Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Frankism and the French Revolution Ep 1

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2h 14m
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18 Jul 2024
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When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter Renters Warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renters Warehouse works for you, not the other way around, from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters Warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months, at no extra cost, and if you need ongoing management, they've got to cover two, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis, that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Hi, good morning everybody. I'm going to give this a 10 seconds. Sure it is. It keeps telling me that I have them with the 5,000 characters in here and what the let me start, it's a liar though, trust me. So which I'm not going to give you that, how about now? 5,000 characters isn't that much, apparently, and I don't understand if that's even true or not. Why can't you write your description for as long as you want it to be on Friday on? Excuse me, Friday on? What'd you do? I can't tell people about my books and then talk about other stuff. What'd you do, bro? What'd you do? So how many of these things do I have to get rid of? Remember, this is why we stopped doing party on the first place because it has all kinds of stupid quirks. But since now we don't have, there's nothing else on here. Why is that in red? I don't understand what's going on right now. In about two seconds I'm not going to be on Friday because I'm getting tired of this shit. But for me to deal here, there it goes, hooray, the magic number has been acquired. Okay, so now I'm going to get rid of that, that was it. Good morning, everybody. Twitter, sorry, no longer. You have to have a paid premium account now to stream on there as of, I don't know, last time I tried to go on it. So that was Monday and kicked it back and said, you have to pay $8 a month to a very rich man in order to do the thing that you've been doing for two years straight. So I said, and that's where I, that's the end of the conversation for me. Okay, so we got some stuff to talk about today. We have a lot of, sorry about yesterday, I mean, but I needed rest one, but my alarm also didn't go off. I went to bed at like eight o'clock that night, passed out basically after not being able to sleep. I didn't sleep last night. I got back from the gym around two, one, 130, something like that. I didn't get to bed and when I tried to sleep, I'd be wide awake in 40 minutes over and over again. So I don't know what's up, but anyway, I was, which is not good for resting after a workout either. It's six hours for any of that shit that you just did in order for it to do anything. So it sucks, but it is what it is. The alarm didn't go off. And as a matter of fact, the call, the whole clock failed to whether it was, it wasn't even on and it's happened like that multiple times. It does, if it's not set, it doesn't do that. Yeah, I could go leave it for a week and come back and it's still on. I said it and it does that. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, possessed. Anyway, let me get it, why did that move? No, I don't want that one, I don't want that one. You know, I had everything all queued up. All right, here we go. Some disturbing shizzle before we get into the gritty grit that we're going to do today. And by the way, thank you so much again to Daisy and all of you out there, but to Daisy, I did order it and it should be here today. I will be out of my way to San Diego probably. So I have to let Rebecca know not to let it sit out in the, you must son at a hundred and whatever degrees it's going to be today, definitely more than a hundred. Let's see. Little tummy, a hundred and nine, hundred and nine degrees. I think we can use that one, but I'm not on our position. So maybe I'll just go like that, like that, like that, like that. And then we go like that, okay, so just listen to this nonsense. And what are we even talking about, this Abrahamic death cult and the sick mental patients says Trump's pastor, Trump's pastor, by the way, he's self-proclaimed you, but he's also got a pastor because, you know, whatever the dopes out there believe, you know, the whole Christian Zionist movement, which is also the Frankism, Zionism is Frankism by a different name. And we're going to get into that an awful lot today. Trump's pastor says America's collapse is inevitable and there is not one thing we're going to do to prevent it that, to prevent that ultimate collapse. So they want it to happen because it's fulfilling prophecy. And in reality, what does that mean? I'm like, I get my stupid face off there. What does that mean? It means their bullshit book that they wrote themselves so that they could have a, you know, a game plan to follow and convince other idiots that it's real. That's what they're talking about. And they take it into the literal, which it's not even written that way to even be done that way. But you had all the morons coming out and saying, oh, the Trump's been blah, blah, blah, in their heads. And now he's like the beat, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's not even what that's about, it's not even what that fucking passage means. But it does in the literal way. And that's the literal way that they want all the biggest morons on the fucking planet who believe in this stuff. The, see, here's the thing, as long as idiots who, why is it sticky here? I'm going to have to kill somebody. As long as, as long as the idiots who believe in these faiths are at odds with each other or killing each other, the people who actually control the faiths are completely secure. And they'll be in more power because of the actual conflict in which they would have to look back to the leaders for in the first place. If there was resolution and people got along, they would still be in power because they would be fluffed up with all these, look, it's just like the revelation in the prophecy. Yeah. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. We can all come together to watch the world burn because reasons. We said so. We made, we made, we made some shit up or a long, long time ago and now I got to fulfill it yet again because it's a cyclical thing. These are resets. All right. Let's go ahead and watch this. We're grateful for the direction that our country is headed in. But having said that, I still have not changed my prognosis for the long term future of America. America's collapse is inevitable. And there is not one thing we're going to do to prevent that ultimate collapse. You say, Pastor, how in the world could you say that? This is Trump's pastor, right? What's he saying when he says that we aren't going to do anything to prevent it? We as a congregation are going to do anything to prevent it. We as a congregation are going to do anything to protect ourselves or, you know, stand up for ourselves because it's God's will, right? You got to sit aside when it's God's will. You can't actually, like, raise your arms to defend your children. No, no, no, it's God's will. You got to sit there and let the, who, and who does that favor? Maybe the people trying to kill you because you're not putting up a resistance, right? We're not going to do anything about this because it's God's will. And this asshole actually says there's no mention of America in that stupid fucked up gay book that they made up 2000 years ago that there's no America talked about. So there's no America at the end of the world. Okay? I hate them. I hate them so much. I hate them all. But let's continue. How could you say America's collapse is inevitable? Well, I'll share with you two reasons. One reason is found right in the Bible. I'm preaching. The fucking Bible. The made up bullshit that we're training all of you to believe is the script of life made by. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So these, these God fiergers, yeah, oh, Sabayo, freakin, yeah, wist, Saturn cult worshiping sons of bitches, demiurge, who probably do have something going with the on, they might probably are chosen by the fucking demon. I mean, they have an awful lot of shit going their way, right? They seem to know how to connive and lie and steal and corrupt other people pretty well. So yeah, they might be getting some help there. They don't seem to very, even when things are going against them, it seems like they have some kind of supernatural miracle that changes their luck, like in the World War I and II, that sets everything right again for them pretty interesting. But this POS, but this stupid cadence to his voice, his irritating little weasel freakin face and his little weak ass wrists is talking about how we're just gonna usher in the fucking mass murder and death, because fuck America, this is this guy. This is Trump's pastor, the book of Revelation soon and a couple of weeks starting in our church. And when you read about the last seven years of earth's history, you don't find any mention of United States of America, is that is that even a fucking literate? What he just said, there wasn't one back then, were they supposed to predict the future of it? If that was going to be the case, what is wrong with this idiot? Why is he alive? Instead, there is a one world government presided over by the Antichrist. And this is what he wants. This is what he wants because then they'll be right. It's not a matter of whether or not it's good. It's a matter of whether or not they'll be right so they can say, see, we told you. See we told you evangelism, evangelical bullshit, that's all Sabatine Frankism. That's where the roots are. Whatever is no longer any freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of commerce, all of that will be gone, meaning the Constitution will be gone and you die. And this is what he wants. United States will have ceased to exist, as we know it, here in those last seven years. I mean, that is a fact. Ladies and gentlemen, the first amendment of the Constitution does not supplant the first commitment of Almighty God. What this guy needs to be taken down, he needs to be put in a bag, he needs to be thrown into a river. You shall have no other gods before me. Listen, I may get in trouble for saying this. I don't care. My flight's leaving a little bit and Ronnie can clean up the mass here. But listen to me, God is no respecter of people or nations. Did you know really well, then why the hell would we respect him? If you just going to go be a tire and go through like a tirade every, every so often they have a, have a hissy fit in the meltdown, dump out his purse and kill a bunch of people of the flood, fuck him. Fuck your God. Because it's not my God. Oh God, doesn't salute when he. I don't know what just happened there. I don't, I don't know what happens half the fucking time grateful for the direction that are. Hold on. I can't even get to this. Yeah, they just decided to fuck up, but having said that, I still have not changed my product. It just went away America, America's collapse is inevitable. And there is not one thing we're going to do to prevent that ultimate collapse. You say, Pastor, how in the world could you say that? How could you say America's collapse is inevitable? Well, here, let me just read down the side here. So America's collapse is inevitable, blah, blah, blah. There is not one thing we're going to do to prevent it that ultimate collapse. God is no respecter of people or nations. God doesn't salute when he sees the American flag. Israel is the only nation called God's chosen nation. Do you see where this is going? Do you see where this is going and see where we're going to be headed? Do you see where we're going to be headed? And everybody's cheering this because that means, oh, that means a religion really is real. If it happens for real, I'll share with you two reasons. One reason is found right in the Bible. I'm preaching through the book of Revelation soon and a couple of weeks starting in our church and when you read about the last seven years of earth's history, you don't find any mention of the United States of America. Instead, there is a one world government presided over by the Antichrist. There is no longer any freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of commerce. All of that will be gone, meaning the Constitution will be gone and the United States will have ceased to exist as we know it during those last seven years. I mean, that is a fact. Ladies and gentlemen, the first amendment of the Constitution does not supplant the first amendment of all mighty God, you shall have no other gods before me. Listen, I mean, there's not even a point, it's not even literate, but whatever, I'm, I'm trying to get to the part where I decided to trip out on it. Getting in trouble for saying this, I don't care my flights leaving a little bit and Ronnie can clean up the mass here, but listen to me, God is no respecter of people or nations. Did you know God doesn't salute when he sees the American flag? Did you know that? Did you know God doesn't get goosebumps? You fuck yourself, dude, what does this even mean? It just means feel like shit for being an American and don't be attached to it because we're going to tear it all down. And we're telling you, we're going to tear it all down because Israel is more important. That's what they're saying. When he hears the Star Spangled Banner, God is no respecter of people or nations. Unless of their Jews. Any nation that honors God will be blessed by God. And any nation, including the United States of America that rejects God, will be rejected by God. Why are you assuming that's what people are doing here? You fucking piece of shit. God, the Psalmist said blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Ladies and gentlemen, Israel is the only nation in history that could really be called God's chosen nation. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you see what's happening? And if God is going to do that to his own nation of Israel for murdering children, what do you think he will do to the United States of America? All the Jews do murder children. So if they're here, that's going to happen as well. The Roman Catholic Church murders children. They do it on a daily, okay? And they bugger them too, as do all the other ones, but we mentioned the Jews. So what exactly are you saying there, shitfag? No nation that outlaws the mention of God from the public square, that sanctions the murder of millions of its own children. This is what those people did to our country. So we're at fault for the influence of people who are infiltrated into our country from Maypack and the co-opter in govern of our country. That's is that what you're saying? Because what did I do have anything to do with that? What did you have anything to do with that? Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until four a.m. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. renters warehouse manages thousands of single-family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. The free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Are we for all that evil shit? No, we're not. What say did we have in any of that? Holdren, and that destroys the most basic unit of society, the family. No nation's going to survive that. The explosions have already happened. The collapse, the implosion is coming. We're just living right now in that pause that brief interlude before the final collapse. So the real question is, what are we supposed to be doing right now? You say, "Well, I don't know. This is the most depressing message I've ever heard. Let's just end it all right now. Pass around the revolver. End it all right here." Mass suicide at all this house. Film at 11 tonight. I mean... Wow. Wow. Putting that idea in people's heads, that's really some irresponsible, disgusting behavior. The media would love that. I'm grateful for the... So that's where it ends, I guess. Telling people to blow their fucking heads off and be like, "Well, we're not going to do that. We're going to do something else. Pass around the collection and play instead." Wow. Okay. Well, there's that nonsense. Oh, so apparently cannibalism is not illegal in any state aside from Idaho. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Yeah. Okay. Moving on. And Idaho is all sort of screwed up anyway. Good morning, polka. Complete infuriating. Yes. And I've already, you know, like I said, haven't slept in. I hate retarded people who want everybody to die for their stupid religion to be real. What's more important? You kind of miss... You're not prioritizing correctly, right? No, we have to make sure that people die because that way that's booked that we don't know how to read properly would be correct. Stupid fucking idiots. If it doesn't work, we have to force it to happen. We have to do the killing ourselves if it comes down to it. Yeah. Awesome. Good thinking. Good thinking, you, folks. Okay. So, I'm going to just start this little shindiggy here by saying this, why am I over here? Let me see. Did it start today? I'll find out in a second. I'm just going to see if I move around FTJ media, if it actually is playing. I bet it is. I think it is. What the hell is that? Oh, man, that was all... Something's not right. There's something screwing going on there. Okay. It's going. And I don't know how many people are watching, but it is live and, wow, I think he's on... Yeah, I have 20 subscribers already. Why is it jumping all around? Holy shit. Wow. Anyway, something's screwy over there. It's like, "Bitch, you're two tunes!" All over the place. Anyway, if you're on FTJ Media, hi. You should go over there at FTJ and make an account so you can log in and subscribe and watch videos there because that would be the place. Pretty soon, that would be the only place because these other platforms are making it that way. Okay, so I'm going to present this screen real quick and then we'll get into it. So let's talk about this because this is interesting and maybe it's one of those things you haven't heard before. Maybe it is? I don't know. It depends on how you look at it, I guess. So, let's read this, "During the French Revolution, members of the Frankest sect were involved in several activities, including running guns for the revolution." Remember, this was a sick, sadistic revolution murdering people at will for no good reason, calling everybody a tyrant who wasn't one, all to tear down the very defense structure that protected the people from such insanity in the first place, destruction of the monarchy, whom they demonized unjustly and unfairly with stupid shit that still holds out today, like the "Let them eat cake" thing, when we ran to when that was complete bullshit. All of that stuff, Louis XVI, noble to the end, you know what? This was all from the infiltration of the Masonic lodges by the Jesuits and the Frankists, but even more still, since the 1750s or 60s right around that time, and we'll talk about when exactly that was. The Frankists have already infiltrated into the Christian and Catholic areas, too, and not only were they in the lodges, stirring up all kinds of subversive rhetoric and anti-religiosity, but they were going on everywhere else, and, you know, there was a man that I quoted in my book, and you can read and should read, all of his book, "Proofs of a Conspiracy" by John Robison. He shows, and in real time discusses, the change in attributes, behavior, and objective of the French lodges, the English lodges, and the German lodges, all because of this element that crept in, and what crept in was the Jesuits and the Frankists, and together, you have this Illuminati, you know, this hierarchy of the Masonic order, which is really controlled by what, by the time the 1780s came around, the Rothschild money, that's what was pushing the French Revolution. Okay, so Frankism was a Jewish religious movement that took place in the 18th and 19th centuries and was led by Jacob Frank, who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah. We know about Jacob Frank, hopefully, if you read my book, you know a lot, who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah, the Frankist sect also founded a Masonic order, performed secret rituals, and held paramilitary exercises at a castle in Moravia. There was a Moravian brethren with members of them, obviously. There was a Bohemian brethren. There was a Plymouth brethren. There was an exclusive brethren. Are you getting the picture? This is who crept into this evangelical Christianity that created Christian Zionism in the first place. Some Frankists were active during the French Revolution, such as Moses de Brusca, a son of Frank's 17 cousin of Offenbach, Shundal de Brusca, many of the Frankists saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah. The Frankists scattered in Poland and Bohemia eventually intermarried into the gentry and middle classes. Now, there's something else here that I don't know if it's on this page or not, but I should be talking about ... I was just reading it before we got here. In 1792, in the wake of the French Revolution, he traveled to Strasbourg to Paris and became a jack-o-man, changing his name, once again, to Junius Frey, and there's a lot of rabbinical bullshit here, too, that talks about ... I got to find this page ... Okay, here we go. I know what I'm looking at, let's do here, according to Rabbi Auntzmann, so immediately when you hear Rabbi anything, understand that A, it's an apology for something that a Jew did, and it's not going to be nearly the whole story. And then they're going to pretend like the rather Jews were completely against this one Jew who did some sturdy shit, all bullshit. If that Jew succeeds, then they'll never say anything bad about him, unless, of course, they need to save face, but if you fail in your mission to become the Messiah, then they'll shit on you because they don't want to look bad until the next murderous son of a bitch comes up through the ranks. According to Rabbi Auntzmann, the Rothschilds were members of the 70 and six, known as the Frankus, who were founded in 1755 by Jacob Frank. Originally, this is from fancy humanism, right? So again, there's some things in here that aren't accurate. Nobody Jacob Leibowitz sounds like somebody who sells you a mattress. Frank is believed to have been born in eastern Poland, now Ukraine. Wow, isn't that interesting? Isn't that something? Same place with the Bolsheviks will still have a stronghold today. At about 1726 into a 17 family, and as a traveling merchant, he often visited Ottoman, Ottoman Greece, where he learned to earn the nickname Frank. Now this is where I think there's a little bit more to this. Others will say that the name Frank was not so much given to him, but selected by him because he wanted to capture the energy or whatever, the spirit of the Franks as in the leading class, who screwed over all the Goths, right? And into this Roman Catholic nonsense. So there's that a name generally given to Eastern Europeans. He also lived in Smyrna, in Salonika, where he was initiated into the 17th in Kabbalah by a radical donna circle that emerged from Osman, Baba, Bruccia, Rousseau. In 1755, he reappeared and pulled and gathered a group of local adherents and began to preach the revelations which were communicated to him by the donna in Salonika, right? The donma. The donma with the Sabatians, who were pretending to be Islamic, tendered to be Muslims. They groomed Jacob Frank. These are people who directly convert, converts after Sabatii Zebi was either forced, converted or whatever the story really is. Frank taught a doctrine of the holiness of sin, claiming that with the arrival of the Messiah, everything was permitted among the more radical Frankists, explains Gersham Shonem. They're developed a veritable mythology of nihilism in which the new Messianic dispensation, remember dispensationalism, dispensationalism was part of the Christian Zionist, yeah, the Christian Zionist movement, the Evangelicals, dispensationalism that look at the Schofield Bible. Until the complete reversal of values symbolized by the change of the 36 prohibitions of the Torah into positive commands, like the ancient Gnostics, they are therefore indulged. This is the part where I'm going to punch this writer in the face for talking like this and conflating things when you're not specifying, you're acting like Gnostics were a unified group of people instead of a stupid label that was given to them by people who don't like them. So, like the ancient Gnostics, they therefore indulged in orgies like some but some, some people who would maybe, nobody ever called themselves Gnostics. It was just a sect of weird Christians, like the Orphic people, the Ophites or whatever the fuck they were called, played with snakes and had sex, drank semen, yeah, it was for Christians. So, why don't you just call that instead of call them Gnostics, they're for indulged in orgies like sexual premise, sexual premise, sexual premise, and even incestuous rights. No, that, yeah, okay, but let's talk about Frank's now, okay, the Jewish authorities and Poland excommunicated Frank and his followers. Here's the apology and made it obligatory upon pious Jew to seek them out and expose them due to the prosecution of the Jewish rabbis of for his heresy, Frank gained the support of the Catholic church, after which he publicly burned the Talmud, declaring that he recognized only the Zohar. Oh, well, that's a big difference. Who cares? Now you're a cacabalist. Ooh-hoo-hoo. And, yes, most of the Talmud you also would support too there, chief. Frank assured his adherence that he had received revelations from heaven which called for his and his followers conversion to Christianity. Of course, you've already infiltrated Islam, now you've got to infiltrate Christianity. Even though it's kind of like doing a double there because Christianity's freaking base is the bullshit Old Testament. But anyway, so the book itself is infiltrating the Christians, whatever, it's whatever. As the previous sabbatians had already passed through Judaism and Islam, the Frankists believe they now also infiltrate Christianity where they were responsible for the proliferation of sex with doctrines of occult and Zionist inclination. Right. Zionism was burned out of the out of the Frankists. Frank himself was baptized in 1759 with his godfather being king Augustus III. See, these guys were no slouches. If you converted to Christianity right now, you probably wouldn't be baptized by whoever the hell, the pope, let's call it that because I don't even want to talk about our presence or potential presidents. King Augustus of Poland, who retained Baron von Hund as intimate counselor, they were in the Gincrowd by 1790, Frank was already dead by that, I think, by 1790, 26,000 Jews were recorded, baptized in Poland. Though the Frankists mainly converted to Roman Catholicism, a handful also joined the Moravian Church. That's the Moravian brethren. Baron von Hund was also a counselor of the state to the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa and, sorry, the last of the House of Habsburg, accompanied by his daughter, Eva, should be Eva, Frank repeatedly traveled to Vienna, which is a hot sewn dude, Vienna, that was where the, that's where the Roman Empire basically moved in the 1800s. But this thing was already brewing, right? Because you had the, what they call that, the, oh my god, what the hell's the name of Leopold Society that came about in the early 1800s. And that was where the Jesuits, from that area in Vienna, started infiltrating America to co-opt our country. And that's what Samuel Morse, the guy who created the Telegraph in Morse Code, warned us about in his 19, I would say 1830, something book is 32 or three, something like that. It's, yeah, we talked about it, we, we've read it. Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until four a.m. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Renters Warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters Warehouse manages thousands of single-family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Their free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. And no, he didn't even talk about Francis I, because before, because he went in Vienna, he was Francis I, but he was Francis II when he was still retaining his Roman title before he became Austrian, right? So it says a company by his daughter, Ava Franklava, Vienna, and succeeded in gaining her favor, Maria Theresa, who regarded him as the disseminator of Christianity among the Jews. Maria Theresa was married to Franz I, the oldest surviving son of Leopold. Joseph Duke of Lorraine, right, and remember, this is, I'm telling you, Leopold society, this is really just, this whole thing, whole thing, Frankism, Jesuits, and his wife Elizabeth Charlotte De La Orleans, daughter of Philip Duke De Orleans, and his second wife Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palantonite, granddaughter of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stewart. Ultimately, Frank taught his followers that the overthrow and destruction of society was the only thing that could save mankind. What did we just hear that asshole evangelical Christian piece of sh*t Zionist say? He said it was inevitable. It's a foregone conclusion. That's called mind war. That is a tactic of telling you how it is before it even becomes that way so that you already feel like there's nothing that can be done. You accept it as such so it becomes as such. That's mind war. Make a volcano sh*t, okay? That's what just happened when we were listening to that nonsense. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, the Frankists saw, according to Sholom, the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief and they dreamt of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt, reset, a great reset. Wysop created the Illuminati in 1776 with the aim of fulfilling, remember, Wysop was a Jesuit, hit this frankest plot of subverting the world's religions, born Jewish. As a young boy, Wysop was educated by Jesuits, which is like saying, although born Jewish, a young boy, Wysop was educated by Jews that called themselves Jesuits and was referred to as a Jesuit in disguise by his closest associate, Baron Von. I want to call him Niggie, let's call him a little Niggie, Baron Von Niggie, K-N-I-G-G-E. Wysop was able to coerce his dupes to conform unwittingly to his project by following a system of indoctrination by degrees and feigning to offer enlightened interpretations of Christianity or humanitarian political principles. Thus the Illuminati's goal was to pursue the fulfillment of new world order, founded on the attendance of anarchism and communism under a pretext of establishing liberty and freedom. And don't forget about equality, in his own words, and to come up with a bunch of mental disorders and gender dysphoria and start screaming about equality for mental patients and perverts and child molesters, you've got to have that. In his own words, Wysop boasted, "Oh, men, of what cannot you be persuaded." Yes, talk, being about the idiots. The first Masonic body in which the Illuminati formed an alliance was the strict observance to which the Illuminati Niggie and Bode both belonged. Cagliostrol, who had also formed a link with the Martinists, had also been initiated into the strict observance near Frankfurt and was now employed by the way, Frankfurt. When you think Frankfurt, think Rothschilds, that's where they were. The first little Schindig House, which by the way, they shared with the Jackass agent that came over here, "Oh, why can't I think of his name?" Adam's shift, right, there we go. So Jacob's shift, yeah, there we go, the shift family. The shift family, Robinson, there we go, told you I didn't sleep very much. There's an employee now as an agent of the combined order, according to his own confession, his mission was to work so as to turn Freemasonry into the direction of Wysop's projects and that the funds which he drew on were those of the Illuminati, and it goes on and on and on and on, their Aimee Reununis is another and the Philadelphies. These are all different Illuminati groups, right? So when they close down the one in Bavaria, it doesn't mean anything. It's meaningless. That wasn't the end of the Illuminati, they were already everywhere else. So was the Agedic brethren, which was Illuminous, Frankism, Jesuitism, and Freemasonry. So a bunch of Jewish hangouts, okay? Oh, look, there's Rabbi Falk in there, believe it or not. So the Sax, Kaba, Baba, Gotha, Gatha, family gained prominence in the 19th century through financial links with the Rothschilds, 1787, Wysop was granted asylum in Baba, blah, blah. There we go, the Agedic brethren were founded in 1781 by Jacob, Frank's cousin, and successor, Dabroskka, this is what we were just looking at in the other one. As Franz Thomas von Schoenfeld, Dabroskka entered into the Austrian freemasonry, Austria again, we're going back to Austria, we're going back to Vienna, freemasonry and became involved with Eckhart von Eckenhof, or Eckhofen, Eckhart von Eckhofen, wow. Who had been a leader of the Golden and Rosie Cross? This is how the Agedic brethren with this, so later recognized, sorry, let me start over, Eckenhofen left the order and created the Ritter Day Leaks, Knights of Light, or Frader Lucius, Brothers of Light, later reorganized as the Agedic brethren with the assistance of Dabroskas and members of the Habsburg nobility. So this, these are no slouches, they have the Habsburgs involved in this crap, right? This is why this stuff doesn't get destroyed, this is why this stuff continues on. This is why we are doomed. If we continue to think that the people that are in charge of this world are going to somehow are battling with each other and they're going to stop at the very last moment, there's going to be this big savior dude in Onorn's skin and red hat is going to fix everything because no, no, this doesn't even, it doesn't even make sense. The Agedic brethren's meetings were called Melchizedek Lodges, where Jews, Turks, Persians, and Armenians were allowed membership. The Agedic brethren were influenced by the ideas of St. Martin, and according to Gershim Scholom, who cares what he thinks, but anyway, mixed capitalistic and 1790s with Christian Theosophic ones. According to a Christian member of the order, the Jewish initiates drew on the strategic traditions of Sematizevi, of course, Falk, the ball Shem of London, Frank, and their similar fellows. As indicated by Powell Messyeko, the Agedic brethren were also widely reputed to exercise a powerful influence in Freemasonry in 1781. The great pantler Auguste, let's see, Wozinski, wrote a note to Stannis Laus Augustus, the last king of the Grand Duke of the Polish, Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the son of Jacob Frank's godfather, king of Augustus of Poland, who had retained Baron Von Haunt, who cares? Oh, here's the actual letter. Yeah, I don't even care. I don't even care. It's not what we're talking about right now. But you get to point. I'm just trying to get to the point where it's like, okay, 1799 and '90s here, but there's a lot of talky talk here. The Yami Reunionist, just remember, that's another part of this story of the Illuminati. It's going backwards in history. Okay, here we go. Here we go. "Bouin no achteries, sublime maitre parfait, responsible for the formation of the carbonality, the revolutionary secret society formed in southern Italy early in the 19th century. A leading member of the Carbonari, was Giuseppe Messini, who was reputed to have Ben Wysop successor as head of the Illuminati." Guess who else? Giuseppe Messini was the person who was corresponding with good old Morals and Doglin, man himself, Albert Pike, basically instruction, but maybe somewhat a little bit more of like an equal like, you know, running ideas rather than taking orders, I guess, I don't know. "Who was reputed to have been Wysop's successor as head of the Illuminati took part in important events in the process of Italian unification, often referred to as the restore Yimento. Many held a high position among the Florentine Freemasons and served as Grandmaster of the Grand Orient of Italy, founded in 1805, as did another leading Carbonari general Giuseppe Garibaldi. It was under the influence of Garibaldi that the two traditions of Egyptian Freemasonry as the right of Memphis, Mizrayam, Mizrayam were eventually fused. Robert Carbonari was Marquis de Lafayette, hero of the American and French Revolutions, who served as Grandmaster of the French branch and who was close friend of George Washington now, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton was a piece of crap. I'm not sure how much they're going to get into the French Revolution in this, but we're going to get into it in the story here, but I just wanted to be, I wanted to be playing this day, that the French Revolution was most certainly influenced by the Francist, because it was a Masonic lodge that birthed in the first place, the ideas, the hype, the rhetoric, the insanity came out of, the bakkuk frenzy came out of there. All right, I guess nobody even saw it, but maybe you did. All right, now let's go to this. We're at 843 already, that's crazy, I should just leave the studio. All right, one last piece, I got to tell you what a bakkuk frenzy is, you can just look at my face while I read it to you. A bakkuk frenzy was a wild celebration that could include violence, it could include violence. They used to be so possessed by whatever demons were in them and drugs that they would literally tear human beings to pieces and anything else that was in their way. Animals didn't matter, they would just remember them, they would rip out their freaking intestines. Yes, this was their bakkuk frenzy. Violence, origins, and madness that often occurred during the bakanalia, a Roman festival dedicated to bakkus, the Roman god of wine and revelry, also Dionysian, right? The Romans borrowed many traditions from the ancient Greek religious traditions, including bakkus, carapars, Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. Yeah, and some would equate that with Jesus and his wine too, but I don't know. The wine-induced bakkuk frenzy was seen as a temporary madness that transported people from civilization into wilderness, both literally and metaphorically. During these rituals, people would climb mountain paths with their heads thrown back and eyes glazed, dancing to the beat of a drum and sounding "Oi!" as the god's name. So "Oi, oi, oi!" Apparently there were a bunch of frogstompers, "Oi!" I was like "Oi, vai, a little too much!" kind of makes my whole listening to punk rock sour now too. Fuck. God damn it. They always, they always trick you into giving them them, giving them your energy. In this state of rapture, they would become identified with the god himself, filled with his spirit and acquired divine powers. Yes, possession. That's what that means. What does bakkuk frenzy mean? A temporary madness that's transported from civilization to wilderness. Religious ceremonies dedicated to Dionysus also known as bakkus, the god of imba-ba-ba-ba. This is going on and on, but you get the point. And let's get to it. Completely infuriating. Yes. You said that earlier, I just wanted to repeat it. Okay, let's do it. I'm going to present this screen and we're going to get into some, well, now I can because it's the way this thing works. Okay. Let me select it again. Okay, 7.1 on the astralogos, our subverted history. I look like I'm dying, I'm just, looks so tired, it's crazy. God damn it, I don't know which, see, this is what happens, we don't put fucking numbers in the front of the freaking thing. All right, there we go, blood in the streets. Blood in the streets is also, like, a line from a, uh, to our song, blood in the streets. All right, blood in the streets is up to my knees. So we're listening to the French Revolution, blood in the streets of Paris. Okay. Okay. Let's watch. Yeah, we got to pry enough time to watch this. Part two, we'll hit it up tomorrow, maybe, yeah, probably tomorrow. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renter's warehouse, the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renter's warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. On the 26th of July 1794, Maximilian Robespierre, perhaps the most public face of what would come to be known as the reign of terror and a revolution that would completely change the face of a nation and alter the course of human history had been turned on by his associates, the man who'd been hailed as a hero. I think it was Rose Pier that was like five foot three or some shit like that and you were listening to shoes to hide that fact. I think it was Rose Pier. One of them was like five foot three. So just a few months previous was now reportedly foaming at the mouth, positively choking with rage as his emboldened peers now felt confident enough to openly accuse him for the crowd. The blood of Danton chokes him, someone is said to have shouted, referencing the recent guillotineing of his former friend and associate. Finally finding his voice, he utters the one statement accorded to him. Is it Danton you regret? Cowards, then why didn't you defend him? At two a.m., as soldiers stormed the Hotel de Vil, he's said to have leapt from a ledge and attempts to escape, landing on a civilian and a pile of bayonets, reportedly fracturing his pelvis in the process. His associate, Lebass, proceeds to hand him a pistol before killing himself. Hobbs Pier fails in the act, shooting himself but only fracturing his jaw in the process. He is detained and on the evening of the 28th is led to the scaffold. He is said to have kept his eyes shut throughout. Yet as he mounted the stairs to meet his final moments, his executioner as a final insult ripped the bandage from his face, producing a piercing and agonizing scream, only to be silenced by the final death blow. It's often said that revolutions eat their children, and Robes Pier, along with so many of his peers, would come to epitomize this. The man who for so many became this central figurehead of the French Revolution, labeled the incorruptible by his throngs of enthusiastic supporters, now slumped lifeless, headless on a warm Paris evening as these same crowds cheered. So if Robes Pier was the public face of the Revolution, that type of true believer that every conspiratorial movement requires to convince the public that genuine feeling and earnest beliefs were the central driving force behind it all, who represented the private face. Nearly a decade before Robes Pier's death, on the night of July 10th, 1785, almost as if by divine providence, a lightning bolt from the heavens would strike and kill, one Jacob Lang, a supposed priest by profession. Bavarian authorities immediately scrambled to the sea, leaving the man with him at the time, one Adam Weishaupt, no time to remove the secret documents sewn into the clothing of his fallen associate. What was discovered that night by the police would cause panic across the royal houses of much of Europe, and a string of raids and confiscation of hundreds of similar documents and the homes of their comrades and compatriots? Discovered within these documents was nothing less than the detailed plans of a revolution, intended to dispense with monarchies, the aristocracy, and the Church, across all of the powers of Europe, and to replace these with new power structures, under the control of what, until this lightning strike, had very much been a secret society, one with incredibly efficient reach, and with agents that represented some of the most powerful, influential, competent, and highly placed men in all of Europe, painstakingly recruited for these very reasons. The name of this organization has since become a cliche, being used and misused countless times by scores of amateur investigators, often to the point of mockery. But the illuminatus organization, led by this Adam Weishout, more commonly known as the illuminati, was the furthest thing from a joke in the late 1700s, to the extent that the Duke Carl Theodor of Bavaria issued an edict banning all secret societies. So let's just also remember, when we think of the Freemasonic lodges at this time, and when we think of numunati, what does that mean? It means the Frankists, it means the Jesuits, okay? It means their influence, their judiciously subversive behavior, and their willingness to do horrible things to themselves and their own family members, let alone others, okay? The Frankists is a very powerful, it's coming off the fuel of the Sabotians for Christ's sake. There's a lot of power and influence with these people, high-level influence, as I had mentioned and shown you, who the hell gets baptized by freaking, you really mean, Augustus III? Give me a fucking break, that's not just some regular dude, okay? High-level Jews playing a dirty game, and this is what is influencing the French Revolution and destruction of monarchies everywhere. And it's almost in response, one might say to what's happening in our neck of the woods, maybe as a counter, but presented as the same. Maybe there was potential for that to be a thing, but hey, guess what? The people that they were murdering under false pretenses and just shredding them to beats, in a bachic frenzy type of fashion, that was absolute insanity in demonic possession. What happened here? Here are some of the details of those stories, and I'm going to read to you eventually the book that he's coming at you with. It's already in my Patreon membership group, you should totally get into the Patreon. But right now I'm finishing the Procopio book, I think, I've made 100 pages of it, I'm kind of bored with it already, but yeah, maybe I'll jump over to that one today. There's a lot, there's a lot there, there's a lot of disgusting, disgusting behavior and absolute wickedness and evil that occurred in the French Revolution that you can't reconcile that. It's not even human what happened there. I mentioned this specific organization by name. In a revolution absolutely dominated by the machinations of secret societies, the three that seemed to play the leading roles were undoubtedly the Jesuits, the Masons and the Illuminati. And again, we're to bring the correspondence between its members or the surviving account. See, it's not enough to say that. You have to say the Frankists, this is the one element that everybody misses and everybody, that's okay because Daniel's here now and Daniel will give you the element that they don't want to talk about or forget about or don't have enough information to know about. Let me help you with that. The Jesuits and the Freemasons are who though, who else is in there, the Frankists. Okay. Now we can move on. What's written by men with relevant knowledge of the day? It seems the latter may have largely infiltrated and puppeted the former and acted as the key instigating and orchestrating force behind the scenes. Supposedly dissolved as a result of the Bavarian government's efforts, it was widely suspected that this disbanding was merely superficial and for public consumption. And again, the private letters between its members seem to clearly back this up. For this reason, and so many others, in the late 1700s, it was as if a dark cloud had descended over France, one long in the making, quietly coalescing and building up its energy and preparation to unleash a storm. This energy, as is always the case in major movements, represented a mixture of the true believers, those who felt real grievances and believed this was their path to alleviate them, and those that might perhaps be called the true movers behind the scenes, those who masterfully played upon these grievances, and who then portrayed what seemed to be in actuality, a painstakingly well-planned and truly orchestrated overthrow of the monarchy and aristocracy, as some spontaneous and organic outbursts of public anger. But this darkness seemed above and beyond the merely political or ideological, it seemed also to have a spiritual dimension, and certainly not in the positive sense of the word. After all, this spiritual dimension has a yin and yang, a light side and a dark side, and in this handful of years, France seemed to be gripped, profoundly possessed even, by this dark side. To their monarchist opponent, the revolutionaries would become like children, who, in a fit of blind rage, had brutally killed their father, and then frenetically glanced around the room with wild eyes, in search of their next target. Primal energies seemed at play here, and these deaths so often weren't the quick guillotine, or a bullet to the head, but rather the men responsible frequently seemed to relish the wanton cruelty on the deepest levels, and the mobs looking on were said to have often become equally excited by what would soon degenerate into wholly unrestrained violence. Eustis Mullens openly called it demonic, and this point would be hard to argue against. A dark energy was unleashed in these years. It was as if an entire people had been convinced to throw long-standing principles and fundamental human decency to the wind, in exchange for a cathartic orgy of blood, as if those more disoriented and degenerate elements of society, normally kept in check by a timeless conception of law and order, natural hierarchy, and a vigilant populace, wasn't just let loose on the world, but positively pushed to its forefront, handed the most efficient tools, and given free license, even encouragement. But before we dive exclusively into the revolution itself, it's important to set the stage. No event this consequential spontaneously materializes out of thin air. The roots and the invaluable context may be often ignored, even at times hidden or purposefully obscured, but there's always a backstory, and a stepwise progression, and in this case, the backstory is as murky as it is crucial and all-important. There's a little known quote from a young Winston Churchill in which he speaks of major revolutions across the world and the commonalities between them. Amidst a string of conspiratorial revolutions, the very first revolutionary name cited is Spartacus Wyshopped. His reference here is, of course, to Adam Wyshopped, to one of the most covertly influential men to ever walk the face of the earth by any objective standard. Church Hill uses the name Spartacus here because all members of this organization would take on a pseudonym of a historical personage as a mask, and Adam had chosen Spartacus. But even here, we're required to go back still further. No organization of this caliber simply springs, fully formed and with seemingly infinite funds and the most powerful connections out of nowhere. Its roots stretch far deeper. As the power of the Visigoths collapsed, a great animosity was developing between Jews and Christians throughout the region, which we today call Spain, largely centered upon the crucial city of Toledo, culminating in Muslim invasions in which the local Jewish population often worked with the invaders, at times providing intelligence on where or when to strike or material support or in some reported instances, even literally opening the gates from the inside, when Muslim armies arrived to conquer. After these invasions, the cooperative Jews were often granted the highest governmental positions by the victorious Muslim armies as they turned their attentions elsewhere to repeat this cycle. Many Christians never forgot this and fiercely anti-Jewish sentiment in southwestern Europe frequently flared up as a result. Taking the attempts to control the situation were laws and regulations passed against the Jewish people, edicts of expulsion, even forced mass conversions. And it was these forced conversions that would leave the most lasting historical imprint. Instead of parting with their wealth and perhaps what they considered their own homeland, a great many Jews decided to convert to Christianity. But crucially, a large subset of these conversions were only superficial. Talmudic doctrine even openly allowed for this, if and when these conversions helped to tame valuable utilitarian aims. Those who took this path came to be known as "conversos" or "moronos", and though on the surface they seemed to blend into the scenery of the Christian Church of the day, a great many had no belief in Christ or Christian doctrine, and in fact, felt a burning resentment toward the population that had all but forcibly compelled down this path. Cecil Roth tells us, quote, "In fact, the classical land of crypto-jewry is Spain. Tradition there has been durable and universal to such an extent that one must raise this suspicion that a meringue and receptivity is present in the atmosphere of the land itself." One of the effects of this cause was the sudden emergence of several new, quote, "Christian doctrines." When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal, enter renters warehouse. Those who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renters Warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters Warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost, and if you need ongoing management, they've got to cover too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. One of these was called the Alumbrano's, a Marano-created faction considered heretical by the church. Ignatius Loyola, who would later go on to found the Jesuits, was himself almost certainly a Marano Alumbrano, according to surviving accounts. And this was a leading charge against him during the Inquisition, a fact mysteriously left out of the leading biographical account of the man, written by another converso by the name of Pedro di Rabatanira. In his work, the Jesuit order as a synagogue of Jews, Robert Merrix, tells a fascinating tale about the earliest days of the Jesuit order, and the quote "purity of blood laws" that would go on to create such deep divides in the order. A portion of Jesuits seemed to welcome conversos and Marano's with open arms. Others were openly hostile, or supped to keep them at arm's length. Initially, this latter group largely won out, or at least exercised real influence. But over time, it was the former that would come to dominate. Adam Spartacus Weisshopped was, in turn, a trained Jesuit. This Jesuit connection was one he apparently kept fairly quiet, but it's fascinating to read the conversations between Weisshopped and Knigge, the man who was essentially his right-end men, and number two, for a significant period of time. And who finally declared openly in this correspondence, his suspicions that Adam was a "jesuit in disguise." Many argue, fairly convincingly, that the quote "Illuminati" was not Weisshopped's creation, but rather a continuation or direct outgrowth of an older order, or an openly secular and humanist, fresh new iteration of this brutally efficient power-seeking order. John Robison tells us, quote, "I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing and mixing with all the different systems of Freemasonry, till, at last, an association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments of Europe. I have seen this association exerting itself zealously and systematically, till it has become almost irresistible. And I have seen that the most active leaders in the French Revolution were members of this association and conducted their first movements according to its principles," end quote. The Comte d'Ivarou, upon his return to Paris, after attending a meeting, as a delegate representing the Masonic Lodge and Wilhelm's Bad, stated, "I shall not tell you the secrets which I have brought back, but what I believe, I may tell you, is that a plot is being hatched, so well contrived and so deep, that it will be difficult for religion and for the government not to succumb," end quote. The Illuminati was a wholly unique organization, built along the lines of an elaborate utilitarian spy network, in which each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior, and they did not know, brutally efficient, focused, and single-minded according to all correspondence. Their goal seemed to be a decimation of the existing order, to be replaced with one of their own design. The Great Edmund Burke puts it best, quote, "The abolition of monarchy by divine right was the condition cinequanon of the entire scheme. It was impossible to attempt anything against society under this form of government. The revolution, which we are told, was made for the people, was in reality made against the people. The monarchy and aristocracy were not destroyed because they were oppressing France, but because, on the contrary, they protected it too well." In the eyes of aristocrats, conservatives, and royalists, the degradation of Western nations and their governments, was viewed as caused by a series of wolves and sheep's clothing, clever sophists, and lawyerly wordsmiths, packaging the most dangerous and detrimental philosophies and ideas, in the most pleasant and inoffensive guard, to most efficiently harness a critical mass of public energy and enthusiasm, and subsequently orient this energy toward the destruction of their own nations' traditional power structures. That said, many of the grievances honed in on and further stoked by these revolutionists did have merit from a certain perspective. By today's democratic standards, the French public was definitely lacking in direct representative power, regardless of how justly or unjustly this power was wielded. It's a simple fact that in the French governmental structure, called the Estates-General, there were three factions with equal influence, the clergy as the first estate, the nobility as the second, and the commons as the third. And that because the vast majority of the population was in this third group, a handful of men that comprised the first two groups exercised immensely disproportionate influence as a result. Though the combined first and second estates represented approximately two percent of the population, on issues in which they sided with one another, they were able to outvote this third estate, despite it representing nearly 98 percent of the population. In a nation in which the nobles and aristocrats are celebrated as the crowning glory of a people, this had posed no serious issue or problem. But as the nation gradually morphed into one in which personal power and "rights" became something of an obsession with the help of lawyer Lee Wordsmiths like the Jacobins assuring the population that they were being mistreated and abused, this framework quickly came to be seen as a means of oppression. By 1789, the third estate had begun to agitate for greater powers and influence, to the extent that it began to violate conventions and attempt to set new precedent. This caused King Louis II to step in, and in June of that year, he would literally shut the doors in an attempt to prevent their holding formal, officially sanctioned meetings. The third estate responded by simply meeting outside Versailles, famously taking what's become known as the tennis court both, swearing not to disperse until a new constitution was formed. Soon, they were joined by a majority of the first estate, and 47 of the 291 members of the second estate, marking an immediate and massive shift in power. From this point forward, they called themselves the National Assembly, and saw themselves as the new, true center of power. This was something of a crossing the Rubicon moment, and with their fears inflamed by some of the most skillfully manipulative propagandists, from this point forward, all involved would feel a constant paranoia about how the king and crown might react, continually believing a brutal crackdown might come at any moment, causing them to move ever more quickly and forcefully as a result. This led to the infamous storming of the Bastille, a symbol of the ancient regime, and a testament to the increasing divergence between the propaganda picture and the reality of the situation, though this was celebrated as a major victory and decisive blow. We now know the prison held just seven men, most of whom were mere forgers and petty criminals, and in a testament to the horrors soon to come, the governor, whose only offense seemed to be performing his sworn duty in the guarding of the Bastille, would end up with his head on the end of a pike, being paraded around the city by a mob. After much editing and reworking, including inputs by Thomas Jefferson himself, a new constitution was submitted on the 26th of August, 1789, a "declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen", it proved to be a radical departure from tradition and convention in the Western world, and a full-scale assault on hierarchy and aristocracy. And it would produce something of a stalemate, with the crown and nobles unwilling to agree with the extreme changes, yet at the same time not wanting to use force against their own people to quell this revolutionary sentiment, with many even being sympathetic to several of their leading arguments. As debates raged, the financial crisis worsened, and food shortages became ever more dire, creating a powder keg, just waiting for a spark. On the 1st of October, the officers at Versailles held their customary welcoming banquet for the officers of the newly arrived troops, which the royal family also customarily attended. It said that as the night went on, and as the alcohol flowed, the soldiers' toasts and oaths of fealty to the king grew more unrestrained and demonstrative. The gossip and propaganda publications of the day, especially Jean-Paul Meraz, the friend of the people, greatly exaggerated, and in some cases outright invented, stories of what occurred that night, including claims that these officers of the noble class had openly trampled upon the tricolored caucade, and professed their allegiance solely to the white caucade of the House of Bourbon. These inflammatory rumors, coupled with food shortages, runaway inflation and aggressive price gouging, led to one of the first major pivotal events of these years, and what would come to be known as the Women's March on Versailles. In what seems to have been a microcosm of the revolution as a whole, what began as a group of sincere marchers with legitimate grievances gradually snowballed into an angry mob, directed and goaded on by the agents and representatives of hidden hands. The crowd marched for six hours from Paris to Versailles, directly to the king, whom they decided to remove from his royal residence and forcibly relocate to Paris. With their anger artfully stoked to a fever pitch, they now seem to be on the brink of extreme violence. Edmund Burke gives this account, quote, "History will record that on the morning of the 6th of October, 1789, the king and queen of France, after a day of confusion, alarm, dismay and slaughter, lay down under the pledged security of public faith, to indulge nature in a few hours of respite, and troubled melancholy repose. From this sleep the queen was first startled by the voice of the sentinel at her door, who cried out to her to save herself by flight, that this was the last proof of fidelity he could give, that they were upon him, and he was dead. Instantly he was cut down, a band of cruel ruffians and assassins, wreaking with his blood, rushed into the chamber of the queen, and pierced with a hundred strokes of the bayonets and pon yards, the bed, from whence this persecuted woman, had but just time to fly, almost naked, and through ways unknown to the murderers, had escaped to seek refuge at the feet of a king and husband, not secure of his own life for a moment. This king, to say no more of him, and this queen, and their infant children, who once would have been the pride and hope of a great and generous people, were then forced to abandon the sanctuary of the most splendid palace in the world, which they left swimming in blood, polluted by massacre, and strung with scattered limbs and mutilated carcasses. Then they were conducted into the capital of their kingdom. Two had been selected from the unprovoked, unresisted promiscuous slaughter, which was made of the gentleman of birth and family who composed the king's bodyguard. These two gentlemen, with all the parade of an execution of justice, were cruelly and publicly put to the block and beheaded in the great court of the palace. Their heads were stuck upon spears and led the procession, whilst the royal captives who followed in the train were slowly moved along, amidst the horrid yells and shrilling screams, and frantic dances and infamous contumilies, and all the unutterable abominations of the theories of hell in the abused shape of the vilest of women. After they had been made to taste, drop by drop, more than the bitterness of death and the slow torture of a journey of twelve miles, protracted to six hours. They were, under a guard, composed of those very soldiers who had thus conducted them through this famous triumph, lodged in one of the old palaces of Paris, now converted into a bastille for kings. It said the crowd escorting the royal family to Paris was 60,000 strong, as they were escorted into their new residence on the asenre, said to be dark and uncomfortable, and no doubt foreboding. It was clear to all that power had now shifted. Perhaps no one understood this so well as the king himself. After arriving at the dilapidated two-year-old's palace, abandoned since the reign of Louis XIV, he was asked for his orders, and he replied with an uncharacteristic diffidence, let everyone put himself where he pleases, he said. Ben, in an action that spoke volumes, he said to have requested that a history of the deposed Charles I of England be brought to him from his library. King Louis XIV of France, now essentially held under house arrest in Toulier's palace, intuitively sensed the unprecedented amount of tension and danger in the air, and was encouraged by family and trusted men to take refuge with a highly respected loyalist general, Francois Bouillard. But in June 1792, an armed crowd once again stormed the royal boat, condemning the king as Monsieur Vito, due to his hesitance to fully embrace the destruction of France's traditional monarchical system, and demanding he pass all of their desire decrees. A group carrying weapons and a small artillery piece gained access to the king's quarters, and one man bearing an axe directly approached the king. He managed to quell the invaders by listening to their demands and politely promising to consider them. It said that he then donned the Red Liberty Bonnet, that classic ancient Phrygian cap so misused and abused by the revolutionaries, and toasted the health of the nation. In another room, the queen and her children were also surrounded by a hostile mom. Marie Antoinette's 14-year-old daughter later described the incident. "We were obliged to stay there and listen to all of the insults that these wretches said to us as they passed, a half-clothed woman dared to come to the table with a bonnet rouge in her hand, and my mother was forced to let her place it on her son's head. As for us, we were obliged to put cockades on our heads. It was about eight o'clock when this dreadful procession of riders ceased to pass, and we were able to rejoin my father and aunt." Out of good options, the king, with royal family in tow, left the palace in disguise on the 20th of June, 1791, but was recognized as he passed through Verens, arrested and taken back to Paris, he was forced to square an oath to the new regime. Because both Prussia and Austria supported the crown and the monarchy against the revolutionary element of the Third Estate, and because the people were being convinced by the Parisian press that the king was in talks with one or both of these powers, the prevailing belief that Louis sought to take refuge in Austria, a nation with whom they were now on the brink of war, served only to anger the public still further. Things were now reaching an oil point." "Do you think that the make America great red hats?" When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter Renters Warehouse, the pros who turned the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renters Warehouse works for you, not the other way around, from marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters Warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost, and if you need ongoing management, they've got to cover two, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis, that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. It might be a, I don't know, an evolution of the Bonnet Rouge. On July 17th of 1791, a radical by the name of Jacques Pierre Brussaud, a leading member of the Girondons and the founder of the "society of the Friends of Blacks" drew a large crowd in the Champ de Mar, demanding the deposition of the king. The National Guard, headed by the Marquis de Lafayette, who had thus far taken steps to win respect from both sides of the conflict, chose to respond to their barrage of stones with gunfire, killing approximately 20 people. Things were now at a full boil. By the early days of a sweltering August in Paris, the city was filled with rumors about the fate of the king. Some believed the Austrians and Prussians were about to stage a daring raid to rescue Louis and his family from the Tulleries. Others believed the king was plotting to flee to ruin. The fact that foreign troops were in Paris was manipulatively latched onto by the more aggressive revolutionary propagandists to create and spread fear that King Louis was secretly planning to massacre them all. None of this was true, but in this extremely highly charged atmosphere, truth no longer had a significant role to play. Technically, the two- That sounds familiar. Louis should have been easy to defend. It had strong fortifications. It was protected on one side by the sin, and unlike the best deal, was heavily manned. But the Gendarme's and the National Guard and the Tulleries were unreliable, anticipating a massacre most fled during the night of August 9, leaving only the brave and stalwart Swiss Guard to defend the crown. Few dynamics better outlined the nature of the French Revolution than the contrast between the Swiss Guard and the maddened mob that charged the royal palace under their protection. An elite fighting force and private guard to the king in the timeless tradition of Aryan cultures stretching back to the Beringian and Praetorian Guard and beyond. Their order to guard the palace was said to have been carried out without the slightest hesitation, and without the slightest hint of complaint or objection. Evidence indicates that they understood this mission would likely be their last, including the secret burial of their regimental standard the day before this final stand, on the 9th and 10th of August, 1792. The violence was realized on August 10th. That day, leaders in Paris declared the city to be an independent commune and called for the abolition of the Bourbon monarchy, led by sympathetic National Guardsmen now utterly beyond Lafayette's control, a crowd descended on the Tulleries Palace, recognizing the immense danger the king and his family barricaded themselves in their chambers. However, neither locked doors nor the presence of the Swiss Guard could deter an infuriated mob determined "to attack the palace, exterminate everybody, and force the king to abdicate." The crowd, numbering in the tens of thousands, approached the palace, insisting that the king be brought before the National Assembly. After surveying the situation, the king concluded that it was impossible to defend the palace without slaughtering thousands of Parisians. Early on in the morning of the 10th of August, after leaving orders with the guard, and what these exact orders were, is disputed to this day. The king and his family, accompanied by the commander of the Swiss Guard, Carl Josef von Bachmann, and 150 members of his guard, fled to the National Assembly. That morning, the 750 or so remaining guards, under the command of the Lucerne officer, Jost Dyrther continued to defend the palace as discipline decreed. The mob, almost all armed with the widest variety of weapons, had now swelled to tens of thousands, so densely packed that it said 25 people were killed simply by the crush of the crowd. For the royals, especially the children, the sights and sounds must have been terrifying. And by the intruders, the Swiss Guard, either having not received the king's message, allowing them to lay down their arms, or simply refusing to be cowed at such a crucial moment, and with the royal family in such grave danger, continued to fight. What followed was a scene of tremendous butchery. More than two-thirds of the Swiss Guard were slaughtered. Many of them hacked to death by axe-wielding Saint-Kulot. Chords were removed and displayed on pikes, were kicked around for sport. Body parts were dismembered and waved around, in fed to dogs. Chords of women from the city's underclass, followed behind the advancing soldiers, stripping the corpses of the Swiss Guardmen of their uniforms and belongings, scything off their genitals and stuffing them into their mouths. Did you catch that? Cutting off the genitals of the dead corpses and stuffing them in their mouths. What sane person does that? Do you think they're fighting for the rights of the people? Do you think that's a thing that you do when you want respect? There was that just some frenzied mania that we're witnessing here, murderous frenzied mania, very frankest in nature. Julian, who was an eyewitness to the storming, later told his brother Joseph that the carnage that he saw that day affected him more profoundly than any of the subsequent killing fields he was to witness in his lifetime. Courtiers and palace staff were not spared either. By the end of the day, some 650 Swiss Guard were dead, while the remaining 250 were captured, beaten, and thrown into the city's prisons. These prisons, by early September of 1792, now filled to overflowing with the opponents of the new regime, represented a threat to the revolutionists. Jean-Paul Marat called for a "new bloodletting" and argued for the mass murder of both those in prison and any ideological opponents they might round up on the streets. He's said to have suggested setting them on fire as the means of death, but they eventually settled on butchery, literally importing a group of the most violent and psychopathic criminals from Genoa and Sicily who came to be known as Marseilles to outsource the handling of the murders. They were paid $24 each for their services and would be promptly sent away from Paris when the deed was done. The goal, after all, was to make these deaths look like the result of popular uprising, not imported murder squads. This massacre was officially kicked off on September 2, around 1 p.m., with George Danton widely considered, along with Robespierre and Jean-Paul Marat, as one of the foremost instigators of the revolution, delivered a speech in the assembly, stating, "We ask that anyone refusing to give personal service or to furnish arms shall be punished with death. The bell we are about to ring sounds the charge on the enemies of our country." The bloodshed began around 2.30 p.m., in the middle of the Saint Germain Dupree, and within the first 20 hours, more than 1,000 prisoners were killed. The resulting brutality shocked visiting dignitaries, the vast majority of whom sought to quickly flee France as a consequence. And it wasn't just murder, the butchers then mutilated the bodies, with circumstances of barbarity too shocking to describe, according to the British diplomatic dispatch. It was said that people sat on the stairs of the Palace of Justice, watching the butchery in the courtyard. Not far away, French novelist Nicolas Brittom, reported seeing stacks of bodies piled high before being unceremoniously tossed into the river. No one was spared, not priests or women or children, for five days. Not priests or women or children or children, what do they have to do with this nonsense? How are they an enemy of anybody? The slaughter, the mutilation of corpses, the parading of heads and other body parts on pikes around the city, continued. Keep in mind this is what's coming here. Only on the 6th of December did it find... This is like a perim, all right? This is what they're working for, for and toward, if I guess is ford in my brine? I told you I'm tired. May it began to abate. Now that the defenders of the king and monarchy had been massacred, these lawyerly revolutionists turned their attention to the king himself, holding a show trial with almost certainly a predetermined outcome, in which they settled, perhaps not entirely by chance, on a total of 33 charges against him. The king sat quietly and listened to these 33 charges. 33 charges, surprise, surprise. Charges sitting in the same armchair in which he had accepted the constitution. The words of his defense counsel were likely stated more for the sake of your years, that is to say for historical posterity, than to any of the already decided parties in the womb at that moment, and helped illustrate, for the record, the multitude of concessions the king had made, in attempt to avoid this bloody path the nation was choosing. "Lewis ascended to the throne at the age of 20, and at the age of 20 he gave to the throne the example of character. He brought to the throne no wicked weaknesses, no corrupting passions. He was economical, just, severe. He showed himself always the constant friend of the people. The people wanted abolition of servitude, he began by abolishing it on his own lands. The people asked for reforms and a criminal law, he carried out these reforms. The people wanted liberty, he gave it to them. The people themselves came before him and his sacrifices. Nevertheless, it is in the name of these very people, that one today demands "citizens I cannot finish, I stop myself before history, think how it will judge your judgment, and that the judgment of him who will be judged by the centuries." And finally, King Louis XVI himself rose and spoke, "You have heard my defense. I would not repeat the details. In talking to you, perhaps for the last time, I declare that my conscience reproaches me with nothing, and that my defenders have told you the truth. I never feared the public examination of my conduct, but my heart is torn by the imputation that I would want to shed the blood of the people, and especially that the misfortunes of August 10th be attributed to me. I avow that the many proofs that I have always acted from love of the people, and the manner in which I have always conducted myself, seemed to prove that I did not fear to put myself forward in order to spare their blood and forever prevent such an imputation." The resulting boat, a foregone conclusion, was 380 to 286 in favor of immediate execution, and on the 21st of January, the King of France rose from bed, took confession, heard his final mass, and took his final communion, and purposefully avoiding a heart-wrenching final scene with his family. He boarded a carriage, flanked on either side by two militiamen, escorted by a large cavalry troop with drawn sabers, and proceeded by a mass of drummers to drown out any potential support for the King. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter Renters Warehouse, the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renters Warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, your team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters Warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months, at no extra cost, and if you need ongoing management, they've got to cover too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis, that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. The hour-long journey to the Place de la Revolution was guarded over by 80,000 men spread out along the route. It said the king refused to have his hands bound, wrote, but finally consented to a hanker chiff instead. They cut his hair, removed his collar, and walked him up the scaffold. Hedgeworth, Louise Irish Confessor, wrote in his memoirs, "The path leading up to the scaffold was extremely rough and difficult to pass. The king was obliged to lean on my arm, and from the slowness with which he proceeded, I feared for a moment that his courage might fail, but what was my astonishment, when arrived at the last step, I felt that he suddenly let go of my arm, and I saw him cross with a firm foot the breadth of the whole scaffold, silenced by his look alumn, 15 or 20 drums that were placed opposite to me, and in a voice so loud that it must have been heard at the ponk tonant, I heard him pronounce distinctly these memorable words. I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge. I pardoned those who have occasioned my death, and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited on France," end quote. The blade fell. It was 10.22 a.m. A well-known legend states that, as soon as the guillotine fell, an anonymous freemason leapt onto the scaffolding, plunged his hands into the blood, splashed drips of it onto the crown, and shouted, "Jock de Malay, thou art avenged." De Malay, who died in 1314, the last grandmaster of the Knights Templar, had reportedly cursed King Louis ancestor Philip the Fair, after the latter had sentenced him to be burned at the stake. This legend spread widely, and the phrase remains in use today, to indicate the triumph of reason and logic over, quote, "religious superstition." Even in logic, the people stuffing genitals in their mouth are all about reason and logic, weeding the day. Though the discussion of the Knights Templar is beyond the scope here, at least a few words should be said. Philip the Fourth's reign, which ended with his death in 1315, was marked by struggles both with Jews, whom he'd eventually expel in 1306, and the Knights Templar, whom he'd destroy in 1307, and he said to have seen them as, quote, "a state within a state, and one growing so wealthy that they'd threatened to fully eclipse the power of the crown." What had begun as a seemingly brave and noble order of Christian Knights, devoted to safeguarding traveling pilgrims, seems to have slowly morphed into the world's first multinational corporation, and by some accounts, a coven of conspiratorial bankers. Toward its end, it's said that over 90% of their membership was composed of noncombatants. In other words, no longer brave knights safeguarding Christians from Muslims and bandits, but near bankers and financiers. Was this society, much like the Freemasons, infiltrated and co-opted to serve unspoken interests, used as a mechanism to bring nations and governments and kings under the heel of debt slavery, and thus, into the service of bankers and moneymen and their interests? Princess Marie Terese Lemble, a close friend of Marie Antoinette, was one of the great many to be brutally cut down in the massacre of September 1792, refusing to swear an oath of hatred toward the king and queen, she understood the cost of her loyalty. "I have nothing more to say. It is indifferent to me if I die a little earlier or later. I have made the sacrifice of my life." It's said that when guards escorted her outside, and she caught sight of the slaughter and piles of corpses, she reportedly cried "the horror," or "I am lost." Immediately, she was first struck by a man with a pike on her head, which caused her hair to fall down upon her shoulders, revealing a letter from Marie Antoinette, which she had hidden away. She was then wounded on the forehead, which caused her to bleed, after which she was stabbed to death by the maddened and frenzied crowd. Many accounts suggest her body was then abused and mutilated. Do you think it's going to happen with all these invaders that they call immigrants when they cut them loose and tell them that they've been wronged, that they could take whatever they want from us, so long as they take it with violence? What do you think is going to happen? Do you think something like this is going to happen? It's not just going to be them, it's going to be all these little groups that they raise up, these degenerates—all the mob, this democracy of theirs, the mob, and then they'll dispatch them, too, but not until after they've taken us down. In creatively sadistic ways after her death, and her head was then paraded on a pike outside Marie Antoinette's window. They're taunting, taunting them with their friend's head. Danton or Jean-Paul Murat was most responsible for the September prison massacres is still debated, but both men and even Robespierre would attempt to paint this as a spontaneous outburst of public sentiment, and both, undoubtedly, played prominent roles in its instance. So see this, Encien Regime, Charles Francois de Varro, de Sombrude, War hero exemplar of the Encien Regime and his daughter Marie, who demanded to be imprisoned with him, was famously forced to drink a goblet of blood to save her father's life. She immediately complied without hesitation, yet promises meant little to the new ruling mob, and he would be guillotine regardless in 1794. Stigation. He even the Garanden friend to the revolution, Brussaut, wrote in the French Patriot, his newspaper, quote, "No doubt you will be told that it is a vengeance of the people. It will be a slander. The people were not involved in this event," end quote. And indeed, this event would mark the beginning of a split between the more moderate, geranden element, sometimes called brussautins, and the more bloodthirsty and radical Jacobins and Montagnards, exemplified by Jean-Paul Murat, ace. "The Jacobins were comprised of masons, frankists, and Jesuits," split compared by some scholars to the divide between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks in later revolutionary Russia. And this split would have the most serious ramifications. Brussaut fit the mold of another true believer, seemingly genuine and sincere, like Robespierre, though perhaps even more firmly attached to his principles. And he was now being flippantly dispensed with by extremists that no longer seemed interested in principles. Everywhere, things seemed to have degenerated into a mad, undisguised dash for power. Everywhere, the Garandins were pushed from power everywhere. So what they show here is that people who actually believe in a cause are used, manipulated to give some sort of legitimacy to their desires, right? And once that erosion occurs, once that boundary is broken, they give rid of them too. They just need them to take the walls down, that's it. The Kangaroo Court trial of Brussaut, who by all accounts made an impressive defense of himself and his cause, and embarrassed his opponents and their false charges, would end like so many others in his being guillotined, along with 28 compatriots, though it said that they apparently sang happily on their way to their demise, and had embraced their role as martyrs, confident in the rightness of their actions. The Jacobins seemed to perfectly epitomise the class of individuals who so often opened the door to revolution. The self-professed intellectuals and philosophers, who so studiously and efficiently cultivated and propagated the ideological soil from which the brutal revolutionary violence was to grow. Their clubs and meeting organizations might best be understood as similar to the Freemasons, yet without the mask or subterfuge. In a sense, they became the public proactive arm of these secretive societies. Within just a few short years, Jacobin discussion and debate clubs were suddenly everywhere in Paris, and throughout much of France, and their collective efforts were to have the most profound impact on the source of the revolution. The Jews of France, who'd been on the brink of expulsion at the outbreak of the revolution, saw their position vastly improved overnight. In large part, due to these decidedly pro-Jewish Jacobins, and "surprise, surprise" especially the Masonic element within them, who not only supported the mass-scale decrystallization campaign throughout France, but were the foremost party responsible for pushing through legislation to give full rights to the Jews. Despite being voted down an incredible 13 times, they're said to have vowed to continue taking votes until it passed, and thus on the 14th vote it did. And that's a ritualistic number as well, the 14 has to do with Osiris, and the 13 strikes down. I mean, you got the 13 in there too. This is all numbers, games. This had become the new power, and the interests they served had become the new power center, not just in Paris, but all of France. Though chaos reigned, what seemed to be their real objective, the complete overthrow of the traditional order had been accomplished. Lawyers, yellow journalists, and third-rate philosophers had harnessed and channeled public discontent to destroy not just a king, but to completely disempower or destroy the entire aristocracy. And it wasn't just their flesh and blood opponents, these men labored to destroy. As is always the case with men at war with nature, in their desire to recreate reality from the ground up, they were also at war with history. Massive libraries were put to the torch. Another common theme, destroying all of the evidence to the contrary, and also erasing the noble past of a great many people that they don't want as an example, because that is a threat to their power. They want only their disgusting behavior to be known throughout all people. They don't want any positive influence in the world at all. It's estimated that more than four million volumes were lost in total, "tossed like garbage into piles in city squares and burned." Things that were hundreds upon hundreds of years old burned. The Moncheered, "including some of the most important works of medieval Europe as historian Thomas Lecak states," the French Revolution represents at once a fundamental shift towards modernity and an irrevocable loss of medieval materiality. Mobs burst into the monastery, cathedral, parish church, castle, or palace, dragged the manuscripts out of the armwars where they had been stored for centuries, piled them in a mound in a public place, and lit the patrimony of the nation on fire. On the ashes, modernity arose, but at a cost." His name was Lecats. That name sounds an awful lot like a certain group of people, is all I'm saying. This revolution was intended to be a complete reset. Would you catch that part, a complete reset? Would you think this great reset is going to be like? I believe this is the second one. It is. We have 10 minutes left though. So that will be tomorrow's show, where am I at? There we are. Good morning, Karen. How are you? "Say and play game board being set in both Europe and America in Sidious." Yes, it is, Finlanderson, and what are we going to do about it, because all these ideas that have been proposed so far, people don't seem to understand are part of the problem. Oh, the military, no, they own that. Oh, this person here, no, they own him. Oh, this guy over there, no, no, it is us or nobody, and I will see a whole lot of people standing up. If you have family, you should be concerned. Okay, so the Bonnet Rouge, let's see if I can show you this, I have to make sure I put it up on the screen so you can see it too. I forget about this milk stuff here, but the Bonnet Rouge, it's like a Fergie and Cap, right? They're showing you as such, and what I'm saying is that, and this here looked pretty similar to me, and I wrote this. Here's on the hat that Mr. President to be was wearing when he was doing his little theatrical performance in Pennsylvania, it says 45 to 47, do you know what that turns out to be? Well, 4 plus 5 is 9, 4 plus 7 is 11. He literally is the new 9/11. You know how they said they needed a new Pearl Harbor? Well, you could just say that 9/11 was the new Pearl Harbor, an attack on America, and he is the 9 and the 11. Mr. Make America Greater Israel Trump himself is the opening and closing of a grand and deadly ritual. He's literally becoming another 9/11 in manifest, and who was really behind 9/11 and who's he and his crammed up the ass of Trump and his whaling of all buddy? I'm talking about J.D. Vance, right? There'll be another Perim, a Perim, same as there was when the massacre happened on the first round of vaccines and lockdowns. Keep your heads out of your... out of those Abrahamic death cult fairy tales and take action. They're coming in for the kill. That means all of us. And here you have Cyrus and Trump on the same coin to fulfill 70 years, this is in here, and he charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, and that's supposed to be a good thing to people who don't understand stuff. That's from my... And then there's this I put up here too, when they're showing this projectile thing, and they're like, I was like, "Yeah, it's just like here you can clearly see the plane before it enters the building." This is our next 9/11 event. If we allow one of these freakish candidates to dictate our lives for us, the people... And then I said something funny, it wasn't meant to be funny, because most people are dumb. I go, "Not the stupid, sit down." The people 2024. And we also always found it interesting that he has a double H there in his little text this number to blah, blah, blah. But there you have it, there you go. And if you guys, I'm leaving on Saturday, it's actually Saturday morning, I'm leaving it to 20th. I will be leaving, so I'll be able to get, hopefully I'll show it in Friday while I'm in between packing and stuff like that. So if you guys want to help out, that'd be great. Now if you want to appreciate it, oh wow, someone else has. That's awesome. Thank you, Jeff Lane. If I didn't already say thank you, thank you, Jeff Lane. I think I need to refresh this actually, I think that was, yeah, it's a day to go. And anonymous, thank you, Kay Renee. And thank you, anonymous giver, Tony as well. Thank you. But yeah, if anybody would like to do that, it's, and you can always get into the Patreon has been loading weird lately, but get into the Patreon. All the books that you have been hearing about have been put up on here. And there was a couple more that I grabbed. I'm sure there's one about the French Revolution in there somewhere. I know there is, I just got to find where it is and put it up there for you guys as well, so that you can read about it, get the sources, right? See if it happens if I do a refresh on that. Is it still the same? It cares. Yes, so jump onto the Patreon, that way you can, oh, and there's going to, I'm going to try to get in an exclusive live stream for Patreon members only. And I'm going to give out the stream yard link so people can come in and have a talk, kind of like what our good friend Stefan Verstappen does on Sundays when you saw me on with them and Steve Mercer, producer Steve of the Freeman TV, right? So yeah, there'll be that hopefully sometime before I leave, if I had the time. If not, when I'm gone, maybe while I'm gone, or because I'm going to take my laptop and my little microphone there, the roadcaster mic. So I'll be able to hopefully, if I have, still water is a small, small town and our internet service always used to suck when I was living at home, so hopefully we'll be able to get something out. Even in my hotspot, I'm not really sure if it's going to be better than the house internet, but we'll try it. And I'm going to take a video and hopefully you get to see my family and all that stuff. Yeah, let's see, let's see what you said. Oh my God, someone else pointed out tons of 9/11s and 33s from that day, but he missed both hat numbers, great catch, Daniel. Thank you. Yes. I just wish it meant something positive and not horrible, horrible, horribleness. Yeah, that's kind of how my day started too. We have this new espresso machine because our espresso after like seven years finally crapped out and was leaking for a while, it was leaking, but you still used it. But now we have this other espresso machine and pouring the grounds into the thing. It's like every time you tip it, it's like shoots it over the sides and you're already tired and I can barely see my eyes really dry when I first wake up and I can't see anything. And yeah, so that was a lot of fun. I cleaned up more coffee grinds and actually get into the thing, but yeah, I know the feeling. Oh, by the way, there's also the buy me a coffee dot com, backslash ballbusters and there's a PayPal dot Emmy backslash ballbusters. So any of those methods, you don't need to have PayPal to do it that way. But all is appreciated, especially on this trip, I'm going to be ended up spending money that I don't really have to make sure that we have a good time together. Farrah and I was looking over what Regimental Standard was. I believe it's actually could be the bearer of the flag itself. So I think that's what they were saying they buried, they buried the flag. I was trying to figure out what that meant when they were saying they buried it prior to the behavior that occurred when they were all massacred. So yeah, as we go through things, I always look for if I don't know a term, I stop there. I don't just gloss over and keep going. This is one of those things that you can like bear in mind when you're reading stuff. If you don't get something, don't just keep unmoving, stop and look it up, and then you'll be on a nice little trail and it'll make everything make more sense. Some people taught me that and I realized that was probably a smart idea. So I don't just keep pushing on just to get to the end of it now, I just want to know what this stuff means. So happy you get to take the trip with your daughter. Yes, thank you, Karen. I appreciate that. I've got to go take a trip myself right now to San Diego and gas up the vehicle and I didn't sleep last night and I have three hours in the vehicle and it's going to be 109 degrees throughout the desert. Good times. Good times. You know, I would have been able to leave when it was still cool because I don't have EC in one of my windows, the one next to me, it'll slide into the whole entire door. If I use it, so the only window that can be opened is the one across for me and it's a van. So there's no other like, there's only this pop up windows, right? And the rest of it. Yeah. So there's no air circulation really because there's doesn't cross like when you have both windows open and get that cross breeze. None of that's going to happen. Plus that's wicked loud when you're going 70 miles per hour. It's going to be a fun ride. I better take an extra set of clothes and a towel so I can ring myself out. Often the family though, the rent will be paid at least when I deliver this order. And that's about it. Oh, I have to renew my driver's license too. I might have to do that in New York. I'll have to see how that works. Anyway, guys, have a nice day, enjoy your time. Do whatever the hell you're going to do today, work or whatever. You know what I'm going to be doing and I'm going to go load up the van now. And last night I went to the gym instead of doing the elliptical first, but I went on the elliptical at the gym, but not nearly as long as I normally do. Like I did half the time. Probably had like 45 minutes instead of my regular 80 something minutes. And yeah, but I did that. I hit the bags, which is cardio in my opinion too. It's definitely, whereas yeah, it makes you sweat a lot. Plug a chill box, what does it say, chill box cube into your cigarette later. What's that? If it's something I can buy and it's like, oh, what is that? Mine runs on USB. Nice. Yeah, tell me about that. Safe travels and staying with the French theme Bon Voyage. I love it. Thank you. Hey, Vegas. Tell me more about that. If you can email it to me, or if you're in our telegram group, it's what's it called? Ballbuster Studios. There we go. T.ME. 20 bucks. Where do I get it though? If it's something that will save me for melting, I will totally do it. I even have one of those inverter things that it's like a plug into your cigarette later thing. It has like a regular plug for like regular stuff. So like a fan sometimes would work, but it's not, it doesn't really do much if it's just a fan. And I have three 10 pound cubes of ice that I was planning on putting in a cooler just next to me, but I'm not, there's nothing to actually circulate this. It's not really going to be getting much. What's it called? Just tell me the name of it. And I'll look for it. I'll see if I can find one. Obviously, I can't Amazon it quick enough, even though Amazon's fast, it's not that fast. And just so you guys know, when you're a small business and you don't have a million, uh, minions, drones doing all the work for you and you're the one guy who makes all the sauce and then you have to wait for someone else who has apparently these days more priorities than our business, uh, to get it packaged and sent out. Things don't move as quickly as if it was Amazon. I apologize for that, but that's what reality looks like for a small business versus the abnormality, the aberration that is a multi corporation, multi mega corporation, right? So just know artisan takes time when you have to make things rather than just pull them off of a dusty shelf and put them in a box on a conveyor belt. It takes more time, but you get better quality things. Okay, things that go out quicker would be things that are easy to put together quicker. If I have a bunch of orders, they're going to go out slower because it'll be nominated at the same time because that's just the more efficient way to do things. When you have a huge wholesale order and then internet orders, then obviously it's going to take time to get all that taken care of and it'll be set out. The creatine is probably the quickest thing that goes because it's really quick and easy to do. So the creatine goes out quicker if you add hot sauce to that same order, then it's going to take a little bit more time. Just so you know, all right, but I don't try to make a bunch of backstock because I want things to be fresh for everybody and that's kind of like the whole point. So that's I like to make it made to order, right? Be Wal-Mart, okay, plug in low outage mini swamp cooler, mini swamp cooler. Okay, I'm going to try and remember that with my half dead brain right now, but I'll try that, all right. Thank you. I appreciate the recommendations for sure. And yeah, I guess we're done here, anyone else have anything? I kind of missed you guys already, I didn't leave yet. This is my happy place, this home, mine is my daughter, because of course I love her. I live in kind of like hell. So I come here because I feel like I'm doing something that's not awful, even though we're going through heavy stuff, it's like in the effort to prolong our lives and not get murdered by people who don't deserve that honor of taking our lives. So today I'm fasting as well, I'm going to try to fasten to the trip day and then fast that day too. It's a weird thing that I do. It's just a weird thing, okay, when my daughter left with Rebecca last, not this past Christmas but the last one, I had to take care of bills and stuff around the house. So I sent my daughter and Rebecca to New York to see my parents so that they would have a better Christmas than I was going to have and a better Christmas than I could have provided that particular year that my mom could give them a better Christmas and my dad and stuff like that. In two separate houses. So who is I going with that? I don't remember. But anyway, have a good day. 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