Shawnee's Prayer

Stay Anchored In God

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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Praise the Lord praise the Lord and welcome to Shawnee's prayer Podcast season 2 episode 8 you can find this podcast on Apple podcast I heart radio and on Spotify Please subscribe download Comment Like and tell someone else about Shawnee's prayer Don't keep it to yourself Allow someone else the opportunity to be blessed by the prayer and as always I start my prayer off With a blood scripture coming from Romans chapter 5 verse 9 Much more than be it now justified by his blood We shall be saved from wrath through him. Let's go to the throne of grace Father God and the mighty name of Jesus. I just want to say thank you I just want to say thank you father God for another Thursday father God Thank you for how you have kept us from the last Thursday to this Thursday father God We know it wasn't us that was able to keep ourselves But it's because of your grace and your mercy father God Thank you for breathing your breath of a life into us father God Thank you father God for breathing your breath of life into our hearts father God in the name of Jesus Lord God father God I come and ask your father God that you will help us father God to seek you father God To seek you with all of our hearts father God Help us father God in the name of Jesus to ask you for whatever it is that we need by faith father God Don't allow us to come to you and fear father God But help us to come to you with holy reverence father God when we ask you father God Whatever we need whatever we desire through prayer father God I allow us to truly believe it within our heart father God that whatever we're asking It has it's aligning with your will for our lives father God and so fearful it will come to pass I allow us to have that full assurance father God to know that what we have Ask father God what's of our heart desires may be father God that there are aligning with your will for our lives father God So therefore it is going to come to fruition father God for it is so father God Help us to seek you while you may be felt father God help us to seek you before it's too late father God Help us to seek you now where we have breath in our bodies father God in the name of Jesus Oh God Lord God in the name of Jesus Lord God I just come and ask your father God to keep us secure in you father God to keep us ten toes down in your word Father God to keep us fully anchored in you father God I allow us to be like the house father God that was planted upon the rock Not planted upon the sand father God so therefore father God when the storms of life come father God When the enemy comes in like a flood father God We won't be wiped away father God in the name of Jesus We won't be tossed all around father God in the name of Jesus But we'll be truly fully anchored in you truly fully anchored in your word truly fully anchored in your promises father God But your promises are yes and amen and Christ Jesus father God So I just pray in the name of Jesus father God that you will continue to strengthen each and every person father God Give them strength those who are weak those who are fragile those who are feeble for the God I pray that you were strengthened father God the weak is linked from the God in the name of Jesus Father God I pray for the God that you will show us ourselves father God I allow us to see you the way that you see us father God I allow us to see ourselves the way that other people see us father God because sometimes father God We blame everyone else for the God, but we never do a self-reflection for the God We never think it's us we never think that we are the problem for the God So I pray father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that you allow us to see ourselves father God in the name of Jesus Father God a show was when we are the problem father God in the name of Jesus Show was when we are the weakest link father God in the name of Jesus Show was when we're the trouble maker father God show was when we're the gossip her father God Show was when we're the liar father God in the name of Jesus Show was when we're the ones that there's someone discord amongst the brother and father God and the name of Jesus Father God Show was when we have Joe see it in V and our hearts father God in the name of Jesus Show us with sin is Lord at our door father God in the name of Jesus Father God Show was when we're not as close to you as we think we are father God in the name of Jesus Show was when we're not pleasing you father God in the name of Jesus Father God Don't allow us to get caught up in our gifts and our talents father God in the name of Jesus Father God What you mind is that our gifts and our talents come without repentance for the God So you could use this and our gifts you can use this in our talents But that does not mean you're gonna extend except this into your kingdom Lord God So father God allows us not to play games while we're dealing here I love was not to have one foot in the church father God and one foot in the world father God Don't allow us to have one foot in the world and one pinky toe in the church father God But allow us to have both feet firmly planted in you father God in a name of Jesus Oh God help us not to make excuses not to go to church and not to fellowship We want another father God in a name of Jesus help us to stop judging one another father God But help us to speak up for righteousness father God help us to speak up for holiness father God Help us to speak up father God in the name of Jesus father God when we see our brother and sister father God Falling away father God allow us to restore them and in love father God I allow us to restore them with a grace father God with mercy father God in the name of Jesus father God so I just pray father God that you will look down upon each and every believer on today Look down upon each and every unbeliever father God I pray for those souls even more father God because they don't know you in a part in of their sin I father God I pray for each and every person who does not know you I pray for each and every person who serve a False God on today Father God in the name of Jesus we know that Jesus is the only way father God So I pray father God that you allow the scales to fall off people eyes for the God Lord God I pray that you would turn their thinking around father God I allowed them to start thinking the right way father God Help them repent of their sin and accept you as their Lord and Savior father God and for those of us who have Repent and accepted you from the God help us to draw closer to you father God Help us to go higher envy and go deeper and deeper on the God allow us not to have any room for the God for the Enemy to be able to come in father God allows to be so filled with your spirit father God that there'll be no Father God for the enemy to come in father God then because we're filled with the spirit of God in the name of Jesus father God I pray that your spirit would tickle with this land father God so much evil is happening in this world father God So much deception is happening in this world father God Lord God people are saying this is saying that in the name of God They're saying this and saying that in the name of Christianity father God and you're not pleased with any of it Father God so look God I pray in the name of Jesus that you will do a cleansing for the God I pray that you will do a revival on this earth father God This earth needs a spiritual revival for the God and the name of Jesus Father God I pray that your spirit will come down father God every vibe this Earth oh God and Lord I thank you Lord I praise you Lord I honor your father God for what you're going to do father God For what you have already done and what you will continue to do in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray Amen and amen God bless you and God bless you [BLANK_AUDIO]