What We Watched

108 - Kinds of Kindness

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

This podcast does contain spoilers, so if you're okay with that, listen on. If not, pause the podcast, go watch the movie we're about to talk about and come on back. All right, sweet. Excuse me, Brad, over here. Hey, pardon me, pardon me. Why don't you have the popcorn? It's starting. Hey, hey, hey, shut up, shut up and listen to the podcast. Hey. [ominous music] There's a lot out there to see. This is what we watched. Hey, but it was slightly colder today. It was under 100 degrees. Under 100. That's what we're shooting for now. Hey, that's what I'm shooting for the last week or so, I'm shooting for under 100 degrees. You know what I'm shooting for, for the podcast? What's that? Good movies, good movies. Yay, good movies. Okay, we're going to watch, we watched. We're just going to power through that shitty intro. I don't like hearing that cold open. That's fine. It's good. We're back. That's what matters. We are best. It's just me and Matt today, just Matt and I, just me and myself and Mateo and Matt. Mateo, the way we like it, the original band. Oh, yes, OG, we are the single band. It was one band. It was a skinny band. It was fine. This is a skinny band, short band, the good people. But we are doing our podcast and you know what that podcast is called? It's called What We Watched. What we know what we watched is. I do ask for you a podcast. I always going to. It's also a movie. It's a, it's also a podcast for TV lovers and it's a podcast for those who like singing along. To the, to their favorite songs. I should have. Of course. Good. You should have ever mentioned it. And of course, all of America's favorite song collectively is obviously the national anthem. Brother, that chick was awful. What's in her name? This is like Ingrid something. She's known rehab. I'm sure I can just type in Ingrid and figure it out on dress. It absolutely. Yeah. We'll be at the top of the result. So we're recording in a vacuum today when we're recording is the day of the all-star game. So we had the privilege of watching and listening to the greatest rendition of the national anthem before the home run derby yesterday. God. Do you think she was actually drunk? OK, for the people. Yeah, it was Ingrid Ingrid Andres who's like a legit country singer. She's been nominated four times for for Grammy. Like, yeah, I listened to like one music video for like 30 seconds. I'm like, you know what, she can kind of actually sing a little bit. So do you think she was actually drunk or do you think it's all bullshit? I honestly think it's all bullshit. I don't think she was she was that drunk. I don't know what it was. I don't know if she was on something. I don't want to think that either. I think that she just got really like paranoid and really like afraid of the moment. I don't know. I disagree with that. I mean, that's insane to me. If our country singer who tours and like has a concert to be like, oh, I'm nervous singing the national anthem, I, you know, that would be crazy to me. Um, we were some of us are talking and it was like, I wonder if they just didn't give her or they fucked up her, um, here, her, it's like most of the time people will send back a feed of themselves sometimes to the people so they can hear and they can stay on pitch and they can control themselves. Some people just do it like internally. Some people will be very impressive. So maybe she was like, Hey, I don't need them. And everyone went, wow, you don't understand singing in a stadium because it's really hard. It's like so echoey and it's so like open that it's really hard to just judge it off yourself. So I wonder if that or maybe she did ask for it and they fucked it up, but I feel like she said something about that. She would have been like, she would have bashed the audio people. I'm sure because God, everyone starts bashing the audio people right off the bat. Right. Right. Blame somebody else, not blame. Don't don't take accountability or, you know, like, like I said, if she's just, you know, didn't have any assist, any kind of auto tuning to kind of like, you know, help on the back end and just doesn't always hit the notes that she's supposed to. I mean, that was, that was farther than, okay, she's a mediocre. Like, yeah, sure. Definitely pop singers that like will sing on their own acoustic or whatever. And it's like, okay, she's not that good. We understand blah, blah, blah. But that is, that's a whole nother level. That's like God, it was embarrassing. Can you imagine waking up the next morning or do you think it happened? Do you think she started immediately? Cause I didn't see it until I want to say like that night, like after the home run derby happened and everything. Uh-huh, which who, hey, I who won the home run derby just so we can establish something better about this. Not it's just about how awful she was. Uh, that was the Los Angeles Dodgers. Uh, you watched it for his name. You watch. I know I did. I know I did. He watched it last night. It was a Taos for Hernandez. Oh, of course, obviously. It was a Los Angeles Dodgers star, Taos for Hernandez, who was making his first major league home run derby. And he was, I think, what was the stat? The fourth, uh, first time Derby contestant to win it. So that was cool. Nice, nice, nice, magical, but yeah, that was a good show. That was, it was after the, uh, horrendous rendition. That was a, uh, it was a fun time. I, I had the privilege a few years back when it was at Coorsfield to get to watch the home run derby, uh, live and it like is shockingly and entertaining. Like thing to be at and to, you know, take part of, um, I, I have always loved the All-Star game and I've always loved to love the festivities. I would love to see like a skills competition. Like something like the, like hockey does, or even that, that football's implementing in the pro balls, like some kind of skills competition, uh, during, during the All-Star break. Okay. Pitch them, pitch, pitch a couple. What do you want to see? Uh, furthest throw or most accurate throw from, you know, third base or from second base or stuff like that. Uh, let's see if you can hit it to the, to a certain target. Let's see how accurate you can be, you know, trying to, to hit it. Or if you're not a switch hitter, how far can you hit it, uh, from the other side of the batter's box? That would be fucking amazing and hilarious to watch. I don't believe if they put a, uh, a skills competition, I still would not watch. That's fine. It's for me. Oh, just for your, I, the brand brand and Elliot skills competition this year. Um, someone's going to win the, the Brandon going to have a little statue of you. That'd be sweet. I'd be down with that. I might watch it if it's that if it's labeled like that. I think I'd be down for that. That would be so cool. Anyway, yeah. So we're, we're going to try and do better than Ingrid did last night. We're off to a great start. No, I'm cutting that awkward pause. I don't know what you're talking about. One awkward pause and I don't know what you're talking about. No, we're, uh, today on the podcast, Matt and I, uh, are, we're, we're just doing audio because, uh, Google hates me. So I can't do the zoom recording or the Google meets recording. See, I'm telling you, I'm going to butcher it now. Potentially. That's definitely Google's fault that you didn't, uh, pay more to have the higher level Google West. You know what? Fuck Brandon. Yeah, fuck you. Fuck. Thanks a lot, man. Thanks. Who's this guy? He's the skills competition guy. Fuck that guy. He wants a skills competition, but he won't pay for it. You won't think from the thing rolling. So no, it's not happening. Baseball doesn't have a skills competition because they hate you. Cause they hate me. Exactly. See, it all makes sense. Oh, definitely. Uh, so today, today on the show, Matt and I are going to be talking about the new Jorgos Land the most, uh, movie. I was going to say, you know, series of short films, but hell yeah. Uh, a movie called kinds of kindness. Uh, currently out in theaters now, uh, interesting, an interesting take. Uh, I can't wait to get into that, but before we do that, uh, Matt, you were telling me you, uh, got to see, uh, another movie while you've been down in Grand Junction. What, uh, would you go see? Um, yeah. So I did, I also saw, cause I know you've already seen the bike riders. So I was able to see the bike riders cause I'm out here in Grand Junction. And this is movie like desert homey. There are two movie theaters here. There's a regal and then there is the picture show, which definitely one of the best names for a movie theater. I really like that. Granted, uh, it doesn't have stadium seating. What? So it's not that good. Um, it, but even the, what does it have fault? Just fold out chairs and not, it's just everyone's got no, it's a little angled. It was like slightly angled. Last time I was here, I saw the fall guy. Um, and yeah, it was thankfully no one else is there because it was just like short. God. And then the regal is not very big either. I was going to see, um, I was going to see horizon because Jeff is a liar and said good things about it, which I figured this was going to happen anyways. I figured it'd be like visually nice, but like the story would be annoying and it'd be long and shit like that. So, but I want to wait until it's like at least a bigger screen, better screen. Then the garbage that's here, um, no offense, grand junction or the picture show. Um, the, so I saw bike riders, um, is very interesting. I have seen two movies while I'm out here, both movies kinds of kindness being the other one, um, both movies, a couple walked out on really both movies, bike riders, two people, they left or I want to say they left around. Maybe the abort, I forgot, I forgot when they left through in the bike riders, the freaking kinds of kindness people, they left early dude. They left before the first fake ending. So I, which was astonishing. I was very shocked by it. Um, that's irritating. Was it the same couple? I don't think so. Well, the second dude, the only reason I know the difference is in the second one and kinds of kindness, the guy was really big, like a big buff dude. And that's the only reason I noticed he was definitely not the same as the other one, which was a normal looking human being. How strange, even with films like I don't like, if I have paid or if I have honey, uh, submitted one of my, one of my free tickets, like, I'll sit through it. I don't know. I, I, there's something in me that's like, I'm going to get my money's worth or I'm going to, I'm going to endure this torture, even if I, it's not my cup of tea, even if I don't like it or it's not grabbing me the way that I thought it would. Like I don't, yeah, I definitely don't walk out. It's got to be a lot for me to leave a lot. And I could not tell you, I don't know if there's any movie. I have walked out on that. I can remember the closest would have been like madam web, but that was just hilarious. That was just a great comedy, I thought. Um, they did, they did a really good, like satire take on, uh, Marvel and superheroes and stuff and just to show you how dumb it really is. Um, so they have a really high level intellect. Um, but, but so I saw the bike riders. Um, it was, I thought it was. Middle of the road, mediocre. My big issue with it with it is that, um, I didn't like the way they decided to tell the story. Like interviewing her and kind of doing it, like in, you know, linearly kind of like in a row, but like not exactly. And we kind of gotten it broken up a little bit here and there. I did not like that. I would have loved if you've just given me a motorcycle, um, almost famous, sweet. Here's my money. I'll watch it again. I would have loved that of them, like actually like starting and, um, you know, I like the emotional stuff. Like I figured going in. I thought it was going to be more about, you know, what it is to be part of the part of the biker gang and it's a family and it's like, you know, we're here for each other, but we're also bad people, blah, blah, blah, stuff like that. I figured that, which I liked. I was okay with, but it's just the way they decided to tell it and lay it out. I just, I was not digging it and, um, I think it really prevented me from, you know, it'll be, we'll, I'll be echoing this future when we talk about the next movie. But I couldn't, it was hard for me to sink, truly sink into the movie when we got interrupted by, um, you know, the chick and, and the X tennis player, um, when we got interrupted by them, it was a little knowing to me. But that sound was, uh, those motorcycles, fucking gangster sound was good. The costumes really were really cool. Also, um, but yeah, at least for the bike riders, it was, for me, it was really slow. Um, I also didn't care for the way it was, it was told, but I think that just more caught me off guard than me just going. Oh, I just absolutely hate this, this form of storytelling. Um, it just felt like, I don't know, we were, we were looking in from the outside, but then also, like, interacting with characters and, and, and, you know, situations where the main character who is telling the story wouldn't have been privy to that information. So it's either just speculation or, right? Like, you know, to play up on that would have been interesting to go, Hey, you weren't actually there. How do you know this is what they said? How do you know, uh, how do you know this is what, what happened? Um, or are we just going to piece me a list together or, or hey, I've only got bits and pieces of this. So I've had to, you know, create my own story around this. And then sometimes I think it would have been a little more interesting. Yeah, sometimes it wasn't even her telling the story. Like they like blended into, and then the guy was like, the interviewer was also there at some point too. And I was just like, I was like, I don't know what has happened. I don't understand like what this is truly happening in, in the thought that they were going to let that they let that, um, reporter wear a jacket. That's insane to me. That's insane. Yeah. Like, yeah, I thought they treasured. I mean, they do treasure that shit, like for the rest of it, but they just let that slide. And that was so weird to me. Filled out of breaks. It, yeah, it, it all, it felt, uh, it just, yeah, definitely disjointed. Um, and, and not as much, not so much lackluster, but it, it wasn't as, I don't know, it wasn't as enthralling as I was hoping it to be. Plus, you know, again, and this is why I personally try to stay away from trailers. As you know, it, it, the first teaser trailer, the first couple of teaser trailers for this movie made it feel like a lot more intense, a lot more gripping, a lot more, uh, dirty and gritty than it really was. Um, so I try to, try to, you know, go in with, with different expectations from what I see. But again, when it kind of promotes a different style of movie, then I'm just my, you know, thrown into a whirlwind of, oh, I've got to reset my expectations after I've already started this movie. Can't do that. God. No, God, no, absolutely not. I decided what I'm going to eat next week and God, I cannot change that. Okay. Um, uh, what do you think about the, uh, you know, I thought it was a, I thought it was still, you know, down and gritty and I thought it was still gritty and shit, but, uh, but I understand. I guess it, I don't know. It's interesting because you said, because you saw it before me and you were like, Oh, this isn't what I was expecting. I then said, I think it's like this. And it was kind of what I thought it was going to be. Like I personally, so it's interesting that you and I interpreted the trailer differently. And so is it really necessarily like, what are they supposed to do? If like other people did interpret correctly. That's true. Yeah, if it was just me seeing something and projecting like, Oh, this wouldn't this be cool to see. Uh, that's very true. Maybe that maybe they did. And I haven't seen the trailer in a minute. Maybe they did market it exactly how it was late Monday, like a, like a late one. Um, ha ha ha ha, uh, what do you think about the acting? I did think the acting was pretty good. Um, I believe I have a story about some teenage, I think teenage girls that were watching the movie. And I think there was one reason why they were there. Ozzie Butler is pretty hot. I'm not going to lie because awesome butler. Yeah, yeah, very, very, very rugged. I would say for sure, um, he, I think awesome butler is starting to lose the Elvis accent. Not as much as as quickly as I wanted, as I think he is. Most actors usually do, but I think he's getting there. Uh, besides that, I thought it was actually really good. I love Tom Hardy. Um, the, the wife, she was, uh, she was, she, she's not going to her character. I thought pretty, that's like the release got so annoying. Oh my God. I was like, I'm over this. Can we stop this? Can she just like be from a normal city at some point, please? Yeah. Um, but overall, I mean, I think age character was pretty, pretty unique and pretty distinct from one another. Um, and yeah, I think that I don't think anyone did a particularly bad job. I don't think it was necessarily outstanding work. Um, but it definitely wasn't, you know, to me, it wasn't, uh, um, um, uh, I was going to say Miss Marvel and that's not the right, the right thing. Um, Madam Webb, well, it wasn't Madam Webb level. Oh God. I see. I didn't think it was even close to that. It feels very like middle of the road to me. Like they, I watch it and I go, uh, you could have gone a different direction and I would have absolutely loved it probably more, but I don't hate this. Like I was never watching it going, you know, oh, this is awful personally. Um, so I, I, you know, I'm not going to grade it, but it would be in like the mid sevens, probably, you know, somewhere around there. Um, yeah, just cause it's like, I would say either high sixes or low sevens for me. Yeah. I'm not putting in by no means am I putting it in the conversation in the eights, which would be like, Oh, hey, I think this might be one of the better movies of the year. I don't, in to me. And then, you know, I guess maybe it could be six. If I looked at it more critically and I actually put down, put down some notes. No, no, no, I really like Austin Butler. I was watching this going out of the guy. It's so funny that you brought up the, the Elvis thing. Cause I go, God, I feel so bad. I wonder if people would respect him more if the Elvis thing never happened. Um, cause he's such a good actor. I feel like, yeah, um, you know, not all of his roles necessarily are fantastic and the movies that that he's inside of, um, are, aren't, aren't always fantastic. But I don't think it's, I rarely think it's his fault. I like, I can't think of a movie that I'm like, I don't like it because of him. He's one of the reasons why I don't like it. Right. Right. So yeah, no, he's, he's stellar. He's a lot of fun to watch. He's very versatile. Um, but yes, if Elvis never happened, I really wonder if it would, if he'd be anywhere near the level of, of star that he is. And I don't think so. And I don't know that the amount of crap that he would get for, for the roles. I think that it would be a lot less. I think he would be, he definitely would not be, I don't think he'd be as big of a star, but I think they kind of like wanted to make him a star. He was one in that like Glen Powell kind of realm where it's like, we're going to put him in everything. So I, I agree with you that he, I'm sure he wouldn't be as big of a star, but I bet you he'd be more like, you know, the voice is like the most that people talk about him. I think at this point, it feels like, um, so it's like, he would be a little bit, he'd be a little bit more respect, because literally you brought it up, you know, um, and I'd even prompt you in any way, shape or form, but like, I think he'd be a little bit more, you know, well, well respected with a lack of a better term where it's like, I think he's still respected, but I think he would be seen as like a much better actor that just hasn't found like breakout movies yet rather than, oh, he still kind of sounds like Elvis, you know, yeah, rather than that, like that's what the takeaway from his stuff is, um, very different connotation, very different association for sure. For sure. Um, so we'll roll into, we'll roll into, uh, the main event kinds of kindness. K. Okay. I've been spelling a K. K. Okay. Just writing K. Okay. Everywhere. Um, when, when you write K. Okay. Do you do upper, all upper case or do you lowercase the O? Cause that's what I do. I go, I do, uh, upper, lower upper, I'm guessing you do all uppers. What are you talking about? We just had this JoJo conversation. Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. So I made a mistake because you gave, you gave a list of movies, um, that were like, Hey, you know, I don't know if anybody seen this. I'm willing, I would like to talk about these. I'd be down to talk about these and I went through the list and I was like, I was like, uh, singing, no way, no way it's going to be around here. So I picked kinds of kindness out of the list. Cause I was like, sweet. I, you know, that's a, that's a mainstream, the dude just won. I mean, he was just in the Oscars. Like four things was, you know, everyone went abeshit for four things. So it's got to be wide release, like wide, wide release. Um, not necessarily true. Um, no, I, so I searched, could not find it in the two theaters that are here. Um, then even though there's some, like dandelion movie, which I've never even heard of, which they're showing that though. I don't understand, but then I did a search. I widen for people who don't know, I'm in Grand Junction. So I widen my search and then I found one show, one movie theater that was showing it once a day at like six 30. Uh, okay. And so I was like, okay, sweet. I found one bought the tickets couple days, then it's rolling into Sunday. And I checked to make sure, oh, how long is it going to take? Cause it's going to be a drive. Like I'm going to have to leave the town. And, um, I, I, I bought a ticket in Aspen. So I drove an hour and a half to ask this. And then I, I drove longer than this fucking movie was. But God, oh my God. You could have watched this movie twice. I could have. If they'd let me take it home, I could have watched it on the way home. Um, it was, yeah, I don't know. I was so annoyed, dude, it was so far, but I'm ridiculous. I will say I really got to go to Aspen though. Yes, I did go to Aspen. So, and, you know, hey, it was late. So no, I didn't have to pay for parking gangster, but nice. Honest to God, this was actually a pretty damn cool theater I went to. It was like, it was called, um, BTM theater in Aspen. It is God. I honestly, I was a little late cause I couldn't find it because the entrance just looks like it's like a mom pop clothing store or like, you know, you're walking down the street of a small town and no, there's a bookstore, there's a candy store. And it just looks like a no to those because, um, they have, it looked like they have about five or six theaters and my theater was in the basement. So I had to go down a spiral staircase, um, into the basement where there's three show, there's three screens down there. Yeah. Um, it was really cool. I mean, it looked, it, to me, it looked like a mom and pop shop that like the owner was stuck his head out when I walked in and was like, Oh, hey, and it came over, somebody came out the back to be like, do you want any concessions? I was like, no, I'm okay. And then they, she, she laughed. And, uh, he was like, he was like, yeah, your screen's downstairs. I'm like, uh, what downs, excuse me, downstairs. I had to go way, I had to go way downstairs to, uh, the, this movie theater. It was a really, it was a tiny movie theater, but it was still good. Like I thought the sound was good. That's the, um, quality was good, comfy chairs. Um, so it was definitely, hey, it was definitely a win. I did like this movie theater that I will never go to again in my life. Yeah, I'll be shocked. I'm, I'm looking at some of these, uh, some of these pictures. And yeah, it is very tiny, very intimate setting in there. Yes, it is very. Uh, that, yeah, uh, that's really cool though. That's, uh, quite the story, quite the trip, um, was, uh, it was worth it. It was worth it. I was going to say, was it worth it for the movie? Was the movie worth it? Uh, ironically, I think what's going to happen is I'm going to repeat a shit ton of stuff that I just said about the bike riders because my big issue, my big issue was I couldn't sink into it, you know, okay, and then it was like, I really wanted to sink into this movie and like having three different kind of fucked that up, you know, middle of the road to me acting was great. I, you know, uh, honest to God, it's hard for me to because it's like, this didn't feel like a full cohesive movie and it's like, I know I've seen some reviews, um, and, and reviews and what people think about it. It does seem like it varies. It's mostly, it feels like it's mostly in the middle. Um, Metascore, um, is given it a 64, which is just like into their generally favorable, favorable, which I think is the, I think is the perfect description of like, I'm generally favorable of this movie. Um, I, you know, I didn't love jumping through. I don't know. It, I'm not saying it was a bad necessary decision, but it makes it less of a movie to me and it makes it less of experience doing it. I think he did it well the way he did it because my biggest thing was like, I would sink into like the first one and then it ended and then I had to start over again and I'm like, I was, I got into that first one by the time we got to the end of it and I was like, oh, I'm, I'm excited to see how, where this goes, what's happening and then it ended. I pulled up my phone. I'm like, what the fuck? Uh, I was like, there's no way that was the full movie. That was it. No, right. I don't know. I'm very, I'm very middle of the road for it. I wish her it was. He picked one of them and flushed it out personally, but, um, but he did some interesting shit. So originally, uh, so yogurt's length of most and, uh, and his writing partner from his early days, uh, after miss, so I'm sure I'm butchering that. So I apologize. I heard it. I heard it pronounced it once. Uh, after miss Felipe, who pronouncing, uh, I know, right for real. Um, he and, and that screenwriter, um, teamed up for the first time, um, since, uh, the killing of a sacred deer and they, they flushed this idea about, but originally they had 10 stories that, that they wanted to do. And they paired that down to three. Um, and so, yeah, they had 10 shorts that they were doing. I know, right. Um, but so, so what I found interesting is that a length of us says that, that they don't work like in an analytical way. So they don't, they don't approach a story or they don't approach a project knowing what the theme is to start with. Um, and even the three that they did feel, or that they did, it's always sex. I can tell you it's always sex. That's what there's a sex all the time. It's always some, that or body mutilation, but so, so he says that even the stories that they did select four kinds of kindness, um, that they kind of felt like they was in the same world, but they hadn't really fully developed them when they decided to go with these three. And I think honestly, that was their big downfall is yes. I think they were able to kind of pull stuff out and kind of reflash and redevelop. Uh, these stories to fit somewhat together thematically, um, into, you know, it's, it's about love and it's about what would you do for love and how far would you go for it? And when you kind of analyze it like that, which I'll get into in a minute. Um, it definitely shifts a perspective and makes it look a little bit grander than it is, but I think that their problem was they went into it, just going, yeah, we like these, you know, assortment of stories that really aren't cohesive anyway. So let's, we're going to pick these random stories and then pull from, from it, uh, you know, some things that are loosely connected. I think it would have been better served to really rehaul it and, and pick a good theme, a good strong theme and then restructure each one of these stories. And if you're going to do it that way, uh, to restructure these stories, to really fit that narrative and to really, you know, look at, uh, kindness or really look at love or really look at sex in a different light and use this unique storytelling device that they're going with in a much more, um, I don't know, a better approach than what, than what they, they ended up with. Um, cause like, like I said, I, this is definitely, it's not my favorite. Yeah, I don't hate this movie by any means, um, but it definitely is a step down from poor things, a couple steps down from poor things in my opinion. I wouldn't say that many steps. No, um, yeah, I don't know about like, about the cohesive, like the connection between the three. I feel like end of the people who are like, Oh, it's, it's such a great, you know, it's all connected to all the stuff. It feels to me much more like if, if I were to show you these three separately and unprompted, no one is going to say those are connected. Now if I went, Hey, also these are connected. Okay. Yeah, I can see, you know, about, you know, love, like they're all kind of like, look, you know, it's about love and what you're willing to do kind of all that stuff. Like I, I, I totally get that. And it, I wouldn't disagree with those, but it feels less of like of a massive connection when it was made and you can tell then, Hey, you need to find a connection and go, this is the connection. Okay. Cool. That checks out. So it doesn't feel that like strongly cohesive, which, and honestly, you know, it's not the worst thing. Like each one individually, I don't know if we want to talk about it in that direction, because also like, like I could tell the editing style was different too. Um, I, you know, the third one had a really long fade into a couple different, like transition shots of her walking around the neighborhood. And honestly, I kind of really loved it. And I was like, this is absolutely the first time they've done this. And it felt like different editing, you know, throughout the styles too, which, you know, it was impressive to do. Um, I, you know, the acting is good and stuff. It just like, it takes a knock off to me when I feel like I watched, you know, part of the Oscars shorts, you know, it was like, Oh, we're showing all the Oscar shorts. Sure. It's like, you know, two, three of them just happened to be yoga's, you know, that's what it felt like, you know, kind of, oh, we all happen to have the same people too. Right. Well, and it's, it's also interesting because, um, your ghost and Emily stone, as we have to all now start referring to her, um, her, they, uh, they actually did a short as well, like in, in the process of finishing poor things and then starting kinds of kindness, there's also a short film that they made. So really they made four short films and decided, Hey, we're going to match these three together and put them out together and leave this fourth one off. You know, we'll cut this and let this survive on its own. Um, but I kind of am interested in, to see the world where they were all released, kind of like what Wes Anderson did last year and released a bunch of short films, and, you know, put them on Netflix or whatever as, you know, their own anthology because this really did feel like, um, I got done. And one of the first things I said was, uh, wrote down was that it was a strange absurd anthology, um, uh, that felt very HP Lovecraft or Ray Bradbury or Twilight Zone or even Black Mirror-esque, um, short films. And so to, you know, to, to live in that world where it kind of leans into that and it's released on a streamer and you can kind of, you know, uh, enjoy them as you will. If you want to see all three of them, if you want to just see one of them, uh, go that route because then it feels even closer to the theme that they were doing instead of saying, Hey, this is one cohesive movie because it really isn't a cohesive movie. There's loose themes that are, that are tied in between, uh, each other, uh, and there, but they're all fun. Like, yeah, I'm not, I don't want to knock it as in, in terms of, um, Hey, I hate this. Don't ever do this. This is stupid. Uh, it just didn't hit for me because I think it was so loose, loosely tied together. If he, I agree that he definitely absolutely could have released it on a streaming of like three different, you know, individual, and even he could have done his tent too. Like sure. If someone, you know, if someone explained it, but Brandon, he wouldn't be a real filmmaker then, and you know, you guys wouldn't call him a real, is he a real film? Um, right. He'd be a short filmmaker, which is definitely, and we obviously it's, you know, subservient to a real filmmaker. Hey, what, uh, what is in? Did you, you sat and looked at the, the credits? Cause you love to do that. Right? Uh, I did a movie. I did. I tried to at least, uh, I mean, I sat through the credits. Her, does it say Emily or does it say Emma in the credits of the movie? Uh, I don't know. Now she has Emma. I believe it's, I believe it's credited as Emma until that changes. I'm calling her Emma until if, if she wants to be called Emily, either the, she has to kill the other Emily Stone completely, officially changed her name, or they need to get rid of the rule in Hollywood. Okay. Okay. She can't just be like, I've decided everyone has to call me by a different name. Now she's Emily Stone the second was dumb. So kill the other one. Um, okay, your goes, come down, come down. So I, I'm trying to, I'm trying to do you want to talk about these individually? Um, the three of them, because it's because they do feel so like because all of them, they were cool universes. That's why I kind of wanted them fleshed out. Like I would have been into it. If we had just like gotten a little bit more information and cause like in the first one, one of the reasons why I personally think you didn't like it as much was probably because they didn't, they didn't give information period. Like they gave some information about like the story that you're actively watching, but then they didn't tell you any backstory period. Like why, what was in the first one? Why the fuck was, um, William, William Defoe, you know, running people's lives and doing all this stuff, um, you know, where, where did this start? Why did this start? You know, what, you know, he looks like he is an office, you know, stuff like that. Has he always been doing this? Cause the, there's the first time he asked him to kill somebody. Cause it does definitely the first time. So, so then the way it ended, it felt like the whole thing was just meant for that. But I'm like, there's a whole another universe that you're just inside of, right? The whole, what we watched felt like it was all lead up to just try and kill this guy. And then that's what it felt like their world was also. So it didn't seem complete to me. Do you get what I'm saying? Yes. Yes. Um, I think, I think you're right. I think, you know, my initial was like, no, that can't be my only thing I grab about really can't be. But the more I think about it, I think you're right. He's, he's, if, if I got a little bit more, if I got a little bit more about who William Defoe's character was in the death of RMF, like, you know, oh my God, you know, because, um, uh, Jesse Plummins character, um, Robert, if he, you know, he goes to another company and he tries to get a job with another company. Is that company also going to dictate his life? Is he trying to get right? Someone else's approval, like society. That's how it works. Right. Is that how society works? Is this some kind of, you know, like, um, you know, uh, is he trying to replace like a father figure in his life? Is he, you know, what exactly is going on? So if I had a little bit more of that, I think I'd be a lot more interested. Cause I think the acting was interesting. I thought the story, you know, like you said, definitely caught me of going, all right. Let's figure this out. I don't need it, you know, to be as, uh, plainly laid out in the beginning. Cause, you know, sometimes it's fun to be just dropped in the middle and go, okay, who are these people to each other? Um, but then it just kind of, it was it. It was like we got dropped in into this tiny, short thing and then yanked out before we could really engage ourselves with why we're following these characters and what is different about this universe and what exactly we're examining. Um, and also, you know, who, who RMF is. I thought was an interesting gag that again, I feel like could have been more tied together through all of them. So the first one is called the death of RMF. Uh, the second story is called RDF, or RMF, RDF. Maybe that's, that's different. Um, RDF is flying and then, I, I, it has been, it has to have been a typo. Um, RMF is flying and the third one is called RMF. It's a sandwich. Um, so yeah, to, to see that character even, you know, flushed out a little bit more, you know, he, the, that character of RMF is kind of on the outlines and not really, you know, part of the story at all, but just kind of comes in, uh, at pinpoints during, during the three stories, um, to know who he was and what significance he had would have been, I think more interesting to, to flesh out as well. Yes. Uh, a little bit more fleshing out in general. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, he was paying the dude, he killed the, he paid the guy. Then he left and then he wanted him to get, get killed on his way to wherever in that. And, you know, I, I liked the way that they weaved in this, the hardest part for me is like each individual one. Like, I, you know, he's kind of weirdo. So there's some weird shit here and there, but like, and I also don't need to see like, I don't, I'm out on the rape and all that stuff. And, you know, we, it feels like it's overtly sexual for just the sake of being sexual, but I also thought about that about poor things. And I was told that I was a fool. So I, you know, who knows who's correct now, but it even to like they, they weaved in in the first one, Emma Stone was like a small part. And then by the time we got to the third one, we had switched main character. Like the first one was all Jesse and a little Emma. Then it was about half and a half. Then it was almost all Emma with Jesse there also, which I thought again, very impressive. All of these are fucking impressive. And all of the stories I thought were interested. Um, it just, they just, God, just pick one of them. I don't know. It just makes a less of a movie to me for whatever reason. It just doesn't feel like a cohesive. Yeah. And that in the first one, it was, it was very funny how they weaved Emma Stone in. And then she, you know, she had the racket and stuff. Um, and him stealing the racket was very funny. I don't know. Yeah. I, I liked the humor that was infused throughout. Like I laughed out loud multiple times of just like kind of how absurd these things are or the timing of, you know, lines that were delivered. Like I thought it was actually, it was very raw and it was very absurdist. But like, that's kind of my style of humor is like, let's see how far we can go. How far can we push it? Can I tell you the weirdest, like actually, like, I don't know if it was the biggest laugh, but definitely got me to laugh and I wasn't expecting. And the first one, when Willem DeFoe, he's like, it's like a, it's like a far back shot and he's blocked by the, the couch, I want to say, but he walks into frame, he like takes a big step forward and he's wearing shorts. And I don't know why that really made me laugh in the first one. He was like this businessman. He's very professional. It like stepped forward and he's got the weirdest shorts on. I was like, I don't understand what's going on. That's roughly where I'm like, what is going? What is going on? Yeah. Who are these people? What the hell? Yeah. That was, that was a good gag. I liked that one a lot. Uh, especially I also liked, um, when, uh, when his character in that first one was like, uh, making, making Jesse's character, making, um, um, Robert, just do, uh, the entrance over and over and over. Like how far is he going to push him? Like how many times can he get him to, to, you know, dance? Basically, you know, he was getting frustrated and stuff, still did it and everything. It was funny. I mean, I, you know, small stuff, like the world that we watched was kind of deep, but it wasn't deep beyond the point where we were. Cause I mean, like, I, I thought it was fantastic. Him going to the bar and being like, he, you can clearly tell he's never made a decision because he's like, what do you want to drink? He goes, um, I don't know. He's like, there's wines on the back or whatever. And he goes, uh, what do you, what do you think? What do you think? And then he suggests some and he just immediately went with it. So he didn't make the decision. He just had somebody else make the decision for him. I, you know, all the shit was clever. Like it's good. It's well made and shit. Um, it's just, give me a movie instead of some shorts. Sure. It's too, it's too short for it to be satisfying. We got two, two small of a bike. That's what your, that's what your girlfriend said. Hey, too short to be satisfying. Hey, oh, I got it. It was a sex thing. I get it. I know. I just want to say it was okay. Cause I actually was very quick, kind of, proud of that. Um, but yeah. So, so I want to talk individually about, uh, the actual plots about these. Um, let's talk about the death of our meth, uh, because we kind of touched on that. Like, so what do you, what do you think? Is, is that world, um, is that what that is? Is each corporation that you work for? Like, do they dictate your life? Or is it like these special individual, like people pick out? I don't know if that's their job is. Hey, I'm, I'm just going to be your puppet master. I'm going to see, I'm going to tell you exactly what to do. Cause that's how, uh, I want the world to operate or like, is it private companies? What do you think? Is that, is that a world that you want to live in? I think honestly, my guess is that it's his commentary, commentary on, you know, people who get not traditional nine to five corporate jobs and they just like run their lives essentially through the work. So it was a, it was a cult, like, you know, but cult, when you think of cults, you think of the, the third one, you know, they, they live in a weird ass and they do weird stuff, blah, blah, blah. And they still control their world. But in reality, you know, you know, if you work a job, it's kind of a cult. You know, we worked at the same restaurant and there's people who, you know, oh, we, I love this, this company. I'll do whatever I want for this company. Cause it like turns into like a damn near cult sometimes. So in my mind, it's not necessarily, it's a cult, but just a business side of a cult. You know, it's the same thing as a third one. Just they put a business suit on it instead of the traditional, more traditional one. That's how I, I kind of viewed it. Um, I do believe it's like, it's more culty than everybody does it. It's not like a thing that all corporations, cause again, I didn't even see him do anything. Any of them do anything. Um, so I think it's more like, you know, he gets seat down. I wonder if Willem goes and finds people cause God, he can't be controlling that many people's lives at the same time, right? Is this just a one on one thing or is there a, but then it would be less weird for him to stumble upon Emma Stone also being part of it, right? If everybody does it or if there's a bunch of them, I'd be like, you stumble upon somebody controlling or getting that note. And you're like, okay, it could be somebody else. It could be blah, blah, blah, you know, yeah, no, I think, I think that it's a lot more people. Like I would say probably like 20 to 30 people is probably who he's controlling. Uh, and just, you know, yeah, do you like deciding their entire life and playing it out for them? Uh, plus I think it's also a commentary, almost a commentary on filmmaking as well about, hey, I'm, I, this director is going to tell you every single thing about who you are and you're going to do it. And how far are you going to go? Yeah, okay. Um, the, the, the, see, if there's a bunch of people that he's controlling to me when he goes into her house and like sees the note, I don't think that's that crazy. That I think he had a bigger reaction than it would be because it's like, yeah, there's definitely there's a bunch of people that are part of this program. It's not shocking that, you know, I guess you bumped into one. Yeah, no, no, right. I mean, especially because I thought that he saw Emma Stone's character outside with Willem DeFoe, like to begin with, like that was where he first saw her. So why would he think anything, but he's with her or she, did he see her? I thought he bumped into her after that. Yeah, I thought that I would see that, but I thought he was following. I don't know. Yeah, maybe I was remembering that that part. Cause it, to me, it felt like the hospital, when he went to go see the hospital, it was very much like, I mean, hey, maybe he had that plan to start with. That's a lot of like, that's a lot of planning for this dude that doesn't make decisions for himself. Granted, that happened later too, when he broke into the hospital. That was a whole lot of planning for a dude who doesn't plan, which kind of contradicts the universe that he should have hypothetically can even order a drink, but he can like plan a murder and stuff on his own. Um, interesting. Tick down. Thank you, Brandon, for pointing that out. Um, you got it. No, yeah, no, no, I don't, I don't think of them being a bunch. I think of it as just a weird ass universe. Um, but that's fair. Yeah, that, that, that first ending really, that really threw me off when the, when the credits popped up and I was like, yeah, the fuck is going on bullshit. That was the movie bullshit. I know. Cause yeah, I, when, when the first title came up, uh, when, when the death of, of RMF, I definitely thought that was just a chapter marker and I went, oh, here we go. This is going to be something we're talking about as chapter markers. Uh, but no, they were self contained stories. Yeah, it was very shocking for sure. Hey, the first one before we rolled in the second one, I got, I got really into it. And when he went through the hospital, broke him out and he laid him in the street. I was like, oh my God, this dude is going to, this, this dude is going to kill this guy. Cause I, I wasn't sure. I didn't know if he was trying to like maybe save him or maybe take him to the, to, to William Defoe. Um, I wasn't positive until he laid him in the street, flipped him over and I was like, yes, I'm excited. And then he went like multiple times around the circle too. Yeah, yeah, just to make sure, just to make sure, yeah, that was great. Um, and then the song, the song that she plays that Vivian plays, um, is, uh, the BG's, how deep is your love? So again, just kind of accentuating that whole, you know, there's your theme is, you know, again, how far would you go? Whether or not love is, you know, uh, is given, if it's conditional, if, you know, you have to, if it's manufactured, uh, these people that were watching are really desperate for that kind of connection and that kind of attraction. Um, so that also isn't, it was, was interesting to kind of think about afterwards. Um, the, um, the same shitty musician that scored poor things showed up for kind of kinds of kindness. Also shitty on a piano, just sitting there pounding random keys, bold statement. God. He did, uh, it got a little annoying. I was like, God damn it, dude. And especially because some of these things, honestly, if, if poor things didn't happen so recently, uh, cause like some of the, the sexual stuff, oh my God, dude, we just, we, I just watched this. And then it's like the music. I'm like, dude, you can't just do like the same thing twice. I feel like, like now it represents something different. Now it's like, well, it is something different because I know I just, you know, slow. No, I don't use it. Oh my God. I did, I did find it interesting. So I was reading about what the composer was talking about or an interview with the composer. I don't know what I was going to say, um, but, uh, he was saying that this, this came about near the, uh, final mixes for poor things. So yeah, I mean, this all came about while, while poor things was in post production. So like this started before poor things had actually finished. Uh, so very, very interesting overlap there. Um, but yeah, three different stories. I'm sure they shot one of them at one point and then they came back and shot another one and then they probably shot another one. Yeah, I bet you, I, I mean, I would love to know if it was just like, oh, hey, we're just going to go like two week increments or like three week increments. No, that's when everybody has time. We're just going to do that. No, that's exactly what it was. It was about two weeks per, uh, per segment. So they, it was a very kind of run and gun, very fast production. I could be, I could be a producer. No big deal. How easy was that and nailed it? Yeah, you did. Um, but yeah. So, so, uh, Jerskin, uh, fendrix, the, the composer, he talked about how he got invited to the New Orleans for, um, you know, just to kind of visit the set. Plus he was also the pianist in, um, the first one where there, there was the, the piano player in the hotel room. That was the composer actually playing. Okay. Good, good, good. I'm glad they did that. Yes. Um, but, uh, the, the suggestion came that, that came from, uh, Lanthamos was very vague, just kind of, yeah, maybe a piano and a choir. And so he kind of just went and kind of in created this whole thing from nothing with, with very little help, uh, is, is all I was saying. So again, you're, you're gripe about the, the score and the composing kind of again comes from, I think the lack of direction, honestly, the lack of blueprint from the director and just going, you know, hey, run free with it and just come back with whatever you feel like is, is good, uh, is whatever you feel like fits. And so I feel like that also kind of gets a little bit of, of a knock, at least in your, in your, uh, opinion or why it gets, you're not. Yep. Yep. Um, but yeah. So the second, second story that I want to talk about most is, um, uh, RMF is flying and when, uh, when I saw that title, I went, okay, cool. We're following RMF. Like that's who are like main source of, of cohesion in these, in these stories is going to be, and it's not, um, which, you know, is whatever. But then when I did see him, I went, oh, there he is. Okay. Cool. So now we've checked that box, uh, and, and that's why, you know, this, this human being is, is in this story. Um, but yeah. So the second one is where, uh, our main character, Daniel, uh, is his wife, um, has gone missing after some kind of shipwreck and he's kind of, you know, um, for lack of a better term, he's a drift himself. And, you know, isn't the same person, ha ha, isn't the same person and can't. Thank you. Thank you. Uh, and can't kind of seem to get his life together and can't pull, you know, um, his himself out of this deep depression, then all of a sudden, his wife appears and all of a sudden, uh, you know, she gets found and gets thrust back into his life. And instead of being happy, he starts becoming skeptical about whether or not this is the real Liz or if this is some kind of fake, uh, you know, a doppelganger. Um, when he was right. I mean, right. He was right. Um, yeah. I, yeah, this one was, I mean, again, I can see this of like the things you'll do for love, like that. That's what it kind of felt like to me. Um, it was weird speaking of sexual things, then watching the porn was super weird. Yeah, it was also pretty fucking hilarious, though. It's just like, what does this movie want to be? You just went for a cheap bit. I feel like that just fell out of place. I'm like, why are we doing it? Like what, what? Because they're close. Like that's what that was supposed to signify that these people were close. There's other ways to do that. Yes, there are. Yes, there are. He's just horny. Um, the, the weirdest thing about this one to me is that I watched the first one. And it was like, I don't know if I've ever seen Willem Defoe in like a suit like that. This is creepy. He's kind of like a kind of a badass, uh, corporate, uh, I think I'm more like scared of him or creeped out by him than when I normally see him. And then I saw him in this one in normal, like jeans and stuff. And I was like, I'm so creeped. This is creepy as hell. I didn't think I don't know what Willem Defoe normally wears day to day, but right. The way he looked into, which, hey, totally could be how he just normally looks, looks creepy as hell to me. Because I, I agree. I don't picture him in that kind of clothing. I don't know. I don't know what I picture him. So I don't know what I picture him in though, but it's definitely not that. That was the weirdest. He popped up like a dad. I was like, I fucking hate this. I'm creeped out. He's going to be serial killer. What is happening? Who did he kill and whose skin is he wearing? This is fucking terrible. A hundred percent, but yeah. So I want to get your thoughts. I want to talk about about this one because this one was the most Ray Bradbury or the most Twilight Zone, ask of the three because it totally presents the whole ambiguity aspect of it. I think we've talked about some movies that do ambiguity, you know, to varying degrees. So with two and only with two, what do you think? Did was this clear in what whether Daniel was crazy or whether or not? No, this was a lot more ambiguous. Whether Liz was was really herself. It was not clear in any way she performed because when he wasn't there, she was talking about she went to a place where dogs ruled us. And it's not even like it. That's not like he wasn't there to hear it. So we could be like, Oh, you know, because I'm assuming you're kind of implying at the end where she dies and then the old quote unquote, the other, the other wife or whatever walks in and they're like that, that could be in his head. A hundred percent. I agree. Right. But like other things happened when he wasn't there for because it wasn't like we filed him around. We found both of them around. So we are like part of her too. So it's like, you know, her cutting off the thumb. He wasn't anywhere there, you know, her talking about dogs ruling them. Nobody was there for. So it was very again, it's very like it was interesting watching the dynamic between them to, you know, everyone loves a good porn with Emma Stone in it. Um, the, but yeah, they didn't explain, you know, who's crazy. And honestly, this one, probably more than the first one, I was more okay with it because it was just so out there that it was like when she started cutting her thumb off and stuff, I was not expecting any answers. When she cut her thumb off, never enacted. Like nothing happened. I was like, I can't imagine we're going to get answers from this. So I kind of just emotionally moved on, um, then figuring, trying to figure out who's crazy, who's not crazy. Um, but I think it was even then it was a fun adventure. Like that, that descent into chaos and that descent, uh, into the, into the psyche of, you know, again, how far would you go? And whether or not, you know, he's crazy or she's, you know, real or not. Like that was just a fun unraveling to watch. Cause he, he did. I mean, um, plumbing character Daniel, he really fucking came on glued, uh, when, when Liz came back or when, when doppelganger Liz came back and, um, I would have loved to see that stretched out a little bit more. Like you said, is, is a little bit more time in each of these stories, uh, would, it would have been nice. But I also did like that throw about like at the very end, then they just embrace and kiss and like, Oh my God, like everything's fine and dandy. And to me, I don't know. I don't think that that, uh, I think that is the fake Liz. I think the fake Liz shows up after the real Liz kills herself. You think the real Liz cut off of some was perfectly fine. The real human being did that. I want to say yes. So badly. Well, it's not like there's no way the real Liz in this world. There's no way the real human being cut off a thumb and cooked it and gave it to her husband and then just moved on with life. There's no way that happened. Just continue to see if nothing happened. The real her. Something else is going on. Definitely. Um, that she's programmed to love him unconditionally and do whatever it is. She, he asks, you know, period, uh, I don't know. I also like that's, that's the direction you go with it. Try and test her love and her devotion and whether or not she's a real human being is okay. If you really love me, you know, cut out your liver and feed it to me. Yeah. Instead of, I don't know, trying to devote, devote yourself some other way. Like it's just an interesting way to go about that. So let me ask you this. If he had titled this instead of kinds of kindness, it was like, I don't know. If he wants to keep the alliteration levels of love, fuck it. We'll call it that. Oh, nice. Nice. Thank you. Thank you. Um, do you think you'd like it more? Cause it less than, oh, it's different, like types of kinds of kindness. It feels like it's different, like types of love to me rather than kindness. Like it feels so weird that he called it kindness. Um, would, would it be a feel a little bit more connected? Because I feel like that's what it is. It's just different levels of love. It feels like to me, like obedient love and granted the first two kind of feel like different versions of the same, like type of love, obedient, like. Love to me. I mean, even the third one, kind of obedient love as well. Cause you know, you have the cult leader, you know, saying, hey, go and do this. Okay. Cool. We weren't defining him left and right. She was just doing whatever she wanted quite often, frankly. That's why I do agree. I hear you. It's still culty. Like it was all the first and third felt like, Oh, this is based around a cult. The middle one didn't. Then the middle, first two were like obedient, but the third one wasn't. And then it's like, they all cut. I don't know. I guess the swing up. So there's a tag here, kind of a cult, right? I guess. I don't know. I got to ask my parents. All I'll, I'll, I'll ask my parents. Um, but yeah, I, uh, obviously not swingers. If my mom actually listens to this, she'll flip out. So obviously that was a joke. Go ahead. Ha ha ha. Um, I think might have been, I don't know. I think that was my second favorite of the three. I think I liked the third one more. Um, Oh, really? I think so. Okay. I think so. I feel like there's something else. So anyway, moving on, um, to RMF eats of sandwich. Um, this is about, okay. So yeah, this is, this is more about the cult, um, and more about these, these followers. Um, this also has a, you know, strong sense of twilight zone, um, or even Ray Bradbury, who does, you know, the sci-fi genre and the kind of twisted macabre, um, style. Mm hmm. But, uh, this one is about two, uh, cult members. I almost said detectives to two people who were trying to find detective. Cult detectives. Uh, you're writing a new ABC hit sitcom cult detectives. I can't wait to finish that one. Uh, I'm going to start tonight. Anyway, okay. So, um, see, yeah, so this, this one's about, uh, two, two people who are going around trying to find, uh, this supernatural being for lack of a better term, because we don't find out that they're looking for someone who can raise someone from the dead. We don't really, I mean, we get it right away, but I don't think we understand exactly what they're doing or what they're looking for until we find her. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean they, they get a knock. Damn, homie. Yeah, this is a three for me. Because obviously it's deal, deal, deal, deal, deal, deal, I'm putting it in. I'm putting it in. Ah, shit. Um, no, yeah, they, yeah, they, they definitely like give you a pretty big, uh, honestly, this one of the three. I feel like was the least like missing information necessarily. Cause like we kind of know cults, you know, that's the cult that we are more, it's established and we kind of used to. So you put them in that place, you do some weird stuff, Wilms bang and everybody. We're like, yeah, that checks out. We know this could be real. Yeah. I don't need it. Plus again, it's always the sex thing. Dude, it is always the sex thing. Um, you're measuring from nipple to belly button to nipple to nipple. Um, perfect. Yeah, it gave me the least amount of like what we should have. It gave us like kind of, oh, special powers and stuff like that. But yeah, we definitely don't get the full, the full weight of everything until towards the end at least. Yeah. And yeah, they didn't explain the water until later to quote unquote water. That's not, I mean, obviously that's not real. Before I say, let me correct this, obviously none of this is real. But like how long would it take to cry that much fucking water? Or, oh, wait, wait, is it a buck? Is it a, is it a bunch of water that they purified by crying in? Oh, I think that's it. That's got to be it. I just thought about that now. That has to be it. Yeah, because you're right. That's so fucked on the tears, which also, yeah, it would be very salty and very, very disgusting to drink. Um, but yeah, to purify it. Yeah, to kind of bless it with your tears. Oh, I like that. I'm going to go with that. I hope it's that. It's got to be that. Otherwise, that's a lot of tears. That's a lot of sweat. A lot of ice sweat. Um, this one, uh, this one, I think was my favorite. Cause yeah, it definitely was the most, um, cohesive story. And it was the most Emma for sure. She was absolutely fantastic in this third, uh, this third act that, you know, showed her range and kind of just really explored the idea of like, I'm letting go of everything that I've been conditioned to care about. My entire life and I still have this connection to these people. I still can't let them go even though I believe in something completely different and I've been told I have to let go of everything, you know, that my previous life kind of gave me. Um, so that was interesting, interesting to watch. Uh, of course, uh, the whole date rape thing was just terrible and awful to actually experience and watch, uh, and I feel like we brushed past that. A little bit too quickly and a little bit too easily. Uh, I think that that needs to be accentuated that that is wrong and terrible. Um, you know, to jump way back to bike riders. One of the weirdest lines I thought personally was like when in bike riders, when she almost got raped and then she was like, I don't know what I would have done. I would have killed myself who would want you after that. And it was just like we, they blew through that and I was like, that was just a fucked up line that we just casually threw out there and then like moved on. Yeah, it was weird, but I agree with you. This one also, they kind of just, it felt like, it felt like the point of that kind of was to show, like, because we were kind of watching and going, why would she necessarily leave? Why isn't she with this family? Everyone looks like they're so happy. This guy's nice. That guy's nice. And then it's like, then we got to get a peek into why he's a piece of shit. Like why she wants to get away from him, why she was looking for an escape and then you can kind of see her maybe like looking for an escape and falling into these people. Yeah, which is very much about, you know, love. Positive body. Granted, also, did you, did she look excited to have sex with him the first time they came back and they were like trying to figure out who's going to have sex with who. No, but no, I mean, throughout the entire entire movie, all three stories, like no one felt particularly excited about anything. Like there was very flat in that term, you know, emotionally in that way. But yeah, she definitely wasn't like excited about sleeping with this dude. Yeah, I don't know. I'm just trying to find like the parallels, which, hey, one of the good things about this movie is it's definitely got rewatchability to like figure out for sure. More than like weird things happen. I want to watch it again. It's like more of like this kind of might explain that or like if this is true than that true. Right, right. And and eight, are these you do these universes play with the same rules as each other or are they completely different universes that we have to fundamentally figure out and dissect it, you know, side by side. Or can they all rules with each each one also keeping up because we mentioned the the first one I now that I think about it. I disagree with his being able to plan a full ass murder, getting a patient out of a hospital, all the stuff when he couldn't even like order a drink by himself before. And then it's like, so now that we talk about it, it's like, I don't think that logic of that world kind of felt carried through, even though it was cool, you know, it was a cool scene. Right. I like he did that stuff, but it would be interesting speaking of killing in this in this third one. So yeah, so so they're going around trying to find this reanimator and randomly this this twin comes up as like, hey, so my sister is who you're looking for. They dismiss her. Then then she gets banned from from the cult because right she got she got raped again, not necessarily her fault, not her fault at all. But in the cold size, it is right. And the cold size, it's like, hey, you allowed him, you let this happen. So we have to try and, you know, purify you. And if it doesn't happen, oh, well, so she gets shunned out of the cold, which provides a hilarious moment, which I also think down. Yes, it was a it was a funny moment. I like they did it on the wide also. Yeah, the which I assume like her being, you know, having to be purified after being raped and stop would be, you know, social commentary on like how the society kind of treats rape victims. And it's much more like their fault than the rapist fault for what it's much labeled in that way of like, you know, you should have done more. It's all your fault, blah, blah, blah. So I so I assume that that was a little bit of parallel to which is good social commentary, you know, yeah, yeah, it doesn't scream it. But I think yeah, it absolutely is infused with that less than subtlety. And I agree. I love that that aspect of it as well. But yeah, her hopping was funny. Oh, I thought of an idea if I sweat out more than, you know, yeah, yeah, it was it was great. And again, it's just also like super, super sad when you think about it. Because people are that desperate, like I said, to find some kind of acceptance. Don't say love, don't say love kindness. Yes. Excuse me. They're looking for kindness. Desperately looking for kinds of kindness. What's up, girl? Do you want to make some kindness? So then discreetly disheveled. She goes to a bar and doesn't know what to do with her life. So the twin shows up. It's like, hey, I'm going to tell you this story because you clearly don't believe me. This is what happened. And it turns out that the twin sister does know how to reanimate people. And that was an interesting, you know, story for sure. And so she goes to Oh, I don't think I don't think she needed to kill herself. I think based off of the prophecy, she died. She is dead. And then she brought her back. But like, I don't know, like, I do not think she needed to kill herself at the end. I agree. I thought that that was the direction they were going in as like, hey, I know what your prophecy says. I know which also I would have liked to know like, okay, how does this random person know about this? You know, clearly, this cult is big enough. No, that felt way to. Yeah. That felt really weird. Also, a little bit like what and she's also like pumped for this person to be discovered by the cult, which sounds awful. Personally, I don't want to just live on the boat. Like, everyone's like, Oh, you don't have to work. You just did they, they serve you hand and foot. I'm like, that sounds awful. I want to be like, live my life. Yeah, it looked like a nice boat. I wouldn't want to live there for the rest of my life. No way. No way. I might be able to live on there without the cult, but all the cult members and shit. People showing up. I'm out. I'm out. I also thought that boat was for Emma Stone's daughter. I definitely thought that was for her character's daughter to live on. That's what I, for some reason, I went, Oh my God, who are we talking about? I just went there, I guess, because we had just come from seeing her with her daughter and her life, you know, try to kind of kind of be in in this kid's life without being in this kid's life. And I was like, Oh, shit. Like, is that how we're going to weasel her way in? Is she's got to live like away from society and away from everybody else? I don't want to figure it out. When you figured out when Emma was like, only two hours to the boat. Yes. That was pretty much like, oh, yep. Yup. Took him way too long to get to connect those dogs. She was way too excited for two hour trips still. That chick that chicks in a wake up in like Margaret quality, quality, great actor, great actor. But yeah, so so then Emma Stone, she she goes off on this adventure to find a way to talk to the twin and find out if the twin is actually a reanimator or not, which I feel like, I mean, I'm glad. I'm glad she didn't kill the dog. I thought that was what was going to happen. But also, I feel like it might not have, you know, be as effective if the dog wasn't dead, right? Because that was the whole point is I'm trying to find someone with power to reanimate the dead. It would not. Not just heal somebody. It has infected. Oh, you're just saying in general? Yes. Yes. Because like, I'm assuming that there are people who know how to heal other people or heal, you know, wounds and stuff. They're called doctors. I agree. And not just in the universe, you think there are multiple people with those powers, just different degrees? Yes, exactly. Just different, different degrees of healing or different degrees of superpowers. And there's only one or there's a very rare breed of reanimators. What are these other special powers that people have? Which are lasers out of their eyes. Yeah. Levitation, you know, some sort of telekinesis. Claws come out of their fists, man. Oh, that would be just an anti-am absurd. One has a streak in her hair. Yeah, I don't know which of the three, I don't know which I would say is my favorite. I absolutely love the car. Oh, this is what I was thinking the whole time. Can I get a female drive with Emma Stone? Right? That would be dope as hell. Hell yeah. Driving around? Obviously. What's she driving? Did you find that at all? Yeah, I did find it. I did find it. So they have, what was the rig? It was called, let's see if I can find it real quick, a biscuit rig. They used a biscuit rig for the scenes where Emma Stone's character drives and the device is attached to the top of the car, which allowed someone else to drive while they shot Emma actually, you know, held in the steering wheel and, you know, driving and all that, all that fun stuff. Okay. So let me rephrase this. I can't imagine she's the one that peeled in and drifted into spots and stuff. That's what I would agree. Okay. I would agree that wasn't her. The car was amazing, but then that also like provided me, I think with my favorite ending. So she finds the animator. She drugs her. She kidnaps her. She takes her to the corpse, which is RMF, right? Maybe drive. Sorry. Throw that in. I'm thinking about the movie. Sorry. Maybe drive. Ooh. I like that. All right. All right. All right. I like it sounds cool. Just spit. Yeah. Just spitball or work job. It's good. It's good. I like where it's at. Combine this one in the last one. So, so she so she does get the healer or the the the animator to actually revive someone from the dead, which was again interesting and like, oh my God, what are you going to? What are you? And he just walks out. Just all right. Cool. We're not going to talk about that. We're not going to, you know, harp on the fact that, hey, there's now another living person and all of this universe. What the hell is actually happening. We get a great dance sequence, which was improvised on the set of poor things in between setups. That's where they kind of workshop that. I mean, hey, I thought it was a good dance. I definitely probably could not have done better, but I agree with you. It definitely was. It checks out that it was improvised. She just wiggled around. Yep. She wiggled around. It looked like it was it was a lot of fun. I'll say that. So that was that was a good dance. And then she's driving driving the healer or driving the reanimator, right? That was drag it back in the credit. The credit happened during the dancing, right? This is the first one that they. I don't think so. Because I wrote down this is the first one that's extended past the credits. Well, that's that. Yeah, there is a little bit afterwards where R M F does actually eat the sandwich, which I'll get to in just a sec. But I think that the credits happen after the crash. So yeah, so she's driving the the healer. She wakes up goes, hey, what the fuck's happening freaks out. And Amazon's character is not paying attention to the road. Swerves off off the road, hits a hit's a sign. I can't remember what the sign was for. But I know is it was a funny enough gag for me to laugh at that. The healer goes flying through the windshield and fucking dies. So again, just the ironic nature of someone who could reanimate corpses dies. I don't know that that's just humorous to me. And that was that was Stone's character's chance to get back into the cold. So it's like, Oh my God, you actually did it. You pulled it off, you know, and and Huber's got the best of you. And I just I love that ending so much. And then so it's then we get the we get the credits. We get into it. And then we cut back to the end of the third story, which is where R M F the dude who got reanimated is out just at a sandwich stand just eaten eaten a sandwich, just real calm and collected and like nothing happened. Is this a post credit scene? Like after like the real credits roll, it's like after the fake credits and I think it's after I do not remember this, some of the real credits roll or right before all of the real credits roll. Yeah, because I think the fake credit that ended like the other shorts happened when she was dancing. I thought that's what I was talking about. I some it definitely extended past those fake credits because I wrote down this the only one past the fake. Well, I don't think it was like in the car because the car was like the whole last scene I felt like. So I thought it was there. I did not stay past like the regular credits. So I did not see R M F eating a sandwich. I did not see that. So that's yeah, that's that's where that was was and it wasn't like at the very, very end of all of the credits. It was like post fake credit, pre real credits. It was kind of kind of right right in there. I don't remember if it was exactly like pre all credit if it done some stuff. All right, moving on doesn't matter. But yeah, that one that one was great. That was funny. I enjoyed that one that that ending of the three probably the most. All right. Do you want to on the way out because we had to wrap this mofo up, wrap it up on the way to some grades? Who was your favorite? Who do you think was the best and worst acting of like the main be main like what is there like Margaret Qualley, right? So there's Amazon. Obviously Jesse Plemons will him to follow Emily's. I'm gonna be friends with her. And then Hong chao was also in everything. That's the chick for whale. Yes, correct, correct. And then I swear that I would in doing research for poor things that I stumbled across Emma Stone saying the first assistant director, Yorgos Stenovikos was was, you know, made everything so easy, you know, to figure out because he he mapped out everything so well. I swear to God that this that was the same guy who did R.M.F, right? Yorgos Stenovikos was the first assistant director, but I looked him up on IMDB and he's not. So I wanted to say he was one of my favorites just because he was just such a small part in each one of them that wanted to be connected that wasn't. But I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to go there. So yeah, so those are the five main actors. The guy the guy that had what a line maybe? No, I don't think he had a line. Yeah, I don't think he ever spoke. He was he was definitely the best actor. Clear. So of Amazon Jesse Plemons will him to follow Margaret Qualley and Hong chao. I don't know. I don't know. I'm going to go with I think I liked. I think I like Jesse Plemons the most. I think Emma knows a pretty close second. Mark Qualley is the runner up because I guess again, I just expect Willem to phone to be amazing and everything and I don't hate his performances by any means. I guess it's just I've come to expect that range and that much just pure acting talent from him and he's got such absurd roles. Yeah, I was going to say that and they gave him you know, you know, the middle one didn't give him a unique character. They gave him bullshit character. That was a throwaway that he was like barely in. So he was realistically he was major part of the first one, minor part of the third one, barely in the second one. The third one he was even like he was in a handful. Like I think Mark Chow was in just as much as he was in the third one. Yeah, they're both were solid. He's solid, but again, yeah, he's Willem. I think Emma crushed the last one and frankly, yeah, I think Emma crushed the last one. But yeah, Jesse was pretty pretty great. They kind of could have given him a more of expressive and more, you know, active characters. He got he got handed very like bland characters, which I think kind of hurts the, you know, how good was the acting. It was like, you know, it was very mundane, which, you know, what are you going to do? It's the character you're given. So sure. Yeah, no, no, Margaret quality though. I thought she was. I'm she's really, really growing on me, not that I didn't like like her, you know, she was great and obviously poor things. She was your favorite actress and poor thing because she like stood in the background. She stood in the background and did like two things, I think the way she caught that ball. Oh my God. Yes. Definitely. Definitely. Yeah, as we're as we're having a blessing, I wanted to just kind of talk about was any awards chances because this is super, super early still. But this year, like you said last year, like there was just, you thought it was a week year. I think that so far, I mean, through the middle of July, like this is a super week Oscar year. So I'm really counting on the latter half of this year to pump up with some really good Oscar Oscar contenders. I guess I was expecting a little bit more coming out of Lanthamos and and Emma Stone just coming off of poor things and how intense that was and how many awards it did garner kinds of kindness. I don't know. I don't know where I'd put this again, super early. I guess I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised to see it somewhere in the costume design. I wouldn't be surprised to see writing, but those are really the two that might have the best chances. Maybe editing, maybe. Yeah, I don't know. I'd be more on the editing sign than anything else. I think the editing was good. And yeah, other than that, I don't know. I mean production design, they honestly, you know what this movie, those realistic brown ones, it wasn't like off the deep end enough. It needed to go farther off the deep end for then people to be more, you know, enamored with it. Then he went to he went to middle. So he needs either go poor things or you know, this is similar thing of like lobster, dude. It's like it was like slightly too weird, I think, for the people, but not weird enough for the people who just like weird stuff. They he found like the dead zone in between. And it was just not like, you know, it's got to have more sex scenes and shit and more, you know, should have had sex with the car, you know, something like that. Right. Right. Instead, the car needs to start talking, the car itself needs to be the reanimator. Yeah, you're right. Go. I mean, if you're going to be absurd, you're going to fucking crime. You imagine? Yeah, good. Actually, that'd be super interesting. All right, sweet. Lady drive, obviously. Lady drive, lady driver, lady driver. Because this is this is this is a riff off drive, not baby driver, right? Yeah, yeah. This is yes, this is drive, not baby driver. Okay, gotcha, gotcha. So I feel like it, honestly, now the more I think about it, I feel like she drove a lot, a lot more like baby driver than with drive. Fuck you, man. This is my idea. What are you doing? Got it. I'm working my way in. I always got to work my way in. You want to rate you want to grade first or do you want me to? I would if it's me, I need to think. I I think I need to think as well. Since we're go, go, go, go, grading. I'll I'll start my my train of thought by by just saying like, I enjoyed this one. It definitely, like I said in the beginning, it definitely wasn't on the level of poor things. And it definitely, you know, I'm not going to rave about it the entire way. There were definitely moments that I really liked and there were moments that I could have done without or, you know, just were completely out of place. It was an interesting strategy, an interesting idea to go with three distinctly different short films and mash them all together without a true cohesion of or a true thematic cohesion between the three of them. And we were able to kind of pick out some stuff that felt similar to to one another, but it wasn't by design. It was very much just here. Here's some story, some some quirky, you know, weird stories that I want to tell make of it what you will. So I kind of like that, but also I didn't love it. Acting wise, I thought it was pretty pretty solid overall. Didn't hate it. Hate anybody. Cinematography wise, pretty standard camera movements, but it looked good. You know, it was all in all in focus. Absolutely. It was all I think it was all in focus. Did they do any rack focuses? I'm sure all of it wasn't in focus at some point. But I heard you saying. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So that was good. Costumes I liked throughout all of it. Those were quirky and interesting. A lot of humor, good writing just needed more of it. You know, I know you, you didn't love how we didn't stay in each world long enough. So, but overall, I don't think that this is in the eights for me. I think this is somewhere in a seven range where I enjoyed a lot of it overall, but I didn't just wasn't, you know, caught by anything in particular. I'm not going to bash anything, you know. So I'm looking at like probably like a seven point two five, maybe as high as a seven point five. But I think I'm looking at stuff like triangle of sadness, or even even bottoms, or I don't see even the marvels where it was a solid attempt. And I enjoyed a lot of aspects of it, but it just wasn't the greatest thing ever. So I think I am going to put this on the same level of triangle of sadness, where it did a lot of good things for me, but it just wasn't wasn't my cup of tea. So seven point two five out of 10 would be my grade for kinds of kindness. Seven point two five. Okay. Yeah. Hey, it makes sense. I opened Minecraft on my laptop. It, it does totally make sense. A seven point two five, that feels justified. I'm in that range. In my, in that range for me personally is like, in this amplitude, like the menu, talk to me, the Babadook, the killer, like I can understand it being in this range. I think, yeah, I'm so torn with it because it's like each individual one, I enjoyed. I was never watching them. I was never watching the movie or got the story and was like, this is boring. I want the next one or anything like that. I did want more like universes. To me, that's less Oh, you made you wrote so well that I want more of it. To me, it's less of you did a poor job because you didn't give me enough of this. Um, I definitely, you know, would be down for some of the, your ghost is just not my vibe all the time. Um, he's a fucking weirdo, nothing. I'm not weirdo, but like different weirdos. Um, yeah, acting was good. It was good movie. It's hard. It's one of these things to me. It's like, it's, you know, challengers where I'm like, I don't personally love it. Uh, it, you know, I'm not bashing it. There's nothing I can really like poke out. I think some, you know, the first one, the story didn't necessarily keep up, you know, it's annoying not getting the information. Like it's one thing to put you in the blind, but then explain it as we go. Um, I don't know. I middle the road. I'm going to go. I'm also going to go 7.25. Um, to me, it's matching. It is matching 3000 years of longing. Um, sorry to bother you, the menu that all to me, it's on that level where it's like it looked good. It was good, but it just could have been way better. And it just didn't like grab me necessarily. Um, you know, I could, if you were like, oh, we're going to watch this again, I could take her to leave it. You know, I'm definitely not like, oh, I'm so excited to watch this again, necessarily. So, to 7.25. Nice. 2.25. As far as rewatchability, I think if, you know, when, when I see it on streaming somewhere, I'll probably eventually turn it back on and go, Oh, yeah, yeah, let me see if I can reevaluate this or what I can pick away from it. And I might like it a little bit more down the road, not with when I have some time with it, but I'm not going to be like, all right, when's the Blu-ray coming out and I'm pre-ordering it the second that it's coming out. That's, you know, where I'm, you know, I do think there would be, if I did watch it again, I'm sure we would learn some more like, uh, I do have, there's a small feeling that maybe this is like, nope, where we watched it. We were like, Oh, you know, it's pretty damn good. I kind of liked it. We, and then like the more we talked about it, the more we sat there watched it again, it was like, you know what? Actually, this is really layered. And like this is this and started to really like, like it way more like the second time when it really sank in. Sure. Um, but I don't know, I saw it two days ago. I haven't been thinking about it much, you know. So I don't know, necessarily if that is a true statement. I might have just made shit up. First time we've ever done that, right? Hey, oh, hey now. What a bunch. Well, reference. I was just looking at you. Uh, Oh, yeah, we have a note very similar. I've got it at a 7.5. You have a note at a 7.75. That might be a candidate for, for one of our first rewatches to go back and see what we think about it a year or two later. Yeah, maybe. Sure. Yep. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Uh, well, with that in mind, yeah, have a, have a great day. Whatever you do, go just make sure you spread some kindness, whatever kind of kindness you feel would make someone else's day brighter and better. Do it. Give them the kindness that you wish you would do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. The kindness I want is everyone to leave me alone. Hey, we can make that dystopian future happen. Every time you walk into a room that everyone turns their heads away from you. If only. If only, if only. Uh, sweet. Yeah. So, uh, yeah. Let's know what you, what you think of kinds of kindness, um, which, which of the three stories was your favorite, uh, which of the other seven that we didn't get to see. Uh, if you know anything about them, let me know. Cause I definitely want to know one would have been the best. Fourth one probably would have been the best you didn't make would have been the best. The sixth one to me was the most interesting conceptually. Uh, you know, I don't know how you would have pulled that off. So that makes sense. So, uh, yeah. So if anyone knows or if anyone, uh, wants to throw out some ideas for where this anthology sequel could go, uh, leave it leave a list of some, some notes in the comments. Uh, I'm not sure where we're releasing this on our release schedule, but we, I'm sure we had a great episode last week. I'm sure we're going to have a great episode next week as well. Uh, yeah. Enjoy, enjoy all those episodes. Um, yeah, please, like Matt said, please subscribe, please like, leave us some comment. Tell someone about the podcast. Tell us what movies you want us to review, what, what's coming out that you're excited for, uh, anything that we may have missed this year that, uh, you'd love us to talk about because I like watching movies. Matt likes watching movies. You guys enjoy movies. That's, that's kind of the whole point where we're here to talk. So it's the whole fucking point. Oh, fucking shebang. That's it. That's all we got for you. So enjoy all the movies, uh, enjoy the TV shows, do whatever you do, spread some kindness, lots of love, uh, all the, all the buzzwords, all the keywords, hashtags, uh, greatness. Sing some national anthems for us. All right guys, we'll talk to you later. Have a good week. Bye. (upbeat music)