Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 06-26-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the huge victory of moderate democrat and Westchester County Executive George Latimer over progressive 'Squad' member and incumbent of NY-16, Jamaal Bowman. He also explains more details released in the story of the 12-year-old Houston girl who was allegedly killed by illegal migrants. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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26 Jun 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic discusses the huge victory of moderate democrat and Westchester County Executive George Latimer over progressive 'Squad' member and incumbent of NY-16, Jamaal Bowman. He also explains more details released in the story of the 12-year-old Houston girl who was allegedly killed by illegal migrants.

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(upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And good morning, good morning, good Wednesday morning. Dominic Carter here with you a great day in America as Jamal Bowman with all of his anti-Israel hate, pulling a fire alarm during a house vote is the first squad member to fall. Primary day across the country, but the big race the nation was watching with all the money that was spent, the 16th Congressional District covering parts of the Bronx and Westchester, where Westchester County Executive George Latimer took on the embattled far, far left Congressman Jamal Bowman. Latimer, a moderate. Did you hear that America a moderate? Remember my prediction, it will take time, but this will be the beginning of a domino effect for you phony, embarrassing squad members. 800-848-9222, the number to reach me. 800-848-9222, the candidate spoke just a short time ago. Jamal Bowman, conceding. - This race was never about me and me alone. It was never about this district and this district alone. It was always about all of us. Now, our opponents, not opponent, may have won this round at this time in this place, but this will be a battle for our humanity and justice for the rest of our lives. (audience cheering) And we are going to continue to fight that battle for humanity and justice for the rest of our lives. (audience cheering) - But being a flamethrower all the way to the end, by by Bowman, you are the weakest link. Listen to this. We should not be well adjusted to a sick society. (audience cheering) We should be outraged. We should be outraged when a super pack of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people in a believing something that isn't true. We should be outraged about that. We should be outraged when unfortunately, some so-called Democrats are lining themselves with radical, racist, right-wing Republicans. - Get rid of all that hate in your heart, Mr. Bowman. Hard to believe that you were a school principal. What did you teach the kids? Hate? Moderate, Latimer also spoke calling for America to come together. - We debate, but we find a way to come together. This country cannot afford to splinter into little pieces and every single representative has to understand the necessity for unity so that we can move forward as a nation. - And Latimer continued with his victory address. - You don't need a campaign ad to tell you who George Latimer is. You've seen who I am because of what I've been. (audience cheering) So now, I ask you to give me a chance to go to Washington. You've given me that first major step. Let me try to do what I can do to bring some positive result to what's happening down there. I have never viewed an election as a blank check from you to me. It is a promissory note from me to you. (audience cheering) - And this morning, we will continue to deal with the killing of the Texas 12-year-old, as her case has become a new immigration flash point. Policies at the border have created a migrant crime wave. That's coming up at first. Let's go to some of your telephone calls. Let's begin with Teddy, line three. Yonkers, Teddy, what's on your mind? - Good morning, Dom. Dom, I'm so happy. I went, I voted today and I said to myself, Teddy, you better get your behind in here and do the right thing and exercise the vote that our soldiers have fought in all these wars fought. And I did and I voted for Bowman big time. And I'm also going to tell you something. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You say you voted for Bowman? - Excuse me, I apologize, sorry. My mind is so Latimer, Latimer. - Latimer, okay. - Latimer, big time, Latimer. I apologize for that. And I'm going to also announce now for the whole public norm and DJ and Jacqueline and Phil Robert from Philly. I have to say to myself, Teddy, you don't like Biden, you're not going to vote for Biden. Trump doesn't appeal to you either, but it would be wrong, it would be wrong to sit out the vote. Therefore, I have to say to myself, who I think help eliminate the anti-Semitism, not 100%. But the things that are helping it for men in this country, and I think the better candidate would be Trump. - Okay, but Teddy, but you said that before, you said that before that you were going to vote for Trump and then you changed your mind again. - I acknowledge me a couple. Yes, yes, I look myself in the mirror and I will be, when I'm wrong, I will admit it. And now, because of what's happening with Greg and Los Angeles, no, Biden, you're not doing the no. It's your actions, not your words, it's your actions that count. And I think Trump's actions would be more powerful. And therefore, people might say, Teddy, you're only voting because you think he's going to be dealing with more about the anti-Semitism than the other problems? No, no, okay. Even though I read today, Dominic, and you'll probably read it, 15 economists signed a letter saying that Trump would add more inflation, his policies. - Well, good for them, they're alleged experts. I don't, Teddy, I gotta move on. I don't buy into that. I say Trump, Trump, Trump. I say, and this is the test that I give for every American, compare to four years of Biden, compare the tenure of Trump. Which one did you do better? I think we all know the answer to that question. Thank you, Teddy. Let's go to Steve and Newark, New Jersey. Good morning, Steve, what's on your mind? - Dominic, how are you, Father, David? - I'm good, Steve, I need you to get to the point. Go ahead. I want you, I want everybody, all those New Yorkers and all. Thank the Lord, they woke up, they opened their eyes, they should've did the same thing with that Goldman, that piece of garbage, he should've went, and that oh, see, oh, see, I see whatever the hell her name is. - Hey, oh, see, right, what, what, her time is coming, her time is coming, because she's a complete joke, and an embarrassment to America. - She thinks she's Cardi B, a rapper, go ahead, Steve. - Hey, Dominic, I could tell you another thing. The Jewish people of New York, turn your backs on these fools, they do nothing for you, they're doing nothing but hurt in Israel. They want us to believe that Hamas is right, and Israel is wrong. And they, it's phone them all out of all this, especially that damn Goldman, he's a phony and a liar. - Fair enough, Steve, thank you for the call. Let's now go to Rocco Saratoga. What's on your mind, Rocco Saratoga, New York? - Yes, Tom, you know what's on my mind, that idiot, Bowman, even at the end, he can admit he's a damn loser. What is he fighting for? Him and AOC, dancing and strutting, that's running our country, dancing and strutting and cursing. That's a winning combination. What a bunch of ego-typical idiots, right? Let's listen to Latimer. Tom, Collected, I'm here for you to work for you. Bowman, Ned, to work for his damn ego and nothing else. Like he thinks he's damn Jesus Christ or something, he's gonna save, what? Come on. - Hey Rocco. - Hey Rocco. - Hi Rocco, I want you to stay with me. One of my calls here on my screen is as Kevin in New Jersey, that he doesn't believe Bowman is anti-Semitic, of course, Bowman, lost, I want the- - Oh, in the upgrade. - Hold on Rocco, hold on, let's bring Kevin into the conversation. Let's see, one, if that's his position. And then two, if it is, I want you two guys for a minute or two to chat with each other. Good morning to you, Kevin. Is that your position that you believe Bowman is not anti-Semitic? - Well, yeah, I've listened to what was said on the station and it sounded like they were saying, like Mark Levin and other people were saying he was anti-Semitic. And so I actually listened to what he said. And when I heard him talk, he said that he was against innocent civilians being killed in Palestine. He was against what the government of Israel was doing. And, you know, we've been against, I've been, I was against Trump when he was president. You're against Biden now. I don't think being against the Netanyahu government killing innocent civilians. And I'm not saying they're targeting them on purpose, but we're just gonna- - Okay, Kevin, what about the woman comment? I noticed you left that one out. The comment that he didn't believe that Israeli women were actually raped. A comment that he's apologized for. - I think he's wrong about that. But that doesn't mean he's anti-Semitic. You could, he's wrong about that. I think they were raped. But when I hear him talk, he's not defending Hamas. Every time I investigate one of these things where they're saying people are anti-Semitic or Mark Levin will say they're pro-Hamas or James Golden. Most nerdly will say this as a pro-Hamas rally. People are actually saying that they don't want to see civilians killed. I have just the one person say there. And I'm not saying they don't exist. - All right, so now you hold on for a second. Rock, all you just heard with Kevin in New Jersey had to say your reaction. - Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. Wake up, smell the coffee and the roses. He is not only anti-Semitic. He's a racist. He's a damn racist and he damn knows it. All right? Listen to what he says. Not to be asked. He is saying I don't believe that I might kill these people. These innocent babies and women. It's all nonsense. Look at what Israel's doing. They're killing people. Hello, who started this? Who started it? And now they're telling Israel to stop? They started the war. They want to kill every Jew on the face of the earth. - Kevin, you have the final say. Go right ahead, quickly. - Hamas wants to kill every Jew on earth. Not the Palestinian people. And what he's saying is he doesn't want women. Do you think babies Palestinian babies are guilty and Palestinian women are guilty? - No, they're not. No, they're not guilty. But when Hamas hides amongst them, that therein lies the problem. Kevin in New Jersey, Rocko and Taratova, thank you for joining us. When we come back, we will deal with the issue of what happened in Texas. The second suspect arraigned and his bail, $10 million as well. I'll be right back. - This is Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) - And the first squad member goes down and defeats Jamal Bowman. I guess pulling the fire alarm and screaming on stage with AOC didn't exactly work out for you. I'm waiting for AOC to lose one day. She won her primary a few hours ago. But her day is coming, mark my word. Let's go to Dean, New Jersey. Good morning, Dean. What's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. I called you this afternoon and I'm glad that he lost. All I can say is, it's the day of the three B's. Bye bye, Bowman. November 5th will be Bye Bye Biden. And next to go is Bye Bye Bragg. - Hey, I like that. You said the three B's. That's good. It's related to Dean. So are you surprised that Bowman lost? I mean, it's despicable. Some of the things that he's been saying as it relates to Israel and he's a flamethrower all the way to the end. Are you surprised that he lost? - I'm not surprised. When I called you this afternoon, I told you that he was a thug and the way he was acting on stage was ridiculous and they should be embarrassed. And now all these Democrats should be, they should have their head in the sand and they should be, who's next? Well, the next one to go is the leader of Biden. He's the next one. - Well, it's going to be interesting. Interesting and the first test is coming up in less than 48 hours when Atlanta, Georgia, the two candidates hit the debate stage. Dean, thank you for the call. White Plains and Russ. Russ, what's on your mind? - Don't like, I can't understand it. Bowman runs on the working family's party and divides a democratic vote. Bowman will be helped. - Not gonna happen, not gonna happen. I mean, when I say it's not gonna happen, he may, he may. One, we don't know how actively he's gonna run on the line. Even if he's super aggressive, it's not gonna split the democratic vote. That's wishful thinking and it's not gonna happen, Russ. - Well, I'm not sure how many Republicans are gonna be voting up here in Westchester, but I think they shouldn't complain about Bowman. I mean, he's less of a racist than Rocco or that sloppy- - Yeah, well, Rocco's not in Congress. Bowman is. And Bowman in Bowman in Bowman is a racist. And one correction earlier, the earlier show, Russ, when I was talking about the 12-year-old girl. You said she was not naked from the waist down. And I said she was. And I was correct, the show, and I just want the audience. And I appreciate the fact that you're strong enough to admit that we all make mistakes. But I just wanted to point out for the audience that might have been unclear. But Russ, thank you, thank you so much for the call. - Let's go to Mimi, New Hyde Park. Good morning, Mimi. What's on your mind? - Hey, I want to mention the Republicans who are going against AOC, Tina 40, and the Republican that's going against Latimer, Marion Flisher. We have- - They don't have a chance at hell, but go ahead. - I know we have to protect that border and Latimer's not, and AOC is not. - Well, I- - Why don't you jump in there to go take them around and convince people to vote for them? We have to change. - Right, well, thank you, thank you for the call, Mimi. I will be back, and when we do so, we're going to continue with your calls from around the country. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - We should not be well adjusted to a sick society. (crowd cheering) We should be outraged. We should be outraged when a super pack of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people in a believing something that isn't true. We should be outraged about that. We should be outraged when, unfortunately, some so-called Democrats are lining themselves with radical, racist right-wing Republicans. - And Jamal Bowman, that's exactly why you lost divisive language like that. Anti-Israel rhetoric, hatred against Israel, pulling the fire alarm. That's why you lost. And it's hard to believe that in the wave of George Floyd that brought in all these nuts, if you will, that are part of the squad, that Democrats lost a Democrat that was in leadership. Elliot Engel, a strong supporter of Israel for Jamal Bowman. Well, but at least better days are coming with the moderate George Latimer, Westchester County Executive, winning the primary, probably going to go on and win the general election. Back to your phone calls in just a moment, but we have to update the other story that we have been following. And that is the young lady, the killing of the 12-year-old Jocelyn Nagore in Houston, Texas, which has become the latest crime to rightfully so attack President Biden over his immigration policies. And of course, this is an issue that will probably be front and center Thursday night at the debate. I want you to listen to a few things here before I go right back to your calls. ABC 13 in Houston. I want you to listen to this report in which it turns out that the young lady was fighting back with her last dying breath, leaving bite and scratch marks on one of the illegal migrants. And the bail has been set for the second suspect as well at $10 million. - According to court documents and what was read by the state today, Martina Zerengel calls her death by, "applying pressure to her neck and throat." We know she again, she was found partially clothed and had marks and scrapes on her neck. According to prosecutors, Martina Zerengel also told Pina to throw Josh in his body in the water to get rid of DNA. And just a few minutes ago as well, we were able to speak to Megan Long, who's the lead prosecutor on this case. I take a listen to what she had to say. - However, the big difference was that we have gotten into Martina Zerengel's phone and found evidence that he was searching for ways to leave the country once his image was released to the media. - Trying to leave the country, doing what these migrants that happen to be criminals, the ones that are criminals, it's what they do, commit crimes and run. At your expense, at my expense, I want you to listen to the district attorney, Og, the district attorney in Houston, in which she appeared on the Fox News channel. And she says that the evidence is clear, something that we all knew, but we didn't want to admit to it, that a sexual assault likely happened. Listen to this, folks. - If it turns out that there is evidence that is proven about a sexual assault, then the death penalty is on the table. - The case is horrific. Jocelyn's last moments were unspeakable. She endured assault for multiple hours. This was a little girl who slipped out of her house to call her boyfriend, a 13-year-old, was seen by two immigrants who had been drinking all afternoon, they picked her up, probably asking for directions, and she was innocent. She walked off with them. We see footage from local stores that show they lured her under a bridge near a Houston bio where they attacked her, strangled her, and dragged her body into the water. - The evidence is clear that a sexual assault likely happened, but since neither defendant has actually admitted that, circumstantial evidence will have to prove it. We're waiting on lab tests now to see if the capital murder charge can be upgraded to one where they are death penalty eligible. - And that's one of the stories we're following, and the other one is primary night in America. The big race the country was looking at, squad member Jamal Bowman lost, and he's going out a sore loser, not showing class, even in losing. By, by Mr. Bowman, you are the weakest link. Let's go to Simon, line three. Simon, what's on your mind? - Yes, thank you so much, Simon. This is a very big thing that this man has gone. He was a disaster, and he is just, this is just the beginning. And I want to tell you something, they destroyed the Democrat Party. Jamal Bowman, you have AOC, and the tally of the whole squad. - Agree. - And they're destroying Biden's chance to ever win. They probably threatened him. They ran the White House, and the good Democrats are out there. They're being, it's like, yeah, four or five people are running, these are crazies, and they're running the White House. And that's where the Democrats and themselves between me and you are so happy. This is the first one, hopefully AOC goes. And, you know, these guys were anti-Semites, and they were haters, and they were so brutal. They were just bitter people. You need someone who has a lot of love to love every nationality. Don't pick one and put down the other. We need to bring back America like it was, the good old days. And I think it's a great moment for the whole USA. - Agree, agreed, and, you know, we, unfortunately, we can thank George Floyd for the squad. They all, they all rode his death, stepped on his death to Congress to make all of our lives a living hell and an embarrassment, each and every one of them, that should not be in Washington. Simon, thank you for the call. Silas, Staten Island, New York, what's on your mind, Silas, this morning? - Well, one with this bowman, I'm glad he went down, 'cause it's not about his color, which he's constantly talking about race. It's about his ability. He was given the chance to prove what he was, and he proved it. He was useless. And you could give me Michael Jordan's pay, you could give me Michael Jordan's number, and you could give me Michael Jordan's position. But I still couldn't be Michael Jordan. And that's how to teach James and Bragg and all the rest of them. They've been given great positions regardless of their color, and they have not come through. They have done nothing for America. They have done nothing for this state. So they've proven that they're just incompetent. That's all, has nothing to do with race. They're just incompetent. - I agree with you. It doesn't have anything to do with race, and everything out of Mr. Bowman's mouth was about race or anti-Israel hate. And it's unacceptable. And that's why he lost. The first squad member, hopefully not the last to lose relatively soon. Silas, thank you for the call. Let's go to Joaquin in Pennsylvania. Good morning Joaquin. What's on your mind? - Hello, Dominic. You know something that I really have to respond. I listen to you both shows. I'm actually at work. And so I can't always call you. But anyway, I want to respond to something that Hamas Russ said earlier today about immigrants. They were drained on our economy. You know, they're taking away jobs from a lot of people, like construction workers. And somebody that interviewed some guys who are day laborers, and they don't like them either, because they're totally destroying a lot of things. And this country cannot afford them, you know? And in as far as the Democrats go, unfortunately they've become communists or globalists. And that's the agenda they're pushing. And the Biden administration, they're destroying the country. I mean, the dollar could be on the verge of collapsing. Saudi Arabia wants to take us off the, I'll get off the petroleum dollar. And if that happens, we're in serious trouble. And this is all due to the Biden administration. - Well, you know, I'm listening to you, and I'm listening carefully to what you're stating Joaquin. And what you just illustrated are the reasons why I'm supporting former President Donald Trump. The country, we have to have a fighting chance. Right now we don't, we don't. And it's got to change. America cannot continue along this path. We just can't as a country. I mean, we're not being respected throughout the world. And it's, I mean, we all see what's going on. We all get it. Joaquin, thank you for the telephone call. Let's go to Jacqueline, line one. Jacqueline, what's on your mind? - Good morning, Dominic. I'd like to ask you if you happen to know the race of this poor little girl that was brutally murdered in Texas. And I'll tell you why I'd like to know. If she happens to be a minority, either black or Hispanic, that would be another example of the lunatic on the left, about the ending their base, and not caring about the people that they claim to care so much about. - Well, I believe she's a Latino, Hispanic. I believe she's an American citizen. And her mother acknowledged that she had her young. I think the mother said she had her when she was 16. And the mother has a younger child, a boy. - But continue with your point before I move on quickly, Jacqueline. - That was my point, that they, you know, I can understand they don't care if a white woman gets brutally murdered or raped. They don't care if a little white girl gets brutally murdered and raped. But the base that they're supposed to care so much about, I haven't heard anyone say anything about the brutality that was inflicted on this innocent child. And you won't, because it goes against their agenda. Period, period. Jacqueline, thank you for the call. Let's go to Linda Long Island. Linda, what's on your mind? - I don't quickly. Not only is Bowman a liar, he's also stupid. Did you ever see anybody? I mean, he works there. He didn't know that they would have a picture of him. And he keeps lying and said he never pulled it. Never pulled it, right? Never, he didn't do it, right? He kept saying he never admitted that he did it. And then, all of a sudden, they show him the picture. And he's still saying he didn't do it. I mean, is that stupidity? - Well, I think that he didn't know that the cameras were there. - Exactly, exactly. - And were recording. He doesn't appear, he does not appear to be the brightest bulb in the bunch. And perhaps that's why he lost. Linda, thank you for the call. Russell in North Carolina. Good morning, Russell, what's on your mind? - Hey, Dominic, love the show, but I gotta tell you, man, you said the migrants, which I don't like that term, because they're illegal immigrants. But anyway, you said the ones that are criminals. Well, if they're here illegally, they're automatically criminals because they broke the Lord again here. - Well, they broke the Lord again. But you know what I mean? That they're not out there committing crimes. That's what I mean. - Well, I mean, I do. - Out there violating another person. And to a degree, to a degree to Biden administration, let them in. So one can make a strong case that they're not committing crime. I, you know, you're spending hairs, Russell. I'm talking about the ones that are raping women and raping little girls and punching police officers and so on. Those are the ones that I was just referring to. - Well, I mean, I agree with you, but if you often look, they often start out with small crimes and build their way up to larger crimes. - Yes, but I try my best not to brush people because you can't say all about as it relates to anything. There's a small percentage, I hope it's small, and thank you for the call of these illegal migrants that are out there committing horrific crimes. Absolutely horrific. I will be back in just a moment. - This is Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) - It's an enormous problem. This was bound to happen. It's one of those things that as an elected prosecutor, you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm just sick and sick. And so, I think this is the most important thing to do. You're waiting for the other shoe to drop, I'm just sick and sickened that this little girl was the innocent victim of these two mothers. - The prosecutor in Houston, Texas, as it relates to 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungare, who fought back with her dying breaths, leaving bite and scratch marks on the illegal migrants that reportedly attacked her. And her funeral is tomorrow, Thursday in Houston. We are taking your calls up until the top of the hour. Let's go to Robert online three in Brooklyn, New York. Robert, what's on your mind? - All right, thanks for taking my call. We know earlier you had a call trying to say, "Well, you know, they're not attacking." Is you out there attacking, not attacking Jewish people? They're attacking the attack on civilians. Well, let's be really clear about something. Israel doesn't intentionally target civilians. They go out of their way, not to target civilians. - Thank you. - And the last ones, they take casualties. - Thank you. - They take more sources of soldiers. They have families and wives and husbands and all friends that are left because they go out of their way, not to attack civilians. And you have these groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Authority that they use human shields. It's terrible. And you have a majority of the civilian population who support Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, who even support the horrific attack of October 7th. I mean, when you talk about civilians, what about the nine-month-year-old baby, you could see her beabis? And his four-year-old brother, Ariel Beabis, and his parents, 32 and 34-year-old parents, what about them? What about the 12 hundred people that kill? What about those civilians? - Hey, hey, hey, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, stand by, stand by. I want to bring into the conversation live to join us, Peter and Harlem. Hey, Peter, Robert is on in Brooklyn. I want you guys for a minute to chat with each other. Peter, what is the point you wanted to make this morning? - First of all, Peter, I agree with most of what you say, but the fact is you don't have to love a country but you can still love the people. I know, as a matter of fact, I think if Dominic was more experienced then he could go out on the street in New York and television and find hundreds of people that don't like Netanyahu. That doesn't mean they're Jewish. So I'm saying, Dominic, open up your perspective a little bit. The fact is Israel is not a, no. - First of all, Peter, first of all, no, no, no, no, no. It's my show. I've been to Israel several times. Have you? - Yeah, where you've been? - Have you, have you, have you, have you been to Israel? - I like Israel, I'll go anywhere. - Have you been to Israel? Can you answer the question? - I've been with Jewish people. - Okay, have you been to, it's a simple question. Have you been to Israel? - And what did you learn when you were in Israel? - Okay, okay, can you answer the question, Peter? - Peter, it's a nonsensical question. - Okay, it's a nonsensical question. Right, this is what happens when you don't know what the hell you're talking about. So don't call up this show when you don't know what you're talking about. And Robert is here to debate you, but you don't want to debate Robert. Why do you think I put him on the phone with you, Peter? Because you can't pass the test. You know it, I know it and stop wasting my time. Robert, continue before we wrap this up. - Yeah, well, you just, we're just trying to make a separation between the country and the people. Let's be really clear. Nathan Yahoo has been repeatedly elected the leader of Israel. He is the leader of Israel. He represents the interests of Israel. And for the, not just these, the squad members, but for people like Biden and Schumer and Gillibrand, maybe she's not as vocal as Schumer, but for these, the Democrats, all of them. For them to try to overthrow the government of Israel in a what time situation is horrific, okay? Nathan Yahoo has responsibility to defend his people. He was horrifically attacked. - And he was, Robert, thank you for the call. Let me move on to one last call before we wrap this up for the program. - Excellent points, Robert. Chris, upstate in the Catskills. Well, in the Catskills, Chris, what's on your mind? - Good morning. Not everything's all about a roses. I have an Assemblyman socialist, Sarah Hanashreska, who won her primary two to one, literally, against Gabby Matt, Gabby Matt. - Okay, what, Chris, what's the point I'm short on time? - I'm saying George Latimer had a great victory, but he actually only won by 10 points. He was supposed to win by 17, believe it or not. - Okay, but he's not won, but he's still won. What's the point, I got 15 seconds left for you, Chris. What's the point? - The Democratic voters are being brainwashed by the socialist. People are more intelligent and successful in Westchester County. That's why a man like Latimer can win, but they almost upstate where I live. The socialist rule, the Democratic Party and the part of New York I live in. - Well, the socialist seem to run the party everywhere, the Democratic Party. Chris, thank you for that call. And Peter and Harlem, please don't tell me to open my perspective when I've been to Israel several times. And clearly, you have not ever, that's why I asked you the question to those of you that follow my career. I'll be back at 3 p.m. And again, tomorrow night, same time, same station.