afternoon, what's on your mind? Dominic, you know, Steve Bannon can pontificate all he wants to pontificate, jail is not a good place. You do not want to go to jail at any cost, you know, when I hear him smile, I see him smile and I hear him talk with gree about his rear end being put in the can, it's not a, it's not anything he should be, he should rethink that, and he'll regret those words in a short time, but nevertheless, here's what happened to Joe on that fateful day. Believe me, it's a thing called sundowning. My mother has dementia, Joe is in the early stages, in the throes of dementia, I dare say, I'm not a doctor, but during that time of night, Dominic, it's very difficult for a person suffering to get himself together intellectually and actually make a stand on a podium that with millions of people watching, it's virtually impossible. That's what happened, that's why Biden appeared to be much more coherent than next day, Dominic, because the next day, I think the whole thing was at 12 noon, whereas the debate. Okay, so Ralph, so why, so why agree to do the debate that late then? Well, you know, there are conspiracy theories that I don't really subject myself to, but they say they wanted to put them on the griddle. In other words, they wanted him to fail, so they can do some kind of maneuver behind the scenes. I don't buy it, but a great deal of people that are into that kind of thing, they're buying it, Dominic. Here's what I think happened. I think he felt he saw the numbers go down, and he felt he had to do something, so he coaxed his advisors, his staff, he said, I have to debate this guy, I must debate this guy at all costs, and he did that, they let him do it, but they didn't think he was going to do so poorly, because sometimes, if you see him, he's never any good, but sometimes he's better than others, that's because it's earlier in the day, Dominic. It's very simple. No, I hear you, I've got to take a break. I got to tell you, folks, coming up, coming up, courtesy, we're at the bottom of the hour in about 11 minutes, and God only knows what Curtis is going to have to say today. I look forward to that conversation. When we come back, more of your calls from Florida, New Jersey, and New York City will be right back. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Coming up in just a few minutes, Guardian Angel Curtis, Lee was going to join me with his breaking news of the day, that's coming up in about seven or eight minutes, but until then, it's you and I talking to each other on the telephone. Let's go to Bobby in New Jersey, line four, Bobby. What's on your mind? Dominic, thanks for taking my call, pal. Dom, I don't know where to begin with, I mean, come on, Dom, this guy is totally shocked. He came on his wife, these people are that hungry for power, they can't see this guy, this guy's totally incompetent, first of all, it's unbelievable, first and second of all, Dom, they shouldn't have the 25th Amendment. This guy has the nuclear football, he couldn't, he couldn't hold the duke football, never mind the nuclear football. You know what, Bobby, you know what, Bobby, I hear you, and rather ironic, you know, folks tried to bring up the 25th Amendment on the Trump, which was ridiculous and look at what the country is dealing with now. Continue, please. Dom, Dom, the other thing is, retired flight captain, from Jersey City, I was working a day in the long 11, these people with this open border, Dom, 15 million people to serve the estimate on another country, just say, a fraction of that, a terrorist, just Dom, some bad going to happen, my wife's emergency ring nurse, Dom, overwhelmed by these migrants and Dom, it's just disgusting what's going on here, something has to change, I pray to God, President Trump gets reelected, thank you, Dom. Well, hey, Bobby, wait, wait, wait, wait, first of all, he's going to be reelected, that's number one. Number two, you mentioned your wife an emergency room nurse, and so this is a unique opportunity for me as well as for our audience. So as an emergency room nurse, I'm just curious, Bobby, does she come in, come home, stressed out every night, what is it like for her being on the front line? Dom, she's there 31 years in the same hospital, and she's in the emergency room 28, so every turn she works, she's the head nurse, okay, they built a new emergency room, it used to be smaller, she had a pedometer, nine miles, Dom, 12 and a half hours, she had nine miles on her feet, okay, never mind the mental stream, she comes home and just sits in the bathroom for an hour, just to cope for a while. The stress levels are unbelievable, and the people have, you know, such attitudes, but they're entitled. It's unbelievable that nobody says thank you, it's amazing. The migrants, they have an attitude of entitlement, yes, yes, no doubt about it. I've seen it. I've seen it firsthand. I've seen it firsthand. Bobby, thank you for the wonderful call. And please tell your wife that we are all behind her a thousand percent. Thank you, Bobby. Let's go to Richard and Florida, Richard. What's on your mind? Not in a great show, like always, brother. Thank you. Thank you. Listen, you know what gives me about this guy, Jack, to burn these charges on Trump? It was so ridiculous, outrageous. And sometimes people think and the media forget, President Trump was president still at the time, okay? I hear you. I hear you. Hey, Richard, I want you, I want you to do me a favor. I don't want, if you don't mind holding, I don't want to cheat you out of time. I've got to take a break. So just please stay with me. Curtis Lee was going to join me. When we come back, we'll go back to Richard and Florida. We'll take your calls coming in on a big news day. I also have an update on what happened with the situation in the young lady, the 12-year-old. I'll be right back. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back, folks. And with us now is Curtis Leewa, breaking news, Dominic Curtis. What do you have? Well, another nail in the coffin of the NYPD. They've been handcuffed before now. They're in chains and shackles today begins to how many stops act. So that means every police officer out on duty is required to record the race, gender and ages of people they stop for questioning. This was passed. If we remember by the city council and vetoed by Mayor Eric Adams, and then they overrode his veto. Now, just imagine this, wait, wait, wait, Curtis, wait, wait, wait, I need you to stop for a second. So, you know, I am so thankful for you seriously, because I forgot all about this. I forgot all about this. And you're telling me that it starts today? Starts today. In fact, most of the cops that I spoke with over the weekend didn't even know what's happening today. I had to remind them, got to get out your duty books, got to get your cell phones out and log this, the race, gender and age, supposedly will be kept on file and made accessible on the NYPD website. Only council officials seem to rationalize this. They'll say, well, this will expose the bias in policing. Meantime, Dominic, you and I, street guys, we know this just awaits the time. And I'm going to take the badly needed police away from the jobs that they can't do now because we don't have enough cops. And I believe it will hasten their continued exodus from the department because now more than ever they won't be able to do their job. The consent decree that Mayor Eric Adams signed a few months ago that agreed that cops will no longer be able to put their hands on any demonstrators kicks in in October. So pretty much we're going to have a powder puff police force by November by the time of the election where cops are not going to be able to do their job. You should have seen yesterday, Washington Square Park at five o'clock after the gay pride parade groups, hordes of men and women describing themselves as bull daggers, as dykes as transgenders, as gay males went into the park for no political purpose. They weren't partying. They had a WWE Smackdown. They were slamming and jamming one another, punching, fighting. They wouldn't let the police into the park. The police had a scurry put up some barricades. Naturally, they had their drones, which do nothing. And for two hours, these individuals took over the park if it hadn't been for a rainstorm, a downpour, they would have still been there. Well, our NYPD has been put into a position, Dominic, where they cannot do their job. They cannot. So Curtis, how, you know, I have to, I don't know if you've seen this video, but there's a video online where a police officer is making the rounds the last 24 hours. There's this huge African American kicks in his door and he's really intimidating people. And then you see this officer trying to talk to him. And this guy's really putting on a show. So after about 20 seconds, the officer had had enough and he literally grabs this dude and like tackles him and body slams him into the ground. And then all of a sudden, Mr. Tough Guy, as you always talk about Curtis, Mr. Tough Guy wasn't so tough anymore and the officer was able to handcuff him. How do we get back to those days, Curtis? I'm not advocating violence against civilians, but some people have got to be checked. What happened? And we're going to play it a bit later in Washington Square Park, absolutely disgusting. And I completely forgot again, thank you, Curtis Leewa, that this starts today. So you're just going to, you're going to surround these police officers with a ton of paperwork and we don't get protected. How do we change all of this, Curtis? Two things, we give the cops back to nightsticks that the Blasio took away, that has rendered them impotent. And number two, we have a mounted unit, the best in the world. These are men and women police officers who up in Pelham Park train on these horses and they only use them for parades or to be in Times Square to take pictures with the tourists. They are trained to do crowd control. They could have had the horses and the men and women, the cops on the horses control that crowd yesterday. That's what they do. 55, we used to have 200, you remember that Dominic, when that horse turns around, it's the equal of 10 cops, when that horse turns around and they're beginning to charge. I don't care how tough you are, you're running, you're running for your life. You are, you are, but you know how I feel, Curtis, I say have the dogs there, this has to stop. It has to stop all of these progressive politics before I let you go, Curtis, do you see any scenario where Biden can survive? Can he get out of the hole that he's dug? Yes, yes. It was just announced moments ago that Biden is considering a high profile interview to undo the damage of the debate. And I'm thinking you're the guy who can handle it. You've handled more interviews of people in trouble and their political lives and anybody I know. I mean, we can go from A to Z, you're the man, you're the man, Dominic. Well, thank you. Thank you, brother. Sleewa. Appreciate it. I don't think I don't think the White House is ready for me, Curtis. But Curtis, I look forward to chatting with you. And I look forward to doing so in the very, very near future, Curtis, Sleewa. Thank you. Thank you so much. Again, this is why, this is why Curtis comes on with me. I need him in this segment because he's updating me on stuff that I completely forgot about. And with the New York City Police Department, what's going on? It completely ran past me that today starts this. So in a minute, I'm going back to Richard in Florida. We were just chatting to each other. But the reason why I asked Curtis about Joe Biden, boy, the Democrats circling the wagons here, the morning co-host on the morning Joe, a 15 minute opening monologue, backing Biden. I want you to listen to a little bit of this. Now, after Thursday's abysmal debate performance, President Biden finds himself at rock bottom again. It was bad. And again, a chorus of Biden doubters. My family and I, as you know, have known this man for decades in his family as well. And yes, I know them personally. And I still believe in Joe Biden. Interesting. So presidential historian Doris Kern Goodwin appeared with Anderson Cooper on CNN talking about what Biden needs to do to get out of this hole that he's dug. Take a listen. And the campaign put out a comment that said, "We're not changing our strategy. I think they have to change their strategy. He's going to have to get out there more. He's going to have to have press conferences. He's going to have to have interviews that are unscripted. If it's true that what he does inside the White House, which people who know him say, he seems very competent and up to the job, he's going to have to prove that now over again, starting from a difficult position to the country at large, because the voters are going to make this decision. We'll see what happens in the polls in the weeks to come. But it's still going to be an uphill challenge, I think, for him from here on. Uphill Challenge is the understatement of the year. You just heard Curtis Lee will refer to the multiple brawls inside the chaotic scene, Washington Square Park, the pride celebration, wild chaos engulfed in the aftermath of New York City's pride parade. I want you to listen to just 30 seconds of what this sounded like, folks. [Crowd Cheering] >> Progressive, progressive politics has led to that, and cities and states all across America back to the phones, 808489222. I was just chatting with Richard in Florida, and I felt bad, Richard, because we only had a few seconds. I want you to have enough time to make your point. Go right ahead. >> That's when the recess gave me your dominance. Going back to president Trump, people forget that he was the president at the time, okay? And the media time to forget that he was not going to make it sound like he was not the president. He had a right to question the outcome of the election. He had a right to go wherever he needed to go to find out if there was no bogus stuff going on. It was within his right. Everything Jack broke up or that was just a fluke and was disgusting, and everything else, all those other cases, just follow that. All of them should be torn out, because the Supreme Court say he has immunity, okay? Now going back to Biden, and North Carolina was the speeches he said he was talking or South Carolina. >> Yes, and North Carolina. >> Those little screens, and when you got a speech Friday telling you what to say, that's easy pickings. Take those screens out, and you will have the same results you will have the day of the debate. This guy cannot think for himself. When you look at a screen, and you know they don't use little screens, they use TV type screens. You could see what he's reading. You know what I'm saying? >> Right. >> It's a big difference. >> Right. >> Yeah, they want to make them make people sound like, oh, see that, don't forget about what happened at the debate. This is the real Joe Barre, he was looking at screens, and the speech Friday made sure that he, you know, went with the script. It's so funny. This guy is dumb. >> I hear you, Richard, and thank you for the call in Florida. I'm trying to move through as many calls as possible. Judith, line one, Judith, what's on your mind? >> Hi, Dominic. First of all, when you listen to Joe, she goes to Joe, like the mother's teacher, a little child. Joe, he went with all the questions, Mike. Can you imagine talking like a little child, he's the president of the United States and of the free world, and this is how you speak to him? Come on. Okay. And also, I have to say, President Trump proved to have been the best president as far as policy. >> Hey, Judith, I don't know if that's your phone line, but we're having a little bit of a problem. I'm hearing you. Let me go to Jay in New Jersey, Jay, what's on your mind? >> Oh, hi, Dominic. I had a couple of questions there. When Joe Biden walked on stage for the debate, who did he wave to, because nobody was out in the audience, and I think he said hi, folks. I hear you, I hear you, Jay, I don't know if he was trying to play. Don't make me an apologist for the Biden White House. I don't know if he was trying to play to the millions that he knew was watching at home, but I hear you, nobody was in the debate audience. So it does, you do raise a very valid point. Please continue. >> And also, too, I first listened to the debate on the radio, and I couldn't hear everything. So I ended up watching it the next day. So I watched, I think Trump could have added a little more, especially when he talked about Afghanistan and the 13 soldiers that died, and how Joe Biden said no regrets, and he was checking his watch when the servicemen's caskets went by, and that's all fact. And he could have had Biden right there. And then it didn't mention the Chinese spy balloons, you know, he was kind of like upset with that as well. >> Okay, but wait now, Jay, remember the debate was what, an hour and a half, you can't focus on everything. You have to pick and choose your battles. You cannot focus every single issue into that very short time period. I understand those are things that you wanted to hear, but I think overall Trump did an outstanding job. How would you assess the job Mr. Trump did? >> Well, that's what I'm saying. I think, especially when he mentioned about the victims from the illegal killings, he should have just rattled off their names, and said, Joe, do you know who these people are? Joe probably would have said, huh? >> Right. >> But remember at the same time, Trump, what he was up against was that he couldn't pile on. If he piled on, it could have been seen as too aggressive, and it would have given Biden a complete pass. So by Trump handling it, Jay, the way that he did, the story became Biden and not Trump. No doubt about it is now headed back to the White House after the Supreme Court ruling today. There's nothing that can stop him. These cases, there will not be any further trials before the election. This will all occur after the election, which makes it null and void until he leaves the White House. We are going to take a break more of your calls when we come back. >> This is Dominik Carter. >> And now, it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, Final Thoughts. >> And folks, Tunnel to Towers Foundation, don't take my word for it. Just look into their work a little bit and see the outstanding work they do. A talk to a police officer widow or a veteran and just find out for yourself. Wonderful, wonderful work. Quick update on 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungare, that's the 12-year-old who was sexually assaulted before she was allegedly murdered by two illegal migrants in Houston. Well, guess what, now these clowns will be possibly death penalty eligible. She was assaulted for two hours before she was strangled to death, found naked from the waist down with her hands, bound behind her back. Well, they have found out through testing that officially she was sexually assaulted. That opens the death penalty for these two savages and good luck with that. We'll see how that all plays out. Let's go to Roy in New Jersey. Good afternoon, Roy, what's on your mind? >> Hi, Dominic. >> Hi. >> I'm someone who has to take medication for health conditions. I recognize when somebody's pumped up on Pregnasone and often we've seen a Joe pumped up on Pregnasone. But what I was most surprised by this event is the shock in the media. Those of us who are not only watching one form of media from the left, we all knew this was Joe Biden. And my surprise was they weren't covering up. They were acting as if they were shot today, honestly, you know, and what I have to ask is who's been running the country the last two years because it certainly hasn't been Joe. >> Well, if you listen to the First Lady and to White House officials, they say it is Mr. Biden, but Roy, I'm with you. It's a scary proposition, if you will, what's been going on in Washington and who's calling the shots, so you don't buy it the official line. >> I don't think anyone with any common sense buys it. I think, you know, we might have like Woodrow Wilson's wife, Jill is trying to run the company, the country and the place of Joe, but the reality is the president of the United States needs to be on all the time. He can't be half asleep and half aware of what's going on at any point. That's the job of the president. Now personally, I don't want to see Joe pulled out because I don't want to see someone who is a better facade for what's actually going on in Washington there to replace him. We would be much better off with Trump and this is somebody who has been a lifelong Democrat but doesn't vote the party line. >> Fair enough, I hear you, Roy, and I think not voting the party line is a wonderful thing. Make these politicians earn your vote. No matter what party they may belong to, Roy, New Jersey, thank you for the call. Let's stay in the garden state. Sandra, good afternoon, what's on your mind? >> Oh, good afternoon Dominic. I was thinking about Woodrow Wilson's second wife, her name is Edith Wilson. She was the first female chief executive to basically do all his work. Like he had a stroke as we know, but a lot of people in the country didn't know it because he was basically running the show, he would decide what he's going to see, what documents he's not going to see. And it sounds a little familiar right now with Jill Biden. So she kind of deceived the country a little bit. Now it's Joe Biden leading us to believe that he's very well and competent when he's not. And I wonder how much of his job she's doing. That's what I wonder about. I wish I had an answer to that, Sandra, for you or for myself, because it scares me after the debate, whatever term we want to use of who's actually running the country. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Walter, line four, Bronx, New York, Walter, what's on your mind? >> Thanks for all you do with your show, all the listeners at New York really appreciate your efforts, hopefully moving forward we can figure out a way that we can have nonpartisan maybe committees of doctors to diagnose presidents because certainly whoever it is that is treating Biden has withheld very important mental information. And the second thought is that even though the mass media and politicians and family members of Biden have been hiding his dementia, those of us that are conservative have been well aware of it for two years, but it's so distressing that even the fact checking on the internet all has stated repeatedly that this is some kind of like a right wing conspiracy when people point out. >> Right. >> And she -- >> Right. >> Hey, Walter, I got a step in because I'm out of time, out of time, turn off that turn signal. Don't leave it on too long. Folks, I won't be here tomorrow in this time, period. I'll be back on Wednesday. I wanna say this about $11 a month, donate $11 a month to the Tunnel The Towers Foundation at [MUSIC PLAYING]