What We Watched

107 - Fallout Ep03 - The Head

1h 11m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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This podcast does contain spoilers, so if you're okay with that, listen on. If not, pause the podcast, go watch the movie we're about to talk about and come on back. All right, sweet. Excuse me, Brian, over here. Hey, pardon me, pardon me. Why don't you have the popcorn? It's starting. Hey, hey, hey, shut up, shut up and listen to the podcast. Hey. [MUSIC] There's a lot out there to see. This is what we watched. [MUSIC] Now, has what we watched on like movie clubs for cult classics? Not yet. We've had, we've had, I wouldn't say arguments. We've had debates about what a cult classic is and what makes it a cult because I would, I would say, before I watched it, I thought that Tremors was a cult classic. Oh, yeah. Now, like looking back on it, like when it started, it's a legitimate movie. Now, the sequels are definitely cult classic, but Tremors itself, I think, has the cult classic aesthetic and feel to it, but it was definitely like a legitimate attempt at making like a real sci-fi movie. Okay. Whereas I think something like the Room and Rocky Horror are true cult classic. True. Love to do an adventure. I would also say Big Lebowski is up there. Really, you think so? Oh, absolutely. Cool classic. So here's how I define a cult classic. It has to have done poorly at the box office. Sure. And through word of mouth, it becomes this whole monster. I mean, hell, there is a legitimate religion called doodism. Oh, that's right there. It is. Yeah. And that's what I said too, is something that takes on a second life, something that gets more attention after its home video release or after it's theatrical run has ended than it does during, so Mad Max, honestly, would be a cult classic because it gets more attention or it got more attention after the fact, I think. I think. Or we're just putting labels on stuff. We're just kind of putting things into into boxes that don't really would be a good sign of a cult classic, I think, because it's one of those things where it's like, you make a reference to it, and it's like only the people that know that movie will understand it. Sure. You know, that's what I see as a cult classic. All right. Sweet. What about you, Luke? Oh, go ahead, go ahead, please tell us. Oh, okay. All right. Well, Wikipedia defines a cult film that a cult film or cult movie also commonly referred to as a cult classic is a film that has acquired a cult following. They are known for their dedicated passionate fan base, which forms an elaborate subculture members of which engage in repeated viewings, dialogue, quoting, and audience participation. At what point did you fall asleep, Matt? After the third or fourth mention of the word cult, and I want to join one. Do you think that Harry Potter in the future will be a cult classic? No. No. No, because it was popular during release. It was a worldwide phenomenon, even before the movies came out. Yes. However, it does meet those passionate fan base, elaborate subculture, and members of the audience engage in repeated viewings, dialogue, quoting, and participation. I think it's less about dialogue, quoting, and audience participation as in, I'm just enthralled by this world that they've created, and I want to be a part of it. I would say increment is closer to a cult classic than Harry Potter. I would agree with that. Closer. Not quite. Not quite. Not quite. But a lot closer. Because you are like again, when you quote that movie or have repeated viewings, it's people that know it inside and out, and it's not necessarily like it takes on like it's your whole personality, whereas a lot of Harry Potter fans, that's their personality. Yeah. That's that's who and what they are. Yeah. That's true. I'm a Hufflepuff. We know. We know. It's okay. We forgive you. He's a Hufflepuff too. I know, and I forgive him. All right, well, you know what isn't a cult classic yet? Fallout. Fallout. That's right. Welcome back to what we watched the movie review podcast for TV lovers for film lovers for movie lovers and for those who apparently like decapitation. I guess. I mean, sometimes, yeah, only only on the rare occasion that someone begs me to take their head. When the mood strikes. Yeah. Someone begs you to take their head. Don't ask too many questions. Don't look into that. I have your host Brandon. Oh, I've got Matt put in here. I've got Luke Antonio with me. What's going on guys? And guys, thank you so much for joining me. We're going to do a video list. We'll still be on YouTube. So thanks everyone for checking us out on the platform. We were going to do video less just because it got a little crazy with the cameras last time, but we're going to figure that out hopefully very soon. For those who also don't know, we're all over socials. We're all over with any any platform that you get your podcasts on. So go check us out on Spotify, Apple, Google anywhere that you listen. We are there. So yes, we we were mentioned in cult classics. Fallout is the TV series that we're currently rewatching and we're talking about. We've already done a couple of weeks today. As we're talking episode three, which is called the head, the head. So you had you do you have more on on cult classics? You look like Luke, you were your headboard to discuss you had you had more to like get into. No, no, no. Are you sure? Yes. All right. Cool. All right. Cool. But yeah. So if anybody knows, I don't even know if that intro is going to be on. But if anybody knows where any of these midnight showings are going to be, please let us know in the comments. Yes. All right. Sweet. So we're moving on with Fallout episode three, which is conveniently subtitled. The beginning. That's where we start, which is again, very interesting to me that the whole series starts at the end and then we go back to the beginning, right? Exactly. Exactly. Okay. But I mean, like the first like title card when it when episode three starts, it's the beginning. Oh, right. It's one of the few that it doesn't do it for much of this series. So I think where its place is interesting and then where like the beginning of everything starts in their opinion, it to me, it's just very interesting. But yeah. So what did you guys think of episode three overall before we jump into the kind of the whole plot of everything? This is probably one of my favorite episodes. Okay. It wasn't my favorite episode and maybe, I don't know, there was definitely a lot of story going on. But at the same time, I felt like some of it was kind of a distraction. Okay. But I understand the necessity for the episode because they because of the head, the head is like the the McGuffin through for basically the rest of the series. So yeah, no, you're absolutely right. I mean, and this is does a lot of the backstory heavy lifting kind of, you know, kids gets us caught up on where these characters, you know, were at least where one of these characters was. And you know, kind of moving forward with a lot of those, you know, themes of how different life was versus how twisted you are now and all of that. So yeah, I liked it too. I know why you liked it though, because Luke, it's all about the film industry in the beginning. So you're. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I love, I love getting the ghouls back story as an actor and then seeing what he's become. I will say I did get kind of like a skin crawly moment when he was making sure that, you know, the voltech suit that he's sporting, you know, is this really going to protect against radiation? And it looks straight to the voltech people and they're like, Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's like, Oh, these people are so sick. Yeah. Huh? Yeah. Huh? They'll say anything, anything to get people on their side. Oh my God. It's that is. And that's one of those things like that's just in there, like it's not a big deal. There's not like a light shot. It's trying to stop it. Right. It definitely. Oh, it hurts. It does. That's what I mean. Like it's got so much weight, but we don't take time to sit there and like dissect the moment as it's happening. Yeah. We're like, you know, really pause. It's really quick on, you know, on the way out. It is kind of blinking. You miss it. Yes. But it's so vital. It is. Yeah. Because that's voltech as a whole. It's yep. This really happy, go lucky company on the, on the outside for everyone to see, but the deeper you go into their own vault, the more sick and twisted they are. Yep. Yep. And I know we're going to see that later on in the series. We absolutely are. We absolutely are. Yeah. All right. So starting from the beginning. Yeah. So, so we get some, some of Cooper's backstory. It turns out that he was an actor in Hollywood in this twisted future. And it's, you know, it's interesting because they're still like the red scare, right? They still hate communism. They still hate like the Russians and, you know, that, that whole like 50s mentality has never really left them. Yeah. Entirely. Even though it's a completely futuristic society, you know, it's just, it's an interesting world that fallout has created and that we live in. And I love it. But it's at the same time, it's just, it's so foreign. It just feels, I don't know, strange to me. It's like if the 50s and a twisted version of Gene Roddenberry had a baby. Okay. Because Gene Roddenberry, you know, creator of Star Trek. Right. Had this really idealistic look at the future. And you look at fallout and it's very, it's got that 50s diesel punk feel to it. Right. It's got this dark underbelly that it's like a perversion of that future. Absolutely. Absolutely. It is. It's twisted is the best way I think that I can, that I can describe it. But yeah, so, so we get Cooper's, you know, he's doing a scene and he's like, you know, I'm not really into it. I don't know. Like why? So he's a sheriff in this old Western. Western actor. And he, you know, it's kind of the run of the mill, you know, cowboy stuff, right? And so what's really cool is he's in this traditional blue and yellow, like, I guess not traditional, but he's in this blue and yellow get up and this costume, which looks exactly like the vault tech, you know, suit that they're going to put on later. And I love that. It's again, it feels a little bit, maybe is it too on the nose? Is it? You know, should it be more subtle? I like it. It's so it can be. But serious. Yes. It's still taking all the source material serious, but it's like a wink at the audience. Right. You know, right. And what I really love about this scene is the whole thing, right? So, so Cooper's sheriff character, he never really kills people, right? He just, you know, captures them and he he does the right thing, right? He has this whole justice mentality. And so he himself takes that, uh, takes that head on as like, you know, do I, should we ever deviate from that? And what the new direction is is, no, we want to start killing people. We want to start making a little more gory, a little bit more violent, a little bit more edgy for, you know, what, what we've been doing. And I love that because Cooper doesn't want to do, he doesn't want to be violent. He does. He's not interested in being vengeful, which again, then you juxtapose that with 200 years later, now where he is, and he gets off on being vengeful. Yeah. It's such an interesting character turn. And that's why I love that we have the episodes like this, where we do get to sit back, we do get to dissect who these people were. And you know, when we get into, hopefully we get into what actually causes them to change into who they are, right? And then, you know, also going with the his intro scene in the first episode and the pilot and how, you know, it captures our intrigue of how he got to that point from being this famous actor, right, to then doing children's birthday parties, right? And then all the way to him now as a ghoul. Yeah. And it's continuing to tie back into what the doctor was saying in episode two, I think, when you get what you want, are you going to be the same animal that you were? And I don't get into it in the next episode, and I'm really excited to talk about the next episode because that was actually my favorite one so far. Okay. All right. But I do like the little peaks behind the curtain with, with Coops, personal life with his acting career, all of that, like he's just an intriguing character altogether. He is. I love a good origin story, and I think they really did a great job in developing him. I think so, too. Yeah. I think so, too. Did you guys know what was in the box before he opened the box after he met with his wife? They have that whole little, you know, the QC, hey, have we met before kind of thing on a little flirtatious meeting, and then she hands them, okay, it's time to go to your next, you know, your next gig or whatever, time to go change. And he opens the box. Hey, they even made it in your color. Did you guys know what it was before we cut back to the last bit of the episode and he's wearing the jumpsuit? Oh, no. Oh, yeah. I totally was like, ah, is that really going to be what it is? There's no way. There's no way he's going to be. And then he walks out. I mean, we're jumping way ahead, but he walks out onto the stage and he's in that Vault Tech suit. I'm like, oh, this just got fucking wild. Yeah. I love that. I did not make that connection. Yeah. Wow. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I had assumed that it was, but I was like, you know, there's a chance it's something else, but it's got to be, right? There's no way it would be this obvious and it was. I loved it. I love it. It was great. All right. So then we go back to the Wasteland. We cut all the way to the future. Lucy. Into the future. Lucy has done the deed, as we say, and the dog doesn't really seem to care too much about leaving the his owner. Like, she's like, all right, cool, you're, you're now my master. I'm going to follow you because it's what's in his head. That's more important. I guess, but to the dog, I mean, wow, that's dark. No, I mean, think about it. What he injects himself with, I think was a neural link to the dog. Okay. Okay. Now, now for everyone who doesn't know, Matt hasn't finished the series yet. So Luke, we can't spoil anything yet, but I love the theory. I love the theory. Yeah. Fantastic. I'm going to write this down. I love to theorize as I'm going through the show. And then once I, once I'm right, then it's like, all right, a win. Yes. Yes. Chuck that up. Oh. Two for the year? Yes. Two for the year. Oh, dear. All right. So, but yeah, also, so, so the dog isn't, you know, has no qualms about leaving the owner's body behind. Yeah. And Lucy seems to have no issues with carrying a fucking human head around. Not anymore. I mean, like, that doesn't bother you guys that she's just so okay with carrying a fucking head decapitated head around. I mean, we talked about it earlier. It's this radical acceptance. Like she, she understands that she needs to get this to Moldaver in order to get her dad back. Sure. Sure. It's less about worrying about her own comfort and just doing the job. Yeah. She'll go to any link to, yeah, you know, accomplish her mission and we'll see that later on in the show as well. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we do see that later on that she is very, you know, willing to go the extra mile. She's very willing to, you know, do things that she's uncomfortable with, but this just seems like, whoa, we're good. This just seems like it's not out of left field necessarily, but it's a, it's a step really far, really far. Um, she's, she's also, she's starting to become more accustomed to the wasteland. Yeah. Um, she's understanding the ins and outs. I mean, well, she started to when she, when she starts to interact with the ghoul more, it's when it's like, okay, I really have to strap in because this world will chew me up and spit me out if I'm not prepared. Yep. Absolutely. Absolutely. Um, I don't, do you feel like, uh, that, that tracker would stay in the nose cavity? Like, even though she wedged it up there, she injected it in his neck. No, no, no, that Lucy shoves up there. Oh. In his nose. Like I feel like that wouldn't stay. No, especially in a, you know, uh, decrepit, like rapidly decaying head that feels like that would definitely fall out. Yeah. Well, but he doesn't seem to be human. So maybe, maybe the doctors, not human, uh, I mean, it, it seems like he might be partially human part, something else. Interesting. I did not get that because he's got like, uh, electronic, like electric currents. Going through him. Well, we all do, sort of, but not like that. I don't know. I got something that wasn't quite 100% human from him. So maybe the way it's also the actor. Yeah. He's always given off a vibe that's just like not all there. It doesn't, doesn't, he like, electric you her at one point. I don't think so. No. I don't think so. I'm everything in of a different show. Maybe. Um, all right. So, so then we move on and Lucy is, uh, you know, still she's, she's fantasizing in there. We didn't talk too much about, uh, with the latter last episode when they're, you know, the night shows up with, with Maxima shows up, she's so in love with him, right? I am curious to know how she knows that he's a knight because the vault people, at least 33, they don't know about the brotherhood of steel, right? Because they went underground 200 years ago, right, and have been growing up underground and the brotherhood was born in some time in between the first bombs dropping and now. But they also come from an alternate history. Uh huh. So, uh, you think that might have been those suits definitely existed before the brotherhood of steel. The brotherhood of steel just kind of co-opted those suits for their own games. Gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Okay. Cool. That's all I need to hear. I solved problems. I answer questions. I'm either wrong, but- So speaking of Max, so now we have, uh, Max, you know, panicking far too quickly and, uh, you know, trying to figure out how he's going to get this suit in a back to working order. Yeah. So, uh, he, he goes and he gets, uh, this piece fixed, which is one of the funniest moments of, of all time. I love it. I love it so much. Yeah. Uh, he asked it, uh, bargained to get, uh, an extra cap, which again, is a fascinating, fascinating idea that a dentist would buy teeth. He would buy people's teeth and not right, you know, I don't know, pay money. You pay him to take them out, I guess. I don't know. Um, so, so he, he, some actually gets his, his extra cap, uh, and all she does is just zaps the little piece and it, and it seems to work. Um, and, uh, we get the iconic bottle cap sound. I don't get it very much throughout, but we get that iconic sound and I love it. I want to know if it's ripped directly from the game or if they actually went in and recreated it. He was walking around on with those bottle caps in his shoe. Sure. Why not? Where else would you keep them? It's just, that's so painful. It's gotta be. It's gotta be. I mean, maybe if you keep the, the opening down, yeah, right? So you're walking on the top of the cap slightly less uncomfortable. And by the way around, you're looking at like some sort of acupuncture kind of thing. Right. Something like what happened to his friend. Oh yeah. More or less. I know. Less razor sharp though. Yeah. Yeah. More dull and rusty. Yeah. Nothing. Nothing. So okay. So I'll call upon your tetanus shots, right? Yeah. Right. What's tetanus and what's a shot? Uh, so, uh, so he gets back to his power suit, uh, and I think it definitely checks out the marauders, raiders would jump on that thing immediately, like as quickly as, as it happens. That makes sense. That absolutely does. Um, but my God, he really got the shit fucking kicked out of him. Yeah. He came back. He came back with his own, his own power trip, basically. True. I mean, true. When he just inserts an arm into the suit and then just crushes the guys head full on. Which is fucking badass. I will say that part, I was like, oh, oh my God. Oh, right. This is the show we're into. That was a sick death, but my question is how did the suit work without that piece that he just had fixed? I think it worked. We hadn't got it in there yet. Well, he still has the fusion core. Yes. I think it worked enough for him to be able to like move his arms and layer his arm, but I don't know. I don't know what piece he took out. Yeah. That could have been a navigation that could have been not communication because he already fucking ripped that out when he panicked. Did you guys buy the fact that he was able to hold himself against like five huge dudes? No, absolutely not. But like, there's no way how the fuck is he still alive? Yeah. How is he able to get up? Yeah. Yeah. And you know, walk around and talk and be conscious like that. Yeah. So those kind of things to me just seem really far. Disbelief, but also pushes it for me. Yes, he got the shit kicked out of him all the time with the Brotherhood, but these aren't the Brotherhood. True. They're not trained soldiers. Right. And they have like crowbars and shit. Yeah. Like true. But I would say they're even more they'd be more brutal than the guys at the Brotherhood because those guys don't didn't want to kill him. They just wanted him to rough him up a little bit. Yeah. Rough him up. I feel like would have just finished him off. Yes. Or at least left him unconscious. And then like if if I had been riding it, he would have woken up the suits gone. Now he's got to track down the suit as an ex obstacle. That's definitely one way to get him out of the suit because again, I think it is such a power trip for him to have that suit. Exactly. It really is. So you take that away. And I think it becomes a little bit more interesting of a character, right? They're wanting their obstacle, another goal for this guy. But I like where we came from because I love Johnny Pepperton. And so Thaddeus is one of my favorite characters, might be my favorite character in the whole show. I'm not going to lie. Like he is. Where else have I seen that? So have you seen the FX show? You're the worst? No, no. Okay. That's where I know him from. And he is absolutely insane in that show. He doesn't have a long run in that in that show, but he is by far one of the best characters of that. He was in Ant-Man. Yeah. Johnny Pepperton was in Ant-Man. He was in 2021 and 2022. Jump Street is Delroy Delroy. What else might you guys know he was in? Oh, yeah. Okay. He was in Superstore. If you guys have seen that show, I have not. Oh my God. He was in Weird, the Alli Ankovic story. Yes, he was in Weird. He was going through his IMDB here. Yep. Oh, he was on Law & Order at one point. I mean, he wasn't, honestly. Anyone who's tried to act has been on one of those shows. At least. But yeah, I think he's a fantastic character actor. I think he's great. But I think he's more. I think he gets better. I think his character gets more fleshed out. But this is, yeah. So he jumps down. So, that he just comes down and of course, of course it's that he is who comes to help. Oh yeah. Maximus, right? You know, nobody, I'll be known as to everybody. You know, the Maximus actually did live. But. But I did that really, that was a nice scene with Thaddeus and Maximus in the suit. Which one are you talking about? Because right away, like, Thaddeus, he's so scared shitless, right? He's at, because he, he's actually really intuitive. Like, he immediately clocks like the situation. He knows what's happening. He sees the bloody gauntlet. He sees the crushed head. And then, right? You know, this arm just holding over him. Like, he's absolutely like, I'm going to fucking die and I didn't do anything. Yeah. Trying to figure out, hey, what did I do? All I want to do is serve you. You know, thank you so much for taking me on. You know, I don't know what I can do. And then of course, you know, Max is going to go on the same power trip that the old Thaddeus did. And it's just this never-ending cycle of abuse. Yeah. So yeah, later on. That part frustrated me, honestly. Oh. I think if he came clean earlier, it would be a lot different. But instead, we got this Star Wars, a new hope scene where he gets the call from the brotherhood and it's literally Han Solo and like, oh, everything's fine. We're all fine here now. How are you? It's literally like that. We're setting a squad down. Oh, negative, negative. I can't do that. It's literally the same. Yes. I never made that connection that fucking you're so right. Yeah. And it does. It kind of frustrates me though. So fast. He panicked so quickly. He doesn't think this through. Yeah. Because you do, you don't think things through, right? You just kind of are acting and going home on top of the world. Maybe that's what they're going for. Well, he also just killed someone. He also just like, well, I'm talking before he kills someone. He liked his night die. Yeah. He did let his night die. So yeah, I can understand his panic. I can too, but I think, I don't know, there's got to be a more efficient way of getting him out of the suit, humbling him, and getting rid of the power trip, because throughout the series, that's been my biggest issue with Maximus is he, I think you said it last time, he comes off kind of like Finn, but I love Finn's character in Star Wars. So why don't I like Maximus and Fallout, because it's so similar? Maybe because it's, I don't know, too accurate to what people would actually do. Hmm. Possibly. I mean, I don't know, I'm just throwing that out. I'm going to have to think about it. Think on that for short. Come back to us. Yeah. And just keep watching. Mm hmm. Keep watching. I do love when Thaddeus comes, you know, he's like, oh, we also have new orders, right? We also have to kill anybody who comes in contact or who stands on our way, which means now the plot thickens with Maximus has new orders to kill Lucy, who he also has a crush on. Yeah. So again, it's like, all right. Cool. So we're setting the stage of what are we going to do when push comes to shove, you know, when everyone kind of comes to a head. And when the whole plot, you know, comes together, what are we, what are we actually going to do? What, what choices are these characters going to make and that to me is interesting writing and that's what, what really, you know, helps this show stand apart is because those little things actually do, you know, you do get to see the, the, the acts come to fruition. And speaking of thickening plot, we also get back to the vault dwellers. Yes. To, oh, what's, what's her brother's name? Norm. Norm. Mm hmm. Um, Rico. I just remember him from enders game. Oh, Jesus. Rico. So, oh, I, I just remember him as the kid that ender kills in enders game. Okay. I don't know if you guys ever read the book or saw that, but it was all the movie once when it first came out, but great ideas, great ideas, horrible execution. Oh, that's so sad. No, he played, uh, he played a character on Hannah Montana called Rico. He was like, infatuated with Hannah Montana. And so I had a younger sister, but also my wife was a huge Hannah Montana. And so every time when we were first making our way through the series, he was like, Rico. Oh my God. But the, the plot thickens on that storyline as well because the, the leadership is, is dead. Right. At this point, right. I mean, there is no leadership. There is no leadership. And we get blind out from Deadpool, I, I, it's only forever to make that connection. But then I put sunglasses over here. Oh, it's blind out. Oh, oh, the yes. Yeah. Yeah. She's the, uh, one of the overseers. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, the, the three people that council members, council members, one of the other overseers or council members is, uh, from severance. Mm hmm. Yeah. Um, love him. Yeah. He's great. So the same guy from spotter ran homecoming. Uh, yeah. I think so. Easy. Big guy. Curly beard. Get a part in shunchi, I think, too. Right. That's right. Yeah. I'm noticing the bit parts, but in any case, I love how they're, yep. I love how they're just kind of fumbling with who's going to be a leader, who's not, because they're so sheltered, literally and figuratively from the ins and outs of political play. Yeah. Basically. Yeah. And they're all so polite, but they're not getting anything done. Because they're so polite, like they don't have what it takes to actually be conniving enough to make the tough decisions or to just act in general. Right. And I, and I love the, uh, you know, that, that, that norm is also like he's not scared of telling the truth. Like he's really not afraid of riling people up and, you know, speaking his mind, which we'll get into in the next episode of like what the, what the consequences are. We can talk about a little bit of that in this episode because they're trying to figure out what to do with the remaining raiders that they have in prison. Right. Basically. Right. And they're like, Oh, do you want to others as you'd have to do on to them? Like they're golden rule and norm is just like, are you kidding me right now? These guys killed so many of our people. She lost an eye and her husband, like, are you really going to let them run free? It's the whole, it's their, they're rehashing the death penalty arguments that we've seen before. But he's the only one that really stands up, but you can tell people start to get where he's coming from slowly, but surely, well, they start, they, they, it's planting the seeds. Basically, I think for Norm to have this arc of finding himself as a leader, yes, or an overseer. Yes. It's just so funny when they're just before Norm speaks up, they're just discussing what they should do with the prisoners. Yeah. They're just them calculus. Teach them Shakespeare. Oh, I know. They're so out of touch with reality. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And that part I will say was great in this episode. It was frustrating, but great because, I mean, if it, it all ought to see if I were in their situation, I'd be like, I see where you're coming from. I don't know if I fully agree teaching them calculus doesn't necessarily civilize them. Well, because it's not only a, you mentioned like, um, you know, the commentary on the death penalty, but it's also a commentary on the prison system that, yeah, of like, do we rehabilitate prisoners or do we use corporate punishment or prisoners or our prisoners? You know, are, are these people who have done bad things, even capable of being rehabilitated? Yeah. Like it is. There is commentary on all of this. Oh, yeah. I love it. Deep stuff. Very deep. Very deep. Very deep. Also, I, but before all that, I mean, I love the, the, like almost the interrogation scene with Norm and the, um, the, my God, I can't think counsel, counsel, I almost had panelists. Yes. Uh, you guys got me in the, uh, in the whole comic con mentality with the, uh, with the councils, uh, the council people that, you know, like it's totally me, you know, every job you've worked, you, he comes back with lacks enthusiasm and told it's totally me, but I love there's, there's, at Matt, I'm not going to spoil anything, but there's a little bit of foreshadowing. Luke, you know this when, um, she, uh, she's saying, Hey, I have telegram, the overseer of vault 31. Thank God. They're unscathed. Ooh, that takes on a whole new meaning on the second watch. Yeah. Oh my God. I loved it. I love that. There's definitely something weird about vault 31. Oh, yes, there is. Um, and then of course norm being a smart ass backfires. Um, honestly though, how stupid are they to, to have, to put norm, the one who hates the Raiders probably more than anybody on feeding them duty. Like, you don't think that that might lead to him. Yeah. I mean, right. Poisoning or doing anything like, maybe that's what they want. Yeah. I mean, it was a similar thing with the brotherhood. They're like, if you want it, do it. Yeah. Yeah. I like that idea. Take it. Mm hmm. Um, I think it's all a test. Interesting. Interesting. There's upon layers of people being tested by someone that they don't know about. I see. I, I, I love that. I was wondering if it's that or if it's maybe, you know, they just don't think norm has it in him. Yeah. Right. Which again, also is maybe a test or a testament to his character. And again, kind of like with. He was. I think during the raid. Exactly. But he also like loose. He kind of was like here, you, you stay here. Yeah. And he just kind of let it happen. Um, you know, back back with Max, Mrs. Hey, I'm going to do anything to prove myself. This is also the start of norms. I'm going to do anything to prove myself, but not to anybody else but to himself, I think. Because he is. He's a shame. Hey, I hit. You know, we'll talk about it on the next episode, but anyway, so yeah. So I, I just wanted it to get on the end. Of course, the NPCs, you know, those raiders, the NPC raiders are just so predictably unstable, throwing food at the windows and yelling and attacking it in a chance to get even if they're behind a cage, like they, you play a game and they'll still high. You know, they're hitting the bars and everything like, yeah, you dumb NPCs. I love the way they directed, um, the video game, like moments of the show, whether it's like new item acquired, you know, or here's the NPCs or yeah, it's just, yeah, it's so good. Oh, absolutely. Oh, absolutely. Um, so then we, we jump back to the wasteland and Lucy has come across the flooded city, which I also feel is very accurate that a lot of apocalypse shows and movies don't actually accurately depict is places are going to flood. Like there is going to be rams break, apps going to break in flood. You know, the, the rain's going to accumulate from somewhere, you know, so this scene break down. This scene is another one reason why this is one of my favorite episodes from the season. Yeah. This abomination that we get to see in the sea. It's so cool. I don't remember a character, an abomination like this in the game. I don't know anything exactly like this either. Yeah. But there's giant axolotl with fingers for like teeth. Yeah. It's no right makes a skin crawl. It. Yeah. Just like it crawls. Yeah. Yeah. I had to go there. But the way that, oh yeah, the way that thing hunts and stuff and the way that the ghoul hunts with it is just fantastic. It uses Lucy as babies. Yes. Yes. Before we get to the bait part, I love, and I, yeah, this is where storylines are mixing. We're cutting it all over the place. I don't mean to. Yeah. No. If we want to do that, it's totally fine. But I love how the meeting between the ghoul and Lucy, you know, after she just barely survives, right? And now she's got to deal with the ghoul. And he's just sitting there with a gun in her face and, you know, hitting her, going, you know, hey, where is it, you know, all that, all that great gangster shit. And she's just, she's finally come again. We get another chance to see Ella Pernell just excel. And she's, I lost it. Like she, she says it to him, but also like to herself, like, I did fuck up. Like I did lose it. And you get to see a little bit of her sanity slip a little bit. And in a moment before that, they, with the deer, with the deer, that was a nice moment to show that Lucy still has her humanity and still has the softer side of her, or she starts getting even harder. She is so dark and white. Yeah. She really is. I mean, it, it, it had, it's a testament to the casting. It's a testament to her, to her facial acting where she, she knows how to use her eyes very well. Yes. Yes. She's able to have these eyes of pure wonder or pure terror. Mm hmm. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. So this, this is a great scene where again, we get to see some of her range and, and, and looking at the, uh, behind the scenes to with her and interacting with the deer. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't see this. I haven't checked out yet. Oh, wow. Is it really? Yeah, it's a real deer. It looks like a real deer. There's like pictures of pictures of videos of her like, uh, milking that not milk feeding the deer milk from a bottle, like a baby bottle. Yeah. That's not milking a deer. I, I, I, it's not my soul. Anything, anything to get, to get ahead, huh? Uh, but yeah, so then, and then we jump to the other side of the wasteland and, um, and we have, uh, Maximus just fucking with that. He is. I love this scene. Yeah. That's so fucking much. I love this. This is so fucking much where he's climbing up there. He's like, I don't think this is an apple tree and also I think it's dead and then on my auditor, sir, I will find in the branch break, fuck, he falls in the fucking tree. I'm not doing it any justice at all. And I understand that. But the, and then, and then he just is, uh, I love him so fucking much. It's perfect. And, and then leading into the dialogue scene, yes, where he's refilling his water and, you know, there's a really, like, I'll say something nice about Maximus. Yeah. And then say something terrible about him and you get to see a humane side of that. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Really well written dialogue in that scene. Oh, it's extremely well written. I'm sure we all would have liked a situation like that where we had that kind of power over a bully and being able to see that, like, human side of them. Well, and that's my question to you guys is like what, you know, you, you, you, you definitely have that chance to, to get revenge on the bully, right? Or, or get revenge on someone who's done wrong to you, but at what point do they get? It's understandable. But at what point is it excusable? Or is it excusable? You know, is, is there a point where revenge is actually worth it? You know, where it's okay to treat someone, how you were treated just because that, you know, they treated you shitty, like, that's the whole point where again, like the second that Maximus was in that power suit, like he's got this power trip, like, hey, clean this, you know, and I, you know, I'm the, the bigger, tougher, stronger one. I'm in charge, fuck you, instead of remembering not, you know, two hours ago, 20 hours ago, whatever long it's been, I was in the exact same situation. Yeah. And that's, but, yeah, that's what bothers me though about Maximus's character is that he's turning right around, knows that he's treated like shit, and it's like, he could have told that he is, hey, look, my knight died. I took his suit to survive. Yeah. I don't know. I think that's also a very, a very human thing to do, but I've, oh, I see Titus as this, or Maximus, sorry. Well, I mean, no, you're right, because there are basically two different characters. You have Maximus and then you have Titus, right? When he's in the suit and he is playing a character, he's a dude, I think he disguises another dude. Well, the reference, he's already, Jay, he still makes a character decision when he's inside the suit in that moment, whether he's gonna, whether he's gonna tell him or not, whether he's gonna be even more cruel to him, or if he's gonna, you know, ease up and... I'll just say it now. His storyline is not grabbing me nearly as much as Lucy's the vaults or the ghouls. That's fair. That's fair. I agree with you 100%. That's definitely, in my opinion, that's the C story. Yeah. I, again, but I love, I love that he is so much, and I also love when, when they stumble across the body and that he takes the fucking stencil drawing and holy's like, hey, is that the body and holds up the stencil drawing? Yeah, that's definitely him. That got me so good. That got me so good. It's fucking hilarious. See, how can you tell without the head? Yeah, it's only him. And then, of course, you know, then Thaddeus stumbling into, into finding the answer, you know, of like how to find him, hey, wait a minute, you let the ghoul go, so good thinking. We can track him, pulls out this futuristic device. Yeah, totally. I definitely meant to do all of that. Failing upwards. Yes, failing upwards, which again, you know, kind of, you know, going back to, not only does he have compassion, but he is, he's intuitive and Thaddeus is smart enough and he's, you know, he's resourceful and he really does understand like what it takes to get the job done. Yeah. He's just a goofball. He's a total fucking goofball and yeah, him, I honestly don't mind as much as I do Maximus. But then again, I, I'm sure they're doing something for Maximus's story for the end of the series or for the end of the season anyway, you have to, he has to have room to grow, right? Oh, yeah. So, you know, he starts off the story and then he's, he has to have care, so yeah. Yeah. I patiently wouldn't bother me as much to start growing and changing. Yeah. But, but I do also love and I don't know, I don't think it's right away. I think I think we're, we jump ahead to the next scene with, with the two of them where we do have that sit down conversation with them and you really do get that again. I love perspective shifts when they're done well. And this is one of those that you really get a chance to see, yeah, I wasn't being a dick because I liked being a dick. I was being a dick because I was sick of being picked on. Yeah. Like I was like, all of a sudden now the cool kid. That was a real human moment. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. And you really actually go, well, shit, now should I have compassion for this guy who, you know, I'm supposed to hate because I'm on Maximus's side or is Maximus really even that good of a guy? Like there's so many gray areas and there's so many wires getting crossed here and it's just, it kind of forces the viewer to kind of make their own decision. It kind of, I don't think the show necessarily has a point of view on that. It just does, it opens, you know, the envelope a little bit further and allows you to really dissect it for yourself. No, I don't want to spoil things for Matt, but I don't like where his character ends up at the end of season. Oh, I like it. I just hope that he, I hope that we get more. Are you talking about Thaddeus's character or Maximus's character? Thaddeus. I don't like where Thaddeus ends up at the end of the season. You don't like it. I, I think it's interesting. And I am indifferent because I'm behind. I know. I'm trying not to say anything. It's a tis. Oh, hush. I'm, I'm doing this for the audience. So that way you're, you're the surrogate. Yeah, I'm the surrogate for the audience listening to the podcast. Yeah. Oh my God. My head just got bigger. For the audience who's already seen the show. For the audience who's already seen the show and those that haven't and are watching along with the podcast. There you go. I love it. There are a few audience members out there. I hope so. I hope so. I, I'd love to be your companion podcast on this. Anyway, no, I will definitely get to that because I like it. I just hope we get more of it. I hope it's. I hope it's. I hope it's full for that. The way the leave. I am. I am. It's open. It's open enough. Okay. Maybe, maybe it's just wishful thinking. I might be. It might be. I wishful thinking. Oh, oh, you were hoping we had an answer for that. I was. I was also just messing, but you son of a bitch speaking of a son of a bitch. That's the ghoul. That's the ghoul's job. Yes, he is. At this point, jumping back now he's got Lucy tied up that he definitely just gets off on being a son of a bitch like he's totally just like that's who he is. That's what he likes to do. He's like bracing the darker side of the character that he was playing on TV. Yes. Yes, which I will get back to in there. I don't. I keep teasing it, but there's so many things that are so tied to each episode like so, so well together. So I don't want to talk about one thing now and then come back to it later and just rehash it. But yeah, he's absolutely playing into the darker meaners, you know, son of a bitch. Son of a bitch son of a bitch and then I also love again Lucy trying to bargain, right? Torturing is wrong. But you're right and she gets, you know, tossed back into the lake. And then of course, you know, yeah, you're right, torturing don't do shit, right? And it's like, what the fuck are you doing then? He's fucking he likes it. He's getting off on it. He doesn't have to. It's yet another layer of why he is such an interesting character to watch. It's like he is doing awful things yet. I can't look away because he is so charismatic while he's doing it. Yeah. I love that line. That's what you just said, torture don't do shit. It's she from her perspective, she is being tortured from his perspective. He's just using her to get a job, right? It's not tortured. Exactly. It's nothing personal. He is. He's not getting information from her. He's just using her for a fish and see, and I think this episode, I mean, the whole, the whole series does this, but there's a few instances in this episode where we see, uh, uh, perspective shifts and this is, you know, one of those moments when you see it from both perspectives and Jonathan Nolan does a great job of this and a lot of his work is showing perspective and one of Matt's favorites and one of my favorites too, of his movies is The Prestige, which is all about perspective shifts. Yes, it is. Yes. And then, you know, they did that in Westworld, uh, he's just, he's really good at doing, at a writing perspective. Oh, yeah. I mean, just with the, uh, the man in black in Westworld, like the first season, you get a completely different side of him once you get to his origin of how he became the man of the, the man in black. I mean, same with, uh, Dorothy and, uh, who was, uh, yeah, uh, uh, which is why, which is why I'm so excited for season two because we were, we were, we get snippets of it. We start to lead into for, for later in the series in, in season one, we, we get a little bit of that what made, what made Cooper turn and turn into the ghoul, you know, how did he actually become not just ghoulified, but like, how did he become this character? Yeah. So that's what I'm really excited for is to see this progression and in this chain. And another thing they do really well in the show is they, each character shows that there are two sides of them. There is a good and a bad side. Uh huh. It's that whole two wolves thing inside of us is two wolves and one's evil, one's good and depends on which one you feed. Yeah. And even like somebody who seems as innocent as norm does have good and bad within them. He wants the prisoners dead, maybe not the best of intentions. So him and the ghoul are the ones I am watching the most closely because those two and Lucy to an extent, but those characters are the ones I'm watching closest because they have the largest potential to show their truest colors by the end of the series. Yeah. It's a, it's a character paradox. Yeah. Where, you know, you have, you have both and they don't, they just, they juxtapose with each other. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but yeah. Lucy's getting, getting, you know, uh, uses bait and, and it brings the acts a lot of in. Um, and I love that whole struggle, that whole fight, right? It was the first time we actually get to see the fingers and all that shit, like whatever the fuck it is and the fear, like you were talking about how just the, or, or Ella Pernell's eyes are just wide with terror. Yep. Fucking love it. It's awesome. Um, and then, you know, she's, she's doing anything she can, right? She's grabbing anything around her, um, which in turn, you know, is, is whatever that fucking saddlebag that the ghouls carrying, which is carrying his meds, which we'll get to in the next episode. Uh, now, now that's broken, right? Um, the, uh, the ax law swims away and, you know, now the ghouls, um, uh, his motivation has changed. Right? Now it's. Oh, yeah. Oh fuck. Slips on a dime. Yep. Now it's, I, but also he says, I don't remember what the creature is called. But he's like, Oh, it's whatever creature this is. Gulper. Yeah. Gulper. Yeah. He's self though. Oh, absolutely. He is. But like, and I really like that though, because again, he's like, okay, Gulper's got or Gulper digest real slowly. I've got time. Yes. Like, yeah. So I can go and do something else and then still come back to it, which is all of what fallout is all. I mean, a lot of RPGs are very much, you know, there's a quest and then there's a bunch of fucking bullshit side quests. So there's always, Hey, I'm going to do this, then I'm going to go, go over the here. I'm going to do this and then I'll come back. And I love it. But what I love even more about it is the line that he fucking says. Um, well, so, so while, um, Lucy is being tortured, right? She's, you know, why shouldn't work? Why shouldn't right? Why shouldn't I? I fucking use you as bait. Well, because of the golden rule, right? Do unto those how you want done unto you and then the, the goal gives another great line. Well, the way Slan has its own fucking golden rule, right? Which is, uh, thou shalt get, uh, distracted by bullshit every goddamn time, which is just a great line for those who play video games, you understand what that means. If you've played the first red dead, I haven't, oh my gosh, that is nothing but distractions from the main quest. Mm hmm. And like they all lead up to the final confrontations later on in the game, but it's like, that was my biggest gripe with red dead one, less so with red dead two, because I don't know. It's prettier to look at. It was, it was a very similar vibe of like, oh, we're going to get Javier Escuelo, but first I've got to help with this revolution. Oh, but before I help with this revolution, I've got to help with the other side of it and play them against each other. Right. Because they all keep saying that they have information of where Javier Escuelo is and then turns out. And yeah, as somebody who has worked on video games, the Life is Strange series that I worked on. You know, it was so interesting watching it go from script to our mocap room and then seeing it all done in, in the video game and, and just seeing those side quests. I feel like movies and TV both have side quests and that's what your B line and sea line stories are. Sure. Anyway, to an extent, but they do, but like I said before, they do a great job in bringing those video game moments to life in, in the series. It definitely leads me to my favorite episode, which is episode four ghouls. Yes. Yes. We'll get to that one. We'll get, we'll get right to that. A little bit left in this. Actually, there's a lot more in this episode. Holy shit. Um, so yeah, so we've, we've talked about, uh, the conversation with Thaddeus and Maximus. We thought I love that. And, and what I also love, I want to mention about, uh, how, how Thaddeus has like no qualms about like making small talk and trying to get like on his night's good side and just, but a, I think, because I think that that's a nervous energy, right? And so he just, that's how he's learned to cope with all of this anxiety that he's riddled with is he just talks. And, and to me, that is character development, right? Right there in and of itself where you don't have to go into too much backstory or you don't have to go into too much, but you just let the character be, you let the actor take over and you, you infuse it with human realness and it becomes something greater than you could ever hope for. Yeah. Then we also get the funny backstory. Hey, how is the shitter? What the fuck is that? Well, I grew up on a fly farm, right? And so we ate and then we fed the flies to shit and then we sold the flies as protein. That's disgusting. But also really very funny and he calls himself fat. That's why I'm so fat. So funny because he's a twig, he's a twig. So is that body shaming or is that realistic writing? Because we're 200 years in the future and food is scarce, right? Like, and I guess somebody, his size is considered fat. Right. Again, it's very funny. It's very tongue and cheek and it's very on the edge. Obviously he hasn't been to a vault. Right. Right. Right. Also true. I keep wanting to come back to the vault because that's where I think we're going to see a lot more true fallout happening, not necessarily in the wasteland, but in the inner workings of the vault. Yes. Well, the games were like that too. Yeah. You get a lot of information from the vaults, not from the wasteland. Yep. Yep. Or you know, you get a lot of information about the vault even. We weren't even from experience in the wasteland, but you learned by reading in the vault. Yep. Well, yeah. You're taught certain history in the vault. Let's just say that. Yeah. Yeah. But the shot, there's one shot in particular where we're in the vault, right, and we're doing the whole council meeting with everybody and they're going, "Hey, what should we do with the prisoners?" And there's the shot between, or behind, is it, shoot, is it? Stephanie? I think it's Stephanie. Stephanie's the one with the eye patch. Yeah. And she's just kind of sitting there and she looks like this fucking villain. She looks like this evil James Bond villain almost. I mean, I saw my suspicions about her, dude. Oh, I can't wait. That's awesome. But like just the shot behind her and it's like, you know, "Oh my God, she's so formidable." And so it's so haunting of a view that, again, you get great writing, you get good cinematography, you get a lot of interesting ideas going, you throw them all together and this is what comes out. And then when Norm speaks up, they exchange a look to each other. Absolutely. Well, then afterwards even, she pulls him aside, be like, "Hey, your father would do the right thing." Mm-hmm. Oh, and in that part, there's, so this is right after the news of their water system has broke. Yes. And there is a great background line if you guys didn't pick up on it. Which cracked me up. What's that? One of the extras, I don't, whether it's by direction or just improv, they say, "We're gonna have to drink our own urine." Oh, no. I did not hear that. Yeah. I didn't get to the first time I watched it, but the second time going through, I was like, "Oh, that is so funny." That's incredible. But again, and then that's, you know, that's used to exemplify how unqualified, you know, these morons are to try and run the entire vault is, "Yeah, it's fine. You know, the old overseer is out, so in with the new, you know, tell us what's up with this. All right. Let's cause some panic. Let's do it." Yeah. But I also love how we get Norm also picks up on that first. Norm picks up on that before the water chip malfunction, you know, mess debacle. He already realizes that leadership is gonna be the most important tool they have. Yes. But he 100% uses that, "Hey, he literally says it was not my intention to question your leadership overseer, and he says one." Not both. He intensely starts turning that knife a little bit. Yeah. Because he knows that there's- He knows that there's- Only on it, almost. Yes. Or what's the- There's a mockery struggle. There we go. Yes. Yes. He knows that there's a power struggle going on between the council and who wants to oversee everything. Yep. Yep. He's stoking the fire like a child would. I don't know. I feel- Oh, I do. He and Lucy both really feel like siblings because they both- Oh, yeah. They're both- They both exhibit traits of their father. Yeah. And when he said that, I could see his dad saying that as well. Oh, absolutely. He's so manipulative, and he knows it. Yeah. And this is before we get to the conversation about how much weight he has. Yeah. That's like in the next episode. You get these little glimpses of who these characters are going to be and where all of this kind of starts, and when those kind of things come through, that's when they're at their best, I think. But that one member of the council, Betty Pearson, Blindal, you can already tell she's noticing his new potential. Just not only as a leader, but someone that is able to further maybe her own cause or further the father's cause. And just you wait. Who's cause? I know. I'm really excited. Norm strikes me very much as a Machiavellian character, someone that isn't necessarily strong physically, but is devastating mentally. Yep. Yep. But all of his perks into intelligence. Yes, he did. Yeah. And maybe a little bit into charisma as well. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Again, his voice does carry weight, and I love what you brought up, Luke, about the other woman coming out to him and saying your father would do the right thing. It's a follower. It's the first of many followers. I think. Yep. Well, he also ropes Chet into helping him. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't remember if that's this episode or the next one. Next episode. Yeah. We'll get there. We love Chet. For… Chet's fantastic. Chet's just so much fun. Chet's just a lovable idiot. The only the only thing in that scene that I didn't really believe with Norm in the council is he said that so softly, then they heard him from the back and they call him out on it. How? How did they hear him just like scoff? Because the plot has moved forward. Thank you. Have you heard the suspension of disbelief? No. What's that? Because he's a main character. That's why. That's the real truth. Yeah, he scoffs very inaudibly and it's… I just… I would have directed him to be a little louder. I think it's because they're already looking out for it. They're already looking at him because he's already a troublemaker, so any kind of like not just "I'm going to go with this, I'm nodding my head, I'm going to put anything… There is very much a control that they have over this society involved. Yes. Yes. So you're looking out for those who are going against what you're trying to do. Exactly. So you have your eye on that. Yeah. So back with… Back with Max and Thaddeus, which I believe is the… Oh no, then we go back to Cooper. Okay, cool. So the second to last scene, so back with Max and Thaddeus, of course, somehow they wait it… Well, I guess they are tracking the ghoul, so what they think is the ghoul. They wait into the water and then, only after they're, you know, waste deep into the water, do they go, "You know what? I wonder if I'm picking up on something besides the ghoul, because, you know, this picks up up on some, you know, radioactive elements, but it might not be the one we're looking for. You idiot, you fucking morons, seriously? But also getting pretty funny. And then it turns into what we saw in the bear cave, right? Instead of the, you know, Max saying, "Hey, you go in and figure this out." He goes, "Hey, you get the fuck out, right? I'm a knight. I'm 100 percent. I've got the gun. I've got the armor." He's not, he's a terrible shot and he's not a knight, so he doesn't know how to do any of this. More stones are good. More stormtrooper nods. Yes. Much more stormtrooper nods. Couldn't have hit the broad side of a Death Star. But also, how tall is that fucking axolotl? Like, how does it stand in the water like that? That is awesome. Yeah. Terrifying. That was dope. And then, of course, I think the perfect placement of the song is called "In the Mood" by the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Perfect placement of that right there, where there's, you know, again, mass chaos and, you know, terror. And then you just have this bright bubbly, you know, soaring score. I love it. What is up with Glenn Miller, by the way? Colorado Native. Is he really? Oh, really? Hell yeah. Yeah, go to see you bolder. You'll see a whole section dedicated to him because he was from here. That's awesome. That's awesome. We love that shit. Shout out to a native. Nice. Well, someone who went to school here. Yeah. And I also thought this is definitely where Thaddeus was going to die. Like, a hundred percent. I thought that Max either was going to let him die or wasn't going to be able to save him. So what the fuck actually was it that killed the monster? That's what I want to know. I don't think we got an actual explanation from that, so... The monster bloop after he took the bag? I don't know what he took. I don't know. Did he was eating Thaddeus? She like... Oh, wait. Right? And he's in all of a sudden he just kind of chokes and throws everything up and then kills over. So that was very convenient, but... This was the axolotl still, right? Yeah. So, but this was after Lucy gave the bag, the ghouls bag, fed the ghouls bag to the axolotl. You think that was it? So there might have been something in the bag that blew him up. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I don't know. I honestly, I couldn't tell you. They got the head back? Right. Yeah. Yeah, this is where they get the head. The bat is... My theory is something in the bag. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Why not? I have no answer for you. If anyone in the... Who's listening knows, please send us a comment and let me know what the hell happened. And then we get some gorgeous set design with the ghost town, like the little ghost town with the ghoul and like, you know, like kind of not dragging, but walking Lucy through. Loved it. But again, how cruel the ghoul is just to kind of prove that he's the toughest thing around, right? It is, definitely, to help teach Lucy what life really is on the surface because everyone on the surface hates vault dwellers, so he's like, fuck you, I'm going to teach you exactly what it's like to live up here and, you know, to push her to the breaking point or, you know, to break her entirely, you know? One way or the other, it doesn't matter to him. Exactly. It's just imposing the will of the wasteland at this point. I think he, that's where his ethos is now. Yes. It's whatever the wasteland wants. Yes. That's the ghoul. Yes. Which again is why it's so perfect that he was the spokesperson for Vault-Tec. Yes, it is. Yes, it is, which is an amazing, like, it's foreshadowing, but just barely because he shoots off the face of the vault boy from the billboard and you're like, what the fuck is that all about? Because you hate vault dwellers? No. It's a result of Vault-Tec. Then you get the reveal that he was the vault boy. He was the spokesperson, which is just so great. He's all gung-ho about it. You're doing God's work and he's, you know, giving them a round of applause. And again, drastic change is so interesting. So you go from there to where we are, Matt, I can't wait for you to see the rest of this end. Careers like that always fascinate. Another example of that, not in Fallout, would be Jody Foster's character in "Inside Man." Okay. Have you ever seen that? I have not. So she plays a character that is so cunning and has everybody's number. And my dad and I brought this up when we watched it together years and years ago, but he's like, it would be terrifying to see how she got to where she is, to where she can just burst in on the mayor and call in a favor. Yeah. Like, what does she have on him? Yeah. It's a similar thing with Coop, the ghoul. Granted we're actually getting some of that. We're getting piecemeal evidence of who he was before and how he got to be where he is now. Mm-hmm. We're still a 200-year span that we don't know about. Right. Right. Of course, we end on the iconic thumbs up. I love that. I love that. And then we get some more amazing credits, you know, animation with seeing on the billboard we get half the vault boy, half of Cooper's face, right, just to make sure that you really understand this is what we were doing. And of course, the Hollywood sign and the fucking 405 Freeway are going to be standing 200 years from now. Of course they are. Sure. But it was at this moment that I started realize the end credit scenes are foreshadows of the next episode because the shopping carts are in that end credit scene, which go into the super duper mark in the next episode. Right. Interesting. I just like those because we get to see more of the Wasteland. We get to just see more of the destruction of everything, but yeah, so that's episode three. That's the head. Um, yeah, that's definitely a great episode. I think that's one of the best ones. My, I don't know what you, what's my favorite just yet. Um, I need to definitely do some, some research on sit down and go, okay, how do I like each of these? You know, what are some of the elements that I like better or worse? Uh, but this is definitely on the, on top of the heap right now, um, it's got just comedy out the ass. It's got plenty of action. It's got a shit ton of backstory, um, the fight choreography is interesting. The music is great. CGI is actually really good as well. The fight for getting better, I would say, the CGI. Yeah. I was just going to say, um, the, the fight choreography of Max, Max Demis is seen, um, I forgot to, I was, I was going to say, uh, I was going to tell a joke about, uh, that it's, uh, that he got out of that super easy, it was barely an inconvenience. For those who don't watch George, he's going to be surrounded by five, five Raiders and, and no power armor. That's going to be super difficult for him to get out of actually it's going to be super easy. Barely inconvenience. Well, okay, then okay, then Megan references his toy, shout out to Ryan George. All right. You guys. Yeah. Right. If you're listening, hello, we love you. Um, come hang out with us. Yes, please. That was episode three, uh, next time, uh, cause, you know, time is different here on the podcast, uh, next time we talk, we'll be talking episode four of fall out episode four is titled, so come back, uh, check us out then. Like I said, we're all over socials, uh, let us know what you think in the comments of episode three, what your thoughts are, if you haven't been watching, if you haven't already watched, which your thoughts are for, uh, what's to come and fall out, uh, where we've got, uh, YouTube, uh, up and running, we've got plenty of places to check out the podcast, like Spotify and Apple and Google. So definitely go check those out. Uh, all the links will be in, in the show notes, enjoy the movies, enjoy the TV shows until next time. We'll talk to you soon. Bye. Don't forget the Golden Rule. (upbeat music)