Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 06-28-24

Today Dominic Carter started his show talking with Gerard Kassar about what the entire nation saw at the Presidential Debate last night. Both thought Trump did a very good job whereas Joe Biden showed his true colors and it might be time for him to step down as the democratic nominee. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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28 Jun 2024
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Today Dominic Carter started his show talking with Gerard Kassar about what the entire nation saw at the Presidential Debate last night. Both thought Trump did a very good job whereas Joe Biden showed his true colors and it might be time for him to step down as the democratic nominee.

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>> Listen to your favorite shows live in on-demand 24/7. Download the 77 WAVC mobile app now. [MUSIC] >> Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And the good afternoon by now, the entire world knows what happened. And it wasn't pretty. President Biden repeatedly froze and misspoke during the debate would former President Donald Trump last afternoon, last night I should say yesterday afternoon, and yesterday evening. And this afternoon, Team Biden is in damage control mode. But as I have repeatedly said, you might as well swear Trump in now. The election is over, it is over. And in an energetic speech, Biden in North Carolina, as we speak, seeking to reassure Democrats, but acknowledging, I quote, don't debate as well as I used to. Dominic Carter here with you, and in just a moment, I will chat live with the New York State Conservative Party Chair Jerry Kasar. But alarm bells are going off in the Democratic Party, less than four months before the general election. And so, Biden at a rally in North Carolina, just a short time ago, and former President Trump is in Virginia. But this is what Biden has to say. >> I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. >> [APPLAUSE] >> I know, I know, I know right from wrong. >> [APPLAUSE] >> But I know how to do this job. >> [APPLAUSE] >> I know how to get things done. >> [APPLAUSE] >> I know like millions of Americans know when you get knocked down, you get back up. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Indeed, when you fall in life, when you get knocked down, you get back up. But Mr. President, it's over. Very energetic today, you should have had that same energy last night. It is over for Nito. Even if you had a good debate performance, Trump is still going to win. You might as well swear the man in right now. We are joined live by Jerry Qasar, the New York State Conservative Party Chairman. Mr. Chair, could you believe what you were watching last night? >> I could believe it because I want to be quite direct with you, Dominic. That was a train you could see coming from down the tracks five miles away. The fact that leadership in the Democratic Party and in the White House have allowed the charade to go on for month after month is a disgrace, I would call it political malpractice. But it is actually an action against the American people. Last night's debate was for an election for an individual who was going to be the president for the next four years. We came away last night not believing he could be the president for the next four minutes, scary, very scary for everyone. And as you said earlier in your comments, what are the people around the leadership around the world saying is they see this. Earlier today, Congress member from California made a comment to the New York Times congressional correspondent, indicating that they had a team in place that helps to run the government. That was an incredible admission. Incredible admission of what this Democratic Party in this nation has come down to, the House of Representatives needs to initiate a new investigation about what apparently some of their colleagues have been doing to keep the American people out of the information center of what is actually going on at the White House. It's a charade. I'm going to say this to you, Jill Biden that needs to make a decision very soon that she is not going to be running for reelection for president because that probably is who's really running the country right now. Fair enough, Mr. Chair, and we are chatting live with Jerry Kasar. Please stand by for a moment. Breaking news. And it's just coming into us. The Supreme Court has rejected Steve Bannon's effort to stay out of prison. We are getting the details as we speak, folks, and I'll have an update in just a few minutes, but again, the Supreme Court has decided that they're not going to block Mr. Bannon from going to prison. We'll have updates on that in this program and throughout the evening. Again, Steve Bannon, the Supreme Court, is not blocking the move for him to go to prison. And so it looks like that is indeed what is going to happen. We are chatting with Jerry Kasar, the New York State Conservative Party Chairman. So Mr. Chair, you just mentioned a First Lady, Jill Biden. Why did you mention her? Of course, in my opinion, she is probably pulling more of the strings and more of being more of the puppeteer here than she is probably being given credit for. I believe that she has the wife of a president that clearly is not competent, that she has been a major role player in keeping him in this race. I mean, we heard a little earlier today about a speech he's been given. You know what? I do believe he still has the ability to read a script, but running a country is not about reading a script. She knows how to put a piece of paper in front of him. What about when they cannot, when she can't do that, like last night? And I do feel that she is the decision maker on whether he stays or whether he goes. So fair enough. And we are chatting with Jerry Kasar, the New York State Conservative Party Chairman. So this afternoon in North Carolina, it seems almost like night and day, last night we saw a bad president Biden. It was embarrassing. And today, it seems like he's energetic, full of energy and fire and ready to go. How do you explain the two? Well, I mean, sometimes for an elderly person, their daytime activities are a little better than their evening activities. I can also say just to you that last night, it was before our eyes, and that was an interactive event. To be honest with you, I kind of felt that the highlight for Biden last night was when they went to commercial. That's so bad it got. Wow. You know, I mean, it was just incredible. He can still read a script. And I, you know, maybe there is something to what President Trump says relating to him being boosted up in different ways before he goes out and plays that acting role. The Democratic Party for some time has been attempting to what you and me to believe to what we see before our eyes is not the reality. There was just no way last night they could get away with that, which really means that everything we have been seeing before our eyes is a reality. And I don't know if you could go back four months, five months, six months or nine months, but it's been a long time where you and I, and everyone that's listening, has been seeing an individual with the title of president that is not up, not even close to up to the role. So, I mean, that's just my, my general take. I was not surprised, but incredibly disturbed by last night. And what did you make? And folks, we're about to begin with your telephone calls in a few minutes, eight hundred, eight four, eight, nine, two, two, eight hundred, eight, four, eight, nine, two, two, Mr. Qasar, New York State Conservative Party Chair, what did you make of President Biden's performance? I thought he was masterful. He was disciplined when we president, President Trump, President Trump, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. Thank you. Thank you for the correction there. That's a big mistake there. I meant, I think your whole audience understood. I just, yes. And thank you. Thank you, President Trump, President Trump, his performance was masterful. He did not pile on when, when, when, when Biden was in trouble. The only thing that he said, the only thing that he said, I want you to listen to this. I want you to listen to this. This was the only time when Mr. Trump referred to the gaffes that, that President Biden was making border patrol and more asylum off. No, no, that's the, that's, that's the wrong, that's the wrong sound bite. We're looking for number two, number two. So can we please play number two? Okay, okay. So that's the wrong one. So Mr. Chair, what did you make of President Trump, his performance? I mean, he presented a, he presented a clear vision for the future of America. And that's because he has a clear vision for the future of America. I mean, he's not generally a calm type individual as we all learn. He's animated for the country. But I do feel, there were times last night where I felt watching President Trump, did he felt very, this is my view, did he felt bad for just how out of the lack of ability that Biden has and showed last night to be the President of the United States. I mean, they have not been on the same stage together really in a very, very long time. And to see the two together was a shock to, I think, a lot of Americans. President Trump comes across as a strong, knowledgeable leader. He can speak about issue after issue, a variety of issues and he has a plan. And that's the other thing, he has a plan. You feel when you're listening to President Trump that America will be led. And when you're speaking, when he's talking about international affairs and the tariffs and how he's very clear, he's very clear. And I do believe the economy strongly, strongly benefits from a change in leadership here. And here's the other thing. They obviously call both of them president because they both deserve this president. They both have had the experience of that role. So there's no on the job training for President Trump and he shows it. He shows that he could pick up on day one and run this country without any learning curve. And we should also appreciate the value that that gives us. Fair enough. Is there any way in wrapping this up, Mr. Chair, Jerry Cassar, the New York State Conservative Party Chair, is there any way that Biden can finish this race? I just don't see it. What do you think? I totally agree with you. I don't know how he can really. I agree with you. They certainly feel that last night wasn't a reminder to all Americans that he's not up to the job. And to me, they should be really looking at the 25th Amendment to activate that, which I know Speaker Johnson mentioned today. And that's not an issue, that that's a governmental issue of not running for re-election. That's a governmental issue of whether you can continue to be president three weeks from now. That's how, so to your question, I agree to 25th Amendment should be exercised here, let alone him thinking he's going to be on the November ballot. Fair enough. Fair enough. You make a very good point there. You know, there were critics that tried to raise the same issue to Trump as it relates to former President Trump during his tenure. And look, America is turning back to Trump. Just look at the polling numbers. You know, you and I could go on and on and on as to the disaster for the Democrats at last night's debate. But for now, we have to end it here. Jerry Cassar, the New York State Conservative Party Chairman, thank you so much for joining us live. You were very welcome. Thank you. And I look forward to chatting with you in the future. Folks coming up, more analysis, you and I will discuss what happened. How does this go forward? Also a major decision, one of the decisions from the Supreme Court, and this is a good decision, which allows cities to ban, to ban homeless camps. So in other words, based on the Supreme Court, cities can now start cracking down that you don't have a right to just sleep on the street. When we come back coast to coast, that is nationwide. When we come back, your telephone calls plus coming up, Curtis Lewa analyzing the debate. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And it was some debate. And as I said on this program yesterday, folks, sometimes you have to pause and just wait and see what happens. My confidence was in Trump all along. I knew he was going to perform masterfully. I knew there was a strong possibility that something could happen with President Biden. I also knew that the CNN moderators would be on their best behavior, as I told you. Well, sometimes folks, I know there are a lot of talk show hosts that they push out to you conspiracies and so on. Sometimes you got to stop and think about things and just don't be led by what others are stating because I can't be any more honest than this. Sometimes some hosts have their own agendas and sometimes they just don't know what they're talking about. I can't be any more honest than that. Let's go to Judith on line one. Good afternoon, Judith. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. Thanks for taking my call. Just a couple of things. First of all, I have to point out among everything he goes and tells what he says, oh, retribution. How could someone talk retribution? You said he. Wait, wait. You said he. Who are you referring to? They tried and was busy, they trained him to talk about retribution, so the guy was memorizing the word retribution. So, President Trump was saying the retribution for me would be to make America great again, and then he kept saying, oh, retribution, he didn't even hear anything he said, he memorized of anything, but I want to tell you something. He was set up, I believe, to show his incapable is by his own part of the Democrats. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, how could he be set up when his campaign are the ones that agreed to the early debate? His campaign agreed to the early debate because they know they're in trouble. How could you be set up when you agreed to do a an early debate? How could that be? Judith. They I'll tell you how they. This is my opinion. They set him up to show how no, no, Judith, Judith. How could they set him up when his campaign, his campaign, Biden's campaign, agreed to do? See, I'm not just going to let people get away with empty statements. His campaign agreed to do the early debate. So how could he be set up? Talking about the DNC. I'm talking about the Paris being deemed like whatever, but you're not, but you're not, but you're not. No, you can't. No, you can't. No, you can't. Judith. Yeah, I need you to answer my question. How could Biden be set up when his people agreed to do the early debate? What did the DNC his people? You know what? I don't know who his people are, but his people could also be fed up with him for a light now. Just the way I fed up with the show. What's in them? The other one, Harris. A lot of them left her. They want to show to justify dumping him. They want to dump him for someone else. And I want to say one more thing. It's okay. No, you can't because I'm out of time. Judith, I got to take a break quickly. Anthony in New York, what's on your mind? Last night, Biden said a really quick lie that went over everyone's head. He said that Trump wants to cut the cops, meaning he wants to cut funding to the cops. We all know that Donald Trump would never do that. Go Biden is putting a huge strain on our police by having all this illegal immigrants coming over in the illegal immigrant crime. If you look at FBI statistics of ethnicities, variables or those, you'll see hundreds of thousands of felony assaults for certain ethnicities on ethnicities. This migrant, this illegal alien crime is going to cause hundreds of thousands of felony assaults. I have to step in, Anthony, because we have to take a break. Coming up, folks, you want to stay with us. Coming up in just minutes, in just minutes, Curtis Sleewa with his take on last night's debate. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. The big debate and the performance of the incumbent president calls are increasing that he cannot, Mr. Biden, finish this race with us. Guardian Angel Curtis Sleewa, your take on last night. Come on, Dominic. That was not the big debate. The big debate is Saturday, four to five left versus right. First off, you Dominic have moderated more debates than any person who has ever existed in the sting of bars. And Anthony Wiener, when he was city councilman and congressman, had more debates than anyone ever had. I never looked at it that way. I've done about, I'd say about 40 debates. I never looked at it that way, including my debate, right, and Anthony Wiener was one who would debate everyone, including the independent candidates. He'd stand on a corner and debate himself. This is going to be great. You don't want to miss it, fortify, and Wiener predicted with me that the CNN rules would favor Trump. And it turned out that was the case that it disciplined Trump. It kept him in his box and Biden just self-destructed. It was painful, painful to watch, but nobody has yet brought up the comparison. This is all Rocky three. Remember when Mick, the manager of Rocky Balboa, says to the fighter, "Hey, it's time to hang it up." You know, presidents retire, generals retire, horses retire, man of war retire, they put them out to stud. That's what you should have done, retire. And then he tells Rocky Balboa three years ago, Biden three years ago, could handle Trump. Three years ago, you were on it. We really don't think I got nothing left, do you? Well, Marcus, let's put it this way. Three years ago, you were supernatural. You was hard, and you was nasty, and that is cast iron jaw. That was Joe Biden. And then lastly, if Biden thinks he's going to get into the ring again with Trump, the Trump in the fall, before the actual election, is Mick telling Rocky, "There's no way you're going to get into that ring with that guy." Because you can't win, Rock, this guy will kill you to death inside of three rounds. You're crazy. What else is new? He's just another fighter. No, he ain't just another fighter. This guy is a record machine, and he's hungry. Hell, you ain't been hungry since you won that belt. And the belt, when the presidency, Trump always hungry, he's ready to get into that ring. And then finally, there's going to be a big fundraiser for President Biden at Stonewall in advance of the gay pride march on Sunday. Elton John is flying in, he's going to sit, and he's going to say to Joe Biden and Jill, who are fans of his, "Hey, look, I just retired." Retirement is not a bad thing. And then DeNiro hates Trump more than even the Biden still, he's going to remind Joe Biden, "No, no, no. You got to fight into you? Remember my scene in "Raging Bull?" You didn't go down, Joe. "Hey Ray. You never went down, Ray. You never got me down, Ray. You hear me? Never got me down. Yeah. See what?" Jugger Ray Robinson, six fights they had, DeNiro only won one as the "Raging Bull," but he never went down. And let's face it, Joe Biden, TKO by Trump, but he didn't go down last night. He didn't go down, but that might have been a better option. That's how bad it was. Well, Trump carried him. And rightfully so. He didn't want to knock him out because then right away you make room, for guess what? A man, if he jumps in, it's going to get flushed with all the money. The women adore, he's like the JFK of this new generation, New sum of California. That's ridiculous. Why is it ridiculous? There's no chance in hell that Democrats will put up Gavin Newsom. He can't win. All of the skeletons as it relates to his personal life, he may be a pretty boy. I've interviewed him many times, and believe me, when the camera's not rolling, he's looking at his hair. I mean, he's not looking at the talking points. He's making sure that he's tight. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Skeletons in your closet. Hasn't Trump had to deal with that? Hasn't Biden had to deal with that? But with every politician deals with that now. But without going into full detail, it's all out there. But I mean, his chief of staff, the wife of his chief of staff and what's happened, lots of skeletons in his closet, is no way that the Democrats can put forth. No way, Gavin Newsom. There was only one guy with no skeletons in his closet, and that was Mike Pence. How far did I get him being Mr. Clean, Mr. Evangelical, Mr. Holy Roller? You got a point there. Come on, you know the Democrats want Newsom because the one group of people who haven't broken yet for Trump or women, women still don't necessarily like Trump. They certainly didn't like the performance of Biden yesterday, but you pulled up a good-looking guy there who looked to remind him of Kennedy and he's good in front of the camera. He knows how to make love to the camera. He's already been on Fox. He debated his status. It's funny that you use the term "make love to the camera." That's exactly what I was thinking in my mind. Yeah, that's what I do all the time. I noticed that. I noticed you're looking at me like I'm lens slice, right? Hey, I love you, man. No, no, I don't go that way. I realize it's gay pride weekend, but you know, stay away from me, Dominic. Hey, before I let you go, Curtis Leewa, gay pride parades all over the country, but in New York, it's big. I've had no problem going to the gay pride parade in the past, which you go. I'm sure you have gone. I have gone, but who are you going drag and recreate what you did at Courtland State? Are you ever going to let me forget that? No, I won't because even though it may have been a frat prat, right? Right. And you were tipping cows in the wee hours in the morning with those crazy white boys. Here we go. You did. You're a drag queen. You weren't, you weren't hosting drag queen reading hour for the kids of Courtland. Oh, boy. Well, I did. I did once or twice dress up in drag, and it was fun, you know, but, but, yeah, look, I'm sure you saved the obvious, right? Come on. It's gay pride. Come on. Love you, man. No, I don't go that way. Curtis Leewa. Thank you. Thank you very much. Let's go to the telephones 808489222 Joaquin, Pennsylvania. Good afternoon. What's on your mind? Dominic, my friend. Hey, I'm going to let you take the victory lap. Why? We're right about the moderators. Hey, hey, I hate to say this, Joaquin, and this is going to sound terribly arrogant. I am right about 90% of the things. I'd say 95 because I don't say it unless I know what to be case to be true. But the moderators with that type of spotlight, all you can do is fly straight. That's all they could do. But anyway, go ahead. Okay. But here's the only thing, though, you're right, but you're still wrong because they did it deliberately. The Democrats realize that they can't run Joe Biden. They have to. They have to take them out. And they had to highlight it. Okay. So wait, wait, wait, wait. So why king? You know, I'm not a conspiracy guy. So you're telling me that the CNN moderators were in on a conspiracy to help get rid of Biden. That's what you're telling me. That's what I'm saying because they come on I'm going to say it again right now. They're going to replace them with Michelle Obama. That's never going to. I don't know why I listen, I'll say it again. You have some talk show host that will tell you anything and everything. And they're also pushing their agendas. But anybody that seriously says that Michelle Obama is going to replace Biden does not know what they're talking about. They don't know the personality of Michelle Obama. She does not like the media. She does not like politicians. She is as pro black as pro black comes. And she wouldn't be able to stomach dealing with the media. She had a hard time enough dealing with the media as first lady. And then so you got to understand why king, right? I can be a very tough interview or very tough. Here's why I'm saying this. And now you times 40 of me 40 journalists that can really get under your skin in the same room. That's what it's like every day for the most part for any president in the Oval Office when they go before the media. You have 40 journalists that give a take maybe a little more that have spent all day long coming up with with minutiae of questions intentionally to trip you up. And you think Michelle Obama can handle that in the first place? Okay. And most of those journalists you're talking about, they're leftist. Okay. But the other thing is this, what is the Democrat party terrified of losing right now? The White House. Well, the black vote has the best way to say that. And I disagree with Curtis because there's no way in heck they could put Gavin Newsom in there because he's destroyed California. And if we're snoring up and they can they can highlight everything. So why can't so why can't I can you imagine? I want you to think about this for a second. They they sit the powers that be as defined as day. They put Kamala Harris, the vice president in the room. And they say, excuse me, excuse me. We're going to replace you at the top of the ticket. And we're going with another black woman. Just not you. Don Joaquin, that's never going to happen. Well, I'm surprised they didn't destroy her from the very beginning because her family had owned 250 slaves. When you say her family, I don't know which lady you're talking about here. Okay. Kamala. Oh, okay. You can put you you can look it up me and find it and her great great grandparents down in the in Jamaica, the Caribbean, they said they had like five plantations and like two hundred and fifty slaves. Well, this is the first I'm hearing of it. I will take a look, but I'm telling you this talk of of of Michelle Obama, no experience in politics. Right. So neither did Hillary, but but Hillary Clinton was a political animal, if you will. And Michelle Obama's just not cut that way. It is no. We don't know. Yes, she was first lady. We don't know what skeletons may be in her closet. She just lost her mother. All of those quotes that she made about for the first time in her life being proud of her country. How do you spend that into now being the top of the ticket? It just doesn't happen. Thank you, Joaquin, for the call. Let's go to Robert, line two, Robert, what's on your mind? Hi, well, in terms of the debate, one of my favorite lines was when Trump told Biden that he should let Israel finish the job. And then Trump said he had become like a Palestinian, but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian. He's a weak one on quote. I really liked that when there was brilliant work by Trump, Trump did a great job and Biden was horrible. Now, in theory, if the Democrats wanted to win, they would try to replace Biden with someone and then they would try to jump up by putting him in prison so he couldn't campaign. Now the thing is, that would only backfire. That would be the worst thing in the world that could happen. That's not going to happen. But if you think he's a martyr now, put him in prison and see how well that's going to work. I hear. And the other thing is who did they replace him with? I don't know, Hillary, Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Michelle Obama, you just were talking about that. But he campaigned and he got a rally, you mentioned in the beginning, he was in North Carolina and he was pretty sharp, although everything I said, I disagree with him. He was lying and all that, but he was pretty sharp down in North Carolina. He was. He was sharp in North Carolina today. Biden is not going to want to drop out. He's not going to try to jump out. And I don't think they can use the 25th amendment on him. So it's really hard to get an incumbent president out of the office, especially when they submarine Robert Kennedy, they wouldn't even give him a chance. And then they're going to replace him with some, you know, leaders pick they're going to make. I mean, people would just be outraged. So with the accord between a rock and a hard place. And I hope Trump wins and I hope we bring that to justice system. And it's, I hope they don't do anything to Trump, like it did to Kennedy. We need to pray for Trump because I don't, I don't even want to engage in that type of talk, Robert. I don't think it's helpful, you know, mentioning what happened to Kennedy. I don't think it's helpful. The country meet Mr. Trump, but I do need to move on. Thank you for the call. Before we take a break, let's go to Joe and Lenbrook, line three, Joe, what's on your mind. Hey, Dominic. I've got to listen to all the calls. So let's see hypothetical, which I doubt is going to happen if the, if the, the Democrats decide to buy it out of there in your personal opinion, who do you think they would have to replace them? I don't see them replacing them with everybody. They, they, they have a big mess on, on their hands up one, if Biden can't finish the race. And he says that he has every intention of, and thank you for the call, Joe. He has every intention of doing so. That's been reaffirmed by the Biden team that he won't quit, that he's committed to the September debate. If, if he can't finish the race, I just don't, Gavin Newsom would be a joke, a complete joke. Look at what he's done to California. You think Americans want that if you're the Republican, let's say you're Trump up against Gavin Newsom. He would destroy him Trump would destroy Newsom would campaign commercials. Oh, you have to do a show California. If, if Biden can't finish, then you're going to have Hillary that says, wait a minute, I want my shot, but Hillary, you know, she can't be elected. Michelle Obama is not even a contender. That's just talk show host telling you stuff that you want to hear or they don't know what they're talking about. I don't know. But what we're going to do is take a break, more of your telephone calls when we come back. Carter. And now it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, final thoughts. Especially the stages of convicted fellow is the man I'm looking at right now. And the fact of the matter is he isn't, he's, what he's telling you is simply an not true. The fact is that there was no effort on his part to stop what was going on up in Capitol Hill and all those people. Every one of those who are convicted deserves to be convicted. And President Biden from the debate last night referring to former President Trump as a convicted felon. By the way, folks, Tunnel to Towers Foundation, they do outstanding work. But at the debate, if I were a team Biden, I would regret having said that. I would regret having said that because boy, did Trump have a comeback. Well, I said my retribution is going to be success. We're going to make this country successful again because right now it's a failing nation. My retribution is going to be success. But when he talks about a convicted felon, his son is a convicted felon at a very high level. He's convicted, going to be convicted probably numerous other times, should have been convicted before. But his justice department let the statute of limitations lapse on the most important things. But he could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office. Joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things that he's done. He's done horrible things. All of the death caused at the border, telling the Ukrainian people that we're going to want a billion dollars or you change the prosecutor, otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars. If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo, that we're not going to do anything. We're not going to give you a billion dollars unless you change your prosecutor having to do with a son. This man is a criminal. This man, you're lucky, you're lucky. I did nothing wrong. We'd have a system that was rigged and disgusting. I did nothing wrong. Trump was on his game. Biden was not. So a Trump rally expected in Virginia at this hour after Biden's shaky start, Biden was in, President Biden was in North Carolina a little while ago trying to sound reenergize he has arrived in New York City in which he's expected to attend a ribbon cutting in Manhattan for the new Stonewall National Museums Visitor Center, which marks the anniversary of the 1969 rebellion that helped reshape the LGBTQ plus life in the US. So President Biden in New York, his aircraft has landed Gracie line three, Gracie, what's on your mind? Hi, number one CNN, you were right, very fair, fair questions to Jill elder abuse. I felt sorry for him. I really felt sorry for him because my father a little bit and they were at night then in the morning to say what that he was very bad with my poor Biden, but elder abuse, horrible. It doesn't matter. The Democratic policies are bad. They're ruining this country. They realize they can't win with this puppet. They're going to try to get another puppet. And unfortunately, I'm here in California. They're more brain dead here than in New York, up is down and down is up. This is ridiculous. And Biden's only answer when Trump said something was lie, a liar, you're lying. It's very sad. And those are my thoughts and thank you, Dominic. Gracie. Thank you. At one point, at one point last night, Biden did try to fight back. He did try, but this was the best he had. My son was not a loser, he was not a sucker. You're the sucker. You're the loser. And Mr. Trump, at one point, and first you're going to hear Biden rambling incoherently here, but Trump called a spade a spade in which he says, I don't know what Biden is talking about. And more asylum officers, President Trump, I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look, I don't think he knows what he said either. Oh, and that's the president of the United States, Jimmy, line two, Staten Island, Jimmy, what's on your mind? Thank you for taking my call. I wanted to respond to what Curtis Lee was said about the skeletons in the closet. He insinuated Trump has skeletons his whole life. Every aspect of it has been scrutinized with multi multi millions of dollars and they've come up with nothing. Right. I got Jimmy, you just got to make it quick because you got about 15 seconds left. Go ahead. Okay. And Gavin Newsom. He has real skeletons. Right. Well, I would agree with you on that that Newsom had, thank you for the call, Jimmy Newsom has some real skeletons and should he decide to enter this race, those skeletons are going to pop right out of his mouth. He will regret it. I know he thinks it's a wonderful opportunity. I know he's measuring the drapes at the White House. Gavin Newsom. It's never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to happen. Folks, I want you to have a lovely weekend. All it takes is $11 a month. Donate $11 a month to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation at two, two, excuse me, T2T dot off. That's T2T dot org. Have a great weekend.