Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 06-25-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic comments on the tragic loss of the 12-year-old Houston girl who was sexually assaulted and killed. He also talks about the contentious race between progressive 'Squad' member Jamaal Bowman and Westchester, NY County Executive George Latimer among many other topics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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25 Jun 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic comments on the tragic loss of the 12-year-old Houston girl who was sexually assaulted and killed. He also talks about the contentious race between progressive 'Squad' member Jamaal Bowman and Westchester, NY County Executive George Latimer among many other topics.

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[music] Now from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. [music] This victim was found, you know, bound and without clothing from the waste down in the water. Houston, Texas district attorney Kim Og, or the migrants accused of murdering the 12-year-old Houston girl. Lord, under a bridge from her home where they allegedly stripped her naked from the waste down and assaulted her for two hours. The district attorney stating the obvious. I can't speak to the ankle monitor that this fellow, you know, that Franklin Pena was wearing, is that right? I can't speak to ice-putting ankle monitors on folks and releasing them. Our immigration system is broken. And if there was ever a case that reflected that, it's this one. And of course, the lead suspect in this case of two had an ankle bracelet that was cut off. And the district attorney is correct. She is correct. Good morning folks, Dominic Carter here with you. So glad that you could join us. Let's go ahead up the phone lines right now. 800-848-9222-800-848-9222. DA, DA after DA, the sheriff in Maryland, all stating that the immigration system is broken. And as you just heard from the DA herself, if there ever was a case that reflected that, this is the one, the illegal migrants, Lord, Joslyn, Nungare, 12 years old under the bridge, assaulting her for two hours, allegedly, before killing her according to the prosecutors. They bound her hands according to what the DA is stating behind her back. Brutal assault then strangled her and dumped her body in a bayou. And this is Harris County in Houston, Texas. We're going to begin with your telephone calls in just a moment, but also according to the DA, the young child's feet were also bound and her back was covered in cuts. The DA and the judge doing the right thing here. The lead suspect in this case, the bail is $10 million, $10 million. And this animal, Pinya Ramos, that's his last name, allegedly asked his employer because the migrants are so in control of things in terms of, and that's a sad state of affairs, they know they can jump, pick up and go somewhere else, start all over again. This animal allegedly asked his employer at a construction site for money so he could skip town after the murder. We're going to deal with a lot this hour, including AOC, squad member, stomping like a rapper on on the stage this past weekend at an event for another squad member Jamal Bowman, who is expected to go down and defeat later on today. It was a bizarre cringe worthy moment, and she's doubling down on this AOC stating it's called organizing. We'll deal with that more crime in New York, a sun bather fights off a man attempting to sexually assault her in in Central Park, and we'll also come back to that CNN host. Casey Hunt, cutting off the Trump National Spokeswoman for criticizing the network debate moderators for this presidential debate coming up on Thursday, stating I'm going to stop this we'll let you hear that. And just a second, but before we do, before we do, a mother's pain, a mother's pain. I want you to listen to 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungare, her mother, Alexis Nungare, and you could tell that this mother, as you might imagine, of this 12-year-old girl, apparently the young lady snuck out of the house to go visit the meetup with these two animals and ended up dead. Listen to what the mother has to say, and then we'll start with your telephone calls. She had such a bright future ahead of her, and I knew she was going to go very far. And you know, these monsters took that opportunity from her, from our family, of watching her. And I just want people to remember, I know this is a very high profile case, but she was still my firstborn. I was a team mom, I fought for her, 15. So 27 now, I'm still fighting for her. And I just remember that she was a very special little girl that deserves her justice, and I know she's going to make a difference in this world for all children. Horrible situation. At what point does America say, this migrant experiment is not working. Trump is so correct. In terms of his position, they have to go. Period. No other way around this. Let's start with your telephone calls. 800-8489222. Sandra, New Jersey. Good morning, Sandra. What's on your mind? Oh, Dominic, first I want to apologize for today when I pulled into the show. Let's focus on this hour. Let's focus on this hour right now, Sandra. Go right ahead. Because we play into a national audience, and they have no idea what you're talking about. Okay. I wanted to say that Jocelyn, I'm looking at a picture of her right now with a cello in her hand in school. Yes. Yes. A lovely, lovely girl that got more with these guys. They took it to a 7-11, and that was a bed, and I'm brokenhearted. And these two men, like you say, Dominic, they don't deserve to live anymore. That's it. That's it. That's it for them. End of story. They don't just, why should they ever live again after what they did? They're not worth anything. Three, three hearts in a cot. That's what awaits them, and it's a much better life than where they come from. And I can't begin, Sandra, to explain what they actually deserve. I can't think of something bad enough for these animals. I know. This poor girl, she's adorable. She's this sweet little thing, this innocent little, what they did to her. I'm visualizing. Could you imagine that happening to anyone you can't? You can't what they did to her. The more I think about it, the worse it gets. And we have to hear this, and we have to know. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. Sandra, thank you for the call. Let's stay in New Jersey this morning. Let's go to Steve in Newark. Good morning, Steve. What's on your mind? And Dominic, I can only tell you and I call her before you what a beautiful lady she is. I don't know if I'm a can of trees, but when I talk about death to these people, I had, I had at least four different incidents where it was either. Bye bye. Oh, yeah. And that poor girl, they are so lucky. The girl in New York City in the park. How many times I fire away. I'm telling you from my heart, my brother, and we're the same age. I would put them to death in 30 seconds if it was up to me. And that age people, if it wasn't for Joe Biden and those idiots on stage yesterday, Bernie Sanders and the other idiot picking up a chair and that ACO or whatever the hell her goddamn name is. How do they eat it? How do they even both these people in the office? Well, it's that ridiculous. It's that ridiculous. It's ridiculous progressive wave that swept the country. But as I've been stating, Steve, they're 15 minutes up. Thank you for the call. They're 15 minutes are up squad. Bye bye. Let's go to Sam Rockland County, New York, Sam. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. How are you? You know, you keep on referring to the migration policy as not working. Let me tell you something. There was never a policy that's supposed to work or anything like that. The Democrat Party, these people wanted to one thing. They want to destroy this country from the beginning till the end. And that's why you got 15 million of these illegal aliens. Don't call them migrants and they'll call it policy. These are all criminals coming in illegal, doing whatever they held the wand, they're butchering people all over the streets in the entire United States. Well, well, Sam, Sam, that's not fair. They're not all criminals. I would say I would venture. I don't agree with the migrants being here because they have skipped the line unfairly ahead of people that have done everything right to into the country. I would say 90%. I don't may have noticed that maybe 90% are good people, but it's that 10% that all they are ruining America. Please continue, Sam. We with you. I don't mean to say every single person coming into this country, the criminal. All I'm saying is that there's no policy. There's never been a policy, but this administration, the policy is wanting to destroy and be moralized the United States of America. And this is what they've been doing from day one. So there's no policy. You keep on referring about the policy is not working the migration. There's no policy. These are Democrats. These are liberals that are looking to destroy the way America, a free country that people were never afraid to walk the streets. And now everybody has to be locked up in their basement because every single day, there's not a single day that goes by that innocent people are not being killed or raped on the streets of this beautiful country that we used to know. The United States of America. And you know what? And I'll tell you one thing. Every single Democrat out there that supports the Democratic Party and every single liberal journalist that's on CNN and all those fake news outlets. I could tell you one thing. They got blood on their hands because they're not reporting the news. They're trying to distort the fact they got blood on their hands. Every single innocent people that gets killed is because as a result of them covering up what the real truth is out there. And that's what you guys will understand. And as long as people don't wake up, this is. I probably Sam would agree with you. And your final thought I have to take a break. You said as long as people don't don't wake up to this. As long as people don't wake up and realize that the fake news is hiding the truth and they're trying to cover up. I hear you. Thank you for the call. Folks, I hear you. I hear you on that. You know, my position is that the train is left the station. If that occurred, let's make sure it doesn't happen again. This time around Trump has to return to the White House. I will be right back with more of your telephone calls. This is Dominic Carter. Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. Valed in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. I think everybody is looking here to make notice a national notice for my daughter. She was amazing. I still see her face in the back of my head every day, all day. I keep getting little signs about her throughout the days and it's just been a very, very hard time for me and my family. And that is the mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungare. And of course, Jocelyn is the 12-year-old that was lured under a bridge in Houston, Texas. And according to the prosecutor, she was assaulted by illegal migrants for two hours bound before they killed her, strangled her. Her body found in a bayou of water. And prosecutors also say that the young lady was stripped naked from the waist down. Horrible. And this mother has to deal with this for the rest of her life. And it didn't have to be this way if these illegal migrants were not here. The District Attorney in the area, Harris County DA Kim Og, talked about the fact that bail was set at $10 million for the lead suspect in this case here. Listen to this, folks. Well, my reaction is that I support bonds that are sufficient to hold high-risk defendants in custody while they're charged with violent crimes and awaiting trial. And it's a wonderful thing. And the bail and neither of these animals should ever see the light of day. And three hearts in the cot for the rest of their lives is too good for them. The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, this past weekend, talked about the migrant issue, describing some of the migrants as nasty and mean, who can disagree with that. And he also floated this theory that migrants should fight for sport. I don't know about that idea, but I do know that they have to go as Trump has promised when he takes office again, and it's going to happen. He is going to win this election just like he's going to shine Thursday night at the debate. No matter how many rules are set against him, no matter how many different ways you have his hands tied behind his back and blindfold, he is going to do well. Listen to this Trump on what he said this weekend. I said, Dana, I have an idea. Why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters? And then you have the champion of your league. These are the greatest fighters in the world. Fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrant guy might win. That's how tough they are. He didn't like that idea too much, but actually it's not the worst idea I've ever had. No, these are tough people. These people are tough and they're nasty mean. It's incredible that they come totally unchecked. And he's right, and he's the leader to fix this mess. 808489222. I will be right back. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. She was amazing. I still see her face in the back of my head every day, all day. Keep getting little signs about her throughout the days, and it's just been a very, very hard time for me and my family. But the amount of support I've been getting from everybody is very, it's from the bottom of my heart so appreciated. And that is the mother, the mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungare. Illegal migrants reportedly lured this 12-year-old child out of her home under a bridge, assaulted her for two hours before killing her. She was found in water. Make it from the waist down. I'm about to take your calls as we continue on this topic. But let me just go over for just a second to the bizarre. AOC and the squad. We talked about this a bit last night. Cringe worthy antics at a pro Bowman rally. She's responding to some crazy antics of what she did over the weekend. Stating, it's called organizing, as she was stomping around the stage like a rapper on stage. Literally, that's what AOC was doing. And on Twitter, on X, we're going to let you hear it in just a second. It's going to start with Cardi B, but just listen. And then she comes back and forth to the mic, just like a rapper. And she released a tweet that says as follows. Fox News is mad, is big mad. Oh, that's just wonderful, Congresswoman. I had to look at this tweet again to make sure I wasn't quoting some 12-year-old kid. But Fox News is big mad. Think about that, that's how a member of Congress is talking, that we're for the many, not the money. The squad member wrote on X, along with the clip of her on stage, her gyrations at St. Mary's Park in the South Bronx. A rally for another squad member who's going down in defeat today. They're primaries all across the country, and that is Jamal Bowman. And it was an R-rated event, right? That she says was fun as hell. It was cursing, all types of stuff, lifting chairs and Bowman acting like he's Jay-Z. But a bad version of it. You know, the same guy that pulled the fire alarm and all of his anti-Israel rhetoric. We're going to go back to your calls in just a second. I want you to listen to this. Now you're going to hear for the first couple of seconds, it's Cardi B. But while the song is playing, A-O-C is stomping all around the stage. Take a listen. [Music] [Music] Let's go, bro! [Music] [Music] [Music] So you see, she even gets the anti-Semitism in at the end of her remarks. While Cardi B music is blasting. And of course some of the Cardi B lyrics had to be beeped because of, you know, some of the songs. You know, one of the songs Cardi B has referring to a female's private area. We'll just leave it at that. And so that's another story that we're following, but also, also, and I hope this is not indicative of what's going to happen on Thursday night. The CNN interview, the anchor, Casey Hunt, cuts off the Trump spokeswoman, National Spokeswoman, Caroline Levitt. Because Levitt criticized the, she had to nerve the audacity to tell the truth and criticized the network debate moderators for Thursday night in terms they have long histories each. Dana Bash and Jake Tapper of bashing Trump. And in the process of trying to just state the record, the fact she was cut off mid-sentence. This is what happened. First of all, it's to a take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper has consistent-- Ma'am, we're going to stop for interview if you're going to keep attacking my colleagues. Ma'am, I'm going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues. I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. Yes. If you are here to speak on his behalf, I will have this conversation. I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. Now, after this, we're going to come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week in Atlanta for this debate. Interesting. Let's return to your telephone calls, 800-84-8922. Susan, line one. What's on your mind, Susan? Well, I mean, I guess you had Chinese on there that responded about this 12-year-old that was tortured by another atrocity at the hands of these people who should not be here. She's not here to say the least whenever you want to call them. We have lots of different names. But, you know, she's like, "Oh, this is the result of a border policy that's broken." No, this is the result of an open, purposeful border policy by Joe Biden. And this is just one of the horrific, horrific tragedies, you know, making a rally. We just had Rachel Moore and, you know, we could go on and on. And there's a new thing that's being recorded and happening, which are home invasions that will kidnap children like what happened in Indiana. To a 14-year-old girl, five of them from Ecuador came in and took her out of her home in the middle of the night. And luckily, her father was able to get law enforcement on it quickly. She was found in Missouri being ready to be sold into sex slavery. I believe that Trump is going to make a knockout punch on Thursday at the right time with the right word on any and all of these, you know, just horrendous things. Joe Biden's policies have put on our children, our country, our debt. It's so beyond imagination. So, Susan, I love what you said at the top. This is yet another tragedy because it's not just this one with migrants. This is just the very latest one. Obviously, we're all speculating. I would hope, I would hope Thursday night, Atlanta, the debate that, you know, you always have rules, but then when you get to the actual debate, there's some flexibility. What do you think is going to happen when one accuses the other of saying he personally attacked me? I need to respond. Do you think they're going to permit them to respond or no? I don't think that's the best way to go because the lies are going to be pretty understood because I think the most important thing for President Trump is to walk the line between talking about the failures of Biden and the tragic results. And discussing his solution to restore us and his already track record. And if these people that are doing the debate, they walk a fine line because the American people are watching to see if they're being unfair and we will respond. Hey, Susan, thank you for the call. And myself is someone that, again, that moderated a high-profile debate with Hillary Clinton and also debates for New York City Mayor with a billionaire Michael Bloomberg and Democrat Bill Thompson. Susan is correct as the moderators. You're under enormous pressure because you know that America is watching and watching live and viewers come in with preconceived notions of bias one way or the other. And in a live setting, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, who are already on record stating unfair things about Trump, they are going to be walking a very, very fine line at the debate with America watching live. Let's go to John, line three, Long Island, New York, John, what's on your mind? Hey, Dominic. Congratulations on your national show. Thank you, Dominic. As far as this discussion, the polls of these problems are very resonating with a lot of people. Today, in a made situation, went to Home Depot, walked back cars. It was a day-to-day work. I won't say it with, you know, librarians. Good luck with that going to Home Depot these days. I mean, they like converge on you, but go ahead. Yeah, no, so I pulled up and I, while, hey, guys, I sit in progress Spanish, okay, you guys are working hard. There's never enough money. Guy turns out, he goes, yeah, what does, when he spoke in English, he goes with this, with Biden office, we can't get nowhere. He tells me that. And I'm listening to him. And he goes off. Biden, this, then he goes into immigration, immigration problems. There's no work. We lose. We're not making any money. We need to be foreign on and on. I didn't provoke nothing. And I'm listening to him. He's going to TV stations, CNN. And he's going on and on. And, you know, I talked to him. And he was here 20 years explaining, you know, the storyline and so forth. You know, I gave some words in card. Listen, guys, I said, you guys are what we want in America. And I relate to my parents come from Italy. And we came here to work and, you know, obviously contribute to the country, just like you guys. I want to be a little encouraging to them because I appreciate this. But, you know, stay strong. You know, hopefully, and they were Trump's support. These guys are Trump supporters. They were Trump supporters. Everybody, everybody, if you're, if you're, and thank you for the call, John, I'm not surprised that they're Trump supporters. I'm on record. I support Trump. I told you on day one, he was going to win this election. Just like I did the first time around. He's headed back to the White House. Anyone that's looking at this objectively has to support Trump. America cannot continue along this path. Gracie, normally in Rockland County, New York, she's in California this morning. Gracie, what's on your mind? What's on my mind is from your mouth to God's ears with Trump because it's not we are really finished. Now, the reporter that jumped on and cut off the caroline, she was flustered. She lost it by doing that. And that just shows the whole bunch of them have lost it. They only can follow it. But Gracie, no, no, no. There's network, Jake Tapper, who's the star, one of the stars of the network. What I really think is going on is that CNN doesn't want to see a groundswell of support for all these negative comments that Tapper has made. They're trying to run out the clock and get to the debate because they're afraid that something could happen. It may jeopardize the debate once America realizes what this guy has actually said about Trump comparing him to Hitler and so on. Please continue. No, yeah. I hope that the two moderators lose it because Trump could make anybody lose it. Also, I don't want to hear any more about common sense Democrats or common sense Republicans. If you can't see that this country is a mess, I don't know how we allowed it to happen three years. I really mean it. The country is getting to be brain dead. It does seem that way, Gracie. Let's wrap this up because I have to take a break. Go ahead. That's it. I know. I love you. I love you. I love you. Goodbye. I love you. I love you. I love you. Gracie. Thank you so much for the call. Look forward to chatting in the future in the future. I will be right back. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. This victim was found, you know, bound and without clothing from the waist down in the water. And that is the district attorney in Houston, Texas, discussing the latest illegal migrant crime. Reportedly, in this case, where two migrants, Lord 12 year old Jocelyn Nungare. Under a bridge assaulted her for two hours before killing her. The district attorney there. We are taking your calls. Let's go to Robert up until the top of the hour. We're taking your calls. Robert in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Good morning, Robert. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. It's good to talk to you. And I hope you had a good weekend. I want to avoid the topic you were just talking about because I don't want to get upset. But I was thinking about that when you said the squad member, time is up and that may be thinking. I was thinking that to people who are aware of what's going on has reached kind of a critical mass at this point. And it occurred to me that CNN, whether they realize it or not, and their proxies in the media elsewhere are taking a bigger chance here than Trump is really. And I recognize Trump's taking a big chance going into the lines then. But quite frankly, CNN is the emperor without clothes. And sometimes all it takes is that one person to say you don't have no clothes. And Mitt Romney would say it, but I suspect Trump will. And I really think it's going to resonate. And I think that every time these thoughts come to my mind, you talk about it. It's uncanny almost. But I think that you have a good point in that regard. And I think it's not going to be some, oh, the whole country is going to be all Republican. But I'm saying, I think the worm is turning here. And I think that we're going to get some kind of civility back and sanity at some point. But it's, I don't know how else to look at this. You know what I mean? I mean, CNN, CNN, it's Trump properly tears into the like when during the Republican primaries, when Rebecca Rama Swami pointed out that the media carried the four year Russia collusion hoax. I mean, I stood up and applauded. I thought that was a great moment in the campaign. But now I think a lot of people are thinking like that. You know what I mean? It's like our eyes are opening up. And yeah, we're not all going to march to the Republican, so to speak, but the Democratic Party has to be fixed before America can be fixed. And some people might think it's ironic, but I think it's, I revel in the fact that the only group that can fix the Democratic Party are black voters. And if black voters fix the Democratic Party, America gets fixed. They should get the credit for it. And I think that would be a really amazing thing. But then maybe that's just me fantasizing, you know. Well, Robert, I thank you for the call. I don't know who's going to be responsible for fixing the Democratic Party, but somebody has to fix it. You got to get rid of these folks, the AOCs of the world. And it's Bowman that his time in New York, Congressman Bowman, Bowman, it's going to be up today. But AOC, your day is coming soon. You are an embarrassment to the country. And again, I don't know who's going to awaken the Democratic Party, but I'm hoping and praying that this migrant issue is going to put the Democratic Party in check. Norman, line one, Brooklyn, New York, what's on your mind, Norman? Yeah, hi, Dominic. Concerning Jocelyn Nungary, these guys came with rope. They came with a murder kit. And it seems like they knew what they were doing. It just makes me think that this was not their first rodeo that they had done this before. And that was my thoughts when I heard about this. And the $10 million bail, I'm waiting for George Soros, so one of his front groups to pay that. Because I'm sure they will. Well, I don't know. Once the DA comes back and finds something that's that sexual-related, then they can appeal to the court where they're remanded until trial, and there'll be no bail. So hopefully that's what is going to happen in this case. Now, folks, I also have a show three to four p.m. Eastern Standard Time. You'll check that out on stations across the country. And we are going to be following this case. And, of course, the big debate Thursday night. I want you to do me a favor, folks. Have a lovely day. I'll see you same time, same station tomorrow.