Jesse Kelly Show

President Biden Diagnosed with Covid

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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Hello it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes counting your steps you know all the mundane stuff that is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses so sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com that's Chumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show and what an eventful show it already has been remember if you miss a single part of the show shut up Chris I didn't bump the microphone that was my knee bump in the table if you miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on I heart Spotify iTunes Peter Navarro got out of prison like five minutes ago he's going to join us in about a half hour. One of the main political prisoners who's been in the news although sad that we have many will talk to Peter Navarro about that we have other things going on I don't have to make any major announcements anymore at this point in time because the major announcement was actually about my sunglasses I do want to come back and well I want to do a couple different things I don't have hey Chris do you have the journalist Jesse thing there because I actually do have a couple things breaking that we probably should talk about I'm just going to sit here until you play something Chris I'm not saying anything else it's journalist Jesse there's just no one better we love Jesse he's the best Jesse please kiss my baby Jesse Jesse Jesse thank you Chris obviously we couldn't abandon that since it was put together by our legions of adoring fans I had there are two bits of breaking news we need to talk about the first is less important and less surprising Bob Menendez senator from New Jersey is going to resign this is not surprising at all he's from New Jersey he's a criminal all New Jersey politicians are criminals and they all end up in prison somehow some way and of course he's just the latest I think they have their own prison for just former politicians in New Jersey so Sayonara Bob Menendez goodbye too bad so sad see you later the second bit of breaking news is and this one is more and more relevant given the news of the day Joe Biden has been diagnosed the White House just put out a statement Joe Biden has been diagnosed with COVID he's been tested positive for COVID No I know what you're sitting there thinking okay who cares Jesse it's COVID it's not a big deal we're done pretend okay stay with me stay with me we're going to go through a couple different things that also happened in the last 24 hours Adam Schiff I know he's a weapons grade dirtball I get that but Adam Schiff is a very very powerful Democrat Adam Schiff publicly publicly called for Joe Biden to step down Okay well that's Adam Schiff but wait there's more Chuck Schumer with the exception of Joe Biden and probably Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer is the most powerful Democrat in Washington DC Chuck Schumer behind closed doors although of course it leaked immediately told Joe Biden to his freaking face that he needs to step down There's more just stay with me another thing in the last 24 hours Joe Biden you know how we talked about this before we don't have to go into it a lot because it's ugly and it's terrible and it's about more than politics but people who suffer from Alzheimer's dementia They'll have these horrible bursts of anger and usually it's directed at family members because that's who's surrounding you caring for you family and friends they'll have these terrible bursts of anger Would Joe Biden is starting to have these more and more only since he's not in a restful place surrounded by friends and family he has them to other people He screamed but Jason Crow Jason Crow is a Democrat from Colorado but he earned a bronze star and this is what Joe Biden was on a phone call with these guys and got frustrated he said and I quote Tell me who did something that you've never done with your bronze star like my son Now I'm not even totally sure what that means but there's no way to interpret that as anything but awful uncomfortable weird wrong and then you know I teased it But let's just talk about it you have another poll last 24 hours two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to quit the presidential race and you know how I already played my prediction I'm not going to play it again but you know how I said back in March of 2022 I said this of course I'm going to play it again what are you kidding I say this is my theory I say marching orders have gone out and they're officially sick and tired of Joe Biden Go ahead and round fellas he'll resign your medical reasons or something like that they'll be Joe Biden before he was diagnosed with COVID Joe Biden just said in a TV interview this Is there anything that you would look to you personally not anybody else not other pundits not even perhaps family members that you would look to say if I sat I will reevaluate Sir I had some medical condition that emerged if somebody if doctors came to me and said you got this problem that problem but I made a serious mistake Joe would you resign for any reason well only only if some medical thing happened to emerge and 15 minutes later White House is putting out a public statement that Joe Biden has the rona Am I saying he's stepping down now no maybe this won't be it maybe he won't but it sure is avalanching still on Joe and I thought the avalanche would slow down or stop in the wake of the Trump assassination I thought there was a chance that it took people's eyes off of it or that it more likely Democrats would kind of be more just more resigned well okay we're definitely not going to win now tough to be the guy who they just tried to kill so I thought maybe that would be the case but calls for Joe Biden to leave have only intensified I just I just don't see how he survives it politically that don't see how he survives it and on a on a more you know personal level he's not going to survive another four years this is not not in not in this shape not in this condition he should be resting should be receiving care so there that was a lot of breaking news but I told you it was going to be a lot also tomorrow's asked Dr Jesse Thursday get your questions emailed in now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly's show dot com let's do a couple emails here because I'm way behind and we have a bunch of other things I want to get to Jesse I can't help but feel like the people who are complaining about the different speakers at the convention are one of the reasons we always lose both of the speakers people are mad about have have huge followings with lots of influence to change minds when Jesse was talking about grabbing your guns two seconds ago and most Republicans love her now welcome new people in they don't have to be in charge of anything but are extremely useful especially in a conditioner countries in I'd rather deal with amber rose than have my kid murdered or raped by any legal the people complaining are unserious about winning now that's that's a very very fair email and it's not necessarily one that I disagree with but it's not necessarily one I agree with either you say people are complaining don't care about winning I'm going to come back to something we've been talking about about the nursery rhyme conservatism thing it's not that the people who have complaints about this platform person or or this issue or this lady speaking or this guy speaking it's not that they don't care about winning it's not that at all it's that we have been trained and taught for decades we are all a product of our upbringing of our environment of the influences in our life in the influences in our lives for decades have told us that Captain America is the one who wins the wars the very polite guy with perfect teeth no tattoos and he doesn't cuss he's never had a beer in his life but that's not who wins wars rough men when wars they cuss and they drink beer and they say things you don't want your kids to hear I understand the complaints though about the moral direction of the party and in fact someone has a big complaint about that and I'm going to address that we're going to talk about that again briefly in a moment before we get to the various other things before we do that we should talk about the pain that you live with every day it's that's not the real tragedy obviously pain's no fun and that sucks but that's not the real tragedy the real tragedy isn't that you live with pain every day it's that you think you have to or you're trying to take things to mask it things that are harming you or you're not doing anything about it and you're just having a bad night's sleep you're not as good at work you're snapping at people your moods bad why don't you just start with relief factor three weeks of relief factor take it for three weeks I have news for you you're going to call in order more at the end of three weeks it's all natural it's drug free you take it every day and it helps support your body's natural response to inflammation you don't have to live with pain that back pain that neck pain that muscle pain make a phone call one eight hundred the number four relief or go to relief factor calm we'll be back Miss it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday we have Peter Navarro coming up about ten minutes from now the dude just got out of freaking prison I wonder if he shanked anybody I probably shouldn't ask him that but either way just got out of prison and we'll talk to Peter Navarro about ten minutes from now also remember if you miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on iHeartSpotify and iTunes let's do a couple more emails here because I'm way behind and tomorrow's asked dr. Jesse Thursday and I know I'm gonna get way way way behind so let's just do some of these Lord Lord of the grill and protector of recipes last night on your Tuesday show you explained how times are changing and the political parties are realigning the GOP feels like a line that's been faltering my whole life this may be the inflection moment when the broken line can become a straight up route does the oracle have any wisdom to this matter is there a way to tactically retreat from an entire party my values on abortion spending firearms are not even up for debate much less a vote okay just to recap for anyone who may have missed that we opened up last night talking about it the GOP is changing Democrats are changing parties change over time and the changes are not always and will not always be to your liking or to my liking the it's not an accident the GOP put out a new platform that has not a single word about pro life in it not one work they put out a platform that took away all the lgbtq stuff in there let's now spin removed that stuff was done it was done on purpose in fact eric trump trump's son was asked about it on the news this was last night's what he said Republican platform interestingly has moved to the center on a couple key issues there's no for the first time in 40 years the republican platform does not call for a federal abortion ban it no longer defines marriage as between one man and one woman but it doesn't so is this a sign that your father is moving to the center in some ways or in some issues I think he's always been there on those issues to tell you the truth and I think that's reflective of who my father is and what he believes in and I think that's reflective of my wife Laura who runs a RNC and clearly what she believes in and I'm proud of the party okay so maybe that's music to your ears maybe that's despicable disgusting to you maybe it's unacceptable to you and you ask where are you in all this can you just leave can you not leave well I want to talk to you about this just directly okay you you remember what I used to say during the primary actually during every election what I say to you about voting who to vote for who not to vote for what have I always what have I said over and over and over again I am always honest with you about voting for about who you're voting for about who I'm voting for I should say I'm always honest with you about who I'm voting for I feel like I owe you that you sit here and hear me run my mouth about politics three hours a day and I've always been honest that the most important thing for you to do is care enough to get involved I don't tell you who to vote for or who not to vote for because your vote we don't appreciate this enough I don't appreciate this enough your vote it is your political power there is power in that vote these politicians the reason they say the things they say and do the things they do is they're trying to appeal to you they're trying to earn that precious thing think of it like money like hundred dollar bill that's your hundred dollar bill you get to give it away to the one of your choosing and when you give it away it's gone in every election cycle local federal whatever so if that's the only political power you have then you do with that hundred whatever whatever is on your heart to do but I will also say this if you're upset that the GOP has set cultural issues aside social issues aside if that's one of those things that you find detestable despicable remember you voted for this pause for a second I'm not necessarily talking about you specifically the people who decide the direction of the party both the democrat party and the republican party they're the people who choose to be the most involved if social conservatives are upset with the new social direction of the GOP I would just you know here's a little homework assignment we talked about it before I don't need to give you the numbers again go look now at the percentage of voter participation among the evangelicals in the United States of America and may I suggest getting a box of tissues ready because the numbers are going to make you weep we can't be about I'm above all that I don't do politics I just want to turn the other cheek what the Jesus wouldn't want me it's too mean I can't it's not what Jesus would want he was just a hippie right that was Jesus and we don't get involved in elections and then we wake up one day and we yell and scream when political parties don't reflect us anymore well that's not how it works politicians only give a crap about the people who are voting you want to go turn the other cheek in the pew go ahead if you don't translate that to the ballot box you will have no voice and no say in what the culture looks like going forward that's a fact that's a fact and we we hate that but what we do is we wake up when terrible things happen after we sit around and sit around and sit around we don't exercise and don't exercise and don't exercise and don't exercise and then we have a heart attack at 50 and I'm not making fun anyone for that because I'm sure I'll have one before then but then we have a heart attack at 50 and we wake up one day and we say well how did this happen well it didn't happen that day it happened all the days the endless days leading up to that that's when the heart attack happened if you're unhappy with the direction of anything the country the party your city your state your federal level if you're unhappy with all of it it didn't happen today it didn't happen yesterday it happened with all those elections we couldn't be bothered to vote for oh what local elections it's college football today I can't be involved that doesn't work that way either get off your butt and get involved or stop complaining we don't participate enough in elections therefore the people who do they will be the ones who choose the direction of the party you need to choose chalk that's the choice you need to make everybody men women young old you need to choose to become healthier better you understand that when your T levels drop gentlemen you understand that your mind doesn't work right anymore you need testosterone for things like logical thinking energy mood you down a lot now every now and then down a lot man it's kind of depressed without an explanation once the last time you got your numbers looked at go to chalk calm C H O Q dot com endless supply of natural herbal supplements you can call or text them if you have questions and if you do that's fine they love those five zero chalk again C H O Q five zero chalk 3000 is the number you call or text no get you some chalk we'll be back with Peter Navarro we're back with the Jesse Kelly show and I am honored to speak to our next guest he's a free man as of like five minutes ago joining me now Peter Navarro everyone knows who Peter Navarro is he wrote the book the new MAGA deal and probably more importantly for our conversation today a political prisoner who just now got out Peter look I give you the floor you're the one who just did four months unjustly in jail you talk about what you want to talk about I did write the new MAGA deal but what's important is it just came out this week on my birthday Monday and they wouldn't let me out of prison for my 75th birthday day early so it's so but but look the new MAGA deal itself is important because you look at you viewers can't stay a bit because listeners okay so check out who's on it you got president myself and a forward by Steve Bannon right Steve and I went to prison he's still there I just got out and now they're not just shooting figurative bullets at Trump there's literal bullets it's like this is the world we live in and one of my taglines tonight in the speech is I went to prison so you won't have to I'm your wake up call and the way I set that up thematically is with the message that if we don't control our government our government will control us and what happened the way they got me into prison is every branch of our government all three branches of our government participate Democrat majority in the House holds me in contempt Democrat attorney general and dice and prosecute speak for a crime that never has been a crime before in this country Democrat judge strips me of every single defense and throws me in jail with the DC jury voted for Trump I mean this didn't happen in communist China or banana republic it happened right here in the United States and in this weaponization of our injustice system I think is an important wake up call for the American people because if it can happen to me it can happen to you if you go to a school board meeting and speak up about reading writing arithmetic instead of some of this woke stuff they're doing and the next thing you know you got the FBI which stands for federal bureau of intimidation knocking on your door so I you know the new MAGA deal is going to be my way of carrying the message that will we stand for his main streets they're going to try to portray us as something else but we're going to get this done and if I can be an important symbol no matter how small of why it's important to stand up for your constitution and country and point out what they're doing to us then maybe almost it was worth going join that we are joined in case you're wondering who this is just now joining us we are joined by Peter Navarro of course alumni of the Trump administration author of the book the new MAGA deal and more importantly just got out of prison after four months Peter one of the stories you and I've talked before more than once on the air one of the stories that I find so illuminating about how evil or bureaucracy has gotten is actually the circumstances around your arrest would you mind doing a little rewind I'm sure you're not in love with reliving this but would you mind recapping for us exactly how did they take down the dastardly Peter Navarro so I live when I was in D.C. right across the street from the FBI I was a field goal kicker in in high school I could literally kick a field hole and hit the FBI building that's how close I am to that so that fateful day June 3rd when they would take me and this what they did my beautiful fiance and I got an Uber and went to Reagan airport we're gonna go do the Mike Huckabee show having the time of our lives you know the next thing we know is we're as we're bored in the plane five armed FBI agents come in surround me and my beautiful girl as you're bored in the plane is bored in the plane put me in handcuffs perp walk perp walk her off and I wind up in leg irons and if there was one phone call hey Peter we got a we got a indictment comes to render yourself sure of the time yeah whatever that's what they do that's how they roll fast forward it's like when I got convicted of this non crime just standing up for the Constitution what Judge Ahmed made a democrat Obama point he should have done was release me pending appeal my case will go to the appeals court and I'm sure we'll go to the Supreme Court it's a very it's a landmark case on the Constitution is can just Congress have the authority to subpoena a senior presidential advisor and the answer for since the days of George Washington has always been no because I'm an alter ego or the president you can't subpoena the president you can't subpoena me and the reason why the Supreme Court has said that's important is because a president in these candor and confidentiality and communications with his advisors in order to make the best possible decisions for this country full stop full stop and when Congress uses his subpoena power to drag me or the president or anybody in between the works in the White House to Congress that shatters the separation of powers so I will either win my appeal or the constitutional separation of powers will be shattered when you think it's going to happen that so be made of a judge would not let me be released pending appeal if I lost the appeal fine I go to prison but so what happens if I win the appeal I already did four months kind of justice is that that's called irreparable harm but but let me let me just what we're here because I know time is going to be short I see you've got the remarks to JD Vance I want to tell you how good a choice I think JD Vance is for vice president and the way I want to do is start with and the question I'm asking every reporter and and and host that I do you remember what's the only major task that Joe Biden gave Kamala Harris and their entire borders are the borders are she goes down there six or nose up in the air smells that stench come across a Rio granny turns tail goes back to DC and millions and millions and murders rapists sex traffickers drug cartels Islamic terrorists communist Chinese spies and millions of illiterate illegal aliens come into flood and this is where labor markets and drive down the wages and seal the jobs of black brown and blue collar Americans do you think if if Donald John Trump had said that JD Vance go down you're my border guy now that he would have come back and done that no he would have completed the mission like the good soldier he has been a guy he is who understands how important a secure border is to this country JD Vance has make America great in his veins and in his DNA because he grew up suffering from what I was studying at 30,000 feet think about this I've never met the man but I consider myself one side of this the same coin as his I'm up at 30,000 feet in 2000 through 2004 watching China steal all our jobs as they come into the WTO wreck our country and our economy I can't see him down there he's a speck but he's a speck with millions of Americans his mother his father his friends his colleagues his community and he felt the carnage at the front lines is I'm studying at 30,000 feet and we both came to the same conclusions Donald Trump did he's like defend our manufacturing base at all costs Peter I am so glad I'm a brother free man I am sorry you have to go through it I wish you the best the book is the new mega deal he's Peter Navarro have a lot of respect I respect you very much man just did four months in the clink completely unjustly wrap your mind around that not only did he live across the street from the FBI he just very similar to that pastor Mark howl the pro light pastor Peter Navarro had his attorney tell the FBI hey if you're ever gonna arrest me or whatever just let me know and I'll come turn myself in peacefully instead they said no no no no don't bother and waited till they could swarm him in front of everybody at the airport adding humiliation to everything else they do now that is an evil organization alright alright we still have a ton to get to in fact we're gonna talk about a lot of these street animals and what they have do what they have going on what they've already done we just saw street animal try to kill Donald Trump we're gonna talk to Julio Rose us about that and some other things in just a moment before we do that I'm gonna talk to you about about living life miserably or at least in a war zone that's that's an experience that most Americans have never known and will never know and I'm glad for that right it's not as if I have any desire to have you live in a war zone of any kind but people right now and is where you are they are it's a war every day people are dying every day people are going hungry people are homeless people these this is the reality on the ground what IFCJ is doing well I mean I couldn't I don't have enough time to list all the things they're doing as far as providing medical care shelter firefighting equipment bomb shelters you name it they're doing it but what they ask from us is a pledge just signing a pledge you don't even have to come up with your own if you go to support you will see a pledge there for you to sign and they're gonna go turn it in over there saying hey we stand with you go sign it support we'll be back is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday and joining me now is my friend fellow United States Marine Julio Rosas Julio before we get into all the things you do you and I were just having a discussion off air about formation and you asked me if I was always at the front of the formation and when we got cut off as we had to do this radio show but I would like you to elaborate for everybody what do you mean fun of the formation why would you assume such a thing about me well because so we it's what we call in the biz freakishly tall that is a description we could use for you and me being of Mexican descent I am not but I the good news is though when I because I trained a camp Pendleton for so we had like all Marines we have the we have the hills right of course but when I went to my reserve unit in Quantico they all went to Paris Island and so even though I was a bit on the short end for all the hikes I was still at the front of the formation and when they asked that I was like well because like I actually trained on hills and stuff just to let all those civilian types know they generally put the taller people at the front of the formation which seems almost unnecessarily cruel but you understand how it works out in the end the taller people with the longer legs have a bit of an easier time humping because the legs are longer the shorter guys tend to it's more difficult remote who they always take twice as many steps as I do but the toughest ones are always for you I think it's three it's not three it's not three let's not exaggerate all right I want to talk about first of all you you know United States mean you have this great life and now you do this street reporting where you're constantly throwing yourself into the most dangerous situations possible do you have some kind of like death fetish or something you know I have been I actually have been asked that if I have a death wish and to that I always say no I don't think so but my mom would tell me that you know you need to probably work some things out it's funny because I am addicted to the adrenaline rush in that way only though because I can't do roller coasters I can't do I don't want to do skydiving or anything of course people say well you get to go riots while you should easily be able to roll coasters like okay well during riots I'm not flying through the air at 100 miles per hour about to be featured in the next final destination film I want to talk about the riots because you were at all the George Floyd riots and T for riots you've been a more riots than I can count my experience in attending these which is much much much less than yours I as big of a jerk as I am and you I don't have to explain that to you I generally sometimes I come away feeling sorry for a lot of the people who are there because they are so twisted mentally ill whatever label you want to put on it and just messed up beyond belief now I'm not I'm not expecting you to feel a bunch of sympathy for someone checking a molotov cocktail with a footlocker but do you understand what I'm saying is that everything you yeah I mean you see it because they they have this obviously this this hatred that's coming from somewhere and they blame the United States they blame Trump you know they there is a personal motivation just like me obviously I do right reporting for a job but there's a personal motivation to it because I want to be out there and the same thing for them to like they want to be out there because there's something that's pushing them and yeah they they have these radical ideologies that are filling this void that I think they're trying to figure out to make sense of the world right and if you're religious you know as I am you you you understand that through a bit kind of a biblical worldview but if you if you reject that and you're seeing the twisted world as it is there's going to be a lot of radicalization that fills that void to come up with that reason for it do you do you get the sense I understand most of these people are masked at all times for obvious reasons but do you ever get the sense that you're running into the same dirtball in Seattle that you're running into Chicago that you're running into in Kenosha do you get the sense of these people have frequent flyer cards you know it is kind of hard but I would say that for there it's not out of the possibility because actually you brought Kenosha and we're here in Wisconsin there was I remember reading a story there was a van that was stopped that was coming from Seattle or from the Washington state that I believe if I remember the story correctly it's been four years but it was like an anarchist group that was making their way down to Kenosha and police stop them because they were filling up all these gas canisters so I think I think it does happen it's not on a large scale it's not like a thousand people from from one but I would not be surprised if there is kind of all you need is it all you need is a squad right I mean you know how that doesn't take a whole lot to get things going in certain places so just as much as I was able to travel to places in 2020 for example I think I think some people were able to and your Mexican which is impressive well yeah I mean I just you're Mexican and you're short and you're still able to get around I think that's awesome well I would say no joke being brown does help no it does because they look at me and they just automatically say oh he's on our side clearly he's not white so you know do I lean into it yeah I kind of do yeah but I got it you got to got to infiltrate them somehow so who they'll appreciate you as always number that's number five yeah number five all right so we have in an entire hour left we have some updates and I'm going to warn you they're they actually somehow continue to get worse the story gets worse about the attempted assassination of Trump they had a closed-door meeting today Secret Service FBI and there's one part of this that is uh wow get your conspiracy hat on because it man this story gets worse and worse and worse the more we know this has been a podcast from WOR hey guys it is Ryan I'm not sure if you know this about me but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can I like to work but I like fun too and now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun Chumba Casino they have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week you can play for free and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses so join me in the fun sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply