FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Dr. Sean Powers preps for the ADSFR and Sean talks with anti-Trump callers - July 17 2024

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17 Jul 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping, there will be no booing, and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful, and it will be for a long time." "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper." "This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065." "We're shot to tough, yeah. I mean, I think everybody knows that, you know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got is pretty good, don't it?" "Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a bad council, I had no dollar bonds to him." "That doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question, were you high on drugs?" "The last question, kiss my f***." "Alright, here we go, FMTalk1065 Midday Mobile, hour number two on this Tuesday, and a little technical blip out there. The, uh, hadn't been getting your text, so you can, if you've got to get through, good old fashioned phone call, 3430106, 3430106, telephone lines are good. And then, hopefully, we'll be texting again very soon, but hit it up on the telephone line, headlines I'm seeing as I come on, this continued discussion from over the weekend with the leak about Adam Schiff, you know, Fang Fang, Adam Schiff calling for Biden's exit. No chance, no chance. The Democrats know they're going to lose now. Why would you put a new candidate in there to lose and have that mark on them? No, you'll just, I mean, if you're going to lose, you're going to be Biden in there to lose. So, those calling for a new candidate, I don't know, we'll get to some, make some more Biden stuff in a second. I want to, first of all, though, say thank you, thank you, thank you, uh, the nappy awards are out today, land nap out on the streets. We'll talk today, a leash tomorrow from land nap, uh, but thank you, you know, so many nominations for this station. It was really something I'm very proud of that we had to compete against ourselves in so many categories, which is, which is good. It's, it's, it's tough. I mean, but it's a good thing, right? We have multiple shows nominated in multiple categories in the nappies, uh, and so we had to fight amongst ourselves to come out like a primary, but, uh, here into the, uh, win. Congratulations to the boys in the morning, Dan and Dalton, Mobile Morning's, the best DJ team, which I like the DJ, DJ Dan, DJ Dalton, uh, so best DJ team for Dan and Dalton for Mobile Morning's best morning show, Mobile Morning's with Dan and Dalton. Congratulations also. This is great. My friend and I'd say, uh, one of my absolute favorite shows on the station on Sunday's playing gardening with Bill Finch, which is, of course, has a new name, but back when I, back when this happened, the name of the show is playing gardening. So Bill Finch for best radio lifestyle show or segment. So congratulations to Bill and thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Y'all are always so very good to me. Uh, best talk radio show host, uh, me for midday mobile. So thank you, uh, for the nappies again this year and every year y'all show up to vote and, and, and I appreciate it. So thank you and, uh, and we'll do it again next year, right? Start already working on the campaign for next year. All right. Uh, the, if we get to the JD Vance thing here in a second and I maybe have a different part of a JD Vance conversation than others and it's about something that I'd heard about Trump that I've heard this from people inside Trump world. I think there's some veracity to it that, uh, out of the things that Trump doesn't like, uh, Trump doesn't like. I don't think he likes fat people. Not like he like goes out and gets them, but like he's not into, if you're fat and also facial hair. Facial hair is a problem for Trump. I've heard this before and it reminds me, I mean, it's kind of like a generational thing because my parents were the same way. My mom still is the same way. And we'll, we'll get into that. Atlanta, something's messed up in here also that I'm not getting, uh, our information on, on who's on what phone. I don't know what has happened. Maybe, maybe we're having some kind of, uh, say the Russians are hacking us or troll form out there. Be nice to know if the Russians had enough time that they'd, they just, uh, do this. You know, I hadn't done this in forever. Let's just go to the phones without be knowing who I'm talking to. Who is this? This is Freddie Whaler. Freddie. All right. Freddie. How are you man? I'm great. I'm just calling in. This is the one-year anniversary of annexation and we haven't fallen off the face of your hands. We're still here. Uh, nobody, nobody's dog that is a result of annexation that I'm aware of. So I'm just thinking that it wouldn't, it wouldn't be all, uh, encompassing thing that everybody thought was going to be. So yeah, annexation went through, uh, the people in the newly annexed areas have, I don't, I haven't heard that they want to succeed from the city now. I have not heard that. So probably a great success. Yes. And to be honest with you in my neighborhood, it's, uh, less a little better. We have, uh, trash pickup. So that, that happens, uh, on a regular basis every two weeks, uh, like it does all over the city. And, uh, we have brought this pickup once a week and that happens on a regular basis and we have ordinances that are actually enforced. And that is a wonderful thing. And I, I think it's one of those things that people didn't realize how much better it would be once we joined the city. And then we get to be, we get to be part of this marvelous effort to kind of revitalize mobility and all the great things that are going on in city. I mean, you know, you always hear to me about this and this and this and that and what was me and you don't stop to think about all the things that are happening that are positive such as the, uh, Airbus and Austin, those type projects expanding and growing and getting bigger. And then he's talking about the, I don't know if anybody's driven around mobile lately, but I have never seen so much asphalt being laid all over the city of mobile in my life. You cannot go down hard to any thoroughfare and not find a new patch of asphalt going down. That's a good thing. I went, one last thing here on annexation, uh, the, the area that did not vote to come in. Okay. Uh, what I, the airport corridor out there, I have, I have theorized because I'd drive right through there going to my house that is the lobbying group of big fireworks that pushed against it. Cause you know, you pass snow there and you've got the, uh, the, the, the fireworks stands. Do you think it was big firework, the lobby of big fireworks that kept that area from annexing in? Well, after actually living through the third and forced it July. No. Okay. All right. Just checking. Freddie, thank you. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. It's just a theory I keep working on that somehow it's, it's big fireworks and I like it cause I mean, we, we shop at those places. The boy and I, who's here at work with me, we, we go there. I just wondered if that was the push against the, uh, uh, against annexing that, that area in really quickly. We'll come back to the phones. Uh, and then hopefully it works its way out here, uh, on my side, but I do want to just bring this up. So Trump is a thing. He doesn't like his facial here, right? I heard that before. And now of course JD Vance who looking at the picture of JD Vance, JD Vance and I have like, it's the exact same beard. I'm looking at this. It's the exact same, like it's ridiculous that how exactly the same it is. Uh, but the story from Wall Street Journal says Donald Trump and JD Vance are officially now the scruffiest presidential ticket in decades. Ohio Senator JD Vance who announced Trump's vice presidential pick on Monday is the first major vice presidential or presidential candidate in nearly a century to have facial here. Okay. It goes on and it says, uh, the boyish commonly clean shave and Vance emerged into the spotlight with the, in the mid aughts with his best-selling memoir, hillbilly elegy, the still quite young Vance grew a conspicuous beard, which is struck as he entered political life. Though it's become speckled with gray as the candidate who is just 39 has aged said, even his beards have become normalized for CEOs and TV personalities. It remained uncommon for politicians to support facial hair. And it goes on to say former president, uh, vice president Al Gore grew a beard, but it was only after leaving office. Al Gore's beard is like, it's like panhand, like homeless, out urban outdoorsman panhandler beard. If you go back and look at this, but it said before that, uh, the tacit facial hair ban has been one of the last norms in political life for the past century. You'd have to go far back into the late 1940s when Harry has Truman sported a dusty goatee to find facial hair in the White House. So here, here's this thing about, uh, no facial hair in the White House. So it is a Trump thing, but it's also a thing that's kind of been true of elected officials recently because you can go back in time. And I know this because I said, you know, generational thing. So my parents, uh, because I grew up in a kind of family like this, where we made historical and presidential references. When I grew my first beard, I think I was in college, grew my first beard and came home. The, the retort from my family was, uh, oh, look, Rutherford B. Hayes has entered the building or something like, Oh, Rutherford B. Hayes is here for dinner. I mean, that's how kind of a nerdy family we are. We make references to presidents of the past. But if you go back now, back in the day, there are so many, uh, presidents, vice presidents, uh, US officials that had a beard, but it was at this point, I guess, after Truman that you didn't, that it didn't exist. And now it's back. And it's the big talk here. Wall Street Journal has a story, because said about JD Vance and his beard. So I don't know your, your thoughts here are times have changed, right? Times have changed. Do you think it said we're circling back to where the looks of the old days will be the same? I mean, will you people be, I mean, Rutherford B. Hayes had one, a Garfield hat, one Abraham Lincoln, you know, JQA, Van Buren, Ulysses Grant had like, uh, like the goatee. Chester Arthur had like, well, there's giant, like handlebar mustaches. So you got, uh, the beer, a Taft, of course, which was also referenced in, in my house growing up, but you, you'd either get a Rutherford B. Hayes or a Taft on that. But I don't know. So the story about, uh, JD Vance having a beard. And what is this doing? Is this changing politics out there? Uh, when you have that. All right. Uh, we'll go for it again as, uh, we just, I don't know what's happened here. We'll just go to the phones and who's this? This is James, the official troll of the Jeff. Oh my gosh, I get to hear his voice. James. Hey, man, I'm good. I'm good. So now I got, uh, and by the way, you were the, I don't know what you did. You were the last text in before the whole system shut down. So good to hear you on the phone. So talk to me. Well, let me, let me, let me purposes by saying I am so glad president Trump is okay. Um, I do not condone any violence, uh, towards any candidate or anyone. I think that's, that's incredibly important. Uh, but I will say this though, Sean. Um, I'm an independent, I voted for Trump the first time. I did not this, this, this in 2016. And I can't now, and it's simply due to, I think for me as, as, as a father, as, as someone who has kids, who, who came from a, a, a generation where we saw the family broke down. And the fact that this man has cheated on every single white he's had, to me, to give a pass, especially running on the party of family values, it's just kind of unacceptable. And, and I know everyone can disagree, right? Um, and, and say, oh, well, you know, the locker room talk or whatnot. But I think there are a lot of men who stand where I do, you know, I, I love some of his policies. I'm, I'm not against a lot of his policies, but it's him as a man that I think that really digs into especially independence, the people that he's going to need to win this next election. I think everybody's crowning him too early, because I honestly think when you look at the, the Republican convention that we just looked at, day one, instead of letting Trump get out there and, and quail some of this down, what do we get? We get, uh, uh, women who have been in the porn industry with tattoos on their forehead, right? Come on. I mean, this, this is supposed to be the party of family values, and this is what we put up, and they silence him on day one, right? So, so again, it's not that I hate Trump. Um, it's not that I'm a, a, a, a, a TDS. To me, it's more of a moral issue. Okay. So let me, let me ask this. So the policies is interesting. So the policies you agree with Trump on, can you just give me a couple? Like, what, what does he want immigration for one immigration? Joe Biden has been absolutely weak. And I can say this right now, the black community is suffering due to the fact that we have a diesel, these illegal immigrants here and right now, because they're taking all that up north, right? We see it every day. So, again, I want everyone to understand that James, the official pro, right, I call it from both sides, right? And I have voted Republican most of my life, but I cannot, for the life of me, put myself in the position to where I feel like I'm dealing with cult members, people who will not hold him accountable when he's wrong, right? He's right on a lot of things, but when he's wrong, it's like, it's like this, this overwhelming pass that I, I personally can't get over. And I appreciate you, Sean. I really do forgive me to eat the platform to, to vent. I will listen, I will shut up and listen to whatever you've got. But yeah, no problem. It's good. It's good to put a voice with a, with a text, but I would just say, then what are you going to do? Are you going to, because you said immigration, would you vote for Biden? You just said it with a failure, it is. So to be honest, I think we're, where a lot of tenants are like myself, I will not vote. Okay. That's the, that's the dilemma that I'm left with. And I've served my country, look, I served 10 years. And you know how hard it is for me to sit here and, and, and to not, to have the, the, the self realization that either candidate that I'm not for, I'm stuck with a choice of just not voting, unfortunately. There goes James, appreciate your call. And yeah, now we'll get to hear the voice of James the troll. And that's pretty cool. See the silver lining to a text line that's offline is like, I have to hear James. But that, so he's not going to vote. I, I think after Saturday, folks like James, there's not that many of them. I think there are people that were locked in for Biden, they'll show up. And I think the ones who weren't locked in, if they vote, vote for Trump. Coming right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1065. Welcome back midday mobile on this Wednesday. Quickly let's check it with my friend in Robert sale at Paris tractor playing price. Hey, man. Hey, Sean, give me an idea. The, the, they moved interest rate. They're talking about moving interest rates at the Fed and all this, but they're not talking about zero percent. It sounds like the Fed of Kubota is still doing the zero percent financing. Are y'all moving the needle on this? Absolutely. We're still at zero percent on everything. Kubota and land pride. So if you're in the market for a zero turn, a tractor, a skid steer, many excavators side by side, all that, all that steel qualifies for that zero interest finance and through Kubota. I love it. What about, what do you got? It's a rental inventory. Pretty good. Look, you know, it's Wednesday. People are looking towards the weekend. Our rental inventory looks really good. We've got everything in stock there. So any little project you're looking for, give us a call, we'll be happy to help. If you're not looking to buy, we do have the rental option available as well. All right, plain. Tell people how to find you at Paris tractor. Well, right here in the middle of Robert sale on highway 59, you can come by see us Monday through Friday, eight to five, Saturday, eight till noon, or give us a call at two, five, one, nine, four, seven, four, one, seven, one. Good deal, blind. We'll talk again soon. All right. Thanks, Sean. All right. There it goes. And let's go to the phones. Back to the phones. We're doing this. Paul in Mobile. What's up next? Hey, Paul. Oh, Sean, it was direct here. Somebody call with some integrity and morals because they don't trump out for cheating. You know, Donald Trump cheated at charity. Now, what can I, you can't? How do you cheat it? How do you cheat it? How do you cheat a charity? What was that? What was that story? Well, he started a charity, Donald Trump charities, state of New York closed him down, found him $25 million, made him give up some of it. He was taking money from other companies, claiming it was charity. And then he would go out and buy a painting and put it in his office. The man cheated at charity. Look it up. One show. One show, one show. You know, it's the truth. And you could, you could talk about it on my hair. You had some integrity. Oh, okay. Here we go. So the person will say, I have no, no, no, no, let's get back to me. Not having to tell you. You know, that was a story. You didn't hear that story, but you didn't repeat it because it was on the air and it's something you chose not to say. How do you know that? You chose not to say that Donald Trump cheated at charity, even though you knew that was the new Paul. How do you know what I know? Paul settled down, Paul is going to be on. It's going to be all right. I didn't, I didn't obfuscate anything. So, but back to what you're saying, my character, because I didn't do a story. You went away. Wait a second. I didn't know about it. I did not. You couldn't have missed it, Sean. You did report it because you don't, your station doesn't report negative things. I don't, I don't ever, I don't ever say anything negative about Donald Trump. Your station doesn't report negative things about Donald Trump on a regular basis, no. Okay, the whole station, and look at the lines in Donald Trump. Look at the lines Joe Biden says, which by the way, he's got a new one. He from the NAACP meeting the other day too. We might get to that if we have time. Paul, good to hear from you. Good to hear your voice up against the hard break as they call it. We'll be back. With Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1006 5, 135 FM Talk 1006 5 and Midday Mobile feels good, it's fresh, a little, little sparring. See that yet. Well, the phone calls thing is good. I do even better than the attacks. I mean, the text line is, it's a good thing when functioning a good thing, but it feels fun to mix it up. So James and Paul, you know, everybody lining up, that's good, which I don't know, maybe I'll just pick a fight. I've got my friend Dr. Sean Powers joining us here a little bit. Maybe he and I can fight about, you know, pompano or something like that. Let's go to one more here before we do go to Sean Powers. Joel in Summerdale. Hey, Joel. Hey, man. How y'all doing? Yeah, Paul, he's just deranged. That is what you call a true or Trump deranged syndrome. That is a disease that he's got. There's nothing you can say or do that would convince him that the story that I think he's got Hillary Clinton's foundation mixed up between a Trump foundation. I could see, I can't see Trump taking money from a foundation to buy a picture. I mean, that's something he probably heard or just some stupid story that was about. I looked at it during the break. I looked it up during the break in 2017, and I get a bunch of different, but it said in 2017, something about it used charity funds. Everything that comes out is like from the Daily Beast or from the communist, but it said, yeah, there's a, but did he get, so he had to Paul and others. Honestly, I did not have the story. I didn't, I don't get stories and go, I'm not doing that. That was not true. I mean, that was just a story. That doesn't mean that was true. Yeah. I mean, and then for James to go, I'm just a man of the children. What? That is so stupid at the lame excuse. So you want to live in high gas prices, high food prices, high utilities, high mortgage. I mean, really, dude, James, you need to get a better life, dude than that. I mean, come on, these people that call in, tell them why they hate it. It's so deranged, it's unbelievable. I was actually in the pool place getting my pool of water test, and so I missed it. Any other callers that came in like that, but y'all have a great day, man. All right. All right. Thank you. Appreciate Joel. And hopefully the pH is, is right with the water brings back memories of my youth sitting there with the thing with dad, stand there, testing the pool water, bid there, been there, done that, live that life. Now, I haven't had a, as an adult, I've not had a pool. So maybe one day, we'll have to get somebody to test the pool water for me. All right. I mentioned this, joining us, a friend of mine, but don't, you know, don't hold that against him. And he does not do, doesn't do anything for me when I bring a fish up at the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. The friendship has not existed during this period of time. It's our friend, Dr. Sean Powers, Angela, and Steven Stokes, endowed professor in environmental resiliency and director of the Stokes School of Marine Sciences at the University of South Alabama, seen your marine scientists at Dolphin Island Sea Lab. And like I said, the emperor of judging your fish in the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo, the crowd goes wild for Sean Powers. Hey, man. So can I mean, will you, I mean, people are going to ask this question. You, you and Dr. Powers are friends. Will you, you put a thumb on the scale for me, like when I, when I bring that trout in? No, sir. Despite how many times you cry. No, sir. No sounds on the scale. Just need another pound and a half here that I could win. So yeah, he does not do that for me, but he is the guy, the, the emperor of judging the fish at the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. First of all, let's look in the rear view for a second. Roy Martin, young anglers tournament was on Saturday and he takeaways from the kids tournament. Yeah, it was a great time. I mean, weather was just like it's going to be this weekend where it was flat. So we had a lot of folks coming in late because they could go so far off shore. But what was surprising to me is the number of really nice snapper the kids were breaking in just off those near shore weeks, six to nine miles and 60 feet of water. I would have never thought to pull a 20 plus pound red snapper off those reefs. And yeah, I guess they have been out long enough where they're producing. Now, obviously when we say that, everybody will be stopping and fishing those. But it was great, always great to see the kids. You know, the parents are so much more respectful and kind when the kids are there. You don't know what they're arguing for the most part. So now the kids festival was wonderful. But I tell you what, with this weather we had, I was offshore with some of the mobile JCS yesterday that sponsor the rodeo and take care of us. And God, it was flat out there. And that was hot as Haiti. But you know, it was flat. I mean, it's been a long time, you know, this spring and early summer. God, it's been so windy. So you know, I'm hoping that I know a lot of people wait on the weather to decide to buy their rodeo ticket. You'll never get better weather than as far as sea than this weekend. Yeah, I know people are talking about, you know, chance rain. And that's always the thing in the summertime here. But I have, you know, like so many of us fishing, I've refreshed my app on my phone for for seas conditions. I don't know 26 times just today. And it does look, you know, it's one to 1.3 or something like that. So that's good. A lot of people are going to get out. What are you expecting to see here from the big people on Snapper? I mean, Snapper is still open. I was looking at the landings for for the state for after Alabama. Look like we're still good there. I don't know Snapper stays. What do you think open beyond the rodeo and how it's open for the rodeo? Yeah, I'm like a guest that you'll have to get Colonel Bannon on the phone. For those guesses, I just handled the science part. I know, you know, the earlier windier weather and the four conditions for most of the early Snapper season and the fact that people are just getting used to longer Snapper seasons. We don't have that crazy, derby mentality of rightfully so when we had three and nine days seasons. I think people now trust that that will have enough Snapper season to go and they'll choose their days. And like I said, you know, this will be a weekend to choose your days. Obviously, you always have to watch for those thunderstorms. So I expect to hopefully see a lot of big Snapper because people can go further out than normal. And I'm hoping that we see a lot more grouper and scams now that it's calm and people can go. Last few years, we haven't seen those big, big grouper like we usually do now. Florida's having some problems with red tide and that explains a lot about gag and somewhat to red grouper. But I'm hoping really, and we're hoping to sample a whole lot of grouper. And now that folks can have a little more freedom with those calm receive if they can stay away from the thunderstorm, I'm hoping there's a lot more deep drops. That's where we get a lot of the grouper. And that's where we get the really cool, most unusual fish that just make my, me and my graduate students so excited. Yeah, and come back to the unusual fish thing. You know, I showed you a picture the other day, a gag we had caught. It wasn't too far off, but you were happy to see that. And you mentioned the gag grouper fishery here is really dependent on what happens in Florida. Do I, do I get that right? That it's, we're not, are we not growing our own grouper here? They're migrating here. What happens? For the most part, you know, they're coming, the small juveniles are born and they stay in the mangroves in the sea grass in Florida. We do get some around here, maybe around Pergito, maybe a little bit around the chandelier islands in those grass beds, but for the most part, most of our grouper are coming from the Florida area. In the last few years, they've been hit with these prolonged red tide events, this harmful algae that kills a lot of the two and three-year-old fish. The fish you showed me is probably one of those two or three-year-old fish. So we're hoping that they can get a handle on their red tide. A lot of that's because of excessive nutrients in the water and Florida is doing their best to try to mitigate that. But yeah, that's really wide. You know, as far as we can see, it's not a ton of over-fishing that really restricted the gag limits. And now they're moving to restricting the commercial red grouper limits. So it really is that mortality. So, you know, about once every 10 years, we usually used to get this massive influx of red grouper, maybe the currents, maybe the loop current was doing something. And we haven't seen that. They come in along with the gags. We kind of fish it down over the years. And if we don't get that new group, you know, so I was really encouraged to see that juvenile gag. I know you weren't. That's a release. Right. But it was a really encouraging song. When we come back, we weren't going to get to unusual fish and a couple other things. But this is not this is a tournament that happened last weekend during the Roy Martin and not this category in the rodeo. But I'd love to hear your reaction. You know, I hadn't had a chance to talk since Blue Marlin Grand Championship. I think the number of the Jim Cox had sent me an email said the English caught 99 Marlin during the tournament. That was that that's epic. I mean, growing up, I wouldn't believe that could be true. But it was. No, and I just showed you with the right conditions and that fishery has been rebuilding for a while. But no, some of those boats, some of the sizes of the Blue Marlin was all some of the boats. And yeah, I mean, that's one of the things, you know, Alabama deep-seat fishing rodeos known for a ton of things. But we don't get a ton of videos to watch for for Marlin's both white and blue every year. So I'm hoping we'll actually get to see a whole lot of videos because obviously we encourage catch and release of those species. And what is it with the white Marlin? Have you all in the science side that it's always seemed like it's later in the summer that you start hearing more about white Marlin? Are they kind of always there? But they're people in the right places? Or do they, you know, they're plagic. So they migrate to the whites migrate in later in the summer? Is there any science to back that? No, there's not. I really do think that we usually start seeing more late in the season just because again, the conditions that usually flatter, it's calmer, folks can say out, they can fish more of the sites and the depths that they want to. You know, I'm not saying there's not any seasonality with the white Marlins, but I don't know of any studies that looked at it. I think it's largely, you know, once we get those calmer, you know, hot, July, August, still water conditions that that the fishermen just have their choice of fish and spots and how deep they want to go. Okay, give us a secret now on most unusual because if watch this over the years, what, like, you know, give me the inside track. What do I got to catch that the most unusual? What do you, any parameters that make one unusual fish better than the other one? So like you said, what you want is when you bring that fish in, you want me and a scientist go "Wait, hold on, let me look that up." That's a good sign. You know, and that will be even more now that we've lost Dr. Bob, you know, it was hard to stop Dr. Bob, even on fish he's never seen before, he knew what it was. I'm not as good as Dr. Bob, so sometimes it takes me a moment along with my colleague, so that's a good sign. Generally, the really, really unusual will come from those deep water drops, that's the, you know, snake mackerels, that's the scorpionfish, that's the really, you know, things we just don't see a whole lot of. So if you were somehow targeting most unusual, you would do a lot better, you know, while your group are fishing, to also deep drop. And I encourage folks, a lot of times we hear fishermen say, "Yeah, there was this fish I didn't know about, so I released it and he'll describe it to us." And we're like, "Well man, that would have won." I mean, so, you know, so keep some of those deep water most unusuals, particularly if you don't know what it is. I mean, so, you know, that's what, you know, we usually take those most unusuals and either send them to the Smithsonian, so they can look at their skeleton, study them, or some of them, a lot of them are in the natural history in London, the museum there. So we, obviously, you know, it's a big sign to them for it, my staff call it fishmus, because we have so many fish being brought in, and that size spectrum, we never see those most unusuals, we never sample the really big fish in the population that tell us so much about the health of our fisheries population. So, you know, I encourage the anglers everybody to go buy a ticket this weekend, buy a ticket, you know, fish, and bring those fish in, and don't have to be most unusual. We have studies ongoing with speckle trout, flounder, we're very interested in watching the apparent just dramatic recovery, a flounder long term on snapper, grouper, we're getting more and more samples. So, the only thing I ask the anglers is be patient, sometimes it takes us a few minutes to sample that fish, we never, despite how tempting it is, we never take any more of the fillet that we need. So, now it's a great opportunity, and it should be wonderful. The grounds are amazing, you know, they're letting people break coolers back so they can bring their own beverages, no glass, which is hilarious because that's a big thing because Mac glass is the president of the rodeo. So, the JCs are having a great time constantly saying no glass, but, you know, essentially, you know, no glass, you can bring your own ice chest, there's gonna be some good music, and, you know, we always love talking about the science we do, my students, and, you know, demonstrating all the most unusuals and the unusuals in the ice bench. So, just because it isn't the kids rodeo doesn't mean you can't bring your kids and get them really engaged and excited. I mean, we live in an amazing place in Alabama, especially because of the fisheries resources. So, I'm so excited when my students get a chance to convey that excitement to the public. That's great stuff, and we are all fired up for the 91st Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. Dr. Powers, we will see you down there. Heck, I'll be down there starting Thursday with the Liars contest and a live show on Friday, so it's gonna be fun. Absolutely, I'll talk to you further. All right, there he goes. That's Sean Powers, and, yeah, that is the emperor of all fish weighing at the rodeo. We'll be right back. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Right, the 154 FM Talk 1265 in Midday Mobile. Welcome back. Check it with my buddy David McCraery at LCM Motor Cars, and let's talk, Dave, let's talk about the finance inside. How's it looking right now? What are rates doing? Rates are great, Sean. I got a best friend of mine, said second grade by another vehicle from us this week, and he's got great credit, and his rates are way down in the single digits. But let's talk about overall finance, and we've got a customer that just took delivery of a 2022 Toyota Camry, and they had been all around to different dealers. I don't know which ones, but everybody kept telling the sport guy he needed about $11,000 down. And I mean, that's crazy. I mean, nobody's got $11,000 cash put down, especially a young guy. I mean, we got him done with $3,500 down on a 2022 Camry. He's got proof of income and everything. He brought his part. We did our part, and he's riding. I mean, it's just people got to come out there and give us an opportunity to help him. Yeah, the value of a second opinion is a lot of money. When you get that second opinion from David, tell folks how to find you. We're at Highway 90 and Plantation in Theodore. It's one mile south of ITN exit 15A. You can give us a call at Bp513750068. Just go to the website LCM Motor Cars dot com. All the cars are there. You can fill out a secured credit application. You can communicate with us via text. We might try to make it as easy as we can for you. Thanks, David. We'll talk soon. All right. You too. There goes David McCreary from LCM Motor Cars. Let's go to Jarhead. Jarhead, I got about two minutes here. Hey, man. Well, I'm showing a win or not. Take two minutes, but the guy that called in a while ago and accused you of whatever he accused you of, maybe he can call in on the view and get somebody to agree with his opinions on stuff. Because this is one of the probably the most various shows I have ever seen in my life. Yeah. Paul said, I forget what I was. I have to go back and listen to whatever he called me, but it was something I don't know. I mean, water off a duck's back. I mean, you know, it's whatever. But I don't, you know, I don't sit here and go, hey, I'm going to, here's a story about Trump and I'm not going to do that story. I mean, I just don't do that. I mean, I may give commentary, I may give a story and say, hey, this story seems dumb because X, Y, and Z, but I don't, like there's no meetings here or anything where we go. All right, y'all can't talk about that Trump story. We don't do that. I mean, it's not who we are. Well, the thing about it, Sean, that the clip put it out there for themselves. They, they show what an idiot this guy was, what the idiot, the, the, the leader of the, the secret service was and how stupid all this stuff was that they complained about, but they want to blame it on, uh, on Republicans. And now we're trying to take Trump out because you're trying to generate support. And then they're going to dump it back on you, man. And brother, let me tell you something. I'm going in for a few years and you're one of the fairest persons I have ever known. Well, Jarhead, I appreciate that. And I mean, I'm not going to hold it against you. You're like all those other Marines. I know. So I appreciate you, man. Thank you. All right. Y'all have a great day. You too. Yeah. Huron. There you go. Go, Jarhead. Thank you. Uh, and look, and right here at the end, we got, uh, so many, uh, so many texts from him. Well, uh, we'll get to these maybe, uh, tomorrow. Um, so Big Enus says speaking as a conservative, not a Republican, are you prepared to do more than talk if you're elected to office? Are you pro? Oh, okay. This was for Caroline. Uh, well, next time we get Caroline on, we can ask that. Um, let's see. Uh, Michael says new nappy category for next year should be best local radio official democratic response. I definitely vote for Parker over cam and Quinn. Maybe Jeff can finally be part of a nappy. You know, I ran Jeff's nappy campaign for a couple of years and had no success. So I left, I was, I was there. I failed him. So, um, and thank you. Doesn't have meta says, uh, one of six, five, it's fair and balanced despite having some loose screws. Oh, I think I can resemble that remark, right? I have screws loose. Why would you do this for a living? I don't know. Paul, find bomb on the way next. I'll talk to y'all tomorrow. Have a great week. You, you too, Paul.