Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 06-25-24

Today Dominic Carter talked extensively about the migrant crime taking place all over the country, and more specifically the murder of the 12 year old girl in Texas. He continued talking about the New York City primaries and how Jamaal Bowman is on the verge of losing his seats. At the bottom of the hour he talked with Curtis Sliwa about Eric Adams.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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25 Jun 2024
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Today Dominic Carter talked extensively about the migrant crime taking place all over the country, and more specifically the murder of the 12 year old girl in Texas. He continued talking about the New York City primaries and how Jamaal Bowman is on the verge of losing his seats. At the bottom of the hour he talked with Curtis Sliwa about Eric Adams.  

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[music] Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. [music] This victim was found, you know, bound and without clothing from the waste down in the water. And the second suspect being arraigned today in Houston, Texas, the voice you just heard, Harris County District Attorney Kim Og, a news conference about the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Naguri, the district attorney, continued. I can't speak to the ankle monitor that this fellow that, you know, that Franklin Pena was wearing. All right, I can't speak to ice-putting ankle monitors on folks and releasing them. Our immigration system is broken. And if there was ever a case that reflected that, it's this one. And it is a very sad situation. Dominic Carter here with you. You can reach me 808489222. The death of the 12-year-old little girl, allegedly at the hands of migrants. A little girl with an endearing smile, and it has left people across America, heartbroken and angry. Plus, voters in the most expensive house primary race in American history are casting ballots. New York's 16th Congressional District casting ballots. If the polls are right, Representative Jamal Bowman, a left-wing Democrat is going to lose by by the first member of the squad to lose. And with his anti-Israel views, it can't happen soon enough. Also joining me at about 30 minutes past the hour, Guardian Angel Curtis Sleewa with the breaking news of the day. But we're starting, and of course, it's primary day throughout the country. We're starting with every parent's worst nightmare. Their child is missing and not answering their phone. Phone. That's what happened to the mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungare. On June 17th, when the mother woke up to find her daughter had snuck out of the apartment, the mother didn't know yet that her daughter's body had already been found in a Houston Creek. And this is a story that is, it's just, I find it devastating. And the mother is issuing a warning for parents and children. Never did in a million years that I think I would have to go through this, but never in a billion years that I think it would get the amount of attention it has. But at some point, this has to stop, this has to stop. We have to stop losing our kids, and we have to, we have to put out awareness that for parents, just please be extra careful with your kids. Make sure you have extra safety measures, kids, please don't think you're invincible. Like, you never know when your last day is, you never know. You always, we always think we're young and dumb and we, we're going to have fun and come home and we'll be safe, but it's not always the case for everybody. And again, the second suspect, the second migrant in this case, being a rain today, the young lady's mother was asked what should be the punishment for her daughter's killers. We all need to give them their punishments that they deserve because my baby didn't deserve this. What do you hope that punishment is? That they receive worse than what my daughter did because she, she deserves to live, breathe every single day. I was looking forward to seeing how beautiful she was going to grow up to be. And I know God is real, God is good, and they will feel God's wrath. And the other big story we're following a primary day throughout the country, but your mall Bowman's primary race should send a message to progressives, a warning sign, your 15 minutes is over. And it may take some time, but one by one, they deserve to lose. So one thing I find interesting when I talk to people that are from out of town, they bring up the crime issue in New York that that's what they see on their local news as well. And it has happened again in terms of in Central Park, Central Park, a sunbather, fighting off an attack from a man who jumped on her. This is part of a report from W.A.B.C. TV and a woman out enjoying the weather this afternoon in Central Park is tackled from behind and then sexually assaulted. We have new details on how she fought off for attacker and the latest on the search to find it unreal, unreal what's going on as it relates to crime throughout the country. But one thing that I am happy about, I want you to listen to police official John Chell. And I like the fact that he openly described the suspect for his, his, what he looked like and he happened to be a black man. While it is political correctness, all we're not going to say the race of the, if it's African Americans say it, if it's Latino say it, if it's Asian say it, if it's white say it so that we can get this animal off the street, listen to what the NYPD official had to say. What we know right now is this, we have a female white 21 who is sunbathing. She sees a male black coming towards her exposing himself. She screams and gets up to run. He tackles her from behind and he is able to fight him off and he runs southbound down the west drive. And what's unreal about this, this nut job animal exposed himself and the woman could could actually see it. And that's when she knew something was terribly wrong. This is continuing that report on WABC TV. Animal Park for the pervert who pulled down his pants and pounced on an unsuspecting woman who had been sunbathing alone. That's a really peaceful part of the park and I've not heard of anybody having problems. I hang out there at night. This happened at 1.30 in the afternoon in the Great Hill area around 104th street. Police say when the 21 year old woman saw him walking toward her and exposing himself, she ran. The tackles are from behind and he is able to fight him off. So that's the the world that we live in folks again. Curtis Lee was going to join me in about 22 minutes for breaking news. We'll see what he has to say in the meantime. It's you and I together and your telephone calls 808489222. Let's begin with Dean in New Jersey. And what's on your mind Dominic, thanks for taking my call. And I just want to tell you you're doing a fantastic job. Thank you. That's very kind of you to say. You're calling all the shots right down the line, brother. Oh, thank you. I want to just talk. I want to talk about that Bowman character. How come none of the Democrats, his fellow Democrats came out and talked about how insulting he was yesterday. But all that soggy is acting like a thug and a casio Cortez acted like a real jerk. I mean, these people should be embarrassed that I think Dean Dean, Dean, Dean, I could not have said it better than what you did. And I'm glad you just used the term thug because that's exactly what he looked like. And what's even scarier, Dean, is this man was a high school principal carrying on the way that he was on that stage this weekend with his backup Cardi B, AOC. I mean, it was utterly disgusting. And this is why every member of the squad, they're absolute phonies, Dean. They have to go and you're correct, right? So but here's the sad part. They're representing some of the most marginalized communities throughout the country, some of the poorest communities throughout the country. And look at these clowns, they're absolute clowns, Dean. Would you want somebody like that representing you? I know I wouldn't want them representing me in Congress. So how did he get elected the first time around? What was his platform? Great question, great question. Black lives matter, black lives matter that whole wave that came in George Floyd. And you know, I'm sorry the man lost his life. I really am, but he was not a hero. I wouldn't want my kids looking up to him. You know, they act like he's a saint. He wasn't a saint. And to be honest with you, I side more with the four police officers that are in jail because they were trying to do their job and this man was attempting to get high. But when the narrative is redone, the cops are the bad guy. George Floyd is the saint by the time the civil rights leaders get a hold of the case. And Ben Crump, the number one ambulance chaser, I should say the multi-million dollar ambulance chaser now, but we ended up with people like Bowman in office and squad members because of that whole wave, Dean, that came with black lives matter. And so it is what it is. My friend, thank you for the call. Let's stay in New Jersey. Let's go to Sandra. Sandra, what's on your mind? Oh, good afternoon, Dominic. You know, with all my mind is Donald Roy has wanted complete list of the ganglor. And now I learned that Marc Stanc granted partial, allowing him to go against the former lawyer, Michael Cohen, the porn actress. Now, my question to you, Dominic, is do you think this is a setup to happen, walk into the lion's den of trouble? To me, I don't even want to talk about all this stuff. I want him to stick to the issues, immigration, you know, the crimes that are happening. And well, that stuff, I don't want him even talking about this stuff. So I'm wondering if this is a trick. Well, I don't know if it's a trick, but what it's a tough situation for Mr. Trump. I mean, how many, how many ways can, can you make this unfair towards Trump? So, so imagine this, Sandra, you're there on the debate stage. You're up against your nemesis, your rival, it's you or him. One man is going to be left standing. The other man loses the race. And in the middle of a live debate where you're up against CNN moderators that have, that have shown how much they dislike you in terms of their past comments. So you've got to deal with the moderators. You've got to deal with President Biden and in a live situation and a live situation. You've got to worry about every word that you say as it relates to going over the gag order, coming close to the line on the gag order. If you say something too far, is this going to guarantee that you're going to be locked up? It's unfair. It's unfair. And nobody's talking about it because it's Trump. Oh, let's make his life a living hell. It's not right. You can do this to any other candidate. So I don't know if it's a setup, but I can tell you, Sandra, that is definitely not fair. Thank you for the call. We are going to take a break when we come back more of your calls at 800-848-9222 plus Curtiss Liwa, Gody and Angel is going to join me in about 12 minutes with the latest breaking news of the day. Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. Primary day throughout the country and Jamal Bowman, New York's congressional 16th district. His challenger is Westchester County executive George Latimer and Bowman, Bowman has got to go. He's been reckless and in stepping or stomping, I should say, rather on political landmines. Among the greatest mistakes that he's made was claiming, and this is despicable, that reports of Israeli women being raped on October 7th was a lie that it was used for propaganda. He later apologized. Well, today is the voters of the district turn to apologize, and that is for voting for him to begin with. This guy doesn't belong in Congress, neither does AOC or any other member of the squad. Let's go to Sandy in Westchester. Sandy, what's on your mind? Thank you, Dominic. I just have a quick comment. The group running our country now could not care less what happens to the average person because they're not affected, as we all know. I'm sure most people know all this, but I feel I have to say in any way, so whatever works for them is what they really care about, and that's all they're interested in. That's what I see, and to me, that's the simple answer, it's not even complicated. So are you saying, Sandy, all members of Congress or just the members of the squad? No, I'm saying the whole bunch of them, if you ask me. I don't know. Maybe there's five that aren't, and even if the people aren't for it, anyone in Congress or anywhere else, they don't say they don't do anything about it, look what's happening to the country. I don't see anyone doing anything about it. There's a lot of talk going on. Fair enough, and good point, and I guess I believe if you ask 10 out of 10 Americans on the street, they would agree, Sandy, with exactly the position. You just articulated it. Thank you so much for the call. Let's go to Tom on Long Island. Tom, what's on your mind? Good afternoon. Tom, please go right ahead. I'm very concerned. Yes, please go ahead, Tom. It's going to be three ways. Okay, Tom, Tom, I don't know if we're having a problem communicating with you, but when you say three ways, what do you mean by that? I think it's going to be a debate between Biden, Trump, and the moderators. And I think based on their history, they're going to interject and interrupt Trump every time he tries to speak. I think the president's going to be very careful and tell him and point out, this is the debate between himself and Joe Biden and not the moderators as they try and take over. Really, that's going to be a big problem. See, I don't see that. I don't see that because they can't -- it's got to be tipped at. You can't do that to Trump, and then don't do that to Biden. So I hear you on them ganging up on Trump, and his campaign is describing this as going into the lion's den, and that's something, Tom, and thank you for the call. That's something that I certainly would agree with, that Trump and a little more than 48 hours from now will be going into the lion's den. But I would bet my money on Trump. He can handle it, he's going to shine, mark my word. You will see at the end of the debate, he will win. For example, what a Democrat's going to do if Biden freezes on live television. We are now going to take a break. When we come back, he's standing by, guardian angel Curtis Sleewa. He's going to join me with breaking news of the day. We'll be right back. [MUSIC] Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back and we're going back to your telephone calls in a few minutes. But first, we have Curtis Sleewa with some breaking news, breaking news. Okay, Mr. Sleewa, what do you have? Dominic Carter, remember about two months ago, Eric Adams was asked by reporters, your colleagues. How many trips did you take to Red China? Remember what he said? I don't recall how many times my first trip, I don't even think I was elected to fish shoot. When Tracey and I went on the vacation. So I don't recall the exact number of times that I've traveled there. I don't recall the exact number of times. >> Now you know me at that time, I said, wait a second, you could forget going to maybe Thailand. But Red China, that's the big one. Well, it turns out breaking news, Mayor Eric Adams, use of a private email server. And how records from seven different trips he made to Red China have disappeared. Gone, no record of them. And this is after the FBI raided his Red Chinese connection. Openly, she was an agent for Red China, which you can be in the United States when you go echo. And as you know, they raided her homes and they raided her place of business at the world mall in Flushing. This is not good. This means somebody wiped the server, the private email server. We've we've we've seen that before. >> Yeah, it sounds very familiar. >> A private email server. And then yesterday at the Department of Education with his Chancellor Banks, he was talking about the state of education. And listen to what he said, I want you to respond as a product of the public school system. >> I mean, what are we thinking about? We have a city with all of these different nationalities, all of the different languages, the brain development of a child would acquire a different language at an early age better than waiting until they become an adult. And we're not leaning into that. It's the arrogance of a European mindset that the only language that is should be known is one language English. These babies should learn all these different languages to communicate with each other. >> So wait a minute, what is a quote unquote European mindset? >> Well, let me give you a truncated version of that. >> That's the arrogance of a European mindset that the only language that is should be known is one language English. >> That's Farak and Esch. That's what he used to say instead of Jews. It's like now they're saying Zion, Zionists instead of Jews. They used to say the Europeans because Ashkenazi's white Jews from Europe, the majority of the teachers in our school system and our public school system. I know they were from you, I know they were from me, and I know now even in the school system. And then he talks about books that are being read by the kids in school if they can even read the books. >> The reason Chancellor Banks and his team wanted to change the books that our children read. Because the authors do not look like them, do not know their narratives, and do not appreciate the diversity that comes with developing the full personhood of a child. >> Want to change. So that means not add in addition to the reading list, which I would agree with. You want black authors, Asian, Hispanic. >> You want everything. >> But change, that means swap them out. So to kill a mockingbird, gone. The great dad speak, gone. >> What is wrong with this guy? >> Yeah, I'm still stuck on the European. So you think that's a direct slap at Jews. >> That's what Farrakhan used to say in the '90s when Eric Adams was a follower of his. He didn't use the term Jews, said the Europeans. That was cold language for the white Ashkenazi Jews in Europe. And they were the bulk of our teachers in America when their parents and grandparents came in. And I think even now if you were to do a head count of the UFT, the active teachers, amongst white Jews, their retirees are overwhelmingly white Jews. This guy has lost it. >> And now with the, before I go back to the telephone calls, with the, with the trips, I mean, it's too much of a coincidence that he doesn't remember how many times he's been to red China. And then there are no records, are the feds looking into this? Do you think that's something that could, could begin the demise of the mayor of New York City? >> The number one headhunter, U.S. Attorney, Southern District, Amy and Williams, who has your friend Bobby Menendez on trial now. And it ain't looking good for Bobby Menendez, as you know. He's finished with this trial. He's got two grand juries. One is in Eric Adams, now in panel. One is against P Didi. He'll probably go P Didi first, and then Eric Adams. >> Mark, my words haven't been wrong yet, have I? >> No, no, you haven't. So, so you're telling me it's not a good day for the mayor of New York City? >> Well, his complexion is just protection. Hasn't it always been that way, Dominic Carter? >> Oh, here we go. Here we go. Curtis, what, thank you very much. Interesting, interesting information breaking news of the day. Now, let's return to your telephone calls. And Curtis will join me each day at the same time to break down the issues of the day. So, let's go to Quarry and the state of New Jersey, Quarry, what's on your mind? >> Good afternoon, and thank you for taking my call. I'm a first-time caller, and hopefully I'll be able to call regularly, because I love listening to the shows, and I'm learning so much. But the thing is, I grew up in Brooklyn. I live in New Jersey now. I grew up, be honest with you, as a Democrat. My parents were Democrats. We all believed in that way. But more, as you get older, you'll see the difference of what's going on. But I really call to say about this Bowman character, like I said to the gentleman I spoke to before I got to you, is that I'm afraid. I'm afraid that New York is, and I was one of them, are either too ignorant, or I don't want to say stupid, because that's a bed sign here. But they've been voting these people in left and right. Causio, she gets in. Do the people in a district know what's going on? I don't, it's scary, and I would love to have sympathy for those people. But the scary part is, is that I'm really afraid, really afraid for New York. And now with this Adams character, I don't, you know, I mean, you got to get people who think like Curtis said, let's have old books. Let's have all everything. Who cares who writes them? You know, who cares? And I thank you for taking my call. Of course, Corrie, and we hope to hear from you in the future. I will say this. It's important in any school district that the books are somehow for the children, somehow, some way reflect something that they can see, something that looks like them. But at the same time, race should never, ever be the deciding factor. And how about this? How about this? How about teach the kids math, reading, and writing, so they can be on level to pass the exams and do well as opposed to what we have now? How about this? How about protecting Jewish teachers so that they don't face anti-Semitism on a regular basis? How about that? How about that? Let's go to Ralph and Manhattan, line two, Ralph, what's on your mind? And Dominic, always a pleasure, you know, when the, that woman was brutally attacked, that's a relatively nice part of the park. I mean, that's when you're in that haven, that all New Yorkers look forward to taking a walk, doing their thing. And if you tread on that territory, you're really endangering a swab of people that would not ordinarily be touched by crime. You know, when you're talking about people in the park, broad daylight, sunning themselves, and some characters sneaks up on this young lady, and does what he did, that's for all of us to be worried about. But I want to talk about the narration with the debate. It's not a debate, Dominic. If you have a certain amount of time to make your point, then suddenly the moderator, I call, I use that word very loosely. Moderator tends to, is going to be ordered to cut Biden off, cut Mr. Trump off. This is not a debate. You need a back and forth, Dominic. You need that feisty back and forth that those fireworks, if you will. Don't you agree? Um, I can see it both ways. Whenever I did debates, I'm not a meetings guy. I'm really not Ralph. So the powers that be, they would sit down for hours at a time. And oh, we got to plan this. And we got to plan House Dominic going to react. And my thing was listen, guys, just tell me what you want. Give me the baton. I'm going to take it. I'm going to run with it. We're going to make it work. We're going to be the lead story in a New York time tomorrow. That that's what was always important. Are we going to get press coverage and make sure that we're not criticized for being unfair? Right? So I can only give you my personal experiences. So my personal experience, so there'll be one producer in one ear that's doing nothing but timing the candidate. So would Hillary Clinton, right? We had to bend over backwards to make sure that she had the same amount of time as the male candidates. Is she facing the tough questions? Is the male candidate, these are all things that come into play. So I was big on. I would say intentionally. I would, I would ask a question and then I would just stop talking. And I shouldn't even talk about my secrets because I would just stop talking, which would force the candidates to talk. And it would at least force one of the candidates to talk. And once one candidate started to talk, then that candidate's going to attack the other. And now you got them engaging with each other. So I can see it both ways where a structure, you have some people. I'm going to tell you this much to Ralph, to those that want structure and traditional debates, get ready and make sure you have some sleep because you're going to fall asleep. You need now to your side, Ralph, you need that interaction. We need to see what the candidates are going to do when they're thrown off guard and they're forced to respond. That's why we did the lightning round where I could ask them, God knows what? It could be past drug use. It could be whether or not they ever had gay tendencies. It could be whether or not they had a pedicure. It was done to throw them off their games and they could only answer this. This is not what's going to happen in the presidential debate, but they could only answer yes or no. So politicians that have a habit of talking forever saying absolutely nothing, that was our way of making them come out of their shell. I don't know what's going to happen. I cannot see a scenario, Ralph. We're not going to allow any interaction between the two. But the problem is, once you allow some interaction, then where do you draw the line at? Ralph, thank you for the call. Let's go to Sam in Las Vegas. Sam, what's on your mind? I just want to remind people that Joe still doesn't have the democratic nomination yet. They might do this debate on Thursday and Friday he might pass out or something might happen. It might not even be Joe Biden running for president anymore. But the main thing is, everybody has to vote and please vote early and you got to vote for Donald Trump. And if you have any doubts, think about all these people that these little girls are getting ripped apart and they're getting murdered. All the crime going on is all thanks to Joe Biden and his administration. And if you want to stop it, you're going to have to vote for Donald Trump and vote early. Hey, can you make it for two shows every day? We're doing it. We're doing it. Sam, thank you. Thank you for that. And thank you for the call. Yes, we can make it for two shows each day. I'm here from three to four p.m. Eastern Standard Time and then I'm back again with another show at midnight Eastern Standard Time live from midnight to 1 a.m. Let's go to Russ and White Plains New York. Russ, what's on your mind? Well, hi, Dominic. I want to be respectful, but I thought you wish people to speak Hebrew. You know, I think that there's enough white devils homegrown that they don't have to look for Europeans overseas. But, Dominic, you know, I want to say when you emphasize or concentrate dwell on these terrible crimes committed by migrants, it reminds me of the logic of people who say, well, please who kill unarmed citizens represent all police in general. And we should defund the police like we should deport all migrants. And I don't think you need to do this. Although Anthony Wiener said, you know, you guys are entertainers. I know that's an admission, but, you know, your journalistic point of view, I'd like to ask you one thing about your journalistic point of view about Assange and also about, you know, the Palestinian protesters who attacked the Palestinian embassy, remember, and they put red paint on the embassy and they threw flyers and they were in a U-Haul. Do you remember that? Yeah, but Russ, I don't have time to answer. No, no, no, it's okay. I don't have time to answer on everything you just said. This girl is not even in the ground yet. God only knows what way she was violated. I'm giving you the clean version, considering that she did not have on any clothes below her waist, a scratching, biting, that points to fighting for dear life, that points to tremendous pain that this young lady may have been in at the hands of these animals. And I want to make sure I got this right. You're telling me don't focus on it? No, I think it was she was unclothed above the waist, but I'm saying the district attorney said below the waist, but go ahead. Well, the logic of focusing on these millions of migrants who come here to keep our economy growing because you know that's not why they're coming. But go ahead, Russ, I got to take a break. What's the point? No, it's okay. I just want to make sure I got this right. So you don't want me, that could have been my daughter. You don't want me to say anything about it. I just want to make sure I got this right. Well, your daughter was taught not to take chances like that, but every young person can make a mistake. I just want to make sure I got this right. You don't want me to focus at all on the migrant crimes. I want to make sure I got this right. Your daughter, I don't believe ever ran out of the house to get away. So she was born a blight. I don't know what this all kids all kids can do something at times that go against their parents. Russ, I got to take a break and make sure I got this right. So you say I shouldn't focus on any migrant crime at all. I'm saying it reminds me of the logic. Please kill unarmed citizens every year, but they focus on it when it's to their advantage when they want George Floyd to push Trump out. But it's going on now. Nobody's talking about it, but then they say defund all the police. And I think it's a faulty logic. Okay. Well, Russ, thank thank you for the call. I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna get myself upset. This young lady is sitting in a morgue right now. And you know, I have to pick this up on the backside because I'm late for a break. We will be right back. This is Dominic Carter. And now it's time for the tunnel to towers foundation final thoughts. And folks tunnel to towers foundation. They do wonderful outstanding work. Don't take my word for it. Just observe them and try and look at it and make it to one of their dinners. I guarantee you, you will not leave there without without some tears with the remarkable work that they do. You know, what's interesting, Jamal Bowman all that mouth all that anti Israel rhetoric. And now it's by by Jamal. You want to be a rapper. So go be a rapper. But buy to your congress days and take your girl AOC with you. Hey, by the way, folks, you know, I didn't mention this earlier. But I saw some of the billboards. Now AOC is going to win her primary today. She in all likelihood, she's up against Martin Dolan. And there are some big billboards, huge big boards as it relates to that weekend rally that says that she was part of acting like she was Cardi B. It says Queens doesn't need a potty mouth princess. They need a representative in Congress, vote Martin Dolan, huge billboard, huge. And so, you know, what's interesting, George Latimer, the Westchester County executive is Bowman's challenger. And Latimer has refused to criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, putting Latimer not just to Bowman's right, but also to the right of President Biden and Senator Schumer. When you think about it, and a June Emerson poll showed Latimer leading by 17 points. If he is defeated tonight, that is Bowman, he will be the first member of the squad. Thank God. To go the squad, a group of young, very progressive black and brown members of Congress. And the the great news is that he will be toppled by a moderate. Let's get back to the middle. Let's go to David in Pennsylvania. David, what's on your mind? Hey, hi, Dominic. I just want to say that I don't think that in any way, those two monsters should receive any bail. In any way, it is not negotiable. This kind of behavior is not negotiable. And it will not be tolerated. Well, I agree listening to the DA, she says that once if it becomes a capital punishment case, then the bail is off the table. And then they're not going to make bail. I don't know what the second guy, what what his amount was, but 10 million, 10% of that what a million who's going to come up with that type of money in terms of for this person to to get out of jail. Thank you for the call, David in Pennsylvania. Let's go to Dan and New Jersey. Dan, your thoughts. What's going on? Hi, Dominic. I love your your show. Thank you. Very kind of you to say thank you took the place of Rudy. You know, I'm not glad, but again, somebody had to do it. And I'm glad it was you. But anyway, I think with the Trump debate, I think he's going to do just fine. And he's going to turn lemons into lemonade and all the work. Isn't it what he does all the time? Exactly. And they underestimate Trump. Don't do it. Don't do it. You're going to make a fool of yourself to underestimate him. You'll see, you'll see Dan. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for the call. I do have to move on because we are almost completely out of time. Folks, all it takes is $11 a month. $11 a month. Please donate $11 a month to the tunnel to Towers Foundation at I'll see you again tomorrow. Same time, same station.