What We Watched

Movie Club #47 - JoJo Rabbit

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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This podcast does contain spoilers, so if you're okay with that, listen on. If not, pause the podcast, go watch the movie we're about to talk about and come on back. All right, sweet. Excuse me, Brad, over here. Hey, pardon me, pardon me. Why don't you have the popcorn? It's starting. Hey, hey, hey, shut up, shut up and listen to the podcast. Hey. [MUSIC] There's a lot out there to see. This is what we watched. [MUSIC] God, Firefly is so good. Jack, you should watch Firefly. I should watch it again. I just finished how I met your mother, so I needed a new show. You've seen Firefly, but you don't like like it. You never referenced it? No, I like it. I don't know, man. I've only seen it once through, like, I think just once through. Yeah. How? And it was probably-- The second that it ended, I was like, I have to say this again. It's not how I roll. It definitely looks like an old cheap sci-fi. I mean, it looks like that classic time era, it looks like the era it came out in, which is totally fine to me. But I do like the story and stuff. It is a bummer that it didn't go longer. Right. Like, they had to answer questions so fast. I know. I agree with you. This is what we watched. Yes. This is a movie review podcast. This is a movie lovers, TV lovers. And it's also for those who like imaginary friends. We're not talking if. We're not talking John Krasinski's if, imaginary friends. We are talking JoJo Rabbit, which is about an imaginary friend in a way. Ooh. Like Tycho on TV could sue John Krasinski. That'd be awesome. Oh. I mean, I can't imagine it, but that would be so much fun. Instead of suing, I would just want-- I would want Tycho's Hitler in if. I want that to be-- Ooh, that'd be fun. See, I want Tycho in court arguing why it's the same in Hitler costume. As Hitler. As Hitler. Yeah. I think that would be hilarious. After Hitler shot himself, he has to have the blood on his head. Yes. Don't really think. Do you know what? It was such a good. Anyways, but Firefly. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm also very upset that I only got one season. I want to live in a different timeline where we get more. It's interesting watching it and because there's just-- the episodes are kind of connected but not super connected. So you could definitely switch it like when they first came out and they put the second episode first for whatever stupid, stupid, stupid reason that was. But the end episodes, it ends on the guy sneaking out of the ship which I weirdly love that episode just because I love how the guy talks and delivers. And I could listen to him just read the phone book, frankly, and whatever-- Was this the assassin dude? Yes. Am I remembering that, right? The best line ever where she's like, are you a lion? And he goes, I've never thought of myself as a lion. I don't know why. It's just so random. And he's just so weirdo and I'm like, I don't understand what this care is. Because he's a psychopath. That's why. I know. And he's awesome. He's got so much fun to watch. It's so funny. Anyways. Speaking of-- Well, we watched. What did we watch? But I feel like I've been catching up on Fallout to finish out that series. I caught up on The Boys. So I'm 100% caught up as to where they are right now. The Boys. And then that's it. I've watched our movies that we're going to be talking about for movie club for this month. And hopefully this week I'll have some time to go to the theater and see some new stuff. But besides that, that's all I've got. I think this week's going to be Apple TV week for me. I'm going to try and catch up on some Apple silos. Yes. That is the one. That's going to be the first one. I'm going to watch it. Especially I'm just going to be sitting here. Honestly, you know what's probably going to happen? It's going to sit here for two weeks. Because for people who don't know, I'm in a hotel room working for two weeks. I'm going to make a bunch of games, I think, honestly. That's what I bet she's going to end up happening. So I'm going to sit there and make a bunch of games. I'm fine. Watching like Silo. And then there's, I really want to catch up on the Harrison Ford one. And I think there's other good ones also that people love. I like how you thought of that as the Harrison Ford one, not the Jason Siegel one. I couldn't think of his name. The pause was, who in that show do I remember the name of? So Harrison Ford is the only one and I couldn't think of Jason Siegel. Siegel? Siegel? We only did a whole movie on him. No, I hear you're paying. I mean, I guarantee you we could watch one of the movies previously. No, trust me. I have a whole time. I had a moment. It just passed by silently. Because when I said silo to you, I was like, yeah, with Rebecca Ferguson, I had to like think about it for a second. Is it two seasons out or one season out? I think just one. But they're leading on to a second. Nice. I'm fine with that. Thanks. Thanks for that. But who knows who dies? Rebecca. There's somebody dies. Somebody says everything's ruined. I'm not going to watch it now. Thanks a lot. Just silo dies. What are they going to live in next season? A sequel to silo igloo, a silo adjacent dude, I'd be down with like a gigantic city made out of ice. Ox, though, not necessarily just like, oh, doesn't it look like ice? But like ice sculptures, like the like in the frickin tent at the Gaylord ice sculptures. The wall looks like that textured igloo. I'd be down for that. I'd be sweet. What call it? All right. Let's call it done. All right. Well, that was that was it for this week. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you everyone for listening for some by for watching us on YouTube for listening wherever you podcast for those who don't know where everywhere we've got lots of social media. So come check us out. Last week on movie club, we started our war month with 1917 with Jeff's pick. It's only Jeff's pick because he asked it. I presented it as a topic. Jeff's like, well, then it's 1917 100%. I mean, I was looking for spaces to use it for a while. Exactly. I was going to like weasel it in somewhere. It is funny. It is funny that like whenever somebody picks the theme, it ends up being like everyone runs the movie by them kind of because it was like Jeff picked 1917 and I was like, oh, it's Brandon going to fight. And then you're like, oh, as long as that's cool, Brandon is like, cool. And then I was like, well, I'm going to either go something else or JoJo rabbit, but I assume Brandon is going to want JoJo rabbit and then you didn't know so it's like, I'm taking JoJo rabbit. That's easy. We just worked down the line. Right. It's like, all of us. It's just my number one pick. But if I can't get this one, I'll get it. Yeah. So then so today we're talking JoJo rabbit to next week, we're going to finish out war month with full metal jacket. Whoo. I'm watching that tonight. Nice. Yeah. I guess I have to. Yeah. I know. I have to. Yeah. I watched it yesterday before work. And that was an interesting way to go into into work for sure. No spoilers. I don't want to know how you feel about it yet. I was going to say, Jeff's never seen it. Oh, yeah. That's right. I've seen it. I've seen it. What? I don't know why. I'm so pointy. I got my grape coffee with me. Um, I, I've seen it. I want to say I've seen it like once, maybe twice, but I that's a doubt like I see enough clips. I feel like. Um, so I think I remember it, but I know it's going to be, it's going to be interesting. I'm excited to watch it again. Yeah. Because I'm not really positive. Cool. Cool. I'm excited. I'm very excited to talk about that one. Um, but today we're talking Tycho White TV's 2019 Oscar winning. Hmm. Yep. Jojo rabbit. Jojo, which I'm so excited to that at one for what it did. So it was nominated for six Oscars. Uh, do you guys know what he won for? I think it was, he had to have been screen play adapted screen play. It was yep. Adapted screen. Damn. Adapted. I know, because it's based on a real character Hitler, no, no, because it's based on a real book. Yes. That's it. Okay. Yeah, dude. It was a whole thing. Cause I was going to bring it up with, um, with Barbie in comparison, be like, oh, if this is that cause of this, but yeah, it turns out it's like a book that he was like, God, what did he say? That it was a factor trivia or something like that, that he was like, he kept the characters from the book. And then that's about it. Obviously Hitler wasn't in it. You know, that was obviously right. Yeah. He's like, I don't have a part to play unless I put Hitler in. So obviously we got to have Hitler, but it was based on the book, Cajun skies by, uh, Christine, uh, Lunans, Luenans. Yeah. Totally. Totes. I agree. Nailed that one. Nailed it. It's about, um, I, uh, a young Austrian member of the Hitler youth, who finds out that his parents are hiding a young Jewish girl in their house, uh, during World War two. So, you know, pretty terrifying stuff if you think of the context, but yeah, Tika, Tika definitely like was like, Hey, I want to make a, you know, emotional, dramatic, coming of age story about a boy in, uh, war, oh, yeah, totally. Also he's going to have imaginary friend Hitler and it's, we fucking hilarious. Like, okay. Um, the last little bit definitely makes it Tika, uh, it's just, yeah, I don't know. It's just, I really was really excited to watch this. I feel like I haven't watched this a ton since it came out in 2019. So like, I don't think I've seen it since theaters fricking went up against all 1917. You can just go through this Oscars again, like we did under the same people, um, but it was God, it was everything that I, that I remembered it and I really like, I did a little bit of research on like ratings and stuff and I was looking at it and people don't love it. And it's interesting. I'm wondering if it got like, it got the same knock as like Joker did when we watched Joker and love Joker and was like, how is this not the most popular thing? And it was just like, it kind of came out in a weird time and people, I don't know, we're like rubbed the wrong way about the context and stuff because this is some deep shit. This is some like, really deep shit. Well, and also I think that, I mean, kind of saying with Joker, where Joker had a lot of, you know, undertones of reality and dealt with a lot of like political leanings and kind of, you know, a lot of, a lot of talks about how society is and, and, um, JoJo Rabbit is very satirical. Like it's 100% a satire and a sat tires could be very polarizing and turn a lot of people off and, um, it's surprising to me how many people don't understand what satire is and how, you know, it's okay. You can poke fun at a lot of these kind of, you know, horrifying events because if not, then you're taking them too seriously and you're giving that time or that, um, event or whatever it is too much power. Yeah. Yeah, I think he said somewhere he was like, he was like, uh, I made it because people, after the war, everyone said, never forget, but then recently I've been watching a lot of things happening that it really seems like we all forgot really what it was. And, uh, but God, Tyka has such a good like style to, um, add humor into freaking everything. Well, he does something that very few people do well and I compare his writing and directing style similar to the Daniels, Daniels's, because they combine like serious, like thematic elements with like absurd comedy, um, and, and you like, you know, at the end of it, you're laughing, but also like you're, they can be crying about it too. Like there's some hard moments in this movie. Yeah. Right. It's interesting to see the, uh, Tyka can do so many different styles because this didn't like it, it's got Tyka's fingerprints all over it. It feels like Tyka, but it's not Tyka's style, like, um, camera wise, right? He absolutely did Wes Anderson. 100%. I was literally having a note about that. There's like a pan over and then a pan back and the first part is Moonrise Kingdom, isn't it? Am I crazy? Is it not? That or I was going to say, it's, it's very Edgar Wright style as well where like the, with the quick cutting and the answer. I was going to say they're no square zoom in there. Yeah. They're definitely that transition. I really liked one of the transitions I forgot where it was. I'm never going to find in my notes, um, but we travel like a long distance and it was three quick. Like it felt like Edgar Wright, um, oh, I think, yeah, I think I know which one you're talking about with, um, exiting the house after, after, um, Scarlett Johansson as the mom. Yes. So it's going to be, it's going to be dangerous or whatever it was, uh, extremely dangerous. And you know, then it's cut, cut, cut. And then we're all the way across town and we're, we're talking to, uh, Sam Rockwell. Is that a quote? Is that a shot on the dead quote? Like do you think they said that in the movie and that was an homage to it? Cause that one maybe it'd be like, we'd be careful because it's very dangerous or some crap like that. Not crap. Yeah. It's a really good movie. I like it. It's just my filler word, um, that would be cool if it was. It would be interesting, but I think it is impressive when we watch Tyga and like him doing other styles because we see a lot of, you know, God, Christopher Nolan's Christopher Nolan, you know, these guys and it's just like, it, it's impressive when we see some of the camera flex because it looked gorgeous. I thought it really felt like what it's Anderson. I don't think, you know, you didn't do a disservice to Wes Anderson. I thought he, he portrayed his style pretty damn well and my God, it's just so it's impressive on a technical side. Another shot that even just sticks out to me is one when like, uh, like the, uh, Scarlett Johansson's character like explains to him that love is when you have butterflies in your stomach and the shot of him having butterflies and stomachs literally just like a mask over. Yeah. Yeah. Just like a little tilt down and then you just see them. And I'm just like, that was so Wes Anderson. So Wes Anderson. Absolutely. So it was great. Yeah. This is, this is a blend of like, uh, you know, pick it, pick in his favorite bits from other directors or other filmmakers and just kind of mashing it together, uh, while infusing it with his own satirical, you know, really hard pressed and sometimes dry humor. But I, I didn't remember this being as funny as it was. Like I remember seeing it in theaters, um, that year that, that winter and for the, for the award season. And I remember the theater was like, you know, mostly positive, but I definitely didn't laugh at as many scenes or laugh at as much as I was entertained by it. Your experience wasn't as great as mine, dude. I remember laughing a lot and then like during the, like the big moments with Scarlett Johansson's character, it was dead silent in the theater. Like it was that I do remember as well. Like, I totally forgot about that as well. Yeah. I completely forgot that that plot, uh, point happened. What? And it's honestly one of the most powerful when, when, uh, she dies. Oh my God. Dude, that's like, that's like, I was, I watched the shoes the entire time. Like all of the shoes leading up, which is so exciting. I so desperately want to edit this film and show all the shoes that they centered to, to the extent that I don't know what they're going to. They're like, they definitely planted those shots throughout the entire thing so that you recognize the shoes and that composition, uh, because there's, uh, there's, there's that one shot, uh, outside, uh, and it's when, um, Scarlett Johansson's on like the, the ledge or whatever walking right before they steal the bikes. And, uh, she has this big line, this big, uh, something and I can't remember this emotional line and, uh, she's not in frame at all, but her shoes are. And I remember thinking, I was like, what interesting framing, like a big star, you'd want to make sure that she's in frame or, you know, what, what is the focus here? Um, and I was just taking notes and, and just, you know, kind of kind of go along. And I had just completely forgotten that we got to the, that scene, you know, that, that reveal. And I went, oh, that's why, because that's the, the moment, right? That's how he's going to insinuate who it is. And I love this, um, from the IMDB trivia, and I'm going to pull from this, because again, I didn't have a lot of time because I've been watching so much recently. I, I have a bunch of IMDB, uh, but he had said that, uh, he didn't, he doesn't like the idea. Sorry. What? Nothing. Go ahead. Oh, uh, he, he said, I, I don't like the idea of seeing people hang, right? And, and he also says, um, that seeing, uh, uh, uh, dead loved one is an intimate thing. And, uh, we as the audience didn't have permission to see what Joe Joe saw. And I think that's extremely powerful and really an interesting kind of perspective to, to do it because if you're putting people in the perspective of your main character, you usually want to have them see, have us see what they see. Uh, but in this, in this instance, he chose to stay back and allow the character to have it his own moment at his own, you know, uh, time without us. And I kind of want to get your thoughts on that. I mean, I, I interesting because I feel like we did zoom out and you did see her full body, but like not close up and definitely not from his POV, um, definitely, but the, the, the frame, which I also wrote down that I think this, the frame of him standing up and looking at the shoes, I think should be somewhere in, uh, you know, freaking film Hall of Fame forever cemented somebody somewhere because that is a gorgeous framing and like what it means in the, in the movie, it's film history, but I do really like it. I don't know if when I watched it, I sat there and went, oh, I'm glad that, you know, we're not part of the intimate moment, but I enjoyed watching the kid experience it rather than us experience because I didn't need it. Yeah. I don't need like it, not necessarily like it gives us a little like shield. Like, oh, who knows what happened, blah, blah, blah, anything, that's just like, I know what happened. You, you explained it perfectly. You don't need to give me the extra information and instead I would love to watch this kid and it was, I thought it was such a great decision. Well, I just, I just like the way they held on that shot too, like in held on that moment, like I didn't need cuts. Like, they just let us bask in that like really like awful moment for this kids, uh, like character, like, right, just like that's all we needed and the audience feels it. And I think, I think you're at, you both hit the nail right on the fucking head. Like that moment was so much more powerful because we didn't get any other cuts. We didn't see anyone else's faces. We didn't, you know, jump around a whole lot. It was that moment and, you know, Tyka made us like stay with that uncomfortably. He let that sink in. He made sure that everyone understood what was happening. Well, I think, and then, and then the very next thing we see is a bunch of houses that look like eyes and look like judging and looking down on. And just the, you know, these, these properties that these, or these buildings that have just seen so much horror and so much misery and warfare and, and killing unnecessary murder. Yeah. Well, on top of that, like still with that scene, like, um, I think it's more powerful the way they did it too. And it's clever too, because all we ever see Scarlett Johansson's character in is her being silly and like her, that character, you're seeing her full of like life and everything. And we don't, we don't get to see her in that other, like, like, you know, life, it's the only time we saw her. Yeah. So it's like, it's a shocking idea to like, there's almost like an anticipation of like, Oh, fuck, I don't want to see her in another way, kind of thing. And it's just like, it's just very interesting psychologically, I think. Yeah. Oh, it totally is because I mean, you're right. We really only see her being a goofball and being a really good mom and able to have fun with her kid and make life a lot easier to swallow than, you know, being stern, and strict and, you know, shoving the world in his face, but she's also able to help teach him lessons and actually help progress him as a human being and him as a character. And yeah. So to see that literal light extinguish, um, because, you know, with the color palette and with the, with the, the angles and framing and everything also looks darker and dimmer as well, uh, from then on out, but especially in that moment, uh, is, is so such a jarring effect. It's just amazing. And I totally echo and agree with Matt that that's one of the, one of the greatest reveals ever period. Mm hmm. Yeah, it hits. It hits. And like, for some reason too, like, um, I noticed it this time around because I think this was like my second viewing of this movie. But when that entire exterior scene leading up to him finding her out there started, it was a different color palette than when we've seen him out in the town before, like, before it was a lot more livelier colors and warmer and then the stream was a bit cooler. And it just like felt a little off all of a sudden when he went outside, like something felt off. Mm hmm. And then it leads up to that point. So I thought that was very cool too. And I think they were planting that the shoe stuff, even like even more than just, you know, Scarlett Johansson scene, where she's dancing on the, uh, the, um, the wall and everything, like some, the, the framing for when Jojo comes into his, the house, um, is centered on the shoe rack, like the center of it. That's the bottom of the frame a little bit, like the bottom third of the center is the shoe rack. We, you know, they talk about him not being able to tie a shoe. That's a thing. She ties her shoe all the time. And then even in the, in the, the scene, he started like to tie her shoe and then stop and stuff. Yeah, beyond just the decisions at the moment, I think the lead up to it was, uh, beautiful as well. They also dropped some foreshadowing with the lines that I noticed earlier. Cause when they first see the three people hanging in the very beginning, um, she just says they did what they could and then, and then there's even the scene when she's portraying like, um, uh, her husband Paul and herself and that sort of scene or whatever, but she said, like, uh, as Paul, she, like she says to, she's like, says Rosie's doing what she could. Or doing what she can. Oh, I picked up that. I picked up that line. And I was like, ooh, that's a huge foreshadowing. Like, uh, and, and speaking of that, of the, uh, uh, first hanging scene, like, um, Rosie even, you know, makes Jojo, like he tries to pull away and like move on from this moment too quickly. And Rosie herself like pulls him in. And I kind of want to go back, um, in, and watch this again and time those two scenes out and see if it's the same time, um, you know, and when that becomes uncomfortable because Jojo starts to start to leave and she goes, no, like you need to look and just, you know, forces him to watch, uh, which is also extremely powerful as well. Mm hmm. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah. Yeah. I did also find it interesting. This might be like small potatoes, I don't know, but like, uh, when we see those three people hanging in the beginning, all their hands are tied behind their backs. Yeah. But when they, we cut to the wide of, uh, Scarlett Johansson's character, her hands aren't tied. Aren't they? They're at her sides. Oh. And so I thought that's interesting. I don't know what that's necessarily implying or anything. That also might, might be an act, an actor safety thing. I don't know if they did a dummy or they just were like, Hey, hang here for a sec. Honestly, from her neck, but, you know, just hold your breath. We'll let you. We won't tie your hands. Yeah. Get up. You got to swim through the porthole. Then you got to grab the dude. Then you got to swim out that it take off your goggles to do it. Um, yeah, but I mean, like, and one of the things that makes the whole, like that scene so powerful is all of the humor and all of like the, the rest of the story leading up to it of this, because I honestly, one of my favorite things about this in, and I say about, I say this about like the Joker and some other things is it's a, it's a movie with just a weird skin. Sometimes I feel like people make weird movies about the weird thing kind of, you know, like just, you know, the skin or whatever is just what you add on to it. It's a coming of age story of this boy in, you know, the middle of Germany in this war and it's like he's having a legit like kind of breakdown and he's learning what love is and he's all this stuff, but then he you slap this weird ass dark humor on top of it. And instead of it being about the dark humor, being about, you know, the, the Nazis necessarily, it's about the kid. And then also this cool shit tapping into. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, it is. It, it turns the coming of age, um, genre kind of on its head a little bit because it puts so much other existential, I wouldn't say bullshit, but this other existential crap on top of it. And it really does. It makes it just so much more interesting to watch because it's like, all right, well, we know what growing up feels like. We've seen it a million times, you know, we know what, uh, you know, movies can do and how powerful they can be when, when it comes to allowing an awkward kid to kind of be able to come out of a shell and find his own, you know, place in the world. But then how, how are we going to do this when it's in the middle of world war two when he is, you know, uh, basically brainwashed into, into the Hitler youth camp. Yeah. Makes it so much more, so much more entertaining to watch. Yes. I remember, I remember when I first heard about this movie, I was reading one of those articles that are like, Oh, hey, I think somebody like was changing power maybe or like there was a new boss at Sony or some crap. Um, and in the article, they were like, Oh yeah, there he's, he's cutting a bunch of projects. These are gone. Uh, what we hear is tight, tight go out. Didi's Nazi comedy is still in the works. I was like, what the fuck did I do? I was like, what were the word combinations that I was like, excuse me. I go on. Didi's making a comedy about Nazis and, uh, I'm so high spring time for Hitler. There's a million times better than I thought it was going to be. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think this was the first movie I, uh, rec like I, I saw of Tycho wait. I didn't see anything else. This is the one that I saw his name. And I was like, Whoa, this guy, like this was really good. And then I started paying attention to him after that. What was it definitely will say that this is probably when I started paying attention to him. Um, let me see when what we did in the shadows. I saw that when I was in like, I don't know, maybe I saw that in theaters. And I was like, who? That's awesome. Is this guy. I think I, I think I saw what we do in the shadows after JoJo rabbit actually. I did for sure. Mm. It makes sense. So I didn't like, it was me and one other person in a random theater in like, Arizona in 2014. Yeah. So you're right. Actually, this might have been the first time at first one of his that I saw as well. Mm. I thought I'm looking at it. Yeah. I was fun for the will do people. And, uh, what we do in the shadows deep. I think I'm pretty sure because yeah, I like him, I like him, I like him. Or you know what? That's might be a lie because Thor Ragnarok came out before this, but I don't know if I necessary. I don't know. Now it's getting mixed up in my head. Either way. Um, yeah. Shit. You're right. Thor, Thor, right. Never mind. Never mind. I was looking at producer. I forgot that IMDB did that. Dude, director is even one of the freaking at topics. Yeah. The lead will. The cat injury. That's really irritating. You guys are ridiculous. You guys are fools. I just forgot what year it was. I, I, I forgot where in the timeline I was and it's so interesting. Like love and, I don't know. I like when he does this, he did this like kind of recently with love and thunder taika where he did, he kind of just like mashed to topics that are kind of just the, you know, the superhero and he made just like what it felt like a rom com, like a cheesy rom com superhero version of it. And I personally, you know, enjoyed it, but I feel like this is a similar thing where you're trying to do and just nobody bought on granted. You know, it's a 7.9 and IMDB, which isn't awful. The friggin Met, the Metascore for JoJo Rabbit is like a, in the sixties or. Yeah. That feels way too low, Metascore 68, which is supposed to be the critics is a 60 58 out of a hundred, hypothetically. What? 58. No, that's way too low. Geez. Yeah. They're like, oh, swinging a miss. These critics don't know what art is. I know. Right now, are we going to rate this now or are you going to put a number on art? I can't imagine. Let's put our accurate number on art. Yeah. And this just didn't do super well in the, on the box office as well. Like, I mean, it didn't do poorly worldwide. It got almost 94 million, 93 and a half million. So off a $14 million budget, I mean, it definitely made money. Yeah. Unless they spent the most advertising ever, which I don't really think it did in 2019. Yeah. I've ever seen some advertising. Yeah. I've never seen the poster. I've never seen the poster. But then again, the, the FYC for your consideration campaigns are usually, you know, those I'm sure can get expensive as well. Oh, I mean, do you think they, they were campaigning a bunch for that? I think so. I know they won't start with six nominations in campaign, but it doesn't feel like a. Hey, I don't know. Maybe they sent a bunch of money and being like, this would be hilarious. Um, one of the, another, like, I think very, very, very, and like, I kind of want to jump into acting and see how you guys feel about the acting and the characters and stuff. But one of the most important things of like this movie has to work, this has to work for the movie to work is I think you have to love this kid. The lead actor has to do amazing and I personally thought he, like, knocked it out of the fucking part. He was, I thought he was phenomenal. Like the band. Holy shit. With, uh, aid off and stuff like that. Absolutely. I mean, he was on. He was, he was so on. He was able to be, I mean, two different characters to me really. I mean, he was, you know, this methodical kind of thinker and, you know, this, this planner and really, you know, um, understood where he was and what he was supposed to do, but then he was also a fucking kid, like a dork and someone who like, you know, stumbles around and gets, gets picked on and is he's kind of super awkward and is unsure is very, you know, but also like he plays scared really well, like, uh, after, after he gets, uh, out of the hospital, you know, he's like really timid, extremely timid, getting a, you know, starting to come out of the house, um, and interacting with the other kids. I thought was just absolute, absolute brilliance from this, from this guy. Yeah. Um, so yeah. I, I agree. Oh my God. Oh yeah. Well, even he, even some of the gestures like, uh, when, uh, when Waititi keeps offering him cigarettes, there's one when they're just pacing and he just waves it off. Like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those little things are just perfect. He did so well. God. Yeah. Offering me cigarettes. I'm 10. I, yeah, one, I mean, and another, they had a banter with him and Tyka was fantastic. And I, like, I wanted more Hitler quote Matt, I wanted more Hitler. Um, yeah, um, yeah, it's fantastic. I love also that Hitler is like nowhere close to like the real Hitler, which I had. I saw a quote from, uh, Tyka, I'm not, I'm going to skip the, the one that profanity one, but he, they asked him about, were like, did you feel it necessary? Like, did you do any research or anything on Hitler before you played him? And he's like, he's like, um, I looked at a movie on like, you know, to buy. And then I thought I'm going to put money towards this dude. And then I didn't think he was important enough to research show I did zero research because fuck that guy. And it was just like, I just love that little twist on top. He's like, Oh, and other people would be like, Oh, we got to make it accurate. He's got to have the correct colored eyes and that goes like, fuck that guy. Imagine you're afraid we're going to have a blast guys. Come down. Yeah. Get the real. We're going to go make a movie. But also I think that, uh, it works. I mean, so well, uh, on multiple levels, I mean, there was the one, the one scene where, um, Tyka's Hitler got kind of angry and it was like, Oh shit, Tyka can turn this on a little bit and he can get a little intense. And I thought that was interesting as well, right to start. But then like, you know, you're thinking that again, this is a 10 year old kid who's super awkward, who's super, you know, ostracized and, you know, has made up his own version of Hitler. So it totally works like it, it doesn't need to be, it's a dad. Yeah, it's, it's a, it's a version of his dad, right, right. What he thinks his dad is, you know, that left to go help or whatever he thinks was fighting in the war, but in reality he's not, he's, you know, trying to free Jews and stuff. But so in his, you know, what the Jojo wants to be like his dad and his imaginary friend is a basically a Hitler version of his dad realistically. Mm hmm. Sure. Sure. Or, you know, if it is, if who, who this 10 year old kid is idolizing, you know, uh, if it is Hitler, then it doesn't need to be who Hitler is because that, and it totally works for what, what Tyka was, was doing and, you know, Hey, fuck it, I'm not going to do research. If it's not accurate, who the fuck cares a fuck that guy, but then you think about it again from, from that perspective is, is like it doesn't need to cause this kid's not going to know everything about, you know, what Hitler sounds like or what he does or, you know, right? He's going to get rumors. He's going to get a whole bunch of misinformation from it like it, it absolutely was fucking perfect. You guys may have heard. Hitler is eating unicorn. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Oh God. It was so funny too. Yeah. The, the comedy. Actor, small parts, a couple of small parts that I want to shout out. Steven Merchant, I thought he did good as the Gestapo, the really, really tall person. The really tall one. Oh my gosh. The, the hell, uh, hail Hitler. The high, like, high, like, high, like, all over the place. Everybody. I thought it was, that was hilarious. I saw this. That honestly was, was a gag that I, I was expecting you guys, at least one of you to say I got sick of an eye because I laughed my ass off the entire time. Like midway through the first, uh, pile, uh, I was like, okay, you know, whatever, that, that's funny and everything. And then, um, Sam Rockwell shows up and they both do it and I went, I fucking love this. This is hilarious. Well, they cut, they cut in such a way too. They cut back and forth between every person saying how it was like every single time. It was, it was quick paced and it was like, it still felt like, like half of them were still like in the real world and then the other half were kind of like, Hey, oh, but it was like the Gestapo being like, you know, we're idiots anyways. Um, yeah. So we see him merchant. Great. Um, yep. Reek from reek. Yes. I wanted to bring that up too because I was like, Oh, two movies with, uh, Stark brothers. Yeah. It's a month. It's like, um, this is game of, game of thrones a month. Hey. Realize that we'll do some, we'll do some research on full metal jacket. Fingers crossed. Yeah. Um, I thought he was funny, but really small part, um, really smart part being, uh, Sam Rockwell's, um, partner, whatever again, Sam Rockwell killed it also. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That last scene with him too, man. Dude. All that. So powerful. All the acting was fantastic. My only issue would be some weird ass accents, you know, you know, and also a hundred percent English for everybody, but you know, whatever. Thank you. So I wanted to say it. I had a note to ask you guys if it bugged you that I don't give a shit. Brandon. I knew it wasn't going to book you guys, but like there was a title in the front half. Half a percent of me is like, ah, if only, but again, they, this one, this one with it, with it being such a satire, um, with, with, you know, knowing what kind of movie it is, it really wasn't a deterrent or, or a detraction from my score at all or Jeff, Jeff. Now I so desperately want to sneak into Brandon's house, steal his DVDs, burn them, edit them, and then re-burn it onto the same DVD. You have to be able to, right? I'm sure they have like locks and stuff, so you can't change stuff on like, no, right? I don't know. I'll figure this around. This will be hilarious. It's only editing DVDs in Brandon's collections. So I listened to nothing what you were saying, Brandon. I apologize. God, I was stuck at his head. Well, that thing with burning them is like you're literally printing, I think the media onto the disc. So it's not like it's a file holder or something. Yeah. Yeah. I'll figure it out. I'll copy the, uh, the. Blue rays might be different. Maybe I just have to, I just have to match the, uh, contact the, the people. Hey, hey, Tyka, can you send me a, a blank copy of JoJo Rabbit on DVD, please, and then I can edit my own version? I'm sure he will. All right. Any of you have more shoes. The acting was fantastic. Um, yeah. Sam Rockwell. God. We, I mean, we love him and everything. Three billboards. Cause I think he, I saw somewhere that he had a fact that he was one of like only a certain amount of people who have been in back-to-back years of best picture nominations with three billboards and then, um, JoJo Rabbit, I forgot the movie we were talking about. But he's fantastic. His character interested in like, I thought it was pretty funny. All the funny stuff in the beginning was funny. And then it kind of took a, a turn that was not really, not really projected. I like where it was like the turn. I can't really like be like, you know, it kind of came out of left field. I saw some of the turn in the trivia that they were like, if you look at the medals that he actually has, he is legitimately a decorated, uh, uh, veteran or something. Oh, yeah. He's got like multiple hand to hand combat, uh, medals. He's got, you know, saving people's medals. If you look at the medals, he has assuming they're real medals, not like, you know, he could be wearing some fake ones, but I like that thought that he is actually a really good soldier. And that gives more depth to that character then, because when you put that into perspective, when we first see him, he's just like, doesn't give a shit and like makes it, you start to think he's not really invested in this war. He's right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And then, but then also later when, um, the big turning point that I feel like was, uh, that I noticed was when they're searching the house and he knew right from the start that that that was not, uh, she was like, I was a daughter. I was Inga, whatever. Yeah. And he was like, um, excuse me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was super interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was great. Yeah. Yeah. Rockwell Crush it. But then, um, so did. So did, um, oh my gosh. Where is my page? Well, Elsa. Also character name. And then Thomas and Mackenzie. Uh, yeah. Elsa. Sorry. Yes. Uh, Tom is in Mackenzie. Uh, she crushed it as well. All the kids. I thought were great. Um, his, his best friend was hilarious as well. Yorky. Uh, yes. He was such like a weird, like adult child. Oh my gosh. It was just so funny. Just the way he hugs him and stuff too. Oh my God. Dude. It was just like. He loved this character. It's so cute. Like it felt like he had an entire like, you know, workday. He's in the, he's literally in the army doing stuff. And then, and then he sees JoJo and everything drop. And he's just like, oh my gosh. JoJo. I'm a soldier now. Let me take a couple minutes out of. He's like Gary and rocket launchers and shit to be like, oh, hey. Yeah. You win. And then if Yorkie dropped into the Zuka to wave. And then at the very end when he's like, I need a cuddle. I really love, I love his one line that I wrote down that was, um, our only, our only friends of the Japanese now and between you and me. They don't look very airy in any way. Yes. He has a good, a bunch of lines. So he has so many good ones. So many good ones. Paper like. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah. So that's great. That kid did fantastic. I want to jump back to, um, what's her face? Scarlett Johansson. Not Scarlett Johansson. Well, we'll get to Scarlett Johansson after, but. Tom is in McKinsey. That one. Sure. Um, how I thought her, her acting was really good, but I'm wondering because Brandon, you saw her in whatever, the last thing she was. You saw her in at least one thing. You've seen her in last night in Soho. She was in the one. Yes. I lean. Oh, I did. So you guys have to tell me about the acting. Is this just like the role for her and her acting is all right? Or is she a good, um, actor? Cause she was just friends with Tyka. Um, I think she's a good actress. Like she has like some funny quips and mannerisms and like a waste that she says things in this film. Whereas at least in last night in Soho was like a complete flip. Like it was kind of like a horror and she was like played anxiety driven character. Yeah. And, and in Eileen, she plays quiet very well and very kind of like, um, always thinking and maybe not, you know, always expressive with her actions, but she's got a really, um, interesting like thinking face. So she's, she plays quiet and still extremely well. Um, but I think this definitely was like the perfect role for her. Mm hmm. Yeah. I'm just surprised we haven't seen her in more things since like some of these other movies because I think she was in the, in the power of the dog, which I haven't seen yet, but that one did we invest picture for that year. Oh gosh. I didn't even say it. Yeah. Benedict Cumber snatch. She's been in a couple of TV series. She's, she's in Pantheon right now. Oh, she wasn't old too. I guess she has been working. Yeah, Jeff, just because she's not in the stuff that you watch doesn't mean she's not old. The kids not working. Yeah. If you want to see her, then, then see her. That's all I'm saying. All right. All right. Done. Scarlett. Scarlett Johan. I think the last part. Oh, Robert Wilson did, you know, she was funny. She's in like the other. She was in like the reek level where like they, you know, barely did anything. But when they said some jokes, it was, shit was funny. Most of the time. All of her stuff landed. That's the thing. She was like her comic relief and everything, all of her beats landed, all of like, she comes in and he's like, yeah, yeah, we'll go ahead and give you a, you know, the, whatever, the ammo in the gun. Yeah. She comes up and just hears this and hears your revolver. It was the elections from her that made me laugh the most. It was that scene. Yes. And then the one at the end where she's like, see that American? Go give him a hug. And then you see the bomb on the back of the kids. Yeah. I love, I love the her like face after the gun when she got the gun and scarlet was just like, whoa, whoa, whoa, and she's like, whoa, she's like a friend. Yeah. Oh, wow. Jesus. All right. All right. At the very beginning, I love it. We're like the boys are going to learn how combat and fighting and trenching and yada, yada, yada. And the women will learn how to get pregnant and she's like, I've had 14 kids for Germany. She was she was definitely funny. I liked Reek's. I don't know what his real name if somebody can pull that up. His his banter with Sam Rockwell of the gay sexual tension, thought that was hilarious. That was great. That was great. Is it Luke Brendan field? No, it's Alfie Allen. That one. Yes. Alfie Allen. Because Finkle in this. Yeah. Finkle. And then let's see. One would be Scarlett Johansson, which I think I liked her acting. I thought the dad scene was kind of just felt out of place to me. No, I like the scene. I think it was pretty good. I just did the accent. I think she had the worst fake accent of everybody. That was like the only issue with it. And so it just like mopped up some other stuff. But yeah, other than that, she was good. Yeah. I'd be really interested to see that scene again without the accent just because you can tell like she does, she's also very expensive with her eyes and with her face and she can sell the scene. She's very big with everything. And so you can see like there is just this pain behind her eyes and like she's pleading with JoJo in that scene in that moment of like, hey, I am doing the best I can. Like I know you don't understand what all is going on and I can't tell you everything. But you know, I love you and I'm trying my damnedest. Please, you know, accept what I can do for you. So I'd love to see that because I think that she has these powerful moments that really come through even though it's a little bit quirky and a little bit goofy, especially with that accent. Yeah. But I mean, for me, like I thought she did great too because like I think even just initially she seems so much bigger to me because of the fact that she is just so well known in a pop culture as Black Widow from Marvel. And this is one of the first things I feel like I saw her outside of that role. And I was just like, yeah, it's like, it's amazing to see her doing something so like original and quirky or whatever. Yeah. Granted, she wasn't like eight-legged freaks like several years ago. She was an eight-legged freaks? Dude, she was like a teenager in that movie. Oh my goodness. You have to look at that, shut up. I just pulled up her. I just pulled up her. I mean, she's fantastic in everything. Lost in translation, her, you give me a bad scar that you're handsome performance and I'll call you a liar. Um, dude, I cannot do that. Don't say it like it freaks and maybe make it decision. We got to figure out how to get the master and her on here. She was the teenager that like tazed the dude in the balls. It's been a long time. It's been a very long time. Because I've defeated I'm getting that on a nostalgia episode sometime. I really debate it. It's gigantic spiders, like I always think of the one that burrows the trapdoor spider. I think, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to re-watch that someday. To roll right back into JoJo Rabbit, I liked because I kind of forgot the first time watching it of like where the rabbit comes from on JoJo Rabbit, because I just think of it as one giant word, you know, one giant title. But I like the, the, that they're like, you know, the rabbit scared, but he like, he goes out to the scary, scary world every three day. Yeah. Dude, but it's like, honestly, think about like bees, bees are like the bravest motherfuckers in the world. They're like, look at this thing that's a hundred times bigger than me. I'm going to go fucking stab it. And then I'm probably going to die, but I'm going to do it. Let's stab it. I couldn't do it. That's my motivation. Now, what I did, I also, speaking of, I love the title drop. I love where it came from. It felt very. JoJo Rabbit. JoJo Rabbit. JoJo Rabbit. Those kids, those kids are psychopaths. Yeah. They're my God. Yeah. The dude just grabbed the bunny. Oh, well, he's a nuts. That was such a sad. Sad scene. Yes. Yes, it was. And he threw it. Yeah. God. It's not really. She's an eight. Eight legged fruits. Can I leave this? Yeah, dude. Yeah. David Arquette. Hell yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. I'm sorry. You'll have to watch that movie too, Brandon. You'll have to watch it too. All right. For sure. Yeah. Next nostalgia around. We just have to remember someone hasn't. We really gave it the guy. The guy hasn't made like anything else. No. He made a without a, wait, without a pedal, nature's calling, but it's a video. Um. Anyways, I'm back. Um. Yeah. Acting. Fantastic. No. Yeah. Acting. No, it was. It was, it was astonishingly spectacular for, um, you know, taika style is kind of just, yeah, you know, just have fun with it and what, what, what happens happens and I'm not going to take anything like super seriously, we're not going to do 87 takes, you know, anything like that. And it still came across just exceptionally well and everything just fit and fell into the place for this one. Um. I don't know. And, and yeah, I love that part of it, but I think also that, that comes with the writing. I really honestly do. Like you put decent writing in front of good actors and you're going to get a really good performance. You're going to have an easier time making a better, more entertaining, more thorough movie than with a weaker script. And this is definitely, I mean, I know he won the Oscar for it, which is well deserved, but this is definitely the best thing that he's written by far. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I think so too. I don't know. Love and Thor, love and thunder had a lot of layers that you didn't really like dive into. Um, but yeah. Okay. I'm the rewatch. Yeah. You'll find eight, eight reasons why you love Thor, love and thunder, but we'll do that for another, but this one is just, it's got such a diverse style of writing and directing and stuff. Like storytelling, like there's even a horror scene, there's a horror scene when the kid goes in there and sees her for the first time. And then they do that classic shot of the hand coming around the corner and like the push in. It's like, it's got so, so much diversity in it. And it's so smart, extremely smart. I, uh, one of my random notes, Brandon, um, everybody, all the characters in this movie is from Germany. So this is a love letter to Germany, correct? That's what the, I mean, he's, is that not a letter to Germany or Nazi Germany? Well, they all weren't Nazis. So if they all were Nazis, I would say that, but that was the, that was in hunt for the wielded people. Everybody in the movie was from New Zealand. And it was a, no, but apparently he did say it was kind of a letter to like his mom. Yeah. Yeah. From, uh, from when he started getting, uh, having kids and stuff and realizes. Where's his mom from? Excuse me. She's the, mom from. She's the Nazi. I think New Zealand. I will say the, uh, the, what's your face, um, Elsa, uh, wasn't, yeah, was in fact family friends with Tyka. Yes. Yeah. And I was wondering about that. You hit, you dropped that a little bit earlier. Do you have any, I'm just curious. Do you have any like other background info about that? Or is that the extent of what you know, um, let's see what I know. So I'm just curious, his fan, he or his family was friends with the family that she was a part of. Um, so that he knew her through that of them being friends. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's everything. That's all I had. Okay. Gotcha. Cool. According to IMDB, that's what I was looking for. God. I'm so much more satisfied now. According to the, um, she, she was in the theater scene in New Zealand. And so that's how they kind of all knew each other. New Zealand again, it's almost like he, that's where he's from. It's like a love letter to new, um, the, um, I love, uh, but it, but it's just a harp on the writing a little bit more like I just, most of my notes are, are just the one liners and the jokes. Like the fucking, she's a female Jesse jet, Jewish Jesse Owen, that one, that one made me very, I was like, Jesse, Jesse Owens reference. Love it. Hell yeah. Dude. What would you do? I'd burn the house down and blame Winston Churchill. Do a lot of good, a lot of good lines. Um, how'd you feel about, I, I, the music, uh, Brandon, um, in general, but at the very beginning, I thought it was hilarious. And I thought it was perfect that they did like they made Hitler feel like, uh, the Beatles like coming to, coming back to Germany, they're doing, doing the music and all the, the cracks and stuff. And it was a very interesting, very like just the position juxtaposed soundtracks I feel like on this one, which I liked. I thought it worked. Yeah. No, I thought, I thought it was fantastic. I loved, um, not a lot of movies open like, you know, with the, with the, um, studio, um, credits or, or what are those tags called with the, with, you know, Fox 20, 20th century or whatever it is. Like that has its own theme song, right? It has its own theme music, not a lot of movies incorporate the movies music in with those. And so right from the get go, um, the score kind of already puts us in this different headspace in this satirical, you know, whimsical kind of kind of, um, mentality. Um, and then yeah, go and go with the Beatles, uh, in, in, uh, in German. Let me hold, I want to see your, uh, uh, I want to hold your hand. Um, that was fantastic. I was wondering about it. Yeah. Yeah. I loved it. I thought it was, I thought it worked perfectly. Um, they did that multiple times too throughout, uh, where, where it would be like the German version of the song, uh, and I thought it was great. I absolutely, absolutely helped us get into the type of movie into the style of, of satire that we're watching. I, uh, agreed, um, agreed here here, so I keep, yeah, I keep going back to this, but I just was scrolling across a couple more lines with the, uh, uh, with Sam Rockwell's character of, uh, no, no, no, I, I, we need, we need dogs, not actual German show. Oh, yes. The German show. Yeah. I was on the floor rolling. That was amazing. Yeah. You're going to give JoJo a job. He's going to feel included and she goes, well, he could, he could, uh, help with the propaganda or he could walk the clones and that wasn't even ever touched on. Yeah. The clones. That was so random. So also those were the JoJo's, um, little brother. Yes. Um, they had twins and then they just copied the twins. So that was actually JoJo. It was a little brother. Yeah. Interesting. Dude, that was funny. I very, I bomb proof of legs. Oh, God, those were absolutely just, just great. Absolutely great. I also noticed that in, uh, in one of the intro montages with all the kids and stuff, there's that see, uh, that shot where the kid throws the axe at the train, it bounces back and gets into his leg. Yeah. That reminds me of a next goal wins when like the, they kick the ball at the goal and it comes back and hits the, some person in the face. Yeah. I feel like he likes that gag. I'm going to be looking for him. No, Jeffrey. No, Jeffrey, that was an homage to his movie. Wasn't it, is it not a trope at this point? A trope. I don't know. A trope. I don't know his own trope. I looked through his, I'll look through back his stuff. Did they ever do that? I, did they never do that in hunt for wilder people? That feels like such a hunt for wilder people. I know. It totally does. I think he did. I feel like he did. Hey, it's a trope now. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Tramage. Tramage. Tramage. Um, but then also, um, I just keep coming, coming back to this because I'm just scrolling through, through random notes and my, my thoughts are so all over the place. Um, but it's what allows the whimsical, you know, satire in the fun and the, all these jokes to land and be so impactful is because there's actually like a theme to it. There's actually like meat and potatoes underneath all of this stuffing. Um, where, uh, with, uh, Elsa's character, she says, you know, you're not a Nazi, right? You're a 10 year old kid who likes swastikas and dressing up in funny outfits. And who wants to be part of a club? And that's really what it, what it's all about, right? That's what the, the movie, uh, it's theme really is is you're an outsider and you're looking for connection and you're looking for, uh, you know, someone to tell you that you're good enough and to welcome you into something. Uh, and it just so happens to be Nazi Germany. And that to me is just the most interesting thing about it. And you can dress it up all you want and make all the jokes you want. And that's why it works so well. Yeah. Finding his place in the world, you know, losing people close to him. What am I going to do? Yeah. It's very God God. He's, it's so good. We should watch that. I know. Oh, my pick. I recommend my this one and the same, say with the editing though, I think the editing is also top notch. Um, we touched on it a little bit, but I think it's really tight. Like the pacing, uh, is, is really quick, but it's never too quick. I don't think we ever miss anything. I don't feel like anything, you know, was, was a, it was ever dragging at any moment. Um, I thought it was editing, editing wise was spectacular. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's again where I feel like it's just a mix of different styles. Like they hold on longer shots when they need to be held on. Yes. Like, uh, put like dolly ends and like quick pans and tilts and stuff. They didn't have a ton of camera shots. They did have some. They did have some. It felt like mostly, um, about framing. It's like they're really, you know, matching, um, West Anderson, like we said, but, um, they did have, they had some camera movements and I, yeah, it was technical. Particularly, um, yeah, I don't know if you guys remember, but particularly that like horror style scene, he does like a slow pushing towards the little doorway and then her hand comes out. Yes. Well, he does. Yeah. He mixes the styles, which is really cool. He does. But he also, I mean, he, he uses them very well and very effectively because like he does that exact same push in, um, after, after Rosie dies or after, after we discover that, that she's been hung, um, you know, and, and Jojo comes with his knife and goes to stab, uh, Elsa, like there's also that slow push in, right? So it's, you know, this different type of horror kind of film and this, this different different type of, of usage of this exact same shot gets a lot of mileage out of the same. Yeah. So even that's what really excites me about cinematography, like even though, you know, when you, when people think of great cinematography, you think of really like dramatic, uh, kind of stuff. But I like when it's can be simpler like this too, like all, all use stuff like, um, simpler things, like examples like the whale, I liked the cinematography out of the whale because they chose that more compressed aspect ratio and it felt like it worked because for certain reasons, simpler stuff, but I think it can still be effective. Anything of focal lengths for different types of dialogue happening between characters, you can make them feel closer or further away from each other. It's just a lot of fun. I know you disagreed with the way you say, Hey, I can't, I can't remember if you liked the whale or not. I'm going to cut that out. You can't, you're not allowed to say good things about the whale. So that no one heard that. I promise you, or I'll just bleep it out. Okay. Let me, let me go back. Okay. Let's talk about the Batman cinematography. Hey, that was the only good part of hate, you know, who shot that had to have good stuff. That was the only good part of it. Batman doesn't fricking Spanish and shit. We can get along when Greg Frasier shot stuff at least there's that line. No chemistry between him and the cat. It was ridiculous. Not like in the quiet place, day one. No, quiet place. That cat was so much better. That cat was amazing. That cat was amazing. Um, and I do want to correct a, uh, same Rockwell three years in a row with a movie that got nominated for Best Picture. It was three billboards. And then it was vice. And then it was, uh, JoJo Rabbit. So three years in a row from 17, 18, 19, he was in a movie that was nominated for Best Picture. I think it was a fairly big part. I don't remember how big of his part he had in vice. He was a smaller role, but a pretty big role at the same time because he was George W. Bush. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yes. Yeah. So he was, he was in, he was a pivotal character, but he was a side character, pivotal side character. That's where Rockwell likes to live. He, uh, did you see the, did you see the trivia of, um, Taika said he took the shot multiple takes of a lot of the scenes in, in a range of sadness to comedy, like sliding scale wise. And then he, no, I didn't. So, um, the shot majority of the film with multiple takes in varying degrees of comedy or drama. The film was seen with, with either a lot of humor injected or, um, a lot of drama and then pick his mix in post production and see how, you know, the path he wanted to go. Which is interesting, which I wonder how super annoying for actors can't keep track, can't keep track of what the story is at all. Right. Realistically, you can't keep track like your, your character arc very well. Have I been sad this whole time or I've been, been happy this whole time? Interesting. Yeah. Hmm. Fascinating. I like that. I like that. Yeah. All right. Something to ponder. Something to think on and sit while I watch Firefly, um, I have one more question for you guys. How did you guys feel about the ending? Cause it kind of like ends on an open note, but I mean, there were some elements that were kind of like came back around based on like character development and stuff. Um, from a character development standpoint, like it was, it was fantastic because, uh, we see this full, you know, transition from someone who, uh, thinks, you know, not sees it the best and we 100% need, uh, Germany to win the war and patriotism is these the number one thing and all Jews are evil and all this, you know, horrible stuff. And then learns, you know, they are human beings. And they're being ostracized just like I'm being ostracized. So why would I pick out someone who I know exactly how they feel, um, and kind of learns that? And I love that from a, from a character progression standpoint, um, from a story standpoint, I'd love to know what the hell he's going to do and who's going to take care of him and what, you know, is going to happen to this Hitler awkward, shy little boy. Hitler is going to take like the snape term and end up being a good guy. He really truly loved the whole time. Yeah. No, well, he was in love with the, with the Scarlett Johansson and she died and he was like, okay, well, now I have to protect this kid. I'm going to emotionally abuse him the whole time, but everyone's going to be okay with it because I had a bonus. It's an interesting direction for sure. I'm glad they cut that out. Cool. No, uh, he's going to take care of himself. Um, I have in here that it says tying the shoe to end it. I don't remember what the last shot was. Was it the last shots of the last shots of them are them dancing? Yeah. Yes, because you dance dancing is for is for those who are free, right? And that that's another, you know, strong theme as well, um, throughout. And so he finally learns how to tie his shoes and then they get to dance. And it's all a happy, a happy ending, presumably, uh, for, for these guys. But yeah, the last last shot is not of a, of a shoelace. Yeah. Like he ties her shoe before they leave the house. Suck at Brandon, um, I, uh, I will say he did get over his obviously, it was upset by his mom, but I felt like they moved on pretty down quickly. Story wise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, really fast. I feel like I had another Yorkie do him dropping the, uh, rocket launcher and it shooting off was fucking hilarious. Well, whoops. It's fucking. Great. I also liked the, the fuck off Hitler scene. Yes. A lot of great. Like you, it's PG 13 and they, they use their one fuck really effectively. Oh, yeah. And it's when they, when they dramatically kicked his ass out the window. Yeah. Yeah. It was dramatic. It was definitely a matter. I like the, uh, his, um, I mean, we didn't mention costumes and production design, which I think the production design was good. Like everything was believable. But I think the costumes were, and I know they got nominated for an Oscar, I believe, for the costumes and makeup, which I thought was, God, it felt, they felt very authentic. It felt very real. I believed it. I loved his, I loved his, um, Hitler's gunshot and his head wound. Yes. At the end went before he got kicked down. Um, I thought they did a fantastic job also not to. Yeah. Hair, hair, hair makeup was, was honestly outstanding. Um, but then yeah, the, the costume design was just perfect. Yeah. Seemed on point. Absolutely. And, uh, I was reading something about, uh, just on, again, the, uh, IMDB trivia that, uh, the uniforms that Hitler wear throughout the movie are consistently, uh, chronological with, uh, his life and power, um, and how JoJo's, uh, opinion of Hitler changes as well. Um, so like even, even those kind of helped to tell the story as well. And it's not necessarily just historically accurate. It also, um, you know, tell you moves that moves the character forward, uh, as well. Interesting. Interesting. All right. Anyways, um, anything else about JoJo rabbit before we, uh, start rating? Um, I don't think so. I think that my own thing again is just for everyone who's going to watch this film in the future, just pay attention to the dialogue because it is a lot funnier when you, you know, dissect it, I think. Mm hmm. And it's just good storytelling. Like, like cleverly written now, cleverly played out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Solid really clever. Really fucking clever. I agree. Clever girl. That is the wrong movie, Jeff. I am wearing that shit. Well, I did it for you. I appreciate it. Thank you. Yep. You're the clever girl. Oh, it shocks you. Well, I'm so excited. A grade. Great. Great. Great. Raining. Great. Great. This entire time while we've been doing the zoom call, I love that brain and his body disappears. Oh my god. It's so annoying. It is so annoying. I was scared at the whole time. The video people are just like, it's, I've been, I've been trying. It doesn't even just like maneuver this shoulder. And then like, I'll just sit still and it'll be fine. And it'll still disappear. So I don't, I can't. I'm not crazy, right, Jeff? That isn't the background as a match or is it just so? The only thing I can think of is the coral pattern on the bottom right of his frame. Like it's like, I don't know. It's like, it looks like it repeats. Like, I don't know. It's so annoying. I also have noticed that Jeff. Yours has been good. Nothing moves in yours. Hey, I've got, I've got effects and that's all I care for. I'm not a positive. I'm not even positive. If I can change mine, I didn't mean try. You just popped up. I'm not even going to try and mess them with anything. I'm all right. All right, Mateo. So yes, it was your addition. So why did you pick JoJo rabbit? Oh, yeah, that's right. Hey, because I really liked it. It felt like a different kind of war movie. All right. You're welcome. Just for school. It's a war movie. We're doing more movies. Yeah, we're doing more movies. Not just good movies. They're not not just good movies we know of. Even though it feels like that sometimes. I know, right? And I will. I do feel like my prediction will continue. I haven't watched full metal jacket yet, but I because I think I'm going to grade this highly. I know I have to go first because it's mine, which I'm very upset by. I have to go first because I do do truly, truly love this movie. And I, you know, when I picked it, I was like, oh, I remember it being so funny and then having that one deep, deep moment and it did have the deep moment. But it had other moments that I've kind of forgot. I forgot how funny it was. I forgot how technically like West Anderson, he made it and like the different styles. So I think beyond just enjoying it because there's some movies because this, I think this is going to be a nine at least. Some of the other movies in my nines are like I just greatly enjoy it. Jurassic Park, I think it's a boost because I how much I like it. But I think it was so technically fantastic. My only problem where I'm at is I don't think it's as technically as good or like well made as Joker or 1917. I think those two are it while this is still a fantastic like, you know, it's going to have a nine. So if I want to put it at nine point two, five, either I had to enjoy it personally so much more than those. Or I got to bump those up, which I don't want to bump those up. I think I think it's going to be on the same level as who is it going to be? Is it on the same level as Fight Club for me? That's a lot. I feel like Fight Club might be up. I'm going to go nine. Uh huh. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'll say it when I'm going to go. I'm going to go nine flat and I think Fight Club might be a little low. And maybe that changes in the future, but I'm going to go nine flat. And frankly, it matching cast away feels perfect to me. Um, because I just feel like cast away had very technically good stuff. Not as good. I'm going to go nine flat because I think it's just really good. Nice. I'm just trying to justify feels like a nine. It's a nine. It's on the board. Can't do anything else about it. Except I'm just not talking it. You can't change it. I'm going to change. I'm going to change it to another capital J. So it's Jojo because I personally like it. Oh, you kiss you like it. I just like that's how I write Coco. My brother's dog's name is Coco and I write Coco with capital C. Capital C every single time. Nice. Anyways, go ahead. So nine flat. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sweet. Yeah. What you got? Yeah. No, wait, wait. I was. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I was laughing earlier because, um, you brought up the exact. movies, ratings that I was preparing this to as well. Like I was going to say, like, like I was like my joke. My Joker ratings at 9.5, my 1917 ratings at 9.5. I have Fight Club at 9.25. All of these are very solid structured movies that those ones that I just listed are more of epics, which is hard to compare it for something like this as well. But gosh, like, I mean, just like everything we discussed during this episode. There are so many things to appreciate from a technical standpoint, no matter how simple and I mean all the subtleties and like the comedy and everything was just played out really well. The actors did really well. This is a movie I can get on board with like wanting to shoot someday. Like I just so very smart and very clever. So I think I have to put it in the nines as well. I think I'm going to go 9.25 though. Oh, that seems reasonable. That seems reasonable. You know, I really was debating like when I watched the movie, I kind of like think about it a little bit and I was really sitting there and going, do I want to bump 1917 up to 9.5 to make this a 9.25 because I do think 1917 is better than this movie. You know, not a lot, but I do. I think it deserves to be above JoJo Rabbit, even though I do love JoJo Rabbit, but yeah, I don't know. 9 feels good. 9.25 is reasonable. Damn it. Brand's going to go higher. I'm going to be the jackass. We got it. Would this be the third 10 that he's done? Yeah. Yes, it's a word. Yes, it's a word. It won't be a 10. It won't be a 10. It will be a 9. Oh, look at his face. It could be a 10. No, watch this. Watch this, Jeff. He's just going to be like, you know what? I know I said a lot of good things about it. Frankly, I kind of hated it. So I'm going to go 5.5 flat. Yeah, I don't know if I can go above 6. Honestly, this is what's I want. It's that one Harry Potter movie I fucking hated. Really? It really rubs me the wrong way, you know, with its humor and its quirky aesthetics and its semi accurate. I just listened to. I was just listened to the Okja episode again and I loved his reason for being like, I, you know, I just didn't like this animal. It was too human. No, it was too smart. I love that reason. These kids were just too human, man. I don't know. Yeah, if we could we can dumb down a little bit. I would go listen to our joke for Jeff and I just bad your brain the whole time. What sit there stewing in my own. I ate a steak. I tried it rare this time. I know. I named it first, actually. Oh, yeah, 5.25 5.25. Oh, yeah. I did not care for it at all. So no, this is not the okja of of this of this month. Thankfully, that's next. No, I I'm sitting over here looking at look at my grading. Oh, he throws also down. No, power through your fine. We don't need to hear. Yeah, they were there. Um, so I sit over here looking at my gratings and I I'm struggling about where exactly because I definitely I definitely love this movie and I watch it for I think it was the first time since since I saw it in theaters when it first came out and I just kind of fell in love with it again about how how enjoyable it was about how how funny it was like I just forgot just the humor of it then again. It's with with how it is it is but it's got super super good themes as well. Like extremely human elements to this. It's got a good story. It's got a good backbone that everything can play off of. And so all the elements are kind of just working is in synchrony with each other. And so I like there's nothing really wrong with this movie at all. I just don't know if I like it as much as things like poor things or with, you know, Matt Max or with even something like down to the plan of the apes. Like I think I like those movies a little bit more. I was right, Jeff. Bye. But I definitely love this movie and I definitely enjoy everything that this movie brings, but I think I'm going to put it somewhere on the on the level of like a midsummer, the revenue at the able a for getting Sarah Marshall even where it's a nine flat for me just because I don't know it it. It's just I've seen kind of like Jeff said more epic movies that that do more things for me that I enjoy a little bit better, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. I I enjoyed this, you know, from start to finish and and I really recommend highly recommend this one. Hey, it's always nice not being solo last. Hey, I appreciate it granted in in Brandon scale. That is he did not love this. I have some in Brandon scale. I have some issues with this. All right, two nine's and a nine point two five, not our highest ever rated film, which was last week, uh, 1917, but still we are still working towards a war being the highest rated movie club of all time at nine and a half average. Nine point five average is blowing the other ones out of order. Hopefully next week, um, hopefully Brandon doesn't disappoint us. Hopefully Brandon doesn't disappoint us and ruin everything. I've also never seen like full mental jacket all the way through. I've seen like scenes of it, but that's about it. It's like it's like when you're a plane and you everybody gets a birdie and you're the last one to finish out and it's like you also better get a birdie because you don't need fuck up that hole. Um, everyone's going to be annoyed with you. Can't wait. Watch another like raging bull situation or something. I'm going to, I'm going to hate this. No matter what, I'm going to love it. I'll just bash it the whole time and then be like, okay, nine point five. Yeah, Matt's going in predetermined to not like this movie. Jeff's going in going, you know what? Fuck this movie. This is the oak job of war. I can't stand ratings. I mean, I'll like it. That is a good point. Reverse psychology. Um, yeah, no, I again, I'm shocked that, uh, Jeff, you haven't seen this. Just bid with it being a Kubrick movie with all of us, you know, going to film school and, and that just being one of those, um, kind of movies that everyone's like, Oh, you got to see this if you're in film school. You got to do this, that and the other. Um, so yeah, my teachers, they didn't show it to me. Yeah, well, same. I had to seek it out on my, on my own. Ah, I see. Yes, yes. It comes to the peer pressure. Absolutely. I did. Have you warned me? What are you talking about? Have you met me? God damn do I like in film school, it's kind of funny. People just said like, Oh, you haven't seen this. I'm just like, yeah, well, you know, I just didn't get around to it. And we'll say, give me that camera. I'm trying to learn camera stuff right now. Um, we'll talk later when I get good at this. Don't talk to me right now. I don't have opinions. I'm learning what ISO is versus ASA. They're the same thing, basically. Oh, okay. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. ASA is an old, older term and then I at the updated ISO. And now you know, I made the free to explain to us what we want. We watched. Watched. Sweet. Well, I am. I'm very excited to talk next week with you guys about Full Metal Jacket. This was a good one on JoJo and I don't know if we've locked in what we're doing in August, but to finish out them. Are we finished with the with the month with Full Metal Jacket? Or are we playing some games at the end of the month? What are we doing here? I assume we're going to play some games because are all of our scheduling is kind of up in the air. I'm not really positive. Who's going to be home? Who's not going to be home? So we'll probably end up being games. Maybe we'll get a surprise. If someone can think of one, if someone comments, if someone messages and gives a suggestion, then I'm totally down to do another a fourth one. But you know, that fourth one is if people do want to vote, suggest anything in any of the months, not just this one moving forward. Also, if you have an idea, you want one, let us know and we'll just we'll do that one. I would love that. Oh, I absolutely love that. Yeah. Yeah. So let us let us know because we're all over. We're all over social. So there's no excuse to not find us. You know, we're we're here and we're listening and we're ready. Physically. I've got my notifications turned on. So talk to us. Please, dear God, we I mean, you'll be the only one. So we will comment back. Yes, we will. Yes, we will jump on jump on be like, Matt's a bitch. I'd be like, yes, I am. Why particularly? Oh, is there any particular reason? Oh, no, just in general. Ah, okay. Cool, cool, cool. General bitches. Until then, you guys, thanks for stopping by. Like, subscribe, do all the good stuff for us. Enjoy the movies, whether you're seeing them at home or if you're going out to the theaters, be safe, have a happy, healthy, wonderful life and tie your shoes. Hey. Hey. Bye. Bye. [Music]