Show-Me Institute Podcast

Show-Me Minute: Education Reform

Show-Me Minute-Education Reform

If knowledge really is power, are we giving our kids enough mental muscle? According to recent tests, most of Missouri’s students aren’t ready for high school work by 9th grade, and aren’t ready for college upon graduation.

We need to reform education, and explore every option. Why are Kansas City and St. Louis the only cities allowed to have charter schools in Missouri? The demand is there, and yet thousands of students are denied the chance for a better education.

Why aren’t advanced and online classes available through course access to all students throughout the state?

Bright young minds don’t just reside in big cities.

And why doesn’t Missouri adopt education savings accounts, a tax credit program that can save the state and school districts money? Why not explore all these options to bolster education in Missouri, and give our kids the mental muscle for success?

Read more about education reform in our 2018 Missouri blueprint: Moving Missouri Forward at

This Show-Me Minute has been brought to you by Show-Me Institute and Show-Me Opportunity.

Broadcast on:
12 Feb 2018