All Elite Talk - an AEW podcast

AEW Dynamite Review | July 10, 2024

Listen as the AEW Fan Hub podcast team reviews the July 10, 2024 episode of AEW Dynamite. We cover, in depth, the finals of the Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament, and the surprising events that shaped the showdown for both the Men's and Women's AEW World Titles at All In at Wembley Stadium!

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] It's Wednesday, you know what that means? It's time for all the talk with the AEW fan of podcasting. This is Kelson. >> And this is Alex, and man, what an ending. I thought this was a great episode of Dynamite, but that ending gave me chills. We had Mariah just, she beats Willow and what was, I thought was a really good match. I didn't care too much for the interference. It didn't really affect the match too much. We had Stokely and Chris Statlander kinda come out to mess with Willow about a bit. Mariah Mae wins with a roll up. Tony Storm is ecstatic, she's skipping to the trophy, Mariah Mae runs to the trophy. She grabs the bell and then immediately decks Tony Storm with it. Butts are open, she's hitting Luther with the bell. She sends Luther off the stage through tables. Tony Storm's bleeding. Alex is incredible. >> Let me ask you, I'm gonna ask you this specifically. We have all been expecting Mariah Mae to turn on Tony Storm. Am I the only one that didn't think that would happen like right then? >> Yeah, I did not think it was coming any time soon. I thought, I believed in their friendship really. I believed in the relationship. >> It was expected, but it was unexpected. >> Yeah, you knew because it's wrestling, of course it's gonna happen. But at the same time, it just felt like a distant possibility. More than something that was gonna happen when it did, I was shocked. >> Yeah, Tony Storm bleeding like a stuck pig and Luther going through the tables. That was a pretty darn good ending to the show. >> Yeah, it was great. And it's funny, we've had last week, we had the MJF heel turn. And now we had this heel turn, but this one was so much more effective because of the relationship. Danny Garcia was just there for the heel turn, really. But now we've had this story building for so long. It gave me chills, it was a great moment. I'm trying to think of is there a better kind of women's wrestling heel turn than that? Even though it was so expected, it's so great. >> I don't know. But the only thing that may have made that even better is if me and Shira Kaul would have come out. And then with Mariah, man, and that's my girl. >> It took a lot of money. >> That's what I was gonna say too. >> But like Mariah was just, she came across so evil here. And it was such a great moment for her. >> Yeah, Me and Shira Kaul were coming out eventually, would be awesome. But here, you wouldn't want to take the spotlight away from her in this moment. So it feels kind of perfect, but I see what you're saying. You do want to keep that story alive. >> And I have another thought process that I want to explore here with this situation. But I want to hear from the other guys, so what do you guys think? >> Like I said, I was gonna say the same thing you said. I was gonna say that would have made it that much better. And they could have spun it off that it would have made, it wouldn't have took away from it. But yeah, definitely was a surprise cuz I don't think anybody saw that coming. So it was a decent match. I didn't see it coming at this time, I expected it to be the other way around. I expected it to be Tony, who kind of broke it up because of her not really wanting to face Mira. >> Well, I did, I did, Kelson, hey everybody, I called it. I said that in the last paper view that Mira was gonna jagger Tony Storm. And well, it came in a little later than expected by once the blood started. I knew it. But I was pissed at Mira, I won the match because I had will to win the match because I can't stand where I made one bit and I was gonna pop champagne once again. It was, you lost, but well. >> Yeah, I noticed that on our discord ration mines, you posted your pics and yeah, you picked Willow Nightingale, which pretty much sealed Mira Mays victory. You know, I have to tease you about that every time. I don't know what it is about you and women's matches, but you can't pick them for shit. >> I had one right, I told you I had one right, what didn't I, I said it to you. >> Yeah, it's like, I think you got one right. I was like, look, you know what I said, you put a thousand monkeys in a room with computers and eventually one of them is gonna type war and peace. That's the way I look at you with women's picking. >> Eventually you're gonna get one right by mistake. >> No, I just said the last one, I just picked Storm, but I did say in in my thoughts that she's getting daggard because of the relationship. >> Here's what I wanted to ask everybody. Now we know Mira Mays has a friend in Minashir Akawa. But Tony Storm is kind of on an island by herself now. And of course, I've been kind of looking forward to this because I really don't see Mira Mays a heel. I see, I've always seen Tony Storm as a heel character. I've never seen her as a baby face. So if Mira Mays is now a heel, it's a heel versus heel thing. So here's the question, who can Tony Storm turn to to be a friend, worship or whatever, is she going to have anybody in her corner? Or is she gonna remain on an island? And if you do think that somebody's gonna be in her corner, as a friend, then off the top of your mind, who do you think it possibly could be? >> Yeah, I think she'll be by herself. And I do think she's kind of been borderline heel kind of leaning more face because she's just been so happy for Mira for this period of time. And I think she's going full blown face now. We're getting sympathetic Tony Storm. Mira was so evil at the end there. She was gouging Tony Storm with the shoe. That just makes her more sympathetic. So I see Tony by herself here, Mira Mays, probably mostly by herself. Maybe Mina will be involved a bit. I can even see Mina kind of joining with Tony Stormor on the face side of things, really. >> I don't see that. >> I don't see that either. >> Yeah, I think it's gonna be Tony by herself. And she'll start spiraling into a more demented character than what she is. At least that's just that would make sense. But you never know, there's so many things that could happen. She could end up turning back to the, to be with the outcasts again. I mean, this perfect opportunity for Soraya to say hey buddy, come on back over here. We'll help you out just to even if it was just a ruse, you know. But it's gonna be interesting. It definitely puts a little bit of a twist in what we've been thinking which I don't know. And I don't really think I've seen Tony as a heel. She's more of a tweener than anything else. She can go either way just on who she faces. >> Yeah, well I'm interested to see how Mira Mays now comes out. And because she's now on the, she's in the women's main event at all in. Possibly the match leading into the main event with the match that we're about to talk about. I'm just interested to see how Mira Mays does on vignettes and how she does in crowd interaction. You know, when she gets out into the ring because you know that's gonna happen. She's in a world title picture now. And it's going to be interesting. So, but let's move on because the next match we're gonna talk about is the men's side of the I want to heart tournament. And I thought this was really interesting because, correct me if I'm wrong, none of us picked Brian Danielson to win this. >> I did. >> Okay, well, you weren't on the podcast last night. We were talking about it last night. We were pretty sure that Hangman was going to come out victorious. Lo and behold, Brian Danielson earns the world title shot. And obviously after the match, we had the Martha Hart come out. We had Square Strickland come out and he made a rather interesting announcement. So, I just wanted to get everybody's thoughts on the Brian Danielson and Hangman Adam Page match with Jeff Jarrett as the special enforcer/surprise referee. >> I think last night I said something about that could happen where if it was going to happen, it would have to be. It would be that with Jarrett being involved that he would screw Swerve and my son pointed out he kind of did because when he had him in the- >> How did he screw Swerve? >> Well, I'm not Swerve, I'm sorry. He was going to kind of screw Hangman, which Jarrett kind of did because he had him in the move and any of the referee would have called for the bell because it looked like Danielson was out. Then he pulled his arm up, which was cool. And that could be considered a screw job. But I thought that part where he revealed that he was the referee was kind of funny. That was great. I liked the match, I thought it was a great match. And we kind of figured that Danielson or Danielson was going to lose, but then we did talk about it that it could be where Danielson gets the match to put Swerve over it all out or all in. And then Hangman gets the all in match. >> Did you find that this match Sutton was a very WWF type of match for parts of it? >> Yeah, it definitely wasn't- >> I got dedication. >> It definitely wasn't a, it didn't flow like a normal AEW match. I think what you're saying, and I agree, it kind of didn't flow that way. I kind of think the match was way, way too much of Hangman just beaten a little crap out of Danielson and then Danielson pulling the Superman return. So yeah, kind of got that feeling too. >> Right, yeah, that's what I got. That's just like the, I just had that feeling. >> Who else wants to talk about this match? >> Yeah, sure. >> Yeah, I did like the match. I see what you're saying with the WWE thing because it was kind of maybe overly dramatic at the end with the rap bump and all the goings on. Yeah, I was shocked, they had Nigel on commentary tonight. And to me, I was like, that's a sign. He's gonna cost Danielson the match or be involved in it. That's the all in match. And then even Tony Siobani was talking to Nigel about matches that him and Danielson had. So it was a great red herring that they pulled, maybe just worked on me. Yeah, I thought it was great and I, we have the Mariah made Tony Storm match. And there's a lot of story and drama behind that match. And now they're saying this match is the main event of all in. >> But there was a story behind this match. Look, we had Swerve come out afterward. Obviously he is the world champion and he is going against Brian Danielson. But you had Swerve declare for Blood of Guts for Team AEW. And then later on you had it obviously pissed off Adam Page. Go to the elite locker room and declare for Team Elite. >> Yeah, they do, they are giving us resolution for the hand in Swerve thing. Yeah, for sure. >> I thought it was kind of a long drawn out thing cuz these events took place. Not one right after the other, but throughout the two hours show. But when you look at it as an all encompassed story, from the first match with Brian Danielson and Adam Page tonight. That was really good story throughout the night with those two guys. >> Yeah, yeah, I'm not saying that I'm disappointed that we're not getting another Swerve hangman match it all in. And Swerve versus Danielson is a more interesting match, because they haven't had a big match in AEW. And Swerve hangman already had multiple matches. That's kind of a tougher sell as an interesting made event. >> Yeah, I think Swerve did pin Danielson once though. >> Yeah, yeah, the other way around. >> Yeah, yeah, Swerve mentioned that he- >> Danielson pin Swerve. >> Okay, watch out. >> Yeah, he said you have that one match over me and I don't let go of a grudge. >> Okay, that makes sense. >> Yeah, and I really like where it's heading with blood and guts. And hangman's kind of a tentative alliance with the elite. We had that moment with Okada, like I could see them giving hangman Okada being the match for those two guys that all in. >> I mentioned something, you mentioned Okada, I wanted to mention it. There were so many people that said the word bitch tonight. I mean, it was just free flowing except for Okada. I mean, come on, what's going on here? That's like a, that should be a crime. That should, Tony Con should be fine. >> Yeah, the one guy that says it best, it gets the biggest reaction if they didn't let say it. >> I was hold of my breath when he was face to face with hangman. You know, can I help you bitch? Nope, he never said that. Maybe he was supposed to, and he just forgot. >> It's like it has an obligation to have to say the B word every time. Is that what you're saying, Kelson? >> Well, it's kind of his thing. I mean, even Simon Miller, what culture has a bitch drop down counter for say W up and downs? And believe me, he said by the end of the year, there's going to be over 300 of them, and we got like added like five tonight. So I thought it was pretty funny. But that, you know, that Okada was only what on the show that didn't say it. I was expecting, I was expecting Martha Hart to say it, you know, but she didn't, whatever. So what do we want to talk about next here? Alex? >> Yeah, I mean, we don't have to spend long on it, but we had the Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe stampede street fight. Kelson, did you watch this match? >> I actually took my dogs out when the match started. So I only did see like the last five minutes. And I don't understand what the big deal with, you know, driving someone on a pallet on a forklift through drywall is, I do it all the time. >> I don't even think it was, I don't think it was drywall. And if it was, it was a quarter, it was like less than a quarter inch. So they just put it up right before the thing. >> Yeah. >> I went, oh my God, they're actually going to say people are sitting there going, oh my God, oh my God, he's killing him. I'm thinking, dude, that's that drywall, you can put your head through and not even feel it. >> Yeah, so when I started watching the match, they were already in the back. I didn't see anything, I don't even know if they were in the ring, you know, but I did not see anything in the ring. They were already in the back when I started watching the match. So I definitely saw, I suppose Joe really accomplished anything. >> Wow. >> Unfortunately, no, it's just basically was just structured out to the ambulance. And that's that. And I was hoping Joe was going to win that match, but hey, I guess the learning tree wins the day there. Hey guys, I beat Joe, put him through a drywall. Bye guys. >> Yeah, I like the learning tree. Jericho looked really praised and sadistic at the end. But I just hate them feuding with Samoa Joe and Hook and Shabbata. It just feels like it's going on forever. I don't want to see them fight again at all in or anything. >> It's going to happen. >> Yeah, I know it's going to happen. >> Yeah, it's too good for this for this view. >> But yeah, I'm just not in it. Like I'd love to see more learning tree just doing other things. >> Yeah, it is getting kind of pathetic. And Jericho is when he does that like he did tonight, that's not what the whole, you know what I mean? That's not the whole gimmick. The gimmick was about being that over the top. Wow, weirded out. I'm better than everybody like he was. The imitation was the thing, but he's gone past that now. And it's kind of like with the interference in the women's match that night. They did exactly what everybody expected them to do for the match. And then you got to keep that lander going after Willow. They put some stuff they just do too much. And that was another example of it. And this whole Jericho becoming sadistic and going after. And then we got left now, she bought it. And you know that's probably coming next week. >> Yeah, well, my big, as I was saying, with Samoa Joe, last year at all in, his match was against CM Punk. Chris Jericho is a huge demotion. That's all I'm saying. >> Okay, no, that's great. That one, Kelson, it's just- >> I'm not a fan of the learning tree. I think it's, I know it's supposed to be stupid. But when it's killing great cells, it's going a bit too far. It's a bad gimmick. It really is. I don't enjoy it at all. And I'm tired of people saying, but you missed the best one. No, I didn't. Stupid is, stupid is as stupid does. >> Yeah, I would definitely do anything new. >> I wouldn't do anything new. >> The horseshoes, that was new. >> What horseshoes, okay. >> You missed the horseshoes. Instead of thumbtacks that did horseshoes, and hockey puck, it was horseshoes tonight. >> Okay, well, that's great. But what I'm saying is, what I'm saying is the learning tree is doing nothing new week to week. It's the same thing with the same people in the same feud week to week. It's brought its course. >> Yeah, and I'm starting to agree with you on that because it was better before this whole thing with Joe and them. Because now they're just doing, hey, it's starting to do a trend like I told my son earlier tonight. They're starting to do the trend that got WWE in trouble, where they're doing the same shit every week against the same people. When you've got probably the best roster in the business, and you're not using everybody, and that's the mistake. That they got to change that soon. >> It feels to me though, when you have the big bill and the bounty hunter part of your tough action, the way I see it is basically that they're doubting them down for what they are known as. Basically, I know it's a stick, but still, use them better for that. Because if that's what gets annoying, that's why I say the chats and stuff like, the bathroom break, or I'm going to mute this segment because I don't get two shits about this. >> Well, the thing about it is that here's my, and I don't know if you guys will agree with me, but on of the six people in this feud, meaning Jericho, big bill, Brian Keith on one side, Chabata and Hook, and Samoa Jo on the other. Has this feud advanced any of them at all? >> No. >> At all? No. >> Harley. >> I think it's definitely all Brian Keith. >> Hey, yeah, I think it was. >> Brian Keith was dog shit. Let's say he was nothing. >> He was nothing. >> And even big bill, I feel like he's better off doing this learning tree stuff than really anything he's done before. >> I thought he was better with Starks, to be honest. >> Exactly. I was too, Gelson. >> Thank you. >> It was great when it started, but like I said, it's getting to that point where it's repetitive, and it's not like you said, Gelson, it's not doing anything for anybody. It's definitely not doing anything for Samoa Jo. And when you eliminate Hook, and if you eliminate the two important people in the thing and get them injuries, what's the sense of it that makes you say? >> Well, you know, you guys know that one of my biggest complaints with AW is the repetitiveness of it. So I'm going to give Tony Khan some props here because we didn't see Kyle Riley, Orange Cassidy, or Roderick Strong, on this show at all. And I was so thrilled about that. We need a break. They don't have to be on and we got a loaded roster. I'd rather see security guards at this point battle it out than those guys every single week. >> I would rather have them in there than Samoa Jo and Hook and Chibata. And then that could be the segment, Kelson doesn't watch. I would like it a little bit more. And then after four weeks, cycle some new guys in. Yeah, they just need to get them. Yeah. >> Oh, it's time to ask you a question. This is a serious question. Were you dropped as a baby? I don't know. I wouldn't remember. I wouldn't remember because I was a baby and because I was dropped. You do make a very good point, Alex. The whole thing about the learning tree is it was a great idea when they first started out. But when you bring back the three people they're going against again for the next 50 weeks, it's too much. And you're right, if they would cycle them in and do like when they brought in private party, they had that for two weeks, two segments, and that was it. And then they just let it go. And they should have did that with the next group. And they could have did it with the next group. >> And instead they brought back to the mojo and Hook, yeah. >> Yeah, exactly. And Samoa Jo and Hook should have moved on to something else. >> Yeah. So I want to move on because speaking of repetitive, we had the CEO, Mercedes Monet, double championship victory toast. >> Why? Why? It was a huge championship. So she had her first party and now this is her second. >> Well, the first party got interrupted. Didn't go his plan. And then this one, I will say this. I love the Brit Baker segment tonight because she didn't speak a word. >> And she came out, it was had to do a move on. >> Her kick was phenomenal. >> Yeah, that wasn't pretty good kick to that poor dude. I feel better for the guy. >> It was a weird show. We had to watch Mariah May and Brit Baker beat the crap out of a bunch of guys tonight. >> Wait a minute, now you can't call a bunch of guys. She beat up, she beat up Luther. Come on now. >> I said, Mariah May. >> I know. >> I was and Brit Baker beat up a bunch of, yeah, it was Luther and it was security guards, which is a step below Luther because security guards, you put them with fly swatters with a dead fly and they still couldn't hit it. >> Luther's just not the same without his little buddy. >> No. >> Sympentico needs to be in that few. >> He could have done the confetti for her. Oh my God, they blew that opportunity. >> Luther couldn't grab Sympentico and beat up Mariah May with him. >> Well. >> So, you know, you just had his a battering ram. >> Well, anyway, let's talk about Mercedes Monet. >> You've been on record, Kelson, saying, you know, Mercedes Monet, he probably loves all their lines. >> I didn't say that. I said it falls over her talk. >> It falls over her talk. I thought she was great tonight. I thought she did exactly what she needed to. She seemed confident. I don't think she messed up any of her words. Good facial expressions. Yeah, I just thought tonight she did everything well. And I thought it was a great, quick segment, straight to the point, did what it needed to. I enjoyed it. >> I want to give you, I want to say something about that, Alex, because I have to give Mercedes Monet props, because you mentioned something about her facial expressions. And I agree with you on that. If you remember when Britt Baker made her appearance at Forbidden Door, the look on Mercedes Monet's face was perfect. She would just convey like annoyance, hate, spite, and arrogance all at once. It was perfect. So, I have to give her credit for that. She's a very good, she's very good in the ring when she doesn't talk. >> And did you think she was bad tonight talking, or was it a little bit better? >> No, I thought it was fine. I actually thought last week was pretty good too. The only thing that bothers me is that with the way she talks, and I don't know if it's just because of her regional dialect, but in my opinion, she's a 30-something-year-old woman. I don't know, she's 31, 32, 33, whatever. She's somewhere at that rage, and she talks like a 14-year-old teenager. She pulled the cardinal sin, though, tonight. >> Oh, do tell. >> The good, the bad, I'm the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be. >> Oh my god, that was just like... >> She went through the crowd, and she's lucky she made it through the crowd, and they didn't kill her. >> Yeah. >> You don't do that, I'm sorry. You could do that anywhere else, but you don't do that in Calgary. >> Yeah, that was a very brave thing to do, and of course, it brought out the booze, but again, it's to the point where, like I said before, I don't think she's as popular now as they thought she was going to be, because the crowd, even though she's trying to turn herself heel, it's almost like it's forced. >> Baby, but the other thing is, and I don't know how you felt about this, Sutton, but I felt the crowd was pretty dead tonight. I just don't think they had the energy. >> I mean, if I'm going to be honest about it, it wasn't that spectacular of a card for me tonight, because you really didn't have, besides the matches that the two own heart matches, there wasn't really that much about the show that was, like, stand out. It didn't, to me, it didn't come up to the same as what you would expect from a Calgary show. >> No, I mean, I respect that opinion. I thought it was a pretty good bit. >> I've heard it's been good, though. >> I think they were the last year. >> Hey. >> No, they were great last year. >> Were they? >> I don't remember. >> Yeah. >> I love the time when they're in Canada. >> I will say this. I will say this. It may have been that they put the microphones up different. I'm not sure, because I usually, I have surround sound, and I usually can't even hear a word that the announcers are saying, because the crowd is so prevalent in the broadcast. >> I think that was it. >> Tonight, I heard everything that was said. >> Yeah, because I think the crowd was into it, they just weren't into it like you would have expected them to be. And I think it did have to do with something to do with that, because if you watched the background and you watched it, people were into it from the static team. You could see people were into it, but it wasn't as loud because I think they did do that. >> No, I agree. I just, that did run through my mind as I was watching the show. I was like, wow, I can actually hear the announcers and the rig announcers and stuff like that. Usually when it's either the crowd that drowns out the announcers and the rig announcers, or the entrance music drowns them out. But tonight, I didn't have that problem. So I'm thinking they worked on the sound a little bit. Unfortunately, it made the crowd sound dead. But I still liked it a lot better than the constant, you know, I watched some of the WWE over the last few weeks, and the crowd is sitting on their hands and you're here cheering like crazy. And I'm like, where is that coming from? >> Ken, they use it. They actually use a Ken crowd noise for the WWE. They have for years. >> Well, yeah, I understand that, but I'm just saying it was just concerning. >> Yeah. >> You know, so whatever. I mean, is anybody else have anything to say about the Mercedes-Benz Andreant Baker confrontation, such as it was? >> I do. I do. >> I personally think there was no need either of them in my mind. It's like, this is just all the space. It was just filler, right? Then my question, I'm going to post to everybody here. Do you think this is really going to happen to the next pay-per-view event that there will be a match between those two? >> Yep, and it'll be-- >> Absolutely. >> Yeah. They definitely need to get Britt Baker in the ring for a couple of matches before that. They should do like a tag team with Britt Baker and somebody against Monet and somebody, you know, because they always do that. But they definitely need to get Britt Baker in that, because they can't. She hasn't wrestled it in months. By all it will be over 11 months, nearly here. You don't want to have her go out there and, you know, sit the bed in front of the biggest crowd that AEW is going to have this year. >> Mm-hmm. Yeah, and that, like, they've been, like, supposedly Camille's been signed for a while and she hasn't appeared at all. She seems like she would make sense as like an enforcer for Mercedes Monet. I wonder, we'll get something like that eventually. And then that's someone that they can have wrestled before Wembley against Britt. >> Yeah, like I said, I think that Britt's going to be in tag team matches before all. I think her first singles match is going to be all in, but I think that she does need to get into the ring and do something. Even if she goes against local talent number one, you know, look, you have, she's the first woman signed AEW. We're doing the 250th episode of Dynamite next week. Britt Baker's got to be on there wrestling. I'm sorry, she does. >> I agree with that. >> Yeah, I agree. >> Good. >> Mm-hmm. >> Maybe it's Hurley. >> I've said before. I don't think Britt Baker's got that much talent. I've said this from the beginning. I'm willing to give her a shot because she's been out, and everybody says she's been working better. I'm not holding my breath, though, because they overhyped this chick from the beginning. >> You didn't do it, you didn't do it. >> All right, Conan. >> [LAUGH] >> My God. >> My God, Britt Baker from before. >> How many cards on the phone? >> What's not called? What's not called the AEW Women Chicks or Girl? >> No. >> I'm not holding it. I'm allowed. Anyway, they've overhyped her from before the AEW even existed. And she just is not that good. And the only reason that she got any of the hype that she got last that when she was the champion was because people were hurt, and there were no challengers. So I've watched her from day one. I watched her. The only time she ever did any good that might have made any sense was on dark and dark elevation shows. And other than that, she's not good in the ring, but I'm willing to give her a chance, because if she's gotten better, that would be great. I hope she has, because if the same Britt Baker comes back that was there before, that's going to be the worst match on the card. And Monet is going to have to carry her, because she can't do it herself. >> Well, with little receipt of her, I do have to say that she is moving more fluidly, just even noticeably walking up and down the ramp. >> I mean, that was a good kick tonight. And there are a couple things she can do. She can't do the stomp break. She can't do the, what's the one that you jump on? What's the one not sliced bread? What's the, the one that pented does all the time? I can't remember that move. >> Me and Japan? >> What's that? >> Me and Japan? >> No, no, no, no. When you come, when you run past them and swing blades. >> Swing blades, yeah. >> Swing blades. >> I was going to say good about her, Julie. >> She can't do the swim day to save her life. She can't do a simple move like the, the, the stomp that make it look confident. And that's one of the moves you can do. So, you know, she had a lot of work to do, and I'm hoping that she's gotten better. And if she has, I'll be the first to admit it. >> Well, she's been working a lot with DDP. I can tell you that. So, yeah, maybe he has hot daughter. I can hope. >> Yeah. She's got two matches. So, I'm, I'm excited and I'm optimistic. >> Alex, what do you want to talk about? >> I will save the Will Osprey wolf and JF thing for last. >> Okay. >> So, we had our global glory four-way, which I didn't realize until the ending was for the international title opportunities later down the line. So, yeah, I thought it was a fun four-way match. I was kind of thinking Kyle Fletcher was going to win because I'm just a Kyle Fletcher fanboy, I guess. But POC won. Now we're going to get Will Osprey versus POC. It was a cool match. The, the crowd was pretty into it. I, I'm not a huge tell-me-hero-ishy fan, but he looked good. Um, but yeah, I'm really excited for this POC Will Osprey match. And I wonder when that's going to happen. >> I, I wasn't after after all in. >> Do you think? >> Can you put it during all in? Because that, that's what POC was saying in this, in this, uh, Mike session. >> He said, POC even said after all in. >> Oh, he said after all in. >> Okay, Mike, you didn't say after all in. >> MGF and Osprey are- >> He said he's going to have a big Wembley match is what POC said. Um, I can see them doing POC Will Osprey at Blood and Cut. Like, I don't know if they've established that it's going to happen after. >> I can't see that happening. >> Wait a minute. Will Osprey and, and, and MGF is Wednesday? >> Yeah, but something's going to happen. >> Yeah. >> I don't know. I'm, I'm, I'm pretty sure that match tonight was for the All In. I'm pretty sure that matches for whoever wins the- >> I just hope I'll lose this. >> Pack, Pack definitely said it was for after All In. He said that. But, you know, look here, here's the thing. As I said earlier, we did not see Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Reilly or Orange Cassidy this week. So they're all going to be involved in a bunch of crap next week. And so I look for Roderick Strong to get involved in the MGF and, and Will Osprey match next week on item 1950. >> And Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy all be back? >> They'll probably get involved with Brit Baker and Mercedes Monet. I don't give a shit, to be honest with you. >> Kyle, if I may have some quick thoughts on that four-way match, I, it was, it was this kind of interesting because, you know, every four, all the four individuals have, you know, during next set of skills, right? You know, and it's just like, I have to agree with, whoever, what was it? Wasn't Suck, second word, you agree to both Ishi? >> Oh, I really wanted him to win, but I didn't say anything about Ishi yet. >> Okay, okay. Sorry, my bad. Whoever, I forgot everybody's name's, my, regardless. Like for the most part, like, Ishi was, was dubbed, you know, the still people, he was what he was until he got tubes, don't pretty much call Fletcher. But I had packed the win that match, I just said, and I thought it would be great for him to get something, you know, because when he did his mic session, it made sense. Like, lately, things have gone well for him. And this could be his redemption song, if you will, you know, when the time comes. Anyone agree with that? >> Yeah, well, you know, and look, here's, here's my thing. You know, they had that old saying, if a tree falls in the woods and nobody's around to hear it, doesn't make a noise, it kind of goes the same way with Ishi. If you give Ishi a tombstone pile driver, and he has no neck at all, does it matter? I mean, how do you enjoy Ishi with a, with a pile driver? He weighed first with anything. His shoulders are in his ears, you know, come on, he has no neck. So, I mean, you know, that's just the way it is. I was like, that was weird, a pile driver for somebody like Ishi doesn't make much sense. As far as this match goes, I listened to it, didn't watch a second of it. I hate these kind of these convoluted matches are so I've never seen a four man match or a six man match or an eight man match. There's been very, very rare that I see one that I can say is assible. I just don't enjoy it. I think they're too convoluted. I would know, I didn't see it. Yeah, I thought it was a good match. I kind of thought it was funny at the end, when Pac went for the pin, you can see behind him, they showed. Shit, I can't, my brain. Could've got in and made the same. It was like, wait a minute. So, you know, they kind of gave it away that it was going to be a Pac win, but I thought it was a good match. I mean, it wasn't, I love, I liked all of them. I mean, I have no problem with any of them. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, like I said, it was, it was just tonight just didn't seem like a regular AEW night. Well, no, I have to, you know, I don't want to come down on it too hard. I mean, I was distracted during this because I had to feed by animals during this match. Well, that's kind of a lie. I was playing Hello Kitty during this match. Interesting. If I just got a message on my phone, on the things, we had talked about last night about the mysterious Green Ranger guy. Yeah. Google's now just put up a report. I think it was PW Insiders. Tony Con did an interview today. It is a wrestler and it is somebody coming in. Yeah. Yeah. I made a post about it earlier. I didn't see that. I didn't see a promise apparently. A promise. Yeah, I mistakenly put CMLL, but it is AAA and the word is, is that it is a ROMIS. Yeah. He's a well-known wrestler with about 15 years of experience, I would say. That's good. He's, you know, your typical, you know, wrestler that he likes. Flippity, flippity, flopity, flopity, zippity, zippity. You know what? I think that might be the reason because if you think about it, most of the time on Wednesday nights, they've got matches where the guys are flipping around all over the place, but they didn't have any of those tonight, really. That's why it felt like a WWE mat this night. It was more of an old school feel. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. But go ahead. I don't know what I was going to say, but I guess we can move on to Will Osprey opening the show. I thought it was a heck of a promo from Will Osprey and I'm very excited to see where this feud's going and what I'm most excited for is just that moment when Will Osprey and MJF are standing across from each other in the ring doing, you know, the actual promo battle because they've been holding off on that and we're getting the match actually next week before we ever get that moment. I'm assuming we're leading towards an actual real big all-in match at Wembley with these guys. But yeah, I'm wondering your guys' thoughts on Will Osprey tonight and MJF's little backstage sipping some sort of wine drink. It didn't really look like wine to me, but you know what that was. Yeah. Yeah, with Will Osprey, the thing that I liked about Will Osprey tonight is that he didn't get into the ring and do a hype promo. He wasn't out there stomping around the center to ring, screaming at the top of his lungs, you know, launching threats. He sat on the turnbuckle and he had a chat with everybody. And I kind of, I like that every once in a while. WWE is really good at doing that. Drew McIntyre did one of those spots like a couple weeks ago and I really loved it. I just like when they change it up a little bit. And when MJF came out on screen, it was obvious that they're doing something to make Dynamite 250 a special throw. And they've already gotten a couple things that are going to make Dynamite 250 a special throw. And this is something that it's going to lead off the show next week. Hopefully they make it no commercial breaks. And I will see. Yeah. But like I said, I don't think that there's going to be a clean winner in this match. Don't be put it down. Okay. No, this, this is like for me, this should be the marquee feud in a w because they can both do everything. They're both good promos. MJF's the best promo. MJF's my favorite wrestler, period. And they're both fantastic wrestlers. They can have a feud that spans the next five years, in my opinion. Kind of. Absolutely. So, so yeah, I'm really excited for this. Definitely like the way he did it, what he said. MJF is MJF. I mean, ain't much to say about what he had to reply. So, it'll be interesting match next week. Leading off the show, that'll be one hell of a match to have to follow up with. Yeah. I mean, there's really not a whole lot you could say about it. I mean, we're going to probably have a lot to say next week after the match. Don't forget, we also have Swerve Strickland against Pasu Chica and Kata. That's crazy. I mean, that's that's big too. They didn't make a stipulation if it was, is the MJF versus Osprey, a title match, is the Swerve Strickland versus Okata. Yeah. A title for title match. You know, I'm pretty sure the MJF match is a title match, but the other one is not. Yeah. I think it's right. Because when you want to take that chance and put that match like that, even though it's the 250th show, that's a, that's a pay per view match if it's champion for James. Yeah. I think those matches, you don't want to see anyone. Like, yeah, you wanted to keep going and then have a big pay per view match. Yeah. Well, look, we also saw Darby Allen show up tonight, beat the crap out of Brandon Cutler of all people. I don't know why. But look, this is nothing for Dynamite 250 that I'm wondering about is that, okay, we've already got established that MJF is going to be on the show. I would kind of like to see, because didn't Darby Allen call out Jack Perry? He called out the entirely. Well, he told the title, he said like he wants that back. Right. So, yeah, so I kind of like to see Darby Allen and Jack Perry next week. That way you're getting, we've already said, or I've already said that I'd like to see Britt Baker next week, that way you're getting the pillars out there. You know, you got Jack, if you get Jack Perry and Darby Allen, he got MJF, he got Britt Baker. Who's the other villain? Just missing Sammy. Oh, and Sammy, Dynamite 250. Look, look, if I am not mistaken, if I am not mistaken, I can look it up, but I believe on the very first episode of Dynamite, the main event had Sammy Guevar in it. Yeah, it was Samuel Guevar, wasn't it? I believe it was a tag team match. I think he was Chris Jericho's partner. I can't remember off the top of my head. I used to know it, but I don't know it anymore. But anyway, I think in order for Dynamite 250 to be an actual Dynamite 250, you have to have Britt Baker. You have to have the four pillars on there. And so I will say this right now. I do predict Sammy Guevar will be back next week for Dynamite 250. Yeah, in talking about Darby, I wonder, I'm predicting that he's going to be in that blood and guts match, and it'll be Darby, the acclaimed Swerve and Mark Brisco, I guess, versus the elite? Yes, yeah. Look, you can't have blood and guts without Darby Allen, because he provides both. Has he been in our blood and guts match? No, it's Sammy. I thought you were going to say Sammy, because Sammy was getting run over by, he's getting chased down by golf cards to drop off and help and drop people off ladders. And so, you know, no, I get that. But, I made a post earlier today. It wasn't last night. I can't remember where I asked, who's the best seller in AEW? And it's weird because a lot of people did know the difference between selling and bumping. You know, Darby Allen is, he's a good, he's a terrific bumper, obviously. But selling is when, you know, look, what Darby Allen is in the ring, and he gets hit, he screams like he's just being murdered. I mean, he yells out, he grunts, he groans, that selling. Taking the bump is not selling. That's just taking a bump. So, you know, we mentioned, we mentioned people like Pac and Kenny Omega as being great sellers. Buddy Matthews was mentioned a couple of times. I think for me personally, it would be Pac. That man can sell one hell of a sale on a DDT, probably the best in the business. You punched Pac in the face. And I love Pac the way he just stands there, and he sways, and then he just crumbles. He just goes down like a like a demolished building. And Kenny Omega's the same thing. Willow did that tonight with that one when she got hit buddy. Oh, absolutely. She did great. So, she was like, she just looked like she's just standing there talking to somebody and then boom. Yes, you know, yeah, there are quite a few in there that can do that. But I don't know, there it's hard to say who the best one would be. But Alex, you mentioned is, you know, maybe Darby Alle being in team AEW. I think the announcer's made a little bit of a goof. Yeah, because I think that's the way it is. And they haven't announced it yet. I think I think it was Tony Shavani, maybe, that said, you know, that there's only two more spots open in team AEW and Excalibur at the correct and say, no, there's three. I think Darby is definitely one of the spots. And I kind of think that the acclaim they're going to be in those other spots as well, because we did get to see, you know, a world premiere of a acclaimed rap tonight, which was. I like it. It was okay, but, you know, Max Castor, he'll have like great lines when he's coming out doing his intro rap battle stuff. And then when he does these videos, sometimes it just doesn't hit. But quite as hard. The best part about the video wasn't necessarily the words, but the background. When they were doing it, when they were taking a leak on, that was hilarious. I was like, oh, that is funny. I was thinking to myself, yeah, this is kind of toned back. I mean, Max Castor, as Alex said, there was nothing cutting. There's nothing cutting edge about the about the rap. I was like, well, this is kind of sweet, you know, and they pissed on the fake elite, but it was still this guy, I thought it was like, okay, well, there it is. It was great. I wonder if Tony Con had total creative control over what was said. He was like, okay, this is good. I mean, it's nothing bad in this. Let's go with it. And he probably saw the video and he was like, oh, Jesus Christ. Well, you know, that had to be a daddy-ass thing, harkening back to his DX days. I don't know, but it was a little bit over the top. Yeah. I think after they were done, they filled up Mercedes bottle that she was drinking. Oh, I didn't see that part. What's that now? I'm just saying that her bottle, when she was doing her toast, it was yellow, whatever was in it. I don't know, it was supposed to be champagne, but it wasn't champagne. It looked more like a burden to me. Yeah, maybe. I guess that's what you got a shot glass, but yeah. Did you ever drink it? No, I don't think so. I don't think she had a chance. Well, thank God, because it was a claim. Here's a nice hefty bottle of acclaimed urine. That would have been hilarious. I mean, don't remember that one bottle. Well, not a bottle, but I think she was a Tiktoker, or an only fans person that she was selling her bath water on eBay and people are buying it. You know, that's ridiculous. That really did it. And it didn't taste that good. Yeah, that's got me. Amaranth did it. Well, that's just like the one movie star was selling her, I won't say what, but candles. I think when it felt true. Yeah, when it was selling candles to, yeah, okay, so these people were gone. Dude, this social media has gone way over too far. There's just, they need that too much. Oh, we have a look at the guy that sued Tony is sent a Tony Khan to the FBI. There were a bunch of like, what culture did a video about it this morning? They could not keep a straight face. They were butchering this guy. And the guy that did this, he made, he did this, he said he was sending it, he used all kinds of legal legal jargon. He posted it on Twitter X, whatever you want to call it. And then he deleted his account. So it's just, I mean, so yeah, social media is, social media is the worst part now is the hot two woman. Oh, yes. I'm like, seriously, you know, these people that follow these people and make them famous seriously need help. I just just ordered my wrong because I dud stuff that. Oh, no, we were born in film. If I have filmed it, I could have been a fortune because I've done some really stupid stuff. Yeah, that makes it, that makes it why we were born at the right time because none of it is on video. But whatever, look, we're getting a little bit off topic here. So, I guess this is a good place to stop the show. We're right at an hour. So let's just call it a night. And we will get back together and convene our insanity on Tuesday night for a mission. And wow, I mean, they didn't, they didn't announce anything for rampage. They only announced maybe like one or two things going on the collision. So we'll have to keep an eye out on that over the week. But next week, the item might 250. Yeah, we can see some returns from debuts, just a couple big matches already. Wow. I just want to hear what Mariah May has to say. And what's happening with that? That's what I'm most interested in right now. Well, you know, keep your eye on it because Tony Storm and Mariah May together kept doing vignettes after the show and posting them on Twitter. So maybe there's already something out there with Mariah May. So make sure you go to Twitter and see if it's always on the all the wrestling official Twitter account. That's @AW. And see if there's something there because there's probably something from Tony. There's maybe something where Mariah made or maybe something with both of them. I don't know. So I'm eagerly gonna go look at that as soon as we get out of here. So let's let's call it a night. This has been all the talk. This is Kelson. Alex. Good night, everybody. Night, yo. Bye guys. Good night. Any Kingston Castle. Wow. Wow. Wow. You've never said you've never. Go listen, go listen to the podcast every week. I say good night. I say good night. Any Kingston. And then there's a pause. And I say that's all. I don't remember the asshole part. I seriously don't. You don't pay attention to me anymore. You can do you all the time, man. I have to keep you in line. He's doing a shitty job, but I must say. I think that was it. (laughing)