Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 06-30-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the tragedy that is Joe Biden's re-election campaign after Thursday night's debate, democrats across the media and the nation calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 31m
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01 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the tragedy that is Joe Biden's re-election campaign after Thursday night's debate, democrats across the media and the nation calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race.

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>> Listen to your favorite shows live in On Demand 24/7. Download the 77 WABC mobile app now. [MUSIC] One man has a talk show on 77 WABC and that man's name is. >> It's Dominic Carter. >> I am him. >> And what there's now Dominic Carter is to be with you, Dominic. >> It gets better. >> You need to talk to Dominic Carter. It's about to go down. >> This is Dominic Carter, everybody. >> On talk radio 77 WABC. >> And good evening, good evening, good evening, everyone. Dominic Carter here with you. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. And I am coming to you live right now from Memphis, Tennessee. The bad news continues to come for President Joe Biden. That is the calls for him to step down as the Democratic nominee. The New York City Council passes a budget, the budget for the city of New York, 112.4 billion with three dissenting votes from Democratic Socialists over NYPD projects. We'll get to Biden in just a moment, but first another New York City event, and another protest with anti-Israel protesters. I've had enough, I think that the city is tired of it. It's time for these protests to go. Essentially, it was titled no pride in genocide and at least ten people arrested after a group of protesters blocked the annual pride parade in New York City. A parade flow car was splashed with red paint. It's all getting tired and stale. This is what the protest sounded like. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [APPLAUSE] [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Enough, enough, enough. Now to President Biden, former President Donald Trump, this hour we are discussing this together. Of course, I'm here with you until 1 a.m. And Frank Morales has been kind enough to ask me to join his program. I'll be doing that as well, and you can reach me right now live at 800-848-9222-800-848-9222. So I'm looking at the calls that are starting to come in. I'm going to go to Sandra in New Jersey, and Sandra says we should hope Biden stays in. We'll get to Sandra in just a moment, but she's correct, she's correct. It's my contention, no matter who's in this race. Trump is headed to the White House, but it's a lot easier. The path is a lot clearer if Biden stays in this race. So, former President Trump tweeting that Biden choked, that he choked in the debate and was in a trance. Former President Trump took a victory lap, if you will, on Truth Social Saturday, saying Biden choked during the CNN debate and perhaps was in a trance. Trump stating I watched the man firsthand capitalizing the world choke under tremendous pressure, the likes of which he has never seen before. And the criticism for Biden is just not stopping. And of course, we all know by now that the day after the debate, President Biden went to North Carolina and this time, this time was a lot more energetic as he addressed supporters. Take a listen. When you get knocked down, you get back up. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to, but I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I give you my words of Biden, I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul, I can do this job. And the president is correct. When you get knocked down, you get back up, but Mr. President, it's over. As I said, from day one of this race, Trump is going back to the White House and I continue to say it, you might as well swear him in now. So you have people like legendary journalist Bob Woodward calling Biden's dismal debate performance, a political H bomb. You have the folks on MSNBC, all of a sudden, right, Biden could do no wrong. All of a sudden they are coming down on him like a ton of bricks. Let's go ahead and begin with some of the telephone calls. We'll get to some of the other sound bites a bit later in the program on this Sunday night. Let's start with Sandra in New Jersey. Good evening, Sandra. What's on your mind? Oh, good evening, Dominic. I want to say that, watch out what you play for. Look, Trump is doing very, very well. There's no question about that and I'm so glad they're like night and day. But if they get rid of Biden, like, you know, we're all knocking him and he's a loser. He says, and if they replace him, it's going to change the whole card game and it's going to maybe not be a good thing. I just want Biden to stay in the race, like planned, let the process go as planned and let Trump win as he will with this scenario. But if we stop playing around and take him out and put somebody else in, it's going to change things and I don't want that to happen. I wanted to stay in the race and that's it. Well, you know, it's interesting, Sandra. You said it's going to mess with the cards and what went to my mind immediately is if to folks that like to play blackjack or gamble, it's almost like when when the dealer shuffles the deck, right, it's a brand new start to your point and you don't know exactly what's going to happen. Is that what your concern is? Yes, exactly. At least now I know what we're dealing with. We've been studying this man a long time. Trump knows him. Biden knows Trump. They know each other. Let them do the race the way it was planned. We don't have to all of a sudden we see he's a loser, take him out and put somebody else in. Let the thing play out and you know what else Dominic, I noticed the next day when he was in Raleigh, North Carolina, he did much better and I'm wondering, do you think they might have given him too much medication and it worked to his disadvantage and then the next day maybe the medication kind of went away and he did better or maybe he's intimidated by Trump and when he's together with Trump, he can't perform well. He's apart from Trump. He does better, but all I'm saying is let this process continue the way it's supposed to go. That's all. Fair enough. I don't know what the president may have been given what he may not have been given. All I can tell you is that we all saw Sandra with our own eyes, a train wreck of a debate. It was it was bad finally beat Medicare and completely forgetting his thought and it was just it was very, very bad. Sandra, thank you for the call. Let's stay in New Jersey. Good evening, Ben. What's on your mind? You are on talk radio 77 WABC. How are you today? I'm well and I hope you're doing well. Okay. Now, so my point is that I haven't heard that I don't listen that often to everybody, but when I'm in the car, I was thinking that the point they're concerned should be making here is that all of a sudden, everyone's coming out and saying how Biden's out to launch. Correct? Yes. So the point should be made is that we've been lied to for the last three years. That's the point that's more important than saying that now he's no go and put someone else in or don't put someone else in your car and that they're hiding him in the basement. I want you to continue. You are a thousand percent correct because one of the things that I've been thinking about is what we saw on that debate stage, right? The president of the United States, it scared me half to death because I said, so who's making the calls running the country? You know, because clearly does this make it to the attorney general desk or in a normal country? Because that's what I find the most fascinating, that they could get away with this. That's a real problem. I think in Trump, in the beginning of his days, he made some sort of mess and they send medical establishments to be evaluated, is that correct, correct? No, no, no, no. Mr. Trump on his own behalf did mental screenings, if you will, and he's encouraged President Biden to do the same. So President Trump did everything on his own. He was on the up and up and he took the initiative himself to show cognitively that he was in charge of every single step, every direction that was being made. Ben? You know, for that woman who's on the fence, who's not sure she hates Trump, but she doesn't want to do Biden, she should be told, "Lady, listen up, you've been lied to for the last three years." You know, that's a pretty big argument why you might want to switch parties, no? Are you referring to the last caller before you? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm referring to a general of suburban nice. No, I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. Fair enough. Fair enough. Ben, thank you for the call. You know, Ben, I do, before I let you go, you do make a very valid point, right? So and a bigger point should be, you're correct, that the American people have been lied to for the last three years. And that's what you're stating should be the overall issue, correct? And I don't see people talking about that enough. I mean, that should be the bigger issue than whether you should go or shouldn't go. Fair enough, Ben, thank you for the call in New Jersey. Let's go to Robert in Philadelphia, good evening, Robert. What's on your mind? Hey, Dominic, it's good to talk to you again, and I hope you had a really good weekend. Thank you. I did, and same to you and your family. Thank you. I've been kind of anticipating, as we've been talking about this, you know, the fact that Biden might not run for a while now. And I've been saying that in anticipation that we are not where we are because Joe Biden has oatmeal between his ears. We are where we are because his handlers put forth bills and policies that every single Democrat voted for. And they're not going to replace him with anybody who's going to say, Oh, I would have done things differently. So we got a panel on that going forward in anticipation of Joe Biden not being the nominee. Do you know what I mean? Yes. So the bottom line, if you had to bet of whether or not he's the guy at the convention, the gal at the convention, what do you say? I don't think he's going to be the nominee, but I haven't thought that for a while just because you can't hide reality, no matter how good they are at doing it when they have the media in their pocket, you know what I mean? And I don't think he's going to be the nominee. I remember before when we spoke about this, I had mentioned a Newsome Obama, Michelle Obama ticket. And, and you rightfully, you know, we're very skeptical of that. And I don't think that would be the case now, but I would caution you there is someone, the governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Appiro, who could be more of a threat to Trump than anybody else. But that's only because Josh Appiro is a good comedian, you know? Well, I hear you, but the Michelle Obama stuff, to me, the argument is ridiculous. It's just never going to happen. But Robert, as always, thank you for the call, and I hope you had a lovely weekend with your family. Thank you very much. Let's go to Chris and the Catskills, Good evening, Chris. You're on talk radio 77 W.A.B.C. Good evening, Dominic, as a Democrat, I'd like to see Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown replaced Biden on the ticket. He's a very intelligent, well-spoken policy wonk, kind of Democrat who has a broad appeal with progressives. You're never going to world a policy wonk is not going to be elected president. Where does the person act? And we've heard that talk about Senator Brown for a while. How could he get elected? Where's the personality factor? It would never work. Well, I think Trump would have serious problems with him in a debate, but perhaps maybe he could be on the under ticket as the vice president or for somebody with much bigger name recognition. Okay. Now, now that's possible, but I still don't see a policy wonk being able to make it on the ticket. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm wrong, Chris. Maybe you're into policy, but America for the most part is not. And I just don't see it. Somebody's got to try and solve and mitigate these problems facing this country. And those two men I saw the other night aren't going to do it, you know, it's, I'm not happy with 95 to 98% of these people that are in elected office, you know, all parties. So, I mean, the problems are just going to keep mounting as the population of this country grows, you know, legal and illegal presidents. Fair enough. Thank you for the call, Chris, and the Catskills Dominic Carter here with you folks, I want you to listen. I want you to listen. So first, this is legendary journalist, Bob Woodward, right? Appearing with Ari Melber on MSNBC. And he says that Mr. Biden's debate performance amounted to a political H bomb. Take a listen. I sat there and watched it, and I could not believe it. I said, not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the Democratic Party, it, I mean, you know, what happened? What happened? And I think something happened. So, it's interesting, and next hour, we'll let you hear a bit more expanded of what Woodward has to say. Now, the folks on MSNBC, right, they could not be bigger cheerleaders for Biden, right? The entire race, right? Biden is great. Trump is horrible. That's been a mantra of, of MSNBC. But I want you to listen to this. I want you to listen to this, and in a moment, I'm going to go to Cheryl and Cincinnati, Ohio. But I want you to listen to this, folks. This is one of the main hosts on MSNBC, Ari Melber, and listen to how he is describing Trump's performance. Excuse me, not Trump. The day that marks a major shift in this presidential race is something you can basically feel in that many felt in their core the emotion hitting probably before the logic or any intellectual observations, even as President Biden first walked out to the stage at this debate, which his campaign pushed for earlier than ever, and then delivered a performance that has, for now, upended this race, and done so so swiftly, the criminal nations had begun long before he and Trump walked off that very stage. This is a debate that is certainly memorable, but not in a very happy way. Next hour, it's Ari Melber, and obviously he was assessing Biden's performance. Trump did what he needed to do. Trump was steady, Trump was presidential, Trump is ready to be sworn in right now. In fact, his performance was so outstanding. And remember, we're waiting for the Supreme Court to come back. It may be tomorrow, tomorrow at some point, to come back on whether the president has immunity from prosecution. So it's going to be a very interesting day. So Trump on that debate stage, remember folks, in 11 days, he's going to be sentenced. And there's the possibility of prison. You didn't see any nerves. He was cool as a cucumber at that debate. Oh, Trump lied 30 times. Trump did not lie, Trump was consistent in his positions in what he has said on the stump consistently. Cheryl, Cincinnati, Ohio, good evening, your on-talk video, 77WABC. Good evening, Dominic, how are you? I'm doing well. I hope you're well in your family. I am well, and as a matter of fact, I'm from Cincinnati, which I've told you before, but I'm on my way to New Jersey as we speak. Wow. Going to spend, yeah, going to spend 4th of July, week and New Jersey. Anyway, close to New York City, you know. Oh, yes. Yeah. Because I remember our last conversation that we had. Yeah, you have close to New York, you know, take the good old Jersey transit in there. Oh, boy, these days, oh, boy, these days with New Jersey transit, but anyway. Okay, Cheryl, so go ahead. Well, in talking to a number of people since the debate, I just, a couple of things I just had to share. And it's interesting you bring up the Supreme Court, because one of them is, one of the things somebody said to me, well, these will be the next charges that they bring Trump up on that he murdered somebody, that he murdered Biden at the debate, but kind of a funny there, but it's really not funny, right? But let's hope the Supreme Court rules properly on that. But the other thing that's much more serious and that is that the problem, the biggest problem with that debate is it really made our world a more dangerous place. Because you know, Biden was on full display for everybody in the entire world, anybody that hadn't seen him, any leaders that hadn't seen him, boy, they got the full, the full money on that one. You're correct. You're correct. It was, it was really scary. It is. And it's like, again, you know, you said, who's running the country that I mean, it is scary. I mean, I'm driving on the highway tonight and I don't know, I just suddenly got kind of scared. I thought anything could happen at any moment. And I'm by myself. I don't know. I just got kind of scared. And yeah, I'm just really worried. I mean, I think I keep hearing, you know, Joe Biden's just really, you know, jealous of Michelle Obama. She just wants to have her moment, you know, as the first lady. I don't know who's behind all this, but whatever, it's scary for all of us. And I mean, and it is straight out elder abuse. I don't care what anybody says to put that man up there. I agree with you. I'm not a, you know, I'm not a conspiracy person. I'm really not. But I think that was done on purpose. So really, Joe, I feel kind of sorry for you. I do. Of course. Okay. But wait, I'll ask you the same question, Cheryl, that I put to others. Sure. Uh, if it was a, if it was a DNC decision to have this debate, I would say yes. But it was Biden's campaign. It was his team already on the ropes that said, listen, we can't wait. We've got to engage Trump now. It was his team that that's already running scared that said, let's do this debate early and then it blew up in their face. But when you say he was set up, set up by him, well, obviously, Dominic, you know, way more about this than I do. So I may be way off on this. I may, you know, I can feed to you if that's what you think, but I know everybody, everybody's entitled to an opinion and, and you never know your, your opinion may be more accurate than mine. You know, we, we never know as it relates to these situations. Well, I just think that the people that are closest to him are the people that are, that are his worst enemies and even if they're campaign people, I, I, I just think that there's powers that we don't know about that they, they know they can't win and they want him out at, at any cost and then right now when you say the people around him, the first lady Jill Biden is under criticism, under attack for not trying to pull, getting her husband to pull a plug on this, is that who you're referring to in part. Well, I don't, I, I think, now I think she wants, I think she's one of the few that wants them to stay. I think that's sincere. I don't think she wants to give up being first lady plus who knows what kind of nonsense they've been into legally that, you know, could come up. But I just think it's, no, I think it's his, quote, unquote, advisors, possibly people in the cabinet. And I think people in his campaign, I don't know that I trust any of them. I don't know. There's just, it, it doesn't make sense. If you think that someone, even if you suspect as a campaign person and they know that he has beginnings of dementia, which is obvious, the worst time to ever be out would be at night. They sundown. It's your correct. It's a fact. You're correct. They sundown, so he's looking at, they know he's not going to do a good job. I think that they put this out early just to, you know, kind of, it's not, it's not my fault that it happened. You know, we can't help what he does. You know, we work to put him out there. We tried to get him ready, but I think it just takes it kind of off their shoulder, so to speak, that, okay, we want to do a debate, but I think they knew it was, I think they knew it was going to backfire. I really do. I just don't, I'm probably not making much sense, but you're making a lot of sense. You're making a lot. But wait, wait, wait, with Cheryl, but I'll let you finish your thought. But before you go, you said, I'm just curious on a personal note. You said you're on the road and it's nighttime and you're, and you're by yourself. Are you actually driving now to New Jersey? Well, I'm not. I just pulled in a little bit ago. I wanted to pull in so I could hear your show. Oh, isn't that nice. So wait now, because, because I'm just curious whenever I drive somewhere, if you make me leave during the day, shoot me in the head now, because I don't have the patience. I can't deal with the traffic. I like, I like the middle of the night when no one's out there and I can just do my thing and think. So I guess we share that in common. Yes. Yes. I am a night driver and I'm 70 years old and people are like, you got to be crazy. I'm going out there. You shouldn't be leaving now and, you know, and the only one that doesn't give me a hard time is my husband because he knows me well, you know, and I do it for the same reason, Dominic. There's no traffic and also the son bothers me, the son just beating on me all day. It's hot. There's traffic. I don't want to deal with it. I mean, I got, I got here, it's a normally four and a half hour drive. I got here in like three and a half hours tonight. Wow. And, you know, and you were driving the speed limit, right? So you got here in record time. Oh, of course. Hey, Cheryl, I think, I thank you for the call and we wish you well while you're visiting in New Jersey. And I know last time I spoke to you, you said you were not coming to New York, but maybe you'll give the city a chance, but have your guard up should you decide to do so and be canceled. Well, let me just tell you. I found out on the way here that my Cincinnati Reds are playing the Bronx bombers. I'm upset. Well, maybe, maybe you can go to the game, maybe I'd love to anyway, have a good, good Dominic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the call. And when you get up tomorrow or whatever, if you're not there yet, enjoy the rest of the drive. And folks, as I, as I tell you, every Sunday, every Sunday must listen to radio happens to be the owner operator of WABC, John Katzema TDS, his shows Monday through Friday, cats in Cosby, five to six p.m., but also the cats round table on Sunday mornings. So this morning, for example, Mr. Katzema TDS had on former Harlem Congressman Charles Rengle, right, and Rengle himself is 94 years old and Rengle wondered whether President Biden belongs in a nursing home in a nursing home, as opposed to the White House instead of the White House following last week's debate disaster. And so Congressman Rengle told Mr. Katzema TDS, "I have never been more shocked than embarrassed. Wow, by any presidential debate than I was last Thursday." And he went on to say, of course, Democrat, you know, he's got to do a little dig at a former President Trump, but he said, quote, "This is former Congressman Charles Rengle. Some candidate is a convicted felon who has no respect for the truth for morality. The other seems so damn confused. I don't even know whether he knew where the hell he was in terms of responding to the moderator." And that's a former Congressman Charles Rengle talking to our owner operator, John Katzema TDS. And it's an assessment that on the part of Biden that I agree with, because when he walked out, it just seems like, and one thing that I will knock Mr. Trump and President Biden for, I just, I think they didn't shake hands to what I could see beforehand. And even when the first lady came out with the President towards the end, Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden, I did not see them shake hands. Maybe you folks did. I didn't see it. I just think that it would have been good for the country. Folks, we are going to take a break when we come back more of your phone calls from Pennsylvania, to Brooklyn, to South Carolina, Staten Island, and New York City. We will be right back. And we are back on this Sunday night. Dominic Carter here with you coming to you from Memphis, Tennessee. And we are taking your telephone calls. I'm here until 1am. Frank Marana has been kind enough to ask me to join him for his show. So I will be doing that as well. But for the meantime, you and I together are continuing. I don't see any possible way that President Biden can continue this race. Jacqueline in Brooklyn. Good evening. What's on your mind, Jacqueline? Dominic, you know, in talking to Cheryl, you posed the question to her and also to another caller that made the same statement that she did last week. Why would his own team set him up for failure like this? I don't think they intended to set him up for failure, but they had no choice in allowing him to do this debate because of his falling poll numbers and they are going so rapidly. You are correct. They had no way of knowing that he was going to fall flat on his face like this and, you know, he may be able to read from a script. He may be able to read from a teleprompter, but when it comes to critically thinking on his feet in a situation like that, like the debate, I think, you know, they didn't anticipate that this was going to happen, but it did. So now they are in a quadmire. Now, if they don't have a magic candidate to pull out of their hat, they're screwed. Quagmire. Huh, Jacqueline? I love the word because that's exactly the situation that they are in. So pull out your crystal ball. What happens? I think at this point, from what I understand, based on, I mean, I'm thinking anything can happen between now and then. He could, he may not even be alive by November. And then they have no choice. Kamala is going to be their candidate by default. So no matter how they slice and dice it, like I said, unless they can pull a magic rabbit out of their magic hat, they are basically screwed. Is there any way, is there any way Jacqueline of that President Biden can recover from this? It was almost like night and day between his appearance on Friday in North Carolina. And of course, his appearance at the debate last Thursday night. Is there any way he can pull this out, turn this around and win? I don't see it. But what do you think? No, I don't see it either. And the reason he was able to do that is like I said, he may be able to read from a script. He may be able to read from a teleprompter. But as far as critically thinking, that's not going to happen. And as you and I and many of your other listeners know, elections are decided by independence. And I think, in my opinion, the independence that saw that debate and saw what happened, I don't think it's possible that they are going to vote for Biden. They are going to have no choice but to vote for President Trump. And just as the die hard Trumpsters, no matter what, the die hard Biden supporters, no matter what, are going to vote for him. Or they're going to stay home. Right. It correct. And that's still a vote for Trump because we know that Trump's base, the way he's being persecuted and kangaroo courts and everything else, his base is going to turn out in record, record numbers. What, you know, it's funny, Jacqueline, because traveling all over this weekend, you see Trump signs everywhere, young men with Trump signs on their bicycles all over the Midwest. Now it is the Midwest, right? But I haven't seen that one Biden sign, not one. And so you're right. They're going to be forced to vote for Trump and an independence that watched that debate had to be horrified because the illusion was over that there was no hiding anymore. What happened? And you're right, even if they decide to stay home and don't vote, then that's one less vote for Biden that would have been there. So ultimately it's still a vote for Trump. Thank you, Jacqueline, for the call. Let's go to Susan, New York City, Susan, good evening. What's on your mind? Go and talk with you 77 W. A. B. C. Hi there. Yeah. Well, I think the basement came out of the debate and why President Trump against all odds, you know, agreed to those rules was that he knew that if it's just the optics of even if no one listened to the words to see the condition of Biden at the state and it happened in the first few minutes that Biden couldn't like say anything cohesive and that President Trump, just like even the expression on his face, the split screen, you didn't even really have to listen to the words. You could just visualize that. Correct. If this the danger, I think what came out to me and I believe many people that the danger that we're in with Biden, not just for the next four years, the next four hours, the next because we're in such a, you know, crisis and so many issues. I mean, just right at our own borders here with Russian ship right outside of Florida, China doing military exercises and I'm not China, I'm in sorry, Cuba, you know, they're at our doorstep and that this is this is beyond anything that we could imagine and the solutions. I don't know how they're even going to be able at this point unless Biden steps down. You know, this has become a sofa for almost. When you say step down, meaning that he doesn't run for reelection, correct? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, you know, it's it, Susan, I don't think any of us, the only thing that I would disagree with will what you said is that you're correct. Perhaps Mr. Trump knew what would ultimately happen, but at the same time, the best way I can describe it, it's like when you have a heavyweight champion boxer and and you have a contender. The contender has to agree to every term that the heavyweight champion wants. And that's what Mr. Trump had to do, he had to agree to every term that Biden wanted, but he still shined tremendously at the end of the day. And it's going to be interesting to see what the Supreme Court rules is going to be interesting to see what Judge Moschott does because the judge is in a pickle. He really is in a pickle right now. How do you throw the book at Trump when this man on that debate stage proved to you in America that he is the next president of the United States? How do you put somebody like that in jail? You don't, but, but Susan, well, hey, Susan, before I let you go, are you still there? Susan. So, so do you think the judge, given the debate performance, it's my contention. I know many of you think Judge Moschott will put Trump in prison. I don't see it. How do you put the next president of the United States in prison? I think that debate was a game changer even for his sentencing. What do you say? I don't believe that I think if Moschott is, he is very focused and that, you know, I don't believe that he gives a crap about the debate or any thing that could be logical. And I'm very concerned that there will be a prison sentence coming for President Trump of some sort. Fair enough. Fair enough, Susan. Thank you for your perspective. When we come back, Gracie in California this evening, Joaquin in Pennsylvania, Mike in South Carolina, Jerry on Staten Island. I will be right back. Now, here's Dominic Carter on talk radio 77 W.A.B.C. The week are back on this Sunday night, Dominic Carter here with you talk radio 77 W.A.B.C. I'm here to 1 a.m., 1 a.m. this morning, then Frank Marano and the other side of midnight hope you folks had a great weekend. We're about to go back to your telephone calls. We see them coming in. But I want you to listen, as I said in the last segment, the catch round table done by our owner, operator John Captain Matiti's every week, like clockwork, there's a major newsmaker, local, national, international on his program. So Harlem former Harlem Congressman Charles Rangel happened to be on this morning. And of course, there's the Captain Cosby show on Monday through Friday 5 to 6 p.m. I say to people, and I mean this sincerely, and if you know Dominic, you know Dominic is not going to say something unless he means it. So if you listen to that program for one hour, Rita Cosby, John Captain Matiti's, they will have generally five or five guests, four to five guests within one hour. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, back to back to back, Congressman, the former Congressman Charles Rangel appeared with Mr. Captain Matiti's this morning discussing the debate. And here's what the conversation sounded like, Congressman, Sunday morning, we're drinking our coffee, give us your evaluation. What do you think of what happened to the debate, give us your evaluation, what do you think happened with the New York State and their primaries? You tell us. Well, thank you so much for calling me on this beautiful Sunday morning. Quite frankly, I have never been more shocked than embarrassed by any presidential debate as I was the last Thursday. And there you have it, there you have it. And then Mr. Rangel went on to explain in full detail why, as we elaborated on earlier. Right now up until the top of the hour, and I'm with you until 1 a.m., let's continue with your calls, Mike in South Carolina. Good evening, Mike. What's on your mind? Good evening, Dominic. Well, some of the great callers tonight, and if you callers back, the redundant one, the lady from Brooklyn, I'll never forget a couple of months ago, she said, Frankie Russo, I started listening to that show, and maybe he should run for a elected office. Maybe you can run on his ticket, you know, maybe that'll be good, and you can move out to Montana, and it sounds like she's looking for a man on the radio. Anyway, Dominic, the debate, you know, by the book like it, I believe you're referring to Jacqueline. I wish you two would work through your differences. I don't know what the problem is. That's right. She likes to take stabs and similar to the guy from White Plains. I don't really care. But just find yourself a man and move to Montana, okay? And maybe you could be a surrogate mother to some of these disadvantaged kids that you speak about. You just go on and on and on. Dominic, yeah, Biden had the deer in the headlights to walk throughout the entire debate. And Kudos, like you said, because Donald Trump, he held this cool, anything he threw at him was just, you know, it just glanced off him. Anyway, Mike, let me just say this, and then I'll let you continue your talk. Trump is a man of tremendous class, tremendous class, even after all that's been done to him. This is my opinion that he felt sorry for Biden and he did not go in for the kill. He could have ended the campaign Thursday night and he did let Biden do tremendous damage to himself. And he only made that one comment where he said, I don't think he knows what he's talking about. But he could have said that consistently and he didn't. It points to the type of man that Donald Trump is. After all that's been done to him, he still took the high road, but go ahead, Mike, definitely. You said it well, Dominic, you know, definitely. He could have gone through the jugular many times he didn't because, you know, it was all choreographed. I call it communist net news network. And if he's not reading from, you know, his own teleprompter or a little card, then, you know, and how is his wife, the doctor, she stands firm and supporting him. Hey, it's time for you to go like in the old vaudeville at Dominique back in the day. You're on the stage not doing well, get the cane and get the hook and get them off the freaking stage, you know, because it's turning into a Jerry Springer show. Late, great Jerry Springer, you know, but, Dominic, all the good callers, you know, I give them a round of applause, all the good ones, okay. And keep doing what you're doing, Dominic. Thank you. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm thinking a ride. I'm sorry. Friday, I'm thinking a ride up to my old hood, Long Island, I'll see my son upstate, easy, law enforcement, wide receiver, Courtland, I'll see my daughter and friends. I might go to Lake George. So that sounds wonderful. Oh, yeah. So Dominic, always good and a lady before a while back was funny. I was laughing. I just turned 70. I said, ma'am, if you drive your night, you know, just don't put the pedal to the metal too much. You know, don't do that. Right. All right. Right. Agreed. Agreed. Mike, thank you for the, for the call. And if you're headed up here to see your kids, your son in law enforcement, your daughter, I think you said she's an education, if I remember correctly from the past, I wish you well on your trip. And if you're going to Lake George, oh, absolutely beautiful this time of year, nature, Nate from the lakes to, to the camping, to the walking around, absolutely beautiful, Jerry in New Jersey. Good evening, Jerry. You're on talk radio 77 WABC. Good evening, Dominic, Judge Murchan, he knows he's got to kill the king figuratively Trump. If he doesn't, he knows he's in big trouble. So I think now he's really debating his own mind, how far is he want to go in doing this to Trump jail? And I think it's a 50, 50 now, where before before this debate, I was totally thinking without a doubt, and I believe Murchan would have given Trump and bracelet and jail time at his house. I'm not so sure that anymore after he knows he might not be able to successfully figuratively kill the king. I think he's scared now. Well, he's definitely not going to quote unquote kill the king. The king is unstoppable. And Jerry, I agree with you wholeheartedly on this that perhaps that was the situation before, but now we're dealing with the after following the debate. And if I'm Judge Murchan, right? You know, obviously he's trying to score democratic points. But how do you lock up the next president of the United States of America and not understand that somehow, some way there will be major retribution for your career? Do you agree with that, Jerry? Absolutely. And now Trump looks like he's going to definitely have the power to do something if he chooses with his own DOJ and you never know what he might do and rightfully do to someone who might be doing something wrong somewhere. And Murchan and his daughter, they're innocent people. But who knows what can happen down the road with someone like Trump? He's unpredictable and we just don't know where he might be going. If I were merchant, I would be worried, even if I was an innocent person, even though I respect Trump, I think I'm going to have a lot to do. I agree. I agree. I agree. If I'm the judge in this case, I'm saying, wait a minute, wait a minute. Do I really want the president of the United States putting a target on my back? In the way, Jerry, we both know the way this works is the president doesn't have to say a word. Mr. Trump returns to the White House. He just nods his head to his chief of staff and boom, here it all comes. And you know, that debate was a game changer in so, so many ways. Thank you for the call, Jerry. Let's go to Jake and Wayne, New Jersey. Good evening. you're on talk radio seventy seven w_ a_b_c_ and i'm a global of the show uh... very kind of a man uh... i think uh... when uh... dot from have the job the baby job i didn't i don't understand the white he said black jobs instead of lower income jobs will be lost i think that's gonna hurt him a little bit and i don't know why by reindeer is not on his wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's go back you don't understand why he said black jobs i mean are you serious yeah come on come on now are you sure what why would be the low income is all across the thing and i think that jay jay jay jay trump's numbers in the black community are going through the roof of course it's going to play to the black community no i understand that let's listen to him but jay jay jay you gotta go on which side your bread is buttered and right now the black community seems to have a lovely at least enough to hurt uh... uh... byton seems to have a love relationship with trump of course he's going to play to the black community he would be a fool not to i mean but there are so many people hurting it's not just the black community it's not a community right but right but it's hurting if you're really making a truer income come on jay come on jay this is uh... that this is a lesson in politics come on trump doesn't favor one group over the other he he talks to every group but at the same time he would be a fool not to play to the black community right now with the way his ratings are going thank you for the call jay with the way his ratings are going in the black community he has a shot at at doing something that no republican has ever done if he moves that black base that black eight hundred pound gorilla if you will for lack of a better term meaning power meaning power that's all i mean by that meaning power if he moves that from uh... the democrats to the republicans it is over it is over so like for example are one of the things that i did today uh... here in Memphis and it's funny that uh... does he just made that point the last caller is i went to the laren hotel where uh... doctor king was assassinated and one of the things that they showed us was how blacks used to vote republican and then how it changed and for all these decades the black vote has been owned by democrats to to rally that point one more time trump has the opportunity of doing something that no republican candidate has done and that is what the uh... black community and trump talks to every community gracie in california good evening gracie what's on your mind hi good evening dot mike listen i i want to add to it i don't call and said and try and check listen i believe this was all a set up a complete set up between his advisers and the d_n_c_ they're all in the same cabal and they decided because if the advisers looked at job yet other politicians will give them a job they're all it's one club you know i mean i believe i'm acting the republicans also have the club that they cover for each other but we're going to democrat i believe it's one major cabal and they figured we better do that the debate early so that will have a chance to make it to salvage and get another can today and what you said was a hundred percent right the people that a die-hard democrats the way i'm a die-hard trump stuff it he'd have to do i don't know what but not to vote for him uh... will vote for him and they have to concentrate on the independence and i can't see how any person who's going to the supermarket and paying for gas can still think trumps into a better job and gracie i'm i'm with you i'm with you uh... it's going to be interesting and the proof is in the pudding as i think is the point that gracie was making you go to the gas station you go to the supermarket we all know what time it is folks costs are through the roof gas is expensive we're going to take a break our number two coming up and i will be with you until one a_m_ this morning and that's when frank marano will take over frank's been kind enough to ask me to join the show to those of you that are on hold if you want to stay with us for our number two just stay right there and we will get to your calls we're going to take a short break a short break more of your telephone calls from around the country as we start our number two in just a few minutes stay with us folks now from new york city to the world it's dominant carter and good morning good morning good morning everyone dominate carter here with you and i'm coming to you live this morning from minnesota c where i was this weekend and uh... there's a lot to get to first of all the first lady jill byton jill byton her ex-husband is slamming her for apparently encouraging president byton to stay in the race after the debate disaster her ex-husband stating i don't even recognize her and so the question becomes do you folks as well put part of the blame on jill byton this as yet another major newspaper yet another major newspaper is urging president byton to step down after the disaster at the debate against trump stating retirement is now necessary i'm referring to the atlanta journal constitution the editorial board calling on biting to drop out of the twenty twenty four race quote again retirement is now necessary the atlanta journal constitution published a front page editorial asking byton to pass the torch to another more competent candidate following the lead of the new york times the editorial goes on to say the unfortunate truth is that byton shit withdraw from the race for the good of the nation he is served so admirably for half a century then editorial goes on to say the president has shown clear signs of the early stages of decline so i want you to listen folks we're gonna go to your telephone calls in just a moment listen to what the president said less than twenty four hours after the debate when he was at a campaign rally in north carolina take a listen folks when you get knocked out you get back up i don't want diseases i used to i don't speak as smooth as i used to but i know what i do know i know how to tell the truth i give my words about i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul i can do this job okay so in a moment i'm going to let you hear folks how former speaker Nancy Pelosi went on CNN and and tried her best to spin this you can't spend this the american people saw what they saw in their own eyes and nothing's going to change the fact that trump is headed back to the white house but first i want you to listen to journalist bob woodward now this is an extended clip it seems like msnbc has completely has completely turned on byton so bob woodward went on msnbc with arey melber who was highly critical of byton's performance and this clip was a couple of minutes i want you to listen carefully to what this legendary journalist bob woodward what he has to say in terms of how bad byton's appearance at the debate happened to be byton's performance was so bad so awful uh... i would the way i look at it uh... as a reporter there must be some explanation what really happen wait he what it was preparing for this a long time he knew it was consequential and then it was this bad it's like a a golfer who plays country club golf in the nineties all of a sudden shoots a hundred and forty and you wonder something went wrong he broke his footer is ankle uh... i i think the answer here is in reporting in seeking very aggressively an explanation what happened here uh... we don't want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years or a decade we'd need to know now and i tell you it was so bad so awful i mean i i don't want to speculate on possible explanations uh... suppose he had uh... i want to speculate because i think the answer is in the realm you always talk about evidence and uh... maybe he had some uh... knocked-down drag-out fight with his campaign managers some there is an explanation that's where the repittorial energy should go in my view yeah and bob you've you've heard you follow this closely what how washington is taking this in when you hear calls to reconsider the nomination or that idea that maybe buying to drop out do you think that's merited now or too early for that talk well it's inevitable because his performance was i i i sat there and watched it and i could not believe it i said not only is this uh... a political hydrogen bomb for him and the democratic party uh... and uh... you know what happened what happened i'd i think something happened and uh... if you look back at this he uh... hold up uh... for days working on this preparing for it he knew it's significance somebody who is a practiced politician like biden will internalize and rehearse lines there there must have been some of that but he got thrown off his own game somehow i really think there is some sort of very large explanation for this because it was so and it was almost impossible and indeed it was would work describing it as a political h bomb in a few minutes you'll hear the opposite side mancy polosi goes on c_n_n_ to try to try and spin this horrible debate performance but there isn't that much spin in the world let's go to your telephone calls eight hundred eight four eight nine two two two eight in indiana good morning and what's on your mind closer i was uh... i couldn't watch that i just couldn't watch it i'd sat through like fifteen seconds and i said this guy is used and i was wondering are the doctors if he'd if he died from whatever they gave them i don't know how he was if he was administered by himself like if he needed a quick boost if he had a button or something on him but you know i was and i was talking to your screener uh... look back at michael jackson what would happen to these doctors if he freaking you know if succumbed and uh... that's something to consider and i'll take your answer off the yes sir thank you well and thank you for the call this morning from indiana you do raise some legitimate points were only speculating we don't know what could have happened but when you consider the state of the union address in which he was on his game when you consider the day after the debate at a campaign rally in north carolina he was on his game what happened there is a night from the moment he walked out the president of the united states of america it looked like a uh... with all due respect to senior citizens like a uh... a man and elderly man that was completely confused and lost and didn't know what was going on and it was horrible it was horrible because trump looked like trump trump look like like he's ready to leave the world again like he's ready to turn things around and that is exactly what trump is going to do that's exactly what he is going to do it's inevitable that he is going back to the white house he was going back to the white house before the the debate he was going back to the white house before the judge in new york moshan no matter what sentence the judge gives him this trump train is on stopable unstoppable let's go to walk in in pennsylvania good morning walking what's on your mind mister car first of all i want to play mister car because you carry yourself like such a gentleman well thank you that's kind of you to say my friend thank you are you know what i i i disagree i don't think trump's gone back to the white house i think they're going to stop them and this does this debate was designed to take joe by now and they will replace them unfortunately they are going to take and they're going to blame all the bad policies which are democrat policies they're gonna blame on joe oh we didn't do this you know it was joe who did it you know and i hate to say it but i think it's going to be hoping change the show obama i mean noose and never gonna happen i don't know why you keep saying that that's never going do you have anything to based that on it i mean that's never it's not even a possibility Dominic the black vote is going to to trump do you think they can allow this to go on who's going to stop that well michael obama could deliver the black vote but what else could she deliver nothing you know uh progressives liberals not in i know that yes but you know when you come back to all of this it just unfortunately i whoever it is they're going to they did they did they did this to replace to replace joe biden and i'm one of these people i have no love loss for the man because he's been destroying the country but it's democrat policies that are doing it well fair enough fair enough i i thank you for the call watching in pennsylvania folks i've got to take a break when we come back we will continue live this morning from memphis tennessee i will be right back this is Dominic Carter now from new york city to the world it's Dominic Carter and we are back and at the bottom of the hour we will let you hear how democrats are spinning away those that are brave enough to even come out publicly and try and defend biden after that horrible debate performance trump is headed back to the white house until then we are taking your telephone calls let's go to teddy teddy online three good morning teddy what's on your mind oh good morning either once again i differ from a lot of people with the criticism it's called heads democrats lose tails republicans win i agree with you that biden was pitiful i had it i was i put my head down i felt terrible fair he did a poor job but you and you conveniently omit this and you're going to deny it you always do people of high reputation said he lied over 30 times 30 times top journalists okay and you know you conveniently leave that left and charlie wrangle i heard charlie wrangle this morning he said biden was pitiful he didn't know people who belongs in a nursing home and trump belongs in jail okay you conveniently left at all so once again i'm going to say i'm not voting for biden no and i have to vote so therefore it's a reluctant vote for trump because i can't vote for biden because he's not capable of handling the job that however that does not mean robert from philadelphia that trump is of high presidential ability okay and that's all i have to say okay i'm the only one dominica who calls you up and criticizes trump well one that's not true you're not the only one but two by two teddy you just said that trump lied over 30 times right and you said top journalist said this with all due respect teddy i am a top journalist and and uh what candidate does not in a debate setting fudge the truth truth or fudge their policy a little bit you don't think that president biden fudge the truth at that debate so then okay so so then if they all do it so if they all do it why why are you trying to make this it's like you're looking for an excuse to explain away the fact that president biden did not do well no he didn't do well it was plain and evident dominica that's the thing with you when i see in there an ace in it is a i call an ace an ace and a spay to spay and so do i and so do i you don't do that with trump at all the man is a convicted felon you omit that i know what you're going to say you know okay what am i going to say teddy tell me what i'm going to say go ahead it's going to be overturned by the new york court of appeals i know okay yes put in the meantime dominica he was convicted he was convicted and a kangaroo court and a kangaroo court we did not have a fair trial stop it stop talking like that all the time about okay it's true it's true so Dominic you're going to tell me then when the election comes in in november okay if trump loses are you going to tell me that it was work i tell you what i tell you what i would never say that i didn't say the last election was rigged i've got to take a break teddy you know if if you could hold for a few minutes i really would like to continue this we'll be right back this is Dominic Carter now from new york city to the world it's Dominic Carter i don't walk as easy as i used to i don't speak as smooth as i used to but i know what i do know i know how to tell the truth i'd give you my words abide and i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul i can do this job well folks that's the president of the united states of america joe byton the day after the debate and when one loses as badly as he did all you've got left is to say the other guy lies that's the point that teddy was just making teddy whether he realizes it or not i'm going to go back to him in just a second doesn't understand how he's being used for the democratic agenda instead lashing out at me stating that i never criticized trump he said that if the if trump loses the election well i say it's a rigged election i'm going to go back to teddy in a second because for the last election you never once heard me say that the election was rigged many trump supporters say that's exactly what happened that it was stolen you never heard that come out of my mouth teddy i consistently said the train had left the station we have to look forward but we'll get back to teddy because i want to continue with him in just a second in more of your calls so we heard legendary journalist bob woodwork state that it was a political h bomb byton's performance i want you to listen to this spin oh boy this spin from former house speaker Nancy Pelosi appearing uh on cnn trying to explain away the disaster from president byton at the debate listen to this folks and 16 no bell lariat said when it comes to inflation if the other guy gets elected inflation will soar because of his fiscal policies so it's not about performance in terms of a debate it's about performance in a presidency and i want you to know that the the fact is that the reaction to the lies of donald trump is something that maybe tv isn't focusing on but people are and to have a debate where you have to spend half your time negating what he said because he has no nothing knows nothing about the truth one side of the suit and one side of the screen you have integrity the other side you have dishonesty yeah and we we have definitely been pointing out uh the about 30 falsehoods that we heard from former president trump but what you just did madam speaker uh was make the argument for joe biden's re-election in a way that he did not on thursday night isn't that a problem i don't i don't hear it's a problem it's a bad night a bad night this as yet another major newspaper is urging president biden to step down after that disaster at the debate in atlanta stating retirement is now necessary the atlanta journal constitution editorial board calling on biden to drop out of the twenty twenty four race again retirement is now necessary so teddy line three uh once again i wanted to for you to be able to express your frustration you you feel that i don't call trump out and that you we ended the call because i had a heartbreak you said that if he loses this time around that when i say it was rigged he will not accept it okay and you and the rest of your click plan will also say and maybe it won't come from you but they will say it was rigged just like steve baden wait have you have you ever heard me say have you ever heard me say the election was rigged no so then if you haven't heard me say it teddy why do you throw that out at me then i apologize okay all right okay i'm not a man enough to admit that i'm wrong for guy crying out loud but many of your republican ilk they never do they including robert and jackaland and dorm and p_k and the rest of the plan okay they say it was rigged and i'll stand by that statement okay because i heard them say it okay and all i'm meeting now is about the 16 Nobel prize winning economist you may be a cop journalist but you sure as hell and i'm not a cop economist i'm a math person but i'm not an economist and these 16 Nobel prize winning economist sound the alarm if trump wins it'll be an inflation time bomb okay so teddy so we have these so-called experts making these uh these charges these allegations right yes sir now now teddy i want you to be honest with me do you feel that you did better financially in terms of gas in terms of at the supermarket under trump or underbiting let let me just say this my taxes and your taxes okay because of the limitation of the salt cap of ten thousand dollars yes i have to pay six thousand dollars more a year in federal tax right but you're so so you're totally going to avoid the question i asked you teddy you're going to completely avoid that question i can't call what i paid during trump's time and i know that i'm paying more in cash now okay okay well you're you're you're a passionate man and i respect that teddy thank you for the call let's go for mine three to live line four steven elmont new york good morning steve what's on your mind how do i dominate i'm trying to get off of um we'll make sure i get off the eco phone yeah um well good talking to you millie vanilly also had a bad night it wasn't even their fault they had a technical difficulty that ended their career so all this i had a bad night thing people need to leave it alone you you act for this debate so don't talk to me about uh um you're right night you're right you're right no excuse uh what i was wondering is i remember i know you don't like bringing up other people's names on the show but bill o'Reilly from there you want always said that biden was not going to run again that they were going to say he had some kind of a medical issue and he was going to have to bow out so isn't this kind of like in the same realm of you know he does have a health problem that we need to take seriously and if he does bow out who is there really that can jump right in and take it over with with the least amount of ruffling the only person that could jump right in is Hillary Clinton but that's what yeah but she's such a polarizing figure that she'd be fighting a losing battle uh and and wouldn't win from day one she's the only one that can jump in right away uh now i don't know how much she's all for a game what what do you mean by polarizing yeah polarizing meaning that uh that half the country hates her day one oh and all of and all of that go ahead hey they hate biden and have to cut your hates trump have to cut and hate the hates this is true but Hillary but but Hillary like if the democrats are as desperate as they are last minute they'll go for Hillary they'll be they'll they'll forget about all that stuff they'll be like you know you actually almost beat him but and if she was to run which of course i have i had promised myself to never ever you know i'm Haitian so we can't vote for Hillary um would she have uh uh Michelle Obama as her um vice president and could they call themselves the first vice club absolutely not absolutely not all of this talk of Michelle Obama she's not a polish uh politician first of all her and Hillary Clinton are not the best of friends second of all two women on the ticket just wouldn't work at all at all it just doesn't it would be almost like putting candidates from the same state or or it would bring nothing to the ticket it might it might help with the women's vote maybe possibly but it might turn off men voters so so them together on a ticket would never Michelle Obama she does not have the temperament for public office at all and every questionable said about race would all come back front and center and Michelle Obama is uh she's not ready for that uh at all so if the uh and and Steve let me just be clear when i say please don't quote another host what i mean is that uh people from other other stations and when because like bill o'Reilly i have enormous respect for bill bill is the real deal when someone quotes another host to me contrary to public thought we don't sit around all day listening to each other so i have no idea what what your reciting of what bill said is accurate so just like for example people will say well Dominic you said this and nothing is further from the truth so i have a problem with a caller reciting a host and it's the reciting process is open to your interpretation and oftentimes it's not factual but thank you thank you so much uh for for that telephone call victor line one good morning victor what's on your mind well Dominic i just walked past your house and saw a bunch of illegal aliens getting sick and defecating on the front one on the bushes i don't find that funny victor seriously but go ahead well maybe they were illegals or democrats dressed like but i don't understand why you're making a reference to my home i don't find that funny at all i don't know i don't know what you're laughing at but go ahead well if president biden had a job as a school bus driver you think he'd be allowed to stay behind the wheel and keep driving no way yeah that's true that that's true that's true but victor what was the reference to migrants being in front of my house what's that about it was just a joke because uh you're down in Memphis i'm playing a joke with you okay well yeah i'm sorry my friend i i don't find that funny at all and i take my my security very very seriously very seriously but anyway so you're right if if let's let that go if if if uh if president biden happened to be a bus driver you're right he would not be permitted for another day to get behind the wheel of uh of of a bus so how does this all play out victor well i think biden's it's a burden for him to think and talk you know it's time to go sit on the porch or go to jail and sit on a porch or something you know right victor my friend thank you for the call you made an excellent point you are correct with your assessment uh as it relates to the uh school bus driver example linda long island new york linda good morning what's your on your mind good morning dumb i just couldn't believe it that that law yet as we know she admitted to it recently Nancy Pelosi is giving a character reference sort of uh for biden you know how we should listen to her right i know i want to know she's responsible she just said you saw on the tape right she just admitted that she's responsible for that right i mean it's actually on tape so all those people who are just lying around in a prison the petition people who didn't do anything uh what what is the government going to do about her what are they going to do about her she just admitted that was a crime she caused it she said that we know trump did ask for protection this never made nothing would have happened there what i i i need you i i don't hear anybody saying let's do do something about she just admitted it i wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that one linda i feel your pain and i respect what you're saying but i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for accountability waiting for action thank you for the call line one chris good morning chris what's on your mind hey i'm gonna how you doing well i'm gonna wish you a belated happy birthday thank you that's very kind of you go right ahead i'm right i'm right behind you um anyway i don't know if i just came out of a coma for the past two years or something why is everybody so got their gasping and they got their hands over their mouth about this debate like that's nothing new this guy's been doing this for three years stumbling walking not knowing where he's going waving at people that aren't there can't talk like why is it like why is everybody shocked at this now why i guess you make a very legitimate point there chris but to see it on a debate stage and at a debate that you want it early that you wanted this and you got what you wanted and it blew up big time i mean my 14 year old daughter knew when he didn't have a teleprompter he was going to be toast she's 14 years old she she knows enough of that about that she's like what i thought prompted this guy's bumper and she knows about telepromptors at 14 huh yeah she watches the news you had knows all about it well hey you know what just really made my day that your 14 year old daughter is paying attention to the political process is that a fair is that a fair statement no absolutely yes he's very uh you know what she's more educated about it than i was at that age i'll tell you that then both of us then both of us chris not just you me as well chris thank you for the wonderful call i hear you i i hear you folks we are going to be coming right back with more of your telephone calls as the debate over the debate continues we'll be right back this is Dominic Carter now from new york city to the world it's Dominic Carter and yet another major newspaper we've been discussing this urging president byton to step down to step down after the disaster debate against former president trump who was on his a game the atlanta journal constitution editorial board stating that retirement is now necessary for president by more of your calls in just a second looking at my twitter at my x you can follow me at Dominic tv you can send me a comment liz rosenblatt says the reason president byton did so poorly is because he had nothing to read he had to memorize everything he kept on looking down but i am not sure he was allowed any notes for the racket you were not allowed to bring in notes you could make notes while you were there liz goes on to say i am concerned if they replace him with someone vibrant and young it will be harder for president trump but i still think president trump will win because whomever they replace byton with will still have the same policies as byton and the democratic party liz is correct bingo the policies of the democratic party let's go to mario line one in manhattan good morning mario what's on your mind yes sir try this on everybody wants to see how they're going to come out of harris the vice president well they're going to reach back into california and her history in whatever politics she was involved in and it's going to be so bad she's going to be forced to resign and then they'll try to pull byton into the convention he won't be able to cut it and they'll have a pathway not only to designate someone else to run in his place but get a fresh face device president and that's how it's going to play out he's a very smart people you don't hear any activity from all the big guns in the democratic party you don't hear anything from shuma you don't hear anything from any of the other democrats either the senators or the congressional people saying anything about it they just wanted to play out and dupes the american public and they are duping the american public hook line and singer thank you very much hey mario mario mario yes you you may make some valid points there but kamala harris was able to survive she was able to survive uh her past uh as it relates to the assembly speaker the powerful assembly speaker willy brown in uh california their relationship uh and and he was married at the time she wasn't yes if she survived that what what could they possibly be that they could take her out i'm almost sure this will be the strategy these people are ugly nasty scheming the bottom of the barrel and this is how it's going to play out you want to know it's always a surprise that that could be your October surprise suit hey you you got a point there mario always an october surprise you're right thank you you're you're on point there mario let's go to jam long island new york good morning jam line three what's on your mind i dominate thanks like taking my call i do the papers every night and uh i watched the biden thing of course and he we said that fifty or a hundred historians have said that trump was the worst president ever and i'm talking every day now i'm looking for something a follow-up on that somewhere i never see it i read the wall street journal i read the post i read the news i see nothing but go ahead make up and go ahead is it made up i mean and no one says anything about it you're the worst president i have fifty or it sounds like the intelligence guys you know back in the day with the laptop but i don't know i really don't know if it's true it doesn't make it doesn't change my opinion at all i'm wondering if the fifty historian professor somewhere which would not surprise me you know because we're very clean but have you heard about this well it's it's called it's called point counterpoint uh i i agree with you jam it doesn't stick it's it's good talking points and that's about it it's what happens in a debate i'll see you folks again tomorrow same time same station have a great day [Music]