FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

US Rep Dale Strong - Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 7-18-24

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back to "The Jet Porchola" from Talk106.5. They just stickin' with us on this Thursday morning. Watching the various cable channels and it does the Biden exit drumbeats now underway. So I'm curious to see how this is going to play out. In the meantime, well, we can deal with the RNC. Tonight's the final night. Donald Trump will schedule to speak and I'm told to expect some other notable guests perhaps, but somebody who's gonna have a seat in the building tonight, he is the Congressman from the 5th Congressional District up in North Alabama, but always a pleasure to bring on our friend. Dale Strong joins us. I almost called you commissioner there, but Congressman, good morning, how are you? - Hey, it's great to be with you. Just call me Dale, I'm good with that, but great to be with you again, Jeff. - Hey, thanks for making time for us. We'll start here. I mean, are you been texting me a little bit and we've been swapping some text messages. What's your overall impression of what's going on? I assume it's kind of electric, but it's not too boisterous just based on the circumstances from Saturday. - Well, you think about it. We're a hundred hours from our candidate taking a bullet for our country and attempting the assassination to keep them from being the next president. That's unbelievable in itself, but this environment here in Millwalk is pretty electric at this point and just these stories of JD Vance and where he came from. I think that's pretty compelling. And then you think about Kai, the granddaughter of President Trump, talking about her grandfather. I'm telling him I happened to get a call and they wanted me to go and do a TV and a view with Don Jr. So I go to that and go to the staging area for that. He walks in and said, forget it. Let's go to the president's box. He said, we need to be there. Man, you walk in and they put me in the president's box and a couple of minutes later, he walks in. And so I was two rows behind him and I'm just telling you right now, it's unbelievable to think about what they've been through that family. But I'm telling it to granddaughter. She set that place on fire. It was unbelievable how she was talking about her grandfather and it touched a lot of folks. And I think the rest of the country saw it last night. - Kai, so I'll tell you something that stands out to me about this convention. Just watch it on TV. I mean, you do see Alabama in the room. I've seen you guys with the camera pans around, a lot of faces I know, but you know, Katie and Wesley Britt and the VIP box on Monday. I mean, you guys really are carrying the banner from our home state here. - Well, I'll see you right now. That's the one thing is for a little bit more than nine years, I've known, got to know the president very well. I think Alabama's position very well whenever this goes down, because I'm telling you right now, we're on speed dial with the president. It definitely would not help our state. And then you know the commitment that, you know, you look at Mike Rogers, myself, Katie, coach. Just go down the list. I mean, Alabama's pretty consistent with national security. And I think we've got someone to finish business. - Are you, you mentioned JD Vance. Well, I mean, out of all the picks, I didn't really have a preference there, but you feel pretty good about that. - I feel good about it. I'll be honest with you. I knew the president had been in with the Virginia governor four times in recent day, in recent weeks. I really thought he was gonna go that direction, but I think JD Vance is a great selection. And I think the story of his family and him telling his kids to get their butt in bed. I think that right there resonates with the common people of our state being one of those. And I think that that right there is gonna put it in perspective. But I think that you got some, this is gonna be a dynamic duo with a quick learn. I mean, that's the thing. I think JD just speaks common. And I think he's gonna benefit our country. - Well, and I had a Judy Barlow from Marneke of the Woods on just now, but my impression of the Vance Pick is this. In '16, he went with Pence, which was sort of the bridge to ISDD. What was left over from the Tea Party Wing and the Republican Party. And then when he's after inauguration, he brings in a lot of cabinet members, listening to old Bush people, trying to be like that guy that's gonna bring everybody to the table and really try to govern that way. And he got burned. I don't think he's gonna do that this time. And I think that Vance Pick is talking about this. I think that Vance Pick is telling us what we should expect if he wins in November. - You can take this to the bank. He's not gonna do that again. You looked at it. You just go down the list. General Kelly kneecapped him throughout the people that were loyal to the press. And I thought that was whenever he became chief. And that was awful. I believe, matter of fact, in conversation, it's gonna be about loyalty and people that are willing to work with the first 100 days is gonna set the tone for where we're going with this administration. We've got four solid years. I think JD will be learning a lot in this process. But I told him, I said, man, let's go seven days a week. Do whatever we've gotta do. But that first 100 days is gonna set the tone real quick and what we're gonna be able to accomplish in this next four years. - Yeah. And then I think that's the way that's what people want. They want, I mean, they wanna get what they're paying for. They wanna buy into it. They don't want throwbacks from like the Neocon era or whenever in Republican politics. And the one thing I kind of you kind of take away from it, maybe some of the messaging has been kind of weird. I thought the Teamsters guy on the first night, I'm not really sure what that was about. I know it was a big get to get him. But I do get the sense that maybe more policy oriented toward what we talk about is sort of this maga populism. - Jeff, the issues, it doesn't matter where you go in this country. And I've been to a bunch of states here recently, especially. It doesn't matter where you go. The Southern borders, the number one issue. We had policies that worked. You had the remaining Mexico that worked. You had Trump that fueled up ICE air and processed these illegals when they came across, returned them to their country of origin. We know what works, Biden knew it worked, but that's what he wanted. He wanted to create this circus and him and Alejandro Marquez. They created 100% of this. So now we've got to deal with it. The American people want this mass roundup conducted and get it rolling on day one. And that's the thing we've got to do. You can't reward bad behavior. The first thing you do when you come to this country is come in illegally and give the bird to the American people. That shouldn't be rewarded. That should be the first ones that go back. The next thing that I'm hoping to do as a congressman is to say, if you vote illegally in America, we're gonna fast track you out of here. 'Cause that's the thing. They can call it, you know, they say, "Oh, you're trying to intimidate people." No, I don't want illegal alien to vote in this next election. I want the American people. The legal, the folks that are here legally should be the ones voting. And these illegals ought to be returned immediately. And I think the vast majority of America stands behind that. - We're joined by Congressman Del Strong here on the program. - Guys, there's something else that occurs to me and like, let's talk about Saturday, the elephant in the room. And like, they couldn't get that right. They couldn't, that's like one of the most important things we expect out of our federal government is the secret service to get that right. But I think it's more emblematic of what's going on in the Biden administration. Did just these colossal failures of this policy be it execution, be it whatever it may be? If this is going on the secret service, which is very, very front and center, what do you think it's like at the Department of Transportation or the Department of the Interior or any other facet of the federal government that is under the control of the Biden administration? - Well, you saw with the local people, we're saying you got to gown this building. He's dragging a rifle with him. Okay, there's no way that guy looked like anybody in law enforcement that knew good and well that it wasn't. There were so many things in that. The president, you know, I mean, I'm six one easily. He's six three and a half. And you've got somebody five foot six trying to cover him. I'm telling you right now, they can't cover body mass or somebody five foot six. Thank God the president was able to walk off the stage 'cause they could not have carried him with the people that they had trying to cover him. Then if you notice whenever he walked off the stage, pumped the crowd and was getting in the armored SUV, notice how long that SUV sat there. If the president has attempted assassination on him, that SUV should have been moving within seconds and it's sat there. What were they waiting on a hand? Did you come out there on it? The American people saw it. You don't have to be in law enforcement to understand there was a true breakdown there. There was some good things that happened, but I'll tell you this right here. I can't imagine in law enforcement having to ask for a green light for a shot on somebody that's on top of the building and the number one presidential candidate giving a speech. I hope that's not the truth, but you know the committees I serve on. I'm on Homeland Security. I was with my Mark Green yesterday, the chairman. He said, are you ready? I said, I come to our committee. Then I saw Speaker Johnson yesterday. If we put a select committee together, he asked what was I willing to serve. I said, absolutely. I said, we've got to get the questions there and find out what's going on. It looked like to me that they put, just scrapped a secret service group together to do this. And it's strange to me that they still got security on Fauci. And we don't have enough security on who speaks to be the next United States president. So we've got the question and I can't wait to ask them. - Well, and I think this is the important point because luckily the hand of God, by the grace of God, this assassination failed. But Congressman, what if it had been successful? What does the world look like today? And people need to understand if that 20 something year old kid is successful, how that really would impact their lives. 'Cause there would be profound implications throughout the world. And I don't think people, I mean, it's hard to grasp it, but you talk about faith and confidence in the government, faith in people out there. And you know how people could be with believing what they want to believe. I mean, it's chaos would ensue. You can't have that happen in America. Absolutely not, and whether you're a Democrat or Republican, you've got to have that security to protect the leader of the free world. And I'll tell you this, you know, I've been with the president a good bit. New Year's Eve, I was at Mar-Largo with him New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. There were 700 people at Mar-Largo. I'm sitting with the president, had a great conversation. And he said, "What are your concerns?" I said, "Sir, there are 700 people here at Mar-Largo, "I said, they checked my ID to get in. "I said, then you got a red carpet "and not one bag was checked. "600 of these people, he could identify about name. "A hundred of them, he probably didn't know who they were, "but I'm telling you right now, this cannot happen. "You've got to have sufficient security." And this is the other thing is, even after they're president, you've got to secure them. And I'll be honest with you, now they know that the odds are, he has a high probability, he speaks to be the next president. The security that was on him in Pennsylvania, I don't care what they say, that right there was second and third tier secret service, unable to holster their weapons. Not sure where to go. SUV sits way too long to have him standing wide open to the crowd when he's walking off. Someone five foot six trying to cover a large body mass. Unacceptable. And then when he comes into the convention the first night, it looked a little bit more like it. Six, six, two, 45, able to cover up if they've got to. But I'm just telling you, anybody with walking around since saw that there was something missing in Pennsylvania, our hope is, is to get to the bottom of it. And I'll tell you the calls that have come related that, have been unbelievable saying here are questions that should be asked. But if we have to put privacy on Donald Trump, let's don't look back. Let's do it today. And that's one thing I did. We talked to folks right there around him. And that's the thing, you've got to put private security on him, do that, because we've got to get him across the line. - I mean, you think about talking about that. I mean, it sounds like you've lost a little bit of faith in the secret service to do its job. - Well, you know, this is the thing. I think there's two standards that the American people have seen, one standard for the Democrats and another standard for the Republicans. Unacceptable, totally unacceptable. But we've got to make just now, even before this select committee gets rolling, like we were talking last night, put folks that you know can protect him. Don't look back and say, man, we should have had some people taller, we should have had people heavier, people that could care somebody out if they are incapacitated. That was the biggest thing that I noticed on TV. Number one, when he got hit, you're sitting there thinking, okay, where's the shot he had? You knew there was blood there. You knew when they were down behind the podium. Thank God, you know, just no CPR was going on. Secret service was communicated with him. And then all of a sudden, whenever they stood up, another breach because he squared up to the crowd and didn't have cover in front of him. And then all of a sudden, you're sitting here and you're thinking, are more shots coming? Going down the stage, open again. Denny gets into the limousine and hello and behold, it sits there for how long you, I mean, it just seemed like it looked like a week to me because I was thinking they've got to get moving, they've got to get out of there. And but thank God, there weren't other participants. And we dodged a horrific situation for our nation. There's no doubt. - Well, and then finally, we're wrapping up on this. I mean, tonight will probably be the most watched beach in the history of presidential conventions of any political party. What's your anticipation there? I mean, we talked a little bit about it off air, but what really would bring it home for the RNC, you think? - Well, I think the biggest thing is that this country know what's at stake. Number two, the value of everyone showing up to vote. The next thing, protecting the integrity of this election. You know, people, they tag you at these liberal media outlets and they say, oh, he doesn't believe in the election. I don't believe to this day, Joe Biden got 80 million votes. That's just my opinion. So what we've got to do is be sure that we've got poll watchers everywhere. You know, you look at it, it's funny. They say that in Alabama, we're 51st in math. But the one thing you can, Alabama, you'll know all 67 counties and how the votes turned out usually by about 9.45 or 10 o'clock. We've got some states that can't get it worked out in three or four days. That's unacceptable. And they could learn a lot from our secretary's state in these Southern states because the hat works. But tonight, the big thing is, is people understand what is at stake. Donald Trump speaks to bring a defining moment in his life, this speech tonight. And I think what it's to do is we're picked to watch the Christians get off the sideline. They're headed to vote. We're picked to watch this country. It's gonna be the biggest turnout in the history of our country. And so that's what we want. We want people to come out and vote. The other thing that we're fixing to probably hear in the next day or two is where Joe Biden is today. Everyday changes, what you've seen on TV, is not something new. The first week I was in Washington, I was in the group of 20 freshmen, including Katie Britt, invited to meet with the president. He didn't know where he was that night. He was looking for a teleprompter. This is nothing new. The media has covered it up. It has progressively got worse every day. I'm over there. I've been to the White House. And I'm telling you right now, what the rest of the country is seeing is what we've seen for 17, 18 months. - Carson, you gotta leave it there. You're very kind to come on and talk to our audience down here in South Alabama. Let's talk again soon. - We'll see you see all the all soon at the beach. Talk to you later. - All right, Congressman Dale Strong there from North Alabama. We gotta get a break here. We'll be right back. This is effort talk, 106.5. (upbeat music) ♪ I promise my son not to do the things I've done ♪ ♪ Walk away from trouble if you can ♪ ♪ It won't be in your week if you turn the other cheek ♪ ♪ I hope you're old enough to understand ♪ - Let's talk 106.5, thanks for sticking around. What's left of this Thursday morning, we certainly do appreciate it. - Come up tomorrow on the program. Todd Stacey, Alabama Daily News. State Senator Chris Hilly, the returning champion. And we'll have some other guests. One other guests at least, to be named later, but things are kind of always fluid so you never know what you're going to get. Come up here shortly, mid-day mobile shots. Also, what you got for them today? - Hey, Jeff, a mix of things. Guest wines, John Sharp's gonna join me later in the noon hour, Dale Leash in the one o'clock hour. So, John with, Dale with Laniap and in the beginning, we're gonna circle the wagons here on a, maybe you can do this, you have a building science degree, right? - I do. - Okay, so building science degree. And I have no degree in it, but I've repaired and put on one roof new and repaired several roofs in my life. Two on 12, slope. Two on 12 slope. - Okay. - That's darn near just enough to get the rain to run off, right? - Yeah. - Okay, all right, just, we're gonna discuss that as a Cheetos, you know, using that as, I mean, just say it's my fault, the buck stops with me. Okay, stop right there. Don't go on and say, well, here the rope. It was too slopey. It was just, give me a break, really? - Hey, I saw that other news, the streak remains intact. - Which one? - 20 years, 20 years of no nappy. - Which I think is actually harder than winning a nappy. So, I think you, you should be proud of your streak. - This is my 20th year writing for those guys. And I have now have multiple chances to fall apart from winning, still not over. - Well, I'm getting the Susan Lucci and the nappies. - I got you outta here, it's been a pleasure, guys. We'll do better tomorrow. Sorry for all this, I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the Jeff Corps Show. - On FIT Talk, 106.5. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (music) [BLANK_AUDIO]