Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 06-27-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, the 12-year-old girl who was allegedly raped and killed by illegal migrants, talking about how we cannot let this happen again to anyone else. He also discusses the importance of the upcoming debate between Biden and Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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27 Jun 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, the 12-year-old girl who was allegedly raped and killed by illegal migrants, talking about how we cannot let this happen again to anyone else. He also discusses the importance of the upcoming debate between Biden and Trump.

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[Music] Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And good morning, good morning, good Thursday morning. We are now only hours away from the big debate. But I can't believe what he actually said. I'm referring to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The Homeland Security Secretary claims only the criminal is to blame for the slaughter of that 12-year-old Texas girl, not the Biden border policy, which is almost laughable. In a press conference from a border patrol aircraft hanger in Tucson, Arizona, more than 60 miles from the nearest border crossing, Mayorkas denied responsibility for the lapses at the border. Take a listen to what the Secretary actually said. The safety and security of the American public is indeed our highest priority. We screen and vet individuals when we encounter them. If we learn of derogatory information subsequently, later in the process, then we take enforcement action accordingly. The individual who's responsible for a heinous criminal act is the criminal. And we need to bring the full force of the law to bear on that criminal, just as I did for 12 years as a federal prosecutor. We encounter dangerous people then, and we prosecuted them accordingly, and that will indeed continue. And that exactly is what the problem is. Quoting Mayorkas, the individual who was responsible for a heinous criminal act, is the criminal. But if you put the weapon in the individual's hand or give them access, you're just as responsible if not more responsible. Today is debate night in America, but also the funeral in Houston for the 12 year old girl. Her mother appeared on TV with Sean Hannity and the child's grandfather and Senator Ted Cruz, who was fired up. Even the mother of this young lady, the Latino Hispanic mother of the 12 year old, is blaming the immigration policies of the country. This is what she said with Sean Hannity. And these men, these illegal men took that opportunity from my daughter, from our family, of watching her become this amazing person. So now, with her voice being ripped away from her, I am going to be her voice and stand strong and try to make a difference in this world because this has got to stop. We have to stop burying our kids. This is not right. We have to have more reinforcement when it comes to letting people in. This is not okay. It's not okay. And I'll say it for the third time. It is not okay. 808489222. Give the Dominic Carter show a call. We will talk with you 808489222. Debate night in America tonight in Atlanta. And in all likelihood, this case is going to come up in one shape or form. And I told you folks, I've been very consistent that they tried to take Trump out. Remember, I predicted early on that he would win just like I did the first time he won. Everybody claims now that they made the same prediction, but they did not. We have audio tape that can prove who made the accurate predictions and who did not. So they tried to take Trump out and you've only made him stronger. And listen to this, folks, the famed, if you will, polling expert Nate Silver. Nate Silver, 538 is making Trump the heavy favorite to beat Biden in November. Nate Silver, formerly of the New York Times fame, says that it is not a toss up, but there's a clear front runner in this race. And he's giving Mr. Trump a 65.7% chance of victory over Biden, November 5th. Silver's current prediction based on 40,000 different simulations, runs through the model and predicts that Biden is likely to edge out Trump in the national popular vote by one-tenth of a percent point, but in the all-important electoral college, Silver's predicting that Trump receives 287 electoral votes just above the 270 needed to win the White House. The debate tonight is going to be quite interesting. Vivek Ramaswami appeared on CNN. And yes, Trump is going into the lion's den. I also tell you something I told President Trump, and I'll tell you as well, is I give him a lot of credit for doing this debate on the terms that were effectively set by Biden, hosted by CNN in Atlanta without a live audience, would be the equivalent of Joe Biden agreeing to do a Fox News hosted debate in Alabama with 3,000 live audience members. So I give Donald Trump a lot of credit for that. If you're going to lead the country, you got to be able to show up. And that's exactly what he's doing. I don't see Ramaswami being named number two on Trump's ticket, even though after that first debate when Ramaswami really shined, I thought he had a shot, but then, and he's redeemed himself now on the debate stage, he became quite easy to dislike. And all the other candidates from Chris Christie to the others, they couldn't hide to Nikki Haley, they couldn't hide their disdain for Ramaswami. But again, he has redeemed himself. And who knows? I also, now this one, I could prove to be wrong. I don't see any possible way that Trump will step on his own major message tonight by naming his running mate. I just don't see it. Because he wants the story that he shined over Biden, that he did a great job debating, exposing Biden, he wants the story to be, the campaign wants the story to be. If Biden freezes, if there's a moment, if there's a gaff, I could prove to be wrong on this one, but I don't see Trump naming his running mate at all. He is the master of getting obtaining press coverage. And in that regard, he was extremely successful with this trial balloon, just floating the idea, floating the idea that he may name a running mate. On this one, I could prove to be wrong, but I just don't see it. And so, you know, it's interesting how, and we're about to start with your telephone calls, it is very interesting to see how Democrats are in complete denial over what's happening with the migrant issue. And I want you to listen to this. So you're going to hear a reporter ask about the 12 year old girl in Houston, right? Who was tortured? That Congresswoman, Summer Lee, Summer Lee, two hour listeners in Pennsylvania. Yes, she's your representative in Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district since 2023. And so, you know, it really is a national talking point amongst Democrats to be an absolute denial over the migrant crisis. According to this exchange with a reporter and the Congresswoman in DC, when the reporter just simply attempts to get a reaction on the issue of the migrant crisis, listen to this, folks. I asked you quickly about the 12 year old girl in Houston that was tortured to strangers. I don't even know who you are. I don't know who she is. I live in Pittsburgh. Okay. But there was a child who was killed at the, you don't know about the child that was killed by illegal immigrants. And the reporter, you heard us say, I live in Pittsburgh. I don't know anything about that. Well, Congresswoman, have you been under a rock for the last week? Of course, you know about this. Let's begin with your telephone calls. Let's start with Robert line one. Robert, what's on your mind? Hi, thanks for taking my call. What would you just spoke about the horrible murder of the child? You know, and it's not the first time that American citizens are being killed. Raid traffic by illegals, they have Lake and Riley, they have this child who's a really, the allegedly horrific where it took place, it's just horrible. And you know, the thing is it doesn't seem like our government is representing our interests. Maybe they represent the interests of the military industrial complex or pharmaceutical complex. Right. And that's the understatement of the year. They're definitely not representing our interest. And so the thing is, you got to ask the question, who is controlling these people and the censorship that goes on. I mean, just in the debate that's coming up, it's a totally biased debate. CNN, having like you or Rita or Tucker Carlson is one of the moderators, even it out, you only have two CNN people there, you have the muting Trump. I mean, that's horrible. I don't think they ever had a case where they were muting Trump before. I frankly. No, no, no, no, no, not just Trump, not just Trump, a Biden can be muted as well in fairness. Let's be honest about it. Trump Trump is right. Trump is the one who's three on one, yes, the debate, bash, tapper, and Biden. And they mute him. It's a totally ridiculous construct, but the thing is, you talk about it's a censorship of Trump in a way. They sent you Trump with the warfare because he has to spend all this money and time with all this legal warfare stuff that is unheard of before. Meanwhile, other people like Hillary and Biden, they get away with a horrific egregious stuff and they don't go after them. But I mean, it's just horrible. And this poor girl who was allegedly the horrific thing that was done to her and Laken Riley and all this stuff, and it's just infuriating because it feels like you have a control system. It seems to go back all the way to Eisenhower when he warned about the military industrial complex and then Trump on Friday, last week, he says he believes the CIA was behind the murder of John Kennedy. So, but the thing is, but now everyone's talking about now, you go to the grocery, you course a job, mayonnaise, you have to wait for a sale because it's just so ridiculous. Everything is just, they're doing everything to screw us, even with the COVID when they lost them. They said we're not essential. Most of us. And then we couldn't, we couldn't go to work or they forced people to take vaccines, even the military. I mean, I hear you, Robert, I hear you, I have to step in at that at this point, your assessment is correct. New day is coming to America. It's called Donald Trump, round two, round two, debate night in America, I will be right back. This is Dominic Carter, now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we have two big events occurring today on this Thursday, the first presidential debate and in Houston funeral for that 12 year old girl who was tortured, tortured for two hours. Horrible situation, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has urged the death penalty for the men charged in the killing, adding that the young lady would be alive today. If President Biden enforced immigration laws at the border, Senator Ted Cruz agreed. So did former President Donald Trump. I don't see a scenario where this issue, certainly the 12 year old does not come up tonight. It almost has to. In fact, it may be provoked by by a question from the the moderators. That's how big this issue has become. So Cruz, the mother appeared with Sean Hannity on his program, the Fox News Channel and Cruz appeared as well. And he's just he's upset. I would say he's as upset as the rest of us are. Listen to this, folks, the agony that the entire family, a 12 year old precious girl, this is wrong. Look, look, look, Alexis and Kelvin and Jocelyn that they're from my hometown of Houston. The entire city of Houston, the entire state of Texas, the entire country is grieving this precious girl who should be alive. She should be laughing. She should be playing with friends. She should not have been taken horribly by two monsters. Let me be very clear. These bastards should be executed and they should burn in the pits of hell. But we shouldn't have to be talking about this because Jocelyn should still be with us and every day this administration is releasing more and more and more illegal aliens who are going on to kill people day after day after day. And it's every day you pick up the newspaper, every day you look at the headlines and it happens over and over again. The fact that these monsters did this while wearing an ice ankle bracelet that come into this country and they were let go, it is wrong and enough is enough. We need to demand stop, stop allowing this invasion, stop releasing violent criminals. And you obviously can relate to what Cruz had to say. I take it a step further. As I said on my earlier program, the first thing that should be done to them is they should be castrated. If these are the guys that did it and then the rest comes along, Steve Newark, New Jersey, good morning. What's on your mind? Good morning, Dominic, as far as my office, this president, they are responsible for every single American or person in our country that has been violated by these savages. I would love to sit there and pull the lever by the sit in the chair. I would make my day, it's in my bucket list. And on top of all of this, everybody goes to those polls and voting for this, Joe Biden. You better think about one thing. With trillions of dollars in debt right now, who's going to pay for these 20 million people that came to this country? You're worried about Trump and he's going to do this, he's going to do that. Who's going to pay for this debt that we inherited because of this stupid son of a fiscus action? Hey Steve, I hear you, it's a terrible situation, more of your telephone calls when the Dominic Carter show continues. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. We've got to have people stand up and say enough is enough. What's infuriating is today, they're releasing more illegal aliens. Tomorrow we're going to see more people being killed. It's day after day after day. You mentioned that the 13 year old girl who was raped in a New York public park and the monster there videoed it. He was so proud of what he was doing that he made a videotape of it. This is sick and twisted. You mentioned Rachel Moran just a few days earlier. This keeps happening. You can follow me, you can send me a tweet, but understand I may use it live as I'm about to do right now. David Huns says, Dominic TV, this debate, referring to the debate later on tonight, is like a prize fight and one of the fighters fathers is the ref and that's that's basically it. That's that that's what it is. That's exactly what it is, you know, but so we've got and it's interesting how timing works out who could have ever figured out that this 12 year olds funeral in Houston would be the same day as the presidential debate. So this debate was scheduled before this young lady lost her life, but it is going to be a big issue, in my opinion, at the debate, even with the the set the liabilities of not engaging with each other, it's going to come up in one way, shape or form. And I want I want all of us to think about this. So we're discussing the debate and what happened to this 12 year old and just a few hours, her mother is going to bury her. One of the most painful things a parent should never be forced to bury a child. And so you and I, we can talk about this. We can be be passionate about it like Ted Cruz, the Senator. But at the end of the day, there's a new day for all of us. There's no new day for this 12 year old and her mother. That interview that she did with Sean Hannity, I am about to go back to your telephone calls 800-8489222 here on the Dominic Carter show. But I want you to listen to what the mother said to Sean Hannity. And while you're listening to this, I want you to keep in mind that we will go to sleep, wake up and this mother, whose young herself has to bury her daughter with the entire country watching. This is what she said to Sean Hannity. I wish I had words to provide comfort for you. Your beautiful, precious 12 year old daughter had to go through this. I can only imagine the pain you feel. I don't know if it's something any human being can ever recover from, Alexis, you're a mom. And you know, I would ask how you're feeling, but I can imagine horrible. Yes, it's definitely been something that's been hard to grasp for reality. But now I have to be her voice and I need to make sure that everybody hears the horrible thing that happened to my daughter and give her justice and make a change because this we don't need to be burying our kids. Let's go back to the telephones, fill line three, good morning. What's on your mind, Phil? Good morning, Dominic. Hi, I hope all is well with you and all. Thank to you and your family. Go right ahead, Phil. Please. All right, here's the deal with all these steps and rape set up a card with these children by illegals. It's just incredible. But my point is this, if the Republicans were really up on it, they would put a national TV and radio spot, 45 seconds long, so all you need, people don't have big attention spans and highlight each one of them, show the faces and thrown a few words by these people, the families, this message must go out. It's going to. I can guarantee you that spot is being worked on right now. I can promise you it's coming, but go ahead, Phil. Yeah, the whole thing is that most people, they look at the government and what are they doing here, denial, denial, denial, they say, well, it's just one or two incidents. No, it's not one or two incidents, it's growing, it's becoming an epidemic. If even one child has to be murdered by an illegal, that's just unacceptable and I have grandchildren and I'm worried sick for them because God knows what could happen to them. So what you do, but you do at that point, you step back and you pray, you pray to God that this is not going to happen to them, but already, the Democrats have gone forward and said, look, it's a fact of life, where is the vetting? Where is the vetting? It's a requirement of federal law for anyone who's brought into this country, who rolled into this country on the claim of amnesty or protection. Where is the vetting? They don't bet these people end to close. All I have to say now is very simple, take 10 seconds. El Salvador and Venezuela are posting, posting all over the internet that their primary for the past several months has dropped anywhere from 50 to 70 percent and you wonder why they're all here. And it really is sad, Phil, and your assessment is dead on in terms of being accurate. It's a horrible situation and so you just said, Phil, that you're a grandparent. So if you're a grandparent, if you're a parent, if you're an aunt, if you're an uncle, whatever it may be, and in particular, if you have a daughter these days, men are being robbed as well and I'm going to get to the video of a woman being attacked in New York by these suspects who happen to be black with baseball bats, absolutely horrible. But if you have a daughter or a granddaughter, whatever the case may be, now you've got to pray for lack of a better way for me to illustrate this. You got to pray that she's not walking past one of these horny migrants that feel that they're entitled to just violate, take it, do whatever they want. Doesn't matter, the location does not matter. Laken Riley, the woman, the mother in Maryland, Laken Riley and the woman in Maryland, each going for a jog. What is it with these horny migrants and when women are going for a jog? Thank you for the call, Phil. Let's go to Stephen, line two, Stephen, what's on your mind? Good morning Dominic, I just want to talk about the presidential race. I believe that Joe Biden will win. Why would anybody want to vote for a person that got 34th count of talent? He can't even vote for himself. Stephen, why don't you just say you hate Trump? Just be real about it. Just be, listen, you're entitled to your view, but just be real. Don't call up pretending like you're trying to be objective. Just say I hate Trump's guts and I believe he committed these crimes and I want him to lose. Why not just be straight up? I am straight up, you know, I'm just going with the facts. Those are not facts. Those are not facts. First of all, the appellate court, the appellate court has not decided one way or the other. It's going to take time. Okay. What will you say, yes, court overturns this, then what will you say? Well, that's the justice system. That's the justice system, you know, that's what I would say. But right now, 34 counts, all 12 jurors convicted of and a court room and a courtroom, okay, Stephen, I answer this for me. Why do you think the trial wasn't held in Staten Island? Stephen, why didn't I think it was held in Staten Island? Yes. I don't know. It was held in New York. You know why? You know why because it would have been a predominantly white jury, a predominantly white jury that would have been fair to Trump and he would have beat the charges. You know why. Come on, Stephen. Let's be honest. There's black people that live in Staten Island also. That's true. That's true. That's true. If you commit the crime, you got to do the time. Right. But that sees Stephen. That's the spin that Democrats want you to believe. Man, all I'm saying to you is open, open your mind, Stephen. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go. It's the. It's the. Oh my God. You got to tell the stories. Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, my mind is open. My life is good. With all due respect, I don't know what type of community you live in. I'm not in one of these communities where things are not going well. I try to help out as much as I can. My mind is wide open. That's why I'm a Republican. My community is good too. You know? My community is wonderful. Okay. But what I'm saying is justice has spoken, so why can't we give justice? It's still okay. So, so let me give you the spin. Let me give you the span of what, you know what? Let's do this, Stephen. Maybe another caller can help me out with your point of view. So I want to, I want to bring in Jacqueline on line one in Brooklyn, New York. Jacqueline, Stephen is on line two. I want you two guys to talk, you two folks, excuse me, to talk to each other. Stephen's point is, Trump is a convicted felon, which is what we'll hear over and over and over again at tonight's debate. How do you respond to that? And Stephen is listening to you two talk to each other live. I heard everything Stephen said, and I'm going to pose the same questions to Stephen that I posed to Peter the other night. Stephen, where do you get your information from? Would I get information from the general public, the news? Which news sources? Can you tell me? M-P-R-N-N box, M-S-N-B-C. Any others? Gary Burge Show. I get it from the Roland Martin Show. That says it all right there. That says it all right there Stephen. Stephen, I don't want to, I don't want to attack Roland Martin, but if you're getting your news from Roland Martin, I feel sorry for you, and with all due respect. Why? What's wrong with Roland Martin? Oh, come on, Stephen, I don't want to engage, do you know what he did to Oprah Winfrey to try and establish his career years ago? He hides it very well. Do you know how he attacked her over and over? Yeah, you should look into it. He sits up there as Mr. Black Man now, but he's a complete phony. I didn't want to go there, but you're taking me there. You and Jacqueline, I want you to talk for a minute before I tossed away break. Go right ahead, Jacqueline, continue and then Stephen respond. As you said, Dominic, no surprise, the first word out of his mouth was N-P-R. Stephen, N-P-R, and all of the other references that you made, the news, quote, unquote news sources that you mentioned, with all due respect, you are ill-informed and you are being fed a bunch of lies. Let me ask you something, Stephen. How, if you have any self-respect at all, can you vote for an individual who has sold this country out, who has opened up its borders to the criminals of the world, to inflict the crimes that they have inflicted on the law-abiding citizens of this country, mostly innocent women and little girls? Do you have any children? Are you married, Stephen? Do you have a sister? Is your mother from the line? Yes, yes, yes I am. Okay. How would you feel if that was one of your female relatives that these numerous crimes, these brutal crimes of rape and murder and brutality had been committed against? How would you feel? If it was one of your female family members- I would not feel good, but I wouldn't blame it on President Biden. Who would you blame it on? So, if he is so bad, why did he win the election? I have to step in because I have to take a break. Thank you, Jacqueline. Thank you, Stephen. Mr. Biden won the election because his handlers kept him in the basement of his house in Delaware. More of your calls when we come back. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back returning to your telephone calls. Let's begin here with David in New Jersey. David, what's on your mind? Yeah, I think we've been taking my call. I just had a problem with the way the rebuttal is against the call before that. The Trump was convicted on the 34 counts and the way the other call was saying that really you get your news. I think the proper rebuttal is that the charges were incorrect. Nothing to do with the jury. The jury just- that was their instructions that what they were instructed to do, even if it was in Staten Island or anywhere, that's what it would be. David, David, the reason why that trial was not held in Staten Island, why there would not be a change of venue because they know Trump would not have been convicted in Staten Island, too. But the rules for the jury was that they should have convicted. I don't blame the jury at all. I blame the charges that weren't- But too, it is a very legitimate question to ask anyone, "Where do you get your news from these days?" Because we have news that's totally colored and biased to tell people what they want to hear. And Steve's call was a perfect example. I didn't want to sound off on Roland Martin, but I've always had a pet peeve against him and ask yourself, "Why is he no longer in mainstream media?" And so it is legitimate to ask people- Why don't you get your news from- Well, why don't you get a problem? Tell them what's wrong with his belief- Because I don't want to go any further into attacking Roland Martin or anyone else, but I do thank you for the telephone call. Let's go to Audrey, line two, Audrey, what's on your mind? Okay. I'm sure you can hear me now because the phone is fixed. Can you hear me? Yeah. I hear you. You're going in and out a little bit, but I hear you. Go ahead. Okay. I'll make it quick. Okay. I don't understand what's the point in the two-yard bully. Because Jacqueline is not the best of folks to be listening to. And truth be told, I remember when you've only used to work together and it was great. But whatever- I never- I never used- I don't know. It's not your show, Audrey. Audrey, it's not your show. You're not going to talk over me. That's not going to happen. I have never worked with Roland Martin. What are you talking about? I would see him at parties and I would never speak to him because I considered despicable what he did to Oprah Winfrey. So what are you talking about, Audrey? Do I have a word with that man? I didn't say I did, but I'm not saying anything bad about what- You don't care between you two. But I remember watching the show, you were great and he was great. So, it's not necessary to be asked what you listen to, what news you're following because- But, Audrey, it's very relevant. It's a very relevant question because if a person sits up and watches MSNBC, you're not going to be factual. You're going to buy- I'm not saying you. I'm saying to the individual. You're going to buy into that garbage that they're peddling. Which is Biden is great, Biden is wonderful. That's all they're going to give you and that Trump is the devil. So it is relevant where a person gets their news from. You have to find a word before I move on. What is it for? I didn't hear the last part. Marianne, you've got 30 seconds here in New Jersey. Go right ahead, please. I think they should develop internment camps, extraordinary places where the money goes into housing, education, medical, everything that's needed where no money is ever issued directly to a person and where they remain and stay until they meet with the judge to see if asylum needs are needed, they're never mixed in with United States citizens because they can't hurt anybody. Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea. Hey Marianne, I want you to call me again because we have to flush this out. I'm just completely out of time right now. Debate night in America. We will see what happens. I'll be back again same time tomorrow, same station. Have a great day, folks.