Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 06-28-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic analyzes the presidential debate between Trump and Biden. He talks about Trump's strong suits and how Biden struggled enormously. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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28 Jun 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic analyzes the presidential debate between Trump and Biden. He talks about Trump's strong suits and how Biden struggled enormously.

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It was bad, bad, really bad, and the President for getting his thoughts just minutes in, Dominic Carter here with you. And as the New York Post says in its editorial, and this is occurring in papers around the country, quote, "We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden's presidency." Politico, this is a headline here, and I am quoting verbatim, Democrats are panicking over Biden's early debate performance, which has been defined by a horse voice and meandering answers. So at times, at times, Biden tried, and as we knew, he was going to go negative, as he said here. My son was not a loser, he was not a sucker, you're the sucker, you're the loser. I don't know about that, Mr. President, not based on this debate. Trump looked presidential, Trump was measured, Trump was a statesman, he won hands down. And while you were drowning, Mr. President, with your debate performance, Trump stayed out the way as one should do in politics when your rival is in trouble. You just stay out the way, and the rest plays itself out. So minutes in, minutes in, and let's go ahead and open up the phone lines, we have a new number, 646-720-0635-646720-0635. Minutes in, minutes in, and the president was stumbling and bumbling, and he seemed to have that stare, and, you know, his team had to tell him that you're constantly going to be on a cross-screen, a split-screen. And he was making these frowns, and he looked like an elderly, elderly man, and then he fumbled when he said, quote, that we finally beat Medicare, or Medicaid, in this case, he said. Listen to this, folks. It's eligible for what I've been able to do with the, with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with more. If we finally beat Medicare. Thank you, President Biden, President Trump. Well, he's right, he did beat Medicare, he beat it to death, and he's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in. They're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security, they're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. And so, what was very clear from the debate, if you listen to my, to my 3 p.m. show, I told you, folks, you know, you were concerned about CNN, I told you, yes, these anchors, these moderators have said horrible things about Trump, but they know that the world was watching tonight. They could only go, but so far, and they want their careers to stay intact. They were on their best behavior. And notice, notice how presidential Trump was. He did not take the bait and going after CNN or the moderators. He had his eyes on the prize, and we might as well say again officially, Mr. President, because that's what is coming. But this is the moment, and we're about to start with your telephone calls, but this is the moment that made instant headlines around the world. Take a listen, folks. It benefited the very wealthy. And what's happening, they're in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2% in Texas. If they just pay 24%, or 25%, they're one of those numbers. They've raised $500 million, billion, I should say, in a 10-year period. We'd be able to right wipe out his debt, we'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do, child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system. Making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID. Excuse me, dealing with everything we have to do with if we finally beat Medicare. Thank you, President Biden, President Trump. He did beat Medicaid, beat it to death, and he's destroying Medicare. And so you can hear the hymns and hos and the President of the United States of America forgot his train of thought. And Trump did not get in the way to save him, to give him a lifeline. Trump just looked at him and let Mr. Biden speak. Finally, Trump did pounce. Listen to this. Border Patrol and more asylum officers. President Trump. I really don't know what he said at the end of this. I don't think he knows what he said either. And Mr. Trump was right. Did anybody know? I'm standing there and I'm looking at this. And this was, to look at this from the Democratic point of view, this was their worst case scenario. That Biden would freeze on stage or a major gaff. And he came close to freezing, but he had the major gaff. And so afterwards they had a DJ and a party with supporters. There was nothing for Democrats to celebrate. This was awful. Absolutely awful for Democrats. And let's start with your telephone calls. Let's begin this morning with Linda on Long Island. Good morning, Linda. What's on your mind? Good morning, Don. From the very beginning, the minute I saw him, I was so shocked. Do you notice there's something on this side of his forehead? It's very, very unusual. And I'm thinking that's the reason he wanted his choice was to be on that side of the room. That people wouldn't see it. I don't know. They did suck. Somebody did something. I don't know. Linda, I have to be honest with you. I'm not a big conspiracy guy at all. Yeah, no, not here. Okay, not conspiracy, but there's something, but something odd. I've never seen them like that. Well, here's the bottom line. We can speculate and engage in that all day long. The bottom line is on the merits, Trump won hands down. I mean, it wasn't even close. It was embarrassing. It looked like Trump was in, and thank you for the call, Linda. It looked like Trump was in a presidential debate, and Biden was a high school debate. That's how bad it was. And at one point, and this is SOT 7, at one point where they're discussing, I believe, January 6, and at one point, Trump calls, this is SOT 6, actually. Trump calls Biden to his face, Brandon, SOT 6. Listen to this, folks. We had the safest border in the history of our country. The border. All he had to do was leave it. All he had to do was leave it. He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions in St. Asala, terrorists. We have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now, all terrorists, all over the world, not just in South America, all over the world. They come from the Middle East everywhere, all over the world. They're pouring in. And this guy just left it open. And he didn't need legislation because I didn't have legislation. I said, "Close the border." We had the safest border in history. In that final couple of months of my presidency, we had, according to Border Patrol, who is great. And by the way, who endorsed me for president, but I won't say that, but they endorsed me for president. Brandon, just speak to him. But look, we had the safest border in history. Now we have the worst border in history. There's never been anything like it. And people are dying all over the place, including the people that are coming up in Carolina. And so folks, the point where it got a bit nasty, a bit testy, was on January 6th in which you knew it was coming. I was surprised the president only used it one time, referring to Mr. Trump as a convicted felon. We all know Trump is not a convicted felon. Kangaroo court overturned on appeal. And so listen to this exchange. And you'll also hear where Trump says, I'm not having that. What about your son? And for that matter, you too, Mr. President. Listen to this, folks. The only person in this stage is a convicted felon is the man I'm looking at right now. And the fact of the matter is he isn't, what he's telling you is simply not true. The fact is that there was no effort on his part to stop what was going on up in Capitol Hill and all those people. All those were convicted, deserves to be convicted. The idea that they didn't kill somebody just went in and broke down doors, broke the windows, occupied offices, turned over desks, turned them over statues. The idea that those people are patriots, come on. When I asked him the first two debates we had, the debates we had the first time around, I said, will you denounce the Proud Boys? He said, no, I'll tell them to stand by. The idea he's refusing, will you denounce these guys? Will you denounce the people we're talking about now? Will you denounce the people who attack that Capitol? What are you going to do? I'm going to give you a minute, President Trump, for a follow-up question I have. After a jury convicted you of 34 felonies last month, you said if reelected, you would quote, "Have every right to go after," unquote, your political opponents. You just talked about members of the Select Committee on January 6 going to jail. Your main political opponent is standing on stage with you tonight. Can you clarify exactly what it means about you feeling you have every right to go after your political opponents? Well, I said my retribution is going to be success. We're going to make this country successful again, because right now it's a failing nation. My retribution is going to be success. But when he talks about a convicted felon, his son is a convicted felon at a very high level. His son is convicted, going to be convicted probably numerous other times. Should have been convicted before, but his justice department let the statute of limitations lapse on the most important things. But he could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office. Joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things that he's done. He's done horrible things. All of the death caused at the border, telling the Ukrainian people that we're going to want a billion dollars or you change the prosecutor, otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars. If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo. That we're not going to do anything. We're not going to give you a billion dollars unless you change your prosecutor having to do with the son. This man is a criminal. This man, you're lucky. You're lucky. I did nothing wrong. We'd have a system that was rigged and disgusting. I did nothing wrong. Thank you, President Trump. President Biden, you have said I'm coming right to you, sir. Well, you want to respond? Go ahead. I'll give you a minute to respond. The idea that I did anything wrong relative to what you're talking about is outrageous. It's simply a lie, number one. Number two, the idea that you have a right to seek retribution against any American just because your president is wrong, is simply wrong. No president's ever spoken like that before. No president in our history has spoken like that before. Number three, the crimes that you are still charged with and think of all the civil penalties you have. And so, folks, I told you as well that there would be interaction between the two. Sometimes you just got to calm down and relax and wait. I know the strict rules, but the pressure on the moderators was enormous to let them a little bit engage with each other. And that's exactly what happened and hands down every single time. Number one, Biden lost. More of your phone calls when we come back. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And even though there's a presidential debate, as was the case just a short time ago, the world does not stop moving. And so there's a headline that Iran is moving into Somalia. And after six months of Iran using its jihadists to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying the Biden administration to do anything about it, the Islamic global terrorist state is moving on to a Somali blockade. That's something we'll be following in the days ahead. And I'm looking at something right now. It's a photo in which Mr. Trump is at 67%. I believe this is of performance tonight. And Mr. Biden is at 22%. And don't believe me, anybody looking at that debate, just a short time ago, you saw the same thing that I saw being objective, objective. This thing wasn't even close. Let's go to Jennifer and Brooklyn. What's on your mind? Yes. Thank you so much. I really enjoy your, but not all the knowledge you impart into like an education, no to listen to you, for sure, Jennifer, what's going on? I would like to say that without his teleprompter, he's like the emperor with no clothes that Biden and Trump thinks on his feet, he has the power of his conviction. So it's no match. I mean, I felt that almost like Trump was looking at him with his vibe like what in the world, almost like he felt sorry for Biden, because it was stunning didn't you think? Yes, it was. And and frankly, I was proud of the fact of the discipline that Mr. Trump showed because it's very easy to pile on when your opponent is down and out. And he didn't do that. He just pulled back and he let the American people see the leader of the free world. Jennifer, thank you for the call. Let's go to Susan and New York. Susan, what's on your mind? Yes. Come in. Susan, are you there? I am. I just. Go ahead, please. Yeah. You were saying that today that we should just wait and let's see what happens. And then right out of the box, Biden, his first so-called opening statement was a total disaster. So you're advice and, you know, it turned out to be a. So, and something's wrong with something your phone is your phone is breaking up, but let me just choose. And I just want to say this that and I'll give you the final 10 seconds. Sometimes we overreact and we engage in these conspiracies too much, but go ahead. I'll give you the final 10 seconds. Go ahead. Susan. Go ahead. CNN. Go ahead, Susan. Please. CNN is, no CNN is a loser because they've been propping up this individual. It's in danger range, you know, CNN, how can you lose when you're the only network with the debate? They didn't lose. They won big time. Whether we like them or not, I will be back with your telephone calls when we come back. Now, now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. We're getting back to 8.2% taxes. If they just pay 24%, 25%, either one of those numbers, they've raised $500 million, $1 billion, I should say, in a 10-year period. We could be able to write wipe out his debt. We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do, child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with, look, if we finally beat Medicare. Thank you, President Biden, President Trump. The Biden campaign ended tonight. The Biden campaign is over. Like I've been saying, folks, the 3 p.m. show, the midnight show, sometimes all you have to do is just sit back. Everything you don't have to be so aggressive with is everything is not a conspiracy. Yes, the moderators said horrible things about Trump. They were on a full spotlight tonight. There was no way, as I said earlier, that they could engage in going after him. And Trump looked as presidential as presidential gets. The election is over. And even if the Democrats replaced Biden, the new candidate comes in losing in terms of not the same momentum as somebody that's already been in the game. One can make a case that a fresh face might change things. I am telling you, with that trial that should have never happened, trials, I should say, Trump has had it back to the White House. Just get ready for it. And let's wish him the best. And did you notice how he slipped in? Now, I think I want you folks to think about this, right? With the African American vote, Trump was going toe to toe with Biden. Excuse me. Winning, making his arguments, the Republican candidate about the black vote, and the Republican candidate, I am so proud to be a Republican this morning, the Republican candidate turned around and reminded Biden that he is the one that used the term super predator and referring to people of color. Let's continue with your telephone calls, Al, on line three, Al, what's on your mind? Yeah. Hi, Dominic. Thanks for taking my call. Yeah. You know, President Trump had a terrific night. And for Joe Biden, with that blank stare, it was a real disaster. I mean, from all the different political strategists, whether they're right or left, from Van Jones to Brieuung to Axelrod, basically it was an obituary for him tonight. I mean, I can't see how he can continue and ever be the nominee because he was totally out of it tonight. You could even see at the end of the debate, I saw his wife quickly on TV and you can tell she looked like deaf. Like you said, all along, it looks like President Trump's going back to the White House. And, and when he does all of this garbage and nonsense about these trials will be over. I mean, it doesn't really do anything with the state case. Let me, let me make a clarification there. A president can't do anything about a case on a state level, but the federal cases will essentially be null and void. And also, and now, you know, also along with what you just mentioned, Joy Reid, MSNBC, she is also stating that Democrats are approaching panic after Biden's extremely weak debate performance. And Joy Reid makes millions to toe the Democratic talking points. Al, thank you for that call. Let's go to John up in Ulster County, line seven, New York. John, what's on your mind? Morning, Mr. Carter. I voted for Haley in the primary. Okay. And I think Trump did a very good job tonight. I don't think it's as dispositive as you do. There's a lot of time and there's a lot of world events that could either go very much in Biden's favor or against them. What happened? Ukraine. What could go in Israel? If the Russian position in the Ukraine starts declining, if they start losing territory to the Ukrainians, possible because the Ukrainians have done quite a good job in attacking lines of communication and that sort of thing, if Israel comes out well, because their enemies couldn't get together and couldn't really work in concert, I think that reflects well on Biden. Okay. Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute, John. You've worked well for Biden and the Democrats thus far? I think I wouldn't say well. It's been horrible. It's been a disaster for Biden and the Democrats, but he hasn't lost the Jewish vote, but he's lost. You have you have all the Muslim Americans in Michigan and I believe Wisconsin that they are abandoning him. So I mean, it's an absolute disaster for the Biden administration. I was almost asking you a rhetorical question. It's exposed the bad relationship between Netanyahu and President Biden, Netanyahu out there charging at the U.S. was withholding weapons for months. And John, it's been a disaster. How could you see it any other way? The only thing I would say is the Republican Party really, because of the global war and terrorism or the veteran of that, they don't have any kind of presence in the Muslim American community when they used to have that before the GWOT. I think he hasn't completely burned his bridges with the Muslim American community, especially the more conservative, the people who are not Ewan Omar or Rashida Talib. So it's over. Go ahead. I'll let you finish. But it's over. Go ahead. The race is over. Go ahead. I think it's a lot of run. But I'd like to respect for your opinion. Thank you. And the good talking to you as well, John, I have a lot of respect for your opinion as well. And everyone else that calls up, you know, I'm not one of these hosts that because I say it, it's gospel. I do bring a lot of experience, a lot more experience than most talk show host, but I'm not one of those that believes that I'm always right about every single thing. Sandra, New Jersey. Good morning. What's on your mind? Sandra, go ahead. I'd like to say that, first of all, Donald Trump shows that we can make lemonade at 11s. It was wonderful tonight, he was transparent, vibrant, clear, all the things that have been said. And I was a little surprised that John Catherine of the TV said 60/40. I saw it more like 80/20. I think that I'm more in love with Donald Trump tonight than ever before. And I'm so proud of him. And I'm very, very happy. And I want you to know, I had what you call a political, super bowl party at my home tonight to have, you know, to watch this day. I had a lot of people over and it was so wonderful to see everyone own things, seeing the same things. And I'm getting textured all over the place. I had to watch the debate again because I got interrupted a lot having people over. But that's okay. But the bottom line is he made lemonade at a lemonade, and this is a perfect event. He's a wonderful man and I was so proud that I love him because my judgment is right. And you know, he has a mind, like a computer, he doesn't forget anything. He doesn't mean anything, he knows anything. He has it all in that brain, that fabulous brain that God gave him. Well, Sandra, thank you for the call. I will point out that some of you said, "Oh, why would Trump do this debate? He shouldn't show up." Well, he knew a lot better than we do. He knew that in a one-on-one setting that it was going to be over, that he was going to have his way with the current president of the United States of America, and that is exactly what happened. Trump essentially ended Biden's campaign in Atlanta, Georgia tonight. And if that's not the ultimate comeback or revenge in terms of what was done to Trump, then I don't know what is. Jacqueline in Brooklyn, line one, what's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic. Actually, like I've been saying since we've been talking about this upcoming debate that finally has happened, this was the Democrat Party's opportunity to let Joe Biden fall flat on his face, which he did, and that gives him the opportunity to replace him. They started tweeting and texting and contacting one another while the debate was still going on before it was even finished. And one thing that I didn't get the opportunity to say to you yesterday morning, what I wanted to tell you, you were absolutely correct, and I agreed with you. I felt the same way, President Trump was not going to take this debate to tell the public who his running mate is going to be. He's watching. I have to be. Jacqueline, let me just, let me just say this, to anybody that's any, any host that took that seriously, that that has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. Trump is a genius, he's not going to step on his own debate message with, he's a genius at marketing. And he knows that many talk show hosts, frankly, around the and they'll just take it and run with it. And that's what they did. There was no way in hell he was going to announce that, but go ahead. His emo, let's say, is always to make a big splash out of anything, especially something as huge and tremendous as announcing his running mate. And as far as one of your previous callers, John, I think his name was, he is very disillusioned. As you said, this presidential election is done, it's already been decided. And Joe Biden is not going to be the Democrat Party candidate. One other thing I wanted to say, I felt very bad for him, and I usually don't. I felt very bad for Joe Biden and his wife and his entire family and his entire cabinet should be held accountable for the elder abuse of this man. And I'm usually not compassionate toward him. I'm compassionate towards him, I don't think it's fair. And I know that's a word that adults don't like to use. But what's happening, some of you will say, well, how can you say that, considering what happened in Afghanistan and the 13 American soldiers that lost their lives? Yes, you're correct. But what we saw tonight, Jacqueline was just, it was awful. And I don't understand, how do you let him take the stage in that type of situation? And, you know, go ahead, go ahead. As far as I'm sorry for interrupting you. But as far as any of their excuse saying that he had a cold, well, if he really genuinely does have a cold, they would have said that before the debate even began. Well, debates are always about lowering expectations, but even at a much lower bar for this president, he failed terribly. Jacqueline, thank you for the call. Dominic Carter, here with you. Let's go to Joan on Long Island, line four, Joan, what's on your mind? Hi. So I was looking at a box after the debate and Vivek Rama Swami had a wonderful observation. He said, you know, we were all expecting Biden to show up, all jacked up and energized after a week at Camp David preparing, and instead he showed up with a lobotomy. Another thing I wanted to say, I was surprised and gratified that the moderators were respectful and professional to both men, because in the beginning, I was afraid Trump was walking into one ambush, because that's what we kept hearing. Oh, she hates him. Capper hates him. Oh, but I told you it wasn't going to be an ambush. The stakes were too high. Yeah. Those moderators are not going to risk their entire careers just to dig at Trump for one night. Too many eyeballs around the world were watching them tonight. Well, I was grateful for that. And like you, the call you just left. I also, I didn't expect it. But when I saw it start, the way it was going down with Biden, I also felt sorry for him. And I felt a little ashamed that we were putting him up there to go through that. And also, my worry now between now and election day, I hope that we don't get hit with a terrorist attack, because we are prime target now. The border is open. Yes. Like splashing everywhere on every intelligence agency. And you know, we are just and Joe and I have to step in. I have to step in because I've got to take a break, but not just a terrorist attack. Look what's happening with the migrants. Look at what's happening with the migrants in terms of the funeral and Houston today for the 12 year old young lady, the situation up in Syracuse, New York, where I attended graduate school. The young lady murdered up there, you know, yes, terrorist attack. But look at what's happening with the migrants folks, the number that reached me is 646-720-06-35. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back. We are back on a big night for Trump and a horrible night for Biden. Biden played into every liability that one can think of as it relates to his age and mental ability and the race is over. I've been saying this for months. You might as well swear Trump in right now. This race is indeed over. Bonito. Let's continue with your calls. Let's see here. We have Floyd in Iowa, Floyd. Good morning. And what's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic. I heard you just refer to this 12 year old kid as a young lady, Dominic, that was a kid. A child should never be murdered by these terrorists coming across. But also the kid that had the whole life ahead of him, to be snuffed out at 12 years old, Dominic, you're doing a fine job, but don't call a kid a child, a young lady, that was a kid, Dominic. Well, it's a kid, but she's also a young lady. I mean, Floyd, and then you hang up, and then you hang up. That's just great. When I start to check you, then you hang up. Anyway, let's keep going here. Let's go to, let's see here. Let's go to Tony and Cliff then, New Jersey. Good morning, Tony. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. You know, I took a deep breath because everything that you and I and all your listeners knew, we saw tonight, but there's something else that I saw tonight. And I saw that the Democratic Party really was looked at as a party that not only has a failed candidate, but it looks like in many ways, Dominic, the party has failed America for allowing all this. That's what I saw. We knew the press, but I hear, I think, every viewer who may have saw this tonight and had a lot to swallow because they weren't looking at the news week to week like we were. I think they realized something that not only is this president failing, but this party has failed and for allowing him to continue and do so much damage. That's my thought tonight. Well, thank you, Tony. America is known for a while. The Democratic Party is failing us terribly. And the great thing about the debate tonight, Democrats can no longer spin and say, no, we're biting. You know, he wasn't looking off. He was, he was dealing with the person that came down to parachute. They can't make excuses anymore. Everybody saw with their own eyes what happened tonight, Frank in California. Good morning. What's on your mind? Dominic. Trump came his opinion of January 6th. What's your opinion of January 6th? I've talked about it quite a bit. What are you really asking me? Well, exactly. I mean, they called Trump to loosen over his work and the whole care version. I don't have enough time. I feel. I don't have enough time. If you think it was right, we could we have a January 6th every week. But when you say, do I think it was right? It's not that simple. If you're asking me what I think of what Mr. Trump, what what his role was, he didn't what it's going to expect for America. He didn't. Okay. Wait a minute. Trump didn't violate the law. As he said tonight. He did. Well, I'm January 6th with a respect in America. I can't brought brush everybody that was there. I don't. Dominic. Dominic. What are you really? Frank. Frank. Frank. Stop for a second. Don't you cut the, you know what and tell me what you're really asking me. Just get to the point. Did I already ask you once? You want me to ask you? No, I don't forget what you're asking, what you're asking. You're calling up in the last minute of the show and you're asking me what I thought about January 6th. I don't have enough time to respond. We have two. We have two minutes. No, we have exactly 45 seconds left in the program. The people on January 6th were the Americans. Some of them were all of them were Americans. Some of their behavior. How are you? That's why you belong in Russia. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Bye Frank. Bye. Bye. Crawl back under your rock. Please. Folks. Thank you for joining us. I'll be back again on, of course, this is Friday. I'll be back next week. And if you get a chance, you can listen to my three p.m. show and it's been a big night in America, Trump wins big Biden falls back. (rock music)