Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 06-26-24

Dominic gives his thoughts on Jamaal Bowman losing in the NY Primary Election, an elderly woman being beaten by two men with bats, and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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26 Jun 2024
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Dominic gives his thoughts on Jamaal Bowman losing in the NY Primary Election, an elderly woman being beaten by two men with bats, and more. 

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[MUSIC] Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. >> And so nice to be here with you folks, members of the squad, aka Jamal Bowman, who went down and defeat America is no longer buying the hate that you are selling and your anti-Israel message. This is by partisan officials are cheering the squad member Bowman's double digit loss as comma for the far left. Yes, yes, and yes. Could this be the beginning of the end for the squad? I know it's premature, I know it'll take time, but I say yes, yes, and yes. By by Bowman, here is Latimer, George Latimer, the Westchester County executive, the moderate followed by Bowman, each from last night. Now listen to the difference, Latimer, again, the moderate Bowman, the racial flame thrower that hates Israel and pulls fire alarms to avoid votes. You don't need a campaign to tell you who George Latimer is. You've seen who I am because of what I do. >> [APPLAUSE] >> We should be our rates when unfortunately, some so-called Democrats are lining themselves with radical, racist, right wing Republicans. >> Stop the hate, Bowman, everything is not race, let it go. I know you got to congress by playing the race card, but everything is not race. Also this hour, he couldn't handle the heat. The anti-Israel protester who demanded that Zionists on a packed subway car, ID themselves while he was masked and raised their hand. He has surrendered to the NYPD. He's from Staten Island, his name, Anasala, and he turned himself in early today. After police released a wanted poster with his face splashed across it. In the wake of the hate filled subway situation at Manhattan's Union Square station. Here is something I want you to think about. Let's go ahead and open up the phone lines 808489222, 808489222. Something I want you to think about, and it's interesting how timing works out. Tomorrow, tomorrow, not only the presidential debate, but it's also the funeral for the 12 year old girl strangled and murdered in Houston, Texas, and a few hours later, the presidential debate. This is a report from a Houston TV station talking about the horrors of what happened to this little girl. Martinez Rangel calls her death by quote, applying pressure to her neck and throat. We know she again, she was found partially clothed and had marks and scrapes on her neck. According to prosecutors, Martinez Rangel also told Piena to throw Johnson's body in the water to get rid of DNA. Also, the district attorney speaking out in the Houston area, appearing on the Fox News channel. And it's clear based on what the district attorney is stating is that it's it's the evidence is showing that what we all know, that in all likelihood, a sexual assault did happen. The case is horrific. Jocelyn's last moments were unspeakable. She endured assault for multiple hours. This was a little girl who slipped out of her house to call her boyfriend, a 13 year old. Was seen by two immigrants who had been drinking all afternoon, they picked her up, probably asking for directions. And she was innocent. She walked off with them. We see footage from local stores that show they lured her under a bridge near a Houston bio where they attacked her, strangled her and drug her body into the water. The evidence is clear that a sexual assault likely happened. So the officials are awaiting toxicology reports and other evidence based material to surface, which takes some time and debating this issue. We're about to start with your telephone calls 808489222. We're going to begin with Gracie in California, but before we do so, before we do so, we do a segment here in New York, left versus right, Anthony Wiener, the former congress went in myself. One of the issues we happen to debate, the migrant situation, and this airs in the New York Tri-State area from 4 to 5 p.m. Here's a part of the debate that Mr. Wiener and I engage then. If you're concerned about crimes committed by the undocumented, don't you want to toughen the laws? You refuse to say the word. Say the word. That's my law. You want them gone by passing a law to do that. I know because you don't want to think past your nose. No. You need a law to do that. No. No. No. You guys. We guys, I am America. Let's bring all these money. No. I want to fix the laws. I want to fix the laws. You don't. Oh, look. Dominic. Dominic. You want an apartment? Dominic. You want food? You are phony. Hey. Trump is a phony. You want the crime to yell about because you yell for a living. I talk for a living. That's why I'm not as good as this as you are. Okay. So, Mr. Wiener. So, Mr. Wiener, right? So, I guess that those crimes happened for a political reason. No, they didn't have it a political reason. We have a good president when we used to have a crummy one. That's why crime is down. Okay. So, if we have a good president after a crummy president, your words, how did these incidents happen? Because we never get to see your crime in this country. Welcome to the world, Dominic. Welcome to the world. We have a good president. That's what Anthony Wiener says. And that president, Joe Biden, let's start with your telephone calls. Let's begin with Gracie who happens to be right now in California. Gracie, what's on your mind? What's on my mind is I want to say something about Bowman. But quick, how dare Anthony Wiener criticize you? What he said was absolute rubbish. I know we always had porous borders, but now we do not have borders at all. And when Trump was president, it was better. The Democrats are off the wall. Now Bowman, his concession speech or whatever it was, everything he said, I could say the same thing that thank God we got rid of him. He is a socialist. I don't know where he came from, but of course, I broke them up on Wikipedia and he needs to go back under that rock. But go ahead, Gracie. Yes. Yes. And the only, he's a New York City boy, his credential book are pretty bad. I looked on Wikipedia. His degrees are not really degrees. And the only reason he got elected was the thank you, George Floyd, the sum of thank you do to him or else he would have not gotten elected. And the whole squad do not want this country to be the country it is. Now, then the people are going to say, oh, you want to go back to Jim Crow? You want this? You know, I don't want that. But I want to be uplifted a little bit from the 60s without screwballs taking away this country. Now, when I'm getting at it, he's a principal. Look him up, Dominic. He made himself principal. I can't even figure it was a charter. Gracie, I wouldn't, you know, he seems like he wants to be a weightlifter, you know, and apparently he can bench press 450 pounds or 405 pounds and whoopee, that's good for Mr. Bowman. Maybe you should go do that for a living. Maybe based on your antics in Congress, Mr. Bowman, you should go join the WWF and be like the rest of the wrestlers that that are there carrying out a scene acting. But then again, that might be offensive to the wrestlers. Gracie, thank you for the call. I do want to say this. I told you folks, I told you folks, it may take some time, but the squad is going to get theirs. Their number is up. It's by by it may take some time and I can't wait. I can't wait until the horror of AOC is finally gone. That woman should not be in Congress. I can't even see her in a professional work environment, a regular work environment with her. We ideas. We, I'm AOC. I'm a superstar. I'm a princess. Look at me, we AOC, Dean and New Jersey. What's on your mind? Dominic, I called you last night with the three B's. I don't know if you remember. I said, bye bye, uh, Bowman. I said, bye bye, Biden. I said, bye bye, Greg. I found another one, bye bye, Corey Bush. She's going to be primary in August, part of the squad. And she got elected because she was a George Floyd activist, just like, uh, Bowman was. That's how they all got elected. Oh, look at the injustice of George Floyd. Uh, I honestly feel, Dean, that the injustice I really do is what happened to those four police officers. That's what I think is the, that are in jail right now. Their lives ruined Mr. Floyd, you know, again, um, I'm sorry he lost his life, but he made his choice to use drugs. He made his choice to not comply with the orders of the police officers that asked him numerous times to get out of the vehicle to, and then refuse to go into the vehicle. Yes, the mainstream media, what do they do? They show you the video where the, uh, the sergeant has his, uh, apparently his me on Mr. Floyd's neck, but that's even in dispute because there are some from that documentary that say it was actually on his back and there are some, uh, many police officers in Minneapolis that say that's what they were taught in the academy and the academy. Of course, uh, Minneapolis says, we don't, we don't have any knowledge of that. The police chief said, no, no, no, no, that's not true. Go right ahead, Dean, before we wrap this up, keep your eyes on, uh, Cory Bush, she's in Missouri. She's got a primary coming up in August and she is, she's done it in the guy Bowman is there all dumb. Is, is that the one that said she cured cancer through her prayers? Is that, is that the one that spent $400,000 on personal security? And then she wanted to defund the police. Of course. For one year, she spent $400,000 of personal security because your life was threatened. I'm a star. Look at me. I'm a star and I'm an absolute phony. Do as I say, not as I do, Dean, keep up the good work, Dominic, you, you call, you, you call the walls and strikes the way you see them, brother. I will always call them the way that I do. And some don't like that, um, you know, but, but you know, you're entitled to your opinion. In a moment, we're going to go to Frank and New York and other calls that are coming in at 808489222 and coming up Curtis Leewa, Curtis Leewa about 12 minutes from now, the guardian angel. And he's going to talk about potential terrorists that have come through the border that are already in the U.S. This is Dominic Carter. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter and Bloomberg News reported that the Supreme Court seems set to allow emergency abortions in Idaho, according to a document that was mistakenly posted on the website. And this is not the first time that this has happened. And there are reports that at the debate now, a little more than 24 hours away, President Biden plans they hit Mr. Trump is unfit for office surprise, surprise. I say, bring it and Trump will have a wonderful response for that. And then perhaps Mr. Trump talk about how bad the economy is doing. Perhaps Mr. Trump talk about the issue of the Southern border and women and girls that are being raped and murdered and on that subject, I'm looking at a tweet before I go back to your telephone calls. And coming up at the bottom of the hour, guardian angel Curtis Lee, what will join me to discuss the potential terrorists that are already here in America already here. They've rounded up a bunch, but 50 are missing in good luck with that America. That's coming up at about 31 minutes past the hour looking at my Twitter, looking at my Twitter, my ex, you can follow me at Dominic TV, you can send me a comment, but understand I may use it live in SJ's daily post says at Dominic TV. And then they, they, they're quoting another tweet and says, is New York going to be the next Chicago days of looking at your phone while walking are over, especially with this lady. And it's a wild video that shows a 58 year old woman viciously attacked by baseball bat thugs, very disturbing. And with the bat, they beat the woman down into the ground. She's wearing a purple dress. She doesn't know what's about to happen. And it looks like they hit her with this bat. And I'm not talking about little baby swings. I'm talking about baseball diamond swings. They hit her about eight or nine times and then take off running. Let's go to Frank in New York, line three, Frank, what's on your mind? Frank, are you there? Frank one more time. Okay. Frank is not there. Let's go to Anthony on Long Island Anthony, your thoughts on this afternoon. Thank you so much. Anthony Wiener is intellectually dishonest, as well morally insolvent. And I feel as though our borders are Kamala Harris and our insecurity chief Alejandro Mayorkas should have to stay in trial with the undocumented crime wave that they have created in this once great nation. They have basically bankrupted our society in pursuit of some misguided attempt. And I feel as though this is Barack Obama's third term with a whole host of baggage that has come with this administration that has totally destroyed any semblance of democracy in this country. And I thank you and W.A.B.C. 77 for free speech radio. Thank you, sir. And thank you, Anthony. It's certainly not pretty what's going on in states across the country, cities across the country. Sandra, I knew Jersey. What are your thoughts this afternoon? Oh, good afternoon, Dominic. Well, I was thinking about what you said, you know, the domino effect and the trend is in the right direction. Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with that, but I want to say though, I was thinking about Bernie Sanders, how he was very involved with Jamal Bowman and AOC. And I looked him up and I realized, oh my God, he was born and raised in Brooklyn like me. I went to Brooklyn College like me and he was in a Jewish family like me. But that's as far as we go. He is not, I'm just disappointed in him. He's not standing up to Israel, he will get Israel and I'm very surprised. And that domino effect is going to be hard with someone like him there. I hear you, Sandra. Thank you for the call. But I'm telling you the dominoes are going to fall for the squad members. Greenup, Guardian Angel, Curtis Sleewa, God only knows what he's going to say. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And it is time for Curtis Sleewa, our daily segment with some breaking news. All right, Mr. Sleewa, what do you have? This is real bad. Not far from our studios here at WABC on 2nd Avenue and 60th Street. A man was approached by two uniform cops. They had spotted him for past crimes committed. They approached him. He immediately went berserk, punched him both in the face multiple times, knocking them down. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did I hear? I don't think I heard you correctly. You said that a suspect punched two police officers in the face multiple times, knocked them down on the ground and then fled. And I say again, it's almost like we have a story like this every day. You took away their night sticks, Bill de Blasio and then Dermot Shea, who was his, is basically his, let's just say his fluffy little yarn ball, you know, a police commissioner who would do whatever the bill de Blasio want, want wanted. You took away their night sticks. You know, years ago, when you and I were growing up, a cop had a multiple arsenal on him. They had what they called the day billy, which was the billy club. They had a truncheon. They had the lead line blackjack. They hit you in your shins. Did you ever nick your, your shin on a coffee table worst feeling in the world and you ain't going nowhere. Your, your hop along Cassidy that now if they got you swinging and winging at your kneecaps, all they had to do was just say the next calm car that rolls up when you see a guy limping up the street. You know, that's the guy throwing in the back of the car, bring him here now idea. Now they have stripped the cops of their ability to use a night stick to protect themselves and to maintain order. And the other thing Donovan Richards, who's now the Queensborough president, when he was head of the public safety committee in city council, stripped the cops of their ability to use choke holes, restraining holes. I mean, they can't do anything. It's powder pull policing and every day, you know, they, they, you know, they can be sued as well. You know, they can lose their, the police office. They lose their whole qualified immunity. Who took that away? And what happened to detectives, well, I mean, not detectives, playing clothes officers, the very best in the country of doing this, the thugs were afraid that any minute a car could pull up and out pops to officers addressed in regular clothes and up on that wall. If you got a gun, you got a problem. What happened? I mean, they called it jumpouts and everybody in the neighborhood was like eyeballing them 50505050. But a lot of times if the cops were really good, they would get different, different cars from the comp compound and you'd never, federal express, they'd roll up in a federal express truck, jump out of the back. That's it up against the wall and they'd make gun collars, drug collars, they, they made the community safe. Ray Kelly did that for 12 years. Now look at the mess we have. Now look at them are cops over 6,500 assaults in the last year alone that's double the normal number. And the record retirements across the country, but, but also a before you go, Mr. Sleepa, brief me on this, you know, Homeland Security, a number of potential terrorists in the country rounded up, but 50, they don't know where they are. No. And he's a Isis, Isis K terrorist. So these are the real deal, the real deal who, as you know, already attacked Iran, attacked Russia. They don't mind getting on that paradise to express and zooming themselves up to our left side. Very small country in the Central Asian Republic's 8 million people, poor and impoverished, but zealots and 50 of them got into our country. Department of Homeland, Homeland Security reports through ICE 50. We can't find them. You know where they are, Dominic. They're right here in Brooklyn. I could take it, take it to a, to a little bistro and a little restaurant there for the Taj Jeech from Taj Jeechistan. We can have a little new tatse at the cafe and a little biscuit. I'll pass on that one. You'll see blonde hair, blue-eyed potential terrorists. You'll see terrorists with red hair and emerald ice. They don't seem to fit the stereotype of somebody who swore the, you know, from the Middle East to the Persian Gulf and they're going to hit us and they're going to hit us hard. All along, Coney Island Avenue, wake up NYPD, work with ICE, ignore what Adam says. Ignore what Hochl says, plug in the computer, 2 million people on the terrorist watch list and our NYPD is not permitted to plug into their terrorist watch list, which is going to lead to our demise. Wow. And it's coming. It's coming. Curtis Lee. What? Thank you. As always, look forward to chatting tomorrow. I can't believe what Curtis just said in terms of what's going on is and police officers punched in the face, punched in the face and Curtis day and my day, it would be a long ride back to the station house, a long, long ride back to the station house. Let's return to the telephone calls, Dominic Carter here with you. Let's go to Jacqueline in Brooklyn, line three, Jacqueline, what's on your mind? Good afternoon, Dominic. One thing that's on my mind is I don't understand how any self-respecting individual can vote AOC back into office again. And I've challenged your audience before on other issues and I challenge them, maybe there's not enough time remaining for this show, but maybe you're a midnight show, anyone who's in Queens that considers themselves to be a self-respecting individual, how could they vote her in again? Because she's a Democrat and she comes there and she goes, this is what she does, Jacqueline. I don't need to tell you, you already know what she says without stating it is, listen people, white people are bad, I'm here to save you, I'm going to make it good for you. Things are going to get better, we. And then she leaves and nothing gets better and they continue to vote Democratic. You know that, Jacqueline. Well, this goes hand in hand with what I'm about to tell you, a situation that I witnessed yesterday evening when I was shopping in the grocery store and it also relates to and is relevant to the beating of the 53-year-old woman with the baseball bat. Have you seen the video? No, no, no. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen. No. You may not want to look at it. No, I can't. Let me just say this, the woman is walking, she has on a purple dress, minding her business, holding her bag, but she's looking down at her cell phone and these two animals, I don't know if this was a hit and tension on her, because the way they ran up on her, they didn't attempt to take her purse. They just literally started beating her into the ground with the baseball bat. You can kill somebody with one swing of a baseball bat and they hit this woman about, I'd say about eight or nine times, full strength with a baseball bat. And she eventually cowers into the corner and they take off running. Go ahead, Jacqueline. So how that somewhat relates to what I'm about to tell you. I was shopping at the grocery store a little after seven yesterday evening. I live in a very good neighborhood, the grocery store that I shop at in Bayridge is in a very good neighborhood. There were plenty of people in the grocery store. I was putting my couple of items together and I'm standing right before the exit doors into the parking lot of the grocery store and a tiny young Muslim woman wearing a hijab runs past me, says, excuse me, and bolts right out of the doors. And she came back in the store, there were a couple of kids. And when I say kids, I mean seven, eight, nine, ten-year-old kids. There were at least two of them. And I couldn't see what other kids were out in the parking lot if they were teenagers or what. But when she came back in the store, I asked her what happened. I thought maybe they stole her purse, they picked her pocket, that's not what happened. She got involved and she was very proactive. She said they were stealing cases of beer from the store. So she ran after the kids. They started pummeling her and beating her. She wound up calling for an ambulance, the police came and I followed up because I shopped at that store on a regular basis, seven o'clock in the evening. And these were little kids, I refer to them as little gang thieves. This is how they start. What I did was I called the store, this is what people talk about when they say when you see something, say something. I took the initiative to call the grocery store and follow up because the store manager at the time didn't have all the details of what occurred. So I called this afternoon. I also followed up with the local police precinct because the grocery store had security cameras in the store and out of the store with the parking lot so they can identify these kids. And I also followed up with the police precinct, the youth coordinating officer, to give them heads up and let them know about this incident because it starts out like that. And then once they get away with those crimes, it escalates to something else. But, but Jacqueline, but I don't, what I don't understand and I have to move on, and it's a wonderful thing that you followed up. But these youth coordinating officers, why have them? Because these are not youth that you're dealing with, you're dealing with future thugs that are headed to prison. Let's call it for what it is. Thank you, Jacqueline. Let's call it for what it is. These are not young children that need to be scolded and you give them a say, they're young thugs headed to prison. And if you don't stop them now, they will keep going. Let's go to Fred Nassau, county line two, Fred, your thoughts this afternoon. Yes, Dominic, quite a few times I heard you and what's his name, Anthony Wiener. I'm sitting there and I says, for all this time, I says, Dominic has class and he has, you know, he knows when to fold them and knows when to knows what to, you know, the Kenny Rogers song. Yes. And he's going on and on. He sounds like an eight year old spoiled brat going, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is what it sounds like to me. I may be wrong. I know Anthony Wiener grew up in a middle income household, okay, you know, we had it. But he sounds like spoiled brat. I'm sure. I don't know. I think I'm right. But the thing is he cool, he calls Trump a felon, but isn't he a felon? What he did. He still got that more. Well, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not going to. I'm not going to get into all that because because I don't, I don't feel that it's relevant to the situation. Mr. Wiener does refer to Mr. Trump as a felon. Mr. Wiener is very passionate in his beliefs. So am I. And it is what it is. Fred. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Russ. Line three. Russ, what's on your mind? Well, Jacqueline is so clear and direct. It's hard to follow a great caller like her. But I want to ask you, Dominic, I read in the daily challenge, the newspaper that in Louisiana, they passed a law that allows sex offenders to be castrated or certain criminals castrated for certain, convicted certain crimes. Would you call for that, you know, being used against these migrant sex offenders? You're joking. Right? No, it's a law man. It's down the weekend. So wait, you're asking me if I would support such a thing? Well, it's a. Is that what? I just want to be clear. Is that what you're asking me? Well, you know, the. What is Russ? Is that what? Russ, is that what you're asking me? That's all I'm putting to you right now. Is that what you're asking me to give you my opinion on that? Yes. And would you pull out your fingers fingernails? Would you also do that? Of course I would. That's why I don't understand why you're asking me this question. What's the point of the question? Of course they should be castrated. What's the point of the question? I don't understand. What do you really asking me? That's a given. You seem to be moderating in the last few days and, you know, now I just wondered if you'd call for them to be castrated. Of course, excessive, why if they're convicted and if you took turns raping, brutally raping that 12 year old girl and let's say for argument sake that she was not sexually active and you spent two hours taking turns violating that girl. And then when you were done because you didn't want to get caught, you strangled her and dumped her into water to get rid of the DNA. You rush you're asking me, do I support these savages being castrated? Who what? Yes. Who what? Well, in this country, the court system gets it wrong quite a bit, ask Donald Trump. And so if they're castrated, you can't really restore that. That's wrong. Hey, Dominic, can I ask you, was there what 25 million to get rid of Bowman by only 10 points? I mean, it doesn't seem like that much. It's their money. The organizations. It's raised privately. And he lost. Russ, Russ, don't be a sore loser. He lost. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. He was a racial flame thrower. 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It's called the paycheck or the bosses decide the, you got to understand the reporters. Jay, don't have the power. The power is with management. And if management says this is our position, you better not say a word or your paycheck is bye-bye, your health coverage is bye-bye, your kids tuition is bye-bye. So you go along to get along and it's horrible. Jay, thank you for that call. Quickly, Vinny, Vinny, New Jersey. Vinny, you got 10 seconds here. Go ahead. I don't know what planet Wiener is on, but people like us who have to decide whether or not to put gas in a car or eat. You can't tell me that he's doing a better job than Trump did. Well, you know what, Vinny, on that one, you're right in your criticism of Mr. Wiener. We are all in trouble in this country. Things have got to change. Folks, all it takes is $11 a month. Donate $11 a month to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation at