All Elite Talk - an AEW podcast

AEW Dynamite Review | The 250th Episode

Listen in as the AEW Fan Hub podcast team share our thoughts about the epic 250th episode of AEW Dynamite! Was this one of the best episodes of AEW Dynamite ever? We are interested in hearing your thoughts! You can follow us at the following links!

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

It's Wednesday, you know what that means, it's time for all the Talk with the AW FanHA podcast team, and we just watched the 250th episode of AEW Dynamite, and we're here to talk about it. This is Kelson. This is Alex, and yeah, I guess we'll lead into it with the match that was more than 50% of the show. We had the almost hour-long match between Will Osprey and MJF, first match between these two. Hopefully, we're going to see more of these guys, either I think at All-In or down the line, but MJF is now the new international title champion. He cheated, there was a ref bump, Will Osprey decided not to use the Tiger Driver 91 in MJF 1, and what was just a phenomenal match. There was like maybe five to ten minutes where I was holding my breath near the end, just having to remember to breathe, because it was just so intense, the back and forth between the two of them. I thought it was a fantastic match, and what I really loved about it is it was kind of like referential, it was kind of like a throwback to some of those other classic Dynamite opening matches like Brian Danielson versus Hangman, and matches like that that we've had, and we haven't had one of those in a little while. So yeah, that's another thing that I really liked about it, but yeah, curious to hear what you guys thought of this. Well, help me out here. So MJF is the international championship, and he's obviously a heel, he came out of the heel tunnel. Oh, yeah. Is this the first true heel we've had as the international champion? I guess Roddy, if you're going to count Roddy, he's definitely a heel, but he's not a heel heel. He's not as evil as MJF is right now. You know what? I don't even count Roddy, because his reign was so short and so uninteresting. He was like literally, it's like call it's Jay White's card blade, the international champion because they had the same amount of charisma. I mean, seriously, he did nothing with the title at all, at all. Yeah, I think that was an attempt to give Roderick Strong something to do, try to make him more interesting. I don't think it worked. What was that? I fell asleep when you were talking about Roderick Strong. No, I love Roderick Strong. I'm looking forward to seeing him in Ring of Honor. I think that's the best for everybody. Yeah. This match, you know, what it got to about 30 minutes, because I didn't catch what the time limit was. I was like, oh, well, this is either a 30 minute or 45 minute or a one hour time limit. When it got to 30 minutes, I was like, wow, I kind of wish that this was a 45 minute match goes. I just loved it. And then when it got to 45 minutes, I was like, huh, maybe it's an hour match and I'm here for it. I was surprised, and I'm interested to hear what, because what was the pin? The pin in combination was that 59 minutes and 58 seconds. Is that what they said? Yep. I mean, was anybody else surprised because we were talking about it last night on the podcast saying that, you know, the community was thinking it would either be a no contest, but more likely a time when they draw. Was anybody surprised that MGF actually walked away with the belt or crawled away with the belt or was carried away with the belt? A little bit. I really thought it was going to go to time limit. Yeah. I agree. I thought it was too. Yeah, I was surprised. So now, are we going to do MGF and Osprey rematch at all in, or do you think something else is in the works? I think it's got to be a rematch at all in. I think that's likely. I think that makes the most sense seeing that that's basically Osprey's hometown. So I don't see him having, I mean, everybody else is pretty much except for, unless you're going to do a Danielson Osprey match again, well Danielson's got his match at all in. So there isn't really too many matches other than a rematch of that one. Didn't like, he is the number one contender also for the international title as of last week. He could figure into it somehow. Daniel Garcia could come back. Yeah, we can have a three-way or a four-way, you know what struck me about this match? Honest to God. This is what struck me about this match is that we had the first hour from eight o'clock Eastern to nine o'clock Eastern, we had about 55 minutes of wrestling. Who does that? I mean, seriously, who does that on a non-paper view? This was on television, you know, some companies don't even get started until 19 minutes in, you know, with their first wrestling match or not even the first wrestling match, but the introductions of the first wrestlers, you know. So I was really like, wow, we are wrestling our asses off in AEW. And tonight we really did, I'm interested to see, I don't think that this is going to get a lot of extra ratings. What I'm interested to see is how many people change the channel or whatever during this match, because this match was still engaging, sure, it had slow parts because, hey, it was an hour long match. You got to give the guys a break of some sort, but what was your favorite part of the match? What was everybody's, I mean, it was an hour long match, so what was your favorite part of the match? This is really had to be a move, but it could be, you know, a series of moves or a certain segment of things that happened. I'm interested to hear. I like the whole match. I mean, there wasn't really anything that it was good from start to finish. For me, I didn't see a spot that was like, I mean, the table spot was good, the couple of Poison Rotten's were pretty good, I mean, there just wasn't anything that I would section out and go, that was what made the match the match. Yeah. For me, it was that Poison Rotten from Osprey to MJF off the top rope, MJF lands it, and then they repeat the spot with, you know, Osprey getting Hurricane Rotten by MJF, and he does the full front flip and lands on his feet even more cleaner than MJF did it. That was incredible. And then from there was like a sprint right after that, that whole like five, seven minute section was incredible, but that was a real highlight for me. So the end was my absolute favorite part, but I have to give, okay, the part where they're in the audience, and they go up in that little girl, Osprey high fives her, and then invites her to hit MJF, which is this little seven year old girl, wax him on the chest twice, and he flips her off before Osprey continues with the match. It was, it was fun. It was cute. It helps cement Osprey as, you know, the unquestionable babyface here, as if there were any doubt of that. And MJF, of course, as a heel, because who flips off a seven year old kid? Well, MJF. Exactly. Exactly. I did. I loved that, but the ending encapsulated with the whole theme of the match was to me. You have Osprey, who could have won if he did that Tiger Driver 91, but he is somebody who is trying to be better. He's trying to win cleanly. He's trying not to injure people. And then you have MJF, who's somebody who has tried to be better. And at first, I was like, well, he tried and failed, but it isn't even so much that he tried and gave up. Yeah, I agree. Well, what was your favorite part of this match, Nat? Yeah, the same thing when that little girl got him, so MJF has it coming. And I like the crossroads. I like that match altogether. They surprised me a couple of times with that, how long it went on. I really couldn't tell who was going to win. I'm surprised to see MJF as the champion. I didn't see that coming at all. So all around, I think we'll be talking about that match for a while. I really liked it. I'm interested to see who, and if they have a reveal, who produced this match? Because like you, I was really appreciative of the segment where they went into the crowd. But it was brilliantly executed and timed to do that, because when you have a long match like that with a lot of what I call the headlock rest breaks, because they did have some, and they were necessary. This is a long match, and I'm not putting them down for this at all. But when they went into the crowd, when you have a long match like that, you risk losing the crowd. So what do you do to keep the crowd in it? You go into the crowd and you get the crowd involved. There was a beer thrown in faces. There was water sprayed on the crew, around the ring. There was a course that girl that was invited to give a, I guess, a forearm chop to MJF. I just thought that whole segment in the crowd, and everything they did in the crowd throughout the match, was brilliantly done. And I also liked when they set up the table that they let the crowd just do on that for a while, and they didn't just go through the table. They waited like 20 minutes before they utilized the table. I just thought it was just a brilliantly produced match, not that I know how to produce wrestling and what no good produced match from a poorly produced match, but in my people mind, yeah, go ahead, you can make fun of me for admitting it, but in my mind, that stood out to me. As a, wow, this is just a really well put together match. It really was. And I think maybe a lot of that has to do with MJF, because you remember that Daniel Sin MJF match that was the Iron Man match that was over an hour, and that also was well paced, never got boring, even though it was over an hour long. Right. Here's the thing, you know, I guess I'm going to try to figure out the way to say this to where it makes the most sense. When you have a match like this that pretty much of majority of the people that I talked to or read comments about prior to the match, expected it to go to a time limit draw or no contest or whatever, right. So when you get to the point where a look MJF won, there was a clear winner in this match. What does that do? It makes the matches following it, plants the seated down in it. And as an example, the next match we'll talk about is Mercedes Monet against Nyla Rose. I was kind of expecting Nyla Rose to win that match. I really was. There was a seated doubt planted at that pretty much stemmed from the MJF and Will Osprey match. So of course, before the match started, the elite was in the back and even the announcer was alluded to it. Looks like mom Mercedes Monet is aligned pretty strongly with the elite now. What do you say? Oh, what did you guys think of this match Alex? Did you enjoy this match as much as I did? Because I thought it was a really well put together match and I had to give a shout out to Nyla Rose because she did have that moment where she yelled at Mercedes Monet. Are you out of your mind? I just thought that was great. I love Nyla. Yeah, it was a good match. It was short and I was exhausted after the hour long first match in Canada. We didn't have really, probably not as many commercial breaks I don't think in the first match. So in this second, it was good. I really liked the budding romance between Mercedes Monet and Okada in that little skit beforehand. Oh God. That was the best part of the whole thing. That was lovely. Again, the elite, my horrible little gremlins. Mercedes comes up, the cementing, hey, you know, heel aligned herself with other heels. And then Okada, of course, asks to see the dance. Okada is so funny. I'm glad he's getting a chance to just be funny and show that off a little. It looks like he's having a blast. Really does. Don't think I was disappointed. This is the second week in road that Okada didn't say bitch. So I mean Tony Shavani said it for him this time. Yeah, he did. Taz and Excalibur being like, whoa, make me laugh. Yeah, Taz especially coming from New York, you know, they don't talk like that. Right. Not at all. That's dignified language. Scandalized. Proper Ivy League, Taz. In regards to the Mercedes Nyla match, I do wish it had been a little longer. I get why it wasn't. It wasn't you were right. It was acting as kind of a not exactly a breather match because we were getting those segments in between the matches as kind of our breathing space. They had a tough job being the second match of the night, second slash middle, because everyone always remembers first, first match, last match, but I think they did a good job. It furthered particularly the Mercedes versus Brit story. The second Mercedes took out that glove, I started yelling because there are few things in life. More than people using each other's gimmicks or moves or whatever to make a point. I had seen that person in the crowd with the DMD greater than M.J CEO sign and the second she comes down and you don't see that person's face, I'm like, it's Brit. And sure enough, it was Brit in a sting mask. I was pretty happy. Oh, she was banned from the back, but she wasn't banned from the arena. So I was happy to that they furthered it a little bit. Did you happen to see the interview that Renee Paquette did with Brit Baker? I thought it was really well done. I haven't watched that one yet. Yeah, it's on YouTube on the All Elite Wrestling YouTube channel. I actually did post it, I believe. Yeah, I did. I posted it on the link to it on A.W. You've had a subreddit, so if you haven't watched it, it's quite long. It's like 10 minutes long, but it's really good. It's really good and Brit Baker talks about some of the struggles that she had with her health because it's talked about when she had the stroke and what she went through it. The way she put it was more serious than, oh, hey, I had a mini stroke, you know, it was a little bit more serious than that. But I guess the stroke is serious, don't matter if it's mini or maxi. No, it is still oxygen being cut off from your brain. Well, I have that all the time, so I don't think it's that serious. I was about to be an auto eroticist. I can't take advantage of it, man, because that's why I always have so much trouble from time to time with remembering things. Because the heart condition that I have causes that effect, and that's what that is. It's not because I have Alzheimer's or because I'm getting old, it's because of the condition. So when we talk about that kind of stuff, I know exactly what it feels like. You know, when I sit there and I say something about, like, you talk to me about it every time I'm saying something because I can't remember names, it's not that I don't remember the names, I can't get the names to come to the front because I can't access them. It's exactly like having Alzheimer's disease. So I don't joke, I don't mind people joking about it, but that's why you won't hear me saying anything about it, because it's something that I go through every day. All right, well, I won't call you a bar on anymore after tonight. Well, that's okay. You can call me more and I act like I'm more. Well, you'll never remember it after tonight anyway, so there you go. Nobody else have any to say about Mercedes Monet and I did really like the spot where Nyla bit Mercedes hand when she put it, when she was doing Brits move, because I always wonder what Brit does and why the person doesn't, but they kind of pointed it because she's Brit squeezes down on their, their mouth in a way that I guess they can't bite it. Tom, if you put pressure on your tongue like that, you can't bite down. And that's, there's a, there's a nerve that runs under your tongue that will disable your jaw. And Brit knows that because she's a doctor of dentistry, yeah. It's one of my favorite things is like, there's one person who knows how to do this move perfectly. It's like, why Jake the snake can take people out with a DDT when nowadays people do it and keep going. I love the whole thing of like, no, no, it's this person who knows how to do it just right. It's like, Xeno warrior princess doing all the little nerve pinches. Right. I mean, you know what you're talking about. I mean, look, remember the days when the sleeper hold and the, oh gosh, what the walls, even like something like the walls of Jericho and the figure four leg lock. Those were finishers. Now they're just like resting headlock moves. Yep. They got to the point where people use them too much and they became commonplace and you see them all the time. I mean, we saw the figure four like at least twice tonight. So you know, yeah, honestly, I wasn't wasn't impressed with that that last night and I really wasn't impressed with the whole interaction between her and Brit Baker because why set that up if you're only going to cut them off before they even get started. I mean, maybe. But man, they could have made that so much better because if they just want to let Brit get her hands on her for a minute, they didn't get close because when Mercedes came around, if you watch that back when they came, when they look like that dude was trying to tackle her. Oh, yeah. He was. He, I mean, he normally, they don't just, they're going, seriously, you're going to set this up, but you're going to keep this going. And then you're going to tackle them and not even let them come close to touching each other. They had no sense to me. So I was kind of disappointed in that, in that whole thing, but. I have to say that I have to admit that Mercedes Monet is growing on me because I had never seen her wrestle before she came to a W, except for like, in different matches. So I'd never like seen her promos before and I was not impressed, obviously, when she first came to a W and she was only doing promos and not doing wrestling. But as soon as she started wrestling, her facial expressions and whatnot, she's such a dork and I love that about her. And I don't mean that in a bad way. She's a dork. She's a big nerd who just happens to look pretty decent, but she's a dork and I just think it's endearing, I guess, is the best way of putting it. But does anybody else have anything to say about this match before Alex moves on to whatever he wants to talk about next? Okay, I guess I'll move it along. I wanted to mention it was just a really short backstage segment, but we had Jack Perry calling out Darby saying, oh, he thinks that you think they're beating up Brendan Cutler scares me or something like that. And then he's just beating the crap out of Brendan Cutler. I love that. I thought that was one of the better things Jack Perry's done since he's been back and it really like sold the sadistic kind of demonic talking about sacrifice. Go ahead, Jack Perry for me, and I want to see more of this kind of stuff from him for sure. Did he say I don't give a shit about Brendan Cutler as he was kicking them through the door? Yeah. Do you think Brandon Cutler's getting hazard pay or extra votes? I'm telling you, he's connected to the elite, but the leader abusing the shit out of him. They send him out every time they send him out, they know he's going to get his ass with all over the place and then a member of their team beat him up tonight. So I'm thinking, if I'm him, man, I'm thinking you all better be paying me really well. He went to contract Cutler to butt monkey Cutler. Yeah. Well, maybe he's the one that's going to cause the elite to belts. All of them. I would love some sort of like long burn story where he finally has enough. I don't think we're getting it now, but you know what that segment really reminded me of? You remember back when, I think it might have been a previous blood and guts, I'm trying to remember, but the segment was Claudio and Yuta and he was like, Oh, you think hitting Yuta is going to do what I think we do. And then he likes it and then he proceeds to hit Yuta and Yuta gets up. They were talking. When they talking about how they were, they were teaching him. Yeah. That was part of it. That was that cracked me up too. Yeah. Here it's less teaching Cutler and more. Cutler is being used as an object lesson. I don't think missing is Michael Nakazawa. Yeah, that's true. Boy, he just spends a lot of time off TV. He comes back for like two weeks, so then he's going to get for a year. Well, let's move on because let's talk about a timeless Tony storm coming out after. Well, no, she didn't because it was Mariah Mae who I thought did at the same. This was really her first live in ring promo that she's done by herself in a W and other than one little spot where her lips quivered and you can see her cheek quivering because she I don't think she remembered her line, but she got it right back, but she got scared for a second, but she recovered. And I think that's a mark of a true professional. I thought what she did, even though it didn't get a great crowd reaction, I don't think it was supposed to, she did a really good job. I think she got the job done. I was impressed by what Mariah Mae was able to accomplish and of course that we got to see her, you know, ride around in the center of the ring, which was no one added bonus. I liked it and I was like, I was a little surprised that she came out as Tony for a second and then it was like, that makes perfect sense. I saw someone on Twitter say like the most pure moment of horror that they've ever had while watching wrestling was realizing that's not Tony, I loved this segment. She did a great job of working through the what chance, by the way, please, I hate the what chance. They're just annoying what what y'all weren't chanting what I will, I will let it pass. But again, it's her coming out just, you know, like three seconds away from wearing Tony as a skin suit. And of course, there's the all about Eve reference, you know, it's all about Mariah. But her talking about like, no, you know, the most I've ever loved you was when you were on your knees, crying out my name and bleeding. And I was going to do this all along. I just decided to play it out. So it's more fun for me and it's just the drama of it all. I'm so excited. I'm so excited for their match at Wembley. I think Tony might win it, but I'm not positive. So, you know, we have a while left yet to see where that all goes. But Mariah coming out and being just so cold, just perfection. Yeah, I really liked it and I don't want to say anything bad about it. It was like, it was very high concept and it's like, it was probably hard for the crowd to really understand all the cerebral parts of it, you know, her kind of fully stealing everything from Tony. And yeah, it has those kind of like serial killer movie, thriller vibe. So yeah, like the crowd doing the what chance did make it tough to watch at moments. But it felt like she worked through it and that's probably a good learning experience for Mariah Mae as well, learning how to deal with those kind of stupid crowd chants and all that. So yeah, I'm very excited to see where it goes for sure. There's a lot more that's going to happen here. And when we finally see Tony Storm return bandaged up, probably it's going to be great. Do you think there's a chance that Tony Storm coming back as a Brie persona, you know, as Tony Storm? I don't know if I'd want to see her as one of those two, like outcast or the other Tony Storm that we've seen Mariah Mae doing recently, maybe a real Tony Storm or just a more mature version of this character. To be honest, it depends on me and if Mariah Mae continues to do the timeless Tony Storm character. If they waste the opportunity to have Tony complete her character down to the full long meltdown, that would be the biggest waste of a storyline probably in wrestling history. They set this up so well, and they've made it so good that she was right, you know, we knew she was going to turn on her. We just didn't expect it that early. And you know, if you, that would be so disappointing. Well I just can't wait to see what Mina Shirakawa looks like with the short curly hair and the robe, but all that stuff, because y'all think Mina is going to be on Mariah's side or Tony, because the last I saw on Twitter when Mina was reacting, she was like, "Oh, Mariah." Well the last thing that I had mentioned is on one of our previous podcasts, if Mariah or Mina Shirakawa actually posted after Forbidden Door, like about four days after Forbidden Door said she's not done with the AEW Women's World Championship yet. She still wants it. So. I feel like Mariah is too evil for Mina Shirakawa now, and if she were to show up, she'd be more likely with Tony Storm would be my thought, but you know, we'll see. Yeah. Well, you've been kind of quiet, so do you have any thoughts on this segment? I want to see Tony Storm come back and come back with a vengeance, like nothing that she's been before, and just hell bent on destroying Mariah Mae. I don't know if she will do it, but I'd love to see it. I don't think that this story is over, and yeah, so I'm looking forward to it, so we'll see. If we get the continuation, sorry, if we get the continuation of the timeless Tony Storm incarnation of Tony, so right now they've been very clear, it's inspired by all about Eve with her playing the Betty Davis character. Yeah. What would y'all think of not a direct one-to-one storyline wise, but continuing the old Hollywood and Betty Davis line, have any of y'all ever seen whatever happened to baby Jane? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So Tony as the angry, bitter, former star, baby Jane, you know, Betty Davis in that movie, what would y'all think of that? Because some days I'm like, oh, I could go for that, and some days I'm like, uh, I don't know. Personally, I'd like to see Mariah Mae keep on with the timeless Tony Storm gimmick and have Tony Storm come out as Meryl Streep from the Devil Wears Prada. Mm. Wow. You know, I just want to see her go melt down mode and finish just the way it should be finished. And that have, me to sure, Kyle, come out as Aubrey Plaza's character at Dirty Grandpa. Oh, hell no. Oh, my God, you know, you know, you know, this could lead to a whole new way of doing storylines and wrestling and it is actually like somebody said that I only remember was one of the podcast we did was saying how this is probably the best storyline. This might be the best storyline they've done in AEW in front of the beginning ever. I mean, the MJF stuff was good, too long, too drawn out, not enough meat to it, especially when Cole got hurt and it kind of derailed it a little bit. But this has been, you know, it's gotten to the point where it's, it's met the crescendo at the top of the hill and now it's nothing but downhill to the end, which we all assume is going to be all in. And that's what five month away, a little bit over a month. Right. They've got a long time to take this whichever way they're going to. And if they take it, if it continues as good as it's been, it's going to be amazing. Do I have a hard time backing this up after they're doing something new after this? Yeah, I hope they keep this, this momentum going with their storytelling like, hey, you can tell a story that's not just, I want the belt because I want the belt. Like, yes, give me that good, good psychological drama. Yeah, the belts have always been secondary to the story and the rivalries to me. So because at any given time, anybody could lose a match. It's the match that they're having at that given time that you want to see resolved. And so the battle between Mariah Mae and Tony Storm is going to be really interesting. I mean, it really is. I kind of hope, I don't know how to put this, but that seems, when you have Mariah Mae who's from England and Tony Storm, who was from Australia, but grew up, you know, her formative years in England, I kind of like to see that as the main event. It seemed like the main event forbid door. It seems like the main event at all into me as well. And I think that would be a big deal if you had a women's match as a main event at a stadium show. I really do. I think that would be important. This would be the only woman's match I could see doing that though, because but the problem with that is you've got, you've got, it's going to be a Danielson swerve finale. So did I don't see Danielson and Swerve as a main event? I really don't. I can definitely see Mariah and Tony Storm as a better main event than Danielson and Swerve. But that's just me. Yeah. I agree. It feels, it wouldn't feel forced if they put Mariah and Tony Storm as the main event. Like it wouldn't feel like it's just because it's a women's match and it's the first time they're going to main event such a big show. Like I think everyone would be on board if they did that. The only problem is it seems like they've already announced Swerve versus Danielson as the main event. So it seems like that's the direction they're going. But I think it would be a smart idea to change it up here for sure. Well one thing that I will say is just today I posted something that Tony Khan said and he was speaking with Brian Danielson and this is what Tony Khan said and I posted this today at the AW Fan Hub subreddit and this is it this is the quote from Tony Khan he said Brian Danielson and I were flying home from double or nothing and we were talking about wrestling and what stuck out to us and Brian asked have you seen Mariah? So Brian Danielson's a fan and I don't think you'd have a problem with Mariah Mae and Tony Storm be in the main event because one thing you can say about Brian Danielson he is unselfish. Your fault to a fault so but anyway Alex what do you want to talk about next? I think we did have TV time we'd be remiss not to talk about the return of Menorro Suzuki setting up a match between himself and Jericho at Blood and Guts for the FTW title so it'll be a hardcore match. Sure I've kind of enjoyed the majority of Jericho's FTW matches hopefully he pulls out a bag of some objects and then something entertaining that he pours into the ring again and then maybe we'll have a debut of a new member of Jericho's learning tree to help cheat on his behalf to help beat Menorro Suzuki but yeah curious Kelson did you actually watch this segment nope yeah it's a shame what's a shame that they have the learning tree or that I didn't watch it I remember came on right after the marathon match between Will Osprey and MJF and I used people use this term all the time I needed to take a piss break but I did so I took a piss break sorry for being so graphical but I went peed and then my dog said hey my dog's talk by the way that was fun my brain is on the level with dogs so I can understand them you know they said hey we'd like to pee too so I brought them outside and they peed and they came back in and I was just in time to see Menorro Suzuki in the ring holding up a piece of paper and I was like oh it's because I didn't even realize that it was the learning tree time until I came out of the bathroom and I was like oh great so I'm not really missing anything and you saw that beautiful tree I did see the tree and I know that's your favorite tree and I do think that when I was in the bathroom my dog saw the tree and that's why they needed to go to the bathroom well that only makes sense that's perfect sense yeah I mean I got a Tonya my dogs are pretty intelligent like me I just love Suzuki I'm looking forward to seeing him kick Jericho's ass next week also selfishly I get to see him again in August I'm very happy as Menorro Suzuki ever want to match an AW ever at all a good question um I would just know but maybe you go ahead I am actually going to go look this up right now while you guys are talking about the learning tree since I didn't watch the learning tree you can talk about the learning tree go ahead now I'm looking to there isn't really much to say about it I mean Menorro Suzuki came out and said I'm gonna kick your ass and banned the redwood and the bad apple from the match I guess it's taking place inside of a cage too I thought I heard that somewhere I could be mistaken I don't think I didn't hear that but it might be I don't remember hearing that I might have missed it though yeah I didn't hear it but I saw somebody say it like oh I can't wait to see them in a steel cage with Suzuki beating the hell out of Jericho no I have no idea what I have found Menorro Suzuki has participated in 10 matches in AW's that's not only singles matches because he has participated in battle royals I guess is the best way to put it in tag teams for ad trios he is only one one of those matches has been on the I'm sorry two of those matches he his only singles win in AW was against QT Markle and that was over two years ago in April 2022 and his only other win was in a trios match whereas partners were Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara and they beat the or Fox action and Dontay Martin it is been on the losing end of every other matches ever participated in an AW yeah well one thing I want to mention is with with this version of Chris Jericho like a lot of people in their heels it's kind of they're doing things that have been done before maybe there's a little like a unique twist on it but like even MJF it's like yeah this is kind of like guys from the 80s things that they used to do what Jericho is doing is completely unique I don't think anyone's quite done it like what Jericho's doing right now and I enjoy it I'm going to say something to you Alex I don't want you to do you know do you ever watch American Idol anybody I don't know I'm sure they have Canadian Alex because you know but they get somebody out there and they can't sing a lick at all I mean they're out of tune people will look at them and they'll say well he's gorgeous or she's gorgeous and they have such a unique voice a unique voice when they say that that American Idol singer back in that they had a unique voice it means they were good looking but they can't say for shit speaking of shit Chris Jericho could go out into the middle of the ring drop trial and take a shit the middle of the ring and people would be going oh look how unique that is yeah but it's at the same point there's you know Neil Young Canadian legend Bob Dylan oh god Bob Dylan legend you know this point that that don't sing the normal correct way but are great in their own right so yes yes whatever that mean and then you get a William hung yes or cheese that was the last time I watched a single episode of American I got yeah I'm just saying yeah yeah yes he has such a unique voice she has such a unique voice no she just can't he or she just can't sing for shit you know and but you could say that it's unique to justify how good looking they are but anyway well let's move on to the main event of the evening because I think we've covered everything else and the main event was it was a pretty good match and that was of course between Swear Strickland and Akazu Chica Ocada bitch she had to say for him and a championship versus champion match that had no belt on the line look it it was a good match that's some really good things that they did in that match I mean it was unfortunately in this show the main event I think people were kind of exhausted you know because there was a lot of wrestling in this show and a two hour show it was like a minute for an hour and 45 minutes of less like there wasn't all want to talking in this show so but I think it ended the way pretty much we figured it would end especially as the show dragged on and we didn't have the full team for blood and guts for team AEW so you kind of had to expect the way it ended I don't think that was a much of a surprise and of course nobody ate the pin so everybody came out of it unscathed yeah I kind of figured that was going to happen first off this wasn't for either of their belts right it was just a kind of a grudge match I wasn't clear on that yeah it was it was built as a champion versus champion match but on the match guard but no belts were up for grabs in this match yeah I figured before I knew that I figured well it's going to be something that lets them both keep their own belt and it's like okay well now we have four out of five of team AEW and all five team elite we've been kind of alluding to things throughout the show and then of course you have all the run-ins at the end and reminder of who's on team AEW who's on team elite and then of course we have the fifth Darby Allen who inherited the rafter entrance from Sting because yeah that was pretty interesting in the absence of being able to go to Everest Darby has just decided I'm going to let things at ground level try and kill me yeah well look I mean blood and guts is next week and it took them until the last five minutes of an overrun on dynamite the week before blood and guts actually occur so then to to form the complete teams even though we kind of do you know who was gonna be but they officially did it if I have to say anything that was wrong with this episode of dynamite it was that is that they just kind of did this is kind of an afterthought in the main event during the overrun to formulate the teams for next week's dynamite shows arguably the biggest thing that's going on next week dynamite show so I don't know how you guys feel about that that was only really disappointing thing that's the only negative I could say about tonight's dynamite of course which I didn't see the learning tree part so that would have been a second negative but the look on hangman and swerves faces there at the end because again these two guys are obsessed with each other I could just watch their faces for a number of reasons but for story reasons here let's go with that the intensity there and the anger and the hate I'm they're going to murder everybody next week to get to each other and I'm so happy who do you think is gonna fall off the cage next week Darby has to be Darby's gonna jump off they're gonna be like don't do it Darby please don't is it just come out dressed as a sacrificial lamb next week okay if he came out in a little like lamb kigarumi that would absolutely win me over actually if we just had a blood and guts match where everybody was wearing like various animal kigarumi that'd be hilarious oh my god yeah those those oversized like pajamas the one pieces okay yeah I have one that's a platypus and one that's a weasel oh geez they're warm I how could you not know what a keg of room he is Alex I know I know now I'm just open the new winning new thing I'm just I did have a freaking clue yeah my character pajamas the character pajamas why did you say character pajamas hey there they're the modern day under room oh shut up you did know what they were either I did and then the modern day underoose you don't know the difference between the TNT title or the CBS title and you don't know what I think of Ruby's or do to do I just get a few and so old people disease man I'm older than you look tonight I know tonight was the two fifth 250 a show I'm gonna be honest about it except for the first match I wasn't impressed with the show for being the 250th show because I just didn't think there was enough they didn't do enough wrestling they I just thought that was a lot worse than it didn't should have been I was really disappointed in it tonight wow they did an hour and forty five minutes wrestling in a two hour and ten minute show yeah they didn't do it off like 50 50 minutes of wrestling and we got more than that just in the first match god I just I didn't think it was up to I didn't think it was up to a normal Tony big big big show event oh you're you are other than the first match you are entitled to your opinion no matter how stupid it is I know no seriously I really expected because to be honest if you to be honest I would have thought they would have had a lot more people who are there from the beginning and truly they had Brit on for two seconds to and that didn't even do anything there not it was on and got beat like she always does and a match that she really shouldn't have lost but she did um MJF was there MJF was there but that was it they didn't have hardly anybody else there yeah I think if you're looking at it through the lens of like yeah like a reunion show or like a you know a celebration of dynamite it really wasn't that I mean obviously the first match was like spectacular and it didn't end quite as strongly but I understand why you might be disappointed because dad housing wasn't there well yeah but you wanted I don't know I'm always disappointed the Dan housing isn't there I hope he comes back I don't think he is it would be cool if he was but I feel like maybe he isn't but he's been doing great on like GCW and stuff so I'm not totally disappointed right well now that we've covered all the matches there's something else I wanted to ask you about again we'll go back to Mercedes Mone who seemed to align herself with the elite Tony Khan has said just last week that he was considering a women's blood and guts match but it would have to make sense he would want them dare to be a story behind it well now that Mercedes Mone is seemingly aligned with the elite that could be the beginning of a story do you kind of agree with that do you think that this is kind of what we're building up to I don't know I would love it it would be an awesome thing to see I think depending on who was in it but following up on the Tony store Mariah Mae storyline is gonna be damn near impossible and and and I just don't think that this her being aligned with the elite's gonna go anywhere because they don't have anybody that's well they have to build it you know you've got they're not gonna do it next week we're probably looking when was the last time we saw a something similar to a multi-woman match that was somewhat similar to a blood and guts match and that was when we had KJ against but I'll be forward and the bunny at New Year's bash or whatever clash or whatever it was called yeah what's obviously was on New Years yeah the women have had a couple of three fights yeah Willow and Chris versus Skye and Julia and the one that New Year's clash or whatever you want to call it I think it's clash that was significant people are still talking about that match because it was so good it was so well done and those women earned people talking to them talking about it because it was so good they put it all out there they did something else somebody else mentioned something I think it was Alex blood and guts you know we had hockey pucks in Calgary or the horseshoes in Calgary hockey pucks and where was that Winnipeg yeah we're gonna be in Nashville so we're gonna have guitar picks in Nashville I don't see how that's gonna be painful painful but it could be annoying they get it stuck to the skin what I feel like guitar picks there you go thumbtacks with guitar picks with thumbtacks glued to the moon you are very sadistic human being Sith which I really like death matches a wooden board with all the the guitar picks like pointed up and glued to it barbed wire guitar there you go barbed wire guitar that's awesome Jeff Jared needs to be on that that show somewhere right he's a I would think he would need to yeah I don't know obviously Mark Brisco needs to be because even though he's from Delaware he speaks with the tendency accident but he does my spouse is so confused by that I live pretty close to Delaware so I know a lot of people from Delaware and nobody talks like that Delaware the other accent that really confuses me Roddy Strong sounds like Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle and I have no idea where he got that from it's like California but he's not from California oh Lord I don't have a listen through the Ninja Turtle for me the only thing that Adam Roddy Strong has ever said that's it gives somebody's first name other than that I tune him out I could talk he could be sitting he could come on to this podcast right now and he could start talking every like what's that he's a pathetic little weirdo and I can't help but like him for it yeah exactly you love him in with the bitbaker and Jay Kargo and and there you go yeah I mean you got I get you gotta have people like that sometimes but you don't have to jam him down in my throat every single time someone has a match and he's always there that's what makes me mad about Colorado matches every time Colorado has a match I just Peter Kingdom's got to be there yeah I was on commentary on collision on Saturday he's great on commentary like he does have more personality than he gets credit for was that there in the main event match yep that was the one that had Orange Cassidy and Kyle right yeah I turned I turned the TV off for that one yeah that was a pretty good match I had a lot of story things going on it had Orange Cassidy trying to kill Trent oh that was excellent did they announce any matches for Rampage a collision tonight nope not a one that's another thing collision there's the bang bang gang versus all right they did do that for the trio song collision but yeah other than that I don't think so maybe they dropped the ball on that because tonight we're been a good night to to do that kind of thing but anyway overall I thought it was let's go down the line and we already know something's going to give it an F because he didn't like it but okay so let's go down the line and give our grades who wants to go first I'll go first I would give tonight probably I would say I would give them an A I really enjoyed this show all around there there wasn't anything I was disappointed with there were a few surprises here and there and I liked everything they did I'd say about you net that was not you women all subtle like I can't I can't tell me it's not going to hit you don't age match oh god you got me sith then I'd also give it a solid A it was things that could have done to be a plus for me was little longer women's match that's really all I can think of I thought it was pretty solid and the matches were really fun to watch and kept me engaged all the way through thought you think oh I didn't hear you say my name some point listen first match a plus actually a plus plus match that match was amazing probably one of the best matches they were done on dynamite when this match was a waste of time final match I mean you had a mass it was about why overall score overall score a solid C wow yeah I'm sorry get get get hired not even with the first match okay yeah I'm gonna I'm giving it an A plus because you know a couple years from now this is a dynamite all look back on and remember because of that that beginning match was so good and I think it deserves an A plus just just because it's yeah something it's gonna it's historical for that reason I'm going to give it an A and I'm going to tell you why and I've mentioned this before when I watch dynamite I know that other AW fans are watching dynamite and I'm not talking about this dynamite I'm talking about all dynamite so one of the things that I base my score on is if what if WWE fans are watching this episode of dynamite what if and JPW or CMLL or stardom or TJPW fans GCW defy anything OBW what if they are watching this show tonight is there anything different about this show that would be like oh that's what AW is about tonight they did something that what I believe would make non-fan say oh so they AW can start off a show with a match at last an hour between high quality and that features high quality wrestling that's what made me and I would have probably rated it a D if I had seen the learning tree section segment but since I didn't see the learning tree it's a day there you go I think missing was any well and Roddy so I'm thinking on rampage we're gonna see Orange Cassidy Roddy and Kyle O'Reilly again fighting I don't know Shane Taylor productions or something like that but not then you know either on collision or rap page because God knows Tony Kant can't go a week without those three guys on the show so anyway well that's gonna be it for this evening thank you guys for coming on to the show yet again and having some fun I thought this was a really good discussion I thought this was a really good show when you have a really good show discussions are a heck of a lot easier despite what Sutton says that's right I'm the I'm the weird I'm the I'm the learning tree god forbid we call my dogs P on you know um anyway well that's all he talked with me back next week on Tuesday night with ignition thanks for listening everybody be sure to visit us on the AW Fan Hub subreddit and on the greatness of wrestling subreddit and join us on the wrestling hub discord server the links for those will be in the description of this podcast this is Kelson good night everybody bye guys good night Eddie Kingston