Show-Me Institute Podcast

Show Me Minute: Uber

Show-Me Minute: Uber

Ever had trouble finding a taxi? Me too. That’s why I used Uber on a recent trip to Texas. The ridesharing service was easy to use, comfortable and affordable. In Missouri, it may not have been possible at all.

That’s because taxicab regulators in Kansas City and St. Louis don’t like companies like Uber and have filed suit to stop them. They control the number of cabs and prices that are charged, supposedly to ensure safety and supply and demand.

What they really want to do is eliminate any competition.

Competition is a good thing. Innovative companies should not be penalized for providing a needed service. Sure ridesharing services should be safe and drivers licensed, but are other regulations like huge insurance fees really necessary?

More rides can mean better service and lower prices, and result in plenty of jobs for drivers.

If the ridesharing services aren’t good, customers won’t use them. Let the free market decide who can give you a ride home.

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Broadcast on:
15 Nov 2016