Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 06-24-24

Today Dominic Carter talked extensively about the migrant crime taking place all over the country, the primaries that take place tomorrow with AOC and Bowman fighting to keep their seats, CNN cutting a Trump spokesman on live air television. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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24 Jun 2024
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Today Dominic Carter talked extensively about the migrant crime taking place all over the country, the primaries that take place tomorrow with AOC and Bowman fighting to keep their seats, CNN cutting a Trump spokesman on live air television.

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(upbeat music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And migrants and crime, migrants and crime. Illegal migrants, Lord, that 12-year-old girl in Houston, Texas, under a bridge and assaulted her for two hours, two hours before killing her. This according to prosecutors, the bail for the alleged killer set at $10 million. This animal crossed the southern border illegally in El Paso, Texas just last month. The migrant thing is not working, Dominic Carter here with you, plus members of the squad. I told you, my general rule is to ignore them, but general behavior of the squad, but members of the squad acting like complete fools over the weekend, prancing back and forth on stage at a South Bronx rally like rappers, or get out the vote rally, AOC, and Jamal Bowman. Bowman said to lose his seat tomorrow. Bye-bye, squad members, your 15 minutes are up. Plus, CNN abruptly takes Trump campaign, spokeswoman off the air mid-interview, as network is set to host the first presidential debate. You'll hear that in just a few minutes. All the Trump-spokeswoman did was criticize the anchors of the debate, and she was yanked, and the presidential debate moderators have long history of blasting Trump, including what the Hitler comparison. And Andrew Cuomo, one-time darling of Democrats, says if Trump's name wasn't Trump, he would have never faced trial in that hush money case. Let's go ahead and open up the phone lines, 808489222, 808489222, the horrific case, horrific out of Houston. The 12-year-old young lady snuck out of her house, she was lured out of her home to be with these two animals. And under a bridge, she was stripped, naked to the waist, and assaulted for two hours. That's according to new court documents released just today. The suspects tied her hands behind her back, during the brutal assault, and then strangled her and dumped her body in a pool of water. And one of the suspects, a Jose Pina Ramos, 26 years old, he reportedly asked his employer at a construction site for money so he could skip town after the murder prosecutor's alleged. Both men are charged with capital punishment in the case. Pina Ramos cut his ankle monitor off two days after her body was found in the swampy bayou in Houston, according to Department of Homeland Security officials. And the other person had been given an ankle monitor as well, but had it removed on May 15th because authorities determined he had no known criminal history and appeared to be in his required check-ins that were required of him. Very, very disturbing situation. Very disturbing situation. Both of these men had immigration holes, which ICE uses to ensure they remain in custody. So they never should have been on the street. They lowered this 12-year-old girl out of her home, stripped her halfway naked, tied her hands behind her back, tortured her for two hours and then strangled her and left her in water. What is it gonna take to realize this is not working? It's not working. CNN, you're gonna hear it right now. CNN abruptly takes the Trump campaign spokeswoman off the air mid-interview as the network is set to host the first presidential debate. So what happened is anchor Casey Hunt pulled the plug just minutes after the interview got underway, asking the Trump's spokeswoman, Ms. Levitt about the former president's strategy, what his strategy was when he was going to take the stage in Atlanta on Thursday night. And so she, and I don't see anything wrong with this, pointed out that State of the Union co-host, that is Dana Bash and Jake Tapper have a long history of criticizing the former president and the current presidential candidate Trump, right? So that's only part of the record. And so Casey Hunt was not having it and this is what happened. - First of all, it's to take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper has- - Ma'am, we're gonna stop for interview if you're gonna keep attacking my colleagues. - Ma'am, I'm gonna stop, I'm stating to attack my colleagues, I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. - Yes. - If you are here to speak on his behalf- - And I won't even have this conversation. - I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past now. - I'm sorry, guys, we're gonna come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week in Atlanta for this debate. - And you can hear in Casey Hunt's voice, he becomes emotional. Having done this for many years in television in terms of actually moderating high profile debates, she felt that she was under enormous pressure, perhaps pressure from the top to make sure that the hosts are not criticized. And so she pulled the plug. There are, and we see your calls coming in, we're about to get to them in just a second, there are some brand new rappers in the game, like Jay-Z and Cardi B. But these folks are not really rappers. They're clowns, they're members of Congress, the squad, AOC and Jamal Bowman, with their anti-Israel hate. Their weekend rally in the South Bronx, prancing back and forth around the stage, you should have seen AOC. You should have, you would think she was Cardi B, as Bowman is set to lose tomorrow. And his primary, and nothing's going to change that. I want you folks to listen to this, right? So AOC is introducing Bowman, or he comes up to hug her afterwards. And she's pulling her hair from side to side, and Bronx, are you ready, and are you ready to fight? And the music is blaring, and Cardi B, and listen to this, folks. (upbeat music) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) (audience cheering) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) Are you ready to take this barrel back? AOC was acting like she's Cardi B. A bad Cardi B at that. And these are members of Congress, your taxpayer dollars. Jamal Bowman is going to lose tomorrow. Couldn't happen to a nicer candidate. And of course, he continued with his anti-Israel rhetoric. She's fired now, y'all, that's what we're doing. She's fired now, let's get it poppin'. The polls are open today, the polls are open tomorrow. Make sure you get off the boat. Election day is Tuesday. Let's go, we need record, turnout all across the district, especially in Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Co-op City, and Eden Wall. Let's get it poppin', let's change the world. It's the many versus the money we're gonna win. Let's go, baby. We're gonna win, we're gonna take on APAC, I'm gonna kick some lost she ass, so let's go! Stop the bombs! Thank you very much, thank you for that compelling message. Thank you very much, AOC and Jamal Bowman, two members of the squad. Your days are numbered in Washington. Listen to what Bowman said again. He is going to lose in about 24 hours. We are not, we are not gonna stand silent while US tax dollars kills babies and women and children. My opponent supports genocide. My opponent and APAC are the ones destroying our democracy. And it is on us, it is on all of us to save our democracy. So, no matter what, even in the end, you're still going to be anti-Israel. But what can you expect from members of the squad? Let's start with your telephone calls 808489222. Let's begin with Judith, Judith online one. Judith, what's on your mind? Hi Dominic, I'll tell you what's on my mind. I'm calling up about the upcoming Thursday, the buckle debate, one, these moderators, for once, can't they get a balance? Can we get a balance where there is a conservative moderator, okay, two, these mute buttons? They can actually mute Biden to protect him from his rambling lies, and three, I'm wondering on the gag order. No, I don't agree with that, but go ahead, Judith. Go ahead, we'll come back to that point too. Go ahead. Okay, I'll explain to you on point two. I'm wondering with the gag order, I'm wondering if Trump will break the gag order and reveal facts to the public, because this gag order is outrageous, especially when you have the debate. It is outrageous, but it wouldn't be wise for the former president to do that, considering that he's set to be sentenced July 11th. So, who knows what he's going to do, but the mute button, they can't use that to protect Biden unless he goes over the time period to answer a question, because that would be obvious, and they know that the entire world is watching. They can't do it mid-sentence just to protect him. There's no way that that's kind of out there, Judith. I don't even see where you see that could have happened. - Oh, okay, I didn't know that. In other words, they could just to protect Biden, he could start rambling, and all the time they could like, I don't know, throw something in and then make the mute button, and who knows, you know, they could try to protect him that way for all I know. The only way they can use the mute button is if one candidate is screaming over the other, and it's not their time to speak, or if they've gone over the time allotment, and they're not, they're going to try their best. I've been in this role. They're going to try their best not to use it, because they know that no matter what, and thank you for the call, there will be enormous criticism should they use that mute button against either one of the men or the men who would be the president of the United States. We are going to take a break. When we come back, we will have much more and more of your telephone calls. - This is Dominic Carter. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - First of all, it's to take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump, to see that Jake Tapper has-- - Ma'am, we're going to stop for a interview if you're going to keep attacking my colleagues. - Ma'am, I'm going to stop for a interview if you're containing-- - I'm stating to attack my colleagues. I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. - Yes. - If you are here to speak on his behalf, I will have this conversation. - I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past now. - Okay, I'm sorry, guys. - We're going to come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week in Atlanta for this debate. - All right. - CNN anchor Casey Hunt abruptly takes Trump campaign spokeswoman off the air mid interview. We all know the same network set to host the first presidential debate. Thursday night, Dominic Carter here with you and we're going right back to the telephones. Gary in New Jersey, Gary, what's on your mind? - Hey, Dominic, it's a pleasure to speak to you. I appreciate your passion every day. You're a great American. I'm supposed to say that first off. - Very kind of you to say, Gary. - Thank you. If that CNN reporter or host, whatever your title is, hadn't cut and cut off that Trump spokesperson, nobody would have even heard about that interview. It totally backfired on them. Now it's a nationwide story and it's going to lead right into the debate. (laughs) - You correct. - You don't, they can't get out of their wrong way. - But you see, but here's the problem. We don't know the pressure that the network is applying on the talent. We don't know if the moderators are not able to handle the pressure. They are under enormous pressure. This is the big time. And thus, Casey Hunt's doing her show. She has no idea that the Trump spokesperson woman is going to go into the past of the moderators. And you're right. No one would have known anything about this, but instead it is a national story today, Gary. What happens Thursday night in your opinion? - I mean, I just hope the president or me, I'm President Trump remains calm and acts presidential. He didn't lead this. I think this thing is wrapped up, you know, he just, I still, I don't think he should attack him. I don't even think she'd talk about Hunter Biden. I think he should say, let's say in an intelligent way where I'm not here to talk about that stuff. I'm here to talk about America and its future. That's what he needs to do. - There I know. - God bless President Trump. God bless America and God bless WRABC. - Thank you, Gary. Same right back at you. Let's go to JW line two. What's on your mind? - Hey, Dominic, love your show. - Thank you. - Oh my God. - Thank you, go right ahead. Thank you, go right ahead, please. - Yeah, so no, just to echo the previous caller, basically Trump, you know, the debate is going to be rigged against him, we know that. We just want him to move forward and not backwards 'cause they're gonna try to take him backwards. We wanted to move forward, that's all I got. - Well, fair enough. And thank you, thank you for that call, JW. Let's go to Sandra in New Jersey. Sandra, what's on your mind? Sandra, you have to turn down the radio, please. We don't have time to wait for you to turn it down. Sandra, okay, Sandra's not there. We'll pass on Sandra. Dominic Carter here with you, and I will be with you for the next 30 minutes. When we come back, when we come back, we will continue with your calls. I want you to listen to what a one-time top Democrat, Andrew Cuomo. What Andrew Cuomo has to say about Trump, that if Trump, if his name wasn't Trump, none of this trial stuff, at least with the hush money, would have happened. We will be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - So folks, one of the things that I'm watching at the debate Thursday night, I will literally, literally. Right, so having been a moderator in high-profile debates, not as high-profile as this one, but I've done Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton debate, New York City race for mayor, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Thompson. I will be watching the body language. I will be watching, I already know Trump is gonna be as cool as a cucumber, if you will, and I'm gonna be looking to see how uptight President Biden is, if he's up to the challenge, and I'm specifically going to be counting the amount of times that he says the words convicted felon, convicted felon, that is going to be interesting to see how many times he goes there, and you already know the President is going there. And I'm sure Trump is not gonna take the bait. I would hope he doesn't take the bait at all. And I want you to listen, here's one of the reasons why. So former New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, major Democrat, appearing on HBO over the weekend, says if Trump's last name wasn't Trump, if Trump's last name wasn't Trump, none of this, as far as the Hush Money trial, would have happened. - That case, the Attorney General's case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought. And if his name was not Donald Trump, any of you wasn't running for president, from the former AG in New York, I'm telling you that case would have never been brought. And that's what is offensive to people. And it should be, because if there's anything left, it's belief in the justice system, right? - Just heard the one about trying to overthrow the government of the United States. That's the main thing. - So there you go, Cuomo referring to the AG case and also the Hush Money case. It's very, very interesting. Let's go back to the telephones. Let's go to Hal on a Long Island. Hal, what's on your mind? - Hey, how you doing? Great show, Dominic, I really appreciate it. I'd like to express my opinion here. I think the whole debate's gonna be rigged. You didn't see Jake Tapper or Dana on their respective shows this weekend at all. - Wait, wait, Hal, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Hal, Hal, the first thing, again, I know a thing or two about these types of debates. The first thing they do, if you're the moderator, is yank you off the air. And in my case, as I've said before, they put you in an undisclosed location where no one, because what happens, Hal, is you have operatives from each side trying to get into the head, almost like a baseball umpire. And so they put you in an undisclosed location where no one knows where you are and they yank you off the air because this debate, you know, the price couldn't be any higher. So that doesn't say anything. It just says the network is smart in that regard, but please continue. - Yes, thank you for elaborating your opinion. However, you have opinion. - No, it's not my opinion. That's a fact, go ahead. - Yes, well, okay. Do you remember Donna Brazil? - Yes. - And you get me answers from CNN? - Yes. - Oh, okay, I just wanted to throw that one at you. But anyway, as far as CNN is concerned today, the mother, the grieving mother of that poor little girl that died down in Texas. - Yes. - Was given a press conference today to address the nation, the United States of America and thank everybody for their condolences. CNN wouldn't cover that today. Very disgusting. I think Donald Trump should mention and at the end. - Okay, but wait, how, when you say, we have to be factually correct, when you say they wouldn't cover it, I believe you mean they didn't take it live. They are covering it. - Correct. - Okay, so we don't know which management personnel made the decision, there's normally a person that makes that decision at each network. Are we gonna take it live? Yes or no? And then they keep moving, but go ahead. - Speaking about the CNN network, aren't we? - Yes. - So what I'd like to see is Donald Trump, you know, ask CNN, you know, to offer a little apology at the, 'cause there's only one first time. - Wait, an apology for what? - An apology to speak to the nation. - Okay, but, but you know what the problem with that is, how, you know, and I'm gonna be as honest with you as I can be. And I keep trying to explain this to you folks. Trump wanted to debate with Biden. Biden has all the power. I know you don't wanna hear that, but he has all the power because he's the incumbent. So he's the one that gets to set the terms and that's exactly what happened. Now, when Trump was in office, okay, so let me backtrack how. So when during the primary, right, Trump said he wasn't going to debate the folks that were running, right? And that's because he had all the power. But right now, Biden has something that Trump wants, which is the presidency. So Biden gets to set the rules. There's no way in hell that CNN is going to apologize for not taking live this situation of the little girl, no matter how horrific it is, and how I didn't see, but did Fox and MSNBC take it live? - Yes, Fox News actually took it live 'cause I was going back and forth between both the channels at the same time. - Okay, okay, okay. - And we don't know about MSNBC. I know it doesn't fit their agenda, but we don't know if they took it live or not, right? - NBC was not taking it at all. I do 23, 25, 26 here on Long Island, and the only one that was taking that live was Fox News. That's it. And it was a tearjerk, and it was said. And they were asking questions going back and forth, too. Like, how did you feel? She sobbing, and her relatives were there with her, and it was just, I don't know, in my opinion, which I think I still have, right? - Of course, of course. - I think they should have took that live because that's what everybody's talking about today. I know it hurts Biden, but that's what everybody's talking about today. And it's so sad. I mean, I got little girls, man, and to see that happen, where Biden could just say, you know what? I'm gonna do what Trump did, executive order, shut it down. As of right now, I've seen enough, I've heard enough, I'm shutting it down. Trump did it, but he won't do it. - I agree with you, Hal, and thank you for the wonderful call. I hope to hear from you in the future. Again, folks, just a little inside baseball as to what happens. Again, the last thing that any network wants, you have to remember, I know many of you feel biased, but you have to remember, you're in a live situation that you can't control. Once it's live, you can't control what is going to happen. And so the networks, the first thing they do generally, when it's a major, major debate, is they yank the talent off the air. Again, they've taken off the air so you don't have your daily responsibilities. They need you to focus, they need you to think, they need you to be well rested, and should something go left in the middle of a debate, you have to be able to respond at the snap of a finger. And so, you know, Jack Taper and Tapper, excuse me, and the other anchor who does a State of the Union, Dana Bash, they are probably at some undisclosed location, resting and getting ready and meeting every day for two to three hours with producers to finalize questions, to update questions. And, you know, it is a big task because once the debate starts, once it gets underway, once the debate starts, you don't get to, you gotta make sure that each candidate is receiving the same amount of time. That, you know, the networks, if you're concerned about bias, you're concerned about you don't wanna be seen as coming on too strong. You're concerned that Trump may throw your own words in your face about how you were unfair to him. And you've gotta have a response ready to go live in that situation should Trump decide to go there. Gina, line three, what's on your mind, Gina? - Hi, Dominic, good afternoon. Dominic, you know, two things, please. As far as President Biden and President Trump go into debate, I really agree with one of the previous calls that recommended that Trump don't say anything about Hunter Biden because I remember in the last debate when he did, Joe Biden acted so pierced in the heart over his son that it just caused his people to feel sorry for him in that situation because everybody understands what it's like to have a relative that is a failure and it's great. - You're correct, we all can relate to that, you know, but others will say that perhaps he should bring it up because it points to perhaps involvement of the President of the United States and what role in business interests he's played. But you're saying Gina, don't go there. - Well, as far as being a drug addict and that kind of a failure, but with all the other things, maybe he should allude to, you know, the involvement that is, you know, illegal. - Well, go ahead, the other thing, go ahead. - The other thing I wanted to talk about was those savages that brutalize that little girl in Texas, they should be taught through the same way, in my opinion, that they tortured that little girl. And for all of the disrespectful far lefties out there who have no respect, you know, for sex and children, 12-year-old little girls are not looking for sex, they are looking for attention and affection. I worked more than 30 years with teenage and pre-teen girls and I'll bet you that little girl is fatherless. - Hey, wait Gina, wait Gina, let me, I'm glad you went there because as a male, I don't feel comfortable going there. And so, frankly, as a woman, you give me cover to discuss what needs to be discussed here. Are you sure with kids of today, are you sure? Now, I don't know what was in this 12-year-old's heart, but are you sure that these kids are not looking for sex? - Well, you know what they may think they are, but they're brown ones on you. - I agree with you, I agree with you. You're right, you're right. - They're not even fully developed and neither are their bodies. - But they think that their bodies are, and let's be honest, many of them are having sex and they feel, and they may be having more sex than you are. I mean, to be honest with you, I mean, I-- - Yes, yes, and I had boys tell me too in counseling when I was a counselor for the public school system that older women were coming on to them when they were 13 years old and I was explaining to them that that's child abuse and they were laughing thinking that it's not child abuse, but it's a form of brainwashing. Their brains aren't even developed. - But you know, Gina, when you think about it, they lured this 12 year old girl, innocent girl. She, you know, she don't know anything about the world. And this is what I try telling these young ladies that think they have all the answers, you know, and young men, they knew what they planned on doing to this young lady and to take her, have her clothes off and tie her up and torture her. I'm looking at the Fox News Channel right now. And Congressman Bowman is standing me on stage like he's literally Jay-Z going back and forth, like he's a rapper and this is a member of Congress, a member of Congress. But anyway, back to the young lady in Texas to torture somebody for two hours, two hours. What are these animals made of? - And I'm asking you the question, Gina, go ahead. - Dominic, after they are brutalized and tortured, this is my opinion, what should be done to them. They should be thrown into a pool of sharks and eaten dead because they deserve nothing, no consideration. They're not even human beings. - Right, and the sharks or my fear, the alligators, put them with their torture them for a few years and then put them with the alligators, seriously. - I like that even better. I like that one even better, Dominic. - And start with their private parts. Put that in the water first. - Exactly. - You know, Dominic, how could you say such a thing? Because I mean it, because what they did to her should happen a hundred times to them. - Agreed, thank you, Dominic. - Thank you, Gina, for the call. Let's go to Jacqueline, line one in Brooklyn, Jacqueline, what's on your mind? - Hi, Dominic, you know, before I get to my point, tomorrow AOC also needs to be fired in addition to Jamal Bowman. We already know what's gonna happen on Thursday. Everything is going to be, is going to go against President Trump during that debate. However, if it does not violate his gag order. - I don't know about that, Jacqueline, because CNN is under enormous pressure to be fair. - I don't think they care. They really don't care. They never care in the past. - They have to care. - I don't think they're gonna care now. But anyway, the judge himself in that fake trial against President Trump, even himself, brought out to the public that on one of the social media, I don't know if it was Facebook or which one it was, a cousin of one of the jurors stated, days before the jury reached a decision that President Trump was going to be convicted. Now, that in and of itself should throw out the case completely. Even at this point, shouldn't have to wait for an appeal. - It has to be verified though. Jacqueline, I got to take a break. So wrap it up, please go ahead. - President Trump needs to make that statement if it doesn't violate his gag order. - Okay. - When Joe Biden is hurting him as a convicted criminal. - I agree with that. Okay, Jacqueline, thank you so much for the call. Folks, we are going to take a break. I will be right back with the great Curtis Leewa. - This is Dominic Carter. (upbeat music) - And now, it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Final thoughts. - As I say each day, the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, they do outstanding work and are worthy of all of our support. With us now, guardian angel Curtis Leewa, what's on your plate? - Oh, the city was on fire this weekend and not just from all the heat, 90 degrees plus, all the slashings, the beat downs, the emotionally disturbed persons acting up. And I was looking for the swagger man with no plan, Eric Adams. And I see he took the NYPD helicopters out to the Southamptons. He was at Club Capri, the opening Akechi Beach party. And I showed you the pictures that Sauer Greco had procured. - But wait, wait, wait, wait. How do we know the mayor took the helicopter? Because that's an obvious violation of city law. If you're going out to the Hamptons, why is the mayor taking the police department's helicopter? - You ever try to drive out to the Hamptons and take you a half day? - It does. - And a half day back, right? - It does, but what's the justification for the mayor to use the helicopter? - Well, because, man, he wants to see all the peeps down the below getting stabbed and beaten and robbed while he's flying away. Hey, party time. We got a mayor who spends his weekend in the Hamptons getting wine-dined and pocket lined. And look at those ladies he's with. He's trying to keep up with the TikTok girls and the Kardashians. He thinks he's an influencer. It's a bad look. I mean, look, you've seen a lot of looks, nominee. This is a bad look in the midst of our city falling apart. - Okay, but wait, let me do the role of a devil's advocate here and fairness to the mayor. I've partied with him a many a time. - Oh, really? Did the white stuff ever come out? - No, no, no, no, no. And in fairness to him, the women always came up to him. I mean, so you're acting like he's the one that's initiating this. - Oh, so he couldn't be hanging out in Brooklyn or the Bronx. What's wrong? Women in the Brooklyn and the Bronx? Look, he's hanging out, let's be honest. He's hanging out with very important people out in the Hamptons who don't wanna set foot within the city. But he's there because their checks don't bounce. You know that, nominee. They write checks and they don't bounce and he gets to raise the roof while this city is falling apart. How do you justify that? - Okay, now again, I'm only playing the role of a devil's advocate here because I agree with you, the mayor of New York City in particular right now with the city falling apart should be here. - Dominic, bullets flying in Brownsville. You've seen me in the ville all the time. - Yes, yes. - People begging, come on, Mr. Mann, please come here. There's a body count, won't go there. Hall Street, you interviewed the woman who led the rally to try to get the mayor to come there. He deposited 4,500 migrants on Hall Street, one square block, Clinton Hill, very liberal, very progressive. In fact, it's so frustrated, there was a community meeting last week. You had the Attorney General, Tish James, who lives there, Bradlander, who lives there, and Chumani Williams, the public advocate, who lives in Ford Hamilton, a military base, try to figure that out. And the community booed them. And they said, we don't want to hear from you, we want to hear from the mayor. It's the mayor who put these people here. He won't come into the neighborhoods, but he's got time to go party in the Hamptons morning, noon and night. - Come on, Dominic. - Okay, but again, in the role of Devil's Advocate, and I know this for a fact, he did do a lot of nightlife stuff before he became mayor. - Yeah, when he was a borough president cutting ribbons. Come on, well, what does a borough president do, other than cut ribbons, and get free foodie restaurants and free boos, and the ladies who come up to him and stick on him, like white on rice. - Can I say white on rice with the mayor? - I don't know, can we, you just said it. - Look at those pictures. - And the pictures are saying what? - You missed it, white on rice. You get that completely went over your head. - I get it, so you're saying white girl. - You ain't seen those sisters in those pictures, do you? - No, I've seen a lot of sisters up on the mayor. - Not in these pictures. Come on, Dominic. - Look, I, well, we do have a camera recording you. You have a look on your face like the cat that just ate the mouse. - Well, remember, I got a competitor now, Mr. Jr.'s cheese kit. - That's right, I was about to ask you that he, the owner of Jr.'s cheesecake in New York, says things are so bad under Eric Adams that he may run for mayor. - Yeah, he's a Republican, and he wants to run. I said, yo, you got the moderator ready here, Dominic. We got studio 77 in the mothership connection, WABC. And you know me when I debate, I come right out of the box, I come to knock you out. So bring your junior cheesecake, 'cause I grew up eating Lindy's cheesecake, which was so much better on 51st and Broadway. Bring it on, Alan Rosen. - Okay, Curtis Lee, whoa. Folks, all it takes is $11 a month. Donate $11 a month to the Tunnel The Towers Foundation at