FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Dale Liesch from Lagnaippe - Midday Mobile - Thursday 7-18-24 - Midday Mobile - Thursday 7-18-24

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high-stepper. No step too high for a high-stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. We're sure the tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean, the beer we got pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no dollar bonds in them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question. Tits my ****. Right away we go FMTalk1065. Midday Mobile. Glad to have you here on this Thursday. Friday Eve. A lot of people look at it that way. Actually, I guess for the folks over at landnap, it's the nappies Eve. One of those people, my buddy Dale Leach from Lanenap, joining us now. Hey, man. Hey, yeah, it is a big week for us here at Land York World Headquarters. And if you've seen the newspaper, you can feel how thick it is. It's a it's a big big newspaper this week. And we're we're very proud of it. Well, I can tell you all how big of an issue it is. Even the digital version that I look at weighs six pounds. So people have know that. So fish and joke. People say, "How big is that bass?" I said, "I don't know." But the dang picture weighed three pounds. So yeah, we'll talk about nappies in just a little bit about tomorrow's party. But first here, let's go back to the hit records you and I play all the time. And the Mobile Civic Center, a perennial with us, I guess I knew it had to cost something. I wouldn't. But it's when I learned things, I'm not saying this is too much because I don't know this world. But I was put back for a second when the winning bid on this to knock down the Civic Center was four point three million dollars. This isn't not building anything. This is knocking it down. Yeah. And apparently they had multiple bids and that was by far the cheapest. So it was it was gonna cost a pretty penny with garbage and sounds like. Now I will say, I will say that I will say that I don't know anything about what demolition costs either. But there were a lot of, you know, Facebook demolition experts who thought it should have been cheaper. So I don't I don't know. I don't know. But I mean, I know they can't use explosives. I assume it's cheaper if they use explosives. But I'm not sure. So I think it's gonna take I think it'll take a little bit longer and we will miss the opportunity to get a wave transit bus right in the middle of the implosion because there is no implosion. I was you know, I was thinking, yes, that or picturing like some scenario from an AC DC video, you know, with the wrecking ball and Angus playing guitar or something like that. But it looks like that's not how they do it these days. So I just want I want Sandy. I want Sandy Stepson to ride a wrecking ball like he's Miley Cyrus. I think that would be awesome. Yeah, talk about it. I'm updating. I'm updating your scenario a little bit. We can have multiple things going on. And you talk about land yeah, if you've got yeah, Mobile Bear Sandy Stimson riding a wrecking ball into the thing. I mean, you've got you've got cover material that is going to be the favorite cover of the year. Well, we'll see if we can make it happen. Well, you know, that'll be next month. Maybe we will. Maybe we will. Just an idea. And then if that doesn't work, I'm just picturing Angus, you know, playing the heck out of the guitar and the wrecking balls hitting the building. But OK, 4.3 million to knock it down. We were told that OK, for this stuff to happen, they had to be you told me what a 60% design. Bring us back. Tell us what they're there. What that means there's drawings 60% of things drawn or what? The new building and priced out and estimated. Yes. So they have a at 60% design. They feel like they would have a pretty good estimate of how much the entire project is going to cost, right? They had a not to exceed number of 300 million. And as of right now, they have not estimates have not exceeded that. That number now we don't have the. We do not know what the numbers say right now at the 60% design like they have not released those publicly. And I had asked at least twice and they're not ready to share them yet. But they do say that they are on on budget currently and they claim the project is on time. And so I think next week we could see the first agenda item having to do with the demolition. A demolition contract will be awarded by the council. Should be on the agenda today. The agenda comes out. No, tomorrow, agenda comes out tomorrow. We should be able to see it then. And then and then council probably laid over at least one week on Tuesday and then vote on it to follow in Tuesday. So we're going to move right along and then August will come along. They'll do the demolition and then they'll get to 100% you know, we'll get to 100% design and move forward with the construction later on. And the timeline we've talked about is 2027. Mardi Gras is in the new facility. All right. Okay. Correct. The new arena should if everyone goes according to plan, the new arena should open by the time Mardi Gras falls begin in 2027. Okay, that's the plan. We're just reversing it for your backing out from there. So they better get busy. Also, you mentioned in your story about city council this week, the opioid settlement money. And I'd heard I guess a month or so ago, a doctor coming from the council talked about things they were doing. This is this is money. Does it come directly to the city or coming through the state? This money that and what's it supposed to do? It's opioid money. What's it supposed to do? And how did how did it end up in mobile? This this was $2.2 million. This was part of a settlement that the city entered into with with opioid producers separate from the state lawsuits. So that's their stat. So they got they got $2.2 million to give towards organizations that deal with intervention, opioid, you know, overdose issues, things like that. And so they entered into a contract with a group that will that will vet these other nonprofit groups. And Helios Alliance, I could not remove the name of it until just now. Helios Alliance has has agreed to vet for $240,000, I believe, $154,000. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Could not remember. So, but for the 154,000, are they I'm not trying to be flipping here, but are they like the charity navigator thing where they say, you know, like if I'm given to a charity, I gotta, there's a couple groups out there that show you how much of the, you know, are these a good, good group to use or, you know, donate to. That's pretty much, that's pretty much exactly what they're going to do. They've got a, they've got an algorithm or an app or something that will vet these groups and tell the city whether or not, you know, if they, if these groups answer the RFP, they'll be able to tell the city whether or not this will be a good investment with the limited resources they have in the opioid settlement. So that, that's sort of what, that's the idea of this contract. And so in about a month, they will put out an RFP and they'll ask groups to answer the RFP. So if you are one of the groups in the city that deals with addiction and helps people with addiction, now is the time to let the city know that you're interested so that you can get on the list of groups that will get the RFP in about a month. You also write in here, I think this is interesting because I, I feel, I would get to prove it, but I feel like lots of money gets spent in our city for CYA, right? To, they're going to do something to have a third part. We third party, the third party's third party in our city. And in your story, you talk about Lisa Tegert, who's executive director of door to serenity, questioned the agreement. And I guess pointed back, I remember talking about this when the porch band of Creek Indians were giving the money for the, because they got some too, that they already developed an app to do a similar thing. Are we having two, two groups to vet this thing instead of just using the, what did you make of that? Well, my, my understanding of that was that the money that the porch band of Creek Indians were using were for, was for their tribal government use. I'm not 100% sure on that, but I don't make the same in it like it could. Yeah. You could. And I, and I don't, and I don't know enough to tell you whether or not that's what they're doing. But, uh, you know, I, you know, the companies, the company that they hired to do it, you know, can't do it for free or won't do it for free. That, you know, kind of defeats the purpose of a company, right? So, uh, or groups, they got to, they got to make some money doing it. So I think that's the idea is to get it out of the hands of the people who would typically write our RFPs for the city and give it to somebody who has a more specialized view of what to look for in an RFP response having to do with opioid addiction. So I think that's kind of where it is. I understand the concerns. Like no one wants to put money on top of money and in the history of governments that typically, you know, there's a lot of reason to not trust people when they in government, when they say they're going to do something. So, but, uh, but I, you know, unless I find out otherwise, this is, this seems to be on the up and up. I don't see any issues with it yet, but you'll read Blaney app about it if there are. Yeah. It is frustrating that all these things seem like they're not that there's not a big problem now, but they're delay. It's been my lament. You know, I've talked about the medical cannabis commission, the laws in the state, and we talk about all the screw ups that have gone on with this. And I keep pointing out just the silly, Hey, seat, I am, uh, back in, you know, what was it when it first came up in 2016, 2018, we were first talking about this bill in the legislature. And here we are in 2024 and the people who need the medical marijuana still don't have it. The, you know, the government's gotten in the way. And in this case, you, I know there had to be lawsuits and all these things and the Sacklers and all these things for the money, but move it the heck along. Make sure you're not wasting a heck of long because this is now, you know, we're delayed by a decade from all the people dying of opioid overdoses. Absolutely. And it's going to get to a situation where, you know, we're going to mess around with the weed, uh, with the medical marijuana or stuff. We're, we're, you know, we're starting to see fentanyl being, uh, being laced, marijuana being laced with fentanyl now. So it's just a matter of time before somebody who needs it, you know, gets it on the street and dies from a fentanyl overdose. So let's, let's get the, let's get the ball rolling on some of this stuff. I agree with you. All right. And I guess it was, I was tuned in, watching, uh, watching council meeting, uh, you were there in person. I'm there watching. And I saw somebody I knew, uh, addressing the council and I heard, uh, and I know they live in landfare and they start talking about the landfare and you have landfare gate. This is, this is coming from the construction project that seems to have been going on for a long time, maybe over a year, though, now of that section of McGregor from, from Dolphin Street down to airport, right? With that shutdown, this changed a lot of traffic patterns out there. And the people in, in, in landfare are talking about what were they asking the city to do? What's the complaint? I, I am normally, uh, I'm normally against, uh, cutting off public access to a, to a taxpayer paid, you know, funded street at, or entrance. But in this case, uh, I think the council members, uh, pretty much all came together and agreed that this was the correct move. There used to be a gate separating the interest of the entrance of this apartment complex on airport from, from, uh, from, uh, from some of the streets, uh, in, in the neighborhood of, I think it's a landfare and then, uh, party, yester oaks, another, uh, landfare, yester oaks neighborhood area. And, uh, they just said that, like, it's always been sort of a problem with people cutting through an airport to get to Dolphin. But since the McGregor work has started, it has just been, you know, unbearable. I think they said 1,700 cars travel that way. Well, they say 1,700 a day, I believe. Um, and, uh, and during peak times, you know, 900. So, you know, they're worried about, uh, they're worried about people, uh, on sidewalks and in the streets being injured from cars that are passing through. So, uh, the, the city will install a gate. Everybody complex, uh, where the problem is, uh, and, and to keep it in the gate was there before got taken out for some reason. It was never, even though it's supposed to be replaced was never really replaced. So the city is going to go in and replace that gate and, uh, hopefully make it a little bit safer for those landfare people. Okay. Uh, and did in this discussion, it came up when they would finish the, the, the calls of this, that section of a Gregor. That was not, uh, that was not discussed. Okay. No, I, I know, I know that that whole project, the Holy Gregor project, they warned us was going to take a while. And I, I think we're still in the midst of a while. So just buckle up on that. I think it'll be a while. All right. A while, a while and a half probably. All right. Tell folks, uh, again, so nappies are out now. That issue is out on the streets and you said it weighs a lot. Like should you wear a back brace when you pick it up? Is it a team lift item? Yeah. Yeah. Lift with your legs or, you know, get forklift certified and grab your copy. Uh, you know, all over, all over, uh, all over Babylon here, uh, streets of Mobile, grab it. And, uh, you know, there's a lot of the good profiles on the winners that we wrote. And, uh, you know, a lot of, a lot of fun stuff in there. Plus, you know, all of our normal journalism work that we do on a weekly and daily basis. So check it out. Once again, if you subscribe online land, we'll be able to calm, uh, you'll get, you know, all the breaking news and stories that don't make the paper and a digital copy of the paper as well. And like you said, even, uh, makes your computer a little bit after you're even at this use. So to check it out, uh, we love you all and, uh, helps support a local business. Absolutely. Uh, as always, Dale, I appreciate you man. And we'll see you tomorrow. We'll see you tomorrow night out the nappies. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be there for sure. Okay. Can't wait. When, when Dale and I get together, uh, lock up, lock up the ladies that way. All right. There he goes. The only should we're coming right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five. Welcome back midday mobile Thursday style. Just talking offline for a second with my buddy, Blaine Price from Paris tractor over at Robert's tail. And you're talking about a couple of things. And we'll see you this weekend Blaine Gower at the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. We will. We'll be there this weekend, um, maybe along with themselves and we'll be there at the sponsor seat this weekend. So I hope to see it plus people out. That is good stuff. So you've heard Blaine not talk about the zero percent and I'm going to have him do it here, but you can talk to them in person about it. What's the deal? Zero percent financing on what with Kubota? Well, everything kabota and land pride, new equipment qualifies for that zero interest financing, um, through Kubota's finance. Uh, they, they do offer the zero interest financing on our use rental equipment that we're rolling out of our rental fleet as well. Um, we're beginning to do a few items of that this year right now. So, um, they, they offer it. They might not go out to, you know, the, the 60 or the 72 months zero interest on that used, um, equipment come out of the rental fleet, but they will still go zero interest for a maybe just a shorter period of time. Okay. So to take advantage of that, of course, you got to check out the inventory on the use side. Where do we see that? We have it listed on our website, Um, we'll have all of our used inventory uploaded there with pictures. Uh, but of course, if you got any questions about anything, uh, give us a call here at the store. Any of these salesman can, can answer and email you even more pictures and videos. If that's what, um, you need. All right. And, uh, just on the rental rental side, I'll buy in the rental, but, uh, folks got a, you know, weekend project ahead. Talk about renting the equipment from y'all. Absolutely. We got a little bit of everything all the way down the small, you know, hand tools and chainsaws, uh, and up to big excavators and skid stairs, uh, tractors, man lifts, uh, forklifts, dump trailers, um, a little bit of everything. And we'll rent it to you for a day, a weekend, a week, a month, or if you want to do it all year, um, we, we got a little bit of everything. So come see us. Uh, we'll do. Uh, first of all, come see them at the rodeo and if they're going to come see you in person, give them the directions. Uh, we're right here in the middle of Robert still on highway 59. Um, you can come by see us Monday through Friday, eight till five, or Saturday's eight till noon. Um, or give us a call at two, five, one, nine, four, seven, four, one, seven, one. Thank you, Blaine. See you shortly. Thank you, Sean. All right. There he goes, Blaine Price, uh, from Paris tractor. Yeah. Be down at the rodeo tonight for the liars contest. And then this show from the rodeo grounds tomorrow from noon to two. I get to these texts when we get back from the break. I was looking, uh, at the, uh, Twitter feed, the X feed for us at FM talk, one of six, five watching last night, you know, the, uh, speeches giving last night. So the ones that stood out to me, number one, uh, I guess her name's Kai. Kai is, uh, Don Jr's eldest, uh, Trump's granddaughter. It's interesting. I think it's a good thing you would see for all parties to, to humanize people, right? Because Trump is a two dimensional person to, to many people that like him and people that don't like him. But to see a granddaughter talking about her grandpa, uh, was good. And the thing that stood out to me beyond anything though, and I hopefully you can go read more about this guy on our Twitter feed, Bill Peckerel, World War two vet who gave a heck of a speech last night at the RNC, Wisconsin native, World War two bed. Awesome stuff. Awesome stuff. Check that out. We might you out of visit that when we return right here on midday mobile. Well, 135 to FM talk. One of the six five and midday mobile on this Thursday. I think the show brought you by my man Forrest at Blue Water Yacht Sales and Service. I tell you, a good thing too is to get signed up for the email from bluewater. If you're good at, you can get signed up for the emails. Always talk about the new boats. And right now, they still have the incentive pricing on great, great boats, like regulator, Jupiter, Solis, Albemarle, Bulls Bay boat. Uh, and at the same time, they have this great selection of broker boats. We've talked about it in the past. Why? If you're looking to sell a high end use boat, why you would use blue water got sales, but they list new stuff in their inventory, use boats in their inventory all the time. And you'll get an update email. And some of these are really sexy that just came out in the latest email. So you can get those when you go online at A reminder to the service work. You know, it's a rodeo weekend. If during the next three days of fishing, something's not doing right, we'll make a, make an appointment, drop that boat off at blue water got sales. You can get the Yamaha work done, Mercury work done. And in addition to that, I've pointed out that not just the engines, and they do a great job. Yamaha master tech on staff can do all the work on those engines. But they also, if you say, Hey, man, I'm having forest. I'm having trouble, you know, with other parts of the boat. And they're going to do a check from about a stern. So get the engines, right? But if you got builds on issues, running light issues, Lord does wiring issues. I'm living that right now. Issues with your boat. You've got folks who can help you out as blue water got sales and service. Check them out Best way, though, to see these boats and inventories go see them in person, go say how to forest in the gang. They're right there at the I-65E service road, like North Adolphin, south of Old Shell, where you see them at Orange Beach Marina. All right, to the text line here, James, the sad troll, James, who I got to talk to yesterday, which I enjoyed, said yes, play his speech from the World War II veteran. We don't have time to do that. But if you want to go to the Twitter, the X feed for FM talk, you can see the link to his story. I thought he was amazing. I was taking pictures of him, sending him to my friend too. I said, that man, good genetics has been living right. Because I think he's 98, 98 years old. And I mean, with it. And it goes back to like people say, we need to make a, we need to make a top age to be president, right? Like you basically make a slot limit. You have to be older. We need to be 32 to be the president. I think 32 or 36, something like that. So make it a slot between there and 70 or something. But the problem is not all people age the same way. And we can see this cognitively right between where Biden is. And it's not, it's not anything they did wrong, you know, in some cases, every, some cases, I guess people can do damage to themselves and be that way. But, you know, I've watched this in my family cognitive decline is not something they chose to do. But it's happening. So you look at Biden compared to Trump, right? Big difference close. And they've got three years apart in age. But big difference. You see people that are 65 that act like they're 85 and 85 year olds that act like they're 55. I mean, that's, so you watch this guy last night, this World War II veteran 98 years old and still, still kicking butt and looking good too. But yeah, you go see that at FM talk one of six five on X. Let's see. James also said, have you thought about having someone like Jessica Tarloff from Fox News as an option? I enjoy the debates I get as an independent who has balanced opinions. Yeah, she's on the five sometimes, right? I'd like to, I'll just say this, I'd like to have her do in studio debates here. That'd be good. But I don't have access to the Fox News host. We'll see Jeff probably has better access than I do. Undame texture says, I don't think we need age limits for the presidency because of hyphen. I think people who voted for him need to believe their lying eyes. Right. But I'm saying the age, the age thing. And a lot of people made the case of, oh, we need to have an age limit for the upper age, but people don't age at the same level. Go watch this, this greatest generation hero who gave the speech last night at the RNC. All right. Let's see the Okay, some rodeo talk. We'll get to that here in a little bit. And by the way, guest tomorrow is good. So a guest tomorrow on midday mobile, the commissioner of the department of conservation natural resources, Chris Blankenship, homeboy, Mobile County guy, known him since we were young men, we ran the same circles. Don't hold that against him. But he is going to join me tomorrow on the show. We'll talk some fishing. He likes to offshore fish. He's a dolphin island guy. He likes all that. But the money, you know, with the brain the last couple of days, I could just go through the emails I get from the utilities, you know, where they have to disclose their, their sewage overflows. And if you'll listen to me in a period of time, you know, that's a frustration for me, he's going to roll out what projects they've taken money. The state has money that's gotten from from BP, right? And how it's allocating that money for utilities, fixing these problems and working on water quality. So he now we'll talk some fishing too. But we'll talk about that tomorrow on the show. Let's see here the. Okay, the shot. A lot of people talking about the shot getting a lot of memes here about the Oh, I'm sorry. I missed this earlier. Chris and Orange Beach said really bad. Rec Highway 59 Southbound 59 is a parking lot, probably all the way back to Foley. I hope maybe that has been cleared up by now. I'm sorry. I didn't get to that one earlier. Sam says Sean good day. The woman should be fired immediately to talk about Cheetah. And I believe it and believe it or not, probably a handful of people were qualified than she is. She's lucky that Trump is still alive. She had nothing to do with him surviving. Don't give her another chance and getting someone killed. Anything could have happened to the local officer could have followed off a few rounds to get attention to the shooter or been killed instead by the good snipers who were on the slope roof when they shouldn't have been. They probably would be fired from the DEI superintendent. What I'm getting at is Sam and I think you're on the same page. If you're going to fire Cheetah, just make sure just make sure you have somebody in place to move in. It's the conversation I had Monday with Congressman Carl. And he said, you know, in the house, they're doing this getting this testimony and they're seeing what they can do to basically punish secret service for that. But my worry there is you don't want to take funding. We don't need less secret service coverage than we had. We need more, right? So we, so how do you do that? Hey, there's got to be somebody who could step into that position as head of the secret service that knows everything that Cheetah does. So I've, you know, that's, that's what, I mean, I wouldn't say to fix the problem you need to get rid of or really reduce secret service right now. No, you need more. I don't know how secret service can protect Biden, though. He's got, he's got the COVID, I guess that that's the story now. And of course, last night when they came out, Dalton and I were texting back and forth, and I think I said on, on Twitter, here we go, is this the means they have to, to get him out the Democrats? The COVID thing, you know, I suggested that back when the debate was coming. If they, they knew how unprepared, unable President Biden would be in that debate against Trump, they should have said he had COVID or something and just scratched the debate. Right. They didn't. Now they're saying, yes, COVID, I don't, you know, there's the whole web is, oh, he doesn't really have COVID. They're making up. Maybe he does. Maybe he does. But he could have COVID at, you know, he's been vaccinated, boosted and boosted vaccinated and that's a boost and all that stuff. But he could have COVID. I know they told us that if you got it, you would not be able to have or at least be contagious with COVID. Remember back in those days? But if he had COVID and they wanted to keep on with him, they probably would not have announced it, right? Because everything against President Biden right now is he's weak. So if I'm part of his staff, we don't announce COVID, but they are. And that's what's interesting story here from Bloomberg. It says, Joe Biden can't catch a break. Yeah, he's had a, I'd say a disastrous three weeks politically. It says, seems like things couldn't get much worse for the president after he is diagnosed Wednesday with COVID-19, dashing his hopes of counter programming the Republican National Convention by forcing him to cancel an appearance before a key Latino advocacy group. Don't you know, this is perfect after after his flubs. What was it? He was earlier this week when he was, you know, yeah, I think it was yesterday at a NAACP event, or was it Tuesday, where he was sort of saying, you know, Lloyd Austin, he's saying that the black man, I mean, he doesn't remember Lloyd Austin's name. But this is a good thing to keep him from having to go to events. Once again, he may have COVID, but I would argue that if he had COVID and they didn't want him gone, they wouldn't tell you. Says he said he's got COVID and the story goes on to say then the dam broke a flood of leaks, detailed senior leaders in the Democratic Party warning Biden. Personally, he was unlikely to defeat Donald Trump as putting his congressional allies at great risk. That's what they're worried about too, is the down ballot stuff. Chuck Chuck E Schumer, Senator Chuck Schumer delivered a blunt assessment to Biden that it would be better if he bowed out of the race. That's pretty big having Chuck Schumer in the Democrat world saying that also house minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries told the president, his candidacy was imperiling Democrats hopes of holding on to control of either chamber of Congress and the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Biden in a private conversation, he couldn't defeat Trump. I like all these private conversations that we have here in print. You know, if it shouldn't be hard, if we could just pick the swamp up, you know, like Donald Trump says, drain the swamp, if we just pick it up, it should leak out rule. The leaks are so much coming out of Washington. It should up get the water out of that things like a screen door at the bottom. So it goes on to say those private implorations were made by public signals Democrats remained unconvinced that Biden's campaign is viable. Well, thank you, Democrats. A lot of us have figured that out. That's why we want them in there. Separately, Schumer and Jeffries work to end a bid by some by now lies to hold on a virtually virtual roll call. Yeah, this is the thing. They're trying to get him nominated before the convention because I think that their conventions, I think Democrats convention is August. I think I'm right. And they would like to have that locked down beforehand. They said instead, the president is retreated to isolated his home in Rojibath Beach, Delaware searching alone for how to write a campaign to plug into chaos. Okay. So is this the, is this the fact that he has COVID? That's what's ridiculous. The fact that he has, if he does, the fact that he has COVID has nothing. If he steps down because he has COVID, it's ridiculous because it's all the other stuff is why he should step down. But watch him try to play like, well, he's got COVID, you know, and that's why he would step down. Hey, give me a break, but it's a little bit what's going on inside. Yeah, the medical condition. Here's another take. So there's a take from, from Bloomberg and MSN. So kind of a left-leaning take. Here's a right-leaning take from the New York Post says Biden says medical condition could prompt him to drop out if the doctors came to him. So is this a setup? He's going to go, he's going to do a speech and say, you know, it's with heavy, heavy heart, whatever, he'll throw in there that the medical, the doctors have come to me and say, you can't run because of this COVID at your age. You're really healthy, 81-year-old, but you have COVID and you can't run. And that's why he's going to drop out. I don't know. I'm still stick with the, I still think Biden's the nominee, just because I've been saying it for a year. So I won't, won't back off of it. I'll ride that bucket into the ground, but there it is. At least some of this chatter out there makes you think, maybe that's their path to getting him out that he has COVID. But think about, if that happens, think about how silly that was. That that's why. All right, to the, to the text here, let's see, unnamed texture. I'm surprised Victor David Hanson didn't get on the air to call JD Vance a neo confederate or some Bernie bro. There's definitely an ideological shift in the Republican party that has some intellectual depth with JD Vance. JD Vance is an interesting guy. There are some, there are handles on JD that will make him, I think, popular with a, with the MAGA movement, for sure. There's some things that will be unpopular with the MAGA movement, some things that will be unpopular, of course, with swing voters. But I think, did you hear of JD last night in his speech? Which states other than Ohio, right? And you got to, as much as I'd like to goof on the Ohio state, you got to call out your own people, wrap your hood. So he talked about Ohio from Ohio. But then did you notice the number times he said Michigan and Pennsylvania, obviously big states for Trump, Rust Belt states. And I've told you before that, you know, half of my family comes from South Central Pennsylvania. And my people there are absolutely, I knew this in, in 2016, that something big was happening with Trump when my cousins were both, who went from, I love these guys, but they were never political animals. I mean, we talked more about, you know, heavy metal albums and stock car racing. And they also participated in crash mob derby at the, at the state fair there in Pennsylvania. That's the stuff we talked about. And then all of a sudden in 2016, I'm looking at their Facebook stuff. And it goes from hot rods to talk about politics. I said, something's going on here. That was somebody was speaking to them. In that case, it was Trump speaking to them. You get somebody who is from Middletown, Ohio, who's part of that world with JD events. He speaks to them at a level, even I think would beyond Trump. So I think he's going to be huge asset there. But there are some things that the left is going to go after JD Vance on. In this case, I don't know that it matters like it would in a, in a campaign in the past. I think concrete's so dry. So many places out there that I think JD does nothing but help Trump. And yeah, is he staged at 39 years old to be the heir apparent to run after the four years of Trump wins, which I think you will. That's something we'll have to gauge over the first couple of years of the Trump presidency, part two. All right, super mom, what's up, super mom said, the only part of the RNC I didn't like was the last bit of Peter Navarro. The grabbing the girl's face and kissing was a bit much. I realized he's been locked up for four months, but there's a time and a place. It was interesting to borrow fresh out of jail and, and shows up at the RNC. I mean, there's some drama to that, right? That was interesting. John says old shell road is blocked at the railroad tracks. And now they are working on Spring Hill Avenue and bottlenecking at Moffett road split. What a mess who makes these decisions. John, I cannot wait for the presidential cycle, the former chief prime cycle. All these other things get settled, although something else will come up so I can go back to one of my favorite things, complaining about traffic and the lack of timing and lights on airport Boulevard and all those things. I think that would be just at least if I could do a segment or two a week, like I used to, right? Where we could just complain about the lack of light sinking on airport. I did, I guess with Dale, I did a little complaining about McGregor. Back to the good old days of talk radio where you go, you know, I throw that hate driving on news is next. Be right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. [Music] All right, so 155 to FM Talk 1265. Midday mobile. Yes, y'all will see me there tonight. Yeah, hopefully I get to hang out with some of y'all before we get started with the very serious business of judging the Captain T-bone Liars contest at the rodeo starts seven o'clock tonight. Very serious. We have to have to do serious, serious things in judging. It's usually like, hey, do y'all have a pen and then quite often Jason Smith from Fox 10 and I sit there and cheat off each other's paper. It's fun. Watch it. We'll see you down there tonight and then this show live from the rodeo tomorrow and a cannon shot tomorrow morning starts fishing. Make sure you've got your tickets, A-D-S-F-R dot com for all your ticket info and any kind of rules, questions, all they could stuff on there. I teach Jesus. Now, I teach Jesus. I don't know who you are other than your handle here, but there are, I think back over time, you and I are, which says about either of us, you and I arrive at the same thoughts about things with some regularity. So when I teach Jesus text it in, he said, did you see the JD Vance wave? It looked like a Kyle Hitler. You're right. I teach you, I thought the same exact thing. I don't think he's a Nazi. I don't think he's a Highland Hitler. But I was like, what the hell? I saw it too. I mean, he was doing, like holding his hand, you know, almost like the, the, the, the, the royals wave, you know, how they put their hands up and then, then the, the, the royal and then they'll just pivot the hand back and forth. But he was just holding it up straight. I was like, that doesn't mean he, I don't think he's a Nazi. I don't think he's a Highland Hitler. But don't, just don't do that. Have some, I mean, dude, you graduated Yale Law. You're a smart guy. Don't wave like that. I, I teach you this. I'm 100% with you. I saw him do that. And I said, you come on, man, to quote Biden, come on, man, which there's been so much Biden stuff this week. I haven't even gotten all the audio cuts. We'll have to drag them over to, to Monday and Tuesday. Although by then, maybe they'll have moved Biden out. Yeah. Somebody said, who will Harris's pick? Who will it be? Harris VP Obama? I don't think so. I don't, then I don't think so. This whole idea that it would be combo Harris with Michelle Obama as the VP. I don't think that's happening. It's, there's merit to talk about the kind of vote turnout Michelle Obama could get for the Democrats, but I don't think that's happened. I think they ride Biden the whole way into the ground. But yes, other people, just somebody take JD Vance right now and say, dude, you're going to keep doing this. We got to teach you to wave. I mean, you're from Middleton, Ohio, you're regular people, man. That's your charm. Wave like regular people. Paul Feynbaum show on the way next.