Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Frankist French Revolution Ep 2

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2h 15m
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18 Jul 2024
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Alright, so I guess we're live. But, I fixed Twitter and I said not to fix, so they took my money and they didn't do it what they're supposed to do, unless it's in a process of being processed or something. So that's irritating. I'll cancel it right away if that's the case. It was a long day yesterday, today is July 18th, 2024, it is 8.04 AM and we're going to continue with a little bit of coverage from an actual logos and the French Revolution and his second part to that. There's another couple of different videos I could use to begin, but let me go ahead and just get this here gone first. There's a particular, you know, I can wait for that until we watch this a little bit. Just something interesting that I thought I'd throw in there. It's not off topic, when you finish, you know, understanding what happened, it may seem like it's off topic at first, but I think it's a story that should be told. Funny enough, there's a song by the same guy called song yet to be sung, but anyhow, we are getting going. Oh, and there's another banner that I got to put up here. I'll get that set up when we go. So let's get into the show. We have French Revolution, the death of a monarchy, aristocracy and tradition and the rise of modernity. That's kind of how they left off yesterday and Asha himself said, well, whatever his real name is, it's probably not his name. This only touches on the larger story that needs to be told here. In the future, I hope to cover the prelude in an in-depth and incredibly important discussion of the Franks and then another video covering the aftermath and the rise of Napoleon. In these two videos, I want to make sure we fully covered the collapse of King Monarchy aristocracy and traditional hierarchy, which I believe to be the key element and ultimate underlying purpose of this revolution. Yeah, it was deconstruction. It was to tear apart that which was a positive structure because that is what Frankism is. He doesn't ever talk about Frankism, but I did and I showed you the connections yesterday. You might want to watch yesterday's video too because I started off a little rough and I'm thinking it requires editing so that I don't get dragged out of my bed at 3am or something like that. Part of the dark ending, I felt it appropriate in this specific case because I've become so firmly convinced that what occurred here was a triumph of darkness as much as it may have tried its damnedest to masquerade as late. When Burke speaks pessimistically of an old Europe being gone and lost forever as jarring as this may sound at first glance, I don't know that I disagree with him. It's as if a father or grandfather has died. There is no reviving that specific being. That chapter is written and closed and all we can do is pay sincere respects and carry forth the all-important memory and yet there is an upside. The seeds of that potential greatness live on, in all cultural, racial, spiritual, etcetera, descendants willing and able to carry that torch capable of fostering new growth according to similar perennial themes and principles if we can find our bearings and establish firm footing and cultivate deep roots again. When I talk about cultural restoration, same thing that happened in Germany, that's what I was saying. We need everybody, not just one group or another. They should be understanding of who they are, where they come from, otherwise they're going to be easily manipulated and sent down bad paths. They have to have strong roots, everybody, everybody. That's why people who are traveling nomad criminals and child killers aren't going to have those roots and they're always going to be in the mischief. Then he says, funny enough, every time I say a word, it's like the next sentence he uses that word, just as a child should seek to emulate the best and brightest aspects of his fathers before him so should people's and cultures. In an age of almost universal cultural and spiritual collapse, I hope you might see the hidden upside to this too. Collapse and destruction clears the way for new creation. I don't buy that. Collapse and destruction causes collapse and destruction to people that are the casualties of that collapse and destruction. It's not a good thing and it's not an upside. It's an unfortunate event that at a certain point, there's no pulling it back from, so those particular people in that particular situation are lost and that is not okay and that should have never come to that in the first place, so this, this, this I don't agree with. It's almost as if we currently stand between two ages with a vast unknown horizon stretching before us as blank slate and canvas. It's my hope that we might quickly work to learn that's important finish what he said. This is why I don't agree with what he said. That's like saying that the hundreds of thousands of people who died at Dresden, there's an upside because no, people won't forget it or some stupid crap like that or we understand that no, no, it doesn't help the people that were dead. It doesn't help the fact that crime occurred. We don't want to do kumbaya into the fucking sticks and go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything's great when we just realize we don't stop and pay our respects to the dead, understand how horrific that was and dig our heads out of the, you know, idea of sticking our fingers in our ears and closing our eyes and everything gets better. No, if we allowed that to happen once, it's on us. It's not because of some unfortunate event that will, that will not forget now. No, we failed. That's the problem. Allowing that to happen, of course, bombing is a tough thing to stop if someone's going to do it. But forgetting about it is something that we did too. And that's the problem. Holding accountable throughout history, those who are continually working in our government, in different governments, behind the scenes, in finance, all these people. That is the problem. We're continuing to push forward, not understanding, recognizing and condemning our nations for propping up and funding the Bolsheviks in the first place, for siding with psychopathic people who were put in their, in their positions by the money makers, money exchangers in the first place. Identifying the money makers and not exiling them away from the rest of us. That was a failure, a failure. And that is why we continue to be eaten to death by this parasite. And the parasite isn't this group, it's evil. Evil is the parasite and anybody can work with evil, anybody can be evil, anyone can be seduced by evil, and anyone who harms a child is just as bad as calling somebody a J or the other than that, okay, anybody who does that, give a shit who you are. If you're a Kenyan and you go and you rape a girl, when you come here, you are a piece of shit, same deal, you know, belong in the society of human beings if you're going to be a predator, period the end, any type of predator, not okay. Most predatorial behavior is one who either in number or with some other advantage takes advantage of something weaker or unprotected and they whittle your brain away to the point where parents aren't protecting their children anymore, allowing for more victims. We got to get rid of that and you put it back up again, I think we got it now. All right, so let's watch this a little bit, you know, so it's the next part. Okay, yeah, yeah, whatever. Having killed their own king and massacred his Swiss guard and the majority of his defenders and leading men, having brutally murdered those who refused to swear eternal hatred of the king and aristocracy, and after having gone so far as to dig up the decaying bodies of much of the French royalty to disgrace and destroy their remains, having engaged in what author Nesta Webster would call an orgy of hatred, lust and cruelty directed not only against the rich, but still more against the poor and defenseless, the destruction of science, art and beauty, the destruction of the churches, the organized campaign against all that was noble, all that was sacred, all that humanity holds dear, having accomplished this destruction of their nation, the leading players of this revolutionary violence now turned on one another. Virtually every last figure most responsible for plunging France into this chaos would die a violent death in this handful of years, and it was at this point that it would become obvious to all looking on that these men weren't creators at heart, but destroyers, nor were they leaders or great organizers of men, but rather mere critics. Do people not get that? The reason why they have absolute morons and positions of power, number one, because they're just taking voters, they don't even know anything, and that's why they appear as stupid as they are. But that's not to say that there isn't a very precise plan being enacted here, but tearing something down doesn't require the best and the brightest to do so. So when you say, "Ooh, boy, I didn't know this person," it gives a appearance of weakness, which makes it laughable in your laughing your way to hell, because the whole point of these poor decisions being made by, quote-unquote, "politicians" is the simple fact that they are taking away block by block that which was built before them, because the point is to completely annihilate and destroy, and that is the Frankest Credo, 100%. Destroy all positive forms of government and religion, all positive examples from the earth. Turn it all corrupt and evil and perverted. That is their way. They pass their own children around for Christ's sake and eat and drink the flesh of children. That is what the Frankest do. That's not an exaggeration. What does that sound like to you? Does that sound familiar? They knew how to tear down and obliterate, yet they didn't seem to have a compelling vision of what might be created in its place. If you're going to kill the... So how is it different the communism that we saw in Bull's Civic, Russia? It's not different. They just didn't have that name for it, apparently. Father of a household, you must be fully prepared to be the new father, or have some suitable structure and plan in place to fulfill this role. This was not the case in the French Revolution, and what might justly be called the satanic brutality of it all was to carry an incredibly important lesson. With regard to such major pivot points in history, and especially national revolution, the means matter as much as the ends. How a people reach the goal will forever be remembered, and will inexorably shape and color all else that follows. And thus, France would now be a nation forever followed, stocked, and encompassed even, by an incredibly dark cloud. The more easily or obviously justified revolutions across history have often been due to a critical mass of strong and capable men, believing themselves to be governed and ruled by their inferiors, who then see this insult compounded by their corruption, or the tyrannical misuse and abuse of his power. Pre-revolution France, whose nobility had been not just their martial elite, but the cultural and artistic envy of much of the world, and whose king, certainly no tyrant, was willing to make countless concessions to the people, certainly didn't fit this mold. Despite a scattered few parallels, this wasn't like the American Revolution, which was a case of a colony throwing off the yoke of its distant master across the Atlantic, demanding only self-rule and leaving her former master's structures and cultural institutions and her traditions and history fully intact. What had happened in these few years in France had been something unprecedented. Too many, it appeared more like a suicide than any exciting rebirth. There would be several pendulum swings in the coming decades and centuries in which more conservative, royalist and monarchist forces would briefly hold some influence again. But the center point from which this pendulum swung was powerfully altered by this revolution. A violent lurch to the left so powerful that monarchy came to be painted from this point forward as a great evil and democracy, as a practically unassailable sacred cow. This democratic doctrine of mob wool, that the greatest minds throughout history, stretching back to Lycurgus and Plato and Aristotle, thought to be the worst of all possible forms of government, would suddenly come to be embraced as the ideal throughout much of the Western world, providing the powerfully deceptive illusions of choice and freedom while allowing money to powers to exercise immense control behind proxies, masks, facades, and subtly yet powerfully manipulated elections. 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Labeled by Edward Gibbon, quote, "the most eloquent and rational madman that I ever knew" and widely respected before publishing his work at great personal cost. As a result of its publishing, he would die hated by a great many, even deemed a bigot, an elitist, and a conspiracy theorist, to the extent that he requested to be buried in an unmarked grave by some accounts due to his knowing the depths of depravity that those he spoke out against were capable of. And Irishman of noble birth and not the type to follow the crowd, in his works were the words of what Julius Evola might have called an aristocrat of the soul, who fully understood the profound, deeply rooted value of all of the structures and traditions being so flippantly dispensed with in France. Burke believed these machinations traced back to their core, represented the newly ascendant moneyed powers, propping up organizations of lawyers and sophists to inflame the hearts of the people, against the aristocratic caste, the martial and spiritual elite, and all traditional ruling orders, the military, the nobility, and the church. He believed their goal was to decimate these, to be replaced with secular humanist, atheist, materialist, and what we might today call Bolshevik or communist individuals. And secular humanism is a freemasonic theme. Ideas, a class of men who were natural lawyers at heart, which is a mystery school theme as well. With the most attractive words and superficially convincing concepts and ideas, who then used these oratorical gifts to convince the masses that they were being brutally oppressed and claimed to provide an escape, even perhaps a path to utopia. Burke speaks of one new innovation in particular, that so helped win the public over to the cause. The satirist and cartoonist and critic, and how these men were directly supported, handsomely yet covertly by the money men behind the scenes, and who had an immense effect on the public psyche. And who were the money men in pre-dimensional cases? As humor always does in its subtle, understated way. He refers to the rights of man as quote, "that grand magazine of offensive weapons, fully recognizing its power to reorient and reconstitute the culture and the political and economic structures of France, in a manner that essentially inverted what he believed to be the natural order." He expresses shock at the extremely low bar in Parisian courts with regard to confiscating land from the aristocracy, to then freely grant to all allies willing to assist in the process. I spoke earlier about the fall of the Goths, and as a direct result, what seems to have been one of the most massive transfers of power, wealth, and land ever recorded, records that seem to be becoming increasingly difficult to come by. The French Revolution might be said to have succeeded in repeating history in this regard. Much like the corrupt Byzantine Empire of late Rome under Justinian, the new institutions created by the revolution helped elevate land and wealth confiscation and redistribution to a science, and to a machine-like efficiency. To give one example of many, the traditional force for preserving law and order was the army. But because the vast majority of the officer corps came from the nobility, these became the enemy of the revolution, practically overnight. Many of the most skilled and competent officers were murdered, causing serious disorder in the ranks, and many of those who weren't killed attempted to immigrate to more friendly nations, perhaps hoping the madness might soon abate, only to watch as all of their land and possessions were quickly confiscated by revolutionary courts. In his work, Burke warns that the result of atheistic revolutionary forces conspiring with the money interests of France will be that, quote, "the whole power will lie with the money men," and he goes on to speak to the shrewd psychological methods employed. Quote, "All the envy traditionally directed at wealth was directed down other avenues." This seems to be a remarkably effective tactic. Covert players with immense wealth, using numerous fronts and proxies to convince an impressionable public that the real power brokers aren't then but rather everyone or anyone else, thereby rallying an army to clear the path for a level of dominance that the more traditional hierarchical structures would have made impossible. Burke seemed to clearly see this as a move to tear down in every sphere, not to create or build up. Quote, "The writers against religion whilst they oppose every system are wisely careful never to set up any of their own." Many saw this trend as beginning in earnest with the Medicis in the 1400s, as this family and their immense wealth helped quite literally create the philosophy of secular humanism out of whole cloth, funding the greatest minds of their age to construct this new ideological framework, while simultaneously beginning to marry directly into the royal bloodlines of Europe, two events that would have the most significant historical ramifications. This period helped kickstart what would become an ever-present factional struggle that would rage across all of Europe between an ancient hereditary aristocratic land-owning element and a newly-ascendent moneyed power, powerfully aided by secret societies and their machinations who had kings and their monarchies first and foremost in their crosshairs. The least physically capable of doing anything, requiring power and might or bravery, are always on the winning side because they have the money to manipulate others to be that muscle. Prior to the rise and fall of national socialist Germany, the term Aryan, and specifically the root Arya, was widely considered to share etymological roots with the term aristocracy. The debate rages as to the origins and precise meaning of the term, across multiple ages and cultures, but it's almost always used in reference to the ruling nobility. It's recently become a controversial theory, especially in the highly-charged and exceptionally politicized modern era, but some- "The capable and worthy of ruling, because they are noble and just and fair, and that's what got replaced in this world by the financiers who are anything but those qualities." Some seemed to view the true factions across these multiple revolutionary movements, not along national lines, or even purely political or religious, but rather along cultural and racial lines. Starting with the Roman Emperor Caracalla, freely granting citizenship to the slaves of a rapidly failing Roman Empire, distinct familial lineages lived side by side across much of Europe, stretching through to the St. Bartholomew's massacre of the Huguenots, and culminating in the aftermath of the French Revolution and Napoleon's France, as we enter the 1800s, a massively disproportionate share of this bloodshed, seems to be suffered by a certain ethnic and cultural group. E. E. Cummings was said to have quipped that the events of this period "chopped six inches off of every Frenchman," seemingly a reference to the taller and fairer-skinned population, who suffered most in both the Revolution itself and the resulting wars just afterward, those more direct descendants of the larger Germanic people group, ranging from Nordic elements to the patriarchs of Rome to the more ancient Celtic stock. Many thinkers and authors and orators, Abhisaius is a great example, began to stoke these racial tensions as a means of increasing revolutionary fervor. These claims were largely true. The noble and aristocratic class in France was certainly more heavily Germanic, that is to say, ethnically of the Germanic people group, as opposed to specifically of the nation of Germany, giving the outward appearance of a caste system of sorts from a certain perspective. "Hereditary nobility now descends through the lines of the conquerors. The third estate will become noble again by becoming a conqueror in its own turn." And as author David Dinnis put it, "The battle against everything Germanic that had commenced and the Renaissance continued in the form of hatred toward everything German." The goal of these foremost players and the French Revolution in particular seems to be nothing short of a total inversion of the natural order, as exemplified by the words of the new president of the National Convention on November 21. "Representatives of an independent people, important to mankind was the day when the national convention of France pronounced its sentence. Royal dignity is abolished. From that day, many nations will, in future, reckon the era of their political existence. From the beginning of civil establishments, kings have been in opposition to their nations. But now they rise up to annihilate kings. Reason, when she darts her rays into every corner, lays open eternal truths. She alone enables us to pass sentence on despots, hitherto the scarecrow of other nations." Another way of looking at this and another way of framing it is the arias or arias kept the order. If it wasn't for them not even being able to conceive of the level of treachery, the other types of men would be capable of and not being blindsided so often the goths of Germanic people and so it goes, then I can hear my cat, then the order would have remained held because of their fairness, nobility and character, all things that were replaced by the wickedness that we have now." "But we shall have done nothing if we stop here; a restocracy still domineers. We must therefore suppress all authorities existing in the hands of the upper classes. When the revolutionary authority appears, there must nothing of the old establishment remain. A popular system must be introduced, every office must be occupied by new functionaries, and the Sanculata must, everywhere, have a share in the administration." And there's no doubting that many of the foremost players in stoking revolutionary sentiment seemed very much the polar opposite of this ancient aristocracy in every respect, spiritually, psychologically, even physically. Robespierre was five foot three and wore lifts in his shoes to hide this fact. Danton was terribly scarred and disfigured, but perhaps no single man better epitomized this movement as an uprising of monsters, more than Jean-Paul Merat, and in fact few men seemed to better represent the very pulse and ideological center point of this particular revolutionary ethos. In many respects, Merat might fairly be called the Karl Marx of his age. He had the ability to powerfully compel others, not due to any natural charisma, but rather stemming from a clever and shrewd and strategically astute mind, in the manner of an almost supernaturally manipulative intellectual and firebrand. And yet this mind seems to have been fueled almost entirely by envy and resentment, or perhaps more accurately as Nietzsche so well put it, resentment. His ambitions and drive were such that some felt he was, at least figuratively, possessed by demons, though many scholars today argue it may have been late-stage syphilis at work. Considered insufferable and deeply disliked by most who knew him, he was the type of man instinct. Maybe we have a misconception here, maybe we are actually discussing or describing or experiencing people that actually have a parasite, a type of parasite inside them. We could call it possession, we could call it all kinds of things, but what if it's just a nature of a parasite that we just don't recognize as being capable of such intricate machinations and abilities to manipulate in a consistent fashion, through however many people it inflicts, kind of like a fungi, like a spore, you know? Idivatively feared by many, because he so obviously had nothing to lose, and not just in a material capacity, but in the deepest sense of that word. He seemed incapable of love and utterly consumed by his hate, and thus he represented the specific sort of fire and passion that so many would-be revolutionists were actively seeking. And like Marx, he was a natural-born extremist and would soon come to exemplify the worst excesses of the revolution. One of the surviving descriptions of the man states, quote, "Mirot had the burning eyes of a hyena, marked by spasmodic convulsions of his features, and a rapid and jerky walk." His countenance was toad-like in shape, marked by bulging eyes and a flabby mouth, his complexion of a greenish corpse-like hue, open sores, often running, pitted his terrible countenance, the warno socks, and his boots were usually filthy, end quote. This description continues to get far more graphic in the elaboration of his truly disgusting physical maladies, which I'll spare the listener from hearing, but which weren't merely being cited for shock value or to disparage the man, but rather because it's likely they played a fundamental role in shaping his character. It's difficult to find anyone who more reveled in the bloodshed and the suffering of innocence, or anyone who worked harder to cause it, and it's not difficult to understand why some came to see him as a demon in vaguely human form. Such men had won the day, but they'd also stoked a profound, righteous indignation in the hearts of the remaining nobles they'd not yet slaughtered. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal, enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renter's warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost, and if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. She had initially planned to assassinate the man in front of the national convention, but soon found he was no longer attending the meetings due to deteriorating health, thus was forced to change her plan. She went to Merat's home before noon on July 13th, claiming to have college of Durandist uprising. She was initially turned away, but on her return that evening, Merat admitted her. At the time, Merat strangely conducted most of his affairs from his bathtub, as Merat took down the names of the Durandist supposedly involved in the uprising. She pulled out the knife and plunged it into his chest. He managed a final call for help, but to no avail. Narrowly escaping being lynched by a mob of Merat's associates and true believers outside, she was eventually brought to trial, in which she described Merat as a "quarter and a monster" respected only by degenerate men and only within Paris. Finally, a letter written to her father was brought forward as clear evidence of the premeditated nature of the act. "Forgive me, my dear Papa, for having disposed of my existence without your permission. I have avenged many innocent victims. I have prevented many other disasters. I hoped to keep it incognito, but I recognized the impossibility. I hope you will not be tormented. Goodbye, my dear Papa. Please forget me, or rather rejoice in my fate. The cause is good. I kiss my sister, whom I love with all my heart, as well as my parents. Do not forget this verse by Cornel. Quote, "crime is shame, not the scaffold," end quote. It is tomorrow at 8 o'clock that I am judged, this 16 July. In her defense, she stated confidently, "I have killed one man to save one hundred thousand, and on July 17th, wearing a red over blouse denoting a condemned traitor, standing alone in the tumbrel, drenched by a sudden summer rainfall. It said she remained calm and stoic to the end. The guillotine fell, and Charlotte Cordet was dead." Jean-Paul Marat's death helped kick off what's come to be known as the Reign of Terror, beginning as a way to just the simple bravery of one woman who was in her early 20s, compared to the large vests of men right now who will watch, and I've seen this social experiment where a guy grabs a kid and yanks him up and pulls him into a dark alley or into a dark area, and everybody just looks around and then keeps walking. That's the where we're at right now. There was one blonde-haired woman, younger woman who actually followed the guy out of all the times that they did it and tried to track him down. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] And he used these abilities, consciously or not, to subtly sway the crowd against Robespierre in at least one major instance. Said by his critics, the boy of honor and principles, a quote, statement of materialism, who, quote, "was not a new everyday. He'd become mysteriously wealthy over these first years of the revolution, and was now viewed as having lost his fire for the revolutionary process." After the death of his wife, having remarried a 16-year-old, quote, "rumor has it that he was allowing domestic happiness to tempt him from the keen incessant vigilance proper to the politician in such a crisis." Though, certainly one of the leading players of the revolution, Danton would be just one of a great many to fall during this reign of terror. >> According to archival records from September 1793 to July 1794, some 16,000 people were executed on charges of counter-revolutionary activity. >> It appears that, I don't know, FEMA, UN, want to bring the old way of killing people back because it's a spectacle. You got to have that circus, and how sick and depraved is your world when that's considered entertainment. >> Another 40,000 men. >> Those people would be the good people that would be having their, about, I don't know, what do you want to say, eight to ten inches taken off the top? >> I've been summarily executed or died awaiting trial. With the death of Jean-Paul Murat, Maximilian Robespierre, perhaps the best known and leading personality and key figure of the revolution, fully stepped to the fore and is named president of the convention. Robespierre was a unique figure, yes, a mason, and yes, a Jacobin, and yes, like a great many of the leading players, a lawyer descended from generations of lawyers. And yet, despite his membership in several such public and secretive organizations, he seemed to be one of the few not wholly or at least not exclusively driven by them, or the puppeteering hands that so deftly guided them. Robespierre seemed to be a passionate true believer, as Mirabeau quipped, "That man will go far," he believes everything he says. He became the most tireless advocate. >> Sounds more like a dupe to me. >> For what was to become the brand new God and central ideological pillar of a new reinvented France, one that would go by the name of reason? >> They muddy the waters with using reason in an irrational atmosphere, devoid of reason. It's inverted. There's nothing wrong with using your reason and your critical thinking skills. And I don't like the fact that that's confusing to people who think that there's some kind of battle between faith or reason. There isn't. It's an artificial battle if there's a battle at all. You don't have to supplant one with the other. It's not necessary. You can use reason and faith together. But when they separate them like this, they lose reason in the process. >> This might roughly be equated to the modern cult of science, and that it's a subjective framework built by fallible and speculative intellectuals, yet that masquerades as unquestionable objective truth, intended to posture as solid ground, to present itself as standing in contrast to all the unstable territory of superstition and misapprehension. A student of Rousseau, in a sense, attempting to follow in his footsteps. He was to commit what many believe to be one of the most grievous errors in the history of human judgment and cultivate a misconception of nature as a force practically independent of the creator, reducing it to a purely material and mechanistic machine, devoid of any divine spark or larger purpose, by redefining the concept of nature and turning the traditional notion of God upside down to create a new "Supreme Being" in his place. In one stroke, this small group of men managed to reframe and reorient all of human existence for all who would listen, redefining the most way of all conceptions into something ultimately hollow and superficial, was equivalent to killing God in a sense, and meant that all other concepts, naturally downstream from this highest and foremost conception, would gradually and organically come to be redefined as well. And when you lose that, you lose right and wrong, you lose justice, you lose fairness, you lose integrity, credibility, all the virtues that keep order. Well, including the concept of virtue itself, which Robespierre promptly redefined to justify violence against all opposition, which detractors said made him, quote, "one of the most effective terrorists in modern history," and in an effort to completely break from all semblance of tradition, the new France was to even have a new calendar, with completely new names for the 12 months, which would now have 30 days each, its new week was to contain 10 days instead of 7, and its years were to now be reckoned starting from year 1 beginning in 1793. In short, these men were attempting to recreate everything, to completely destroy all inheritance. To reset, to reset, and they have very voraciously, voraciously, and voraciously expressed their desire for a reset, in effect, start over. The problem is that so much of what was to be replaced still held deep, even spiritual, power, and significance, and it was being replaced with rootless intellectual inventions and whimsical speculations. At the end of the day, as Aldous Huxley would later put it, Robespierre achieved the most superficial kind of revolution, a merely political revolution, ultimately hollow, yet attempting to masquerade as something like a spiritual rebirth. To many looking on, including Burke, and including many German thinkers of the day, what had occurred here was a monstrous mistake. According to them, things as serious and weighty as leadership and governance and political structures should develop and change slowly. They can't simply be the intellectual products of a handful of men, sitting down to create a fully formed plan of action. Von Humboldt gives us the prevailing German point of view of the day by stating, "No state constitution could succeed if based wholly on reason, according to a pre-established plan, where time and nature had not prepared," constitutions could not be grafted upon men as sprigs upon trees. But as Johann Gauta was to put it, "The French nation is the nation of extremes. It does nothing in measure." This proud and powerful nation, held up by its neighbors, as in many ways the standard bearer of a unique culture and style and flourish, of elegance and beauty and artistic competence, of bold and courageous and unbounded thinkers and a fiery spirit, had somehow stumbled into brutally murdering many of its best and brightest, at the behest of many of its most mediocre and ambitious. She had seemingly become a nation that traded kings for sophists, nobility for lawyers and bank clerks, devout clergy for speculative philosophers. Though it certainly had its supporters, especially at the outset, by the time the dust had settled, much of the world seemed to look on with a mixture of confusion, alarm, or outright contempt. As the author A. M. Ramsey put it in The Nameless War, "Never before had a mob apparently organized successful revolution against all other classes in the state, under high sounding but quite nonsensical slogans, and with methods bearing not a trace of the principles enshrined in these slogans. Never before had any one section of the nation conquered all other sections, and still less swept away every feature of the national life and tradition, from king, religion, nobles, clergy, constitution, flag, calendar, and place names to coinage. Such a phenomenon merits the closest attention, especially in view of the fact that it has been followed by identical outbreaks in many countries. And this petty political revolution was one seemingly driven by a great deal of manipulative propaganda. The king, far from a tyrant, seemed willing to make tremendous concessions. The queen, Marie Antoinette, had been widely beloved before the cartoonists and satirists began their handiwork. No lie was too shameless or brazen, no negative bit of gossip would go unprinted, even publishing several slanderous stories that directly contradicted one another. Even the famous "Let them eat cake" phrase was never actually attributed to her in her lifetime, and represents just one of a great many later inventions, stemming from the caricature these papers had created. Her taste for the finer things in life was so absurdly exaggerated as to be blamed as a leading reason for France's economic woes. And on October 16, 1793, Marie Antoinette was led to a guillotine in the centre of Paris. A court had just convicted her of treason. As the prosecutor read the charges against her, including that of assault against her own son, she stated, "I was a queen, and you took away my crown, a wife, and you killed my husband, a mother, and you deprived me of my children." Well, it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4 a.m. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters' warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters' warehouse manages thousands of single-family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's For call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. My blood alone remains. Take it, but do not make me suffer long." Maintaining her composure to the very end, including an hour-long cart ride in which she was mocked and jeered at by a public who were avid readers of the professional character assassins masquerading as satirists and humorists, she, too, was guillotamed at 12.15 p.m. on the 16th of October, 1793. Show me where the reason is there. Do you think you could reason with those wild mob of people, that wild beast, the animals that are surrounding her and jeering, the ignorant, stupid freaks? That's what they're reducing everybody to. That's why this is a very dangerous time for us to be living in. Her pitiable last words are recorded as, pardon me, sir, I did not do it on purpose, having accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot. After her death, she would then be unceremoniously tossed into an unmarked grave in Madeline Cemetery. If Marie Antoinette and King Louis represented royal blood that, though it may have lacked requisite courage or clarity of mind at the all-important moment, at least wasn't wholly bad or corrupt, then the King's brother-in-law, the Duke D'Orleans, might fairly represent the other side of that coin, and might even well represent the utterly fallen state of modern aristocracy. And the exploitation of his weakness by moneyed interests seems to speak to those timeless means and methods used to orchestrate that fall. Wait, you mean that he represented all the things that they claimed that they were against, and yet he was a leader of the revolution? Wow, it's almost as if they're totally full of shit and inverted. A notorious degenerate, and always deeply in debt, he was also a grandmaster mason, and perhaps not unrelated, was the most shameless and aggressive opportunist, and the Duke D'Orleans, the blackest of royal black sheep, and a ready and willing traitor, was found. The Duke's grandmaster status meant that instead of answering first and foremost to his nation or his fellow citizens, his highest allegiance was a secretive allegiance to... And think about that, they give you these meaningless titles because flattery and promise of fortune and recognition is all it usually takes in the mind of the ambitious to get them to fully embrace whatever agenda is being pushed. Who a group with secret motives. It's easy to underestimate just how powerful such secret alliances are, but when the members of these societies are scattered across nearly every major organization and political body, across nearly every powerful nation on earth, all quietly helping one another, and working together toward unspoken goals, this collective power is truly immense. The Duke was also a degenerate hedonist, greedy and self-interested, and seemed to believe his cooperation with the revolutionary forces might result in his eventually sitting on the throne of France himself when the dust settled. This personality type, not the least because it was so easy to blackmail, was the ideal vessel for secretive groups to exploit. What... Blackmail. Hey, another common theme that is still very much in play. So striking is just how consciously Adam Weishept and his fellow agents recognized and spoke openly about the fact that their role was to deceive and manipulate. Not just individuals, but even other secret societies. To quote Weishept's journal, "The great strength of our order lies in its concealment. Let it never appear in any place in its own name, but by..." This is literally the same verbiage almost of Jacob Frank, "Never be outwardly what you are inwardly" is one of the quotes of Jacob Frank. And like I said before, the Frankists and the Jesuits, they infiltrated the freemasonic lodges, they accepted into them. Right alongside, there used to be enemies as far as the Jesuits are concerned with the Protestants that were seeking refuge from the Jesuits. And then when the Jesuits were just banded, they all went into the freemasonic lodges. Kind of a weird thing, kind of a strange thing, but it's all documented in "Fruce of the Conspiracy" by John Robison. Another name, and another activity. None is fitter than Freemasonry. The public is accustomed to it, expect little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it, "mirabot," who was apparently prone to inadvertently revealing too much according to those closest to him, is said to have slipped up and openly stated in a speech at the International Freemason Convention in Wilhelm's Bod in 1782, that he was a member of an organization that was influenced by the Knights Templar, and that their goal was to destroy the Church and the monarchy, so that the "religion of love" could be established in France. And there was a period… They're all about their vague explanations and hoody-tweetiness, aren't they? It's like the "religion of love," because what does that even mean? It's kind of arbitrary or ambiguous, I mean. Ambiguous was what I was looking for. A period of time in which the men who represented the more public face of the revolution seemed to make an attempt to expose the private machinations at play. Those who seemed to be using them as a mask, as tools to unknown ends. For instance, men like the Marquis de Lusche, who were opposed to the Illuminati but supportive of the revolution, and who in one of his speeches stated, "There exists a conspiracy in favor of despotism against liberty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, of ignorance against enlightenment. This society aims to govern the world." Even Robespierre would finally state, in what was, according to some, the final speech that helped seal his fate, "I dare not name them at this moment and in this place. I cannot bring myself to entirely terrace-sunder the veil that covers this profound mystery of iniquity. But I can affirm, most positively, that among the authors of this plot are the agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerful of all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic." "Foroners, now that's the key word there." I mean the impure apostles of atheism, and the immorality that is at its base, end quote. Perhaps one of the worst and most amoral, and thus most effective, of these pamphleteers and propagandists, was one Jacques Abert. His completely baseless accusations, especially toward the royals and aristocracy, became immensely popular, but were said to have angered even Robespierre, to the extent that he was said to have broken his plate as he slammed down his fork and shouted imbecile, after reading a particularly lurid and absurd accusation of royal incest. A long-time criminal, previously fired for theft, Abert, labeled by some the Homer of Filth, would start the infamous Pierre Duchina. The petty and salacious publication that became expert at drawing the public in with the most lurid and base intrigue, only to then subtly plant the most violent and revolutionary sentiments in the public consciousness. The stories themselves encouraged violence, utilized the most foul and sexualized language and gutter wit, and came to appeal greatly to the lowest classes, who would come to shout the phrase "Father Duchina is very angry today," as they hocked his publication on the streets of Paris. His completely invented stories, sometimes even including entirely faked dialogues between various royals and aristocrats, became one of the reasons Marie Antoinette went from a widely beloved figure to one so hated and despised. Like many of his peers in the critic and satirist world, he didn't just want to do away with Christianity, he wanted to see it face a violent and brutal end. The question of just where he received the resources to support his extravagant and decadent lifestyle has never been answered. "I won't take a wild guess," says much that while the royal family went to the guillotine with stoic dignity and honor, when a bear was eventually dragged to the blade, he said to have gone screaming hysterically, fainting several times along the way. Even as we all do in causing the executioner to toy with him and stop the blade just short a full three times in a row, merely to prolong his petulant agony. While the streets of Paris were stained with the blood of both the enemies and now the instigators of the revolution, there were significant regions outside of this cosmopolitan center. Hold on a second, let's just draw a parallel hood between their cannibalistic nature among one another, taking down people that by all, you know, you could basically say that they were very, very involved in perpetuating this revolution, this sick revolution. But yet they end up under the blade too because there's always this dog eat dog when it comes to these people, especially when you look at the Bolsheviks. And I'm not just talking about Trotsky, but there were multiple times where Lenin and Stalin wiped out a bunch of people or relocated them so that they could secure themselves in their power and they were distrusting of bordering the Jews bordering the on the border because they felt that they would turn themselves into traitors at the first sign of some kind of resistance or another neighboring force that opposed them, that they would side with them and they would work together with them because there's a history of that among the people that instead of perishing themselves in some sort of noble act, they'll do what they can, kind of like what Josefas did with Vespasian, right? He was leading his own rebels and then when Vespasian captured him, he's like, oh, I've seen it. It's a prophecy. You are to rule Rome. Yadda yadda yadda. And Vespasian ends up adopting him as like a, well, as a son, pretty, pretty, pretty good smooth talker there. Remained untouched by the revolutionary propaganda and fervor, regions growing ever more suspicious of its aims, especially in Normandy, Brittany, and the Vendee. In the Vendee region in particular, a royalist counter-revolutionary movement began. These were largely simple, honest, and powerfully devout and God-fearing Catholics. And though a ramshackle force thrown together by peasants and a handful of nobles, this newly created army of men initially swept all in their path, in short order scoring several impressive victories. Soon, however, the entire military force of revolutionary France, including a massive number of newly drafted citizens, were to be marshaled against them. Outnumbered three to one, and with a great many in their ranks dying from disease and starvation, the Battle of Savane marked a pivotal defeat for the Vendee royalists. A loss that resulted not just in a defeat on the battlefield, but to the eternal shame of those involved. What's been called, perhaps the first modern genocide, as the new French government ordered a scorched earth policy, destroying farms, crops, burning forests and villages. They simultaneously engaged in a campaign of mass killing, universally aimed at the residents of the Vendee, regardless of combatant status, political affiliation, age, or sex. One specific target, in fact, were the women of the region, justified as primary targets because "they were carrying anti-revolutionary babies." Just as the royalists feared, it was as the battlefield combat ended that the real slaughter began. Between November 1793 to February 1794, over 4,000 were drowned in the luar, under the supervision of Jean-Baptiste Carrie, from January to May 1794. 20,000 to 50,000 Vindian civilians were massacred by armies that came to be known as the infernal columns of the brutally cruel general, Louis Marie Tarot, an army that seems to have been employed almost exclusively in the butchery of unarmed civilians. The estimates for the total number of killed on and off the battlefield in all conflicts related to the Vindia rising, range between 150,000 and half a million, out of a population of just 800,000. The sheer chaos unleashed by the French Revolution would eventually, indirectly and through the strange and unpredictable twists and turns of history, pave the way for the rise of Napoleon, and irrevocably change the face of Europe and the world forever. August 10, 2021, marched the 200th anniversary of the unveiling of the Lion of Lucerne, commissioned by Aiswhis Gardsman by the name of Val Altishofen and crafted by Denmark's Bertal Thorvaldsen, Mark Twain was said to have called it "the most mournful and moving piece of stone in the world." The dying lion, collapsed upon broken symbols of the French monarchy, commemorates the heroic last stand of these 760 guardsmen who fell in defense of the king, including the full names of the 26 officers involved, along with a Latin inscription which translates to the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter Renters Warehouse, the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renters Warehouse works for you, not the other way around, from marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters Warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months, at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis, that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. And indeed they were loyal, honorable and courageous to their final moments. In speaking of the character of the upstart revolutionary government, Burke states, "already there appears a poverty of conception, a coarseness and vulgarity in all the proceedings of the assembly, and of all their instructors, their liberty is not liberal, their science is presumptuous ignorance, their humanity is savage and brutal." He goes on to compare this newly and artificially born state and its founding men with the more traditional and conservative elements of the Western world. But all your softsters cannot produce anything better adapted to preserve a rational and manly freedom than the course that we have pursued, who have chosen our nature rather than our speculations, our breasts rather than our inventions, for the great conservatories and magazines of our rights and privileges. You had all of these advantages in your ancient states, but you chose to act as if you had never been molded into civil society and had everything to begin anew. You began ill because you began by despising everything that belonged to you. You set up your trade without a capital. If the last generations of your country appeared without much luster in your eyes, you might have passed them by and derived your claims from a more early race of ancestors. After a pious predilection for those ancestors, your imaginations would have realized then a standard of virtue and wisdom beyond the vulgar practice of the hour. And you would have risen with the example to whose imitation you aspired. Respecting your forefathers, you would have been taught to respect yourselves. You would not have chosen to consider the French as a people of yesterday, as a nation of low-born, servile wretches, until the emancipating year of 1789. Burke seemed to believe that the illusory pull of mob rule is strong, and yet fundamentally misleading, where the mob rules, the predatory men who most effectively program and orient the mob, will dominate. He believed there will always be a more powerful and influential class, without sized political or economic or social, even cultural or spiritual influence. So it's not a question of if this class will exist. The only real and substantive question becomes what types of men should ideally make up this class. And in this regard, he believed France had taken several steps backward. And quote, "The next generation of the nobility will resemble the artificers and clowns and money-jobbers, usubers and Jews, who will always be their fellows, sometimes their masters." "Believe me, sir, those who attempt to level never equalize. In all societies, consisting of various descriptions of citizens, some description must be uppermost. The levelers, therefore, only change and pervert the natural order of things. They load the edificive society by setting up in the air what the solidity of the structure requires to be on the ground." End quote. To Burke and those like him around the world, the monarchical structure was part of something ancient, timeless and worthy of real respect. The king was to be something akin to God's right hand in this material playing, ideally the visible manifestation of the divine masculine and his queen, the divine feminine, to be the mother and father of a nation and a people. In recalling his own encounter with this queen, many years previous, he states, quote, "Never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. Little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult, but the age of chivalry is gone, that of sophistors, economists and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever." End quote. When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port we steer. And this is the story of the French Revolution. The year was approximately 950 A.D., and Emperor Constantine is seventh elite. Excuse me, sorry, Dr. Peter Glidden had called me to see how I was doing in the middle of that, so I had to take that call, obviously. Hold on, give me one second and we'll move on to the next thing. So for those of you who tune in at 11 on Thursdays, he lost power again. So we're going to try to do it tomorrow at 11 instead. Okay, so for those of you who are used to every Thursday, Dr. Peter Glidden at 11 a.m. Pacific, now it's going to be tomorrow, tentatively, assuming that his power is backed by that. That's the second time that's happened in this area. First time they nicked a cord, so maybe that's just, they just didn't do it, right, fix it, right? Yep, somebody wrote this, and they're 100% correct, you can read it yourself. And I think that's what we state, but you get it, you understand. So JD Vance, what the hell is that, what's up with that? The two, him and Trump and pretty much everybody else in politics doesn't, don't understand that walls stand up on their own, they don't need to help hold it up. Okay, let me take a look at this with you. I think this is going, well, let me cue it because it always starts muted for some reason. Okay. Yeah. All right. The exact opposite was true just then. Okay, so let's watch this together. And it kind of goes along with what I was talking about with people not doing. You see these acts of nobility, this bravery by people who put women putting men to shame with their bravery, their motherly protective instinct. And also there's, hey, I'm not saying that I'm saying in this particular era, they've weakened men, and I don't think anybody's going to argue with me on that. That's not saying that everyone is that way. Of course there isn't. We would already been defeated if that's the case. But the more people they can take off the field by simply impairing their power, it's just a way of eroding, right? There are good fathers out there. There are, there are protectors and warriors when necessary. And a warrior doesn't mean someone who goes around chopping off heads. It means being a noble person with a sense of justice. He does what needs to be done and has the will to do it when it's necessary. That's a warrior. Any other time that's just his murderer and that's not the same. Okay, present screens, arms, let's do it. This kind of goes along with that whole idea of getting involved, so let's go ahead and watch this. It's an interesting thing I came across on Instagram. Again, you can't make it full screen, I don't think, so let's go with it. And don't even worry about what this is here. This is kind of not just an arrogant when you look at it. Just let the message be the message, don't try to like, oh, I'm going to take ownership of this. You didn't, you didn't come up with this idea. You got second desk, blue jacket, what is your name? My name is Alexis. Alexis, please leave my lecture room. I don't want to see you at one of my lectures, ever again. I don't understand. I am not going to ask a second time, thank you. Why are their laws? What are laws for? Anyone? Social order? To protect the person's personal rights. So that you can't rely on the government? Justice? Thank you. Tell me, was I unfair to your classmate just now? Indeed, I was. So why didn't any of you protest? Why didn't any of you try and stop me? Why didn't you want to prevent this injustice? You see, what you have just learned, you wouldn't have understood in a thousand hours of lectures unless you lived it. You didn't say anything because you weren't affected yourself and this attitude speaks against you and against life and you think it doesn't concern you so it's none of your business. Well, I'm here to say, if you don't help bring about justice, then one day you too may experience injustice and there will be nobody there to stand before you. Truth and justice live through us all and we must fight for it because in life and work, we often live next to each other but not with each other. We console ourselves that the problems of others are not going to do with us, none of our business and we go home glad at night that we're spared but it's about standing up for each other. Every day an injustice happens in business, sports or on the tram, relying on someone else to take care of it is not good enough. It is our duty to be there for others, to speak up for others when they cannot. I am here to teach you the power of your voice. I want you to learn critical thinking to empower you to stand up for what is right, even if it means going against what everyone else is doing. Let's begin. So professor, does that mean Alexis can come back? No, fuck that bitch. Little humor, but yeah, hopefully I didn't ruin the message with that, but all right, so now we have, I can read this, maybe we'll save this for tomorrow. It's an example of how people get screwed by certain people and I think I'm going to save it for tomorrow. What we're going to do instead is we're going to look at, since we're in the actual Logos theme, I think we're going to do the most recent one of his videos. And whoops, picture, and picture, it's called black and white. I don't think we've watched this one together, yeah, I've watched it and I've, if we have then, oops, but I'm pretty sure we didn't and it's not what it sounds like either, but we did the interconnectedness of the Aryan peoples, which was one of the ones I wanted us to watch, so we got that one out of the way. We might as well, at some point, so there's a rift here, because I either want to show you the very first one of that series, which is about 30 minutes long, and it's like a good kickoff. I like doing things in a different, in a specific nonlinear order only because of how we've been approaching this topic and trying to, you know, when you go back and forth and you pick up more pieces that, now that you have some more peace, you know, understanding or other information you've been exposed to, the stuff means more when you see it than if you're just, you know, the first time doesn't penetrate, it doesn't soak up in the sponge as much, but when you get it, you know, the second and third time, more from a different direction where you see the same aspects coming through in a different, in a different event or, or situation than it has more deeper meaning to people into you, you know, has more of an impact. So there's a reason why there's a method to the madness, at least at least this is how it's working in my head, hopefully it does the same with yours. All right, so let's do navigating social, societal collapse. I feel like we did this all, did we? All right, if we did, then, you know what, let's just go to the playlist, I don't know if we did the black and white one, I gotta put, give it a second. So this one says, I'm going to take this, yeah, it's not that one's not necessary to read. It's a kind of generic, I can hear my daughter's up or cat, but I'm pretty sure it's my daughter. They have the cats do that, you know, that they actually mimic the tone and pitch so that you will pay attention to them. That's what I've told. I mean, I don't know if it's a conscious effort or not, but apparently, like I've heard animals in like, out in a, in nighttime that sound like children crying, but it's, it's literally the animal, probably some sort of feline. Oh, let's go with this one. I'm still, I'm still debating it. This 38 minutes, we almost don't have enough time for this one. So by default, by default, we're going to go to the other one, I think. Setting the stage is a good one and I don't, I just, I don't know if we've gone through the black, I don't want it to repeat myself ourselves here, but we're going to do the other one, I guess, makes more sense. I feel like we have not actually, but it's just my brain. I've watched it. So it's like hard for me to remember what I've seen and what I've, what I've shown. Let's go to, let's show the logos. Oh, by the way, so being that I'm leaving on Friday, I'm going to do my best to get whatever orders I have out here. Uh, creatine goes quick. It's easy for me to put that out real quick. Okay. I'm going to leave Rebecca with whatever sauces that are still orders out there that I can get in whatever books that I can, uh, wrap up and send out. I'm going to do that before I leave, but I am literally leaving tomorrow. Oh, sorry. Friday is going to be my last day to do any work and anything because Saturday morning we're leaving really early to go to the airport and, um, from there, when I'm in you, when I'm in New York, I'll be able to produce videos, probably at least occasionally, but I won't be able to do though. But I won't be able to do though is, uh, you know, make me, manufacturer, make handcraft hot sauce while I'm gone. So whatever orders come in, in that 10 days, understand that it's going to be until I get back out of the 30th, 31st, first before I'm able to get to everything and organize life and all that stuff and between. Okay. So that's how it is. But if you want to place the orders for the creatine, I can probably get that out. If you want to send out, uh, whatever books I have on hand, which aren't many, I think some of them might already be spoken for. I got to get those out today. Um, just, it's always about a two week process. So by the time I get back, they should be arriving. So if you're ordering from me, don't just get it from Amazon. It's okay. But if you absolutely need to have my, my penmanship on your book, then just understand it's going to be about two weeks before you get it because it takes them about that long to send it to me. Okay. I used to buy extras, but then I'm out of those two because I'm not buying hundreds at a time because then I'd have lots and lots of books waiting. Tied up, tied up cash, right, tied up, tied up flow and you can't have that when you don't have a lot and I don't back in the day when I had that store and things were good and we were pre-COVID life was wonderful. We all sense it to varying degrees, perhaps depending on our own personal context picture and the power of our intuition, but we all sense it. We live in a rapidly crumbling world. It's not just the increasingly dirty and unsafe streets, teeming with increasingly desperate people with needles and human waste, homeless encampments and newly overdosed bodies or our storefronts, which now lock up even basic necessities or simply allow certain types of individuals to walk in, fill a bag with stolen goods, and casually walk out without an issue as if routine. It's not just the increased crime rates, the plummeting living standards, the lack of societal cohesion, all of these things and so much more are merely symptoms of a disease that goes much deeper. Our great strides in technological development and the endless supply of new and novel entertainments and superficial comforts serve only to mask this more fundamental decline, a bit like a sloppy fresh coat of paint atop now hooklessly turn my written words. The illusion of progress, while we so clearly head in the wrong direction, across nearly every last one of the most meaningful metrics. With expectancy is now dropping, along with testosterone and fertility rates. We're now being biologically reshaped. Man's becoming less man, woman is becoming less woman. IQ is dropping, literacy is plummeted, and college students who even just a few decades ago more or less represented an exceptional subset tasked with carrying the future world on their shoulders now, often struggle with basic math, the most rudimentary understanding of history and increasingly see all the world through the lens of demented, disoriented, often even predatory professors. Incompetence now runs rampant, even through professions which were once almost wholly immune to this internal rot. That scares the crap out of me because I want to ask you guys to please, please. I fought this, I fought this and I do not feel comfortable, let's put this way. After 9/11, I was on 11 different planes in October of that year. I didn't have a fear then. I don't want to be on a plane on Saturday with my daughter. And I would like to get there safely and return safely. So if anybody out there isn't a praying, I would appreciate it. Doctors, surgeons, air traffic controllers and pilots. And our economy and financial system is now locked in a parasitic string of the world by men like Rothschild, Soros, Schwab, Fink and 100 similar variants in the same cultural subset who fly just below the radar. Those confused or dishonest or duplicitous enough to defend this system tell us things aren't so bad. Look at this chart, per capita GDP is up. Meanwhile, as lower and middle class families sincerely questioned how they're going to pay the next grocery bill or keep the lights on or roof over their heads. The quote American dream in which one might hope to own their own home with one parent working and one staying home to properly raise and our children and children is long since dead for the overwhelming children. And as one of the many results, we're witnessing not just an explosion in the number of homeless but also the pace at which they're ending their lives, especially white males, due to sheer hopelessness. We take our children just as they open their eyes for the first time and innocent all and wonder and take that first breath. We immediately proceed to inject them with an average of 20 different concoctions. And we now experience such record rates of autism and similar melodies, but it's fair to say it's fundamentally reshaping us as a species and practically becoming the new norm. These same children, increasingly lost and confused, are now surrounded by propaganda, encouraging them to question their biological gender and an increasing number of these often desperate to find somewhere to belong and fit in are now being committed. Should they get a picture of Anderson Cooper when he was a kid? As to join this new club and irrevocably mangle their bodies, and the schools and schooling staff can now help push them down these paths without even informing their parents. Parents who can now be jailed in some states if they attempt to intervene to save their children from this path. One could go on for an hour like this, but the majority of you likely already know the score. Please understand this. No one is coming to say. They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet, Saul Alinsky. And even on the off chance this isn't true, we must start to operate as if it definitively is. With our structures and institutions now so thoroughly compromised, a national debt that literally cannot be paid off, trillions of taxpayer dollars routinely just going missing, with little to no outcry, and absolutely no consequences or serious follow-up, and tens of billions regularly sent like clockwork to some of the worst and most corrupt foreign nations and leaders in the world. Anyone failing to recognize the dire situation we now face is either foolish or ignorant. A small percentage of the population still flips on a Fox News or MSNBC to watch serious looking people in suits speak in a stilted and formal way on this or that minor issue of the day, presumably trying their damnedest to maintain this illusion of a working political system, a functioning economic system, and the idea that any of these things are real or might be positively affected by votes were the latest hyped political candidates, but most of us know better. As soon even this small percentage will have their illusions shattered one way or another. As a result, we tend to flee into a myriad of powerful addictions as escapes, to avoid fully confronting these realities. Some hit the bottle, others fentanyl and heart drugs, others lose themselves completely in video games or televised sport, or a never-ending pursuit of meaningless sex, yet empty, purely transactional relationships, or throw themselves entirely into their jobs. And because certain forces have done all in their power to kill off our traditional understanding of God and our Creator, many now elevate these addictions or escapes into the central focus of their lives. And technology not only exacerbates it all, and serves to stoke and inflame addictions and distractions with algorithmic and data-driven precision, but now possesses the supreme and ever-growing power due to the unbelievable note of data we've provided in recent years to essentially keep us on this reservation. With enough data, these new constructs slowly but surely come to know us in many ways better than we know ourselves, and know precisely how to get you to think or act in various ways that most profit the hidden hands ultimately responsible for their design and pull out. But it's so much worse than a mere profit motive, if only all of this were driven by mere greed and nothing more. I know there's a legitimately dark force in our world. The true wealth of these people is measured by human misery, human suffering. They print the money that's meaningless to them. More visible now than ever. We can discern its limbs and branches everywhere we look. A large and influential companies, as part and parcel of larger conglomerates, will now gladly take a financial loss in exchange for forcing some element of cultural, psychological or spiritual change. And they are also embedded to the point where they depended on this money for renewal of resources to run their business so when they're told to push an agenda, they will certainly do. And hyzer Bush comes to mind. But when you have people like Bezos who's selected and put in a position because of his loyalty to the agenda, and he's made into a political figure as well, and he's got Washington Post and all this other stuff. Do you think that he was better at selling shit online than you were? Or do you think it was the unlimited artificial money that propped him up to where he could take massive losses just to undercut and put other businesses out of business? The rise of these multi, I'm sorry, not multi mega corporations is not natural. It doesn't happen in a natural setting. It happens when you have unlimited money and you can lose unlimited money because it's not, it's meaningless, the money is meaningless on the higher levels. It only matters to us. Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best in class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. Let's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. But to them, it's an unlimited supply, and therefore they will always rise. Because money isn't the ultimate goal, but merely a foremost tool to be used to attain these goals, and all manners of vice and degeneracy are pushed like never before, as we are now utterly surrounded by ever more attractive and compelling, temptation and destruction. An entire generation of girls is being pushed into selling themselves online, being coaxed into flippantly tossing away their modesty and femininity for money. Major platforms like YouTube and TikTok and Twitch not only seem to promote the most mindless and vapid content, but some might argue the most spiritually and psychologically destructive. And everyone is now forced to churn it out more and more quickly if they care to keep up and be blessed by the algorithm, inevitably leading, of course, to quantity dwarfing quality, which almost seems to be the theme of our age. We're surrounded by more and more, and yet somehow less and less, because it's so often empty substanceless and spiritless. We hop frenetically from the one thing to the next, seeking something real, yet finding only hints, traces, echoes, mimicry and poor quality substitutes. All of this, and more, seemingly almost consciously and purposefully, geared towards a cheapening, gradually turning not just our nation and culture into a wasteland, but also people themselves. Children grow up being taught to chase the dollar as their measure of success in life, naturally responding to incentive structures all around them at a return that threatened to turn them into the very worst and most hollow sorts of human beings. And I'd suggest there's no greater weapon in the world than this very cheapening, and the inevitably resulting demoralization that comes with it. When you no longer see anything worth fighting for, when you look around you and see nothing of genuine value to feel strongly about, you've been made powerless, impotent to manifest any significant change because utterly stripped of motive force and inspiration. Forgive me for outlining such a bleak vision here, but it's a very real one, and I'm not convinced there's any moving forward until we're capable of maturely discerning and speaking to all that's gone awry, and then painting a contrasting vision with the goal of eventually manifesting and becoming that contrasting vision. I'm consistently drawn to the analogy of popular culture now being comparable to a poisonous IV drip hooked directly into the vein of both the individual and the national body. Consider your own friends and family for a moment, or broader social circles. I suggest it's no coincidence that those among them who tend to watch the most Netflix programming or modern movies or most heavily embrace sports or celebrity culture are either completely and totally empathetic, or the most disoriented and lost with regard to politics, ideology, life philosophy, and world view. You'll see this everywhere you look, and it's no coincidence. These inputs and influences are designed to have a scrambling, disorienting, atomizing effect, the timeless purpose of bread and circuses, but now elevated into an art and a black magic. A black magic increasingly driven by AI, algorithms, and sprawling and powerful databases in an increasingly efficient and precise manner. And atop it all, with regard to modern culture and this new world being created, it's all so cheap, so stupid, and small, and petty, and superficial, because it's not just designed to indoctrinate in some mere political or ideological sense, but to disempower and weaken and destroy. It's as if we're now completely surrounded by bad music. Try to have a deep or substantive thought, or glimpse the face of God, or hear echoes of his voice, or even simply contemplate the meaning of your life and of existence, when something like ice spice is blaring loudly in the background. For the vast majority of us, of course, this is virtually impossible, and I'd suggest our entire culture is becoming the equivalent of this bad music. What do you know? You're a musician. But that's why I'm interviewing you today, so I can get to know you. So I'm a musician. What the fuck do I mean? Make magic or something? What is a musician? I think you're confusing. Yeah, I'm not a musician. I make music. I make music. That's not all I do. I make music. I act, I'm a TV star too, a young mama. Just really quick. I think you're confusing. I'm not confusing. Nothing. Because you don't know. You thought that all I was was a magician, or whatever the fuck you said. See, that's what I think you think I said. I said, "I need a shit." I don't think. I don't think. I don't think. What is that? That's ghetto. I don't think. Yeah, you're right. You don't think. And you sound like an absolute retard. Fate? But it gets worse. When one is immersed in such an environment for years, even decades on end, the body and mind begins to adapt and shape and orient itself accordingly. Higher states of consciousness gradually become inaccessible. The deeper senses and sensibilities begin to atrophy like a calcified pineal gland that's no longer able to fulfill its intended function. And perhaps the worst part of all is that all of this seems to be intentional, conscious, willful, and purposeful part of some larger plan. For those who have lost sight of God through all of this, you're the furthest thing from alone here, and it's difficult to blame you. You need help feeding your babies, God bless your darling heart, then you ought to be healed. But I'm going to tell you something. You need to be tired and off that hill. Crazy Copeland, crazy-eyed Copeland. And who spoke at his little, well, giant, enormous, massive church, General Flynn? And I believe that's where he recited the Elizabeth Clare Prophet Summit Church verbatim, something that she spoke about, Archangel Michael, a long, long time ago. There's videos out there that compare the two, and it's verbatim. Your increase is giving him money, because apparently he gives it to God afterward. No, I don't know. I'm not missing that dedication in Jerusalem. Without the airplane that we have, that I bought from Tyler, Perry, and I didn't pay anywhere anymore. Tyler's one of the greatest guys. He made it. He made that airplane so cheap for me, I couldn't help but buy it. Well, my question then, it's not just the mega churches with smooth-talking carnival barkers at the helm and profitable merchandise stands near the entrance, or the recent embrace of LGBTQ by many denominations, coupled, of course, with their near-total politicization, and they're so freely and willingly adapting themselves to the Sodom and Gomorrah elements of our age. After all, those seeking to subvert institutions on a broad scale would have to aim, first and foremost, at the one with, historically, the most potent shaping and orienting power. No, it's more than this. It's not just modern subversion. There's another layer to this, helping produce the disorientation and disconnect so many of us view with regard to religion and spiritual belief. A worthwhile analogy is the game of telephone in which a message is passed down a line of people, often emerging as something almost completely different at the end of the chain. Even the most profound and powerful message or idea will inevitably become more and more distorted at each step in this chain. And this distortion causes it to lose its natural energy, spirit, and vitality. The type of power capable of speaking to us and moving us at the deepest levels. Until, finally, all we're left with is fluff, superficial garbage, which scarcely bears any relation whatsoever to the genuine article. This is a topic for another time, too big to get into here. But for what it's worth, I'd ask you to please resist the urge to, as the saying goes, throw out the baby with the bathwater here. The creator of all is vastly greater, and the caricatures painted by both sides, both atheists and many modern church leaders. I would say, so far to the closest I've seen to something that would personify a benevolent creator would be what I read in the Orlando book about Ralda. It's as if virtually everything pure, everything most beautiful and valuable and powerful has been incrementally stripped from us, and from life in general, and replaced with a grotesque and hollow caricature of its own, just barely convincing enough to allow this conduit to first capture and ultimately derail our energy, or utterly dissipate and waste it, chaotically channeling it into the void. I've come to believe, as I think so many now do, that we have a limited time window in which we might find some means to fully shake off these fetters before they become so tight and fully constricting that the prospect of escape becomes virtually impossible. I strongly believe that as a first step, we must completely break our dependence and reliance upon as well as our immersion in the worlds of those that so hate us, and take every proactive step possible to minimize our intake of their poisonous, the physical, mental and spiritual. It's never been more important to seek out and find your brothers, those who are kin on the deepest levels, capable of helping better orient you and uplift you, and seek to gradually become that someone capable. I want to read this with the courage to begin and the discipline to endure. Victory becomes a matter of time. People of doing and being this for others. Many of us speak more and more about parallel institutions, parallel structures and communities, and this is excellent to see. Yet I still see a handful of people attempting to frame this as if it's merely an escape. And of course, it is this in part, but believing this is the point for purpose or some total of the efforts here is, I'd suggest, a complete misread. The best way to organize and create a meaningful opposition force to the corrupt subversives and power and what now appear to be their ultimate goal is to find some path to stand on our own two feet again, to firmly plant these feet on friendly soil and begin to create the world we want to see, because relying on others to create it for us via conventional mechanisms simply hasn't worked and won't and can't work at this stage. When your house is on fire, I'd suggest your first priority should be to find fresh air, if only to quickly gather and organize your thoughts. Failing to do this bare minimum means you'll be huffing disorienting fumes and as consequence, not just running the risk of disaster or death, but also operating at nowhere near full capacity in the process. We are very much huffing disorienting fumes at the moment. I'd suggest that nearly everyone in our age is broken, crippled, imbalanced, or asymmetrical as we speak, yet we still have the ability to create environments that allow us to shut out the leading causes of these problems and allow us room to build, refine, strengthen and improve one another. A return to tribe, to family, seems objectively the best possible step in this direction, especially considering that for several of us, many in our own immediate families have fallen so completely under this spell, this degenerating black magic of modernity, that home no longer feels like home and this dynamic carries heavy costs in the long term, if no resolution is found. Our traditional hierarchies of virtue and competence have been so aggressively attacked that they've practically been inverted, yet we have the power to completely undo this. Yes, on a smaller scale at first, but with room to grow and expand indefinitely, creating new structure that allows us to be our own foremost influences, and to truly bring our best and brightest to the forefront and fully utilize their abilities would represent the most promising of all steps forward. We need to find the most viable path to begin authoring our own story again. It might fairly be said that life ultimately revolves around storytelling. It's not mere facts or technicalities, but story lines and narratives, themes, archetypes at most shape and orient our understanding of the world and ourselves and our mother. The vast majority of our ancestors grew up on stories of genuinely masculine heroism and courage, stories of exceptional men who weren't just willing to face exceptional challenges, but who were often healthy and brimming with natural vitality to the degree that they sought them out. So many of the story lines and narratives shaping and conditioning this upcoming generation are often the polar opposite. You may have noticed the monster is now championed and cheered more often than not, frequently morphed into some lovable and misunderstood creature, or perhaps the epitome of cool, contrasted with the stiff, prudish or pedantic. Ugliness is pushed to the fore in modern fashion, art, architecture, obviously satanic themes dominate the music performances of the pop idols created and churned out by this machine. Some still seem oblivious to much of this, but those most responsible for orchestrating it certainly aren't. This isn't organic or coincidental, it's an attempted re-authoring of our psyche. The traditions and lineage of our own bards has been obliterated and our leading storytellers replaced with child predators, enthusiastic liars and manipulators, the spiritually dead or disoriented, and the outright malevolent. Ask yourself this question. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renter's warehouse, the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into a piece of mind. renter's warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renter's without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months, at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. What do you think the ultimate fruits of this re-authoring might be? Should it ever fully triumph? We are in a difficult position, but by no means an impossibility. I think the coming months and years will represent a pitched battle between forces with increasingly accurate battle lines drawn between them, as the veil slips and the mask drops away. It sometimes seems as if our new corrupt storytellers feel as if they've made such progress so many gains on so many fronts that they no longer even need this mask. They've convinced scores of people to not just embrace, but celebrate their destruction and decline. The great white pill here is this, consider the caliber of these people caught in their web relative to the caliber of our own. Consider the vast chasm between the two when it comes to courage, or motive, or willingness to fight, or wisdom, competence, judgment, or sheer numbers in itself meets very little at the end of the day. Because the vast majority of people are destined to be inconsequential, non-issues, the equivalent of extras on the stage of life, who everywhere act according to script, or according to the props currently scattered about the stage. I'd suggest the majority of you drawn to the words you're hearing now are a different sort, and this should be the greatest encouragement. From the most magnanimous perspective, these NPC-type figures might even be seen as somewhat innocent victims, tools and useful idiots of those forces consciously reshaping us. Still an incredibly net negative force, but only because they've been obliviously co-opted and puppeted. It's the foremost authors and architects of this new culture that deserve the blame here, those that do their work through proxies, because innately cowardly, and often physically, psychologically, and spiritually ugly, to the degree that they produce red flags in the minds of the healthy, or those with capable intuition. Deep down, they know. You can see it written in their faces, hear it in their voices, they know who they are. It's you who haven't yet grasped who you are, and who you're capable of being. Many of you listening represent part of the only force left in the world sufficiently awake and cognizant, capable of opposing this false light and these false chosen. Who are the real chosen by God and nature, the universe itself? Those who heal, improve, strengthen, those with genuine and noble hearts. Those who, finding chaos and entropy all around them, innately and instinctively do all in their power to establish right order, structure, health, energetic vitality and creation. Those who seek to cultivate the ground to make it fruitful, to set the stage for meaningful growth. We are frequently told that the world isn't black and white, and that we shouldn't seek to see it this way. I'd suggest this is profoundly, even and sitiously, wrong. We all understand what's often meant by this, specifically when it's voiced by the well-meaning. Resist being overconfident in your judgments, give the benefit of the doubt, always recognize there are two sides to every story, recognize that the person across the aisle is likely facing struggles and fighting battles you can't comprehend. All of this is good and important, and I think represents things all of us should keep ever present in mind. But it seems to be a confusing and conflating of two separate notions. It's saying beware not to discern black and white inaccurately, beware not to judge hastily or incorrectly, beware not to see the splinter in your brother's eye while remaining oblivious to the plank in your own. Yet it doesn't mean that black and white don't exist conceptually. Only that we're prone to discern them poorly, rashly, clumsily, and make mistakes along the way. None of this changes the fact that black and white do exist, and that their pure archetypal existence renders virtually all other frameworks into somewhat silly, meaningless, flawed, and inconsequential ones, relatively. The Republican and Democrat, or right versus left, and in fact just about all of our political squabbles, can be seen as an energy-dissipating exercise in futility, and a profound waste when we finally recognize this, theater and often layers removed from the real battle. It's no coincidence that one of the foremost philosophies pushed by modernity is relativism, this idea that there are no concrete notions of truth, or beauty, or health, or anything else for that matter, that all is purely and completely a matter of personal perspective, that there is no black and white, only gray. If we return for a moment to that all-important question that has long underscored our most efficient justice systems in the Western world, especially the Roman, beautiful in its straightforward simplicity, and capable of effortlessly cutting through layers of sophistry and illusion, and ask ourselves, "Cui bono," or "Who gains?" Who most benefits from this idea that there is no black and white to be found in our world? What do you think the answer is? Might it be this blackness and darkness itself? Might it be that the moment it's clearly discerned, recognized for what it is, it immediately and naturally becomes stripped of its power, and checked to the degree that it's no longer the leading, orienting force in our world? I'd suggest virtually all of the battles we see being waged around us are connected, so that this struggle is much larger than the merely political or national or even philosophical and ideological. For what it's worth, consider making your central orienting force the highest and best you're able to envision and conceive of. Rediscover your strength, seek out your inner wellspring. In a few moments, this communication will end. The images, music, and voice used to convey this message will fall silent and you'll return to your daily life and your routines, and likely return to being absolutely bombarded with an endless series of poisons and temptations meant to distract, derail, degrade, and disorient. I'd ask you to please keep in mind that there's now an unprecedented amount of pain and completely needless and unnecessary suffering in this world. Much of it, even occurring right this second, as I speak these words, whether we choose to recognize it or not. But at the same time, that there's an immense amount of life-affirming joy and happiness scattered alongside it. Most of all, recognize that you and we are not the least bit powerless in our abilities to help recalibrate this balance. Life doesn't need to be this hard. Seek to be an ordering and net positive force. And please consider seeking out your brothers aiming to be the same. Find your tribe, form friendships and bonds and small networks, and then slowly but surely networks of networks. None of this is impossible. We can build our own future if we care enough to do so. What is with us to the degree that we're with him? Consider consciously seeking out that inner will-spring and walking this path, seek to become an ultimately unassailable force of nature because a force for truth and help create the future we deserve. Okay. I will see all of you tomorrow, but you'll see me. I don't see any play that'd be kind of weird. Anyone else, anything else? So once again, for those of you just tuning in, Dr. Peter Gliddens powers out today, so we will not be seeing him today at 11 a.m. Pacific. We'll try to do it tomorrow at 11 a.m. Pacific instead, okay? Thank you all for watching, thank you for tuning in, share if far and wide if you would, and hit up the Patreon so that we can talk there or go to the Telegram group or both. Telegram is I don't know if it's case sensitive, but I capitalized each word, you know, so capital V, capital B, capital S for ballbusters studios. I'm not sure if it matters, okay, and we'll try to keep on working on getting back on Twitter. I know there's people there that watch it from there, but I thought I went through the necessary step yesterday, it'd be grudgingly this morning, actually, early this morning. And it still told me I couldn't do it. And so I want my money back, basically. Builders to it. And yesterday I fasted that 48, well I fasted more than 24 hours, and then I did a 4 a.m. I had a big scoop of things I shouldn't have, which was peanut butter, crunchy peanut butter, which I love. But yeah, I'm not really down with the whole Afotoxin and the coming of death. So after this container, I think I'm done with peanut butter forever. Which is fine. There's one I could say, so tomorrow, I'm probably, if I'm not dead tired, like today, gonna start off with, and let me just show you the screen so that you can see it. I think this is interesting. It's an interesting story. I was a big James addiction fan when I was younger, I thought the music was good. I don't probably didn't know what their intent was on saying it, but, you know, Perry Farrell, it's a ha-ha funny student name, right? For Peripheral, Perry Farrell, it's not his real name. His parents were like jewelers in New York City, if you get my meeting here, okay? And this woman, Casey, Nicole, Nicole, I, whatever, she kind of, this is her here when she was younger, with Perry Farrell here, who's very feminine and didn't really catch that when I was just listening to his music, either back then. But she goes into the great detail of how much of her influence made that band what it was and how much of her art and effort was put into it, directing the video, and then to be completely like never spoken of anymore, and given a very pathetic amount of money to basically go away, and she was intimate with Perry Farrell and all that too, and it's just another one of those, one of those examples of something that parasitically, it could be parasitic Farrell, parasitically sucked her dry, got what she needed and then moved on. And it's that, it's pathetic, I mean, there they are, and we'll probably talk about this a little bit, it seems a little long, but I don't know if she's gonna want to finish it, you know, there she is now. But there you have it. Good, she was screwed over, surprise, surprise, you know, it seems to be a theme that occurs. Maybe I said all I needed to say with that, but we'll see. I think going through the details is kind of interesting, so you don't want to. Well it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party, you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best in class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. [MUSIC PLAYING]